Trick or Treat with Hollyoaks' Malique, Greg and Parry

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • We got Malique Thompson-Dwyer, Gregory Finnegan and Parry Glasspool from Hollyoaks onto our spooky sofa for some tricky questioning!
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ความคิดเห็น • 42

  • @Leegheid
    @Leegheid 5 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Hollyoaks really did pick a match made in heaven, didn't they?
    It's truly intriguing how even Greg and Parry have such a great chemistry outside their characters. Those little whispers, mysterious stares at 0:18 6:01 & 6:08, shows how well accustomed they're by each other's presence. It's not like I didn't expect anything else (cause let's be honest, gotta have a very good chemistry in order to act out such a great duo in the show) but it's just that we don't get to see them often together as Greg and Parry. So thanks DS! You guys are finally turning into our favour (better late than never)

  • @jackyj1204
    @jackyj1204 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Loved this! Really cool to see that Greg and Parry have amazing chemistry off set as well.

  • @nessagirl1911
    @nessagirl1911 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    "Snog James, marry Ste..."
    That was so sweet, and Parry's reaction when Gregory talked about James marrying Harry!

  • @quietastronaut
    @quietastronaut 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    3:56 "you look awesome, by the way" lol

  • @wawabkun
    @wawabkun 5 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    The cute reaction when Parry heard Greg wanted James to marry Harry awwwwww #Preg #Jarry

    • @scarpien
      @scarpien 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Greg looked like he blushed after saying it. He got sooo red. lol

  • @Mesjoukje
    @Mesjoukje 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Loved this interview! Thank you so much!

  • @quietastronaut
    @quietastronaut 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Nice one! Loving how comfortable these guys are with each other👌 And thanks to DS for giving us little gems like this.

    • @Tvjunkieful12
      @Tvjunkieful12 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      They might be comfortable with each other, but they were not comfortable neither with the setting, the questions - and certainly not that sofa. I have seldom seen actors paddle harder to perform, while trying to maintain a surface of cool. But worse was the fact the interviewer left all the work to them, and didn`t engage much or offered them much to work with. When you ask a question like what their worse audition experience was, help them get in the right frame of mind to recall, and use follow up questions like: "have you had many auditions," "was it one of the auditions for Hollyoaks that didn`t go as well as it should?" So memories can be retrieved and selected. Don`t leave them hanging looking at a piece of paper trying to come up with something to say.
      When Malique said auditions was auditions, and didn`t really have anything to contribute at that moment, the interviewer should have asked the other two if they felt the same way. As a result the interview would have kept up momentum, cause Parry and Gregory would have a straight forward question they could elaborate on without having to search their memory first, and both Malique and them would have had time to recall an audition that didn`t quite go to plan, so they could have contributed with an anecdote for the original question too.
      When you interview someone it is important to look at them, so you can jump in with a longer and more elaborate version of the question, or explanation for the question, if you see the interview object doesn`t quite know what to answer - to provide time for him/her to come up with an answer. Cause when you are being interviewed, even if you understand the question, it might be a question you never have asked yourself before - or even thought of, and therefore neither have a funny response to, nor a proper answer for. But if the interviewer than repeats it more detailed and specific, or explain why he/she asks that question, you have a little time to come up with a response.

    • @ann-christinenilsson4046
      @ann-christinenilsson4046 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Tvjunkieful12 You are so wise, but they don´t have to take this so seriously. It´s not really important. You always get stupid questions and you can choose if you want to answer them or not.

    • @Tvjunkieful12
      @Tvjunkieful12 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ann-christinenilsson4046 As flattering as it is to be called wise (at least by someone like yourself who in so many previous exchanges has proved to be more than a little wise and well informed yourself) - and despite I also must give you right in that for society as a whole, or journalistic-ally, these types of interviews don`t carry much weight - I still feel I have to contradict you when you claim these types of interviews are not important. The thing is, that as actors Glasspool, Finnegan and Thompson-Dwyer do have to take these types of interviews very seriously indeed, since it is extremely important both for their popularity as individual actors, and the popularity of the show, that they come across the right way.
      Being a good actor doesn`t stop when the director shouts cut. It is just as important to be able to market the movie or tv series. So the better (more entertaining and likable) they come across in interview settings like this, the more likely they are of being invited to mainstream chat shows, asked to be on panel shows and similar - because the people making those shows want guests who the viewers are entertained by and want to see. Which again could lead to being invited again, or invited to even bigger shows. And if they become household names for even bigger shows, they become more appealing for bigger roles too - and the other way around. Which again could mean both bigger pay and the privilege of choosing which parts to take on (a luxury very few actors have - most of them are more than happy just to get a recall after an audition).
      But the better they perform on camera in interview settings like these, the better ambassadors they are not only to Hollyoaks, but also for their individual careers.
      Matt Damon and Ben Affleck were rising stars when they won the best original screenplay Oscar for Good Will Hunting. But because of the pure joy and enthusiasm they displayed just being at the Oscars, won the entire world and lay the foundation for the careers they later have enjoyed (at least until a few not so fortunate statements in connection with Metoo). James Cameron could have been "King of the world," thanks to the success of Titanic. But when he used that "I am the king of the world" line from the movie about himself as an attempted joke, instead was perceived to be arrogant and obnoxious, and it actually reduced his influence and standing - compared to the two other main figures behind the Titanic success: Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslett. Sally Fields acceptance speech for her second Oscar win also turned large segments of the audience against her, when she was perceived to have said in her acceptance speech: You like me! You really like me!" (is how most people perceived what she was saying - despite she didn`t actually use that line specifically).
      When people can turn against you not only for what you actually say, but also for what they believe you to have meant, that underlines the importance of how crucial every single appearance an actor makes as themselves is. Whether it be an interview, a casual run in with a fan wanting an autograph or a selfie or even an acceptance speech. It is not just what they say, but how they seem and how they say it which determines how what they say, or how they behave, will be perceived. So for an actor any interview is a potential minefield, and any answer a shot which can hit off target, and instead of a bullseye reply become a miss that could cause serious harm - not the least to their career. Just think about Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and some Metoo related remarks made by them. Or Emmerdale`s Adam Thomas, who confronted with a fan wanting attention in a McDonald`s joint said: - Go away, gay boy. Or something similar. It was controversial enough for it to make the UK papers, and for Adam Thomas agent to attempt to explain the incident away.
      Because any interview or media appearance is so crucial to an actor, it is important that those who interview them or otherwise interact with them on such occasions do so in a way that enables them to appear their best. Either by giving them sufficient heads up about the questions they will be confronted with, so they can come up with good answers in advance. Or by paying enough attention to know when the interview object haven`t got a ready answer, so by elaborating on the question, both making it more clear - and at the same time provide time for the person being interviewed to come up with a good answer - the interview will not come to an embarrassing stop. Which is sort of what happened here, when poor Thompson-Dwyer had to repeat the question himself, to win himself time to come up with an answer - until Gregory Finnegan "saved" him by answering the question instead.
      Cause you are absolute right these types of celeb interviews and questions are not important. At least not for society as a whole or journalistic-ally.
      But for the actors (and their agents) in question, and the movies, series and more they represent, they are extremely important.
      Just ask yourself, should Bryan Kirkwood get a request from The Graham Norton Show if Hollyoaks would like to have one of it`s star`s appear with Graham Norton on his show, which one of Malique Thompson-Dwyer or Gregory Finnegan do you think Kirkwood would have selected, if this interview was all he had to go on? The one who couldn`t find an immediate answer - or the one who took over the question to keep the flow of the interview going?
      They are not only competing with themselves, but also with each other, in these types of interviews. Since the more popular they become among the viewers, the less likely they are of not getting their contract renewed. Perhaps even get a raise or more prominent role on the show?
      Therefore it is essential that people who interview actors - and other celebs - are conscious about their role mainly being to help the interview object appear their best, so the viewers will be maximum entertained and the actors themselves, their agents, shows, studios and more will feel comfortable having their guy or girl working with that reporter.
      But for society as a whole, I absolutely agree with you: these types of interviews are not important at all. But for the actors in question, and the shows movie and more they represent, it is quite different. Since any interview potentially bring them to the attention of people who not know them from whatever they are famous for - but who solely view them by how they appear in that interview.
      That is why any interview is extremely important and potentially can be a career changing development for either the better or the worse for an actor, artist or similar. Take Ben Hardy as an example, who now plays Roger Taylor in the Queen movie Bohemian Rhapsody (very good movie, as entertainment and musically homage to the band Queen and it`s members - but as biopic is both too distant to some elements, and not distant enough to others - especially in relation to other people`s actions and motivations thereof). But before he won the role as Angel in the last (so far) X-men movie, was most famous for playing Peter Beale on the UK soap Eastenders. He has himself said in interviews the reason he got that attention from Hollywood was not because he was on Eastenders, but because a photo spread he did for the magazine Attitude (displaying beach wear and bathing trunks) garnered him so much attention.
      So what makes someone a recognizable name and face might not always be their roles or the show they are in, but can also just be one single media appearance.
      Sorry for having gone on for so long! But I just wanted to make sure you realized why - even though you are right as far as it is not important for society - I couldn`t fully agree these types of interviews not to be important at all.
      Nice to discuss with you again. I hope you are having a great weekend, and that we will have the chance to discuss more in the future.
      Incidentally, you being Swedish, do you watch Hem till Gården (Emmerdale) on TV4 weekdays? If you do I would have loved to hear your take on Joe Tate`s obsession with Robert Sugden. I cant for the life of me understand why Joe Tate should be so negative to Robert, Robert was just a child when Joe`s father killed himself, and wasn`t even in the village when Joe`s aunt, Zoe, sold the haulage company to Jimmy`s dad. So why should Joe want to exert his revenge on Robert? I cant get my head around it? For a while I even wondered if his obsession with Robert was attraction, or if he was so vain he was miffed Robert (being attracted to men) hadn`t shown an interest in him, and that was why he deliberately called him Richard instead of Robert. Both of them having a head for business (and heart for manipulations), they could have made an interesting pairing. Not to mention how interesting it would have been to see how Graham reacted should someone other than him become the trusted confidant of his "adopted" son.
      But now I have to go. Dinner guests is arriving.

    • @ann-christinenilsson4046
      @ann-christinenilsson4046 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Tvjunkieful12 I do understand your point that it is important for celebrities to behave well in every media thing there is out there, but what I meant is that it is also important to show people who you are as a person. If you don´t want to answer a question for some reason you can say that in a nice, friendly and respectful way and I am sure that people will understand and respect you for that. If you are not a funny person that can come up with fun answers but that you are still nice and friendly I am pretty sure it will work as well. If you don´t want to answer that question, what audition was the most embarrassing, you can just make something up or just say that you don´t remember and than it´s over. Hope I understood you right now. Unfortunately I don´t watch Emmerdale.

    • @Tvjunkieful12
      @Tvjunkieful12 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ann-christinenilsson4046 I was more suggesting the interviewer should be more aware of the situation from the point of view of the actors, and either brief them about the questions in advance - or elaborate and specify the questions enough for the actors to come up with an answer. I fully understand your point that the actors should be able to be their own selves. But unfortunately that is not how reality works in regard to the fame game. Unless an actor is able to be entertaining in interviews, chat shows, panel shows and similar, he/she may not be considered suited for a leading role. Marketing is essential for both movies, tv shows and theater plays. The bigger an audience an actor can reach, the more and more lucrative offers the actor will be considered for. The reason scandals can be so damaging for an actors career is that they can take the focus away from the project meant to be marketed, or even worse, make it too risky for the actor to do any promotion at all. Not every one is able to turn a negative into a positive by eating humble pie and be charming, as masterfully as Hugh Grant managed.
      In regard to Emmerdale, which I record daily, it is actually most often a better show than Hollyoaks. I wish I wouldn't have to say that - but I would lie if I said differently. Particularly when Kate Oates was EP the show was in a league of it's own.

  • @aliceqy_
    @aliceqy_ 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Greg always look at parry with a meaningful stare.. dont you guyz see that... is he interested to parry for real

    • @РусТэм-ы9щ
      @РусТэм-ы9щ 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      alice qy_0827 I agree with you. Sometimes James looks at Harry so tenderly...😄 ...But maybe it only seems so... I'm sure all of the Jarry fans wish James and Harry could fall in love with each other in real life...😉😃

    • @xalexis.editsx
      @xalexis.editsx 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      He's actually with a woman in real life and has kids :) but they do seem to have some extremely good chemistry off-set❤️

  • @alice88767
    @alice88767 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    They have fantastic chemistry on and off screen 🥰🥰😍😍😍

  • @hollyoaksclips7191
    @hollyoaksclips7191 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    amazing James ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍❤️

  • @dnats275
    @dnats275 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    These two are awesome together in real

  • @sahirygnobehi6448
    @sahirygnobehi6448 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    😄😄... Having so much fun.

  • @wawabkun
    @wawabkun 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Finally!!! #Preg #Jarry And I love Malique aka Prince with them!

  • @РусТэм-ы9щ
    @РусТэм-ы9щ 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Oh, Harry.. please have mercy on us... stop being so cute...😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤

  • @xalexis.editsx
    @xalexis.editsx 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Greg's reaction when Parry said he would rather marry Ste😂 "What?!" 🤣🤣

  • @charlotted1321
    @charlotted1321 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Ha clever game in which the interviewer doesn't have to do anything 😂

  • @hindlovessrk
    @hindlovessrk 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    My beautiful #Preg #Jarry ♥

  • @eskye2816
    @eskye2816 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    4:12 ummmm

  • @Isf__d
    @Isf__d 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love parrys attitude....dahhhh😂❤️

  • @justinemoreno9146
    @justinemoreno9146 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Parry 😍

  • @Isf__d
    @Isf__d 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I didn’t like James in the acting of holloyoaks.....but I love him outside of acting.....parry and him have so much fun together I can tell

  • @HXHXHX55
    @HXHXHX55 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Marry harry 👍

  • @ramceltamayo2972
    @ramceltamayo2972 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Parry glasspool 💋😍😍

  • @Romich4
    @Romich4 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love Parry & Greg chemistry... offscreen and as James & Harry too.

  • @DKVLOGS2018
    @DKVLOGS2018 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good video

  • @chrissymichaelbublebaby8
    @chrissymichaelbublebaby8 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I marry james nightingale bury mac out patio and snog it hard cuz would marry an snog james same time lol

  • @D81422
    @D81422 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    What does Parry say at 01:27? It kinda sounds like 'I thought you were going to say something fun' and then at 01:40 it sounds like he says 'You don't think you're handsome'??