The Symbolism of The Naked Man in Mark
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- In this video we look the symbolism of the naked man in Mark 14:51-52.
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I think the symbolism makes more sense when contrasting the young man in the Garden who runs away naked to the young man at the tomb who is clothed in white. The young man in the garden represents the disciples who followed Christ but in times of trouble shamefully fled. Nakedness is a common motif in scripture signifying shame. And it is no accident then that this scene happens immediately after the text says all his disciples forsook Him. But later in Mark, the angel at the tomb is referred to as a young man as well BUT he is clothed in white linen. He proclaims Christ's resurrection and tells the women to tell " Peter and the disciples." Mark is purposely contrasting the young man who lost his linen clothes to the young man clothed in white linen. White linen is tied to God's restoration in scripture. And the disciples are reinstated and given new purpose: to proclaim the Resurrection.
Over the past few weeks I've watched all of your videos, from the first one to this one today (I've only skipped a few). I must congratulate you, in addition to the content, for the aesthetic exquisiteness of your videos. I love your transitions, especially the early ones; I like the light, the backgrounds (it would never have occurred to me to tilt the books on the shelves under a blue light), the little sound effects, the music...
Now I feel like a member of the club, so greetings from Barcelona and see you.
Was Mark not penned by Mark for Peter? The word Sindona used to describe the boys linen is also used to describe Jesus burial linen.
Perhaps the boy was not literal, but a figurative representation of Peter's (temporary) falling away and denial. Hours before Peter proclaimed he would die with Jesus hence the burial linen the boy was wearing, and the boy represent Peter behaving like a frightened child. when they seised Peter or perhaps when fear seised him the burial linen he so proudly put on for Christ fell away, no longer willing to die with Jesus and Peter escaped naked. the nakedness being his despair
Love this channel! So glad you are back and posting content. Would love to talk to you adding your content to our Bible Canvas project - more info coming in the near future.
I really thought you were going to talk about the symbolism of Adam (a naked man in a garden) and Joseph (dropping his linen clothes and running away).
Yeah, I actually don’t think those are allusions here. I haven’t heard or can think of any good explanations.
Interesting, because I've always read the story that way. Jesus is the New Adam in the garden, preferring the Father's will over his own. Then the naked young man symbolizing the First Adam strengthens this comparison between Jesus and the first man.
@@d4vidsilva931 I also think of how they turn away from the Lord and hide in the garden; which is when they realize their nakedness. Then they are clothed again by the Lord in His forgiveness and mercy. Moses could only see the Lord as He passed by, because we are called to follow after Him. When we turn away from Him it is like feeling slowly the effects of being turned to a pillar of salt like Lots wife when she turned away from the Lord by turning back. I think the Joseph story must connect here too as you said, excellent suggestion! This requires much more meditation.
So in his misunderstanding he was purposely shaming himself (in his flesh), but ran away because of the conviction of the words Jesus spoke. He could endure humiliation but not conviction. Interesting... I've read the gospels several times yet I don't remember ever coming across these two verses... wow... Very bizarre ones at that! Thanks. I would have been completely confused if you didn't explain it.
The Unidentified “Young Man” in the Gospel of Mark and the Growth of the Resurrection Story
The last chapter of what most scholars agree was the earliest Gospel (the Gospel of Mark) mentions an unidentified “young man” dressed in a “white robe” at the tomb of Jesus. Is this “young man” an angel as in later versions of the story? Or is this figure the same unidentified “young man” in Mark who was almost captured on the night of Jesus’ arrest and had to flee naked into the night? Did he stubbornly follow Jesus so closely the soldiers almost nabbed him but only captured his garment, and then impetuously arrive first at the tomb on the morning of Jesus’ resurrection dressed in a “white robe” (possibly new clothes)? Or was the young man deliberately depicted as an ambiguous figure, and meant to illustrate what being a disciple of Jesus entailed? (I recall reading that early Christians were baptized naked and dressed in a white robe after emerging from the baptismal waters.)
What about the message the unidentified young man shared with the women at the tomb? Was the message something only an angel could know? No, because Mark says Jesus delivered the same message before his arrest.
Jesus’ message before his arrest:
“But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.”
Mark 14:28
The young man’s message at the tomb:
“Go and tell his disciples-especially Peter-that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. There you will see him.”
Mark 16:7
Gospels written after Mark remove all ambiguity concerning Mark’s “young man.” First, they do not mention the “young man” who fled naked on the night of Jesus’ arrest, even though Matthew and Luke reproduce over 90% of Mark, they both lack that story (as does John). In fact, all ambiguity is removed in Matthew where we see Mark’s unobtrusive “young man in a white robe” transformed into this:
Matthew 28:2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. 3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. 4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. 5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
While in Luke we see the “young man in a white robe” has become this:
Luke 24:4 …suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! See also Luke 19:23 …They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive.
Every hint of ambiguity in Mark has been removed in the retellings of the tomb story by Matthew and Luke.*
*Gospels written after Mark add public appearances of angels in glaringly unambiguous fashion as in the ending of Matthew where an angel descends seen by many guards who fall down in terror, while Luke-Acts adds many more angelic appearances than Matthew, including several occasions when an angel converses with a human, sometimes involving a muscial canticle being sung, and a host of angels make an announcement to shepherds. But Mark features no unambiguous appearances of angels in public. The closest he comes is mentioning an unobtrusive young man in a white robe in a quiet tomb scene, an ambiguous figure. In fact, the entire Gospel of Mark is one big excuse for why Jesus didn’t receive undiluted recognition as the messiah until later, and why Jesus’ parables, like his identity, were never meant to be understood by the masses. There are no birth miracles in Mark telling everyone who Jesus was from birth, and no miracles accompanying Jesus’ death or the discovery of an empty tomb. There is just the message that Jesus would be seen by his disciples in Galilee, not in Jerusalem as later Gospels of Luke and John added. Mark, the earliest Gospel, is loaded with excuses as to why Jesus kept his messiahship secret and why it took so long for most people, even the Baptist and Jesus’ own disciples, to recognize Jesus was the promised one.
The naked young man was the Apostle Paul Mark 14:51-52 who had been persecuting Jesus Christ right from the beginning, right till He was crucified, died, and buried, but He rose again from the dead!
This is reminiscent of his ancestors Judges chapters 19-21, and Jonathan's inordinate affection for David 1 Samuel 20:13-17, 40-31, but dealt with on the cross. Paul accepted to pay in his body, by nailing it to the cross, not giving in to what he lost or felt, till the end!
He trusted that he was clothed in his own righteousness, although he was naked Mark 14:51 "having a linen cast about "his naked body"". He then left the linen cloth after finishing his mission to set a trap for Jesus, and "fled from them NAKED" still, verse 52.
He had access to the chief priests which gave him the power to persecute the followers of Jesus Christ, whom he had persecuted till the death on the cross, and continued relentlessly Acts 7:58, he was the "young man" at whose feet they laid down their clothes to stone Stephen. Acts 8:1,3; 9:1-2.
He was the "rich young lawyer" or "ruler", Luke 18:18-22; Mark 10:17-31, and finally the "naked young man!"
To confirm the admonitions of Jesus for the Church of the Laodiceans Revelation 3:17; as he had been going about establishing his own righteousness Romans 10:3; Luke 18:18, which could ean him eternal life.
He later understood that the righteousness of God in Christ is the true righteousness, thus he wrote in his epistles 2 Corinthians 5:3. This earned him a visit to the Revelation of Jesus Christ at the last days 2 Corinthians 12:1-4; , with both Apostle John and prophet Daniel. Revelation 10:2-11; Daniel 8:13-14.
Revelation 3:17-18; 2 Corinthians 5:3; Acts 9;
Revelation 3:21=Ephesians 2:6; 2 Corinthians 12:1-4.
You left out the context. The boy was following Jesus who was in the physical custody of the soldiers and surrounded by a throng of priests, scribes and elders who would later call for Jesus' death. The high priest was not there, he had sent his servant Malthus. Peter had drawn his sword at the approaching mob and accidently cut off the servant's ear thereby committing a capitol offense. Imagine the scene: In a grove of olive trees at night amongst a mob with swords and torches that had been searching the city for Jesus. Any self respecting curious daring teenager would have followed that action. Perhaps the boy was another servant. Perhaps he was a fledgling follower of Jesus from earlier in the week. Clothing at the time was made of linen or wool. Underwear was rare. One either wore a loincloth, a tunic or a multi-functional wrap. It was cold that night and a wrap was certainly preferable to a loincloth. While the boy was following Jesus in custody out of excitement or curiosity or devotion (or all three) he was grabbed by the soldiers as the grownup disciples fled. He wriggled from their grasp and escaped leaving his wrap behind. It's better to run and be naked than taken into custody by soldiers and an angry mob. Jesus took no notice of the boy. He did however perform his very last miracle by restoring the servants ear. This important detail was included in the other gospels thus sparing Peter from being arrested.
So those are the plain facts which alone heighten the tension of the scene. He could have been left out of the scene. ( Luke, Matthew and John left out the boy after all) So could the mob have been left out. The sliced off ear could have been left out. Only the soldiers were needed to do the arrest and Judas was needed to ID Jesus.
Jesus earlier in the evening had been in anguish but after prayer was calm and accepting of his fate. Amid a bunch of vigilantes and an over prepped SWAT team of law enforcement he maintained his composure and dignity and put himself in his Father's hands. Thus he taught us how to behave under similar circumstances.
We could learn simple lessons from the scene re trust, devotion, faith, betrayal, injustice or we could assume the gospel writers are playwrights and our job is to look for allegories. I like my Bible simple and to the point. There is already alot to absorb in its most straightforward presentation. And I think its our duty to counterattack recent pundits who are now claiming Jesus was a pedophile because of this incident, that his blood like tears and sweat were as a result of psychodelic drugs that make sex fun. See for instance D. Hillman whose Jesus stories always begin with Hail Satan. His channel is now going viral. Foolish young prople are following him not realizing they are watching pornography. Such is the power of the word NAKED.
I think a key part of this story is also Mk. 16:5, when the women approach Jesus' empty tomb to find... a young man in a white robe. There seems to be a picture of baptism, with the young man being stripped of his garment upon Jesus' crucifixion (in a sense descending with him, as we descend into the baptismal waters and as Jesus descended into the grave) and then he is "resurrected" with Jesus and restored with a greater white robe
Also consequent to the oath, which Jonathan, the son of Saul, swore to David - 1 Samuel 20:3-17.(Jonathan had entrapped David with his inordinate affection 1 Samuel 20:30-42, and Saul - later the Apostle Paul, also persecuted Jesus, the Son of David with his hatred and inordinate envy, but for the grace that sought and found him, for which he paid dearly, physically- he could very well have been the naked young man who entrapped Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, in the wee hours of the night Mark 14:51-52- it's a generational issue, from Judges chapters 19-21 and
1 Samuel 19:24 which was finally dealt with in Christ Jesus, in the Apostle Paul- who also came to kill Jesus, in a manner of speaking- at least, to kill His reputation as a Holy man, and the Son of David and the Son of God, Mark 14 :51-52, he ended up fleeing into the night naked).
The house of Benjamin became the enemy of the house of David, (as Paul also persecuted Jesus, the Son of David), consequently, the house of Saul was wiped out, but for the oath, it received grace through the house of Mephibosheth-Rehoboam- Bathsheba (Ahitophel, her grandfather)- Mordecai- Esther.
1 Samuel 20:14-17, 30-31.
The Spirit of God had departed from Saul 1:Samuel 16:14, so he no longer has anything to do with the God of Israel. This spirit began to work throughout his family, thus, Jonathan feared to die, and consequently sought to make an oath with David, because of the presence of God in Him, as the anointed king of Israel.
This same spirit was in Saul, who sought eternal life by his obedience to the law, which he as the Saul, the king of Israel had missed because of his disobedience and rebellion to the command of God- 1 Samuel 15; Luke 18-18-22.
I believe that just like the spirit of Elijah was upon John the Baptist, to finish his mission, so also the spirit of king Saul seeking to make up for his mistake, found grace in his descendant- Saul, or Paul of Tarsus. Philippians 3; Esther 2:5; 1 Chronicles 8:30-36; 9:38-39; Esther 2:5 (Haman, was the descendant of Agag, the descendant of Esau, Genesis 27:41; 36:12; Exodus 17:8; 1 Samuel 15:8; Numbers 24:7 who Saul didn’t kill as commanded).
Both Sauls eventual had to have a change of heart and vision - respectively, to be used by God and be restored to fellowship. 1 Samuel 10:9; Acts 9:8-14. Satan never received forgiveness. Isaiah 66:24; Revelation 19:20; 14:10-11; 20:10.
I thought you were going to at least mention the theory that the young man was possibly Mark himself, particularly since he includes that he was "young" (a giveaway since Mark was almost certainly younger than the diciples). And if so, then his fleeing the scene naked was just as much a denial of Jesus as were Peter's three denials.
Yeah, there’s just no concrete connection.
Seems to be Mark since he’s the only one who adds this detail in the gospels.
Maybe even connected to Mark running away from Paul in Acts 15. Mark might insert this while he’s looking back on his own life/failures and God’s grace through his own fears.
@@ammizimmerman2003 it’s even possible that he was the young rich ruler who walked away sad when Jesus told him to go and sell his possessions and give them money to the poor and follow him. Since he’s the only one who adds a detail that the other writers don’t.
He says that Jesus “loving him”.
How would he know that unless it was him whom Jesus was speaking to?
He was dead. He was revived by Jesus saying the true name of God.
A true historic account needs no symbolic interpretation. So which is it? Did it happen? Or what was the author's intended message? True, or fable? News, or propaganda? Fact or fiction?
@@Peter-n7j3r that not true. The Bible is full of things that are both historically true and symbolic. For instance, the sacrifice of Isaac both historically happened and was symbolic of Jesus.
Kevin Rider - I'd reasoned out about this once before that he was someone who understood what Christ had been telling his disciples all along - that he must die, and knew what was happening and went out wrapped only in a linen sheet to accuse the men taking Jesus away of putting an innocent man to death. The Holy Spirit possibly confirming this to them and they come after the guy and grab him and he flees leaving his garment in their hands. Jesus's body being wrapped in linen after his crucifixion.
And the Apostle Paul was the last desciple to be called by Jesus Luke 18:22. I believe he was also present at the time of the baptism of Jesus Christ, because he would have known about John the Baptist and everything he said concerning the Messiah, which could have prompted him, as a Pharisee of pharisees, to seek out validation from him in Luke 18.
1) The rich young ruler's main concern was to "inherit eternal life " vs 18. He judged himself worthy because he believed he had been obeying all the laws.
2) He had been listening to Jesus's teachings and was convinced that he was a man of authority, though, he wasn't ready to accept the fact He could be the Messiah, so he approached Jesus in a condescending manner- as he was a pharisee and they believed themselves to be above everyone else. So, he sucked up to Jesus by calling Him "Good Master ". Jesus saw through him and responded in a way that means He was God, if Paul believed that He was good, and went on to poke holes in his legalistic beliefs- he believed he never committed adultery, but Jesus taught that to just look on a maiden lustfully already constituted a breaking of the law, so was bearing false witness, which they were notorious for, but wouldn't admit to, so he was indirectly stealing from the temple coffers in the name of doing business for God Galatians 1:14; as was not honoring their fathers and mothers in the name of bringing offerings to the temple etc. and finally, told him to get rid of the source of his pride: his wealth, and distribute to the poor, as they usually pretended to do to look good before the people. He wasn't ready to even exchange that to gain eternal life, which Jesus understood (and gave him time before answering his calling vs 22).
He began to follow Jesus from then onwards, persecuting Him just to get physical proof on Him as a fraud. I believe he was behind all the questions to get Jesus to break the laws- including paying taxes (Jesus was called the Son of David, David and his house have been tax exempt by King Saul, for slaying Goliath, by this they're negating His relationship with King David, hence, cannot be the Messiah, they even insult Him of being born of fornication, as Mary got pregnant before getting married John 8:41 etc.)
3) I believe he spearheaded the group that deceived Judas to betray Him, and those they bought to shout "crucify him " over and over again until Jesus was crucified on the cross. He really did persecute Jesus and by so doing, get to follow Him as other desciples, learning from His teachings all along, even sneaking behind to witness the last supper to confidently say he received it of the Lord
1 Corinthians 11:23, to make hin an Apostle born out of due time - long after his calling 1 Corinthians 15:8.
3) His anger made him turn his his back on his own life, and began to persecute everyone linked to Jesus, from Stephen up till the time he fell off his high horse- so to speak, and was forced to come to reality of who Jesus Christ really was- The Son if man(David), The Son of God, which he knew all along but his legalistic mind was resisting it: he finally called Jesus "Lord", though subconsciously, but he always knew He was Lord when he heard His voice again Acts 9:4-5.
After this, he became so overzealous enough to begin to let everyone know that "Jesus was the Son of God, and the Messiah" vs 20,22. He began to immediately experience persecution himself, which got him to Arabia, where he had ample time and opportunity to review all the proof he had collected while he was persecuting Jesus 2 Timothy 4:13. He could even have been the naked young man, who was used to entrap JesusChriston the night of His arrest. Mark 14:51-52. (That was why he could write with so much understanding of the Lord in all his epistles).
4) Philippians 3 was where he finally came to terms with the fact that all his wealth could not be exchanged for the knowledge of Christ and gaining eternal life- his all life pursuit Luke18:18! This came at a price though - he lost all his fortune, that he wasn't willing to give up at that time: Luke 18:18-30, calling them "dung." But now, forgetting all his past life and pressing towards the prize of the "high calling " of Jesus, as he now sees it!
That was why it was easy for the other desciples to extend to him the right hand of fellowship as the Apostle of the gentiles Galatians 2:9.
That was also why he could withstand the other desciples when they were preaching the law and circumcision together with the grace of God in Christ Jesus in Acts 15. Immediately after preaching in the synagogue that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Acts 9:20-22, God sent Barnabas to help him fulfill his calling, and spread the gospel if salvation to both Jews and gentiles, especially the gentiles.
The gospel of the salvation of our souls is simply by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the completed work of the cross that no one can add to or remove from by doing good or bad. The Holy Spirit was sent to guide, teach, interpret, and keep until the end, John 14:26. Thus, He quickenes the believers and takes them all up at rapture. Until then, we give ourselves to studying the scriptures to make ourselves approved unto God as workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth-daily!
That was the reason why the Apostle loved his Jewish brethren so much that he wouldn't mind being accursed, as long as they can all (the 12 tribes), be saved! Romans 9:3!
That was the reason he endures so much beatings and maltreatment from the Jews, who really hated him, but he continued to concern himself with them, even took up collection of money for the Jewish belivers, even though he was sent to the gentiles-39 stripes 5 timed, got shipwrecked, got bitten by a venomous snake, but like the Duracell battery, he still kept going strong till the end! How stinky and painful and full of putrefying sores, his body must have been, yet he kept on going...
So he ran and finished his course and ensured that the outcast tribe of Benjamin, finally has a place in the body of Jesus Christ, and will sit with Him on the right hand of the throne of God, in heavenly places!
He made and left us all a legacy, so we can all make it. Thus, he is free from the blood of everyone who rejects so great a salvation story!
I think it's the disciple John. He was known to be the youngest among them. He was one of the disciples following Jesus after the prayers in the garden and them waking up. It makes sense since they were sleeping that they could have been partially clothed.
John always talks about [the other disciple] in his gospel when talking about himself. John's version is that both he and Peter followed from a distance when Jesus was arrested. John could have gone back into the place he was sleeping and gathered the remainder of his clothes. Because John then goes into the palace of the high priest with Jesus, then gets Peter in. John 18:1-15
I think the exact identity of the "young man" is less important than the literary role he plays. By running away naked, he functions as a symbol of the disciples' shame in abandoning Jesus (cf. the nakedness theme in Genesis 2-3).
Interestingly, in these two verses, there are two mentions of a “linen cloth” (Greek: sindōn). The only other time this word resurfaces is in Mark 15:46 (where it again occurs twice), in reference to the shroud that Joseph of Arimathea wraps around the body of Jesus. So Mark is using a clever literary device to depict Jesus being laid in a tomb, clothed in the shame of the disciples who abandoned Him.
Thus, when the “young man” resurfaces in chapter 16 (the only other reference to a “young man” in Mark’s Gospel), we should pay close attention to what he’s wearing: he’s clothed in white. The only other instance of the word “white” in the Gospel of Mark is in reference to the clothing of Jesus during His Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-8). So although the “young man” in chapter 16 is obviously an angel (and likely not the same young man as in chapter 14), Mark is again using a clever literary device to communicate something powerful. Jesus takes on the shame of the young man, and the young man receives the glory of Jesus!
In the Greek Subtaugiant, it says a young boy.
The agony of Jesus Christ came by because He suddenly was left by His Father, and only now has angels to minister to Him, because God cannot have anything to do with sin, and Jesus Christ was about to carry the sin of the whole world in His flesh- as a man, who hitherto was sinless.
The scenario that was prepared for Him was to be unjustly accused by falling into the trap set up by the chief priest, scribes, and the elders, using the naked young man in Mark 14:51.
That was why He implored His desciples to watch, but they dozed off instead, and the naked young man was able to get to him to entrap him, and He was supposedly caught in flagrante delicto
Jesus Christ came and died for sins and sinners. Mark chapters 14-16; Isaiah 53 ( Research what is meant by " He was bruised...He was broken..., and you will understand the extent of what He went through for His alledged crime!)
To actually understand who the runner in Mark 14, verse, one has to take the whole chapter into consideration.
1) Jesus had just gotten done with the last supper. He had just declared that one of His own would be betraying Him.
What does the word "betray" mean?
2) He had just left in the middle of the night to go to the Mount of Olives, and went alone further with 3 of His desciples- to pray, and it is written that He began to be " sore amazed...and very heavy".
What could trouble His soul to such an extent as to have to even ask His desciples to - a, sit here - close to Him, while He prays;
b, letting them know the extent of and reason for the sorrow in his SOUL!, and to still " tarry and watch"
c, what could have made Him plead with His Father to try and take away this cup - filled with wrath of God, especially for the impending trap that has been prepared for Him?,
d, why was it important for Him that His desciples "watch and pray?"And what could be so bad to make His and their flesh weak? Verses 32-38?
Why would there have to be present, tge priests, scribes, elders, and a great multitude? Verse 43?
What must they witness that would be so outrageous and abominable, that would demand immediate arrest and subsequent insult, maltreatment of Jesus Christ, that even His desciples wouldn't want to be associated with him?
And suddenly, there appeared a "certain naked young man, simply clad with a linen cloth, left and fled naked?
What was his role in the setup of Jesus Christ, in a remote place, in the middle of the night?
What did they want to show concerning Jesus Christ?
Why would even their witnesses not agree? Wasn't it because they didn't understand the depth of their satanic mind?
This man claimed to be the Son of God, and the descendant of King David, and was now found in a blatantly staged compromising situation?
Verse 61: Why was it important for them to ask about His status as " the Christ, the Son of the Most BLESSED?""" Implying he was cursed?
Funny, that was the only question He answered because it was the truth! The Truth they were not willing to accept, instead smeared His reputation for the who world to see, since Jerusalem was teeming with people from all over for the feast of passover!
The most admirable and regal thing about this is that Jesus Christ kept quiet, even when they condemned Him to death according to Leviticus 20:13, with all the false witnesses to corroborate their false accusations of blasphemous conduct and speech, spitting on and making fun of Him verses 55-65!
Wow! He actually preferred to be condemned to death, rather than say anything that would condemn even the man that fled naked from the scene! He would have made them look for him and arrest him for lewd conduct and immoral act.
But, didn't Jesus Christ come to seek and save the lost - even those who are called immoral and who commit abomination? This just proved how Jesus Christ paid for the punishment of every one, especially those who the scriptures condemned as committing abomination, they were the most beneficial of His condemnation and subsequent punishment and eventual cursed death on the cross of Calvary. Anyone who still tramples on His shed blood, after seeing what He did for them, by continuing in their pernicious ways, would have no more plea for sin.
They will be looking forward to a fiery judgment on that day, but God will be just and Righteous in judgment!
He put the most needful for the last, He never overlooked anyone, no matter who they are or the nature of their sins, He paid for them all!
Thus, the naked man clad with linen cloth in verses 51 and 52 was the bait, set up to implicate Jesus Christ and anyone associated with Him. I believe that Judas was blindsided with the appearance of this young man, and this made him regret ever colluding with these people, because that wasn't part of the agreement, and this got him to commit suicide!Let us remember that these people will do anything in order to get their way. They actually went to catch a woman committing adultery in the very act, John 8: 3-11 so that they can have something to trap Jesus. They have been looking for ways to get rid of Him, and this naked young guy was it! That would be the reason why Peter vehemently denying knowing Jesus Christ 3 times, and Jesus Christ was left alone to finish the work of salvation of the soul of man by paying the ultimate wages of sin: cursed death on the cross! He was buried, and He rose again from the dead on the 3rd day. So all who believe in Him should have justification from sin and would be imputed with the righteousness of God, by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection, and will have everlasting life 1 Corinthians 15:51-58, when He presents them faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy! Jude 24.
Whosoever does not believe and abide till the end, Matthew 24:13, when He returns to take up all His purchased possession, 1Thesalonians 4:13-18, will be condemned to everlasting fire Isaiah 66:24.
We all get to make informed decisions, so God will be righteous and just when He judges, and every mouth will be stopped on that day! Romans 3:19;
Acts 17:31; Psalm 96:13; Isaiah 11:4; Psalm 51:4.7!I believe that Judas was blindsided with the appearance of this young man, and this made him regret ever colluding with these people, because that wasn't part of the agreement. Let us remember that these people will do anything in order to get their way. They actually went to catch a woman committing adultery in the very act, John 8: 3-11 so that they can have something to trap Jesus. They have been looking for ways to get rid of Him, and this naked young guy was it! This was the first sin committed in the garden of Eden, and dealt with by the shedding of the blood of the sinless Lamb of God; and this was the last sin dealt with in the garden of Gethsemane that was dealt with by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ- the Lamb of God, promised from the very beginning Genesis 22:8, for the atonement for and the propitiation of the sins that came out of the original sin. "It is finished," indeed! John 19:30!
Despite all their accusations, Jesus Christ remained silent. He wouldn't justify Himself. He wouldn't excuse Himself. He wouldn't accuse the planted naked young man. He knew that He had to drink the cup! Even though He was without blame, without sin, without any faults!
For this reason, He left His glory and put on the flesh of sin to condemn sin in His flesh, thereby satisfying God's need for justice and eventual judgment - cursed death on the cross. It was already decided by both God the Father and God the Son- who would be left alone when He would eventually submit His Spirit as well, to the Father- the Spirit that quickened the soul of man in the beginning Genesis 2:7, because sin must be paid for in the flesh! Mark 14:36; Luke 23:46, believing that He will receive it again, as decided Psalm 31:3-5. It is already written! It must be fulfilled! For God had made Him to be sin for us - who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
He died, was buried, but He rose again from the dead triumphantly, on the third day! With His glorious body of flesh and bones, just like the first Adam Genesis 2:23; Luke 24:39; as will all Believers - members of His body would become as He is 1John 3:2; Ephesians 5:30, when He returns to redeem His purchased possession!
He ascended into heaven, He sprinkled the blood of His victory on the mercy Seat, and sat down at the right hand of God, the Father, waiting for all His enemies to become footstool for His feet!!!
There is nothing to add. Nothing can be added to it!
All attempts of man to look for other ways are simply futile!
What a Great Savior!
Who else can compare among all the gods! He is glorious in Holiness, Fearful in praises, doing wonders! Amen!
Apostle Paul, whose ancestors were separated from Israel by their actions in Judges chapters 19-21, which made the Benjamites restored by grace! God had to give king Saul a new heart, but he couldn't even abide till the end, and only the covenant between David and Jonathan that kept his descendants, from Mephibosheth, to Mordecai, Esther, and even up to the Apostle Paul.
This same Zeal was in him for Israel, who didn't know what they had as God, but keep messing up!
The Apostle Paul was proud of his heritage, and kept God's law so strictly, that he even got mad to death, at Jesus Christ, when he went to him for validation Luke 18:18-22.
He began to persecute Him because He was touching what was the most important thing to him at that time- his relationship with God of Israel through the observance of His laws, and now came someone else with a strange doctrine. He persecuted Jesus to death- literally and continued with His followers, until his deferred calling in Luke 18:22 became effective in Acts 9. Since then, he never looked back. Although He was the Apostle to the gentiles, he frequently went back to Jerusalem, just so that the Jews could take advantage of the gospel of the salvation of their souls, by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ Romans 9:3-5.
That's how much love both Moses and Paul had for the Jews, who didn't realize the importance of who they were and whose they were-the Living, Lord God Almighty, who only has them for His people ( cf. Ephesians 2:12).
They both have deferred calling!
(Nadie sabe lo que tiene, hasta el dia que lo pierde, indeed!)
God is omniscient. He knows everything. He prepared a body for His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to come and feel in the flesh, all what man is going through, while He Himself remains sinless, meaning, He doesn't indulge in sin. Hebrews 4:15-16. So, He eventually was condemned as a sinner- study Mark 14:51, the story of the naked young man. 2 Corinthians 5:21.
That was the reason Jesus's sweat were like drops of blood, when He got to the last sin He had to deal with that would condemn Him to shame, torture and consequently, a cursed death on the cross- simply because He was set up in the middle of the night, as He prayed, in the garden of Gethsemane, to be doing stuff the laws condemned with penalty of death, by stoning, but was cranked up to become death by crucifixion on the cross.
Judas kissed him, not a peck in the cheek but a full blown kiss, in order to set him up, but he didn't know his act was just a distraction, the people that hired him, already prepared a worse scenario- using the young guy that fled into the night naked. Mark 14:51-52.
Jesus Christ refused to tattle on him, nor did he ask them to go get him to speak for him, because He came for the very reason, to die for the undeserved, who, if and when they come to this realization, would immediately repent and accept the cleansing power of the blood that bought them. He even became their high Priest, who is touched by the feeling of their infirmity, understanding where they come from, but hoping they will come to Him and cast it all on Him, and take His Rest! He already made that call!!!
Will you answer, will you imagine what they must have done to him, with such a charge, in that day and age? All just to make atonement for every sin conceivable, including what you're struggling with at this moment! Give it all to Him!
Being mad at the preacher will not assuage your guilt and self- condemnation, and self torture and self hatred and self judgment. He already did it all- for YOU!!!
Which of these religious leaders who abbet them ever promised to pray to God for them. How can the blind lead the blind?
Anyone that has encountered God by the preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and still remain unconcerned and unrepentant, has already forfeited his mercy, and grace that bought him from the devil, who has the power of sickness, afflictions, terror, oppression, death and the grave. No escaping him.
Let the love of God for you, in Christ Jesus, constrain you to listen, receive, accept, confess, believe and abide in His love, justification from all your sins, past, present and future, And live the new life purchased by the shedding of His blood, and by imputting God's righteousness that declared you "faultless, blameless ", before the presence of God, with whom you have to give an account, whether you like it or not! No excuses on that day, for God will definitely be Just and Righteous when He metes out judgment, and all mouths will be quiet!
Why is there a naked boy in Mark 14? | Ammon Hillman
Ammon Hillman the satanist
He is a satanist LoL
Ammon is a satanist
Peter drew his sword because Jesus Christ has fallen into the carefully laid snare to disparage His Holiness. But he eventually fled with the others because of the outcome of the allegations- they had caught Jesus Christ red handed with a naked young man who allegedly fled naked in the middle of the night and all alone with Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ had asked His Father, if there was another way to go to the cross, instead of this, but, He truly came to die for sinners, including those that defile themselves with mankind, changing the creation of God and manipulating the very essence of their being! That's who He died for!
He included everyone, but they would rather remain ignorant, so as to continue in their pernicious ways.
No one has any excuses, no matter who they are.
So, search the scriptures. John 5:39.
The bible is the textbook for the examination that will be administered soon, the answers are already made manifest, if anyone fails, he or she only has themselves to blame. God will be righteous when He Judges, and every mouth will be quiet! Romans 3:19; Acts 17:31; Psalm 19:36; 51:4b. No excuses!
Wow, now let’s hear how you defend Jesus being naked while washing of the feet? John 13.12
No, Jesus was not naked when He washed His disciples' feet. In John 13:4-5, it is stated that Jesus took off His outer garment and wrapped a towel around His waist before washing their feet. This would have left Him wearing the inner garment, which was common in that culture. The act of removing His outer garment was symbolic of humility and servanthood, but He was not without clothing.
Here’s the relevant passage:
John 13:4-5 : "So he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him."
Jesus was demonstrating humility and service, but He was not naked.
It was something that happened and was a memorable occurance. Other than that...
A young man is a boy.
If always
figured the guy was a time traveler and did not have the opportunity to find some period clothes.
Wow, you sure know how to do a slight-of-hand coverup. That story would never ever pass as anything else except by a fellow cult member. Not in court, not on the street, not if you yourself witnessed it. Face it, Jesus and his merry band of mostly adolescent disciples were up to no good.
Wow, your explanation would never pass as anything, not in court, not on the street.
Any evidence for your claim?
@@TheBibleisArt Another amazing deflection to start asking for evidence or questions. In the real world, if you're caught with a naked underage boy or girl early in the morning in a park, you'll be apprehended by the police if you're lucky. It'll be bad luck if you get caught by witnesses or the parents who'll beat the living *^%$ out of you, and then turn you over to the police.
Yes, read the greek texts. Ammon Hillman
@@aestheticaudio6037 Ammon is a satanist.
No that's not what happened. I was there and that young man was actually dead. He rose up from the grave and the disciples tried to grab him but he got away.
Back in those days, they say a young man which really means boy