The special gear like sound comes from the early Solid State control GTO control (Gate turn off thyristor). Existed prior to high power transistors (IGBT) . Control in stages (I don’t really understand it). It all provides a fairly unique sound, made louder by the use of the LIMs. Not many trains with this control. New LIM trains are reliable too, but the sound is boring. I will miss these train for their sound once they are retired. I hope they keep a couple around for heritage days. 38 years old with fairly minor refurbishment a few years ago.
What an amazing motor!
Those LIMs are quite special for sure!
The special gear like sound comes from the early Solid State control GTO control (Gate turn off thyristor). Existed prior to high power transistors (IGBT) . Control in stages (I don’t really understand it). It all provides a fairly unique sound, made louder by the use of the LIMs. Not many trains with this control. New LIM trains are reliable too, but the sound is boring. I will miss these train for their sound once they are retired. I hope they keep a couple around for heritage days. 38 years old with fairly minor refurbishment a few years ago.
Nice catch!
Thanks! Lucky to run into a long OG livery train
Wooot first 😍
skytrain car 153 is where likely by twice was filmed inside
This train doesn’t have the cars from the 1980s.