God's Shocking Answer to the Gender Crisis | Chris Mueller

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • At the 2023 National Conference, Chris Mueller, Teaching Pastor for Faith Bible Church in Murrieta, CA, teaches from Paul's letter to Titus, as he shares three shocking answers to the gender crisis.
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ความคิดเห็น • 29

  • @gaylehernandez4363
    @gaylehernandez4363 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

    I love being a woman, a wife(a widow) a mother, a grandmother, a great grandmother. Please dont be jealous of your husbands position in the Lord! Enjoy being a woman! I loved it!

    • @debbiewoznicki2419
      @debbiewoznicki2419 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Me too! Being a good wife and mother was the best job God could have given me!

    • @anna-lena
      @anna-lena 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I would love for the Lord to bless me with a career like the one you've had :)
      God bless you!

  • @christabewley
    @christabewley 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    i think this is the first time I've heard Chris preach - totally love his style!! Content was spot on too

  • @leslieladyhawke
    @leslieladyhawke 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Simply and profound

  • @LilybellSinahon
    @LilybellSinahon 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    For long I've desire and asked God, please Lord I want to be taught so I can teach young women. I want to be discipled. But I'm here in the Philippines.

    • @rebeccacopsey1751
      @rebeccacopsey1751 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Is there a sound Christian Church near you?

  • @missfaetoo
    @missfaetoo 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I was fully on board with this. But, wow, he gets to 17:30 and gives only a few moments of words about single people. (I quickly scanned the rest of the transcript and didn't see anything more. If there was, I missed it.) At the same time, he does the standard, 'singleness is great', cliche. Up to this point, I hadn't been paying attention to his hands. I went back on the video and a ring is clearly visible on his left hand. He is married. Nearly every sermon or lecture I've heard on the wonderfulness of singleness has been given by a married man. (Or a married woman, if it's a teaching session to women by a woman.) Many of them for decades, having gone from living with parents almost directly into living with a spouse. Many of them have little to no experience of actually being alone.
    I wish someone would simply acknowledge that it's not great. It's unbearably painful. It gets worse as you get older, especially for women. We lose the ability to conceive children much sooner than men lose the ability to father them. That is just reality. The "biological clock" is real.
    I was hoping for some more substantive talk about singles like me - older people, especially women, who have little to no realistic hope of every getting married, much less having children.
    At 50+, my reality is that I will die old and alone. That's just life. It hurts. And we need mercy on that. Not pity. Just mercy. Just an acknowledgment that it's NOT so wonderful to be single, otherwise everyone saying that would have remained single! How I wish some godly speaker/teacher would just admit that!
    Many of us are NOT single and childless by choice. We don't hate married people. I've always had married friends and we got along wonderfully. I've been blessed to take care of their kids and love them as my own. (Covid took that from me. But that's another story.) We have no problem with marriage. We are not walking around miserable and bitter all the time. Please understand that. Most of the time, I don't think about it. I just get on with life. I don't like talking about it because people assume you're bitter. I've known people like that. I don't want to be that way! I work hard to not come across that way.
    As the culture gets crazier, we do need more emphasis on the importance of marriage. Again, I'm all for that. I make those arguments all the time. That doesn't mean it's easy. Please show us some mercy. We don't belong in this world. We don't want to. But now it's getting more and more that we don't belong in the church either.

    • @ezbody
      @ezbody 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You can't argue with selfish people, you just to leave.

  • @mpr4christ1980
    @mpr4christ1980 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Amen! Could you please tell the following false teaching denominations what you taught us?
    Christian and Missionary Alliance
    United Methodist Church/Global Methodist Church
    Saddleback Church
    And whoever else had the nerve to disobey God's Word by ordaining women as pastors?
    Numbers 6:24-26 HCSB
    May Yahweh bless you and protect you; may Yahweh make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; may Yahweh look with favor on you and give you peace.

  • @LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly
    @LifeandLifeMoreAbundantly 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In worship services women can’t usurp authority? Define.

  • @629lrogers
    @629lrogers 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This pastor needs to come into the 21st century when it comes to women. Are you saying women should not go to college to become nurses, doctors, teachers etc? This is work and many women are doing it. Women work today. Not all have the privilege to stay home and some women want to work and some have to work. Women have contributed to society. In Paul's time, there were no opportunities for women. Men did it all. Women stayed home and took care of the family. I grew up in such a home. But I went to school and college and learned a skill in computers. I'm glad I did because I got divorced and had to work to take care of my children. Today welfare becomes the provider for women without husbands. So I hope this preacher will talk about today's truth and be sensitive to women who have to work or want to have a career.

    • @anna-lena
      @anna-lena 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is not the biblical ideal though. I understand that women want to have a career, not have children or even work AND have children. However, God's design for a family is different from the world's understanding of a family. Without having seen the sermon, I am curious myself though, what Pastor Mueller's suggestion would be for Christian WIVES who (unfortunately) live in a fallen world, having to pay bills etc... This is something that's been on my mind for quite a while now.

    • @thehowards6
      @thehowards6 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Today's truth? That is the single biggest affliction against the church. By changing "truth" over time, we can construct whatever god we want when we do that. I can do that with literally anything. For example, "The church was something needed in a time when people were driven from their families for believing in Christ. Now, we have all kinds of religions, and people in the US no longer suffer like they did under Roman rule. As such, there is no need for a church." That is biblically inaccurate and patently ridiculous. Whenever we try to force fit today's culture into what the word of God teaches, we also at great risk of biblical inaccuracy. If a woman wants to work outside the home, work outside the home. Proverbs 31 indicates that highly respected woman engaged in business transactions. Clearly, scripture her focus should be on her family and home first.
      I caution that when we mention only what men or women want to do without any regard for the God of the bible, we are wandering outside of what the scripture teaches. Again, I can construct a god from scratch with that approach, which is no god at all, or syncretistically add whatever I don't like in scripture in my definition of god, and everything works...for me. Stick with scripture, it is perfect on its own without me adding today's culture into its meaning.
      Isaiah 40:8 - "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever."

    • @gregb6469
      @gregb6469 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      All that is not eternal is eternally out-of-date. it doesn't matter what century it is, the Bible way is always the best way. A Christian woman's career is to be her husband and her children. Only if God does not gift her with marriage and kids should she look to a work-world career.

    • @anna-lena
      @anna-lena 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gregb6469 I totally agree with what you said. What is your stance on the fact that inflation, rising costs for living etc. make it increasingly hard for men to provide fully for their families on one income alone?

    • @mystique8031
      @mystique8031 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Who said the women in the Bible didn't work? Proverbs 31 v 16 she considered a field and buyeth it.. with the fruit of her hands she planted a vineyard..

  • @debbiewoznicki2419
    @debbiewoznicki2419 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He didn't say that! That's just what you want to hear. Women pastors are not good that's it!