@@dulainelough2399 Well that’s good news! I always wondered how Christians, who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus, can support and vote for Republicans. Republicans in our government certainly don’t vote for legislation that actually helps the poor, the hungry, the homeless, immigrants, or the “widows and orphans”. They are Christians in name only.
@@lickwidnyc But as he points out, are you Christian or try to be Christ-like? Like Tim, my experiences with maga Christians have been of judgment, then aggression then shunning behavior for not praising a dishonest false idol who attempted to break the Constitution! None of which Christ would approve of.
Remember early on in Covid, that church choir who practiced together and they all came down with Covid - several died? They *could* have stayed home in safety and practiced their hymns there. They could have realized that a pandemic is nothing to encourage with close contact and singing - our grandfathers knew this from the 1918 flu outbreak. Instead, they ignorantly tempted fate. If the 'community' is a valid one, it would survive a few weeks off of being together.
I’m currently in a huge disagreement with my mom who’s also an evangelical pastor. Honestly this issue has caused me to leave church. I’m questioning my beliefs (not my faith). I think about this almost everyday. I can’t stand the hypocrisy of the church when it comes to politics. Personally I believe that any pastor that turns their pulpit into a political stage is desecrating its holiness & polluting the congregation. The cherry on top for me was to see Trump mocking Mr Pilosi when he was almost killed. That is NOT a Christian & will never be. Trump is so obviously using evangelicals it’s shameful. I wouldn’t have wished what happen to Mr Pelosi on him or any of his family members. In my eyes Trump has nothing but disgraced the White House and this country& and I am a republican! (Was I should say) My vote & my wish will be for the Biden administration to stay in power another 4 years. Can’t wait until this nation stops talking about Trump in every channel everyday
I'm sorry you're going through that! I know how it felt when I realized so much about my mom. I doubt Trump will run again in four years, but someone of his ilk probably will. The evangelical community is in distress. It sounds like Tim Alberta has seen a lot of what you're experiencing. Insight was what I needed when something happened to me, that's why I'm saying this. I haven't read it, but it might be just what you need right now.
I'm glad to hear your faith is strong. I'm not Christian or Republican but I deeply respect Jesus' message of The New Testament. I hope you can find a place to gather with other like-minded Christians and practice your faith in community. Where are THOSE churches? We need to hear more of those voices! Take care.
@@greentara291~ I have found the Unitarian Universalist congregation in my town as a very welcoming sanctuary for folks of any denomination who for whatever reason feel unwelcome or out of step with the faith tradition/community they grew up with. I’ve found the UU community just gets down to what’s important ~ worship, fellowship, service while in community. It is very refreshing.
My brother is a very religious Evangelical. He had Trump signs in his yard in 2016 and enthusiastically talked about Trump and supported him. Because I didn't want any controversy to erupt, I said nothing. In 2020, over a long period of time, my brother gave me and sent me Trump and FOX LYING News propaganda. I pleaded with him to stop. He kept it up all the way even past the 2020 election up to December 3 when he finally stopped. He knew I was not a Trump supporter because I wrote political Letters to the Editors which were published in local newspapers. My articles were all against Trump and calling out the TRUTH about him. In 2020, because I didn't support Trump, my brother said to me: "You chose to be of the darkness and not of the light." That was such a hurtful thing to say to me being I am a devoted Christian. Every single day, I pray for deliverance of all those who are afflicted with the Trump CULT Mentality and I pray for their healing and that they will see the TRUTH. 🙏 I hope that many more people will pray similar intentions.
As a non-Christian, it was helpful to hear Tim Alberta speak about the Evangelical perspective. This idea of a real battle between the darkness and the light. In Buddhism, this is very similar. It seems to me, having read The New Testament and The Old, that Jesus chose to lean toward the light - calling on people to find it, choose it, in and for themselves and operate from that place in our daily lives. Not forcing it on others. Certainly, never with violence and hatred. I don't wish violence on Trump or any of his followers. Brava, to you for writing and speaking out. I hope you can find more like-minded Christians with whom to practice your living faith. 🙏
I agree with Tim. I no longer feel welcome in the church I spent years in because I am a Democrat. A lot of Christians have taken their eyes off God and turned to a man. I feel so sorry for them. They are probably right that they won't see me in heaven, but I'm 100% sure I will be there.
You will be. Jesus is always with you. Ex-communicating you from your church because of your point of view is the least Christlike thing I can think of. Very sorry.
Yes ma'am. I hope to see you there ♥. I do believe though, for those of us who have family members who are lost in "the cult": When their time comes, God will show them their mistakes and they will be shown the harm that was caused as a result. However, they will be forgiven . . . as they have been deceitfully misled and manipulated by those seeking power - at all costs. It is extremely hard though to co-exist with our life partners, when primary core values do not align as a result of that person being manipulated by lies - especially for women because we are built in a way that deep connection with our partners requires trust. And if we can't trust them to see the FACTS, then intimacy (i.e. deep connection) with that person suffers greatly. You are not alone. **hugs**
@@kar1922thank you for your kind reply. It does my heart good to know that I am not alone. It is hard, but the more time passes, the more I am determined that trump and maga are not going to ruin what time I have left with my husband. Thank you again ❤ I appreciate and needed your positive outlook.
@@party_unaffiliated You are so very welcome. I'm not sure why, but something compelled me today to reply to convey this message to you (and others). I further would like to share - - I really feel tRump is going to be defeated in 2024 by the voters. Polls mean nothing - that has been proven in 2022, esp in this case with this tRumplican party. We ARE the SILENT majority. Just because we are not loud and obnoxious and all over social media shouting from the rooftops, this does not make us invisible. - - we WILL turn out 💙💙💙 to save our democracy. Have faith and encourage others to follow to make sure this happens!! ** Hugs to all!! **
I relate to this on a deep personal level. I am a believer without a church. And I’m better off for it, as I have watched family, friends, and loved ones slip into this conspiracy centric world that completely consumed them.
Man is born imperfect. Thus all preachers are born imperfect. You must have a direct relationship with God... without any imperfect middleman who might unknowingly mislead you. “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” - Psalm 51:5 When you face god do not make the mistake of blaming your faulty life upon others... when God himself continuously offered his guidance. Why is the correct path all that difficult to determine?
@@LittleRedDorrit-lc5cm hello brother, i know there must be. Unfortunately, I was raised Southern Baptist. Trump has replaced Jesus in their minds. The head of the Southern Baptist Convention is a Trump fanatic. I went to a Christian college in Ky, all my friends from there except one is lost to that world and it’s heartbreaking for me. I worshipped and had fellowship and prayer meetings and I love them with all my heart, but their hearts have hardened and no amount of trying to teach them the truth makes a difference.
Really, you are not because God's word instructs us to fellowship with other believers, and ultimately, we must obey God. Please don't let the off behavior of some Christians distract you from experiencing the peace and joy of God with other believers (John 14:1,27; John 16:33). It's not always easy, but don't let any personal circumstances or world events distract and dislocate you away from living in the full light, life, and love of God in this wonderful, victorious, and overcoming Christian life!!!
@@kenmason4669 That must be lonely and difficult. You're probably right, you won't find a Southern Baptist group that makes sense now. You're not the only person in this bind, worshiping alone.
I have not heard him talk about the Evangelical teaching of ‘dispensationalism’, which is key to the politics of the ‘faith’ (for lack of a better word).
Is because religion teaches people to believe and not know all the people that is still following trump don't know anything except what they tell them and believe it
What some members of his former congregation chose to do to him (refuse to offer him the same tolerance and forgiveness they freely offer the biggest con man in American history) is identical to what Adam Kinzinger's family did to him. There should be a club... Either way, it doesn't seem like behavior Christ ever engaged in (throwing a family member under the bus). So quaint.
Thank you Kristen for making such a comfortable space for this important conversation. And Thank you Tim, for having the courage and fortitude for this project, and for having the curiosity to ask: "what is this strange thing that I'm seeing here?" You have shed so much light onto what has been one of the confounds of my adult life, seeing my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, and so much leadership in Faith Family not just tolerate Trump, but Love him. Politics is a pollution in all of our temples, and the pain of this era has ultimately brought me closer to the Lord as well. For what it's worth, I believe your Dad to be very proud of you. Regardless of how we feel about it, Truth itself always contains subtlety and complexity, and you have endured a lot to look for the straight lines of Truth through the fog and crookedness and noise of life here. As C.S. Lewis has Aslan warn: "The air is thick there, and it can be difficult to think clearly..." But you have done so very well, Tim. Thank you!
Tim, I’m so so very glad to stumble on this today. Since 2016, I have struggled deeply with reconciling my faith in Christ with what I have experienced in church. COVID time made things worse. I believe that it is important to be a part of a church and to be active in community with other believers. I am disturbed by what I hear and see from those with whom I sit in pews. Where are our hopes set? I cannot believe how far apart we are on such core things. I will forever love Christ and value the fellowship with other believers. I’m praying to find a church and true community where I don’t need to grapple with what you discuss in this episode and most likely in your book. For me. For my children. Many friends of mine are in the same struggle. Please know we appreciate you using your voice to speak up. God be honored.
The other half of the problem that’s besetting the Church is liberal theology (not political liberalism, though they sometimes cross over), and those theologies are NOT Scriptural. The whole state of the Church is largely a wreck, so far as its original purpose. That’s one of the biggest reasons why I firmly believe that we’re rapidly approaching the end of the Church Age, or the Age of Grace, which was described in prophetic passages. The only common ground between these two “halves” of what’s happening, is Scriptural illiteracy. They proclaim a Book to which they are strangers, and some don’t proclaim it at all.
Jerry Falwell Jr. made a transactional deal with trump explains Michael Cohen in his book Disloyal. It is an eye opening account of the dishonesty of the evangelical televangelists.
It goes way back. In the 70s, Anita Bryant went on an anti LGBT crusade to "save our children " from being "recruited" into the "lifestyle ". Sound familiar?
totally wrong against those trying to save whats left of ''true christianity'' and america... jerry falwell senior i believe the best strongest christian leader of all of them.. borders alone since obama and biden and will continue until 2024.. and if ''their kind of democracy'' wins again.. way worse will happen... tim is basically a ''blind' democrat... like so many.. as said above to some.. more wars and leaving one in disaster for any christian ''democracy' country since obama and biden..huge debts you can pay ever, higher prices , total illegal invaders not stopped as promised... are just some of the ''democrat style talking democracy'' that we dont truly have.. tim sounded to me and many like the harvard president [still let to stay at high salary] and the penn pres and mit pres talking the same ''democratic'' gobblygook talk ... democracy? and thats what tim sounds like... ''eyeopening'' is what you should do... we hope.. about the fake democracy fed to you and tim types... its alright if you have no children or family who will live in the new ''third world'' democracy being created... and is happening.. the other wars and more wars now did not start under trump.. and most know that trump had russia and many arab muslim countries starting to talk rather than war... we say please pray for self and tim to ''wake up'' at least to true moral ''evangelism"
I bought Tim Alberta’s book, The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, before it was published. Tim helps explain a lot of what has been happening in the Evangelical church over the past 50 years. It was especially eye-opening reading about Jerry Falwell Sr.and Liberty University. I heartily recommend Tim’s book, I’ll be rereading it for sure.
@@brentneumark995 Let us not lose hope, for our God is just and in due time, the truth is becoming known about those who call themselves Christians. I pray that many will examine themselves to see if they are truly in the faith. Let us also pray that those who are schemers and charlatans will repent before it’s too late. Death awaits all of us and it is in that final court that we will be alone to face a Holy God.
Senanshortt - Friend - you stated you are not a 'believer'.... as one of those 'believers', let me ask you how you know that this man is an 'honest evangelical'??
@@senanshortt5521 Yes, agreed he makes sense when one listens to his words which we understand. There are many things he says that I think are spot on and other things that have personal feelings about it that creep into his words and analysis of Christianity that appear not to be as "factual" as he seems to feel his observations and analysis of his subject are. I can't take everything he states as the concrete truth as things actually are on Christianity. Only Jesus can say something definitely about Christians & Christianity and I know it is THE, Truth with no argument. Such is the way with humans. Have a good one & a great New Year, friend.
@@americanpatriot7247 There is not much to analyze about the American "Christianity", besides that it is over. The Evangelicals will never recover from this rampant abuse of their fellow human beings, nor should they.
Mr. Tim Alberta is a clean breath of fresh air. I have been waiting since 2015 to hear someone with exceptional knowledge of the Bible and a steadfast believer in Jesus to bring an eye opening look at what is happening between the Christian church and and USA politics. If we take this back to the fundamental basics it should be a easy fix. In the Bible there are many verses that speak of not worshipping more than one God. While the foundation of the USA was based on the separation of church and state. Quite simply never shall the two successfully mix. The Bible also says many who should know better shall be deceived.
I admire Tim Alber t a because I'm right there with him. My husband is a pastor and we find it mind boggling how any Christian can support Trump. My faith lies in God...not man...thanks be to God!
getting ppl to support Romney was like pulling teeth even though hes lived a life closer to the 10 commandments than all ,99%, of his detractors yet they all jump head first into supporting a heathen like trump.
Spot on, the hypocrisy and poor morality of people of putting garbage in positions of power is antithetical. Much like the garbage human commenting right above ☝
@@joelrodriguez1232 Feel free to not vote at all then. Or to run your own candidates, 3rd party. BTW, Biden quietly attends church every week. Trump can't quote one Bible verse, because he's never read the Bible, NOR THE CONSTITUTION HE SWORE AN OATH TO.
I love the insight of this Christian man and agree wholeheartedly with his foundational gifting to those who will listen and reflect on what God is speaking thru him. God bless and continue to grow his faith!
Impressive interview. I was pleasantly surprised by both the interviewer and the author. Good job in handling a very prickly subject and I learned a lot.
Thank you Tim and I am praying for you. Jerry Falwell Sr ("Moral Majority"), Franklin Graham, D. Trump, etc and the false teaching of NAR "Dominism" has polluted the white evangelical church with politics. It is time for the church to weed & pray this out and get back to glorifying God and making disciples of Jesus Christ alone, not Trump and not the MAGA cult. This is idolatry!
Exactly. The common denominator & false shepherd is creepy Ralph Reed, longtime merchandiser of Christians, laughing all the way to bank...er, that is, foreign tax haven.
Franklin Graham heads the Samaritans Purse Organization. Just leave the politics out of it, his organization is does GREAT GOOD all over the world. I am not a fan of his father, but the fact that he is heading this great organization that is doing Jesus will speaks all I need to know about the man. I have Democrats that are inside the Church that are also ignorant of the truth.
What do you expect from a church who has embraced an anti-Christ as their savior? Do better? I’m hoping they don’t do worse and re-elect a hate fulled man. I will say donald has learned how to use these ppl for his personal gain.
He mentions the white evangelical church - the cruelty of that church has been documented since slavery. I believe some Christians are finally seeing what many of us have known for a long time: their identity is not Christ. It's whiteness or politics.
The following quote from Friedrich Nietzsche warns about what the state of Evangelicalism in America. "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
Yes... It is very true. That which terrifies even more so; the fact that gazing into what we consider "god" or God invites the same. To accept His "living judgement" can eviscerate many of the trite considerations of men / man-made institutions. Leading others to God, demands a steely shepherd. Leaders bear the greatest burden as purveyors of institutions.
@@Ali-e5h1b Do you believe the Constitution of the United States is to be included in the "trite considerations of men / man-made institutions."? Because many seem to today
Thank you for your comments. I am planning on buying your book and sharing it. You have put into words what has been troubling me for years now. I feel bad that the blind are leading the blind and causing so much havoc. God bless you.
Humans pollute everything good, everything religious, in particular Christianity. Christianity is what it is. But many people see Christianity for what it is NOT -
A father's son! Your father must be looking down on you, proudly. What an upbringing in Christianity showcases in an individual! How could many people not think as such!!! I will read this book.
Now THAT'S the kind of thoughtful, genuine discourse I think of when I read the New Testament. It's not an easy path and Tim Alberta doesn't shy away from it. There's so much to learn about the hows and why of the forces that have abandoned the good news of Jesus for power and domination. 🙏
Thank you Mr. Alberta. I look forward to reading your book. You have touched on a cause of the Republican Party's current dysfunction. VOTE BLUE AMERICA! WE AS AMERICANS DO NOT WANT AMERICA TO BECOME A THEOCRACY.
Really? When did you join the cult. Better yet since you're in a cult you really don't know it. You need to be deprogrammed like the Manson family. You remember old Chuck don't you? @@StephenGrover-zc4hp
Yeah, they weren't so rare when I was little (Gen X). My family of nonbelievers was treated just fine. I think he's right, the 60's and 70's scared the evangelical community, and their fear only grows. This is a prime example of groupthink.
Let him throw the first stone who as never sinned in their life or hold hate. Church is a place I thought to come together with empathy and compassion. To worship in fellowship. And leave division, or acting in anger toward another OUT! of the church. Sad what this young man experienced. 🙏
I am not a believer but have no problem with people of faith at all. I am sorry these fractures have happened. Perhaps people like Tim and yourself can start another movement that more closely follows the example of Jesus. Bet a lot of secularists would join if they were welcome. Good luck to you!
The other half of the problem that’s besetting the Church is liberal theology (not political liberalism, though they sometimes cross over), and those theologies are NOT Scriptural. The whole state of the Church is largely a wreck, so far as its original purpose. That’s one of the biggest reasons why I firmly believe that we’re rapidly approaching the end of the Church Age, or the Age of Grace, which was described in prophetic passages. The only common ground between these two “halves” of what’s happening, is Scriptural illiteracy. They proclaim a Book to which they are strangers, and some don’t proclaim it at all. But be of good faith, you are never alone. In fact, feeling a bit like a “stranger” in these times is actually a good thing. Feeling at home in either of the mentioned environments is the worst possibility.
@@davidwilkins5932)) America is in love with America instead of Christ that said, consumerism hasn't help either. Making God and Jesus as just a Means, instead of God and Jesus being the Goal. By the way, the rapture only happen when filming conditions are optimal usually on the west during summer season's. # Idolatry Jason B. Lincoln, Nebraska
Not only am I now a hard core fan of this man now, but I am also now a fan of this interviewer. This was pure excellence. Now showboating, no nonsense. Bravo/Brava NBC.
I left the organized church in the 70s when I saw the church headed gingerly into the desire for political power. The mixture of Christianity with politics is now turned from a corrupt seed of 50 years ago into a tree which can’t be chopped down. Servanthood would have to actually become the paradigm. Leadership as controllers will have to die. I doubt it will die. That’s why I’m still gone. Leadership almost always morphs away from humility.
Ultimately, they were never the quality or caliber of people they pretended to be and it shows. People eventually reveal who they truly are and should be acknowledged at face value.
This man is so insightful and right on the money with his analysis. It's painful to hear but also so validating that someone is expressing and articulating what has weighed me down for so many years. Falling away from the evangelical church has been the most freeing thing I've ever done in my life.
I've been watching this change in conservative politics for a long, long time. Don't laugh, but it started in the 80s and I noticed it through changes in the NASCAR community. I have always been a fan of racing and I noticed a shift in the moral compass of racers on the national and local level. It started with an implication that cheating was okay if you didn't get caught. Dale Earnhardt Sr. became very popular and went so far as to develop a dirty driving style that became not only acceptable but the ideal. His son recently talked about his desire to have team members that cheated ensuring he would have a competitive car. There is something broken when people of either the far left or far right are okay with a win-at-all-cost mentality.
I agree with you, but the brokenness began in Eden when the devil tempted Eve to rebel, saying "surely you won't die". This willingness to compromise and believe the lies, all for power and a moment of glory, is human nature. Only Christ can set our moral compass upright. I feel that the Christian Nationalism political movement has infected the church in America. That win at all cost mentality in our society got us to this point, that willingness to accept lies for the truth and to believe that God would continue to bless us. It's a form of self righteousness, that belief that one is above the consequences of cheating, or the end justifies the means, and that God is obliged to answer our prayers.
Bummer! I used to like NASCAR! But when it seemed to be associated more with the MAGA movement, I kinda lost interest. Now I know why they seemed to have hooked up.😢
It's interesting to me the depths of spiritual ignorance amongst my brethren. 1. The belief that the election of a particular person to presidency is equivalent to being anointed by God is deeply flawed. Ancient Israel went through spaits of good and evil kings only to be lead into captivity and political subservience. 2. Moralistic fundalmentalis of the Law betrayed Christ. The Apostle Paul repented and became Christ's most influential advocate on Earth. 3. Many attempts have been made upon the Gospel by so-called adherents and defenders of the faith. Remember the Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, pulgroms, or ethnic cleansing? 4. Separation of Church and State is a bedrock tenant. Religious zealots are detrimental to our Democratic-Republic.
I read both of hisbooks they tell it like it really is God Bless him. FINALLY SOMEONE WITH ENOUGH BACK BONE TO TELL IT LIKE IT IS. What really bothers me is people like Franklin Graham worshiping a man like Trump and misleading so many people. IT breaks my heart.He actually thinks that Trump can do no wrong.
They listen to 'Q' thinking it's some all-knowing insider when it's really a Russian subversion plot, trying to split the US down the middle. And the plot is working perfectly.
Glenn Beck, right-wing media host, leads the charge with "Mormon Exceptionalism" which is basically the LDS version of white supremacy. Beck has attracted the Evangelical radicals and has swept his politics across the neo-conservative Prepper movement. I have lost friends to this cult-like thinking. It's quite heart-breaking.
This is without question one of the best interviews I have ever seen in general, and the single best interview in terms of explaining Christianity in the context of the 2016 presidential election. And the point about covid and the shutdowns triggering an end times, siege mentality? I love that. I had never thought about that ever and that is exactly right. Great great job.
I have never understood how anyone could equate a virus with the end times. Through history the world has faced many epidemics that killed millions of people. Evidently people of our times feel we are so special that the end is near because we are facing a pandemic, our life styles are disrupted.
This is a fantastic interview!! Kristen Welker handled her guest, Tim Alberta, and this subject matter with such care and grace. She posed excellent questions and gave lots of time for responses. I read Tim Alberta’s book and want to buy it and give to all the evangelicals in my family who have fallen under the T****/GOP spell. They are now cult followers. I never thought my family would be on the wrong side of history. It’s heartbreaking, yet Tim’s new book has finally provided me with a well-researched tool to try and reach them. Now, this interview adds more information to my personal quest. Thank you Kristen, thank you Tim! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
It's a sad day, he said that he believes a lot of them are good people in their hearts, what good is that when you sit and see and hear the ugly things said by trump and keep silent how is that good and will allow him to continue because of what they feel he will get them, their so called freedom back that is to be in power over the people to make them conform to the pure and religious past as the it was known to be at what ever cost.
It's as if the Evangelical Christians hired the Big Bully of the neighborhood. "The Bully Is On Our Side Now, SO LOOK OUT LIBS!" This has become an intoxicating drug to them. A drug they refuse to give up. I identify so so much with what Tim feels and is experiencing. I have grieved and cried for a few years now. Actually, I've gone through some of the steps of grieving. Sadness, then Anger, back to sadness. I just can't shake it. It permiates my thoughts on a daily basis, all day and night. I left my church. Almost all my friends and family have gotten sucked in, and it makes me so depressed. My whole adult life was saturated with Evangelical Activity, so my whole world was turned upside down. I search for any of my past mentors and/or authors, pastors, and leaders, who have NOT fallen into this. I feel so betrayed. Thank God for Philip Yancey and Russell Moore,and the very few who have not fallen for the Criminal Conman Donald Trump.
They are in a cult And have been rendered numb to true Christianity. They love passing hate and division around like a plate of cookies. I am so sorry that they were so eager to hurt you in your mournful time ! ❤️
I experienced the “vulnerable adversary” moment more than once: After miscarrying a child and after my best friend was murdered. I’m so sorry for what you’ve experienced, Tim, and love that you have taken that horrible experience and are using it to soak up for the truth. I eventually left the evangelical community and have found fellowship among an Orthodox church with majority immigrant attendance.
Omg Tim....very well said. You are a true man of God. Praise God. May all the MAGA people's eyes be opened to the REAL truth....JESUS. Bless your heart Tim.
Their eyes will never be open because they are like the walking dead the moment they stopped following Jesus and begin following trump believing that he can save the from the evils of the down fall of America they sealed their doom. Because our God said to have no other God.
I am beyond relieved that my staunch Republican sister sees right through this man. She's an Episcopalian I was raised the same way. I do not consider us liberals. We are a very conservative family. But we can see right through these people, and I love CS Lewis.
Years of preaching futurist theology, coming persecution, etc. Evangelicals have been taught that they'll face great persecution before the "rapture" so they look for it everywhere.
I attended Liberty online and at my graduation in 2019 was met with such hostility from the White female classmates that surrounded me, I was shocked and dropped out of my masters program, which I had started. I expected so much better from those I thought were my brothers and sisters in Christ. I appreciate Tim's honesty and character.
Half of American Christianity turned it's back on Jesus and Love Your Neighbor to support slavery, white supremacy, the Confederacy, and oligarchy (large plantation owners) back in the 1850s and before. These are churches that still object to racial reconciliation (disguised as anti-CRT, etc,). They talk "inerrancy" and "literalism" but ignore Love Your Neighbor. Black churches, even within the same denomination also tend to talk "inerrancy" and "literalism" but they emphasize Jesus and Love Your Neighbor. Tim calls the shots pretty well but tends to bury the raw bigotry and bigotry in service to Oligarchy. In my view, bigotry is the original sin that accepts all corruption in service to white supremacy.
Tim's comments about the domination of the nation by the church were right on. Remember that the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which was made up of Puritan Christians who had been persecuted by the Church of England, was one of the most legalistic and tyrannical places to live. Anyone who held any different beliefs than the norm for the area was punished, or exiled, or even killed (the accused "witches" in Salem). I'm quite sure that when the Founders wrote up the Establishment Clause in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was very much on their minds. Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of this world. No earthly nation, no matter how good a place it may be, is, or can be, God's Kingdom. Our job here is to be Jesus to others...and I firmly believe that if we model Him as best we can, others will see that and be drawn to Him. Hatred and domination has no part of that, because Jesus taught exactly the opposite. And bonus: The more people who model Christ in a society, the better that society becomes by default. The catch is that you can't aim for the better society and use Christianity as the means to get there; you have to focus only on Jesus!
Yours is the voice of Christians I have admired, though I am not Christian. To me, there are many paths to being a loving, principled, strong advocate for goodness. I took a screen shot of your comment here, because it inspires me, teaches me and shows me there are still Christians that are forces for good. Thank you.
Although I do, do not share your evangel local roots, I completely respect what you are doing, and what you stand for. And this is how it should work. Respecting diversity. Hopefully you will get through to some of the Kool-Aid cult members. Keep sharing. You do a great job.❤
This is not just Evangelicals either. I’ve been hearing the same rhetoric of fear and doomsday among so many of my LDS family members. It’s so sad to hear real Christianity being put aside to protect the power of religious institutions.
satan is a liar and a murderer he presents himself as an angel of light and he is the master of deception. As believers we must have a spirit of discernment to recognize how satan can slip inside our churches and idolize a man instead of worshiping Jesus. Lets pray for peace and unity and love in our churches during these trying times! ❤🙏
This was so insightful. Tim has answered my question as what has happened to the evangelicals who has believed in Trump's bologna! I am a Christian and I definitely would never even consider voting for him. Sadly, there's been a few incidences in my life where I've had to stay away from friends, family members, and other people because of their crazy, warped political views. God help us! The interesting thing is God is not worried as Tim has said.
I am both mystified and heartbroken by what I have seen in the evangelical church I have spent my life in. To see friends and family go down the Trump rabbit hole has been both painful and maddening. When I said I was voting for Joe Biden, a friend who had known mefor 40 years asked me on social media when I had become a baby killer. I so agree with what he is saying.
I am a devoted Christian who prays every day and tries my best to do what God wants me to do, to think what God wants me to think. I strive to love all people and forgive all of those who have harmed me. As such, it is almost impossible to find a church that worships Jesus instead of trump. I even tried going back to my Catholic Church and the priest was spouting right wing propaganda. I go to a non-denominational church now and I realize I'm surrounded by people who are violating the first commandment by adoring a man who is a con man and is the antithesis of Christ. I try to ignore who I am surrounded by and just pray their eyes will be opened. I tell God in my heart I am there for him but I have little in common with most of those who surround me in church whom I know walk out of that building and get online to slander anyone not in their cult.
Of course NOT for they are some of the ones doing the misleading and lying to these same christians. They don't want to be exposed on air by Tim Alberta.
Evangelicals were not "looking the other way" and "wishing it away",.... they actively supported and enabled Trump all along the way. They still do.
Yep they cheer everytime Trump does damage to America.
Not all of us…
@@dulainelough2399but WAY too many
@@dulainelough2399 Well that’s good news! I always wondered how Christians, who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus, can support and vote for Republicans. Republicans in our government certainly don’t vote for legislation that actually helps the poor, the hungry, the homeless, immigrants, or the “widows and orphans”. They are Christians in name only.
@@msdixie1 You may be right, but I would encourage you not to judge a philosophy (or theology) by those who abuse it.
Risking the loss of your community to help save your community takes a great deal of strength.
I believe in Jesus Christ period.
@@lickwidnyc But as he points out, are you Christian or try to be Christ-like? Like Tim, my experiences with maga Christians have been of judgment, then aggression then shunning behavior for not praising a dishonest false idol who attempted to break the Constitution! None of which Christ would approve of.
Remember early on in Covid, that church choir who practiced together and they all came down with Covid - several died? They *could* have stayed home in safety and practiced their hymns there. They could have realized that a pandemic is nothing to encourage with close contact and singing - our grandfathers knew this from the 1918 flu outbreak. Instead, they ignorantly tempted fate. If the 'community' is a valid one, it would survive a few weeks off of being together.
@@lickwidnyc Great but if you follow Trump you have embraced a false and evil idol
I’m currently in a huge disagreement with my mom who’s also an evangelical pastor. Honestly this issue has caused me to leave church. I’m questioning my beliefs (not my faith). I think about this almost everyday. I can’t stand the hypocrisy of the church when it comes to politics. Personally I believe that any pastor that turns their pulpit into a political stage is desecrating its holiness & polluting the congregation. The cherry on top for me was to see Trump mocking Mr Pilosi when he was almost killed. That is NOT a Christian & will never be. Trump is so obviously using evangelicals it’s shameful. I wouldn’t have wished what happen to Mr Pelosi on him or any of his family members. In my eyes Trump has nothing but disgraced the White House and this country& and I am a republican! (Was I should say) My vote & my wish will be for the Biden administration to stay in power another 4 years. Can’t wait until this nation stops talking about Trump in every channel everyday
I'm sorry you're going through that! I know how it felt when I realized so much about my mom. I doubt Trump will run again in four years, but someone of his ilk probably will. The evangelical community is in distress. It sounds like Tim Alberta has seen a lot of what you're experiencing. Insight was what I needed when something happened to me, that's why I'm saying this. I haven't read it, but it might be just what you need right now.
Biden Is a Baby Killer; Full Stop
I'm glad to hear your faith is strong. I'm not Christian or Republican but I deeply respect Jesus' message of The New Testament. I hope you can find a place to gather with other like-minded Christians and practice your faith in community. Where are THOSE churches? We need to hear more of those voices! Take care.
@@greentara291~ I have found the Unitarian Universalist congregation in my town as a very welcoming sanctuary for folks of any denomination who for whatever reason feel unwelcome or out of step with the faith tradition/community they grew up with. I’ve found the UU community just gets down to what’s important ~ worship, fellowship, service while in community. It is very refreshing.
Amen 🫶👌🏻🙏💕
My brother is a very religious Evangelical. He had Trump signs in his yard in 2016 and enthusiastically talked about Trump and supported him. Because I didn't want any controversy to erupt, I said nothing. In 2020, over a long period of time, my brother gave me and sent me Trump and FOX LYING News propaganda. I pleaded with him to stop. He kept it up all the way even past the 2020 election up to December 3 when he finally stopped. He knew I was not a Trump supporter because I wrote political Letters to the Editors which were published in local newspapers. My articles were all against Trump and calling out the TRUTH about him. In 2020, because I didn't support Trump, my brother said to me: "You chose to be of the darkness and not of the light." That was such a hurtful thing to say to me being I am a devoted Christian. Every single day, I pray for deliverance of all those who are afflicted with the Trump CULT Mentality and I pray for their healing and that they will see the TRUTH. 🙏 I hope that many more people will pray similar intentions.
I've had similar experiences, hang in there and keep telling your truth
@@gosburn4872 Thank you for the encouragement.
As a non-Christian, it was helpful to hear Tim Alberta speak about the Evangelical perspective. This idea of a real battle between the darkness and the light. In Buddhism, this is very similar. It seems to me, having read The New Testament and The Old, that Jesus chose to lean toward the light - calling on people to find it, choose it, in and for themselves and operate from that place in our daily lives. Not forcing it on others. Certainly, never with violence and hatred. I don't wish violence on Trump or any of his followers. Brava, to you for writing and speaking out. I hope you can find more like-minded Christians with whom to practice your living faith. 🙏
@@greentara291 Thank you for your kind and enlightened response and for your encouragement. It was very significant to me. Blessings to you.
@@dianebannister4591 and to you. Thanks for your blessing!
I agree with Tim. I no longer feel welcome in the church I spent years in because I am a Democrat. A lot of Christians have taken their eyes off God and turned to a man. I feel so sorry for them. They are probably right that they won't see me in heaven, but I'm 100% sure I will be there.
You will be. Jesus is always with you. Ex-communicating you from your church because of your point of view is the least Christlike thing I can think of. Very sorry.
Many Ha\/e Turned To a Politi[al Party Away From The Man Jesus
Yes ma'am. I hope to see you there ♥. I do believe though, for those of us who have family members who are lost in "the cult": When their time comes, God will show them their mistakes and they will be shown the harm that was caused as a result. However, they will be forgiven . . . as they have been deceitfully misled and manipulated by those seeking power - at all costs.
It is extremely hard though to co-exist with our life partners, when primary core values do not align as a result of that person being manipulated by lies - especially for women because we are built in a way that deep connection with our partners requires trust. And if we can't trust them to see the FACTS, then intimacy (i.e. deep connection) with that person suffers greatly. You are not alone. **hugs**
@@kar1922thank you for your kind reply. It does my heart good to know that I am not alone. It is hard, but the more time passes, the more I am determined that trump and maga are not going to ruin what time I have left with my husband. Thank you again ❤ I appreciate and needed your positive outlook.
@@party_unaffiliated You are so very welcome. I'm not sure why, but something compelled me today to reply to convey this message to you (and others). I further would like to share - - I really feel tRump is going to be defeated in 2024 by the voters. Polls mean nothing - that has been proven in 2022, esp in this case with this tRumplican party. We ARE the SILENT majority. Just because we are not loud and obnoxious and all over social media shouting from the rooftops, this does not make us invisible. - - we WILL turn out 💙💙💙 to save our democracy. Have faith and encourage others to follow to make sure this happens!! ** Hugs to all!! **
I relate to this on a deep personal level. I am a believer without a church. And I’m better off for it, as I have watched family, friends, and loved ones slip into this conspiracy centric world that completely consumed them.
Man is born imperfect. Thus all preachers are born imperfect. You must have a direct relationship with God... without any imperfect middleman who might unknowingly mislead you. “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.” - Psalm 51:5
When you face god do not make the mistake of blaming your faulty life upon others... when God himself continuously offered his guidance.
Why is the correct path all that difficult to determine?
There are good churches out there. Not all buy into the conspiracy world.
@@LittleRedDorrit-lc5cm hello brother, i know there must be. Unfortunately, I was raised Southern Baptist. Trump has replaced Jesus in their minds. The head of the Southern Baptist Convention is a Trump fanatic.
I went to a Christian college in Ky, all my friends from there except one is lost to that world and it’s heartbreaking for me. I worshipped and had fellowship and prayer meetings and I love them with all my heart, but their hearts have hardened and no amount of trying to teach them the truth makes a difference.
Really, you are not because God's word instructs us to fellowship with other believers, and ultimately, we must obey God. Please don't let the off behavior of some Christians distract you from experiencing the peace and joy of God with other believers (John 14:1,27; John 16:33). It's not always easy, but don't let any personal circumstances or world events distract and dislocate you away from living in the full light, life, and love of God in this wonderful, victorious, and overcoming Christian life!!!
@@kenmason4669 That must be lonely and difficult. You're probably right, you won't find a Southern Baptist group that makes sense now. You're not the only person in this bind, worshiping alone.
I love Tim Alberta and his clear thinking. 🇺🇸
I have not heard him talk about the Evangelical teaching of ‘dispensationalism’, which is key to the politics of the ‘faith’ (for lack of a better word).
As an Evangelical, I totally agree with Tim. I have been mystified as to why people I know and love are still behind Trump. This was so helpful!!
You American?
@@mikeanderson7549probably more so than you and also a true Christian
Is because religion teaches people to believe and not know all the people that is still following trump don't know anything except what they tell them and believe it
power is your answer
"For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many."
And this name comes as trump
So many people are saying that Trump is Gods chosen one for this nation. They’ve been so blinded that they don’t realize they have turned him into god
@@samplautz5586They obviously haven't read the parts of the scriptures that relate to people, even the 'elect,' being deceived.
What some members of his former congregation chose to do to him (refuse to offer him the same tolerance and forgiveness they freely offer the biggest con man in American history) is identical to what Adam Kinzinger's family did to him. There should be a club... Either way, it doesn't seem like behavior Christ ever engaged in (throwing a family member under the bus). So quaint.
Such a beautiful clear mind. he knows who he is. I admire that
Thank you Kristen for making such a comfortable space for this important conversation. And Thank you Tim, for having the courage and fortitude for this project, and for having the curiosity to ask: "what is this strange thing that I'm seeing here?" You have shed so much light onto what has been one of the confounds of my adult life, seeing my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, and so much leadership in Faith Family not just tolerate Trump, but Love him. Politics is a pollution in all of our temples, and the pain of this era has ultimately brought me closer to the Lord as well. For what it's worth, I believe your Dad to be very proud of you. Regardless of how we feel about it, Truth itself always contains subtlety and complexity, and you have endured a lot to look for the straight lines of Truth through the fog and crookedness and noise of life here. As C.S. Lewis has Aslan warn: "The air is thick there, and it can be difficult to think clearly..." But you have done so very well, Tim. Thank you!
Tim, I’m so so very glad to stumble on this today.
Since 2016, I have struggled deeply with reconciling my faith in Christ with what I have experienced in church. COVID time made things worse. I believe that it is important to be a part of a church and to be active in community with other believers. I am disturbed by what I hear and see from those with whom
I sit in pews. Where are our hopes set? I cannot believe how far apart we are on such core things.
I will forever love Christ and value the fellowship with other believers. I’m praying to find a church and true community where I don’t need to grapple with what you discuss in this episode and most likely in your book. For me. For my children. Many friends of mine are in the same struggle. Please know we appreciate you using your voice to speak up. God be honored.
The other half of the problem that’s besetting the Church is liberal theology (not political liberalism, though they sometimes cross over), and those theologies are NOT Scriptural. The whole state of the Church is largely a wreck, so far as its original purpose. That’s one of the biggest reasons why I firmly believe that we’re rapidly approaching the end of the Church Age, or the Age of Grace, which was described in prophetic passages. The only common ground between these two “halves” of what’s happening, is Scriptural illiteracy. They proclaim a Book to which they are strangers, and some don’t proclaim it at all.
As a Canadian believer I feel for you. I'd never want to be a Christian in america.
Try the Unitarian-Universalists. They're far more educated than Trump's supporters.
This is excellent! Churches are strange places now.
Tim Alberta is a great spokesman for true Christianity. Wonderful job of expressing Christian truth,
Mr. Alberta!!
If the “real “pastors stood up and spoke the truth BUT the leaders are sucking on trumps financial teat !!!!!!
Jerry Falwell Jr. made a transactional deal with trump explains Michael Cohen in his book Disloyal. It is an eye opening account of the dishonesty of the evangelical televangelists.
It goes way back. In the 70s, Anita Bryant went on an anti LGBT crusade to "save our children " from being "recruited" into the "lifestyle ".
Sound familiar?
For now I'd say its his own dishonesty.
totally wrong against those trying to save whats left of ''true christianity'' and america... jerry falwell senior i believe the best strongest christian leader of all of them.. borders alone since obama and biden and will continue until 2024..
and if ''their kind of democracy'' wins again.. way worse will happen...
tim is basically a ''blind' democrat... like so many..
as said above to some.. more wars and leaving one in disaster for any christian ''democracy' country since obama and biden..huge debts you can pay ever, higher prices , total illegal invaders not stopped as promised...
are just some of the ''democrat style talking democracy'' that we dont truly have..
tim sounded to me and many like the harvard president [still let to stay at high salary] and the penn pres and mit pres talking the same ''democratic'' gobblygook talk ... democracy? and thats what tim sounds like...
''eyeopening'' is what you should do... we hope.. about the fake democracy fed to you and tim types... its alright if you have no children or family who will live in the new ''third world'' democracy being created... and is happening..
the other wars and more wars now did not start under trump.. and most know that trump had russia and many arab muslim countries starting to talk rather than war... we say please pray for self and tim to ''wake up'' at least to true
moral ''evangelism"
@@ElenGinden-yr3lpTelevangelists are known for being dishonest.
Lots of people need to hear this!
I bought Tim Alberta’s book, The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, before it was published. Tim helps explain a lot of what has been happening in the Evangelical church over the past 50 years. It was especially eye-opening reading about Jerry Falwell Sr.and Liberty University. I heartily recommend Tim’s book, I’ll be rereading it for sure.
There are millions of us in the U.S. and the world, as Christians, are in agreement with you.
@@brentneumark995 Let us not lose hope, for our God is just and in due time, the truth is becoming known about those who call themselves Christians. I pray that many will examine themselves to see if they are truly in the faith. Let us also pray that those who are schemers and charlatans will repent before it’s too late. Death awaits all of us and it is in that final court that we will be alone to face a Holy God.
Tim Alberta is exactly spot on. This interview is really enlightening. God Bless Tim Alberta.
Trump and Covid take a lot of me but knowing that Evangelical Christians follow Trump is
Taking life out of me.
Not all of us are MAGA Christians! Many still believe in the wokeness, love, kindness and forgiveness of Jesus!
@@juneramirez8580 Amen!!
I’m not “a believer” but I have some respect for this man as the only honest evangelical I’ve heard speak
Senanshortt - Friend - you stated you are not a 'believer'.... as one of those 'believers', let me ask you how you know that this man is an 'honest evangelical'??
@@americanpatriot7247 I’ve heard him on a few interviews and what he says is consistent and makes relative sense
@@senanshortt5521 Yes, agreed he makes sense when one listens to his words which we understand. There are many things he says that I think are spot on and other things that have personal feelings about it that creep into his words and analysis of Christianity that appear not to be as "factual" as he seems to feel his observations and analysis of his subject are. I can't take everything he states as the concrete truth as things actually are on Christianity. Only Jesus can say something definitely about Christians & Christianity and I know it is THE, Truth with no argument. Such is the way with humans. Have a good one & a great New Year, friend.
@senanshortt5521 Honest evangelical? Sounds like an oxymoron to me.😂
There is not much to analyze about the American "Christianity", besides that it is over.
The Evangelicals will never recover from this rampant abuse of their fellow human beings, nor should they.
Mr. Tim Alberta is a clean breath of fresh air. I have been waiting since 2015 to hear someone with exceptional knowledge of the Bible and a steadfast believer in Jesus to bring an eye opening look at what is happening between the Christian church and and USA politics. If we take this back to the fundamental basics it should be a easy fix. In the Bible there are many verses that speak of not worshipping more than one God. While the foundation of the USA was based on the separation of church and state. Quite simply never shall the two successfully mix. The Bible also says many who should know better shall be deceived.
It many “ Christian’s” with balls
"Turning a church into a Fox News segment" Tim is a wonderful word master
Thank You Tim. Truth spoken.
I admire Tim Alber t a because I'm right there with him. My husband is a pastor and we find it mind boggling how any Christian can support Trump. My faith lies in God...not man...thanks be to God!
Exactly, it is in God, and he is speaking to us today.
getting ppl to support Romney was like pulling teeth even though hes lived a life closer to the 10 commandments than all ,99%, of his detractors yet they all jump head first into supporting a heathen like trump.
Hopefully you're making the case that Christians should be apolitical. I cannot imagine that the Christian thing to do is to vote for Biden.
Spot on, the hypocrisy and poor morality of people of putting garbage in positions of power is antithetical. Much like the garbage human commenting right above ☝
@@joelrodriguez1232 Feel free to not vote at all then. Or to run your own candidates, 3rd party. BTW, Biden quietly attends church every week. Trump can't quote one Bible verse, because he's never read the Bible, NOR THE CONSTITUTION HE SWORE AN OATH TO.
I love the insight of this Christian man and agree wholeheartedly with his foundational gifting to those who will listen and reflect on what God is speaking thru him. God bless and continue to grow his faith!
I’m a nonbeliever and I have so much respect for Mr Alberta, a true Christian.
Jesus had no "foundations" because they are worldly, wrong to begin with and bound to go downhill from there.
Nothing says counterfeit Christian like American evangelism. They make me physically ill.
Impressive interview. I was pleasantly surprised by both the interviewer and the author. Good job in handling a very prickly subject and I learned a lot.
Kudos to brother Tim. Like him, I am not a Christian because of Christians, but because of Jesus Christ.
Thank you Tim and I am praying for you.
Jerry Falwell Sr ("Moral Majority"), Franklin Graham, D. Trump, etc and the false teaching of NAR "Dominism" has polluted the white evangelical church with politics. It is time for the church to weed & pray this out and get back to glorifying God and making disciples of Jesus Christ alone, not Trump and not the MAGA cult. This is idolatry!
Its called Mental ILLNESS!!!
Exactly. The common denominator & false shepherd is creepy Ralph Reed, longtime merchandiser of Christians, laughing all the way to bank...er, that is, foreign tax haven.
Franklin Graham heads the Samaritans Purse Organization. Just leave the politics out of it, his organization is does GREAT GOOD all over the world. I am not a fan of his father, but the fact that he is heading this great organization that is doing Jesus will speaks all I need to know about the man. I have Democrats that are inside the Church that are also ignorant of the truth.
I am shocked and horrified that anyone wanted to debate someone at their fathers funeral. 😢 tragic. We need to be and do better.
What do you expect from a church who has embraced an anti-Christ as their savior?
Do better? I’m hoping they don’t do worse and re-elect a hate fulled man.
I will say donald has learned how to use these ppl for his personal gain.
He mentions the white evangelical church - the cruelty of that church has been documented since slavery. I believe some Christians are finally seeing what many of us have known for a long time: their identity is not Christ. It's whiteness or politics.
Maybe you should question your faith. It’s a lot easier to understand how hateful and dumb the religion is after you’ve left it.
The following quote from Friedrich Nietzsche warns about what the state of Evangelicalism in America.
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you."
Yes... It is very true. That which terrifies even more so; the fact that gazing into what we consider "god" or God invites the same. To accept His "living judgement" can eviscerate many of the trite considerations of men / man-made institutions.
Leading others to God, demands a steely shepherd. Leaders bear the greatest burden as purveyors of institutions.
LOL. But very true.
@@Ali-e5h1b Do you believe the Constitution of the United States is to be included in the "trite considerations of men / man-made institutions."? Because many seem to today
Apparently I have succumbed to this.
Nietzsche is critical thinking which is sometimes difficult to pair with belief, but this is completely necessary to be a true believer.
Thank you for your comments. I am planning on buying your book and sharing it. You have put into words what has been troubling me for years now. I feel bad that the blind are leading the blind and causing so much havoc. God bless you.
Christianity has become, or maybe always has been, the exact opposite of who Jesus was supposed to be.
yea if he ever did come back they'd be the first people who would smite for being a party to genocide.
For example healthcare... only the nuns got that right...
I think it's always been that way, the faiths history is just basically religious war and nasty oppression
Humans pollute everything good, everything religious, in particular Christianity.
Christianity is what it is. But many people see Christianity for what it is NOT -
Thank you that was powerful Jesus said then you shall walk in the truth and the truth shall set you free thank you again.❤
A father's son! Your father must be looking down on you, proudly. What an upbringing in Christianity showcases in an individual! How could many people not think as such!!! I will read this book.
Now THAT'S the kind of thoughtful, genuine discourse I think of when I read the New Testament. It's not an easy path and Tim Alberta doesn't shy away from it. There's so much to learn about the hows and why of the forces that have abandoned the good news of Jesus for power and domination. 🙏
Thank you for writing this and finally someone speaking on national tv about the thoughts I've had sitting in church perplexed.
Ms. Welcher is a top notch anchor person and interviewer. Thank you so much! What a superior interview!
Thanks for sharing Tim.
A group of religious zealots becoming radicalized, imagine that?
Thank you Mr. Alberta. I look forward to reading your book. You have touched on a cause of the Republican Party's current dysfunction. VOTE BLUE AMERICA! WE AS AMERICANS DO NOT WANT AMERICA TO BECOME A THEOCRACY.
So vote GREEN, Blue is NO DIFFERENT than red. They BOTH support GENOCIDE. Take off your blinders.
They sure got you fooled!😅😢😮
Really? When did you join the cult. Better yet since you're in a cult you really don't know it. You need to be deprogrammed like the Manson family. You remember old Chuck don't you? @@StephenGrover-zc4hp
Tell me why I, as someone who believes that all humans have equal right from conception to death, should vote blue and not red.
Wow! A true Christian evangelical man. Much respect for him.
Yeah, they weren't so rare when I was little (Gen X). My family of nonbelievers was treated just fine. I think he's right, the 60's and 70's scared the evangelical community, and their fear only grows. This is a prime example of groupthink.
Excellent discussion! I've been saying this, too. I'm praying for you. Keep speaking the truth. Some will hear you and see the light.
I found this so wise, helpful and reassuring. God bless this gentleman 🙏🌈
Alberta’s long-form interviews for Frontline are really worth watching, too! Clear and convincing.
So true! He is very compelling.
Thanks! I'll look for them.
Let him throw the first stone who as never sinned in their life or hold hate.
Church is a place I thought to come together with empathy and compassion. To worship in fellowship. And leave division, or acting in anger toward another OUT! of the church.
Sad what this young man experienced.
Stay strong Tim! Thank you! You are an inspiration.
Thank you, Tim, from a white evangelical conservative Christian. It is maddening.
What white evangelical Christianity?
Is that found in the Bible?
@@joelrodriguez1232my comment was in response to Tim’s wording in his video. It was meant to provide context.
@@dhuff2459it was meant to virtue signal the race baiting progressive dems who unabashedly use the race card to divide us
I am not a believer but have no problem with people of faith at all. I am sorry these fractures have happened. Perhaps people like Tim and yourself can start another movement that more closely follows the example of Jesus. Bet a lot of secularists would join if they were welcome. Good luck to you!
Not "something has gone awry" Total implosion!
Tim Alberta I agree 100 % of everything you are saying and I find it hard in my church to see these things. I often feel alone !!!
I have felt SO ALONE all these years.
The other half of the problem that’s besetting the Church is liberal theology (not political liberalism, though they sometimes cross over), and those theologies are NOT Scriptural. The whole state of the Church is largely a wreck, so far as its original purpose. That’s one of the biggest reasons why I firmly believe that we’re rapidly approaching the end of the Church Age, or the Age of Grace, which was described in prophetic passages. The only common ground between these two “halves” of what’s happening, is Scriptural illiteracy. They proclaim a Book to which they are strangers, and some don’t proclaim it at all.
But be of good faith, you are never alone. In fact, feeling a bit like a “stranger” in these times is actually a good thing. Feeling at home in either of the mentioned environments is the worst possibility.
@@davidwilkins5932)) America is in love with America instead of Christ that said, consumerism hasn't help either. Making God and Jesus as just a Means, instead of God and Jesus being the Goal.
By the way, the rapture only happen when filming conditions are optimal usually on the west during summer season's.
# Idolatry
Jason B.
Lincoln, Nebraska
Not only am I now a hard core fan of this man now, but I am also now a fan of this interviewer. This was pure excellence. Now showboating, no nonsense. Bravo/Brava NBC.
I left the organized church in the 70s when I saw the church headed gingerly into the desire for political power. The mixture of Christianity with politics is now turned from a corrupt seed of 50 years ago into a tree which can’t be chopped down. Servanthood would have to actually become the paradigm. Leadership as controllers will have to die. I doubt it will die. That’s why I’m still gone. Leadership almost always morphs away from humility.
This was amazing
Ultimately, they were never the quality or caliber of people they pretended to be and it shows. People eventually reveal who they truly are and should be acknowledged at face value.
You've said exactly what I have been trying to say. I'm not good with putting words together so effectively. thanks
Can't fake it til you make it forever
I’m not a “believer” but I am really glad that i watched this. It helps explain so-called religious people can be trump fans. Scary stuff.
This man is so insightful and right on the money with his analysis. It's painful to hear but also so validating that someone is expressing and articulating what has weighed me down for so many years. Falling away from the evangelical church has been the most freeing thing I've ever done in my life.
Great interview, and very important message! I'll have to check out Tim's book. Keep doing what you're doing.
Love this,it's so right on to what's going on with religion.
This man speaks the truth
I'm so glad he brought up America as an idol for many Christians. It's disheartening.
I've been watching this change in conservative politics for a long, long time. Don't laugh, but it started in the 80s and I noticed it through changes in the NASCAR community. I have always been a fan of racing and I noticed a shift in the moral compass of racers on the national and local level. It started with an implication that cheating was okay if you didn't get caught. Dale Earnhardt Sr. became very popular and went so far as to develop a dirty driving style that became not only acceptable but the ideal. His son recently talked about his desire to have team members that cheated ensuring he would have a competitive car. There is something broken when people of either the far left or far right are okay with a win-at-all-cost mentality.
I agree with you, but the brokenness began in Eden when the devil tempted Eve to rebel, saying "surely you won't die". This willingness to compromise and believe the lies, all for power and a moment of glory, is human nature. Only Christ can set our moral compass upright. I feel that the Christian Nationalism political movement has infected the church in America. That win at all cost mentality in our society got us to this point, that willingness to accept lies for the truth and to believe that God would continue to bless us. It's a form of self righteousness, that belief that one is above the consequences of cheating, or the end justifies the means, and that God is obliged to answer our prayers.
Bummer! I used to like NASCAR! But when it seemed to be associated more with the MAGA movement, I kinda lost interest. Now I know why they seemed to have hooked up.😢
It's interesting to me the depths of spiritual ignorance amongst my brethren.
1. The belief that the election of a particular person to presidency is equivalent to being anointed by God is deeply flawed. Ancient Israel went through spaits of good and evil kings only to be lead into captivity and political subservience.
2. Moralistic fundalmentalis of the Law betrayed Christ. The Apostle Paul repented and became Christ's most influential advocate on Earth.
3. Many attempts have been made upon the Gospel by so-called adherents and defenders of the faith. Remember the Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, pulgroms, or ethnic cleansing?
4. Separation of Church and State is a bedrock tenant. Religious zealots are detrimental to our Democratic-Republic.
Also detrimental to church. By peddling Trump lies, Christians have hurt the cause.
Thanks, Tim. we know Jesus is about all about love, not hate. Churches should want to bring in God's people, not drive them away
The Church isn’t at fault but a small faction of people. That’s evident by the many BELIEVERS that support the Truth Tellers like Tim.
This is so very true
So glad I listened to this. He hit on so many points I have observed.
I read both of hisbooks they tell it like it really is God Bless him. FINALLY SOMEONE WITH ENOUGH BACK BONE TO TELL IT LIKE IT IS. What really bothers me is people like Franklin Graham worshiping a man like Trump and misleading so many people. IT breaks my heart.He actually thinks that Trump can do no wrong.
As an LDS member I have seen members become part of MAGA with pain and great surprise.
I guess this shows it happens everywhere! Apparently, hatred and bigotry have no boundaries.
They listen to 'Q' thinking it's some all-knowing insider when it's really a Russian subversion plot, trying to split the US down the middle. And the plot is working perfectly.
Glenn Beck, right-wing media host, leads the charge with "Mormon Exceptionalism" which is basically the LDS version of white supremacy. Beck has attracted the Evangelical radicals and has swept his politics across the neo-conservative Prepper movement. I have lost friends to this cult-like thinking. It's quite heart-breaking.
When Mike Lee compared Donald to Captain Moroni, it made me physically ill : /
This is without question one of the best interviews I have ever seen in general, and the single best interview in terms of explaining Christianity in the context of the 2016 presidential election.
And the point about covid and the shutdowns triggering an end times, siege mentality? I love that. I had never thought about that ever and that is exactly right.
Great great job.
I have never understood how anyone could equate a virus with the end times. Through history the world has faced many epidemics that killed millions of people. Evidently people of our times feel we are so special that the end is near because we are facing a pandemic, our life styles are disrupted.
This is a fantastic interview!! Kristen Welker handled her guest, Tim Alberta, and this subject matter with such care and grace. She posed excellent questions and gave lots of time for responses. I read Tim Alberta’s book and want to buy it and give to all the evangelicals in my family who have fallen under the T****/GOP spell. They are now cult followers. I never thought my family would be on the wrong side of history. It’s heartbreaking, yet Tim’s new book has finally provided me with a well-researched tool to try and reach them. Now, this interview adds more information to my personal quest. Thank you Kristen, thank you Tim! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Praying with You for your Family🙏🏽
It's a sad day, he said that he believes a lot of them are good people in their hearts, what good is that when you sit and see and hear the ugly things said by trump and keep silent how is that good and will allow him to continue because of what they feel he will get them, their so called freedom back that is to be in power over the people to make them conform to the pure and religious past as the it was known to be at what ever cost.
It's as if the Evangelical Christians hired the Big Bully of the neighborhood. "The Bully Is On Our Side Now, SO LOOK OUT LIBS!" This has become an intoxicating drug to them. A drug they refuse to give up. I identify so so much with what Tim feels and is experiencing. I have grieved and cried for a few years now. Actually, I've gone through some of the steps of grieving. Sadness, then Anger, back to sadness. I just can't shake it. It permiates my thoughts on a daily basis, all day and night. I left my church. Almost all my friends and family have gotten sucked in, and it makes me so depressed. My whole adult life was saturated with Evangelical Activity, so my whole world was turned upside down. I search for any of my past mentors and/or authors, pastors, and leaders, who have NOT fallen into this. I feel so betrayed. Thank God for Philip Yancey and Russell Moore,and the very few who have not fallen for the Criminal Conman Donald Trump.
They are in a cult And have been rendered numb to true Christianity. They love passing hate and division around like a plate of cookies. I am so sorry that they were so eager to hurt you in your mournful time ! ❤️
This is a true Christian. Bless him......
Nah. He would be speaking against the democrats and their policies as well if he was.
I experienced the “vulnerable adversary” moment more than once: After miscarrying a child and after my best friend was murdered. I’m so sorry for what you’ve experienced, Tim, and love that you have taken that horrible experience and are using it to soak up for the truth.
I eventually left the evangelical community and have found fellowship among an Orthodox church with majority immigrant attendance.
I'm sorry you went through that!
It's about 'Power & Money'. Look at the Church's behaviors during the 1st & 2nd World Wars. It never seems to end.
Omg Tim....very well said. You are a true man of God. Praise God. May all the MAGA people's eyes be opened to the REAL truth....JESUS. Bless your heart Tim.
Their eyes will never be open because they are like the walking dead the moment they stopped following Jesus and begin following trump believing that he can save the from the evils of the down fall of America they sealed their doom. Because our God said to have no other God.
I am beyond relieved that my staunch Republican sister sees right through this man. She's an Episcopalian I was raised the same way. I do not consider us liberals. We are a very conservative family. But we can see right through these people, and I love CS Lewis.
For some, church is a business.
You see them in your community.
Great interview. I would like to hear more of WHY evangelicals feel "under siege" by the culture at large.
Years of preaching futurist theology, coming persecution, etc. Evangelicals have been taught that they'll face great persecution before the "rapture" so they look for it everywhere.
The first thing that goes when one becomes a Trumper is decency.
Absolutely! This is what I have noticed in two of my Christian friends
and compassion
Man hit the nail on the head HARD! Explained so well! Wow! Come through sir with pure facts!
I attended Liberty online and at my graduation in 2019 was met with such hostility from the White female classmates that surrounded me, I was shocked and dropped out of my masters program, which I had started. I expected so much better from those I thought were my brothers and sisters in Christ. I appreciate Tim's honesty and character.
Are you black? Or were you expressing non-Trump views?
We live very sad times in Christianity!
Wow. Im sorry 😞
“GOD doesn’t bite HIS fingernails.” GOD doesn’t need the crooked to fight for HIM. Thanks Tim for reminding everyone of that❣️
God doesn’t use dirty vessels. He saves us, transforms us into new creatures, and then uses us.
Half of American Christianity turned it's back on Jesus and Love Your Neighbor to support slavery, white supremacy, the Confederacy, and oligarchy (large plantation owners) back in the 1850s and before. These are churches that still object to racial reconciliation (disguised as anti-CRT, etc,). They talk "inerrancy" and "literalism" but ignore Love Your Neighbor.
Black churches, even within the same denomination also tend to talk "inerrancy" and "literalism" but they emphasize Jesus and Love Your Neighbor.
Tim calls the shots pretty well but tends to bury the raw bigotry and bigotry in service to Oligarchy.
In my view, bigotry is the original sin that accepts all corruption in service to white supremacy.
Churches/Temples need to start paying taxes when they put politics in their sermons etc.
I agree
Thank you for this enlightingly interesting interview on the present day Evangelical community.
This was a really great interview from both the perspective of the interviewer and the interviewee
Are any of the folks who injected Clorox still around to pass the good word ??
Tim's comments about the domination of the nation by the church were right on. Remember that the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which was made up of Puritan Christians who had been persecuted by the Church of England, was one of the most legalistic and tyrannical places to live. Anyone who held any different beliefs than the norm for the area was punished, or exiled, or even killed (the accused "witches" in Salem). I'm quite sure that when the Founders wrote up the Establishment Clause in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was very much on their minds.
Jesus said that His Kingdom is not of this world. No earthly nation, no matter how good a place it may be, is, or can be, God's Kingdom. Our job here is to be Jesus to others...and I firmly believe that if we model Him as best we can, others will see that and be drawn to Him. Hatred and domination has no part of that, because Jesus taught exactly the opposite. And bonus: The more people who model Christ in a society, the better that society becomes by default. The catch is that you can't aim for the better society and use Christianity as the means to get there; you have to focus only on Jesus!
How true!!
Yours is the voice of Christians I have admired, though I am not Christian. To me, there are many paths to being a loving, principled, strong advocate for goodness. I took a screen shot of your comment here, because it inspires me, teaches me and shows me there are still Christians that are forces for good. Thank you.
Although I do, do not share your evangel local roots, I completely respect what you are doing, and what you stand for. And this is how it should work. Respecting diversity. Hopefully you will get through to some of the Kool-Aid cult members. Keep sharing. You do a great job.❤
This is not just Evangelicals either. I’ve been hearing the same rhetoric of fear and doomsday among so many of my LDS family members. It’s so sad to hear real Christianity being put aside to protect the power of religious institutions.
satan is a liar and a murderer he presents himself as an angel of light and he is the master of deception. As believers we must have a spirit of discernment to recognize how satan can slip inside our churches and idolize a man instead of worshiping Jesus. Lets pray for peace and unity and love in our churches during these trying times! ❤🙏
Refreshing content! Thanks Tim for your candor and thanks Kristen for an excellent interview!
This was so insightful. Tim has answered my question as what has happened to the evangelicals who has believed in Trump's bologna! I am a Christian and I definitely would never even consider voting for him. Sadly, there's been a few incidences in my life where I've had to stay away from friends, family members, and other people because of their crazy, warped political views. God help us! The interesting thing is God is not worried as Tim has said.
Everyone please share this widely.
I am both mystified and heartbroken by what I have seen in the evangelical church I have spent my life in. To see friends and family go down the Trump rabbit hole has been both painful and maddening. When I said I was voting for Joe Biden, a friend who had known mefor 40 years asked me on social media when I had become a baby killer. I so agree with what he is saying.
VOTE 💙 2024
I am a devoted Christian who prays every day and tries my best to do what God wants me to do, to think what God wants me to think. I strive to love all people and forgive all of those who have harmed me. As such, it is almost impossible to find a church that worships Jesus instead of trump. I even tried going back to my Catholic Church and the priest was spouting right wing propaganda. I go to a non-denominational church now and I realize I'm surrounded by people who are violating the first commandment by adoring a man who is a con man and is the antithesis of Christ. I try to ignore who I am surrounded by and just pray their eyes will be opened. I tell God in my heart I am there for him but I have little in common with most of those who surround me in church whom I know walk out of that building and get online to slander anyone not in their cult.
Beautiful man ❤
Truth will always rise!!! Thank you, Tim Alberta!!! We don't ever have to fear the truth!!! Thank you, Jesus!!!
Has Fox and Newsmax had the courage to have this man Tim on their networks?
Of course NOT for they are some of the ones doing the misleading and lying to these same christians. They don't want to be exposed on air by Tim Alberta.