As a budding young 'cellist, Yuki-chan displayed remarkable emotional maturity at the tender age of nine. I wish I had heard more of his playing during the five years of development before I actually heard him for the first time, shortly before writing this comment in May, 2023. Yuki-san is now fourteen years old and shows every sign of fulfilling his promise as a gifted solo 'cellist with world-class potential. I look forward to the future with eager anticipation. Please post more videos, Yuki-san. Gambatte kudasai - and thank you!
As a budding young 'cellist, Yuki-chan displayed remarkable emotional maturity at the tender age of nine. I wish I had heard more of his playing during the five years of development before I actually heard him for the first time, shortly before writing this comment in May, 2023. Yuki-san is now fourteen years old and shows every sign of fulfilling his promise as a gifted solo 'cellist with world-class potential. I look forward to the future with eager anticipation. Please post more videos, Yuki-san.
Gambatte kudasai - and thank you!