So great! I've been jamming on data munging with DuckDB by writing a small F# console app to march through the transforms and have set ParquetSharp aside (for the time being). I really appreciate the PostgreSQL-ish syntax - and in my case - being able to set aside the F# CSVProvider which can be pretty prickly. This is really slick and quick. 👍
@@DougFinke Not yet -as far as for DuckDB nor AI- for on-memory-table datasets, i still depend on PSCustomObject for my data analysis and manipulation. I cant get away from 'Select/Where-Object+RegEx still. However, coming from the days of 'ADODB.Recordset' and SQLite, this is (DuckDB ) so awesome. I love the small foot-print of the engine and it SQL expression support. Looks amazing. Thank you for exposing all those data driving framework(s) on our beloved PS universe (verse). Looking forward for your videos, books and any other material on this very exciting subject.
So great! I've been jamming on data munging with DuckDB by writing a small F# console app to march through the transforms and have set ParquetSharp aside (for the time being). I really appreciate the PostgreSQL-ish syntax - and in my case - being able to set aside the F# CSVProvider which can be pretty prickly. This is really slick and quick. 👍
This is marvelous Doug!!! Thank you
@@mpdroza have you tried it out?
@@DougFinke Not yet -as far as for DuckDB nor AI- for on-memory-table datasets, i still depend on PSCustomObject for my data analysis and manipulation. I cant get away from 'Select/Where-Object+RegEx still. However, coming from the days of 'ADODB.Recordset' and SQLite, this is (DuckDB ) so awesome. I love the small foot-print of the engine and it SQL expression support. Looks amazing. Thank you for exposing all those data driving framework(s) on our beloved PS universe (verse). Looking forward for your videos, books and any other material on this very exciting subject.