Union is powerful here in Canada. That’s why sometimes it breeds lazy workers because they know they have the union to support them. Just look at air Canada for example. They are one of the worst I’ve dealt with when I used to work at the airport. In regard to your workplace, it’s pretty common that workers just work the 8 and leave work behind. Most don’t feel the need to give more to the company. Just learn to adapt as most asians do the opposite. My daughter is in her terrible 2 right now as well and initially it’s been frustrating. At this age, your boy is testing your limits. I’ve learned to let my girl just cry it out because if I walk away from her for a while she knows it doesn’t work anymore and then she’ll stop crying and calm down.
honestly, i know nothing about Union before i study NPPE exam! Your girl is good!! she’ll stop crying and calm down! If I walk away from him. he will just RUN AWAY FROM ME ANG GO FAR FAR AWAY 😂😂😂. Turst me I try it so so so many time.
Your landlord just try to give U hard time not giving U back those $400 for fixing plumbing! Don't worry since U are the tenant in Canada and U're the KING! Bring this situation and story and call the staff from Residential Tenancy Office. Tell them the story and they will give U guide line. MAKE SURE U MARK DOWN THE TIME AND DATE AND THE STAFF'S NAME THAT U TALKED TO FOR FUTURE EVIDENCE AND TRACE IN CASE FUTURE NEEDED!!
yes... honestly i don't want to make things complicated. IF! they dont give me back the money, i will just deduct $400 in rent. and make it black and white
@@hkhenry0221According to the BC Residential Tenancy Act, you are permitted to deduct "Emergency repairs" costs from the rent payment. Toilet leaks are considered urgent. In the future, you should ask the technician to bill the landlord directly. That would make your life a lot easier.
@@hkhenry0221 Just give them the contact information of your landlord (Full name, phone number, email, etc.) and let them deal with the landlord. Most companies do accept billing to a third party. You should always check and ensure before you let them do the job. NEVER pay the bill unless you are 100% sure that you will be reimbursed.
/-\ 好慘,又煩 點解係我…
哈!! 都得~ 但真係影少左好多相同片…我地都比大仔放哂電
所有的修理都很貴。 400 加幣可能很便宜。 我自己從來沒有當過房東。 但我希望房東能請人來修理漏水處。 就您而言,有緊急情況且房東正在度假。
Sounds like U are working in a v. good and v. reasonable company! Not that easy to find this in here. Make sure U pay more effort in this company :)
試過好幾次啦…唔係唔會做…但佢嘈1000次要我都可以溫柔地同佢講道理1000次 真係做唔到
教課業式既教育方式…搞唔掂~99999次扭計 我做你所講既10次,我都好叻啦❤️❤️
好啦~唔打啦~ 唔理佢啦😂
體罰是可以, 但要適可而止, 不能過度。打完仲要教,同小朋友解釋返為何要受罰。
Hi , Henry , 你好!加拿大是work-life balance, 不同香港,好像有返工冇放工😬不過就看出你對工作的認真態度,是好的。
其實必順講! 我真係比較幸運…好多人都搵唔到正職,work-life balance 都係得個講
大公司lay off 員工是by seniority 的,唔可以無故炒您,您可到劳工處告公司,除非您犯了公司 policy,若公司搬到遠的地方,有些公司會给您搬家费,或比您一笔補赏费若您唔跟隨的話,找工作盡量找人工高福利妁的公司,骑牛揾馬。
對呀!! 你知道得很多!!
你真係一個好typical 嘅香港人,同事話你返屋企做嘢,你會覺得搞笑?!我反而覺得你搞笑啲囉😂學習下外國嘅生活方式吧,唔可以將香港嗰套帶過嚟,當然有啲嘢係ok嘅,努力加油💪
學習外國嘅生活方式係必順~ 係香港做左奴隸咁多年…你比多d時間我放棄呢d「優良傳統」啦😂😂😂
收到你! 唔打!吊高佢算 😉👍 返工個到…睇黎你好大怨氣喎!
@@hkhenry0221 呢度做野係咁,唔做唔錯,做多無著數,升職由上至下,背鑊由下至上,搵得多,啲稅又交得多😊
Union is powerful here in Canada. That’s why sometimes it breeds lazy workers because they know they have the union to support them. Just look at air Canada for example. They are one of the worst I’ve dealt with when I used to work at the airport. In regard to your workplace, it’s pretty common that workers just work the 8 and leave work behind. Most don’t feel the need to give more to the company.
Just learn to adapt as most asians do the opposite. My daughter is in her terrible 2 right now as well and initially it’s been frustrating. At this age, your boy is testing your limits. I’ve learned to let my girl just cry it out because if I walk away from her for a while she knows it doesn’t work anymore and then she’ll stop crying and calm down.
honestly, i know nothing about Union before i study NPPE exam!
Your girl is good!! she’ll stop crying and calm down! If I walk away from him. he will just RUN AWAY FROM ME ANG GO FAR FAR AWAY 😂😂😂. Turst me I try it so so so many time.
多謝! 而我地就有你既支持❤️❤️ Trouble 2 真係好難搞~
@@hkhenry0221 會過去的,我幾年前就係無耐性打我個仔俾人報警拉左,好彩最後吾使坐監😭🫣所以教小朋友真係吾容易,但佢哋慢慢大個就會好好多💪🏻加油,you can do it 👍
你知道我點解唔食甜野未 :3
完全明白 ❤️
甘你唔去下Miller park elementary, mountain view park elementary, Roy Stibbs Elementary 裏面都有公園比小朋友玩姐😅又係你屋企附近 😢cotton wood park 又多人 同埋如果你唔搬區, 你D小朋友都係讀依幾間小學架啦
Blue Mountain Park 都幾好玩㗎
你講既都有去,冇拍到片啫。因為冇咩好玩既!cotton wood park 真係去左萬幾次😂😂😂
Your landlord just try to give U hard time not giving U back those $400 for fixing plumbing! Don't worry since U are the tenant in Canada and U're the KING! Bring this situation and story and call the staff from Residential Tenancy Office. Tell them the story and they will give U guide line. MAKE SURE U MARK DOWN THE TIME AND DATE AND THE STAFF'S NAME THAT U TALKED TO FOR FUTURE EVIDENCE AND TRACE IN CASE FUTURE NEEDED!!
yes... honestly i don't want to make things complicated. IF! they dont give me back the money, i will just deduct $400 in rent. and make it black and white
@@hkhenry0221According to the BC Residential Tenancy Act, you are permitted to deduct "Emergency repairs" costs from the rent payment. Toilet leaks are considered urgent. In the future, you should ask the technician to bill the landlord directly. That would make your life a lot easier.
But how can they charge landlord directly. Landlord didn’t give me their bank infor🧐🧐
@@hkhenry0221 Just give them the contact information of your landlord (Full name, phone number, email, etc.) and let them deal with the landlord. Most companies do accept billing to a third party. You should always check and ensure before you let them do the job. NEVER pay the bill unless you are 100% sure that you will be reimbursed.