Addressing some of the critical comments on my parents ⬇ I don't have the patience to reply to each of them individually, lol. ⬇ 1. I am their first child. They had never had to comfort a crying child before. 2. They did try to give me a toy, but it made me cry harder - 19:00 3. Yes, they took photos and videos. And I’m glad they did because the only other photos I have from before this is my referral photo and a couple from when I was in the orphanage. My dad handed the camera to one of the other people traveling with them to film him with me as well since he was holding the camera most of the time. And for this same reason, at 19:12, you see my mom takes one photo of me with my dad and then sit back down next to him. 4. A pacifier or food would not have worked for me. I didn’t like to put anything in my mouth and they didn’t get my feeding schedule yet. 5. It was a very loud and chaotic environment, and it was confusing and scary for all of us babies to not only be in this situation, but to be handed to foreigners and complete strangers who spoke a language we did not recognize. 6. Watch this video where they talk about my gotcha day:
Amoreeeeee... ❤❤❤❤❤cuore bello... Sei bellissima... Tutti voi lo siete... Adottare è sempre stato il mio sogno... Purtroppo non si avvererà mai. Ma mi fa tanto bene guardare resti video... Grazie ❤
My heart goes out to the little ones they are thrust into the arms of total strangers who don’t even speak their language and all you can hear are people more concerned about taking bloody photos of babies in distress wake up guys just imagine how terrifying it must be for them they are traumatised bless them
They don’t care . It’s all about the vid and so they can show their families back home. A Chinese woman in the adoption process said that some foreign people adopt , see the child almost like a Chinese doll .
I’m confused. Why do you think “people are more concerned about taking bloody photos”? Most of the footage on adoption day was shot by friends and other travelers on the trip. It was scary and noisy. Did you watch anything else from the video? Like, the peaceful happiness from the next day? Awesome that people feel so entitled to judge and jump to conclusions.
@@justynakurp7561 no idea what you’re referring to. Some other family in the background? Scarlett’s mother is in the video the whole time and never “searches for the camera.”
I’m 23 now (24 in April😱). I’m so happy that you’re interested in my adoption journey. I started this channel at the beginning of the month, so I don’t have a whole lot of videos yet on what I’m currently doing. I’m working out a filming style and flow that I’m comfortable with.
One of our daughter's was adopted from China. This brings back many memories. She's now in grad school, happy and healthy. I hope you're daughter is doing well, too
Chances are that those things wouldn’t have worked anyway. My mom actually tried giving me a toy at some point, but it made me cry harder. All of the commotion and new faces were stressing me out. In the video, I kind of seem to start crying whenever I see my mom. I think that my mom’s curly blond hair freaked me out because I had always been surrounded by people with straight black hair up until that point.
Thank you for sharing this Scarlett. So glad to see you're all grown up now and pursuing your passions. You did a great job putting this together. Just love the little moccasins your parents had for you. They are the best things for babies and toddlers to wear for their growing and developing feet. So cute and so very sweet. May God continue to bless your journey through this life.
Man, I feel like the first time meeting between the baby and the mother is so bittersweet. I’m sure mom knew..this might not be as picturesque as some would hope. But she seemed to go immediately into maternal confronting mode, and that was beautiful to see.
Adoption is a precious thing and yes it can be scary for the babies kids and their adoptive families.. please try to comfort the children before worrying about pictures it's the best thing to do and you won't have guilt when you think back to that initial meeting. I love Oriental babies they are the cutest babies ever and those who get to adopt are filling the most important voids.. love family and a sense of belonging. May God bless all families who do this so unselfishly and love those children truly ❤
Thank you for sharing this. 🦋 Amazed that you're leaving the comment section open. Most people are terrific and mean well. It's just the... Karens who troll who are stunning... oops. 😂❤ Sorry to be critical of them, but at least I avoided colorful adjectives.
The baby distribution system could use a little work. I hope since this day, they’ve developed a way to give the parents their children without so much cacophony. When we know better, we do better. Even and Aunt is young as a year old can feel the change in separation of all that they’ve known and unfortunately, that is an element of adoption. Making the process as gentle as possible can help. What a beautiful family. I hope that Scarlett has grown happy and healthy with you.
Какой стресс для детей передача приёмным родителям, бедная малышка так плакала, аж до всхлипывания, всё чужое, и лица, и язык, мне очень жалко в такой момент детишек, пусть у них всё будет хорошо.😢👶❤️👶
Es klappt bei der Adoption nicht immer so reibungslos. Eine andere Umgebung, andere Personen, die Kinder haben ja nie was anderes gesehen als ihr Zimmer. Die meisten Adoptiveltern zeigen dies alles nicht, aber oft sind die ersten Tage sehr hart. Am Ende wird alles gut 😊
Agreed. Would have been a lot less stressful for all the babies and the parents. From what I’ve seen in more recent China gotcha day videos, I think they do actually put the parents in separate rooms so they can bond with their child without having to deal with other families trying to do the same.
Scarlett, when you were baby, your mom called you pumpkin you stop crying and then you got used to your parents at the hotel but then cried for a little longer and it was on your mom and then your mom was able to calm me down. She said hi Scarlett hi pumpkin.
This got me sooooooo mad. When they went to get the baby they both were so worried about taking pictures and videos while the baby was crying. They didn’t even try to comfort her at all. Poor little baby is living her home that she knows and these 2 people are not helping her at all.
who is they? the parents weren't taking pictures, they were holding and trying to console an inconsolable child at the time. friends were taking the pictures. If they didn't Scarlett wouldn't have her adoption day video or pics that you are now watching. people love to judge, and it makes me sooooooo mad! lol All the girls from this adoption journey grew up to be intelligent, loving humans. Kids are resilient and love is the medicine. She got so much love I hope you did too.
I agree with you 100% . You distract the baby ,with toys and doing antics and walking around with her. You don’t sit there with a baby on your lap screaming and you do absolutely nothing and then your wife takes pictures of this poor child . I wonder why certain people adopt. It’s great that children have a better life in America than in orphanage in China but I wonder how some of these kids are treated when at home in the States .
Es terrible cómo hacen las entregas: tanta gente, tanto ruido...todo el mundo sacando fotos. Debería hacerse en un entorno más respetuoso con los niños, que son pequeños pero también se asustan y sufren. En los orfelinatos de Etiopía las organizan mejor, respetando las necesidades de los niños.
It’s never a surprise to me that many of these new parents don’t have a bloody clue when it comes to comforting these beautiful little babies they are terrified thrust into the arms of total strangers and all the adults are concerned about is taking bloody photos of the distressed children come on guys i know you have waited a long time to hold your child but please put them FIRST not bloody photos
He visto demasiados vídeos de adopciones, y demasiadas veces. Y casi siempre busco a las familias para ver como son ahora esos niños. Me gusta pensar que tuvieron felices infancias y que ahora están realizados, seguramente con preguntas sobre sus raices pero dentro de todo que estén bien. Aunque hay otros vídeos que me dejan preocupada porque pienso que pasada la novedad los niños quedan de lado, principalmente cuando tienen más hijos y algunos de la edad del adoptado. Vi una familia que al principio cuando reciben a la bebé parece que hay amor verdadero pero luego llegan a sus casa y hay más niños y en las fotos por lo menos, se terminaron los abrazos para la niña adoptada. O también otros que adoptan a la bebé y le dan a probar wasabi, y la niña pequeña de unos 3 años, se lo come por darles gusto, por agradarles... ¡Y se reían! ¡Por Dios! Me enojó tanto que quise decirles por qué no se lo dan a probar a su hija biológica que tiene más o menos la misma edad, pero tenían desactivados los comentarios. Ahí es cuando piensas es pura pose, ¿el bebe es un accesorio o que? En fin, me da gusto que hayas tenido unos padres que te aman y espero hayas sido feliz en tu niñez.
For those commenting on the noise and chaos, their orphanage was probably the same way most days as they have too many babies crowded in each room but that is just how China is...crowded. The country is overcrowded, dirty and polluted. These babies were lucky to be adopted by foreigners as they had a much better life in the US than they would have in China, especially the girls.
Qué dolor ver a esos bebés abandonados por sus progenitores que son lanzados a los brazos de norteamericanos que los van a buscar interesados en hacer videos y tomar fotos antes que calmar y dar abrigo a esos pobres niños para quienes son extraños. Esos bebés no son mercancía que se compra en China. Son personitas que necesitan amor y cuidados de una familia cálida.
Stuffing food at them and toys doesnt help either siblings pawing at them and be passed around makes child enen more upset get with the programme these are babies not bloody dolls😢😢
No. I think it would have been people from the social welfare institute or something. It’s highly likely that all of the babies being adopted here were abandoned due to Chinas one child policy.
Que sofoco y venga foto sacar Alós niños de hay aquí no se meten asunto sociales en ese país no hay quien aga algo para que esos niños sea en tregado de otra manera no como ganado 😊
I wanted to show more than just my parents meeting me, so I added some of the places they went to before meeting me, which is why the title is an adoption TRAVEL vlog (they were traveling with a group of around 20 other parents with one of the adoption Chinese orphanage worker or something as a tour guide. The guide is also the one in the room calling out the city/orphanage names and the babies names). I asked my parents to describe my gotcha day from their point of view, so you can watch that here if you would like:
In 2001, China was still a developing country at the time, so it wasn’t as advanced as it is today. Not to mention that orphanages were largely operating off of donations with little funding from the government, so putting up money to get adoptive parents individual rooms to meet their children would have been incredibly costly. It was more beneficial for them to do groups of parents in each room.
The parents all received a photo of their baby before going to China, so they knew what they would look like as well as the babies name which was called, but yeah, definitely very loud and chaotic.
Never understood why the new parents never learn the language of the country when there adopting these baby's from so sad for the baby's there terrified and scared to death !!!!!!!!!!!!
Scarlett, you kept crying on your mom when she got you you did the same thing with your dad you thought they were stealing you but no, there’s your parents. It was your mom not a stranger. It’s just your mom Scarlett.
No physical or mental disabilities. My parents did think I was going to have a clubbed foot or something because my leg was in a weird position in my referral photo, but I didn’t.
While this baby is now… quite grown up and doesn’t have downs, lol, there’s no indication of downs here, and I’m curious why you would think that? No facial indicators. And her behaviors were very typical of that of other adoptees. It’s a traumatic experience for babies. They’re often growing up in..not the most nurturing environments before going home to their families. If anything, the behavioral displays we see in this video just show the effects of growing in an orphanage setting. In fact, you very quickly see her act like a typical baby after even just what seems like a few days with her mom and dad. One on one parental nurturing is extremely important to babies.
These poor babies are being treated like cattle just get the little girl out of the room can't you see how distressed she is and get the camera out of her face.
no puedo entender a este pais ,la adopcion no tendria q ser mas privada?? No tendria q ser de a poco ,para q conozcan y se acostumbren a esas personas?? Lo q yo veo es q entregan a los niños como si fueran animalitos! Cero respeto x esas criaturas q estan aterradas!
Scarlett, you were definitely big when you were a baby. You were crying your head off when your mom grabbed you same thing with your dad crying your head off to your mom and dad. It means you were crying a lot Scarlett.
Baby Scarlet didn’t want I kiss and the mother was forcing her even though she was crying and upset . The dogs seemed a tad aggressive to the baby . At the beach the father was forcing Scarlet to kiss. What is wrong with these people! Scarlet was clearly annoyed with them the way she was babbling.. Lol! Scarlet didn’t seem happy at all. There were no smiles or giggles She’s with strangers , yanked from her home, in unfamiliar surroundings . She needs gentleness , and softness , lots of love and lots of patience . In her own time she’ll warm to people . Instead they treat her like a performing monkey .
Thanks for sharing your ignorant, hurtful comments! Scarlett (two t’s, dear) likes the engagement so we’re leaning into the lunatics posting. Dogs seem aggressive? Dogs bark. Maybe you don’t know that? Scarlett grew up with these dogs - never a second’s risk. Because of the time she spent in the orphanage, Scarlett was averse to things touching her mouth. Unlike most babies, she didn’t put things in her mouth. It’s one of the reasons she didn’t eat solid food until maybe 2.5 years old. There’s a funny picture of her sticking her tongue out to touch my cheek. Our speech therapist wanted us to desensitize her so she became more comfortable…which was part of the kissing. But, yeah, feel free to weigh in with your ignorance and judgement. No smiles or giggles? Guess you didn’t watch the whole vid. Part of the fun with old video cameras was the ability to swivel the screen and Scarlett liked babbling into the camera (some things don’t change…!). As for “performing monkey”…such an awful thing to say. Just hoping you’re a Russian bot programmed to spread MAGA hate across the US and somehow found this channel as a place to spew your venom. Just hoping you’re not a real person…and definitely not a mother/parent.
@cherrymetha3185 The more ignorant, the more opinionated. It's always people who have never and will never go through this that think they know everything about the children, the process and how the parents should behave. If the parents do this, someone criticizes they shouldn't touch them. If the parents don't touch them, people complain they aren't hugging them and comforting them. Give them a toy or a lollipop and people throw a fit. When you know nothing, there's nothing anyone can do you won't complain and criticize. Pull your head out of your backside. You know nothing
Addressing some of the critical comments on my parents
⬇ I don't have the patience to reply to each of them individually, lol. ⬇
1. I am their first child. They had never had to comfort a crying child before.
2. They did try to give me a toy, but it made me cry harder - 19:00
3. Yes, they took photos and videos. And I’m glad they did because the only other photos I have from before this is my referral photo and a couple from when I was in the orphanage. My dad handed the camera to one of the other people traveling with them to film him with me as well since he was holding the camera most of the time. And for this same reason, at 19:12, you see my mom takes one photo of me with my dad and then sit back down next to him.
4. A pacifier or food would not have worked for me. I didn’t like to put anything in my mouth and they didn’t get my feeding schedule yet.
5. It was a very loud and chaotic environment, and it was confusing and scary for all of us babies to not only be in this situation, but to be handed to foreigners and complete strangers who spoke a language we did not recognize.
6. Watch this video where they talk about my gotcha day:
Amoreeeeee... ❤❤❤❤❤cuore bello... Sei bellissima... Tutti voi lo siete... Adottare è sempre stato il mio sogno... Purtroppo non si avvererà mai. Ma mi fa tanto bene guardare resti video... Grazie ❤
Glad to see you have a good happy story to tell us about your adoption
My heart goes out to the little ones they are thrust into the arms of total strangers who don’t even speak their language and all you can hear are people more concerned about taking bloody photos of babies in distress wake up guys just imagine how terrifying it must be for them they are traumatised bless them
I totaly agree with you.
agree, mother who went search for camera inster of tissue broke my heart
They don’t care . It’s all about the vid and so they can show their families back home. A Chinese woman in the adoption process said that some foreign people adopt , see the child almost like a Chinese doll .
I’m confused. Why do you think “people are more concerned about taking bloody photos”? Most of the footage on adoption day was shot by friends and other travelers on the trip. It was scary and noisy. Did you watch anything else from the video? Like, the peaceful happiness from the next day?
Awesome that people feel so entitled to judge and jump to conclusions.
@@justynakurp7561 no idea what you’re referring to. Some other family in the background? Scarlett’s mother is in the video the whole time and never “searches for the camera.”
how are things?,love it!insane ~have a nice day!
Thanks! You too!
I wish they would do an update because she would be in her 20’s.
I’m 23 now (24 in April😱).
I’m so happy that you’re interested in my adoption journey. I started this channel at the beginning of the month, so I don’t have a whole lot of videos yet on what I’m currently doing. I’m working out a filming style and flow that I’m comfortable with.
Those dear little hands clutched together in terror. Heartbreaking! 😢
Thank you for sharing this video
Adorable little angel!!! That first day must have been so emotional for all of you... It was great to see those first smiles.
Beautiful little one, nice to see her bonding with mom and dad after initial trauma.
Thank you
Oh this is so so so precious. You've been blessed! ❤❤
Yes I am!☺️
I have two Grandson’s adopted from Korea.♥️🇨🇦♥️
One of our daughter's was adopted from China. This brings back many memories. She's now in grad school, happy and healthy. I hope you're daughter is doing well, too
My goodness, give her a bottle or a toy, Something. Dont just sit there and laugh at her screaming.
Chances are that those things wouldn’t have worked anyway. My mom actually tried giving me a toy at some point, but it made me cry harder. All of the commotion and new faces were stressing me out.
In the video, I kind of seem to start crying whenever I see my mom. I think that my mom’s curly blond hair freaked me out because I had always been surrounded by people with straight black hair up until that point.
@@ScarlettFuyinaww this was you huni? How are u doing now?
Also I was going by the video I missed that it was 2001 lol although u could totally tell HAAH.
Yup. Doing great now👍
Thank you for sharing this Scarlett. So glad to see you're all grown up now and pursuing your passions. You did a great job putting this together. Just love the little moccasins your parents had for you. They are the best things for babies and toddlers to wear for their growing and developing feet. So cute and so very sweet. May God continue to bless your journey through this life.
Thank you so much!
Man, I feel like the first time meeting between the baby and the mother is so bittersweet. I’m sure mom knew..this might not be as picturesque as some would hope. But she seemed to go immediately into maternal confronting mode, and that was beautiful to see.
Adoption is a precious thing and yes it can be scary for the babies kids and their adoptive families.. please try to comfort the children before worrying about pictures it's the best thing to do and you won't have guilt when you think back to that initial meeting. I love Oriental babies they are the cutest babies ever and those who get to adopt are filling the most important voids.. love family and a sense of belonging. May God bless all families who do this so unselfishly and love those children truly ❤
Thank you for sharing this. 🦋
Amazed that you're leaving the comment section open. Most people are terrific and mean well. It's just the... Karens who troll who are stunning... oops.
😂❤ Sorry to be critical of them, but at least I avoided colorful adjectives.
The baby distribution system could use a little work.
I hope since this day, they’ve developed a way to give the parents their children without so much cacophony.
When we know better, we do better.
Even and Aunt is young as a year old can feel the change in separation of all that they’ve known and unfortunately, that is an element of adoption.
Making the process as gentle as possible can help.
What a beautiful family. I hope that Scarlett has grown happy and healthy with you.
In recent Chinese adoption videos I’ve seen the families are put in separate rooms.
Thanks, I’m going great.
You are so darling. A beautiful baby and your parents love you so much! Beautiful mommy and handsome daddy! Lucky girl❤
Thank you. That same year, I adopted a boy, 2, and his four older siblings. What a journey!How are you, dear Scarlet?
That’s awesome!
Cute little girl
This little one has already become a daddy’s girl
Какой стресс для детей передача приёмным родителям, бедная малышка так плакала, аж до всхлипывания, всё чужое, и лица, и язык, мне очень жалко в такой момент детишек, пусть у них всё будет хорошо.😢👶❤️👶
22 years ago
Es klappt bei der Adoption nicht immer so reibungslos. Eine andere Umgebung, andere Personen, die Kinder haben ja nie was anderes gesehen als ihr Zimmer. Die meisten Adoptiveltern zeigen dies alles nicht, aber oft sind die ersten Tage sehr hart. Am Ende wird alles gut 😊
so sweet❤❤
Como les cambiala buda aestos niños
Lo recojieton con calvas de tenerlis acostafos tamto tiempo lla no tiene calvas desdes q lo adostaron esta recobrando vida
lo q sufre ese bebe con sus manitos apretadas! Diossssssssss
This should take place in quiet, uncrowded,peaceful space. Too much bedlam!
Agreed. Would have been a lot less stressful for all the babies and the parents.
From what I’ve seen in more recent China gotcha day videos, I think they do actually put the parents in separate rooms so they can bond with their child without having to deal with other families trying to do the same.
Scarlett, when you were baby, your mom called you pumpkin you stop crying and then you got used to your parents at the hotel but then cried for a little longer and it was on your mom and then your mom was able to calm me down. She said hi Scarlett hi pumpkin.
This got me sooooooo mad. When they went to get the baby they both were so worried about taking pictures and videos while the baby was crying. They didn’t even try to comfort her at all. Poor little baby is living her home that she knows and these 2 people are not helping her at all.
who is they?
the parents weren't taking pictures, they were holding and trying to console an inconsolable child at the time. friends were taking the pictures. If they didn't Scarlett wouldn't have her adoption day video or pics that you are now watching. people love to judge, and it makes me sooooooo mad! lol
All the girls from this adoption journey grew up to be intelligent, loving humans.
Kids are resilient and love is the medicine.
She got so much love
I hope you did too.
@@lbmccannActually the woman was taking pictures when the baby was screaming . That’s not right and terrible parenting .
I agree with you 100% . You distract the baby ,with toys and doing antics and walking around with her. You don’t sit there with a baby on your lap screaming and you do absolutely nothing and then your wife takes pictures of this poor child . I wonder why certain people adopt. It’s great that children have a better life in America than in orphanage in China but I wonder how some of these kids are treated when at home in the States .
I'm worried ,I don't kno
How about cheerios or a toy or a bottle I'm sure it will help,don't let the little thing cry sOo much,it's sOo sad!!!
Quanti mesi avevano i bambini ? Sembra che ne avevano 5/7
We were all probably around 10-12 months old.
Cuando bam oirellis es una masacre de llatos yono sopirto esto
So cute…
Es terrible cómo hacen las entregas: tanta gente, tanto ruido...todo el mundo sacando fotos. Debería hacerse en un entorno más respetuoso con los niños, que son pequeños pero también se asustan y sufren.
En los orfelinatos de Etiopía las organizan mejor, respetando las necesidades de los niños.
It’s never a surprise to me that many of these new parents don’t have a bloody clue when it comes to comforting these beautiful little babies they are terrified thrust into the arms of total strangers and all the adults are concerned about is taking bloody photos of the distressed children come on guys i know you have waited a long time to hold your child but please put them FIRST not bloody photos
No le llevaron un juguetico para entretenerlo por favor
They did. My mom tried giving it to me, but I just kept crying
He visto demasiados vídeos de adopciones, y demasiadas veces. Y casi siempre busco a las familias para ver como son ahora esos niños. Me gusta pensar que tuvieron felices infancias y que ahora están realizados, seguramente con preguntas sobre sus raices pero dentro de todo que estén bien.
Aunque hay otros vídeos que me dejan preocupada porque pienso que pasada la novedad los niños quedan de lado, principalmente cuando tienen más hijos y algunos de la edad del adoptado. Vi una familia que al principio cuando reciben a la bebé parece que hay amor verdadero pero luego llegan a sus casa y hay más niños y en las fotos por lo menos, se terminaron los abrazos para la niña adoptada. O también otros que adoptan a la bebé y le dan a probar wasabi, y la niña pequeña de unos 3 años, se lo come por darles gusto, por agradarles... ¡Y se reían! ¡Por Dios! Me enojó tanto que quise decirles por qué no se lo dan a probar a su hija biológica que tiene más o menos la misma edad, pero tenían desactivados los comentarios. Ahí es cuando piensas es pura pose, ¿el bebe es un accesorio o que? En fin, me da gusto que hayas tenido unos padres que te aman y espero hayas sido feliz en tu niñez.
There are definitely times where adoption isn’t the best. Luckily, I had a great childhood.
Porque adoptar en Asia, habiendo tantos niños en su país de origen 😢
Beautiful baby girl gorgeous
Esto es mucho sacrificio yolo siemto no setia capaz de adorar
This will be a Beautiful story is scary for the babies stranger’s noisy but she’s so brave and what lovely parents you have
Thank you so much
Absolutely right
Acho que este casal não tiveram filhos. criança chorando muito eles não. sabem. nem segura a Nina 🤔
For those commenting on the noise and chaos, their orphanage was probably the same way most days as they have too many babies crowded in each room but that is just how China is...crowded. The country is overcrowded, dirty and polluted. These babies were lucky to be adopted by foreigners as they had a much better life in the US than they would have in China, especially the girls.
Qué dolor ver a esos bebés abandonados por sus progenitores que son lanzados a los brazos de norteamericanos que los van a buscar interesados en hacer videos y tomar fotos antes que calmar y dar abrigo a esos pobres niños para quienes son extraños. Esos bebés no son mercancía que se compra en China. Son personitas que necesitan amor y cuidados de una familia cálida.
Scarlett did you ever ask your mom to say a bad word when you’re younger? Did you ever ask her to say the F word or anything like that?
Not that I can remember. I didn’t like cursing because it felt bad. She’s a little surprised whenever she hears me say a bad word now.
Stuffing food at them and toys doesnt help either siblings pawing at them and be passed around makes child enen more upset get with the programme these are babies not bloody dolls😢😢
@@marilynluckhurst5207 yes they need to bring them in 1by1 not all on the same day when meeting new parents
Ce sont les parents eux mêmes qui remettent les enfants ?? ..
No. I think it would have been people from the social welfare institute or something.
It’s highly likely that all of the babies being adopted here were abandoned due to Chinas one child policy.
God these people,poor baby 😮😮😮😢😢😢
Just one thing. I hope you are a happy girl nowadays.
Thank you.
Que sofoco y venga foto sacar Alós niños de hay aquí no se meten asunto sociales en ese país no hay quien aga algo para que esos niños sea en tregado de otra manera no como ganado 😊
😂What a horrible, chaotic mess. So much noise. No wonder those poor, terrified babies are screaming.
This was more about them and places than the precious child that id why she cries so much. More interested in tski g photos than calming the child
I wanted to show more than just my parents meeting me, so I added some of the places they went to before meeting me, which is why the title is an adoption TRAVEL vlog (they were traveling with a group of around 20 other parents with one of the adoption Chinese orphanage worker or something as a tour guide. The guide is also the one in the room calling out the city/orphanage names and the babies names).
I asked my parents to describe my gotcha day from their point of view, so you can watch that here if you would like:
q despelote de gente ,asi hacen las adopciones en China ,un pais tan inteligente y adelantado??
In 2001, China was still a developing country at the time, so it wasn’t as advanced as it is today.
Not to mention that orphanages were largely operating off of donations with little funding from the government, so putting up money to get adoptive parents individual rooms to meet their children would have been incredibly costly. It was more beneficial for them to do groups of parents in each room.
@@ScarlettFuyin se nota q no estaban preparados!
Good grief!!!! so much confusuion it is a wonder parents got right baby if they did?????😩😫☹
The parents all received a photo of their baby before going to China, so they knew what they would look like as well as the babies name which was called, but yeah, definitely very loud and chaotic.
Poveri bambini, consegnati ad estranei in un gran chiasso, nessuna attenzione. per la loro sensibilità
En fin ... Dios le da pan a quién no tiene dientes.
La mujer como mamá, no soluciono nada
En china abandona. Muchos niños yo no crío ni a un chino q lis criem ellos q fallan y los Cen
Never understood why the new parents never learn the language of the country when there adopting these baby's from so sad for the baby's there terrified and scared to death !!!!!!!!!!!!
Più che genitori
No kes qda masremefio no pueden irse lis pobres
Tuene mala keche el chinito
like a zoo, loud and frightening, poor baby
Scarlett, you kept crying on your mom when she got you you did the same thing with your dad you thought they were stealing you but no, there’s your parents. It was your mom not a stranger. It’s just your mom Scarlett.
Didn’t seem to like mom as much as dad
She screamed bloody murder with him too. Just confused, tired and in a noisy room with strangers. Oh wait, she was the one making the noise. Lol
Mother is very nervous, with kiss, with walks, we hv times, my Goodness, youre both very nervoue, qo Scarlett become
They were definitely nervous because I was the first child and I was brought into the room crying hysterically.
Possible Downe Syndrome??
No physical or mental disabilities.
My parents did think I was going to have a clubbed foot or something because my leg was in a weird position in my referral photo, but I didn’t.
While this baby is now… quite grown up and doesn’t have downs, lol, there’s no indication of downs here, and I’m curious why you would think that? No facial indicators. And her behaviors were very typical of that of other adoptees. It’s a traumatic experience for babies. They’re often growing up in..not the most nurturing environments before going home to their families. If anything, the behavioral displays we see in this video just show the effects of growing in an orphanage setting. In fact, you very quickly see her act like a typical baby after even just what seems like a few days with her mom and dad. One on one parental nurturing is extremely important to babies.
This video contains more stupid negativity than any of the.other 100's of videos I have watched 9:21 !!!! 😮😮😩😫☹
You two are irritating her with for forcing the kissing from her
Smh🙄. This is years ago. Why be so critical now
Que escandalosos asustan a los bebés
Fürchterlich! Babymarkt! Die armen Kinder😢
Es masfeo podrian aver afotado un americano
These poor babies are being treated like cattle just get the little girl out of the room can't you see how distressed she is and get the camera out of her face.
You didn't have a toy or food? Just sit and laugh at her while you worry more about pictures.
Con ese escándalo, como.creen
que se sientes, las criaturas?
Poor baby , give her a bottle or toy.. this is so sad ..
Very stressful for the baby just give him to stranger people 😢And try to settle him with different language Why not taking easy for him Poor baby
This was 2001.
What's your prob the baby looks so happy
no puedo entender a este pais ,la adopcion no tendria q ser mas privada?? No tendria q ser de a poco ,para q conozcan y se acostumbren a esas personas?? Lo q yo veo es q entregan a los niños como si fueran animalitos! Cero respeto x esas criaturas q estan aterradas!
Scarlett, you were definitely big when you were a baby. You were crying your head off when your mom grabbed you same thing with your dad crying your head off to your mom and dad. It means you were crying a lot Scarlett.
Quit worrying her mom. You are aggravating her
You are aggravating them
Baby Scarlet didn’t want I kiss and the mother was forcing her even though she was crying and upset . The dogs seemed a tad aggressive to the baby . At the beach the father was forcing Scarlet to kiss. What is wrong with these people! Scarlet was clearly annoyed with them the way she was babbling.. Lol! Scarlet didn’t seem happy at all. There were no smiles or giggles She’s with strangers , yanked from her home, in unfamiliar surroundings . She needs gentleness , and softness , lots of love and lots of patience . In her own time she’ll warm to people . Instead they treat her like a performing monkey .
Thanks for sharing your ignorant, hurtful comments! Scarlett (two t’s, dear) likes the engagement so we’re leaning into the lunatics posting. Dogs seem aggressive? Dogs bark. Maybe you don’t know that? Scarlett grew up with these dogs - never a second’s risk.
Because of the time she spent in the orphanage, Scarlett was averse to things touching her mouth. Unlike most babies, she didn’t put things in her mouth. It’s one of the reasons she didn’t eat solid food until maybe 2.5 years old. There’s a funny picture of her sticking her tongue out to touch my cheek. Our speech therapist wanted us to desensitize her so she became more comfortable…which was part of the kissing. But, yeah, feel free to weigh in with your ignorance and judgement.
No smiles or giggles? Guess you didn’t watch the whole vid. Part of the fun with old video cameras was the ability to swivel the screen and Scarlett liked babbling into the camera (some things don’t change…!).
As for “performing monkey”…such an awful thing to say. Just hoping you’re a Russian bot programmed to spread MAGA hate across the US and somehow found this channel as a place to spew your venom. Just hoping you’re not a real person…and definitely not a mother/parent.
@cherrymetha3185 The more ignorant, the more opinionated. It's always people who have never and will never go through this that think they know everything about the children, the process and how the parents should behave. If the parents do this, someone criticizes they shouldn't touch them. If the parents don't touch them, people complain they aren't hugging them and comforting them. Give them a toy or a lollipop and people throw a fit. When you know nothing, there's nothing anyone can do you won't complain and criticize. Pull your head out of your backside. You know nothing
😐 ... She seems mean, bossy and frustrated. I hope I'm wrong and that the child, now 24 years old, is a calm and happy boy.
Horrible place.