I’m waiting for the day when you say “Ohhh that’s a Sea Lion!” Or “That’s a walrus!” Lol!!! I truly enjoy your child like enthusiasm, John! It’s just wonderful!
You asked for recommendations on kayaks. I bought my Old Town PDL 106 about 15 months ago. I absolutely love it. I'll never go back to a paddle kayak again. Remarkably stable, pedal drive is very smooth, never had a minute of trouble with it. Wind is still the nemesis of any fishing craft without an electric trolling motor, but the pedal drive does make it a little easier to deal with. Old Town is making kayaks now with a electric trolling motor in the place of the pedal drive. Soon as I win the lottery, I'll be buying one of those. 😉
Greetings from Oregon. I’m glad to see you posting more kayak videos. I fish small creeks and rivers as well. I’m on my third kayak now. The first was a pedal kayak which ended up being more of a hassle then it was worth for the small waters I fish. I’ve Been through two paddle kayaks and have finally settled on a Bonafide RS-117 which I love. It’s not huge, it has good stability and storage, and is stable enough to stand up in. I really don’t stand much while fishing but I’ll spend 8 or 9 hours at a time on the water so just being able to stretch helps a ton. Give it a look, it’s relatively affordable too at about $999 US. Tight lines.
Perception Outlaw 11.5 has options to add a trolling motor on the back. There is a Wilderness Systems motor mount that will fit right on it. Perception makes “saddlebags” to put Plano boxes in. The saddlebags mount to your right and left so you’re not having to reach behind you. It also has a recessed and predrilled transducer mount. I believe the weight capacity is around 400 lbs so you can really load it down without worry. Chair is very elevated for sight fishing... and it’s made in the USA.
A lot of the creeks/rivers I use my kayak in I don’t use the pedal drive much just because you never know when you’re going to hit 4 inches of water and rip the prop off. For lakes it’s a must for me tho
Agree with pamark. Great choice of scripture verse. The Parkville musky at the boat was epic, then the slow-mo replay...well done sir. The Mouse Creek bass reminded me of an old friend largemouth i caught several times over a few years. He lived in a small subdivision pond and had a large head for his size, a sore or two and one side of his mouth was broken where it hinges. The overall mouth contour was off, obviously he'd been caught by a few people. But every time he took my shiners or lure we got to see how nature pushes on. Merry Christmas John and may God continue to bless you and this endeavor. 🌲
John, I had a NuCanoe all decked out for fishing. Then I bought a Classic Accessories Colorado inflatable pontoon boat. Then I sold all my kayak setup because I like it much better. Way more stability. Control movement with swim finns on your feet so your hands are free for fishing. When not fishing you can use oars or trolling motor to get around faster. If you show me some river fishing in TN, I will bring 2 pontoons to try them out!!
An advantage of a pedal drive is that you can maneuver hands free. In lakes and ponds you’ll have to manage the trees and such so that they don’t mess up your drive. I’ve seen another TH-camr using a “Old Time Kayak” in small water. I almost jumped out of my skin when the Muskie hit!
I bought a 10 1/2’ Brooklyn Kayak Company pedal fishing kayak this past August & love it. Was only a little over $1,200 and had free shipping. 34” wide on 3 hulls and a very nice sit on top seat. If you come to Cincinnati, I’ll let you take it out for a test run.
Yes - I will love more kayak videos! I am becoming a kayak fisherman myself, so love the videos showing kayak fishing, rigging a kayak, loading it, etc, etc. Keep em coming!
Nucanoe makes super versatile kayaks. They are ultra adaptable. You can quickly switch from pedal drive to paddle by adding or removing modular components. I own two nucanoe pursuits. Yet should look into them.
That was a crazy strike! also don't worry about the muskie that broke off, I saw there was a study done on pike that states most spit the hooks after a couple days, and that was with treble hooks.
Since you asked for recommendations. If you want a Pedal drive (and not spend your life savings on a Hobie) - check out Old Town or Native, both are amazing. If you want a non-pedal kayak, in my opinion, Bondafide (SS127) makes one of the best ones out there, they have a ton of nice quality of life features built-in.
What's up John? I'm looking to get a Native Watercraft Slayer Propel 12.5 Max pedal drive...but MAN they are expensive! I talked a buddy into getting a pedal drive, and he said he wished he had not waited this long to get one...he said it's a world of difference. A lot more control for landing fish. Nice video buddy. Be safe out there.
Vibe shearwater 125 dude. You can upgrade to a pedal drive at anytime and even comes ready to accept a bixby motor. Plus it comes with a rudder. Love mine
One time I had a big Pike about arms length hit a jig about a foot from shore. I almost had a heart attack. I was fishing for smallmouth. Pike, Pickerel and Muskie all tend to follow lures and strike close to shore or a boat etc...
Come to the state line and float from Popular NC to Erwin Tenn. it’s a good float but take your life jacket. Look up lost cove it’s a old settlement along the river. God bless you and your family
First fish was definitely gnarly looking- almost looked like he got attacked by something else in that body of water- would love to see the fish that maybe took at swipe at him! New subscriber here- looking forward to more content! Thanks man!
If you got the money a Hobie Outback is the way to go. I have a 2019 and like it more than any kayak I have had. It is stable and paddles well. When I’m in shallow water the fins hug right up against the hull. It is a fishing machine imo
I haven’t had a chance to get into kayaking myself. I just don’t have enough room to store one. I do like the olive drab style utilitarian kayaks that you can sit in. Not the sit on kind. 10-13 ft long. Plenty of room for keeping your rod and reels on and in place. That’s the kind of kayak I like. Not sure on brands though. I wouldn’t even know where to start. Too bad about your close encounter of that muskie. That would’ve been awesome to actually get that monster of a fish reeled in. ADDED: I was looking a little bit myself, and found out Ascend makes some pretty good sit in kayaks. The FS10, H10 Hybrid are both 10 footers. And the H12 is a 12 footer. Something to look into. Not sure of your price range. Those three range from $549-$749 depending on which model you’re after. Good luck finding one for your needs bud.
I'm a big fan of Feel Free kayaks. But there are a lot of good ones out there. Go for quality and comfort. Try to demo as many as you can cause picking a kayak is a personal choice and you should by the kayak you feel most comfortable in.
Great channel, I think the Nucanoe flint, frontier or pursuit would be perfect for you. I have the pursuit. I have a bow mount trolling motor on the front for fishing big lakes. If I want to go to the creeks or shallow rivers I just pop the trolling motor off and paddle it. Great paddling boat. They also have a new drive system out that you can take on and off. I have one on order and should get it in January. Nucanoes are so versatile. You can start with just the kayak and use the paddle. Then you can add the pedal drive or trolling motor at a later date. Check out there videos on there website. I think the flint would be perfect for you. I believe they are 900$. I also have a old town topwater 120 pdl. I also love this boat but it’s not made for shallow rivers or creeks. I know you have used a old town in one of your previous videos. I have a video of my pursuit setup over on my channel if you want to check it out.
First off thanks for videos . I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to that fighting dock at 10 minute mark at parksville I’m paraplegic and I have trouble finding spots to fish. I live in that area
I have been fishing out of a Native Slayer Propel 10. It's a pedal drive. I like it for a kayak but there's still no comparison to a jon boat. I am in Athens, TN and would cut you a real deal on the Slayer 10. It has the Boonedox landing gear for rolling it to your fishing launch site instead of dragging it. Also has anchor trolly and rudder upgrade. I use it for Indian Boundary lake and our Ocoee lake with yellow perch. I'm 6'0 and 260 lbs and can stand and fish out of it. I just got a 14' Jon boat and don't need the kayak any more.
Lol.. you sound like me try n to get a half hooked fish in the boat , plead n and begging lol ... poor fella hop the hook passes easy , some real nice catches man
You got lost in the sauce with that Muskie my man! Happens to me all the time when a big bass hits. I practice spacial awareness on panfish all the time so when big hits happen I don’t forget where the trees and hang ups are
Bummer on losing that muskie. People really dont truly understand the power of one of them until they have ahold of you lol.. awesome footage on the hit though. Just shows you why they are such a dominant predator
Man I’ve kayak fished since I was 14 and I’m 42 now. I’ve had several. I loved the Jackson big rig but hated the compartments. My favorite is the one I have. It’s a Jackson bite fd. It is all open and still has lifetime hull warranty with flex drive (pedal drive that moves up if you hit something underneath. I actually just bought the e motor too. I won’t ever get rid of this kayak. I fish everywhere from rivers, creeks, big lakes. You would love the flex drive. Best investment I’ve bought fishing wise.
Some smaller channels have been given the Old-town kayak and they aren’t near as big or as good as your channel and content. Hope you get one. They are way out of my price range.
I kinda did, too! That was totally unexpected. Too bad that that Muskie broke him off like that, though. Next time, he needs to use a Steel Leader. Muskies don't play around. They're just tryin' to get back off the hook!
Hey John that's a really gooood video Really Good video. May you and yours have a blessed and Merry Christmas. I know we have better days ahead. Good start on the tourny
I've caught alot of big smallmouth this year in clinch river sw va, but I lost 3 huge ones; the largest I lost about 5 feet from the boat it was a monster would have been my biggest smallmouth ever I'd say it was 22" or 23" it was a football too. All three of them jumped and spit my ozark trail whopper plopper clone. It's a heavy lure so they can sling it out good. I've wondered if I kind of pulled lightly or reel faster when they start to jump if it would mess them up from really getting to shake there head back and forth hard to spit the lure. You ever tried that or heard of it?
I am kyacking the hudson river in the morning...shooting for a bartrams bass..but I will take redbreast and channel catfish. Maybe a red horse sucker...caught one 3lbs earlier this year..caught 10 species there this year green sunfish shellcrackers redbreast bluegills bartrams bass largemouth bass blue catfish channel catfish horny heads..a couple big blue headed males. And long nosed gar..my sons both caught one....that makes 10..lol. one big eddy
I am not terribly far from you. I'm in Cartersville, Ga. I am couple different Vibe kayaks you are more than welcome to tryout. They are not sale just to see if you like them. Just let me know if you would like me to bring them up maybe halfway and you can give them a try. I may be able to get my hands on a Vibe pedal drive for you to try as well.
Keep a eye out for the paddle days at some local dealers come spring time. That way you can paddle everything out there and decide what you want. For the adventures you seem to have, I'd suggest the FeelFree Moken 12.5. I've tortured my original Moken for a good long time and it's just now showing it's real age.
John, you didn't get that muskie but you got some good, exciting footage none the less. When you fish Parksville you need to bring a heavier set up with you. Seems like you are onto some good muskie water.
Spots have spots. Specifically, they have rows of spots below the lateral line, whereas largemouths don't. Spots also have more markings on their backs.
Creeky 👍 what ever kayak you get ask for side stabalizers too 🤘 stops you rolling over into the water 👍 Be more safe and you can lean over to grab fish with out the worry of falling in 🍺
Old town topwater 120 is great as well as the topwater 106 . jackson coosa is a known river yak . or a feel free lure 11.5 v2 . all of those are solid choices imo
I like your fishing I am the same way off the bank I have boat but just like bank fishing but I thank you first for being a fisher of men and not being afraid of talking about Christ ..without him I am and have nothing good luck fishing in both waters I also live in tn. Henderson good fishing here when get to go ...later
Hey Jon! Great video as always. Sounds crazy - and I felt crazy when I pulled the trigger on it, but I love my old town 120 auto. You can pull the motor and use it as a paddle only if you want. I haven’t used my standard kayak since I got it. Your more then able to give it a test drive if your ever in CT.
Get one you can modify , so much cheaper Add the propulsion and foot steering.. Better yet , have autopilot 120 sponsor you...but definitely diss the paddle to emergency only
The way you set the hook I just love it
I’m waiting for the day when you say “Ohhh that’s a Sea Lion!” Or “That’s a walrus!” Lol!!! I truly enjoy your child like enthusiasm, John! It’s just wonderful!
That musky strike was sooooooo SICK!!!!
What a crazy couple of days.😎 👍That was so awesome. 🤙
What an exciting hit right next to the kayak! 💪
Another fine video and I hope you realize that you live in the middle of the most beautiful fishing area in the world!!
Nicely done!
You asked for recommendations on kayaks. I bought my Old Town PDL 106 about 15 months ago. I absolutely love it. I'll never go back to a paddle kayak again. Remarkably stable, pedal drive is very smooth, never had a minute of trouble with it. Wind is still the nemesis of any fishing craft without an electric trolling motor, but the pedal drive does make it a little easier to deal with. Old Town is making kayaks now with a electric trolling motor in the place of the pedal drive. Soon as I win the lottery, I'll be buying one of those. 😉
Greetings from Oregon. I’m glad to see you posting more kayak videos. I fish small creeks and rivers as well. I’m on my third kayak now. The first was a pedal kayak which ended up being more of a hassle then it was worth for the small waters I fish. I’ve Been through two paddle kayaks and have finally settled on a Bonafide RS-117 which I love. It’s not huge, it has good stability and storage, and is stable enough to stand up in. I really don’t stand much while fishing but I’ll spend 8 or 9 hours at a time on the water so just being able to stretch helps a ton. Give it a look, it’s relatively affordable too at about $999 US. Tight lines.
Perception Outlaw 11.5 has options to add a trolling motor on the back. There is a Wilderness Systems motor mount that will fit right on it. Perception makes “saddlebags” to put Plano boxes in. The saddlebags mount to your right and left so you’re not having to reach behind you. It also has a recessed and predrilled transducer mount. I believe the weight capacity is around 400 lbs so you can really load it down without worry. Chair is very elevated for sight fishing... and it’s made in the USA.
A lot of the creeks/rivers I use my kayak in I don’t use the pedal drive much just because you never know when you’re going to hit 4 inches of water and rip the prop off. For lakes it’s a must for me tho
yeah i plan to have several different ones in the future
Cool video and good job on fishing 🎣
That was insane!!!!!
Agree with pamark. Great choice of scripture verse. The Parkville musky at the boat was epic, then the slow-mo replay...well done sir. The Mouse Creek bass reminded me of an old friend largemouth i caught several times over a few years. He lived in a small subdivision pond and had a large head for his size, a sore or two and one side of his mouth was broken where it hinges. The overall mouth contour was off, obviously he'd been caught by a few people. But every time he took my shiners or lure we got to see how nature pushes on. Merry Christmas John and may God continue to bless you and this endeavor. 🌲
John, I had a NuCanoe all decked out for fishing. Then I bought a Classic Accessories Colorado inflatable pontoon boat. Then I sold all my kayak setup because I like it much better. Way more stability. Control movement with swim finns on your feet so your hands are free for fishing. When not fishing you can use oars or trolling motor to get around faster. If you show me some river fishing in TN, I will bring 2 pontoons to try them out!!
Great slo mo shots!
They all good fish if they biting!!
An advantage of a pedal drive is that you can maneuver hands free. In lakes and ponds you’ll have to manage the trees and such so that they don’t mess up your drive. I’ve seen another TH-camr using a “Old Time Kayak” in small water. I almost jumped out of my skin when the Muskie hit!
I bought a 10 1/2’ Brooklyn Kayak Company pedal fishing kayak this past August & love it.
Was only a little over $1,200 and had free shipping.
34” wide on 3 hulls and a very nice sit on top seat.
If you come to Cincinnati, I’ll let you take it out for a test run.
that is so cool!!!!!!! man like what
Nice slow motion replay.
Nice fish I wish I could get some like that
Yes - I will love more kayak videos! I am becoming a kayak fisherman myself, so love the videos showing kayak fishing, rigging a kayak, loading it, etc, etc. Keep em coming!
Nucanoe makes super versatile kayaks. They are ultra adaptable. You can quickly switch from pedal drive to paddle by adding or removing modular components. I own two nucanoe pursuits. Yet should look into them.
That bass has been battling turtles
Or muskies
I’m glad to see that someone else uses the word nonchalant in their everyday vocabulary. When I use it people look at me like I’m from the olden days.
Derek Summers They think you're speaking French.
I really like the VIBE SG130
Wow! That's a heck of a way to start a video
another musky - good video!
Just purchased an Old Town Sportsman PDL 120 and love it! Would definitely recommend!
Olde Towne makes awesome boats. I've got 2 canoes and 2 yaks. I really want that olde towne Next tho. Sweet looking boat.
@@Lee_Lee1776 it is a great product, and they have excellent customer service as well!
That was a crazy strike! also don't worry about the muskie that broke off, I saw there was a study done on pike that states most spit the hooks after a couple days, and that was with treble hooks.
Since you asked for recommendations. If you want a Pedal drive (and not spend your life savings on a Hobie) - check out Old Town or Native, both are amazing. If you want a non-pedal kayak, in my opinion, Bondafide (SS127) makes one of the best ones out there, they have a ton of nice quality of life features built-in.
I've had Muskie grab my Crappie and drag me into the middle of the lake brother. Nice job getting it to hit your spinner bait!
Nice catch I’ve got the feel free lure kayak been debating on trying a Jon boat with a trolling motor.
Man so close now I got to go up there tomorrow 😂😂
i know i got to go back soon
What's up John? I'm looking to get a Native Watercraft Slayer Propel 12.5 Max pedal drive...but MAN they are expensive! I talked a buddy into getting a pedal drive, and he said he wished he had not waited this long to get one...he said it's a world of difference. A lot more control for landing fish. Nice video buddy. Be safe out there.
Looks like plenty of bass in that lake. To bad missing the musky.
Oh! Hahaha that was an awesome fish! Get a special rig and don’t forget the steel leader!
You should ask Jackson Kayak to sponsor you. Their factory is out near the Caney Fork where they can do testing. Worth asking. They make great yaks.
Your reactions are the best thing, shows your love for life and GOD!!! Bless us all.
That’s crazy! 🔥
Vibe shearwater 125 dude. You can upgrade to a pedal drive at anytime and even comes ready to accept a bixby motor. Plus it comes with a rudder. Love mine
What an awesome catch bud. Lucky he didn't take you for a ride around the river. LOL
One time I had a big Pike about arms length hit a jig about a foot from shore. I almost had a heart attack. I was fishing for smallmouth. Pike, Pickerel and Muskie all tend to follow lures and strike close to shore or a boat etc...
Come to the state line and float from Popular NC to Erwin Tenn. it’s a good float but take your life jacket. Look up lost cove it’s a old settlement along the river. God bless you and your family
First fish was definitely gnarly looking- almost looked like he got attacked by something else in that body of water- would love to see the fish that maybe took at swipe at him! New subscriber here- looking forward to more content! Thanks man!
I run a old town 106 and love it use it till the waters freeze over here in Indiana
Take a look at the 3 waters bigfish 105, 120, and 108(pedal drive)
Check out Brooklyn Kayak. Paddle is better than pedal since you like shallow creeks and streams.
Some nice fish. And awesome Muskie footage even though it wasn’t a catch. Loved the replay!
If you got the money a Hobie Outback is the way to go. I have a 2019 and like it more than any kayak I have had. It is stable and paddles well. When I’m in shallow water the fins hug right up against the hull. It is a fishing machine imo
DUDE!!! That was awesome footage of that muskie John!
Great scenery nice clear water great video
That muskie was a GIANT! It was awesome when he hit that spinnerbait you could see it!
I haven’t had a chance to get into kayaking myself. I just don’t have enough room to store one. I do like the olive drab style utilitarian kayaks that you can sit in. Not the sit on kind. 10-13 ft long. Plenty of room for keeping your rod and reels on and in place. That’s the kind of kayak I like. Not sure on brands though. I wouldn’t even know where to start.
Too bad about your close encounter of that muskie. That would’ve been awesome to actually get that monster of a fish reeled in.
ADDED: I was looking a little bit myself, and found out Ascend makes some pretty good sit in kayaks. The FS10, H10 Hybrid are both 10 footers. And the H12 is a 12 footer. Something to look into. Not sure of your price range. Those three range from $549-$749 depending on which model you’re after. Good luck finding one for your needs bud.
Extra cool video creek fishing adventures the big fish version
Wow is it big fish bro...🤔🤔... cuz you drink the pink big lol lol😂😂😂😂
I'm a big fan of Feel Free kayaks. But there are a lot of good ones out there. Go for quality and comfort. Try to demo as many as you can cause picking a kayak is a personal choice and you should by the kayak you feel most comfortable in.
Great channel, I think the Nucanoe flint, frontier or pursuit would be perfect for you. I have the pursuit. I have a bow mount trolling motor on the front for fishing big lakes. If I want to go to the creeks or shallow rivers I just pop the trolling motor off and paddle it. Great paddling boat. They also have a new drive system out that you can take on and off. I have one on order and should get it in January. Nucanoes are so versatile. You can start with just the kayak and use the paddle. Then you can add the pedal drive or trolling motor at a later date. Check out there videos on there website. I think the flint would be perfect for you. I believe they are 900$. I also have a old town topwater 120 pdl. I also love this boat but it’s not made for shallow rivers or creeks. I know you have used a old town in one of your previous videos. I have a video of my pursuit setup over on my channel if you want to check it out.
Old Town 106 PDL, peddle version. Something to keep the oar out of your hands.
First off thanks for videos . I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to that fighting dock at 10 minute mark at parksville I’m paraplegic and I have trouble finding spots to fish. I live in that area
I have been fishing out of a Native Slayer Propel 10. It's a pedal drive. I like it for a kayak but there's still no comparison to a jon boat. I am in Athens, TN and would cut you a real deal on the Slayer 10. It has the Boonedox landing gear for rolling it to your fishing launch site instead of dragging it. Also has anchor trolly and rudder upgrade. I use it for Indian Boundary lake and our Ocoee lake with yellow perch. I'm 6'0 and 260 lbs and can stand and fish out of it. I just got a 14' Jon boat and don't need the kayak any more.
Lol.. you sound like me try n to get a half hooked fish in the boat , plead n and begging lol ... poor fella hop the hook passes easy , some real nice catches man
I hope you have enough footage to get us through winter. 😎
You got lost in the sauce with that Muskie my man! Happens to me all the time when a big bass hits. I practice spacial awareness on panfish all the time so when big hits happen I don’t forget where the trees and hang ups are
That Muskie attack was epic!!!
I'd hit that tree again in the future, musky like to hunt from a good spot for a while until they can't or decide to move for another reason.
Old Town will probably be your best bet. They sell both styles. Pedal or paddle.
Bummer on losing that muskie. People really dont truly understand the power of one of them until they have ahold of you lol.. awesome footage on the hit though. Just shows you why they are such a dominant predator
Love your choice of a verse mentioning the "behemoth" after you hooked that muskie.
Man I’ve kayak fished since I was 14 and I’m 42 now. I’ve had several. I loved the Jackson big rig but hated the compartments. My favorite is the one I have. It’s a Jackson bite fd. It is all open and still has lifetime hull warranty with flex drive (pedal drive that moves up if you hit something underneath. I actually just bought the e motor too. I won’t ever get rid of this kayak. I fish everywhere from rivers, creeks, big lakes. You would love the flex drive. Best investment I’ve bought fishing wise.
Some smaller channels have been given the Old-town kayak and they aren’t near as big or as good as your channel and content. Hope you get one. They are way out of my price range.
When that muskie jumped I jumped too! LOL
I kinda did, too! That was totally unexpected. Too bad that that Muskie broke him off like that, though. Next time, he needs to use a Steel Leader. Muskies don't play around. They're just tryin' to get back off the hook!
I've never hooked a muskie but my son has and showed me the pictures. Wow. His was 40" long. Monster compared to what we usually catch.
Hey John that's a really gooood video Really Good video. May you and yours have a blessed and Merry Christmas. I know we have better days ahead. Good start on the tourny
What kind of kayak you using bud?
John, Old Town Predator series are some fine kayaks.
@Seth Johnson seth
It's hard to fish and row a kayak at the same time lol
I've caught alot of big smallmouth this year in clinch river sw va, but I lost 3 huge ones; the largest I lost about 5 feet from the boat it was a monster would have been my biggest smallmouth ever I'd say it was 22" or 23" it was a football too. All three of them jumped and spit my ozark trail whopper plopper clone. It's a heavy lure so they can sling it out good. I've wondered if I kind of pulled lightly or reel faster when they start to jump if it would mess them up from really getting to shake there head back and forth hard to spit the lure. You ever tried that or heard of it?
They Love spinner baits
Dude try some black rifle coffee expressos instead of that crap bang energy, throw that away lol.
How cool was that!
Get both types of kayak's!
I am kyacking the hudson river in the morning...shooting for a bartrams bass..but I will take redbreast and channel catfish. Maybe a red horse sucker...caught one 3lbs earlier this year..caught 10 species there this year green sunfish shellcrackers redbreast bluegills bartrams bass largemouth bass blue catfish channel catfish horny heads..a couple big blue headed males. And long nosed gar..my sons both caught one....that makes 10..lol. one big eddy
I am not terribly far from you. I'm in Cartersville, Ga. I am couple different Vibe kayaks you are more than welcome to tryout. They are not sale just to see if you like them. Just let me know if you would like me to bring them up maybe halfway and you can give them a try. I may be able to get my hands on a Vibe pedal drive for you to try as well.
Keep a eye out for the paddle days at some local dealers come spring time. That way you can paddle everything out there and decide what you want. For the adventures you seem to have, I'd suggest the FeelFree Moken 12.5. I've tortured my original Moken for a good long time and it's just now showing it's real age.
John, you didn't get that muskie but you got some good, exciting footage none the less. When you fish Parksville you need to bring a heavier set up with you. Seems like you are onto some good muskie water.
Barely hooked is still hooked! Awesome! Poor fish must've been caught a couple of times.
Looks like fun. I can't see how that you tell the difference between the Spots and the Large Mouth.
Spots have spots. Specifically, they have rows of spots below the lateral line, whereas largemouths don't. Spots also have more markings on their backs.
@@fishingthelist4017 thank you for the info.
Muskies are legit a specialty in a kayak 👍
Very nice👍
Creeky 👍 what ever kayak you get ask for side stabalizers too 🤘 stops you rolling over into the water 👍 Be more safe and you can lean over to grab fish with out the worry of falling in 🍺
Old town topwater 120 is great as well as the topwater 106 . jackson coosa is a known river yak . or a feel free lure 11.5 v2 . all of those are solid choices imo
I like your fishing I am the same way off the bank I have boat but just like bank fishing but I thank you first for being a fisher of men and not being afraid of talking about Christ ..without him I am and have nothing good luck fishing in both waters I also live in tn. Henderson good fishing here when get to go ...later
Hey Jon! Great video as always. Sounds crazy - and I felt crazy when I pulled the trigger on it, but I love my old town 120 auto. You can pull the motor and use it as a paddle only if you want. I haven’t used my standard kayak since I got it. Your more then able to give it a test drive if your ever in CT.
I have a native propel, but would trade it for old town autopilot.
Nucanoe Frontier 12
That muskie was a crazy catch to bad it broke you off .
Get one you can modify , so much cheaper
Add the propulsion and foot steering..
Better yet , have autopilot 120 sponsor you...but definitely diss the paddle to emergency only
Well that musky will have that piece of jewelry in its face for awhile. Don’t worry John, he’ll shake it or it’ll rust out.