Incredibly great,fantastic,huge garden.Unigue collection.H ortensia is a very spectacular flower,a nd in the mountain landscape it looks unusually impressive.D ecorators,artists anď florists work wonders, genujne masterpiecies ,from which it is impossible to take off the eyes anď choke with delight.T hank you for video ,as weĺl as for lovely violin music.Olya,Bishkek,Kirghizstan
I'm glad I saw the video and I felt the same emotion I felt as myself. Thank you very much Actually, this garden is not very big. I reflect a bit on the appearance and regret it a little. This year's growth was not very good. I want to look forward to next year. Thank you very much
Amazing Hydrangea Garden :) I've grown cuttings for Hydrangea, Hebe, Buddleia, Spirea & Lavender. Most of these are on my channel header and I made a new Hebe video which shows these cuttings on their journey into big shrubs/plants. Happy Growing :)
@@yuichitowata 当時、もともとその曲を前提にiPhone8で撮っていて、最終日にふもとのローソンで3時間くらいで仕上げたもので、手応えはあったんだが、一年後ぐらいに急に見られるようになったのはご存知の通りです👌
@@yasutakakiyota この映像はフレアとか神がかっててiPhone8の弱点を最大限に活かしてる感がする。撮りたいって気持ちは大事ですね。伝わります。
Wow, Beautiful Upload friend. keep it up. Thank you for sharing this to us. Greetings from Korea
Thank You!!o(^-^)o
tomo poyo コメントありがとうございます。
@@yasutakakiyota 紫陽花を育て始めたので最近は紫陽花の動画ばかり視聴しているのですが、この動画が一番好きです。単なる風景描写ではなく、花の盛りを謳歌している「紫陽花の精」が映し出されているように感じました。何度視ても胸が熱くなります。素敵な動画をありがとうございました。
tomo poyo ありがとうございます!!
Incredibly great,fantastic,huge garden.Unigue collection.H ortensia is a very spectacular flower,a nd in the mountain landscape it looks unusually impressive.D ecorators,artists anď florists work wonders, genujne masterpiecies ,from which it is impossible to take off the eyes anď choke with delight.T hank you for video ,as weĺl as for lovely violin music.Olya,Bishkek,Kirghizstan
I'm glad I saw the video and I felt the same emotion I felt as myself. Thank you very much
Actually, this garden is not very big. I reflect a bit on the appearance and regret it a little. This year's growth was not very good. I want to look forward to next year. Thank you very much
@@yasutakakiyota May success attend you in your gardening anď filming.Thank you,the sight is amazing.
Ольга Нпрд I am grateful. My account uploads many non-floral videos, but I hope someday I can upload something I care about. I was happy.
@@yasutakakiyota your efforts deserve a 🙌👏👏👏👏👏🍬🍬💙❤🙋🌺reward
Cómo lograr el color blanco y el azul?
Ajoyib juda chiroyli
Como mudar.a cor dazflorez
畫面很美可分享借我套成自錄歌曲影音檔嗎! 自娛 非商業用途!2.如有涉及侵權.
Eso es mágico
Mas eu não faço mgica
Amazing Hydrangea Garden :) I've grown cuttings for Hydrangea, Hebe, Buddleia, Spirea & Lavender. Most of these are on my channel header and I made a new Hebe video which shows these cuttings on their journey into big shrubs/plants. Happy Growing :)
No Brasil só azul