I don't own fakes, but I can certainly understand why people would buy fakes, especially now that prices are rising and there are more and more quality issues with authentic bags. When my patience runs out, I will also go to luxrul to shop what I like bag.
The Longchamp Bag is soo nice! I need one for my items for work too! 💙
Thank you! It’s super good!! ❤
Would love to see a dedicated review of the longchamp bag. How it holds up, how you carry it, pro's and con's. Is the flap annoying when you zip?
Yeah I can definitely film one! And no I haven’t had an issue with the flap so far!
Hi! I just posted a review of the Longchamp bag, let me know what you think!
I don't own fakes, but I can certainly understand why people would buy fakes, especially now that prices are rising and there are more and more quality issues with authentic bags. When my patience runs out, I will also go to luxrul to shop what I like bag.
love your notebook, my cat would approve haha! I prefer writing on paper so I also take a burga notebook everywhere I go
@@Leahbrady421 thank you!! 😊 Yeah I prefer written copies than digital a lot of times too!
where is yours from?
@@olivia23432my grandma got it for me from home goods a long time ago!
@@olivia23432 and mine is from burga! love that you are also interested in getting one, good luck finding it!