Prepare for Siddhasana - a Pose for Meditation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ม.ค. 2025
  • Prepare for Siddhasana - a Pose for Meditation. Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose is an accessible seated pose for beginners which allows them to practice sitting for meditation and pranayama (controlled breathing) practice. This sequence takes you through some simple standing poses and forward bends to open the hips and groins, before teaching you a seated Siddhasana using supports to help you get the actions required.
    In this 20 minute yoga class, Leo will instruct you in poses that help to stretch groins and hips safely. These are areas of the body that get very tight and stiff due to our sedentary lifestyle.
    The poses in this sequence are:
    Prasarita Padottanasana - Wide-legged Forward Bend
    Bharadvajasana 1 - Wide action in this seated twist
    Uttanasana - Standing Forward bend to a chair
    Adho Mukha Svanasana - Dog Pose to a Chair
    Siddhasana - Accomplished Pose on Foam pads
    The equipment you will need will be: a mat, 4 x foam pads, a chair, a wall and a blanket.
    Join Lin and Leo for a LIVE Zoom class! Click on the link for your Free Trial class at The Maidstone Yoga Centre www.iyengar-yo...
    This is an Iyengar Yoga Sequence for Beginners. @Yoga with Lin and Leo
    This yoga sequence, taught by Leo, is a shortened version of one of the virtual classes we are teaching at the Maidstone Yoga Centre,
    This sequence is Beginners yoga, (for those who know the basics of the subject) but we will also be posting Complete Beginners Yoga routines, (for those who are new to the subject), Improvers classes, (for those who are working on their inversions and deepening their practice), and short Intermediate sequences, (for those who have an established, mature practice and are ready to tackle some of the more challenging poses).
    If you find any of the poses difficult, you can look the poses up in our Yoga Pose Directory, which we are adding to all the time.These tutorials will teach the poses in more detail and sometimes with extra props.
    If you want to try Yoga with Lin and Leo's 19 Days of Yoga series, check out our Playlist:
    Or our 13 Days of yoga:
    Or our latest, 18 Days of Yoga
    • 18 Days of Yoga
    Yoga practice can improve strength and flexibility and yoga for back pain relief and the efficacy of long-term yoga practice for weight loss has been supported by many studies.
    Join Yoga with Lin and Leo for safe, detailed instruction from experienced Iyengar yoga teachers. Although we would always suggest that you find a certified Iyengar yoga teacher so that you can attend a class near you, this channel has yoga sequences to help you practice your yoga at home.
    Yoga is not a sport but regular practice of yoga sequences can improve fitness levels. Practiced correctly, yoga will stretch muscles and strengthen joints, as well as helping with mental and physical wellbeing.
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