When the Helicopter military accident happen, I blog I'll carry on their duty and people don't have to worry. But, I think what I am to say that, and delete my blog. But, I also notice my neighbor area put up American flag, but have all the stars rolled, only with the red strips. I feel they know, and they know I care the Taiwan area. Then, I notice the 黑鷹落地 with shape of 'V'. I hope people can know what is protecting them. Many other people know. People in Taiwan area know?
long store short. There were something happen, people don't care the cause just want to even. Then, I notice there were huge car accidents in state of Virginia. That also was the time that tragdies happen in 道教真理道場火災, and many other situations people didn't know I was try to tell them something. It was also I just told people about the lyric I wrote with 真理中文學校. But, because of what 李著華 done to fool all Chinese in Chicago, and many other people fool all people attack all the positive energy that been build. That is reason many tragedies happen to good people. And people in Taiwan area still been fooled, and don't know to stop. The attack didn't stop, and I notice the car accidents in Virginia, and …. Then, I notice the helicopter military accidents. And …. Don't know if they stop yet. Because, I still see people using violent messages. For some of them is fun, some of them 不服, some jealous, some been command to do that, some been fooled to do that, …. Or, I wish I know how to move all my protection to my brothers.
主播 洛桑医生你们好 开心愉悦🥰
☝️ 基本上~像主持人這類"典型"急性子個性 & 人生被太多食衣住行吃喝玩樂"慾望"所包圍の 👥 是永遠都做不到Dr.來賓所推廣那種類似"慢活"讓 💙 沈澱品味生活details這種人生步調地 ╮(╯-╰)╭ 趙sir訪問這類 📚 其實反而是有點諷刺呢~~~
When the Helicopter military accident happen, I blog I'll carry on their duty and people don't have to worry. But, I think what I am to say that, and delete my blog. But, I also notice my neighbor area put up American flag, but have all the stars rolled, only with the red strips. I feel they know, and they know I care the Taiwan area. Then, I notice the 黑鷹落地 with shape of 'V'. I hope people can know what is protecting them. Many other people know. People in Taiwan area know?
long store short. There were something happen, people don't care the cause just want to even. Then, I notice there were huge car accidents in state of Virginia. That also was the time that tragdies happen in 道教真理道場火災, and many other situations people didn't know I was try to tell them something. It was also I just told people about the lyric I wrote with 真理中文學校. But, because of what 李著華 done to fool all Chinese in Chicago, and many other people fool all people attack all the positive energy that been build. That is reason many tragedies happen to good people. And people in Taiwan area still been fooled, and don't know to stop. The attack didn't stop, and I notice the car accidents in Virginia, and …. Then, I notice the helicopter military accidents. And …. Don't know if they stop yet. Because, I still see people using violent messages. For some of them is fun, some of them 不服, some jealous, some been command to do that, some been fooled to do that, …. Or, I wish I know how to move all my protection to my brothers.