First install this mod 👇 Then update with this mod 👇
Please reply when I enter again, everything returns to the beginning and also the jewels are few. What should I do even though the mode is working and these are the problems I face?
Hello how are you all right? I wanted to tell you that if you could do a tutorial on installing the new version 9.4.0 because I install it now and it won't let me and I skip updating, I know you said the Two other links but it doesn't work because it's another version I don't know how you did it but could you make a new tutorial please?Greetings from Russia❤
I have a problem, every time I exit the application I have progress and when I want to re-enter the entire game restarts): you should explain the hack well.😢😢😢
First install this mod 👇
Then update with this mod 👇
witch one? Update or first install?
Frist one is in the frist
Please update 😔🙏
Update please please please 🙏🙏
If you comment on my video's for problem i definitely reply you in 24 hours ❤
Would you be able to fix the bug issue? 🥹
can't wait until it finally works
Ok I will make a new video
When u will make the new tutorial version???
Hey if it not work I will make tutorial
Check pinned comment😊
Please reply when I enter again, everything returns to the beginning and also the jewels are few. What should I do even though the mode is working and these are the problems I face?
You did it? Did you manage to have infinite money and gems too?@@-glitter368
hey did you get the coins and gems? infinitely?@@-glitter368
This is a bug sorry but I can't fix it, it's so hard to h@ck please sorry but thanks for commet ❤
It's okay but you can still make new mods, just wait until it really works
it's really worked thx for it💜
Why doesn't work wth me the money and gems are few
You're welcome 😊
First install first mod then install second mod, two of them in pinned comment, if can't find second mod tap 'read more'
Hello how are you all right? I wanted to tell you that if you could do a tutorial on installing the new version 9.4.0 because I install it now and it won't let me and I skip updating, I know you said the Two other links but it doesn't work because it's another version I don't know how you did it but could you make a new tutorial please?Greetings from Russia❤
Thanks I will
Hi i love your toca and my little pony videos so much
Thanks love you 😘🥴💗💯
Can you make one for 9.7.1a?
Link in discription, discription have two links make sure you prased real link🔗🖇️
Hello pls 9.3.0n pls❤❤
Please update 😭🙏🥺
Can u give me update pls
Thanks it's working
Why everytime I exit and come back, the app start again, and dont go where I stopped?
Thanks só much
I install it but nothing change tha mony and gems are few and nothing in the inventory
Can you pls find a mod apk of sonic forces i love that game and also found lots of mod apks but when i load the game it crashes
Of course
In my channel i uploaded it
It has appeared to me that my account is restricted and that I have violated the rules. What should I do?
I uploaded a new mod
@@Blinkypop.official Please, give me the link. I will be very grateful to you.
Where is it? Please give me the link and thank you 💗
Thank you very much, you are truly more than wonderful. You have done well, but how can I increase the gems and money?
@@-glitter368Did you manage to increase the jewels and money?
Saca la nueva version plz
Its need to update it
Help me, I lost all my things on tue game, because I wanted the hack, why isnt worling? 😢
Thanks working
They r starting to ban people's who uses these hacks
But is only for 2 week and they rest leadorbords I will say if they remove other things
I have a problem, every time I exit the application I have progress and when I want to re-enter the entire game restarts): you should explain the hack well.😢😢😢
Frist download first mod and install than install seagond mod and install mods in pinned comment 💬
Hello! This worked but every time i exit from the app and I come back everything restart!
Can you helo me? 🙏🏻💕
Its said i have to update it
9.4.0 please 😢
I can't get the gems and coins! What should I do to be able to have infinite everything?
Not infinte, everything in your inventory
Gracias :3
De nada
Love you
Hola, me podrías ayudar, me perdí instalé el mod 1 y después no habro el juego aun y descargo el otro mod 2 y nada mas?
Press inall and install this
@@Blinkypop.official Se puede registrar en Google play Juegos? Y guardar progreso?
@@Blinkypop.official Can you register in Google play games?
Every time I enter the game It starts again every time.
Check pinned comment
What do I need to do to update?
I don't know but I make a video
Hai il link per la nuova versione?
No te quita el progreso? Esk no quiero 😢
Please uptade it it dosen't matter how much i uptade the app in google play itf
Don't let me in 😭😭
Hey pls my friends wait i need to h@ck the app first this is so hard,
One question? Does it work if you go offline?
I've subscribed to the channel, can you make a tutorial for the latest mod apk(ver 9.3.0)?😊❤
Yes absolutely
I somehow got banned...
First install mod 1 than update with mod 2
WHY DID MINE FAIL? 😢 Mine is not unlimited money and gems 😢😢😢😢
Everything in your inventory
Version 9.3.0?
It needs to get uptade
I will update this
@@Blinkypop.officialsai tra quanto uscirà?
It will take some time because I Frist h@ck it
@@Blinkypop.official ah ok, fammi sapere quando uscirà 😊
Help mine isn't working
Frist install mod 1 than install mod 2
а можно новую версию.....
Hi im a new subscriber of yours your content is soo much 👍 but you have not the subscribers you deserve 😢😢
Thanks o love you❤❤❤
Anything new?
This is just the APK, right? there's no file?
What means????
does it work on ios?
Why I can't buy new ponys🥲🥲
Try to reinstall it and like and subscribe pls 😘, I will give you a tutorial