Michaelis Menten Equation | Enzyme Kinetics | Biochemistry

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • Introduction to Enzymes
    - **Definition**: Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in living organisms without being consumed in the process.
    - **Nature**: Most enzymes are proteins, though some RNA molecules can also have catalytic activity (ribozymes).
    - **Function**: Enzymes lower the activation energy required for a reaction, enabling it to proceed faster.
    - **Specificity**: Each enzyme is specific to a particular substrate or type of reaction, dictated by the enzyme’s active site structure.
    Mechanism of Enzyme Action
    1. **Active Site**: The region on the enzyme where the substrate binds.
    2. **Substrate Binding**:
    - **Lock and Key Model**: The enzyme’s active site is exactly complementary to the shape of the substrate.
    - **Induced Fit Model**: The enzyme changes shape slightly to accommodate the substrate more snugly.
    3. **Formation of Enzyme-Substrate Complex**: When the substrate binds to the enzyme’s active site, they form an intermediate complex.
    4. **Catalysis**:
    - The enzyme catalyzes the conversion of the substrate to the product.
    - This may involve breaking bonds, forming new bonds, or rearranging atoms.
    5. **Product Release**: After the reaction, the products are released, and the enzyme is free to bind with new substrate molecules.
    Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction
    1. **Substrate Concentration**:
    - As substrate concentration increases, the reaction rate increases until a maximum rate (V_max) is reached, where the enzyme is saturated with substrate.
    2. **Enzyme Concentration**:
    - Increasing enzyme concentration increases the reaction rate, provided there is an excess of substrate.
    3. **Temperature**:
    - Reaction rate increases with temperature up to an optimum point, after which the enzyme denatures and activity decreases.
    4. **pH**:
    - Each enzyme has an optimal pH range. Deviations from this range can lead to decreased activity or denaturation.
    5. **Inhibitors**:
    - **Competitive Inhibitors**: Bind to the active site, competing with the substrate.
    - **Non-competitive Inhibitors**: Bind to another part of the enzyme, changing its shape and reducing its activity.
    6. **Cofactors and Coenzymes**:
    - Non-protein molecules that assist in enzyme activity. Cofactors are often metal ions, while coenzymes are organic molecules.
    What is Enzyme Kinetics?
    - **Definition**: Enzyme kinetics is the study of the rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions and how they change in response to changes in concentration of substrate, enzyme, and other factors.
    - **Purpose**: Understanding enzyme kinetics helps in elucidating the mechanism of enzyme action and in designing drugs and treatments that can modulate enzyme activity.
    Explanation of the Derivation of Enzyme Kinetics (Michaelis-Menten Equation)
    1. **Basic Assumptions**:
    - The formation of the enzyme-substrate complex (ES) is a fast and reversible reaction.
    - The breakdown of the ES complex to form the product is the rate-limiting step.
    2. **Michaelis-Menten Equation**:
    E + S \leftrightarrow ES
    ightarrow E + P
    - \(E\) = Enzyme
    - \(S\) = Substrate
    - \(ES\) = Enzyme-Substrate complex
    - \(P\) = Product
    3. **Rate Equations**:
    - Formation of ES: \( k_1 [E][S] \)
    - Breakdown of ES: \( (k_{-1} + k_2)[ES] \)
    4. **Steady-State Assumption**:
    - The concentration of the ES complex remains constant over time.
    \frac{d[ES]}{dt} = k_1 [E][S] - (k_{-1} + k_2)[ES] = 0
    Solving for \([ES]\):
    [ES] = \frac{k_1[E][S]}{k_{-1} + k_2}
    5. **Total Enzyme Concentration**:
    [E_{total}] = [E] + [ES]
    Substitute \([E]\):
    [E] = [E_{total}] - [ES]
    6. **Michaelis Constant (\(K_m\))**:
    K_m = \frac{k_{-1} + k_2}{k_1}
    Thus, \([ES]\) can be rewritten as:
    [ES] = \frac{[E_{total}][S]}{K_m + [S]}
    7. **Reaction Rate (\(V\))**:
    - The rate of product formation is:
    V = k_2[ES]
    Substitute \([ES]\):
    V = \frac{V_{\max}[S]}{K_m + [S]}
    Where \(V_{\max} = k_2[E_{total}]\)
    8. **Michaelis-Menten Equation**:
    V = \frac{V_{\max}[S]}{K_m + [S]}
    - Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up reactions by lowering activation energy.
    - The enzyme-substrate interaction can be modeled by the induced fit model and forms an enzyme-substrate complex.
    - Factors such as substrate concentration, enzyme concentration, temperature, pH, and inhibitors affect enzyme activity.
    - Enzyme kinetics, particularly the Michaelis-Menten equation, helps us understand and quantify the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
    n biochemistry, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, named after Leonor Michaelis and Maud Menten, is the simplest case of enzyme kinetics, applied to enzyme-catalysed reactions of one substrate and one product. It takes the form of a differential equation describing the reaction rate

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