Alright, I've pieced together the possible story. Here's how it goes. Our main character here, mr Skyline, decided to be very dumb, and drink and drive. You remember that terrible car crash at the beginning of the game? The AE86 with blood everywhere? That was a family of three, a father, a mother, and a daughter. Now, the three demons that climbed into our car? These three demons were those family members. Mr Skyline crashed into the family of three (at the end of the game, the wreck is in front of the radio) and caused everyone to die. Now, onto the rest. Now, after Mr Skyline has crashed, he doesn't realise. He stops at a diner, where the dead family of three are also dining. When all the crazy things are happening, it's just him getting to hell. That practically explains everything.
Its a pretty classic story of "Drunk driver/Person does horrible thing that kills people/himself then gets sent to hell but everything is normal at first.". It was almost immediate once the lady crawled into the car and said I was drunk driving or something.
I was mistake feeling you were supposed to go the main road and then you come back around to come to display.And I just ended up going this way by the steak that's
1:17 This part was hilarious 🤣 i really love and enjoy your videos
Alright, I've pieced together the possible story. Here's how it goes. Our main character here, mr Skyline, decided to be very dumb, and drink and drive. You remember that terrible car crash at the beginning of the game? The AE86 with blood everywhere? That was a family of three, a father, a mother, and a daughter. Now, the three demons that climbed into our car? These three demons were those family members. Mr Skyline crashed into the family of three (at the end of the game, the wreck is in front of the radio) and caused everyone to die. Now, onto the rest. Now, after Mr Skyline has crashed, he doesn't realise. He stops at a diner, where the dead family of three are also dining. When all the crazy things are happening, it's just him getting to hell. That practically explains everything.
Its a pretty classic story of "Drunk driver/Person does horrible thing that kills people/himself then gets sent to hell but everything is normal at first.". It was almost immediate once the lady crawled into the car and said I was drunk driving or something.
At the dinner before you get on the road you can choose between the skyline,the pickup,and the white car
Gotta love the left hand drive R34
future me is there highway to hell song?
I was mistake feeling you were supposed to go the main road and then you come back around to come to display.And I just ended up going this way by the steak that's
Did that honk on the car scared you @NeggiHorrorParty
First i heard that this game is on mobile but when i checked it wasnt there
I'm on the highway to hell)
love ur videos
Why?How did you play this game drive me to hell
Please, I'd really prefer if you.
Why you play this game?The drive to hell