The whole artifact swapping situation is why I have 6 Emblem sets, 6 Noblesse sets, 3 tenacity sets, 3 Deepwood sets, and 2 full EM gilded dream sets. I have a theory the reason why they don’t enable loadout is to force people farm multiple artifact sets because let’s be real: artifact farming is the real endgame.
that's not a theory, that's a fact btw. star rail has auto equipping but it doesn't always equip what's actually best (for example, you don't necessarily want deepwood on nahida, maybe you play her with baizhu and it's better he has it instead and she gets gilded - auto equip would just try to put deepwood on both). also it only equips what isn't already on someone else so it's not like they added presets. they could but they didn't. that auto equip feature is for casual players who don't want to worry about harder fights at all and it is intended audience
They could you know, just not let them be on two different Loadouts and farming would still be the endgame. This limitation is bs, just like the CD and stamina not resetting.
for 4p triple em sets, i have 1 for flowers of paradise, 2 for gilded, 1 wanderer, 5 vv (yes, 5*, they arent all raised tho) and a few leftover 2ps. And it's still not enough
I love how they make events pisseasy because apparently they're too hard and then they go: Hm, yes, 3 abyss lectors and 4 consecrated beasts is okay. Just dont get hit lol.
lets be honest, abyss has been piss easy since the start of 3.0 bcuz of dendro, its only these past 3 rotation that its getting harder and harder. Most probably they gonna tone it down again in 4.0 like the did with every X.0 patches. Like resetting difficulty in pokemon lmao
@@ymw1107I think they’re trying to compensate for how easy dendro made 36*’ing abyss, making it so you have to hyper invest in your bloom teams to meet the dps checks. Adding enemies that force you to bring characters for survivability decreases your team dps output. Also I’d say 2.0 abyss was the hardest abyss ever at the time, I think 3.0 just felt easy because of new dendro teams, although I don’t remember the lineup.
@@sIimepoop they definitely did shoot theirselves in the foot with how busted and low investment hyperbloom is. so now they either need to add element checks, insane dps checks or survivability checks which is honestly ok imo
@@davideographer4410 Where are the resources in Honkai? I finished everything they gave in 1.1 so far in about 3 hours and that's while playing really slowly and admiring my brand new Silver Wolf
@@Zecuto Draw them to a wall and you can’t see anything they do because the camera fails to work. I usually just draw them close but not against the wall.
Not being able to swap characters is literally the game thinking we're "stuck" on a structure when the beasts are clumped up on top of us, and it truly is one hell of a frustrating feeling because it shows up on the screen "Cannot switch character now" as an indicator that's meant for when we're out in the open world exploring, but it ends up looking like the game's just trolling us in Abyss.
@@lucklei4665 kirara just released and hydro shields doesnt exist at all lol, at least if we're talking about 150% shield efficiency corresponding to the 2 beasts beidou is mid, zhongli is a dps loss, and other characters have the wrong shield element
1:34 there are some animations of the baptist where he gets immunity for a few frames. recovering from throwing flaming meatballs towards you is one of them.
Nah, i still remember abyss floor 12 with Ley lines disorder for no reason during Raiden release. High tide, low tide BS. Is that's what hoyo think hard? Then they really don't know how to balance things out tbh. That abyss rotation break my 36* clear record after so long back then. Now i never don't get 36 star. But this current abyss also almost make me lose the streak again. My cracked Ayaka with Kazuha, Shenhe barely clear it. That's like the best, and i doubt my 79:230 crit Xiao can clear it tho. Hoyo the problems here not players when even my well built Xiao gonna only have slim chances.
My favorite feature in Genshin Impact is how after every burst, your camera is forcefully zoomed in, making you have to zoom out frequently just to see the fucking game. Even better is how you need to do it in the heat of battle which will slow you down if you aren't in a 4-star burst animation or equivalently long animation, and if you slightly fuck up the zoom out input on playstation, you will end up using a charged skill by accident. Oh and pair that up with being up against a wall while a big green tiger and a big blue croc slam into you like it's the Attitude Era WWE... Chef's kiss!
i've been loving these past few abyss. i loved them being hard and cheap and buggy as fuck. I've always complained that nothing in the game is challenging enough and finally here it is. With the amount of difficulty though the primos are not worth it, I understand if most people will just skip this abyss, but as for entertainment value I loved it. Took me 3 different days or trial and error to finish. I normally just finish abyss within an hour before but this abyss was just so much fun to overcome. I totally understand that I am in the minority though. edit: With the amount of damage enemies are dishing out, shield characters are shining again. What was that? Bringing a shield is a DPS Loss? Turns out being ragdolled by giant animals is also a DPS loss.
While other people are enjoying invalidating other's experiences of the abyss, we have a guy like you that appreciates the game for what it is. Kudos! "With the amount of damage enemies are dishing out, shield characters are shining again. What was that? Bringing a shield is a DPS Loss? Turns out being ragdolled by giant animals is also a DPS loss" Can't be more true. And this is another thing I forgot to mention in some of my comments in this video. Some people suggest to be calm and observe, and sure I did. I did this with the heralds, for some reason, they decided to attack at a different time leaving me no room to strike and I have no choice but to just dodge. I also waited for the consecs to do their next attack and they decided to walk away. But with shields, I'm now confident that I won't get interrupted. I get to hit them while they're doing something and dodge if I can (for shield sustain since I only need them not interrupting me). Playing skillfully in this version of the abyss is playing against RNG really.
Good on you man, unironically. I think it all comes to if you enjoy malding type of gameplay. Personally I don't mind challenging stuff as long as it feels fair/ is fun, and since this abyss fails in both of these things for me, i'm perfectly ok skipping it. Congrats for conquering it tho✌️
actually same, i have this ayaka freeze and international account that i have been forced to alter one way or another or play hyperbloom due to random bullshit. This is like the first abyss in a year whenI can bring the two team together into floor 12.
I feel like this can go both ways - sure harder content is more fun and I agree, I'm part of the people that say "why bring healer when can kill faster", and build my characters accordingly. What I find infuriating is the fact that even the enemy attack patterns are randomized. Say for example the Terrorshroom - not a difficult boss by any means - however he can start by attacking you whilst staying in place, or he can decide to run away twice in an attack you can dodge within the first second of his animation. It didn't cost you damage, it cost you *time*, in a place where more often that not you cannot afford to lose time (this is just an example boss but you get my point). This, through no fault of your own, can decide whether you succeed or not in 3 staring it or whatever challenge run you're doing. Abyss is supposed to be challenging, but leave the RNG aspect of it to the artifact grind. We have more than enough of that from there.
Zajef, I've noticed the same thing that it has a lot of not registering player actions in the Abyss. My internet isn't the best, but I've noticed that the biggest load on latency in Genshin comes from the Abyss. It's been especially egregious these past couple cycles, where enemies are inputting too many actions (interpreted as enemy aggression) that the game literally can't handle the load anymore. I don't know if there's a way to let Hoyoverse know about this. In any case it's just horrible optimization
do you think the swaps dont go through because the hitboxes are also weird ? i noticed it once when i was hugging the baptist and it was doing 1 attack and i was just running into him w rosaria but couldnt swap unless i moved away
This abyss made me do so many things to 36 star it that no abyss rotation ever had. It made me activate C6 for my Bennett, made me build Thoma and Beidou and max level them both, and made me use Zhongli that has been benched since before Sumeru dropped.
@@lavion8090 honestly casual player probably just don't care about that extra primos cause they're casual. Most of them will play abyss only to get 33 stars and call it a day.
@@masyan3457 They don't care much because its just 50 primos. Change it to something thats more suitable to the challenge then I could actually see casual players feeling bad about missing out. I'm sure they wont "riot" but there will be complaints.
@@lavion8090 Even if they increased the rewards to 100 primos for every 3 stars, ain't no way people that play for fun care about 100 or 200 primos every 2 weeks just to stuck for hours in abyss lol.
Today I discussed with people on Reddit arguing it's intended and that if that's a problem to me it's just skill issue because I reset Abyss... like if I don't test teams in Abyss even when I'm not clearing it, which is not even the main point but still another valid one...
i have around 20-30 ping usually and thoughtt it was because i play on controller lol. but i've seen people playing on keyboard have it too so it's just genshin [*]
@@akwaMartyna yea, I don't rely on the quick ult buttons (those alt plus 1), they just leave the character standing there haha! Quite fun, this genshin game.
They're making the game artificially difficult and they're doing it by adding 2 things: 1) Time burners/wasters. Basically, enemies (bosses mainly) that either hides or that has mechanics that makes them invlunerable. Both Wenut and Golden Wolflord fits this being the latter as the worse offender if you don't have Zhongli. 2) RNG. I'm convinced that they modified the algo just for the abyss to take the path that ensures you get defeated (or annoyed). I was kinda doubting myself that maybe, I only got annoyed in the abyss because I have "skill issue", but with the experiences that Zajef had here just confirms everything. What we experienced is not an isolated case, it happens to everyone. Some of my experiences: A) My swaps don't work, or only works when consec is about to one hit the character I'm about to swap (because I'm swapping to take the heal). B) Bursts don't trigger. I understand that bursts or even swaps don't register when you're close to assets (either enemies or wall). This happened to me just thrice but I'm anticipating the dash of the consec, because they do that at the beginning. But no, the game didn't let me and I got hit. Thankfully, it only happens in the beginning so I can quickly reset. But inconsitencies are just stupid. I'd rather have them not letting me consistently so I can take it into account than having this expeirence. C) Consec patterns in 3.7 is worse. I use to complain about how agile and hard hitting the consecs were in the past abyss versions. I thought it couldn't get worse. But this time, they seemingly purposely do things that disadvantages you. Example, after you've worked hard and patiently made sure that they're together, one sudddenly decides to run away. ---- After beating the abyss, I didn't feel accomplished nor satisfied. Relief is what I felt instead. I know that I didn't beat the abyss because I'm good or I'm skilled. I beat it because I got lucky. Beating the game because of luck ain't satisfying. I would've bought sweepstakes and get money when I win, I get nothing out of this and they take my money sometimes as well. I'm afraid that if this is their response on the outcry for the lack of endgame content, then the future of the abyss is bleak. They were mentioning about "anxeity" but they're doing the complete opposite now. Just look at the upcoming 3.8 abyss lineup! You know it'll only get worse. I guess I should start playing the game differently now. I played the game not for the abyss anyway so I think it'll be a better mindset moving forward.
yeah i agree with everything you said, its like they coded stuff into this abyss just to annoy people lmfao and also isnt the 3.8 abyss looking easier than this one?
All these complaints with no recommendations, reeks of “I can’t clear it, so it’s bad design”. How would you design endgame enemies that are not “artificially difficult”?
@@donutenterchannel2223 Nahh, there were some other people who pointed out some actual problems. This just feels like a conspiracy theory to me lmao. It could actually be satire too.
I think i'm just lucky too, bcoz yesterday i could consistent grouping then across a pretty good amount of runs, maybe spamming Kazuha helped a lot with that, but at least grouping them in the start of the fight is pretty easy.
Difficulty isn't even the problem. RNG mixed with bad hitboxes and higher requirements are what makes this Abyss frustrating. There are tools to overcome problems like part of the RNG (like Nahida who let you completely ignore the hydro herald's shield, so even if he moves away you can keep focusing on the cryo heralds, reducing a lot the RNG) and of course with very very high investment the challenge becomes trivial again if you at least know what you are doing, but still the previous points remain. If that's too bad or not is arguable, too me is just frustrating even though I can clear without much of a problem, but these are still facts no matter how you look at them and no matter your opinion on them.
I need the same for swapping. I swear I swap 5x before getting hit and then just get hit. Or a lot of times try to swap. Don't. And use skill I was going to use on swapped character instead on my not-swapped character.
I like the Consecrated Beasts a lot, I think they're so damn cool. They do a really great job of showing off the shortcomings in the combat system. Especially when they're juiced up to level 100.
i kinda liked the beasts being on 3rd floor instead of 1st because of blessing, having them on 3rd floor shaves off 10 seconds from what usually takes up a minute
I really enjoyed this Abyss. First time in a long time I actually had to look at my gear. ER is very important. More so than damage. Team building to clear it in different ways was fun.
more so than dmg? why would i care about ER if I have a c6 Raiden and Eula for the first half and c6 hu tao and Yelan for the second? when enemies die they drop particles so despite being two waves i'm good for the second rotation /s Edit: apparently you do have to add /s after everything these days xD
@@Aremder He probably got into bankruptcy rolling for those two and now feels the need to boast it everywhere to make it seems like he has made a smart financial move
You guys should understand that any good design of this game is either intentional or a coincidence. But every bad design of this game is intended. HYV could change "not being able to change arts weapons and teams mid run through abyss" any second but they won't because it's designed this way.
Hoyoverse actually proved they listen to feedback and can easily implement it... and they did so on a different game. Idk why they hate what made them truly big so much
@@hellfire6714 oh they don't hate it they are just using their mistakes to make their next games better so they are more attractive than the previous ones.
@@princepecanpiemc518 I don't work at HYV so I don't know. They probably have a lot of great psychologists who know their job and this design "flaw" might be a reason so that people play more because they have to restart the whole thing. Or they just don't care to fix it because it won't make them money. Or any other reason. You just have to understand that HYV made billions of dollars for a lot of reasons and they know their game. You can literally remember xinyan and her everlasting bug with her shield that HYV don't care to fix it. Because it won't make them money.
@@lalilola3770 they didn't teach me about games at uni buy yes, people hate missing out on stuff and people hate losing. people also hate boring and tedious tasks. so 100% genshin's design is just like in any other gacha game - intended to be annoying so you can bypass it with money. comissions boring? don't have to bother with that peasant amount of primos if you swipe. abyss annoying? just swipe for a con/weapon
Asking for the ability to change artifacts mid-run defeats the purpose of it being a challenge run I feel. Switching 1 artifact isn't that impactful, but switching multiple is the equivalent of switching an entire character in which, even in Pokemon you're not allowed to switch your team when you're fighting the Elite Four. Switching artifacts on the character selection screen for abyss is fine (and something that'd I'd prefer instead of having to back out, see who has what, and then re-enter the teams). Also yes, in Pkmn you can switch held items, but that's as impactful as switching one artifact, which isn't gonna do too much especially when artifacts are balanced by the other artifacts (and their sets) and if that piece is an overall upgrade over the current one, why wasn't that already on prior to begin with? All of this to say, I feel that segment was a really big non-issue, just back out and grab the better artifacts especially if they could clear faster by virtue of being better (regardless if the abyss is super cringe or not).
Yeah I agree on this one. Zajef would probably agree too when he is not maldging I think. The underlying issue is the absence of preset functions though, that's true.
Btw i reported hoyo about the bugs (5:14) with proofs . They claimed its ping issues Lol . The ping reduced by “1” so its ping issues . About the swaps btw i experience the same .
i know it was very frustrating but i actually now like having to build some characters differently to clear it and actually use my resources that i've saved up. plus i felt really accomplished when i finally 12 starred it. we used to complain it was too easy so i do prefer it this way if there is no other end game
I have literally used nothing but raiden national and hyperbloom ever since nahida patch. This abyss I tried other things because people kept raving about it (including zajeff). Turns out it was a gaslight to waste my time and I once again sweeped with the same 2 teams
@@Prince-fn9kf Yeah it deals with the abyss guy really well. The issue is the hydro abyss herald on 12-1 because you dont have a good way of breaking it, its doable with good artifacts and weapons tho. If you struggle you could always just run different teams for 12-1 real quick like burgeon for second half if you have nahida she absolutely shreads hydro abyss shields
@@hellfire6714 Nahida is basically a cheat code against the hydro heralds, no matter where they go, just force them into shield face and they will eventually evaporate even if they try to run away
i have literally only been using 4 team at maximum since 3.2 hyperbloom from kuki that i got in 3.6, keqgravate, national (of course), and ganyu melt for thunder dude which i can now build burgeon instead
Every time I think the current abyss is annoying, I remember the Wenut and the Consecrated Beasts cycles, and I feel happier about life again. It was so freaking annoying...
@@aria83308 the problem is that yao yao lacks the resistance interruption shielders give. You could be immortal but the two annoying dipshits in 12-3 chamber 1 will still ruin your day due to their annoying attack patterns.
They are seriosuly trying hard to make game unfun. All their decisions are about that. To make you piss off. They don't even fix the game. Like how we had to wait a year for Mona to be fixed (she could be literally stunlocked to death) and a year more for Monas and Ayakas dashes to be finally fixed. It is almost 3 years, and i m still waiting for ALT+1/2/3/4 to become an actual bind alternative to Q, so my characters dont stay doing nothing after swapping with ALT+num.
There are certain artifacts that give an unfair advantage if they're changed mid battle, like the healing one. I think that's why they've stopped us from changing that while doing abyss.
Smoking hot take incoming. I like this abyss. I actually had to use my brain this time to come up with a team to beat the second half and had to learn the patterns on the beasts. Finally something that took more than 30 minutes to clear for an AR 60 player
Same, it was one of the first abyss circles in a long time where I had to try hard to be able to 36*. I would usually always be hearing to a podcast on the background and playing "automatically" (not paying much attention, just relying on muscle memory), but this time around I really had to think about my team composition and just overall play style. It's been a while the game has forced me to play well, and I fucking loved it.
@@ErgoAriZ Literally what I've done for the past year ngl, this abyss put my skills and artifacts to the test. Made the 2 years i spent in emblem domain worth it copium
9:30 I'm pretty sure the timer is somehow bugged or bad enough because sometimes I clear it with 3 Stars at 7.00, sometimes it says I failed, and JUST YESTERDAY I got 3 Stars on 6.59, it's súper weird
yeah, probably has to do with lag, where the number on your screen might not correspond to the number recorded by the server... This happened to me too a cycle or two ago, I got 3 stars even though the timer was 6.59
This isn't challenging its poorly designed enemy spam. One side enemies who stun lock and 1 shot you, other side enemy that spends most of the fight immune to damage with an element check
The fights are challenging and fun(at least for me), it's just a combination of time restrictions and very tanky enemies which dash around a lot is what is frustrating. If they doubled the amount of beasts but deleted a time limit, i would be having a blast.
After trying out different teams and swapping artifs my final team was ayaka freeze in the first half with kazuha,kokomi and diona and 2nd half is nahida national
At this point I think genshin devs may be running a social experiment on how much bs they can get away with before every player who actually cares leaves
@@Ecaea I want engaging content. Engaging content is usually appropriately hard, but hard content isn't necessairily engaging. Do you see the distinction?
@@Ecaeai mean it is hard, but not for the right reason, its hard because the mobs don’t want to die so it basically wastes your time, the one time where they actually try to kill you and thus you can actually pass it on time, is after like 10 retries where the AI of the mobs doesn’t just tell it to run away from you, i mean its logical to run… but its a game, not real life, we play it to have combat, not cop simulator where we chase them down for most of the time. Like how would it feel if in a fight where the enemy just runs and doesn’t fight you, it wouldn’t be fun, its annoying, its hard to hit thus annoying which is technically hard fight. Not put that in a video game that’s well, made for the casuals.. it makes more sense for them to wait there instead of running away, and in the abyss where its suppose to be hard content, they have a lot of enemies there that likes to run your clock down instead of fighting you.
i still used it on the 2nd half and had no problems at all. 2nd halves are fricking easy and the bosses are squishy af. my xiangling killed the electro bat without vv and vape but with only bennett buff. and the baptist died like in 1 cycle. in the worst case 2 cycles lol. chamber 1 was the most challenging
HI3 showed me that a ranked and timed pve mode in a gacha game sucks ass (cuz its literally dominated by whales who can get pass you just by swiping), Genshin showed me that any abyss type gamemode from Hoyo is literal torture not worth my mental health, wonder what flaws HSR will show me in the future.
Hear me out about these Tiger and alligator beasts have even worse bug than rifthound. When rifthound perform dash back to rush forward attack, you won't be able to get close to them because of invisible wall. However, when tiger and alligator beasts increased their size(which you can see them sometimes get smaller-bigger), their visual model as you see aren't accurate with their true model which you can hit, wasting so much damage as a result. For example, if they increased their size and I have to hit them while they're attacking....I can barely hit them. Tip : you can have 100% control by stacking them via 3 rules. 1) be fast enough, 2) know their patterns and don't let them scatter, 3) you can take some hits, but don't let them stack you Tiger and alligator beasts are one of the cringiest enemies designed compare to electro scorpion, fire bird and wind snake. All these beasts have attacks that can push you around or out of your position(like out of Bennett's burst etc. ), but the 3 old ones will instantly get back to kill you (fire bird from above, scorpion from underground, snake via blink) which give you a chance to kill them if you survive. However, tiger and alligator beasts could have just stay away, scatter all over the map for some cringe reason to waste your time why they don't have some QoL like reset CDT/stamina when you retry abyss ? IDK, that technology appears in many events but not in spiral abyss though Many QoLs should have have happened and I'll keep tell them till they become true, cuz I want this game to be better
It's better to just NA as Xiao in to Pyro lector shields. If you have the opportunity to add off-field on-attacks even better, though Wanderer is better for that though idk if you needed Xiao for something else.
I suffered so much until i did it and then i felt good .. . but it doesnt' feel good when i see some guy doing it with his feet and then i see a whale Hu Tao oneshottin the baptist and so on and so on. This game's vertical investment is WAAAAAAAAAAY too much. The amount of power you get from constellations/refinements on 5* weapons is crazy. I don't mind difficult content but the problem is that the content isnt difficult for super highly invested accounts/whales/veterans and at this point i wonder who are they even designing this for? It's easy for whales and its hard for fairly new players (i've been playing for over a year now and i still struggled) I really hope they address the vertical investment to make it more even
This abyss is so fucking cringe. What the hell were they thinking with abyss heralds and those damn consecrated beasts all on floor 12? The heralds are the absolute worst, with how they jump around everywhere. And when you die to the consecrated beasts you don't even know what hit you. I love how hoyo's gameplay design when it comes to difficulty is just to make things incredibly annoying and tedious. God, they need new combat designers.
Spiral Abyss? More like Spiral into Madness. I'm so glad I am happy with 33 star clearing and tell myself the last 3 stars arent worth the suffering if its too much for me. I feel bad for content creators being forced to do this on repeat.
As someone who plays with around 300 ping and bad hardware in general, it's just muscle memory for me at this point to always mash the heck out of E, Q, and numbers 1-4 to make sure my actions actually go through. Enemies/waves always take a few extra seconds to load too, so every second is precious.
Ah yes, for all the comments i checked on youtube. It seem when mihoyo make abyss hard people still complain that it is too hard. And those who said genshin is not challenging are enjoying this abyss.
he never once complained about either the enemies' tankiness nor their damage, he only complains about their unpredictability (which they are) and a bunch of quality-of-life issues
There's little to learn outside of knowing which attacks will fuck you completely and which can actually be dodged. The hitboxing on the cons beasts is so chunky that not even tall male characters can actually get enough distance with a dash, and those very same chunky hitboxes linger so long during certain animations that you can't actually i-frame through them. Against a single cons beast you can position appropriately so that you'll be able to escape their hitbox, but against two sometimes they both decide to attack in a way where you just simply don't have enough i-frames/dashes to escape the damage. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if it didn't immediately result in a wombo combo and one dead character lol. There's big fuck off attacks like Kenki that should one shot players for not learning the dodge timing, and then there's cons beasts that have such large lingering hitboxes that there isn't really any response other than reset and hope it doesn't happen again.
What Zajef or other content creators like mtashed who're dependent on Genshin for views want is a content that is repeatable and remains fresh to cover their streaming hours. Mtashed has got more issues with his scope in Genshin than zajef does but they all just want the same thing. He couldn't care less if the abyss was piss easy or extremely hard because once you clear it with 36*'s and get rewards, it's meaningless to repeat it until it resets.
@@Matthew-qt3jk What you described there sounds an awfully lot like good endgame content where people actually replay it because other reasons than just rewards. Just watch him experimenting on every single paths in HSR SU and you will find a much better example of an endgame content. Endgame contents don’t even need to be hard, they just need to have the replayability.
It took me 20 minutes to think of a proper team for both halves, and I was met with pure agonizing pain in the first chamber. If this was the price we had to pay in exchange for Hyperbloom being so braindead easy and strong, then I'd rather we didn't have it at all. 12-3-1 also frustrated me for a while because there are TWO waves of those overly aggressive consecrated beasts. Even with my decked out Ayaka team with Shenhe, it took me a minute and a half to clear it. I'll dread 4.X Abyss if they'll put hydro-related CD increase debuffs on Floor 12. Actually just fck that if it happens, lmfao.
I admire how someone makes perfect abyss videos. I tried to make a perfect run video. I filmed it for 8 hours, because it's just about luck, how the enemies jump all over the arena randomly to a different side, like morons. After 8 hours of suffering the image is frayed from crushing the mouse while pressing attack and I'm now able to go through each half of the room 10 seconds faster anyway so it was a waste of effort :D
Two electro can actually compensate for bennet in 2nd half for 12-3, i used both beidou and kuki and played alhaitham hyperbloom (though alhaitham is solo dendro ) and worked well, for the first half i had to use ayaka freeze as freezing them even just for a few seconds helps avoiding too much headaches, just keep targeting the croc and the tiger will eventually go to you. The experience was still overall annoying though.
idk my yaoyao build for dmg with 21k hp, and i cleared it. I either die in stunlock or don't die at all, and nothing can help you to survive stunlock with yaoyao instead of shielder on team
Maybe there is something wrong with Zhongli's burst, because I swear when I was fighting the heralds in 12-1-2 it didn't petrify them and it's not like it missed them, it was right in front of them 💀
I’m not super knowledgeable about genshin mechanics tbh, but I’m confused why he keeps saying it’s buggy and that they should let us change artifacts. Feels like that’s self explanatory, they wouldn’t want us to just cheat with the artifacts. And as for buggy, I hate this abyss but I don’t think it’s buggy, it’s just the fact that you get staggered like crazy. I find it extremely annoying but that IS their intent lol. This abyss gave me 2 mental breakdowns, I’ve been trying for maybe a total of 6-7 hours and I just gave up. I might try it again at some point but I hate this abyss more than any other abyss
this is why i dont believe in youtube tutorials, like, bro, there is tons of variables that make it happens 1 variable off and u will end up like mr balls right here lmaooo
I was thinking about trying to clear for 36* today (I ended up with 35* because of the last chamber). But I'm glad I saw this first and I lost all desire to drill my ass (play genshin). Thanks Zajef!!
It's part of the scheme. No changing artifacts mid-run so you cannot micromanage and you get forced to farm more artifacts, which is HYV's only mechanism left for you to keep playing Genshin. Otherwise, they bad. They even give you gacha items for people you don't need via algorithm. It detects your liked weapons and characters and lower your chances with them. What a game.
Whoever chooses the abyss rotations is a real sadist god fucking damn Tbh though with my teams this rotation was a little easier than the previous one… the previous abyss cycle was literally hell on earth
Man I missed the "Abyss is whale testing/playground" and "Abyss is easy" Abyss's, do You guys remember thoose days?This is just isnt fun for casual players
Also important to note that these things don't reset when you "Retry" a floor:
1) Your Skill/Burst CD
2) Your Stamina
3) Your will to live
I have been out of Genshin for a couple of months, and they still haven't fixed those first two? Jeez Louise
@@Nelland lazy ass devs
Waiting 20 seconds per try for beidou's serpent spine is also pain
Joke's on them my will to live is already non-existent so HAH
Also CD acts from constellations, including Qiqi and Barbara’s resurrection abilities.
Hoyo "We don't want to cause anxiety on our playerbase" Verse creating the most anxiety and stress inducing Abyss rotation yet.
Well hoyo saw the comments ppl made so they were like , fk it. Cringe mobs overload and not make them spawn together to waste more of your time.
people were complaining about abyss not anxiety inducing enough and hoyo delivered lmao
people complain that abyss is too easy and as soon as they need to dodge they start complaining its too hard
@@ymw1107 What, you hate genshin or something, whiteknight? Cause you keep missing the point.
They specifically said "excessive anxiety", meaning this level of anxiety is enough for them. Fcking monsters😂
There was no anxiety. There was only suffering.
Maybe the anxiety is the suffering we made along the way
@@littleboss2006 lmao
The whole artifact swapping situation is why I have 6 Emblem sets, 6 Noblesse sets, 3 tenacity sets, 3 Deepwood sets, and 2 full EM gilded dream sets. I have a theory the reason why they don’t enable loadout is to force people farm multiple artifact sets because let’s be real: artifact farming is the real endgame.
that's not a theory, that's a fact
btw. star rail has auto equipping but it doesn't always equip what's actually best (for example, you don't necessarily want deepwood on nahida, maybe you play her with baizhu and it's better he has it instead and she gets gilded - auto equip would just try to put deepwood on both). also it only equips what isn't already on someone else so it's not like they added presets. they could but they didn't. that auto equip feature is for casual players who don't want to worry about harder fights at all and it is intended audience
They could you know, just not let them be on two different Loadouts and farming would still be the endgame.
This limitation is bs, just like the CD and stamina not resetting.
for 4p triple em sets, i have 1 for flowers of paradise, 2 for gilded, 1 wanderer, 5 vv (yes, 5*, they arent all raised tho) and a few leftover 2ps. And it's still not enough
the real meta was not knowing the enemy attack patterns, because they are never consistent anyway
Can't even i-frame those anyway 💀 only reason I brought Kirara over Yaoyao for my Yaeggravate.
yep the bug and even the enemies RnG moves just not going to let it slide for some people it would be easy for some it would be like a fuking hell
@@habibitickler lingering hit box aoe attack is stupid in every conceivable way
Wenut abyss: "just learn his attack patterns and plan around them!"
every abyss since: "lol what attack patterns?"
I love how they make events pisseasy because apparently they're too hard and then they go: Hm, yes, 3 abyss lectors and 4 consecrated beasts is okay. Just dont get hit lol.
lets be honest, abyss has been piss easy since the start of 3.0 bcuz of dendro, its only these past 3 rotation that its getting harder and harder. Most probably they gonna tone it down again in 4.0 like the did with every X.0 patches. Like resetting difficulty in pokemon lmao
@@ymw1107I think they’re trying to compensate for how easy dendro made 36*’ing abyss, making it so you have to hyper invest in your bloom teams to meet the dps checks. Adding enemies that force you to bring characters for survivability decreases your team dps output. Also I’d say 2.0 abyss was the hardest abyss ever at the time, I think 3.0 just felt easy because of new dendro teams, although I don’t remember the lineup.
@@sIimepoop they definitely did shoot theirselves in the foot with how busted and low investment hyperbloom is. so now they either need to add element checks, insane dps checks or survivability checks which is honestly ok imo
@@sIimepoop yeah and i dont think thats bad tbh, even if people cant 36 star easily, it obviously makes it more challenging and fun to play
The powercreept is real, is really hard for me to 36* using ganyu, sadge.
1. Release 4 redundant side grade characters in row
2. TCG Event
3. Worst abyss in history
It feels like self sabotage at this point
And now they're pouring resources into Honkai instead of giving Genshin some actual content. Seriously tho, I didn't join Genshin just to play cards.
@@davideographer4410 Where are the resources in Honkai? I finished everything they gave in 1.1 so far in about 3 hours and that's while playing really slowly and admiring my brand new Silver Wolf
Side grade *AT BEST*
At worst just completely dysfunctional and bad
oh yes here we go again with Baizhu just like the Kokomi treatment two years ago
now look at his abyss usage rate and think again
@@bobrogromnybobr I would argue Yaoyao and Kirara are the side grade of Baizhu
I heckin love resetting all the time for the literal 1 in a million chance the heralds actually
Group properly.
Do you draw them to wall? Otherwise it's truly one in a million chance, yeah.
@@Zecuto they will group for like 5 seconds then cartwheel the f away while freezing you
@@Zecuto Draw them to a wall and you can’t see anything they do because the camera fails to work. I usually just draw them close but not against the wall.
Literal skill issue
Not being able to swap characters is literally the game thinking we're "stuck" on a structure when the beasts are clumped up on top of us, and it truly is one hell of a frustrating feeling because it shows up on the screen "Cannot switch character now" as an indicator that's meant for when we're out in the open world exploring, but it ends up looking like the game's just trolling us in Abyss.
You can get switch-denied if there’s a monster hovering over you and the space isn’t enough for a taller character.
really makes you feel bad for maining characters of different heights
Do shields just not exist for y'all
@@lucklei4665 kirara just released and hydro shields doesnt exist at all lol, at least if we're talking about 150% shield efficiency corresponding to the 2 beasts
beidou is mid, zhongli is a dps loss, and other characters have the wrong shield element
First they made perma-freeze unviable and now they made the abyss perma-freeze you 💀
1:34 there are some animations of the baptist where he gets immunity for a few frames. recovering from throwing flaming meatballs towards you is one of them.
This abyss took everything from me and gave me nothing but emotional damage bruh
This spiral abyss is truly a Spiral abyss of all times.
yeah, truly made me spiral into the abyss for sure
Nah, i still remember abyss floor 12 with Ley lines disorder for no reason during Raiden release. High tide, low tide BS. Is that's what hoyo think hard? Then they really don't know how to balance things out tbh. That abyss rotation break my 36* clear record after so long back then. Now i never don't get 36 star. But this current abyss also almost make me lose the streak again. My cracked Ayaka with Kazuha, Shenhe barely clear it. That's like the best, and i doubt my 79:230 crit Xiao can clear it tho. Hoyo the problems here not players when even my well built Xiao gonna only have slim chances.
I got 36 star
Once you reach the turning point you get consumed by a transcendental level of wrath... there is no more anxiety, just enough flame to rival the sun
My favorite feature in Genshin Impact is how after every burst, your camera is forcefully zoomed in, making you have to zoom out frequently just to see the fucking game. Even better is how you need to do it in the heat of battle which will slow you down if you aren't in a 4-star burst animation or equivalently long animation, and if you slightly fuck up the zoom out input on playstation, you will end up using a charged skill by accident.
Oh and pair that up with being up against a wall while a big green tiger and a big blue croc slam into you like it's the Attitude Era WWE... Chef's kiss!
thats why tilting the controler or mouse is meta in this kind of situation
Hell, if I click NA too fast I do charged attacks all the time. It's annoying.
Ppl: we want more end game combat.
Poopyhoyo: You will spend 3h in a single chamber then.
In the part where he complains about not registering, in 5:33 , the ping actual indicated a timeout lol.
No, genshin bad! Developers zuks!
What is that?
Is it because Bad connection?
It happens to me a lot
oh yeah, it showed a loop, nice catch there
Do you expect zajef to do anything else other than complain? Dude's a whole man-child
@@kenzoutenma8248 lol but he's kinda right tho, genshin sometimes isn't responsive and those beast hitbox are just doodoo.
i've been loving these past few abyss. i loved them being hard and cheap and buggy as fuck.
I've always complained that nothing in the game is challenging enough and finally here it is. With the amount of difficulty though the primos are not worth it, I understand if most people will just skip this abyss, but as for entertainment value I loved it. Took me 3 different days or trial and error to finish. I normally just finish abyss within an hour before but this abyss was just so much fun to overcome.
I totally understand that I am in the minority though.
edit: With the amount of damage enemies are dishing out, shield characters are shining again. What was that? Bringing a shield is a DPS Loss? Turns out being ragdolled by giant animals is also a DPS loss.
While other people are enjoying invalidating other's experiences of the abyss, we have a guy like you that appreciates the game for what it is. Kudos!
"With the amount of damage enemies are dishing out, shield characters are shining again. What was that? Bringing a shield is a DPS Loss? Turns out being ragdolled by giant animals is also a DPS loss"
Can't be more true. And this is another thing I forgot to mention in some of my comments in this video. Some people suggest to be calm and observe, and sure I did. I did this with the heralds, for some reason, they decided to attack at a different time leaving me no room to strike and I have no choice but to just dodge. I also waited for the consecs to do their next attack and they decided to walk away.
But with shields, I'm now confident that I won't get interrupted. I get to hit them while they're doing something and dodge if I can (for shield sustain since I only need them not interrupting me). Playing skillfully in this version of the abyss is playing against RNG really.
Good on you man, unironically. I think it all comes to if you enjoy malding type of gameplay. Personally I don't mind challenging stuff as long as it feels fair/ is fun, and since this abyss fails in both of these things for me, i'm perfectly ok skipping it. Congrats for conquering it tho✌️
actually same, i have this ayaka freeze and international account that i have been forced to alter one way or another or play hyperbloom due to random bullshit.
This is like the first abyss in a year whenI can bring the two team together into floor 12.
Well that's one way of looking at at...
I feel like this can go both ways - sure harder content is more fun and I agree, I'm part of the people that say "why bring healer when can kill faster", and build my characters accordingly. What I find infuriating is the fact that even the enemy attack patterns are randomized. Say for example the Terrorshroom - not a difficult boss by any means - however he can start by attacking you whilst staying in place, or he can decide to run away twice in an attack you can dodge within the first second of his animation. It didn't cost you damage, it cost you *time*, in a place where more often that not you cannot afford to lose time (this is just an example boss but you get my point). This, through no fault of your own, can decide whether you succeed or not in 3 staring it or whatever challenge run you're doing.
Abyss is supposed to be challenging, but leave the RNG aspect of it to the artifact grind. We have more than enough of that from there.
Zajef, I've noticed the same thing that it has a lot of not registering player actions in the Abyss. My internet isn't the best, but I've noticed that the biggest load on latency in Genshin comes from the Abyss. It's been especially egregious these past couple cycles, where enemies are inputting too many actions (interpreted as enemy aggression) that the game literally can't handle the load anymore. I don't know if there's a way to let Hoyoverse know about this. In any case it's just horrible optimization
I've literally noticed this as well.
do you think the swaps dont go through because the hitboxes are also weird ? i noticed it once when i was hugging the baptist and it was doing 1 attack and i was just running into him w rosaria but couldnt swap unless i moved away
Idk maybe you're doing it already, but for me turning down the graphics helps a lot, even though not with everything
This is so fun to watch because I'm literally like him when i played current abyss lmao
This abyss made me do so many things to 36 star it that no abyss rotation ever had.
It made me activate C6 for my Bennett, made me build Thoma and Beidou and max level them both, and made me use Zhongli that has been benched since before Sumeru dropped.
And all that for 50 primos which is 10 less of what you get from dailies. 10/10 best endgame ever 😂
@@pablogarciaseminara6560 If they increase the rewards then the majority of the playerbase will riot. A lot of the players are casual players.
@@lavion8090 honestly casual player probably just don't care about that extra primos cause they're casual. Most of them will play abyss only to get 33 stars and call it a day.
@@masyan3457 They don't care much because its just 50 primos. Change it to something thats more suitable to the challenge then I could actually see casual players feeling bad about missing out. I'm sure they wont "riot" but there will be complaints.
@@lavion8090 Even if they increased the rewards to 100 primos for every 3 stars, ain't no way people that play for fun care about 100 or 200 primos every 2 weeks just to stuck for hours in abyss lol.
I just cant believe that after 2 years mihoyo still cant make CD actually reset properly when you reset the floor.
Today I discussed with people on Reddit arguing it's intended and that if that's a problem to me it's just skill issue because I reset Abyss... like if I don't test teams in Abyss even when I'm not clearing it, which is not even the main point but still another valid one...
That swapping to another character that doesn't reg happens to me all the time... Holy I thought it was because of my ping (60-80ms).
Me playing on 270-300 ping, interesting...
i have around 20-30 ping usually and thoughtt it was because i play on controller lol. but i've seen people playing on keyboard have it too so it's just genshin [*]
yeah, I thought it was due to ping/lag and controller input lag on console , didn't know it happened to PC players with good ping
@@akwaMartyna yea, I don't rely on the quick ult buttons (those alt plus 1), they just leave the character standing there haha! Quite fun, this genshin game.
Nope there's something going on on the servers side and the beasts not allowing you to swap when close makes it more noticeable.
malding is part of the genshin combat experience
Genshin abyss* imagine if the rest of the game was also on a timer and this frustrating
me who just happy clearing abyss at 11floor
for my own sanity
They're making the game artificially difficult and they're doing it by adding 2 things:
1) Time burners/wasters. Basically, enemies (bosses mainly) that either hides or that has mechanics that makes them invlunerable. Both Wenut and Golden Wolflord fits this being the latter as the worse offender if you don't have Zhongli.
2) RNG. I'm convinced that they modified the algo just for the abyss to take the path that ensures you get defeated (or annoyed).
I was kinda doubting myself that maybe, I only got annoyed in the abyss because I have "skill issue", but with the experiences that Zajef had here just confirms everything. What we experienced is not an isolated case, it happens to everyone.
Some of my experiences:
A) My swaps don't work, or only works when consec is about to one hit the character I'm about to swap (because I'm swapping to take the heal).
B) Bursts don't trigger. I understand that bursts or even swaps don't register when you're close to assets (either enemies or wall). This happened to me just thrice but I'm anticipating the dash of the consec, because they do that at the beginning. But no, the game didn't let me and I got hit. Thankfully, it only happens in the beginning so I can quickly reset. But inconsitencies are just stupid. I'd rather have them not letting me consistently so I can take it into account than having this expeirence.
C) Consec patterns in 3.7 is worse. I use to complain about how agile and hard hitting the consecs were in the past abyss versions. I thought it couldn't get worse. But this time, they seemingly purposely do things that disadvantages you. Example, after you've worked hard and patiently made sure that they're together, one sudddenly decides to run away.
After beating the abyss, I didn't feel accomplished nor satisfied. Relief is what I felt instead. I know that I didn't beat the abyss because I'm good or I'm skilled. I beat it because I got lucky. Beating the game because of luck ain't satisfying. I would've bought sweepstakes and get money when I win, I get nothing out of this and they take my money sometimes as well.
I'm afraid that if this is their response on the outcry for the lack of endgame content, then the future of the abyss is bleak. They were mentioning about "anxeity" but they're doing the complete opposite now.
Just look at the upcoming 3.8 abyss lineup! You know it'll only get worse. I guess I should start playing the game differently now. I played the game not for the abyss anyway so I think it'll be a better mindset moving forward.
yeah i agree with everything you said, its like they coded stuff into this abyss just to annoy people lmfao and also isnt the 3.8 abyss looking easier than this one?
All these complaints with no recommendations, reeks of “I can’t clear it, so it’s bad design”. How would you design endgame enemies that are not “artificially difficult”?
@@donutenterchannel2223 Nahh, there were some other people who pointed out some actual problems. This just feels like a conspiracy theory to me lmao.
It could actually be satire too.
@@lavion8090 even the "Genshin being a cash-cow while Honkai is their lovechild" conspiracy has more merit than this. lol
I think i'm just lucky too, bcoz yesterday i could consistent grouping then across a pretty good amount of runs, maybe spamming Kazuha helped a lot with that, but at least grouping them in the start of the fight is pretty easy.
You know that this abyss is pain when even experts like Gacha Games, Enviosity or IWinToLose protest this abusive difficulty
Difficulty isn't even the problem. RNG mixed with bad hitboxes and higher requirements are what makes this Abyss frustrating. There are tools to overcome problems like part of the RNG (like Nahida who let you completely ignore the hydro herald's shield, so even if he moves away you can keep focusing on the cryo heralds, reducing a lot the RNG) and of course with very very high investment the challenge becomes trivial again if you at least know what you are doing, but still the previous points remain. If that's too bad or not is arguable, too me is just frustrating even though I can clear without much of a problem, but these are still facts no matter how you look at them and no matter your opinion on them.
And that 50 primo for every 3 star is not worth it
They should call it the my mental health and sanity are Spiraling Abyss
at this point we need a input overlay to see how many times he tries to dash before the game registers
I need the same for swapping. I swear I swap 5x before getting hit and then just get hit. Or a lot of times try to swap. Don't. And use skill I was going to use on swapped character instead on my not-swapped character.
This video is so relatable. It basically summarizes all the hell I went through today doing the abyss after the reset 💀
The reason for not allowing you to change artifacts is just so you can farm another set so you can continue playing
I'm glad mister zaje is also tilting on this abyss. Makes me feel a bit better about myself tbh.
I love Zajef's abyss videos.
I like the Consecrated Beasts a lot, I think they're so damn cool. They do a really great job of showing off the shortcomings in the combat system. Especially when they're juiced up to level 100.
I personally hate the beasts for the exact same reason :'D the combat system needs too many fixes
The beasts are playing their own game, just jumping anywhere
i kinda liked the beasts being on 3rd floor instead of 1st
because of blessing, having them on 3rd floor shaves off 10 seconds from what usually takes up a minute
Can’t believe there’s actually an Abyss harder than slowing waters patch lol.
I really enjoyed this Abyss. First time in a long time I actually had to look at my gear. ER is very important. More so than damage. Team building to clear it in different ways was fun.
more so than dmg? why would i care about ER if I have a c6 Raiden and Eula for the first half and c6 hu tao and Yelan for the second? when enemies die they drop particles so despite being two waves i'm good for the second rotation /s
Edit: apparently you do have to add /s after everything these days xD
@@akwaMartyna what was this comment trying to accomplish
@@akwaMartyna who asked though?
@@Aremder He probably got into bankruptcy rolling for those two and now feels the need to boast it everywhere to make it seems like he has made a smart financial move
@@akwaMartynatf you tryna say bozo
You guys should understand that any good design of this game is either intentional or a coincidence.
But every bad design of this game is intended. HYV could change "not being able to change arts weapons and teams mid run through abyss" any second but they won't because it's designed this way.
Hoyoverse actually proved they listen to feedback and can easily implement it... and they did so on a different game. Idk why they hate what made them truly big so much
@@hellfire6714 oh they don't hate it they are just using their mistakes to make their next games better so they are more attractive than the previous ones.
@@lalilola3770 Why would they try to do that when their biggest game Genshin Impact has made them what they are
@@princepecanpiemc518 I don't work at HYV so I don't know. They probably have a lot of great psychologists who know their job and this design "flaw" might be a reason so that people play more because they have to restart the whole thing. Or they just don't care to fix it because it won't make them money. Or any other reason.
You just have to understand that HYV made billions of dollars for a lot of reasons and they know their game. You can literally remember xinyan and her everlasting bug with her shield that HYV don't care to fix it. Because it won't make them money.
@@lalilola3770 they didn't teach me about games at uni buy yes, people hate missing out on stuff and people hate losing. people also hate boring and tedious tasks. so 100% genshin's design is just like in any other gacha game - intended to be annoying so you can bypass it with money. comissions boring? don't have to bother with that peasant amount of primos if you swipe. abyss annoying? just swipe for a con/weapon
Zhongli not landing his ult was a canon event
why was he using that ult anyway, isn't autoattacking with sucrose more efficient?
@@akwaMartyna probably for i-frame + 2 U of shield breaking
I thought zhongli burst is 4 U geo?
@@philkersonchong9848 Yeah it's 4U not 2
Asking for the ability to change artifacts mid-run defeats the purpose of it being a challenge run I feel. Switching 1 artifact isn't that impactful, but switching multiple is the equivalent of switching an entire character in which, even in Pokemon you're not allowed to switch your team when you're fighting the Elite Four. Switching artifacts on the character selection screen for abyss is fine (and something that'd I'd prefer instead of having to back out, see who has what, and then re-enter the teams). Also yes, in Pkmn you can switch held items, but that's as impactful as switching one artifact, which isn't gonna do too much especially when artifacts are balanced by the other artifacts (and their sets) and if that piece is an overall upgrade over the current one, why wasn't that already on prior to begin with?
All of this to say, I feel that segment was a really big non-issue, just back out and grab the better artifacts especially if they could clear faster by virtue of being better (regardless if the abyss is super cringe or not).
Yeah I agree on this one. Zajef would probably agree too when he is not maldging I think. The underlying issue is the absence of preset functions though, that's true.
Btw i reported hoyo about the bugs (5:14) with proofs .
They claimed its ping issues Lol .
The ping reduced by “1” so its ping issues .
About the swaps btw i experience the same .
It was a ping issue though it timed out during the burst
i know it was very frustrating but i actually now like having to build some characters differently to clear it and actually use my resources that i've saved up. plus i felt really accomplished when i finally 12 starred it. we used to complain it was too easy so i do prefer it this way if there is no other end game
I have literally used nothing but raiden national and hyperbloom ever since nahida patch. This abyss I tried other things because people kept raving about it (including zajeff). Turns out it was a gaslight to waste my time and I once again sweeped with the same 2 teams
@@hellfire6714raidenational second team?
@@Prince-fn9kf Yeah it deals with the abyss guy really well. The issue is the hydro abyss herald on 12-1 because you dont have a good way of breaking it, its doable with good artifacts and weapons tho. If you struggle you could always just run different teams for 12-1 real quick like burgeon for second half if you have nahida she absolutely shreads hydro abyss shields
@@hellfire6714 Nahida is basically a cheat code against the hydro heralds, no matter where they go, just force them into shield face and they will eventually evaporate even if they try to run away
i have literally only been using 4 team at maximum since 3.2
hyperbloom from kuki that i got in 3.6, keqgravate, national (of course), and ganyu melt for thunder dude which i can now build burgeon instead
Zajeff joker arc
Average Eula Main Experience:
Every time I think the current abyss is annoying, I remember the Wenut and the Consecrated Beasts cycles, and I feel happier about life again. It was so freaking annoying...
Kirara on first half just saving my mental health,yaoyao not even close in providing that comfort:)
Me too for yae miko aggravate team
yeah if ur yaoyao isnt built
@@aria83308 and how much u need build yaoyao so she will gain shield?
@@aria83308 the problem is that yao yao lacks the resistance interruption shielders give. You could be immortal but the two annoying dipshits in 12-3 chamber 1 will still ruin your day due to their annoying attack patterns.
@@aria83308 oh no here come the yaoyao supremacists 🤡🤡🤡
They are seriosuly trying hard to make game unfun. All their decisions are about that. To make you piss off.
They don't even fix the game. Like how we had to wait a year for Mona to be fixed (she could be literally stunlocked to death) and a year more for Monas and Ayakas dashes to be finally fixed. It is almost 3 years, and i m still waiting for ALT+1/2/3/4 to become an actual bind alternative to Q, so my characters dont stay doing nothing after swapping with ALT+num.
There are certain artifacts that give an unfair advantage if they're changed mid battle, like the healing one. I think that's why they've stopped us from changing that while doing abyss.
this man need therapy after this lmao
he needs therapy regardless
*proceeds to play another game by hoyoverse
ive gotten used to the concecrated beasts by now but the abyss lectors 😭 the suffering
Smoking hot take incoming. I like this abyss. I actually had to use my brain this time to come up with a team to beat the second half and had to learn the patterns on the beasts. Finally something that took more than 30 minutes to clear for an AR 60 player
same i fucking love it idc if i cant 36 star, the challenge makes it so fun
Trueee! I want more abyss that is as challenging and hard as this
Same, it was one of the first abyss circles in a long time where I had to try hard to be able to 36*.
I would usually always be hearing to a podcast on the background and playing "automatically" (not paying much attention, just relying on muscle memory), but this time around I really had to think about my team composition and just overall play style. It's been a while the game has forced me to play well, and I fucking loved it.
@@ErgoAriZ Literally what I've done for the past year ngl, this abyss put my skills and artifacts to the test. Made the 2 years i spent in emblem domain worth it copium
9:30 I'm pretty sure the timer is somehow bugged or bad enough because sometimes I clear it with 3 Stars at 7.00, sometimes it says I failed, and JUST YESTERDAY I got 3 Stars on 6.59, it's súper weird
yeah, probably has to do with lag, where the number on your screen might not correspond to the number recorded by the server... This happened to me too a cycle or two ago, I got 3 stars even though the timer was 6.59
"we want content that is challenging!"
This isn't challenging its poorly designed enemy spam. One side enemies who stun lock and 1 shot you, other side enemy that spends most of the fight immune to damage with an element check
The fights are challenging and fun(at least for me), it's just a combination of time restrictions and very tanky enemies which dash around a lot is what is frustrating. If they doubled the amount of beasts but deleted a time limit, i would be having a blast.
hoyo agent om
This is the first abyss in a long time where I just said fuck and gave up on the last star lol
I love having to be connected to the internet for single player content. /s
Next Abyss be like: 'Slowing water and Energy drain aura at the same time"
After trying out different teams and swapping artifs my final team was ayaka freeze in the first half with kazuha,kokomi and diona and 2nd half is nahida national
At this point I think genshin devs may be running a social experiment on how much bs they can get away with before every player who actually cares leaves
with all the garbage "consecrated beasts are fun" comments. I wouldnt be surprised if we get 6 consecrated beasts in 4.0.
Wait do you want hard content or no?
@@Ecaea I want engaging content. Engaging content is usually appropriately hard, but hard content isn't necessairily engaging. Do you see the distinction?
@@imadaga69420 For me consecrated beasts are fun. But running against the clock is not fun.
@@Ecaeai mean it is hard, but not for the right reason, its hard because the mobs don’t want to die so it basically wastes your time, the one time where they actually try to kill you and thus you can actually pass it on time, is after like 10 retries where the AI of the mobs doesn’t just tell it to run away from you, i mean its logical to run… but its a game, not real life, we play it to have combat, not cop simulator where we chase them down for most of the time. Like how would it feel if in a fight where the enemy just runs and doesn’t fight you, it wouldn’t be fun, its annoying, its hard to hit thus annoying which is technically hard fight. Not put that in a video game that’s well, made for the casuals.. it makes more sense for them to wait there instead of running away, and in the abyss where its suppose to be hard content, they have a lot of enemies there that likes to run your clock down instead of fighting you.
he's not wrong but zajeff has gotta be the most unfun content creator to watch play abyss
He’s not entirely right tho
not having artifact/weapon resets is so dumb fr because I took keqing into floor 12 with the frickin dull blade
I brought dps Raiden into a hyperbloom team once and wonder why the purple numbers are unusually big today.
@@FischlInsultsMePls must be the abyss blessing /srcsm TT this actually made me laugh thank you for that stranger ♡
@@FischlInsultsMePls me is the opposite: raiden national but Raiden was in EM build, in 3.5. Only realized later when I finished the abyss
International feels like sh*it in this spiral abyss
It's been good FOR TWO YEARS, just play something else bro
Still Cleared 2nd side with ease don't know about 1st side 😂
Hoyo really making sure you get punished for using benny
Intergrassional carried me in 2nd half
i still used it on the 2nd half and had no problems at all. 2nd halves are fricking easy and the bosses are squishy af. my xiangling killed the electro bat without vv and vape but with only bennett buff. and the baptist died like in 1 cycle. in the worst case 2 cycles lol. chamber 1 was the most challenging
HI3 showed me that a ranked and timed pve mode in a gacha game sucks ass (cuz its literally dominated by whales who can get pass you just by swiping), Genshin showed me that any abyss type gamemode from Hoyo is literal torture not worth my mental health, wonder what flaws HSR will show me in the future.
never felt so relatable XD
Hear me out about these
Tiger and alligator beasts have even worse bug than rifthound. When rifthound perform dash back to rush forward attack, you won't be able to get close to them because of invisible wall. However, when tiger and alligator beasts increased their size(which you can see them sometimes get smaller-bigger), their visual model as you see aren't accurate with their true model which you can hit, wasting so much damage as a result. For example, if they increased their size and I have to hit them while they're attacking....I can barely hit them.
Tip : you can have 100% control by stacking them via 3 rules. 1) be fast enough, 2) know their patterns and don't let them scatter, 3) you can take some hits, but don't let them stack you
Tiger and alligator beasts are one of the cringiest enemies designed compare to electro scorpion, fire bird and wind snake. All these beasts have attacks that can push you around or out of your position(like out of Bennett's burst etc. ), but the 3 old ones will instantly get back to kill you (fire bird from above, scorpion from underground, snake via blink) which give you a chance to kill them if you survive. However, tiger and alligator beasts could have just stay away, scatter all over the map for some cringe reason to waste your time
why they don't have some QoL like reset CDT/stamina when you retry abyss ? IDK, that technology appears in many events but not in spiral abyss though
Many QoLs should have have happened and I'll keep tell them till they become true, cuz I want this game to be better
Reminds me that I stopped doing the abyss after the constipated beasts appeared there
spiral abuse
is always the appropriate title
I know how you feel, man. You're not alone.
Zajef : How?
Chat: Pillar
Zajef: HOW?
Me: Howwww?
It's better to just NA as Xiao in to Pyro lector shields. If you have the opportunity to add off-field on-attacks even better, though Wanderer is better for that though idk if you needed Xiao for something else.
Hahah one of the most entertaining video ever, niceeee 😂❤
I suffered so much until i did it and then i felt good .. . but it doesnt' feel good when i see some guy doing it with his feet and then i see a whale Hu Tao oneshottin the baptist and so on and so on. This game's vertical investment is WAAAAAAAAAAY too much. The amount of power you get from constellations/refinements on 5* weapons is crazy. I don't mind difficult content but the problem is that the content isnt difficult for super highly invested accounts/whales/veterans and at this point i wonder who are they even designing this for? It's easy for whales and its hard for fairly new players (i've been playing for over a year now and i still struggled)
I really hope they address the vertical investment to make it more even
This abyss is so fucking cringe. What the hell were they thinking with abyss heralds and those damn consecrated beasts all on floor 12? The heralds are the absolute worst, with how they jump around everywhere. And when you die to the consecrated beasts you don't even know what hit you. I love how hoyo's gameplay design when it comes to difficulty is just to make things incredibly annoying and tedious. God, they need new combat designers.
I recommend curry for the baptist. I ran nahida xingqui thoma beidou and it did wonders
Spiral Abyss? More like Spiral into Madness. I'm so glad I am happy with 33 star clearing and tell myself the last 3 stars arent worth the suffering if its too much for me. I feel bad for content creators being forced to do this on repeat.
I am going to felis but for zajef . thank you felis for inspiration
As someone who plays with around 300 ping and bad hardware in general, it's just muscle memory for me at this point to always mash the heck out of E, Q, and numbers 1-4 to make sure my actions actually go through. Enemies/waves always take a few extra seconds to load too, so every second is precious.
As they all say, “Hell hath no fury like a genshin player scorned”
Well that 1st chamber run was a pain to watch. Nobody got their ults up. That’s why I run almost 300% ER and clear everything smoothly
I just gave up on this one. 34 stars is fine
Hoyo making abyss something else than just simple dps check, players: and I took that personally
Ah yes, for all the comments i checked on youtube. It seem when mihoyo make abyss hard people still complain that it is too hard. And those who said genshin is not challenging are enjoying this abyss.
Xiao with no faruzan 🌚
But this is what he likes right? To have skill expression and learn how enemies attack patterns are.
how do you learn RNG attacks?
he never once complained about either the enemies' tankiness nor their damage, he only complains about their unpredictability (which they are) and a bunch of quality-of-life issues
There's little to learn outside of knowing which attacks will fuck you completely and which can actually be dodged. The hitboxing on the cons beasts is so chunky that not even tall male characters can actually get enough distance with a dash, and those very same chunky hitboxes linger so long during certain animations that you can't actually i-frame through them. Against a single cons beast you can position appropriately so that you'll be able to escape their hitbox, but against two sometimes they both decide to attack in a way where you just simply don't have enough i-frames/dashes to escape the damage. This wouldn't be as much of an issue if it didn't immediately result in a wombo combo and one dead character lol. There's big fuck off attacks like Kenki that should one shot players for not learning the dodge timing, and then there's cons beasts that have such large lingering hitboxes that there isn't really any response other than reset and hope it doesn't happen again.
What Zajef or other content creators like mtashed who're dependent on Genshin for views want is a content that is repeatable and remains fresh to cover their streaming hours. Mtashed has got more issues with his scope in Genshin than zajef does but they all just want the same thing. He couldn't care less if the abyss was piss easy or extremely hard because once you clear it with 36*'s and get rewards, it's meaningless to repeat it until it resets.
@@Matthew-qt3jk What you described there sounds an awfully lot like good endgame content where people actually replay it because other reasons than just rewards.
Just watch him experimenting on every single paths in HSR SU and you will find a much better example of an endgame content.
Endgame contents don’t even need to be hard, they just need to have the replayability.
It took me 20 minutes to think of a proper team for both halves, and I was met with pure agonizing pain in the first chamber. If this was the price we had to pay in exchange for Hyperbloom being so braindead easy and strong, then I'd rather we didn't have it at all. 12-3-1 also frustrated me for a while because there are TWO waves of those overly aggressive consecrated beasts. Even with my decked out Ayaka team with Shenhe, it took me a minute and a half to clear it.
I'll dread 4.X Abyss if they'll put hydro-related CD increase debuffs on Floor 12. Actually just fck that if it happens, lmfao.
I admire how someone makes perfect abyss videos. I tried to make a perfect run video. I filmed it for 8 hours, because it's just about luck, how the enemies jump all over the arena randomly to a different side, like morons. After 8 hours of suffering the image is frayed from crushing the mouse while pressing attack and I'm now able to go through each half of the room 10 seconds faster anyway so it was a waste of effort :D
I have never ever felt like crying more playing this fucking game then trying to play nahida in the second half of 12-1
1:21 there is a left audio clip😢
Two electro can actually compensate for bennet in 2nd half for 12-3, i used both beidou and kuki and played alhaitham hyperbloom (though alhaitham is solo dendro ) and worked well, for the first half i had to use ayaka freeze as freezing them even just for a few seconds helps avoiding too much headaches, just keep targeting the croc and the tiger will eventually go to you. The experience was still overall annoying though.
zajef having literally a 27k hp yaoyao and being surprised after dying when getting healed for like 5k
idk my yaoyao build for dmg with 21k hp, and i cleared it.
I either die in stunlock or don't die at all, and nothing can help you to survive stunlock with yaoyao instead of shielder on team
In before Star Rail gets relic loadouts before Genshin gets artifact loadouts.
Maybe there is something wrong with Zhongli's burst, because I swear when I was fighting the heralds in 12-1-2 it didn't petrify them and it's not like it missed them, it was right in front of them 💀
If the heralds are in certain animations I think they’re cc proof
he got anger issue man.
Childish, some people do like that.
I’m not super knowledgeable about genshin mechanics tbh, but I’m confused why he keeps saying it’s buggy and that they should let us change artifacts. Feels like that’s self explanatory, they wouldn’t want us to just cheat with the artifacts. And as for buggy, I hate this abyss but I don’t think it’s buggy, it’s just the fact that you get staggered like crazy. I find it extremely annoying but that IS their intent lol. This abyss gave me 2 mental breakdowns, I’ve been trying for maybe a total of 6-7 hours and I just gave up. I might try it again at some point but I hate this abyss more than any other abyss
Reality is PAIN!
this is why i dont believe in youtube tutorials, like, bro, there is tons of variables that make it happens 1 variable off and u will end up like mr balls right here lmaooo
I was thinking about trying to clear for 36* today (I ended up with 35* because of the last chamber). But I'm glad I saw this first and I lost all desire to drill my ass (play genshin). Thanks Zajef!!
Never saw zajef so tilted like this XD
This is entertaining they should put another boss to the 2nd wave see the players reaction
Bro doesn't upgrade Yaoyao talents and gets angry that she dies💀
Truly a Genshin Impact player
It's part of the scheme. No changing artifacts mid-run so you cannot micromanage and you get forced to farm more artifacts, which is HYV's only mechanism left for you to keep playing Genshin.
Otherwise, they bad. They even give you gacha items for people you don't need via algorithm. It detects your liked weapons and characters and lower your chances with them.
What a game.
Whoever chooses the abyss rotations is a real sadist god fucking damn
Tbh though with my teams this rotation was a little easier than the previous one… the previous abyss cycle was literally hell on earth
Man I missed the "Abyss is whale testing/playground" and "Abyss is easy" Abyss's, do You guys remember thoose days?This is just isnt fun for casual players