If you pay attention when you start your game, and your loading position is under your opponents, it's almost guaranteed you're bound to lose that match. If you're playing with bots, enemies' bots will be much better than your team's bots. They just don't want you to win the match.
Perfect 🎉🎉🎉🎉
13:50 When you don't know what to say 😢😢
NT bro 😌
If you pay attention when you start your game, and your loading position is under your opponents, it's almost guaranteed you're bound to lose that match.
If you're playing with bots, enemies' bots will be much better than your team's bots.
They just don't want you to win the match.
Wtf is this Gamplay!??
13:50 yes I hate getting bothered too
20:11 That's as Close as you can get split pushing