These battery packs are actually good. Actually better than the original deal if you know to hack. I’ve been having a one from almost an year. And yes the original battery which it came with I also think not 5000mah. So I changed the battery with Xiaomi phone 5000mah battery brought from a parts shop. Now works all good. Still cheaper than spending $99 😅
@@muhammed3117 sorry u can’t change it without spending all the credit and canceling the subscriptions u can create a separate Apple ID with disposable email address if u just need to download 1 app from different country location on the app store
These battery packs are actually good. Actually better than the original deal if you know to hack.
I’ve been having a one from almost an year. And yes the original battery which it came with I also think not 5000mah. So I changed the battery with Xiaomi phone 5000mah battery brought from a parts shop.
Now works all good.
Still cheaper than spending $99 😅
wow, I didn't know you could do that!
mine battery pack stop working out of nowhere when is getting low juice, how do you fixed it?
Which Xiaomi phone battery can be fitted in this shell?
is it safe for battery health?
how it will hurt us and not the iphone? And it may decrease the capacity maximim of battery ?
it would be alot great idea to replace the battery with 20000mah wow
It is good to buy this fake magsafe or not
I have several months with a fake one and it's really good, it depends on the price I pay for it.
Bro can you help me about something
sure why
@@sebvn0x How ı can change location on App Store if ı have money on it
@@muhammed3117 sorry u can’t change it without spending all the credit and canceling the subscriptions u can create a separate Apple ID with disposable email address if u just need to download 1 app from different country location on the app store
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