I learn a great deal and owe it to the Gurteen Knowledge Letter. Thank you David Gurteen... Leadership is a practice not a position of authority. - Ronald Heifetz
Nice piece on leadership. I'm presently reading the Practice of Adaptive Leadership and love it. The idea of leadership as a frontier is a great way to describe what it is. I'm working with some great minds to address Adapting to Climate Change. Would love to hear your thoughts about that topic.
Suggestion: See ”The Liminal Cynefin Framework” by Dave Snowden at Cognitive Edge, since it creates a good frame for Chaos, Complex, Complicated and Clear situations that Ronald is speaking about.
I learn a great deal and owe it to the Gurteen Knowledge Letter. Thank you David Gurteen... Leadership is a practice not a position of authority. - Ronald Heifetz
mobilise people to face challenges and be that change ...learning is always painful as it needs to disturb our haemostasis...
Nice piece on leadership. I'm presently reading the Practice of Adaptive Leadership and love it. The idea of leadership as a frontier is a great way to describe what it is. I'm working with some great minds to address Adapting to Climate Change. Would love to hear your thoughts about that topic.
Suggestion: See ”The Liminal Cynefin Framework” by Dave Snowden at Cognitive Edge, since it creates a good frame for Chaos, Complex, Complicated and Clear situations that Ronald is speaking about.
3:19 to learn new ways, you have got to unlearn old ways and that sometimes means departing from tradition
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