All the destroyed walls,floors,Windows, and everything else really shows how much work Ubisoft pit into designing these maps. Credit where credit is due.
+Jose Miramontes >Can destroy anything >Can't destroy a bed >Cant destroy boxes >cant destroy a couch >cant destroy a shelf >cant destroy stacks of wood >cant destroy a flashlight >cant destroy a ladder >cant destroy a little generator I could watch the video to type more. But jesus christ i dont care that much.
+0wnedChibi he couldn't destroy a couple of things, but he completely totaled the entire house walls and floors. you're really picking on petty things. they put good detail into the destruction imo.
Yeah. I can blow shit up without blowing shit up. But my only safety guarantee comes with more amounts. Also I give no guarantees. But if you aim it right you should be fine. Except if you aimed straight at the hostage or near hostage to perhaps harm him/her.
Your profile Pic is how I first imagined Jacob Sartorius to look like, but then I went on images to find out he looked exactly the same just with Donald Trump's Hair.
They should add this as a sandbox mode where you can go in any map with unlimited operator abilities and just practice and see what's destructible, maybe even have the ability to add in enemies and practice different situations?
I think there should be an operator called "Cinema" who has microwave eyes who, before the round starts, pops a heap of popcorn and the other teammates have the option of eating popcorn and giving each other compliments instead of sending their drones in. Of course this would only last the 30 seconds before the round starts, so to further Cinema's effectiveness he would constantly yell encouraging things to his team mates and discouraging things to the enemy from a safe distance. I would choose Cinema EVERY TIME. also, he has a Fatman from Fallout.
Can't Hop I think there should be an operator called "Cinema" who has microwave eyes who, before the round starts, pops a heap of popcorn and the other teammates have the option of eating popcorn and giving each other compliments instead of sending their drones in. Of course this would only last the 30 seconds before the round starts, so to further Cinema's effectiveness he would constantly yell encouraging things to his team mates and discouraging things to the enemy from a safe distance. I would choose Cinema EVERY TIME. also, he has a Fatman from Fallout.
ThatFreakingCat I remember you from the skittlz spawn trap video, You we're defending him because everyone was bitching and saying "You're cancer to the game" I guess i just never forgot your name or profile pic. I rember sitting there like FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS.
Ryan Emmanouil No... the real question is... Can it sing ? because they have talking fishes you can mount on the wall that sing when you move past them
there should be an operator called uwot and everytime he gets shot at he dodges the bullets with Michael Jackson dance moves moves and his primary weapon is a headbutt
this video is a year old and ive been playing since day one and still it was really interesting. you just showed me a few spots nobody will ever expect to get blown to bits
Thank you for this video! There are 2 spots you showed that get me lots of kills every round on house. 1) The blue suitcase in the basement is amazing. I usually shoot a "fake hole" at the bottom so people usually enter the room focused on the bottom hole just to then see the top one... in the killcam. 2) Blowing up the ceiling just in front of the entrance door on the main floor. This exposes half of the garage and usually helps when there are only a few players left in the garage.
Please do more of these. I've already spotted like 3-4 spots I could use in multiplayer, had no idea where some places you could destroy and what lines of sight they show.
it seems like shooting ashs breaching rounds at the bed in the kids room turns it into a grenade as it bounces off and explodes without needing to penetrate a surface, may be a good tactic if the objective is in that room
I figured this out on terrorist hunt when a bomber blew himself up prematurely. the entire main entry way was destroyed, since then I make it a point to destroy the house as much as possible.
Nice work, man, keep doing it! Also, you could use drones (or a friend) to check (and show us too) if you have enough cover in some places you show. Like how easy it is to see you from an enemy's perspective
Wow that was really cool I have always wanted to destroy the whole map but I play on console and it's pretty much impossible to mod on there so keep up the good work love this video!
I don't care if a future dlc map is as small as house, what makes this map my favorite map is the amount of destructibility. I love blowing up the house in TH.
I'm pretty sure people already know about using the Launcher can destroy the ground as a kill hole but most of the players uses it to quickly maneuver around or to get to the objective faster so there's no point in destroying the ground unless it's a situation and none of your team has breach charges to make kill holes under you.
hello? 911 emergency? there is a maniac with a grenade launcher in our house, ineed you to bring the the whole unit, the whole squad, brinnnnnng everyone
Hey man, I was thinking if you could maybe do this same thing to every single map. I believe that this would greatly help everyone who watches your videos understand the layout of the maps even better. It would show kill holes and angles that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. So yeah, if you could do this for other maps that would be great.
I have an idea for an operator attacker:Napalm Is an African-American female from Florida.Her Gadget will be a Napalm trap the ignites on impact does 6 Damage last 11 seconds Her primary will be the R4C from ash and another one would be the mp7 from bandit and for her pistol a Glock and you guys can makeup the rest message me the made up part and you guys can make the defender
Yo chill out the neighbors are complaining
Gameover1000- but there's no neighbors
Who's mans_ isthis it's fucking sad they have to explain that it's a joke to you
Its fucking sad. First, that we're answering a 8 months old comment and second, that you don't get that he was joking either.
What neighbors I don’t see a house
What's sad is that I was about to comment on 3 year old comment(which I just did)
"Sorry, hostage, for blowing up your entire house."
+KingDuken you forgot: "but it's fine you can rebuild this stuff right ?"
Just a prank bro!
+A Concerned Viewer hahahahahahaha
Shink creep
All the destroyed walls,floors,Windows, and everything else really shows how much work Ubisoft pit into designing these maps. Credit where credit is due.
But people will always find a way to hate on ubisoft, i personally am a big fan of ubisoft.
+Jose Miramontes >Can destroy anything
>Can't destroy a bed
>Cant destroy boxes
>cant destroy a couch
>cant destroy a shelf
>cant destroy stacks of wood
>cant destroy a flashlight
>cant destroy a ladder
>cant destroy a little generator
I could watch the video to type more. But jesus christ i dont care that much.
+0wnedChibi he couldn't destroy a couple of things, but he completely totaled the entire house walls and floors. you're really picking on petty things. they put good detail into the destruction imo.
The Red & The Noma >implying higher level = higher knowledge of the game
Lmfao. You're so wrong it hurts.
+0wnedChibi I mean.. a higher level means I've played it longer, and having played it longer means I know more then someone who just started. What?
So he launched 99999999 grenades and didn't kill the hostage, while my team only needs on to it :\
in a custom game you can turn off hostage killing soooooo
+The amazing Redcoat he shot the hostage himself adn killed her.
Yeah. I can blow shit up without blowing shit up. But my only safety guarantee comes with more amounts. Also I give no guarantees. But if you aim it right you should be fine. Except if you aimed straight at the hostage or near hostage to perhaps harm him/her.
And a single cluster charge can kill it
Getting some repairs done on my computer, should start uploading again soon.
+cian kircher It's not a mod it's a hack. Just google.
Your profile Pic is how I first imagined Jacob Sartorius to look like, but then I went on images to find out he looked exactly the same just with Donald Trump's Hair.
Custom game
why didn't you use secure area so that you didn't have to worry about the hostage
+Albion terrorist hunt
They should add this as a sandbox mode where you can go in any map with unlimited operator abilities and just practice and see what's destructible, maybe even have the ability to add in enemies and practice different situations?
Castle only if Ubisoft cared
I think there should be an operator called "Cinema" who has microwave eyes who, before the round starts, pops a heap of popcorn and the other teammates have the option of eating popcorn and giving each other compliments instead of sending their drones in. Of course this would only last the 30 seconds before the round starts, so to further Cinema's effectiveness he would constantly yell encouraging things to his team mates and discouraging things to the enemy from a safe distance. I would choose Cinema EVERY TIME.
also, he has a Fatman from Fallout.
This needs to be a thing.
+DaDangerDog i have a shitty youtube bug so i can't read the rest of this amazing post, may you post it as a reply?
+Can't Hop "also, he has a Fatman from Fallout."
Can't Hop I think there should be an operator called "Cinema" who has microwave eyes who, before the round starts, pops a heap of popcorn and the other teammates have the option of eating popcorn and giving each other compliments instead of sending their drones in. Of course this would only last the 30 seconds before the round starts, so to further Cinema's effectiveness he would constantly yell encouraging things to his team mates and discouraging things to the enemy from a safe distance. I would choose Cinema EVERY TIME.
also, he has a Fatman from Fallout.
DaDangerDog thanks lad
Great way to renovate
:D it is Jabber!
(Love your gun syncs man)
good work man
I don't know why but this is really satisfiying to watch
+Nathan Galang Other then the emo voice
How's it an emo voice? He's talking calmly and quietly. Nothing wrong with that.
Yoo Itsamee yep
Next map: My work office.
ThatFreakingCat lmfao
ThatFreakingCat Ayy i remember you.
Uh oh. What I do...?
ThatFreakingCat I remember you from the skittlz spawn trap video, You we're defending him because everyone was bitching and saying "You're cancer to the game" I guess i just never forgot your name or profile pic. I rember sitting there like FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS.
Glad I could be a helpful member of the community!
I love your enthusiasm
+Josh lol
how tf do they sleep?! the fuckin bed's made of explosive proof material
They sleep on the beds
Truth is they're always hostages
imagine if he had to reload
This would be an hour long.
Thank goodness for hackers
Gillysaurxx it's called modding, not hacking
Doctor: "I'm sorry Ash, from all those grenade explosions you have permanent hearing damage."
Ash: "What?"
never knew about the gap on the stairs you can destroy to see the pool room
buck has a new purpose in life now
The real question is,
Does it blend?
+Ryan Emmanouil lets find out
You're so 2010
Ryan Emmanouil No... the real question is... Can it sing ? because they have talking fishes you can mount on the wall that sing when you move past them
is it 🇧🇴🇳🇪🇱🇪🇪🇸🇸🇸?........... I'm sorry
there should be an operator called uwot and everytime he gets shot at he dodges the bullets with Michael Jackson dance moves moves and his primary weapon is a headbutt
PreciseBaton24 KSI Vandetta It's a joke, but you know that. But that do be so fucking epic. XD
And his headbutt should function like a sledgehammer.
Almighty Latin King I laughed so hard at this🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is for educational purposes, do not try this at home.
I think the house is ready for renovations
It's finally getting them
and it did
You should do this with hibana and just put X-kairos everywhere and detonate them all at the same time.
"i want an open floor plan" -wife 2016
Rewatching this for memories of the old house map..
How do you enable whatever "debug mode" you're playing in this video?
+Liselsie I used one of his trainers, do not use this online, or it will result in a ban. That'll be a big help to learn more about the maps, i'll go load up a custom game and pluck out my internet cord now. Thank you.
ok,i know that im waaaaaaaaaaay too late,but i wanted to make sure that you didn't get banned by this,cause im gonna try too
Nice destruction but most of us have 2 Ash charges, not fucking 2000
When your bed is stronger than the walls in your house
this video is a year old and ive been playing since day one and still it was really interesting. you just showed me a few spots nobody will ever expect to get blown to bits
Kids bedroom + mute + castle + jäger = OP
You're STUPID if you barricade yourself in a room with that many breakable walls and windows
Fuze's shit don't work against Jager my man
Tatcher would really fuck me plan :/
Nah just destroy kids bedroom and stay outside of it.
Gwyn's Last Knight ahem I think the order would have been thatcher fuze and ash
Thank you for this video! There are 2 spots you showed that get me lots of kills every round on house.
1) The blue suitcase in the basement is amazing. I usually shoot a "fake hole" at the bottom so people usually enter the room focused on the bottom hole just to then see the top one... in the killcam.
2) Blowing up the ceiling just in front of the entrance door on the main floor. This exposes half of the garage and usually helps when there are only a few players left in the garage.
Please do more of these. I've already spotted like 3-4 spots I could use in multiplayer, had no idea where some places you could destroy and what lines of sight they show.
it seems like shooting ashs breaching rounds at the bed in the kids room turns it into a grenade as it bounces off and explodes without needing to penetrate a surface, may be a good tactic if the objective is in that room
The best part is the magic squid while everything gets destroyed it just grows
That moment when a couch is harder to destroy than a wall
This video is interesting, informative, and original. Make sure to make more of these!
Nice work, man!
Please, record more videos destroying maps, this help a lot to think anothers strategys
Looks so cool with the whole house blown up, thanks for showing us all the secrets of the map
*Blows throw wall* "What's up MTV? Welcome to my crib."
Is this a infinity ammo mod or just some settings ?
i really wanted to do this video myself but being on console is extremely limiting :c
Just do the 2nd situation kill all the dudes and just constantly refill breach charges
Except That Would Take Forever.
+Obae Us it actually doesn't take that long
use sledge
***** I try
You should continue this series man. Great idea
When u shooting it looks like op metro 24/7 in bf4
Without the mental suppression
Do this more. It taught me many sites I could use in multiplayer. Please do it for every map.
I figured this out on terrorist hunt when a bomber blew himself up prematurely. the entire main entry way was destroyed, since then I make it a point to destroy the house as much as possible.
Nice work, man, keep doing it!
Also, you could use drones (or a friend) to check (and show us too) if you have enough cover in some places you show. Like how easy it is to see you from an enemy's perspective
+Александр Дян Thank you, I'll try to remember that when I'm recording.
Wow that was really cool I have always wanted to destroy the whole map but I play on console and it's pretty much impossible to mod on there so keep up the good work love this video!
I hope they make a map of my school so I can practice where to put the bombs and where to put the hostages
Foxtrot G b a r l e t t u n i v e r s i t y
Foxtrot G whoa chill
9:52 "I hate this clock" 😂😂 I was dying
This is so damn satisfying to watch.
ikr I wander yyyy
Dat profile picture doe
+OpTic Föx ikr im hyped for the navy seal update
Same I'm going to be using Valkyrie all the time
When u want a new floor plan in your house call
Did you have mods to get unlimited ash things???
How do u get invincible and infinite ammo?!?!???
y does the map look bigger than usual, the rooms look huge, im on ps4
I believe it's the field of view
his FOV is maxed and he is playing on 21:9 aspect ratio (PCMR)
Isaac Shelp fov
Can you destroy the wood planks with a yellow X painted on them at 16:54?
Yeah, those are the things you barricade that can be destroyed by almost anythjfn
+Underrated Commentator anything
I don't care if a future dlc map is as small as house, what makes this map my favorite map is the amount of destructibility. I love blowing up the house in TH.
how did you put unimited everything (ammo,gadgetsetc)?
On this episode of Property Brothers we completely redesign this spacious family home.
I'm pretty sure people already know about using the Launcher can destroy the ground as a kill hole but most of the players uses it to quickly maneuver around or to get to the objective faster so there's no point in destroying the ground unless it's a situation and none of your team has breach charges to make kill holes under you.
I learn so many spots since you where opening the map thanks.
"I hate this clock"
You should do the Kafe level! Obvi would take a lot longer since its one of the biggest maps but seeing u do this test on any map would be cool
For some strange reason this video was really pleasing
if only. i only
i want this on console
Meme4Meme how do u get unlimited ammo then?
Hi, GoaNy, just wondering if u could share how u get infinite ashe rounds?
would be great if u could share how u did it :) for self learning
how do you get infinit ammo?
He really went for that OPEN CONCEPT LMAO
Xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxddxxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxsxdxd dxdxs hahahahahahahhahhhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahha
Best Rainbow Six Siege video I have ever seen!
Goany how do you install the trainer can u make a vid on that
How do you get infinite ammo with ash's weapon? Is it in custom games?
This is weirdly satisfying.
How much fps did you get during this?
Finally someone who knows about the squid.
hello? 911 emergency? there is a maniac with a grenade launcher in our house, ineed you to bring the the whole unit, the whole squad, brinnnnnng everyone
You left that house looking like if it had been abandoned for 50 years
one question. how did he get breaching charge launcher ammo?
i love this guys energy
You couldve moved the hostage if you wanted to be safe with it btw. But great video, i hope you do more of these with different maps
I love a bit of spring cleaning
House during construction phase lamo nice
YES!! Thank you now I'm a situational moment I can't blow up a plant!
Hey. If you like Rainbow, I have a couple videos about it, but will make more!
Hey man, I was thinking if you could maybe do this same thing to every single map. I believe that this would greatly help everyone who watches your videos understand the layout of the maps even better. It would show kill holes and angles that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. So yeah, if you could do this for other maps that would be great.
this was the first time i was introduced to siege and i now have 362 hours on siege
can i use this in Terrorist hunt witout risks so can i get renown for this ?
If it's lone wolf, yes, if online, no
This video is strangely soothing
how did ya get all those breach charges
how do you make the infinite ammo and no damage thing?
unique video! love this :) subscribed
how do you setup infinite ammo and health game? I want to try this
ive always wanted a video like this
I have an idea for an operator attacker:Napalm Is an African-American female from Florida.Her Gadget will be a Napalm trap the ignites on impact does 6 Damage last 11 seconds Her primary will be the R4C from ash and another one would be the mp7 from bandit and for her pistol a Glock and you guys can makeup the rest message me the made up part and you guys can make the defender
This video is a great DIY for a Home renovation
What is that mod called where you can have infinite ash grenades
What mods r u using
*Breaching Round Gun shot sound intensifies*
Will you be doing this on different maps? Will be awesome!
BR-P-2001 // Jesus calm down
I've always wanted to see something like this but I didn't want to have to actually blow shit up
how is it possible that you dont have to reload? and how did you get infinite ammo etc
I love that you destroyed the whole map, but how were you able to get so many ash charges. I would love to be able to do the same! :)
How did you get inflate ammo?
Is this on a different game or mods?
How did you make a custom game with infinite ammo and such?