I think Zigo zvakataurwa naApostle TF Chiwenga hauna kuzvinzwa panyaya Howard Nyoni and Joshua Maponga Vakati Iwo these people hawana church or masangano or vanhu vawanoparidzira but the likes of Makandiwa munhu anotungamira church and He claims that he has a doctrine.
Christians must not debate, they must discuss, share and edify each other. The Church fights against itself if we allow our egos to lead. Lets not allow these brothers to fight. Debate is a polite word for fight
Mungazvinetsa neku inviter Apostle Chiwenga just invite even 1 Beliver bcz haaa zvesabata zvinongoda kut anongovernga bible akwanise kupindura kut harichabatike nekuda kwe so many bible verses and also Christ is the end of law ,saka saka chero munhu anoziva bible can debate with Evangelist Marufu ,conserning sabath day,Galatians 4vs 9 talked about observing days and Galatians 3vs10 says cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which were written in the book of law , plaz hapaka kah imi akaruramiswa nekubata mazuva kah imi Romans 3 vs 19 and 20 , saka 🤗🤗
Ecclesiastes 3 v 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; YET NO ONE CAN FATHOM WHAT GO HAS DONE FROM BEGINNING TO END.
Mungataure zvamotaura hapana aneShoko rechokwadi pavanhu vese ava Apostle Chiwenga has the true Doctrine of Jesus Christ vamwe vese ava imbavha especially Makandiwa
Evangelist Marufu has to first preach a sermon on Sabbath Sabata. Tovanzwa kuti vanoti kudii ne sabata before asking for a debate. We have to know how he articulates his position toona kuti vanokodzera here kudana Dare.
As much neni ndaimbofunga kuti Chiwenga vanoziva but my question ndeyekuti why he is refusing these debates so that we see kuti indeed he knows, cz Chiwenga anotuka mamwe masangano but vakamuti come for debate anoramba that gives a lot of unanswered questions.
@@denmorencube2606 I am not speaking for Apostle Chiwenga but I think Bible debates are sinful because they do not bring people to Christ. Vanhu vane nharo havatendeuke. Purpose yekuparidza ndeyekuti vanhu vapone. Talent Chiwenga has been involved in MANY unplanned discussions in the streets and still he schooled gain sayers and they didn't repent. At this point I feel kuti he is just leaving people to choose what they want because Apostle vakaparidza kare..
@@denmorencube2606 another thing is DON'T have faith in Chiwenga. Love God with all your heart, mind and soul. Acceptance ya Talent Kuma debates does not do you any good to your spirit .
Nhai zvako. Ma pure dunderheads aya. Chiwenga knows where he is wrong. And hence he enjoys debating with witchdoctors like Makandiwa, Magaya, Ubert angel. If you can even call them prophet, then you're not normal.
@@faraijoffreymutepfa873 why me 😂 handi ndiwe unoziva mafeja feja pple ..how can you know them if you not one of them ......kana vari ...newevo .birds of the same feathers.....
Men like prophet Makandiwa are far beyond level rekunzi huya apa,,,look at Jesus character,he wasn't a character that wanted to prove himself. It's the kind of invitation that will disqualify your proposal
Thats blasphemy you are likening Makandiwa naJeso....Makandiwa cant go for a public debate because he cant defend his mining deals, maorange nemabricks aaitengesera chirikadzi dzisina dzimba upto now
ATFC commented on this already. He said Evangelist Marufu refused to stand for the SDA, but rather be in his personal capacity in the discussion. He said he wants an SDA Representative to discuss SDA doctrine. Discussion with Maponga is futile he represents no doctrine he is a mere scholar mopedzisira mavakutaura chivanhu. Howard haana substance it's a waste. He won't stay within a topic.
These people vanenge varipi pazvinotaurwa? Look at VaMarufu, he is pretending to be ignorant why VaChiwenga refused kuita that debate. The facts are clear. Ngaauye akamiririra SDA. Ha zvakaoma zvokwadi.
@@neversonkatanda2562 Yes! I heard him paakapindura nezvaHoward and Maponga, asi paMarufu pakandijamba. But here is a Fact. Everyone knows that Marufu is SDA member, and the issue that they were supposed to talk about Sabbath day inova ndiyo mbiru yeSDA yacho . Hakusiriwo kuti muapostora akungotsvagawo ma excuses ere APA .
@@rockmaposa3109 I hear your sentiments. How about you ask why a popular SDA Evangelist would not want to represent the SDA in a SABBATH discussion? On a separate note, Marufu is currently going into different “churches” like Methodist preaching to/teaching youths. Your take on that from the authority of the SDA? I take it it’s personal and whatever “goes wrong” in those endeavours the SDA is not “accountable”. Their doctrine will still stand unchallenged.
I take it it's about being true to the doctrine. If you are aware, an SDA came to further street and challenged Apostle Chiwenga as he preached. Eventually he failed to open scriptures supporting his argument till Apostle Chiwanga said this is why I said I want an SDA stalwart who clearly has a command in the SDA doctrine kudare. The next day Darius Chikengezha came pagomba to defend the Sabbath doctrine and also ended up running away. Both these people did not want to openly stand for the SDA "church". So my understanding is simply that haisi nyaya yeku"kusarudza waanoda". Inyaya yekuti ndiani anonyatsonzwisisa doctine reSDA achamiririra SDA kwete kuzvimiririra iye. Ndopana ATFC the way I understood him.
The point is simple; Chiwenga draws from his followers' emotions. Emotionalism is a deadly stance that make his followers, and many other modern believers out there 'Feel' they are closer to God. Hence, the attack on everyone is the fuel to keep his ministry in motion. Regrettably, any reasonable discussion where he has to come face to face with those he attacks may raise insights that cz current and followers-to-be question certain areas.
Ko zvaazvehondo here. Makaregereyi kuuya kara Apostle Chiwenga pavaikudevedzayi. Maimboita research handiti. Hazvisi zvenharo . Umwe neumwe ngaanzwe kuna Mwari kwete bible college teachings not the philosophy of men
The Bible says ,BEWARE OF FALSE(PROPHETS) meaning false PREACHER(S).So my point here is what's the use of gathering false preachers for a debate .Zigo you think you will come out with something useful by calling Chiwenga, Makandiwa, Maponga, Marufu etc for a debate ? That's when you will realize that these so called men of God are just full of PHILOSOPHY and their philosophies won't help anyone.
Zigo, u heard Apostle Chiwenga he does not debate with people without a doctrine. This is about doctrine, not to hurt debate for the sake of disturb. It's is about the blood on the cross, so not okay with the sacrifice our Lord Jesus made for us Zigo. Ana Maponga, ana Howard do not have a doctrine. Pafunde ipapo.
Musatambe na Apostle Chiwenga is a true man of God sent by God There is no one who can debate with Apostle Chiwenga Zigo besides Apostle is there any one who has done Question and answer session and allow anyone to ask any question which is christosentric
Yah according to you ..... especially if you are not studying you would end up calling a certain person the best n rating someone as man of God /from God bcz He has been winning debates.......I think it's wrong bcz God does not operate like that
With all due respect the so called Apostle Chiwenga is just one person ane publicity as much as achiziva scripture in his own line of doctrine that doesnt make him the only person anoziva ..kune vakawanda vane depth in different issues
No magaya and makandiwa and Freddie it's worst of time,mungatozama muparinga but still kkķk, yes chiwenga kusabatika hake but he is not an easy target so whoever is inviting Chiwenga he must be fully equipped. Yes marufu knows the bible.
Pathias kkkk unoti musatambe naApostle chiwenga is a true man asiri true man nhai who is you kuti uti he is a true man nxa musakwidze munhu ndege yemashanga saka kuziva kwake ndekupi kwezviti amai nxaa
@@TakuMapfumo-n5g I remember the incident. But kana munhu akati haatye kufa dosent mean kuti you can give up yourself at anytime. Sandizvo hama, but zvaireva ndezvekuti haatye kufa because haana credit nenyika nekuti akaparidza vhangeri zvisina chitsotsi. Saka kufa haatye because mweya wake wakaponeswa kare ndozvavaireva Apostle.
@@johnkapoya6217 akatoti maifunga kuti after accident ndichakwata. Mazuva iwayo achitoti handimire ende handina kwandinoenda. I was surprised to hear he was long gone when I actually referenced him in a discussion ndichitoti vamwe vakangogara wani saApostle vakati handimboenda.
@@TakuMapfumo-n5g That's gain saying manje wangu zvavakutaura apa. Paul was always saying he was ready to die for the Gospel, but tinozoona zvichinzi akadzingisa Timothy for the of the Jews, tozonzwa futi kuti akadzikiswa arimudengu nepamadziro coz aida kuurawa. But if God says your time is not yet come he always give you a way to escape for the benefit of those who still need to be saved by the word they preach. When time comes zvivhazviita zvega. But dambudziko redu vanhu we quote silly things always and put it in memory but kubvunzwa verse yaiparidzwa musi wacho iwoyo maybe half of the people vaivapo havachatozive yet ndizvo zvinoponesa izvozvo.
Maponga ane doctrine ripi raunoda kuti aite debate naro na Apostle Chiwenga 😂😂😂?. Who is Howard Nyoni ? Ane doctrine ripi raanoda ku defender? Urikungopiwa mari naMarufu, same way yaunoiwa mari nen’anga dziya.
I think problem ikutotangira pakuti debate cause as much as we want to know the truths we need to remove mind ye debate toisa inonzi bible study cause chikudiwa ichokwadi kuti vanhu vazive at the end of the day vaponeswe not ku prover kuti ndoziva or uyu anorava kudarika mumwe Mr Chiwenga ngavaende vanoita bible study na Mr Marufu wether at personal level of church level it doent matter cause varikubatsirana kana kuti mumwe arikubatsirwa kuti azive paari kupotsa , Its not a reason kuti Mr Marufu varikuuya vakazvimirira vasiri at SDA level cause its a study as long as vauya vaine church yavanopinda izvozzvo zvavainazvo kwavanopindira ndizvo zvavachataura .itai bible study not debate its not a scripture union its bible truths
You are the one not us, because God weighs the heart kana iwe usinganaate Mwari don't include everyone nekuti Mwari anoti ma kwai ndinomaziva nawo anondiziva
Chiwengwa he we not come there is a lot of people who called him but doesn't show up even if Makandiwa agrees chiwengwa can not come he is good when he is taking at his church
The Spirit of God is not confused! And can NEVER give different revelations. Bible discussions are very essential so we enlighten each other through the help of the Holy Spirit. Chiwenga must go and have the bible discussion with Evangelist Marufu.
Also why would he invite a dare when he never stood in a position to defend their doctrine on sabbath On tithe The subject law i have never heard any of these seventh day members defending that according to scriptures
Those who are converted from those cult become very serious when it comes to God (In simple terms, God starts working through them!).It's a Saul to Paul situation, you can not understand because those are the people who have serious encounters with God. God works through them.
I think vakutsvaga mari don't leave kuShrine, where he is now you work for the salvation of people. If he wanted mari he would've remained kumasowe where you tell people false prophecies kuita mari and being pedophiles.
All the Apostles vari mu Bible kept the Sabbath. Ko ava vana Apostle Chiwenga who worship on Sunday vabva nepi? The Sabbath is the Mark of God and Sunday worship once enforced will be the Mark of the beast. He's not an Apostle but a motivational speaker.
@@emersonkonzo8103 Anoziwa asi panotadza nepekuzvikudza pakuripatsamura .kana shoko rakanzi Go over the World to preacher the good news.hazvirevi munhu umwe anozvisa pa mberi pevamwe .aninani achasarudzwa kuriparidza ngaparidze wanhu wapone.
Thank you Evangelist Marufu for that Ndinoziva kuti vanhu vazhinji vachakomborerwa neshoko nekuti pachavakwa muviri waKristu zvakanaka.
Kana pawe kuvhurwa bhuku panakazve Apostle TF Chiwenga ipoto ❤❤❤ takamirira kutendeuka kwenyu masabata.
I think Zigo zvakataurwa naApostle TF Chiwenga hauna kuzvinzwa panyaya Howard Nyoni and Joshua Maponga Vakati Iwo these people hawana church or masangano or vanhu vawanoparidzira but the likes of Makandiwa munhu anotungamira church and He claims that he has a doctrine.
that's a lame excuse. ngavaite debate na MAPONGA.HE knows that he will be skinned alive .DZUNGU rese rinopera
Under whatever circumstance, Evangalist Marufu vanoziva Word havaitire zve Bible kufadza chaunga asi kutendeutsa varasiki kuti vazive Shoko vadzoke panzvimbo
Christians must not debate, they must discuss, share and edify each other. The Church fights against itself if we allow our egos to lead. Lets not allow these brothers to fight. Debate is a polite word for fight
Apostle Chiwenga mukushi weshoko rechokwadi... Debate or no debate his teachings remain steadfast
Evangelist Marufu to the world. he knows his thing
Mungazvinetsa neku inviter Apostle Chiwenga just invite even 1 Beliver bcz haaa zvesabata zvinongoda kut anongovernga bible akwanise kupindura kut harichabatike nekuda kwe so many bible verses and also Christ is the end of law ,saka saka chero munhu anoziva bible can debate with Evangelist Marufu ,conserning sabath day,Galatians 4vs 9 talked about observing days and Galatians 3vs10 says cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which were written in the book of law , plaz hapaka kah imi akaruramiswa nekubata mazuva kah imi Romans 3 vs 19 and 20 , saka 🤗🤗
Tomutumira young generation uyu 😂😂😂😂
Ecclesiastes 3 v 11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; YET NO ONE CAN FATHOM WHAT GO HAS DONE FROM BEGINNING TO END.
Amen The truth will defend its self
Evangelist tinongokomborwa nema lessons & sermons enyu . God bless you
Anoterera Apostle Chiwenga okuparidxirai.kkkk
Mungataure zvamotaura hapana aneShoko rechokwadi pavanhu vese ava Apostle Chiwenga has the true Doctrine of Jesus Christ vamwe vese ava imbavha especially Makandiwa
@@shadreckmuzenda7594 true
Haaaa prophet makandiwa munovada henyu ZIGO
Evangelist Marufu has to first preach a sermon on Sabbath Sabata. Tovanzwa kuti vanoti kudii ne sabata before asking for a debate. We have to know how he articulates his position toona kuti vanokodzera here kudana Dare.
Check on Bluffhill SDA Church page, there's where he talks about the sabbath.
Eeeeee Nemiwo Evangelist Marufu Talent Chiwenga involve me in the debate. Talent Chiwenga anotiza
What a joke ? You cant even stand a JRM youth .
@@recallchannel3258very true Howard dzakadhakwa yaJezebel.
You must be joking
I'm waiting fir this debate
Zigo unokuvadzisa Marufu usadaro.. Chiwenga anoziva scripture wangu...
Marufu akadedza chiwenga several times ...chiwenga akasauya ....when you are a wide reader you will know chiwenga is very confused
As much neni ndaimbofunga kuti Chiwenga vanoziva but my question ndeyekuti why he is refusing these debates so that we see kuti indeed he knows, cz Chiwenga anotuka mamwe masangano but vakamuti come for debate anoramba that gives a lot of unanswered questions.
@@denmorencube2606 I am not speaking for Apostle Chiwenga but I think Bible debates are sinful because they do not bring people to Christ. Vanhu vane nharo havatendeuke. Purpose yekuparidza ndeyekuti vanhu vapone. Talent Chiwenga has been involved in MANY unplanned discussions in the streets and still he schooled gain sayers and they didn't repent. At this point I feel kuti he is just leaving people to choose what they want because Apostle vakaparidza kare..
@@denmorencube2606 another thing is DON'T have faith in Chiwenga. Love God with all your heart, mind and soul. Acceptance ya Talent Kuma debates does not do you any good to your spirit .
@@takudzwamuringai7736 I took time to listen to Marufu.. mmmm he has no understanding of scriptures
Makandiwa and Magaya can no debate bible vakomana vefejafeja siyanai nawo
Nhai zvako. Ma pure dunderheads aya. Chiwenga knows where he is wrong. And hence he enjoys debating with witchdoctors like Makandiwa, Magaya, Ubert angel. If you can even call them prophet, then you're not normal.
Iwe ndiwe wefeja feja .
No it's you.
Mhata yako
@@faraijoffreymutepfa873 why me 😂 handi ndiwe unoziva mafeja feja pple ..how can you know them if you not one of them ......kana vari ...newevo .birds of the same feathers.....
Zvazvino tine one munhu ari kutaura chokwadi chinosvitsa vanhu kuupenyu. Apostle Chivenga.
Apostle Chiwenga should accept the two debates by Bishop Maponga and VaMarufu
Vaita vatete avo
@@blessingmarozva4134 kutambisa nguva kwakadaro
Marufu haadi Apostle Chiwenga uyu mupei ini ndipedze naye
@@captain_tm yes
Men like prophet Makandiwa are far beyond level rekunzi huya apa,,,look at Jesus character,he wasn't a character that wanted to prove himself. It's the kind of invitation that will disqualify your proposal
Thats blasphemy you are likening Makandiwa naJeso....Makandiwa cant go for a public debate because he cant defend his mining deals, maorange nemabricks aaitengesera chirikadzi dzisina dzimba upto now
@retepchats2826 off topic,,zvakwana papi zve zvidhinha nema mine?
@@JayDowani this is a public discussion
@retepchats2826 yes it is,,but unfortunately I won't comment on that point or view.
@JayDowani you are allowed to exercise your right to remain silent in issues that you are not comfortable but do not comment on other people's comment
ATFC commented on this already.
He said Evangelist Marufu refused to stand for the SDA, but rather be in his personal capacity in the discussion.
He said he wants an SDA Representative to discuss SDA doctrine.
Discussion with Maponga is futile he represents no doctrine he is a mere scholar mopedzisira mavakutaura chivanhu.
Howard haana substance it's a waste. He won't stay within a topic.
These people vanenge varipi pazvinotaurwa?
Look at VaMarufu, he is pretending to be ignorant why VaChiwenga refused kuita that debate. The facts are clear. Ngaauye akamiririra SDA.
Ha zvakaoma zvokwadi.
@@neversonkatanda2562 Yes! I heard him paakapindura nezvaHoward and Maponga, asi paMarufu pakandijamba.
But here is a Fact. Everyone knows that Marufu is SDA member, and the issue that they were supposed to talk about Sabbath day inova ndiyo mbiru yeSDA yacho .
Hakusiriwo kuti muapostora akungotsvagawo ma excuses ere APA .
I hear your sentiments.
How about you ask why a popular SDA Evangelist would not want to represent the SDA in a SABBATH discussion?
On a separate note, Marufu is currently going into different “churches” like Methodist preaching to/teaching youths.
Your take on that from the authority of the SDA? I take it it’s personal and whatever “goes wrong” in those endeavours the SDA is not “accountable”.
Their doctrine will still stand unchallenged.
@@neversonkatanda2562 kkk ndazwa King, kungoti hedu atizivi kuti Marufu akaramba ere zvechokwadi uye akapa zvikonzero zvipi sezvo kurukurirano yavo yaiva behind the scenes.
Saka vachiwenga ngavachisarudza wevanoda ivo zvipere.
I take it it's about being true to the doctrine.
If you are aware, an SDA came to further street and challenged Apostle Chiwenga as he preached. Eventually he failed to open scriptures supporting his argument till Apostle Chiwanga said this is why I said I want an SDA stalwart who clearly has a command in the SDA doctrine kudare.
The next day Darius Chikengezha came pagomba to defend the Sabbath doctrine and also ended up running away.
Both these people did not want to openly stand for the SDA "church".
So my understanding is simply that haisi nyaya yeku"kusarudza waanoda".
Inyaya yekuti ndiani anonyatsonzwisisa doctine reSDA achamiririra SDA kwete kuzvimiririra iye.
Ndopana ATFC the way I understood him.
Marufu ane chohwachohwa kunaChiwenga hakumihwemihwe .
The point is simple; Chiwenga draws from his followers' emotions. Emotionalism is a deadly stance that make his followers, and many other modern believers out there 'Feel' they are closer to God. Hence, the attack on everyone is the fuel to keep his ministry in motion. Regrettably, any reasonable discussion where he has to come face to face with those he attacks may raise insights that cz current and followers-to-be question certain areas.
Ko zvaazvehondo here. Makaregereyi kuuya kara Apostle Chiwenga pavaikudevedzayi. Maimboita research handiti. Hazvisi zvenharo . Umwe neumwe ngaanzwe kuna Mwari kwete bible college teachings not the philosophy of men
Zigo anomira pa door muparinga ano cleaner matoyaz makandiwa achidirira vanhu mvura magaya anoona kuti kukubikwa here maponga anouya netwumafruits Masavada aripanharo Chiwenga achibvura hwai T Fred na Hubert nemazaoga vachiona kuti pekuzo bhabhatidziri vanhu pakuita ready!! Simple
Only the day of judgement will prove that they are false ones.Matthew 7 :13-23.
The Bible says ,BEWARE OF FALSE(PROPHETS) meaning false PREACHER(S).So my point here is what's the use of gathering false preachers for a debate .Zigo you think you will come out with something useful by calling Chiwenga, Makandiwa, Maponga, Marufu etc for a debate ? That's when you will realize that these so called men of God are just full of PHILOSOPHY and their philosophies won't help anyone.
Preachers are different from prophets mind you
chiwenga doesnt make assumptions when it comes to the bible
Zigo tipewo link yesermon yaEvangelist Marufu on the subject of Sabbath. Tizvinzwire!
Anorasika marufu khani yooh
Moponga is ndibaba vake, Chiwenga mwanaudiki hama dzangu, nokut vanogona kushora vamwe kwete kudzidzisa nokupa gwara kuvanhu
Why don't you include me in that fascinating scriptural debate? 📌
Zigo, u heard Apostle Chiwenga he does not debate with people without a doctrine. This is about doctrine, not to hurt debate for the sake of disturb. It's is about the blood on the cross, so not okay with the sacrifice our Lord Jesus made for us Zigo. Ana Maponga, ana Howard do not have a doctrine. Pafunde ipapo.
Musatambe na Apostle Chiwenga is a true man of God sent by God There is no one who can debate with Apostle Chiwenga Zigo besides Apostle is there any one who has done Question and answer session and allow anyone to ask any question which is christosentric
You are a Fool to think he is a God to you.Chiwenga is human just like you.
Your defination of A True Man of God tinzwe
Yah according to you ..... especially if you are not studying you would end up calling a certain person the best n rating someone as man of God /from God bcz He has been winning debates.......I think it's wrong bcz God does not operate like that
Yes the god of this world not The Creator
Mmmm guys munhu anetsera debate but vanhu vanoti huyai tiite iye orega haa zviriko here.. l like pastor Jengings he walks the talk
Hakuna anovhura magwaro saChiwenga this whole world . Ava vese vamurikutaura nezvavo makava avakutotedzera mharidzo dza Apostle Chiwenga.Siyanai naChiwenga chibaba ichoSo far Chiwenga ndiye ega ane a sound doctrine riri reliable coz anoparidza according to the scriptures.Tinotevera zvinobva mumagwaro kwete pfungwa dzevanhu .Zvekuvhura 1 verse makutorasika makutotaura ngano kwete toda vanovhura magwaro saapostole chiwenga .
Ukataura usina anokupisa uchiudzawo vasingazive unoita kunge unoziva. All you need is eloquence and confidence
With all due respect the so called Apostle Chiwenga is just one person ane publicity as much as achiziva scripture in his own line of doctrine that doesnt make him the only person anoziva ..kune vakawanda vane depth in different issues
Tipe example coz hatisati taona kana one
@@faraimanapa1725 saani wacho titeerere mharidzo dzake
can't wait
Munotamba na Apostle chiwenga vafana😅
Wakagona wakabvisa maoyi oyi😂
Chiwenga vs Maponga please. That will make your channel explode.
As much as I know apostle Chiwenga will not sit for 1 reason maponga doesn’t open scriptures
Maponga isangoma riya
Chiwenga anovhara vanhu vakapusa muchinji chiwenga ndi mama spiritually
Nice cut Zigo 😊
Zig o ndipe 3 Vaunofu ga kuti ma true man of God ndikuratidze hugava hwavo nemaschriptures verses disqualifies all charlatans
No magaya and makandiwa and Freddie it's worst of time,mungatozama muparinga but still kkķk, yes chiwenga kusabatika hake but he is not an easy target so whoever is inviting Chiwenga he must be fully equipped. Yes marufu knows the bible.
It’s not necessary Elder Marufu.
Sda no verses anozvinetsa haana chaanoziva uyu
Its simply means prophet makandiwa is the one who is in the same league with him
Zigo as a geniality
i believe kuti haafi akabvuma chiwenga wenyu
Pathias kkkk unoti musatambe naApostle chiwenga is a true man asiri true man nhai who is you kuti uti he is a true man nxa musakwidze munhu ndege yemashanga saka kuziva kwake ndekupi kwezviti amai nxaa
SDA are men being led by a woman in matters to do with the Law.
Apostle Chiwenga should cancel this one. Varume vakabviswa nhengo ava.
Ko iye Chiwenga who is a man but addressed as amai .
Zigo wapedza iyoyo vano fana futi kupinda muzvipatara vamobatsirao vanorwara tanete ndivomachinda ivavo please please
Another thing is that you need to chose a safe platform for him to debate the matters as we all know that he is someone not safe in Zimbabwe.
Zigo doesn’t have a platform for that host
Aimboti haatye😂😂😂 ngaadzokeka😂. Haasisiri safe papi😂. Pakatombomhanywa akadeedzera kuvanhu achiti musatize😂😂😂
I remember the incident. But kana munhu akati haatye kufa dosent mean kuti you can give up yourself at anytime. Sandizvo hama, but zvaireva ndezvekuti haatye kufa because haana credit nenyika nekuti akaparidza vhangeri zvisina chitsotsi. Saka kufa haatye because mweya wake wakaponeswa kare ndozvavaireva Apostle.
@@johnkapoya6217 akatoti maifunga kuti after accident ndichakwata. Mazuva iwayo achitoti handimire ende handina kwandinoenda. I was surprised to hear he was long gone when I actually referenced him in a discussion ndichitoti vamwe vakangogara wani saApostle vakati handimboenda.
@@TakuMapfumo-n5g That's gain saying manje wangu zvavakutaura apa. Paul was always saying he was ready to die for the Gospel, but tinozoona zvichinzi akadzingisa Timothy for the of the Jews, tozonzwa futi kuti akadzikiswa arimudengu nepamadziro coz aida kuurawa. But if God says your time is not yet come he always give you a way to escape for the benefit of those who still need to be saved by the word they preach. When time comes zvivhazviita zvega. But dambudziko redu vanhu we quote silly things always and put it in memory but kubvunzwa verse yaiparidzwa musi wacho iwoyo maybe half of the people vaivapo havachatozive yet ndizvo zvinoponesa izvozvo.
Maponga ane doctrine ripi raunoda kuti aite debate naro na Apostle Chiwenga 😂😂😂?. Who is Howard Nyoni ? Ane doctrine ripi raanoda ku defender?
Urikungopiwa mari naMarufu, same way yaunoiwa mari nen’anga dziya.
Putseki mhani Marufu ndipei debate naye Uyu,, chimbwasungata
Hapamhihwe mhihwe apa panochohwa chohwa munhu apa.
Zigo these days unenge wakamaka Chiwenga why
So far hapana kana one panyaya dza Jeso anodebater na Apostle Chiwenga
@pathiaschinhoi6707 what's the need for debating something written
Chiwenga hapana zvozivikanwa
Chiwenga anovhara vanhu vasingazive😂 when you read unoona kuti haazive ...
@@takudzwamuringai7736 True,,,,ummm akapotsawo chiwenga ndakamuonawo anopotsa magwaro but vanhu hawadi kuzvinzwa kkkk vanongomusimbisa kkkkk
Have you ever watched the podcasts on Bluffhill SDA with Evangelist Marufu?
Zvaana Elen White hazvishande thats why Chiwenga arikuramba kuuya taurai zva Jesu muone
Kkkk asi hamuzivi here kuti Bible nehistory chinhu 1......bible is supported by history n authenticated by history ......ndoozveshoko zvacho
Ndoozvajesu zvacho zvaana Ellen White bcz history is intertwined nenyaya dzeBible
@@AlfredTaireiEllen white aripa verse ipi?
I think problem ikutotangira pakuti debate cause as much as we want to know the truths we need to remove mind ye debate toisa inonzi bible study cause chikudiwa ichokwadi kuti vanhu vazive at the end of the day vaponeswe not ku prover kuti ndoziva or uyu anorava kudarika mumwe
Mr Chiwenga ngavaende vanoita bible study na Mr Marufu wether at personal level of church level it doent matter cause varikubatsirana kana kuti mumwe arikubatsirwa kuti azive paari kupotsa ,
Its not a reason kuti Mr Marufu varikuuya vakazvimirira vasiri at SDA level cause its a study as long as vauya vaine church yavanopinda izvozzvo zvavainazvo kwavanopindira ndizvo zvavachataura .itai bible study not debate its not a scripture union its bible truths
Ha pama scripture hapana anomira na Chiwenga
Maita.vacheche pana.chiwenga kuzungaira kwamarufu haatozive kuti mitemo inegumu yakapera
Yakapera where ?
Uyu anotooneka kuti apostle chiwenga avafarire he is against him always..
TF Will be destroyed by Maponga he is defienately scared of the guy.
Try Apostle Israel Mujimba for this debate. So I have used his phone, .... asked for it to make this request
Zigo wava kushaya zvinhu..
Chiwenga ahasi mwari zvake
Anoda debate naMakandiwa because anoziva weakness ina Makandiwa
Chiwenga anoziva kutuka achishandisa maverse chete sezvamurikuita imi vatsigiri vake. Tsigiro dzenyu dzese dzizere kutuka cht.
There is no one who is worshipping true God in Zimbabwe. Debates because they can't hear God.
I agree with you it's all about money and fighting for leadership
You are the one not us, because God weighs the heart kana iwe usinganaate Mwari don't include everyone nekuti Mwari anoti ma kwai ndinomaziva nawo anondiziva
Apostle Chiwenga is God inspired, so no one is is able to withstand his wisdom.
@@geraldtadiwa5872 True
I don't compare God is the Judge
Apostle Chiwenga always says vanoda munhu anoti ane doctrine. Saka vamwe avo havana doctrine so no need to discuss bible with them.
chiwenga habvumi coz mupfanha uyo anoriziva bible kwete zveku tamba,chiwenga ngauyeka atiudze kurasika kweSDA kwaitaura pamberi pemupfanha uyo
True vaudze😂😂😂
Ah 😂
check old times Howard Nyoni is not new to apostle T F , vakamboshandidzana and differ in terms of doctrine so they interacted long before
Chiwengwa he we not come there is a lot of people who called him but doesn't show up even if Makandiwa agrees chiwengwa can not come he is good when he is taking at his church
Wapedza anoda debate na Prophet Makandiwa kutsvaga relevance 🤣🤣...manje akaishawa
Tuvanhu tunosapota chiwenga nemoyo
What is so important about debate on word when the Spirit of God gives us different different revelation to the word?
It doesn't give different revelations.
The Spirit of God is not confused! And can NEVER give different revelations. Bible discussions are very essential so we enlighten each other through the help of the Holy Spirit. Chiwenga must go and have the bible discussion with Evangelist Marufu.
What l know ,this bible discussion haife yakabuda ..
Uyo tomupa ma youth edu 😂😂😂😂
Also why would he invite a dare when he never stood in a position to defend their doctrine on sabbath
On tithe
The subject law i have never heard any of these seventh day members defending that according to scriptures
Maponga chibabest
Kunyange pakuyedzwa kwaJesu satani chaitotaura maverse emubhaibheri. Asi chiri icho hacho chimurasiki.
Inii hangu personally ndakamirira JRM ndikutoda kuva prover masavadha ayaa kana vachida ngavauye ndivabate kutii sabata rakapera
Bible dialogue inoda Ane doctrine
Idzi dzakabva kuShrine dzakazoziva Bible rinhiko dzinongoziva kuti madhakwa ne wine ye Babylon
Those who are converted from those cult become very serious when it comes to God (In simple terms, God starts working through them!).It's a Saul to Paul situation, you can not understand because those are the people who have serious encounters with God. God works through them.
@@TeeCharlotte-qp3yx but now the situation is different uku ndekwekutsvaga Mari
I think vakutsvaga mari don't leave kuShrine, where he is now you work for the salvation of people. If he wanted mari he would've remained kumasowe where you tell people false prophecies kuita mari and being pedophiles.
@@TeeCharlotte-qp3yx mybe une maonero aunoita zvema doctrine izvi zvinonetsa kuzvinzwisisa kusvika wawanirwawo nyasha
Chiwenga ndewekuseta
Iwewe wofuti uchakesiwawo futi usatamba naMwari uyu bz ndiye shoko.iwewe urikuzviita kuda kudzidza hr kana kuti panewaunoda kunyadzisa chete bz chokwadi will remain the same uye haana kutanga nhasi kuparidza zvese sabata kubvira pagomba pachiitwa qn and answer
Chokwadii chinongobuda pachena chega guys ,,,, bt chiwengaa haadii defeat so avoid all debates facilitated by someone haaidi anoda aano controller iye
bible clash iyi yakutoda CHIPAZ PROMOTION
All the Apostles vari mu Bible kept the Sabbath. Ko ava vana Apostle Chiwenga who worship on Sunday vabva nepi? The Sabbath is the Mark of God and Sunday worship once enforced will be the Mark of the beast. He's not an Apostle but a motivational speaker.
But why debate with Maponga on biblical issues
zigo let me help you to answer the question yekuti why Apostle Chiwenga vasingaite discussion naHoward or naMaponga,the issue is tha
Pakuziva bible haaa Chiwenga choziva hacho
@@emersonkonzo8103 Anoziwa asi panotadza nepekuzvikudza pakuripatsamura .kana shoko rakanzi Go over the World to preacher the good news.hazvirevi munhu umwe anozvisa pa mberi pevamwe .aninani achasarudzwa kuriparidza ngaparidze wanhu wapone.
i Think Chiwenga and Marufu is a no match , TF anotoda ana Maponga
Zigo is a journalist