12 Most Mysterious Abandoned Places

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 58

  • @DeathToPookie10
    @DeathToPookie10 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I've been really enjoying your video's. I wanted to let you know when you're talking about Lake Shawnee, you mention Mercer County, but you show what looks like drone footage from Mercer PA, NOT Mercer County WV. I wouldn't have caught it if I didn't live near Mercer, PA and in Mercer County PA.

  • @Persequimur_Umbras
    @Persequimur_Umbras 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    09:39 ~ In addition, the castle that was never used, by the unknown group that built it around a weird well, is bereft of any bedrooms, bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, dinning rooms, et cetera because anyone actually living there was well beyond the builder’s intent for the building.😅

  • @AceOSpades717
    @AceOSpades717 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Discovery Park was shut down because it was in competition with other Disney parks nearby, it ultimately lost and the animals were sent to a more successful park. Discovery Island is one of the hardest places to explore, there's security that patrol and the lake itself makes it hard. Check out Exploring With Josh, he has a video on the park.
    It was originally Treasure Island, with pirate ships and white sandy beaches. Then i forgot the second stage, they took out the ships. And then eventually the tropical island zoo Discovery Island, with exotic animals and beaches, rumored to have a pirate ship left. It closed its docks and its at its current state.

  • @jPTruka
    @jPTruka 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The abandoned Disney clip is 2 different places. One Is discovery Island and the other is River country the original water wark. River country closed in 2001 and discovery Island closed in 1999. Please amend video about this :)

  • @daniethegirl029
    @daniethegirl029 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You’re showing pictures of river country while talking about discovery island. They’re 2 different places.

  • @erroleabrown4317
    @erroleabrown4317 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    l cant believe how disrespectful none Americian lndian people were about an American lndian burial site. Talk about a slap in the face for your culture and Ancestory. How could they leave all their building material there to rott the whole story is a hallmark of how people disrespect each other.

  • @ewindfeld9735
    @ewindfeld9735 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow something from Nothing!

  • @fansplore7209
    @fansplore7209 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    love the video!!
    We are from Norway and we uploaded a «exploring an abandoned farm» video if you want to check us out. There is other exploring videos too.

  • @daviddavids2884
    @daviddavids2884 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    AS, it should be understood that where an explanation exists, and you say one don't,
    you look Stoopid and/or deceitful.

  • @ugencz8364
    @ugencz8364 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    8:54 What did you try to say there? :D

  • @darbiansphotography4177
    @darbiansphotography4177 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    You stolen my photo!!

  • @torithompson6843
    @torithompson6843 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @macahitt
    @macahitt 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    A lot of the clips in the Discovery Island segment is actually River Country. Lazy youtuber.

  • @RSLpunk
    @RSLpunk 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hmmmm are left behind Star Wars sets really that mysterious????

  • @twilights4m
    @twilights4m 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been to the Star Wars sets in Tunisia :)

  • @YouTubeSaysThereCantBeTwoRyans
    @YouTubeSaysThereCantBeTwoRyans 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Actually.. visiting Whistler's train wreck is not illegal. Yes, it's on government land, but that doesn't mean you're trespassing. It's in a park, with a hiking trail leading right to the wreck.

  • @roy7912
    @roy7912 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you, another excellent video. The only complaint that I have is why do insist on inserting the meaningless little clips between the stories which are repeated over and over in different videos. In my personal opinion this distracts from the seriousness and enlightenment of the otherwise excellent videos.

  • @toddimus
    @toddimus 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Disney won't let anyone in on account of the ghost grizzly

  • @McFreeStyler93
    @McFreeStyler93 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anybody knows the song name in this video ??

  • @EpicHavoc1
    @EpicHavoc1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Houska castle - Blatce - Czechia

  • @Schizoinsomnia
    @Schizoinsomnia 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't know about us being able to portal out. I've had things portal in though.
    The Holy Ghost opened a portal in an abandoned children's hospital in Rochester NY where the cosco is. When i was around 30 i did ghost hunting with 2 of my cousins and 5 others (1 i found out afterwards was a satanist). After having gone around 10 times to this location. Every time we got great recording of the spiritual world. Something felt off that night, when we went in. So i said a prayer asking the Holy Ghost to come in and free the trapped souls. Even the atheist in the group where like wow. Because as soon as i asked the Holy Spirit, a flash of light came in on the hallway and it wasn't a vehicle or a light from anyone. We went to walk out after the prayer only having been inside for about 10 to 15 mins. The room that connected the hallways & 2 other rooms and the exit had filled up with really thick fog waist high. I left the recorder on the window ledge in the first room. Upon review throughout the prayer you could hear screaming & wailing throughout different location in the building. Then while we were outside, you could hear something pacing back & forth grunting and groaning, as if it was pissed off. Then in the distance, probably the hallway, you could hear what sounded like a dozen voices (perhaps Angels or saints) chanting the Lord's prayer. My guess is our physical world was affected by the spiritual world. When it came in, it created portal where the thick fog was. After that night it felt something evil had attached to me. I went through a lot for months. I won't get into that but, it led to me getting baptized. The crazy thing is my recorder that had most of the evidence corroded and now rendered useless. It was as if that was how the evil had been able to find me and come after me, as if it was another portal! After reading we're not supposed to dabble in this type of activity, I no longer participate in it.
    When i was 18 i just converted to christianity after being raised atheist. I was invited to a party, at a location I've been before. It had never been broken up by police. Unlike other locations where a dozen or so police officers busted up the party, and chased everyone. My dad dropped me off. I had a broken wrist and was on crutches. So i started hobbling my way to the spot. I went through the playground to a small section of woods. When 4 of my good friends were walking out. They said everyone's back there, go on back. The other side of the woods opened up to a field, as long as a football length field. At the end you get to the woods. There were many paths to take. So i get to the spot and see my ex gf, her friend who is dating my friend who is there as well. Also there was about 20 guys i didn't know. One was talking with my ex gf. I started hearing them mumbling and pointing at me. His friends call him over to them. When i started hear lets F him up while pointing at me. Lets get him! They didn't even know me! It all felt as if it had to do with the spiritual world because, i was now a Christian. It felt like they were possessed. Meanwhile my one friend was like, i can't let you do that, he's my friend. My ex told me to sit on her lap. This all happened in about 10 to 15 mins of me arriving. Just when it seemed they were going to jump me, a light appeared in the woods. I thought it was my 4 friend's that they would help. The light got closer and you could make out it was just one police officer. My first instinct was to run with everyone else. It felt wrong as if it was like running with the devil and his minions. I immediately stopped and left with a few people. Here is where it gets weird! We got to the field and that's when i realized, God loves me and i am God's. The field i had just walked in from 10 mins prior, was now full of thick fog. Fog so thick, i couldn't see anything in front of me. We were literally being led out by the light, while following the path. I was so new to being a Christian i didn't think to pray for God's protection. When you are God's, God knows what you need and protects you regardless! In my case, God protected me with his divine intervention. The metaphor i get from my testimony is, In life there are many paths you can take. Sometimes it feels like you are lost and in a fog, even on the path as a Christian. As long as you keep your faith, God will be the light and, always be there for you, to guide you through it... Again the Fog was created because the spirit world has an affect on our physical environment.
    When i was around 33. I had been saying my morning prayers. Praying one of the strongest prayers, I've ever prayed. When i was done i looked up and Jesus Christ was standing in my doorway. He had on white robes. He was just looking at me. He looked Hebrew. In that i mean his features. His skin color was on the lite side of a medium tan. His nose bridge wasn't rounded, it was predominant like square looking. His darkish brown hair, was curled wavy not curly. His beard was curly about half way down to his neck. For some reason I stared mostly at his nose. I didn't look down towards his feet or into his eyes. I'm not sure if a portal was opened but i had been praying my name h the town i was born loves Jesus Christ and the town he is born in over and over.
    Another time when i was 30ish me and my cousin had been out on the parkway (the old highway to Canada). The international space station was orbiting that location and was visible around 4-5AM. We had got there much earlier. I had a back injury. So after being there awhile my back was hurting badly. So bad i got on my knees and prayed to God. After i was done my cousin said he saw something go across the street from the side we were on. Well across the street was longpond it almost as bug as a lake. He said it look like a ghost or an alien. I was like right. So I'm looking when, all of a sudden I get an urge to turn around. I still remember the sound my heels made when scraping the gravel. I look up to see, what looks like the sun (from pictures in space). Orange and yellow and on the outer edges of the sphere a brilliant bright red halo. Over the city of Rochester it was cloudy. So this was under the clouds. It was moving towards us. The size of it was enormous. At its closest it took up about 1/3 of my view of the sky. Even though it's a sphere i could tell it was turning and coming down towards us. I wasn't scared but couldn't speak. So i tapped my cousin to turn around. I don't know why he took out his lazerpointer instead of his phone but he did. He pointed it at the object and it lit up. It got to about the start of the pond and vanished in a blink of an eye like Jesus did in my room. We later saw the space station...
    Bonus story, a month or so after Jesus appeared in my room. One day it was either Easter or Thanksgiving. I had went to my cousin's house. A lot of friends and family were preparing food. I wasn't feeling okay. Matter of fact I felt like I was dying. So i went to the boys room to lay down. I looked out the window and saw 3 silver pancake discs in broad daylight. They were big! So i started praying if you're good or from God beam me up Scotty! I wanted to go see from their perspective whatever they were. I was intently praying and was expecting death. When all of a sudden a fourth one shot in, in an instant! They were perfect 2 by 2 in a square. They made no noise. It was a weird experience for sure.
    What I've come to realize every experience is related to God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Hopefully you come to realize this also. Repent for your sins for the kingdom of heaven is at hand

    • @quontizegordon7988
      @quontizegordon7988 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I to believe that Jesus is the messiah and no other name above his name thank u for sharing

    • @Persequimur_Umbras
      @Persequimur_Umbras 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Schizoinsomnia, so if you are dead, & a ghost, you don't deserve to be saved? Shouldn't that judgement he made by Jesus?

  • @stevenbuckley1416
    @stevenbuckley1416 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you that was very interesting and much appreciated 👍🇬🇧❤️

  • @cornellwaters9089
    @cornellwaters9089 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    🚙 Thank You!

  • @sitisiti1294
    @sitisiti1294 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Uuuweee uuuweee

  • @graham2631
    @graham2631 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The train wreck now has a bridge to it easy access

  • @mariosmanesis5644
    @mariosmanesis5644 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    thank you

  • @jacoballred7689
    @jacoballred7689 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    That people could be really surprised. If, they knew how much the landscape has changed over the years? Then of the way everything looked different back in the day. But of all the abandoned ideas and methods? Interesting.

  • @trekliquid55
    @trekliquid55 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yay, Pyestock, my favourite workplace and monster playground EVER. xxxxx

  • @bobm549
    @bobm549 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    The massive cleanup of asbestos and PCP's made it too expensive .

  • @legostarwarsreviews1626
    @legostarwarsreviews1626 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really want to go to Tunisia now

  • @rogannmcfall3138
    @rogannmcfall3138 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Epic Man, thank you for another fine video.

  • @ffsForgerFortySeven.9154
    @ffsForgerFortySeven.9154 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    9:40 It was built were it was imo because it already had a solid natural foundation perfect for the size of the structure envisioned

    • @Persequimur_Umbras
      @Persequimur_Umbras 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sure, some unknown group built a castle, they never used, around a weird well & bereft of any bedrooms, dinning rooms, toilets, bathrooms, kitchens, et cetera… just because there was a foundation just waiting to be used. There may be a bridge in Mauritania, that may interest you, think do I.

  • @melinasatanica731
    @melinasatanica731 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow some of ppl that comment on your videos sound like they work for a competing channel. Or they're on their RAGS

  • @Panda-bg5vk
    @Panda-bg5vk 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    england is not in europe!

    • @jennatolls8369
      @jennatolls8369 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Of course not it's in the South Pole didn't geography teach you anything..

    • @Persequimur_Umbras
      @Persequimur_Umbras 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Even the Romans maps showed England next to Evropa.

  • @maddymathers
    @maddymathers 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    1st view.. .! !! !! !

    • @mariosmanesis5644
      @mariosmanesis5644 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@arinfrya8588 ha ha haaaaaa

    • @maddymathers
      @maddymathers 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Arin frya .. . Yes may be.. .. ! TH-cam knows better. .. !! !!

  • @kevinm3751
    @kevinm3751 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    WOW, I can remember going to discovery island when I was in the Marines. It was one of our favorite places to go in Disneyland!

    • @kevinm3751
      @kevinm3751 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Michael LOL, yea well I am a Hollywood Marine I guess since I went to bootcamp in San Diego and for part of my tour I was in Camp Pendleton but a Marine is a Marine...;)