Wouldn't Ne7 be a better move? If he captures the knight he's lost his queen. If he moves his king then it forces him to move his king back after Bd4, which means getting to capture the bishop without losing the rook. I suppose Qe7 response wouldn't be too bad from black though, since he could still choose to get the rook of he wants (at the cost of not getting white's dark bishop), but he'd still be down in points as well as board position.
How do white continue if black does capture a rook? Often times i make silly sacrifices thinking I am Mikhail Tal 😂 however analysing the game later on sometimes engine actually gives me something like +3 in these positions. Of course I had to follow through exact move order so i get -2 the very next move 😂
after whites bishop takes back you basically control blacks king unless the develops his pieces in time. You have a lot of mate threats with Qd4, Nc6 etc. depening on how they respond. Blacks doing badly in development so you can just play improving moves / threats and they'll have to force defensive/less than ideal moves to respond and prevent a mate
Or you can just deliver a Checkmate 😂
Bishops are the most annoying sniper in chess
Wouldn't Ne7 be a better move? If he captures the knight he's lost his queen. If he moves his king then it forces him to move his king back after Bd4, which means getting to capture the bishop without losing the rook.
I suppose Qe7 response wouldn't be too bad from black though, since he could still choose to get the rook of he wants (at the cost of not getting white's dark bishop), but he'd still be down in points as well as board position.
How do white continue if black does capture a rook? Often times i make silly sacrifices thinking I am Mikhail Tal 😂 however analysing the game later on sometimes engine actually gives me something like +3 in these positions. Of course I had to follow through exact move order so i get -2 the very next move 😂
after whites bishop takes back you basically control blacks king unless the develops his pieces in time. You have a lot of mate threats with Qd4, Nc6 etc. depening on how they respond. Blacks doing badly in development so you can just play improving moves / threats and they'll have to force defensive/less than ideal moves to respond and prevent a mate
@@MrMiniMio Thanks!
Why not take with knight on the fork at the end?
Because then they would take your queen with their rook.