as a test animation this is not impressive because all i did was placing props, and use existing animations, i just wanted to showcase that if EPIC would actually listen, we could make movies/posters easier, instead of exporting and recreate in blender Because at every game update, Fmodel needs some time to update too, and you will have to wait, unless you use older builds and so on Again, NOTHING is recreated, All assets are from the GAME ITSELF, made inside the editor, kinda like SFM What's the Negatives on this?: 1. you can't save your map/sequence, basically the game is set to Read-only when i open it, sometimes i can save?? but still a mistery on how it works 2. Time of day can't be changed 3. Animations that play sounds, won't be recorded the sounds, so you have to put sounds later yourself
as a test animation this is not impressive because all i did was placing props, and use existing animations,
i just wanted to showcase that if EPIC would actually listen, we could make movies/posters easier, instead of exporting and recreate in blender
Because at every game update, Fmodel needs some time to update too, and you will have to wait, unless you use older builds and so on
Again, NOTHING is recreated, All assets are from the GAME ITSELF, made inside the editor, kinda like SFM
What's the Negatives on this?:
1. you can't save your map/sequence, basically the game is set to Read-only when i open it, sometimes i can save?? but still a mistery on how it works
2. Time of day can't be changed
3. Animations that play sounds, won't be recorded the sounds, so you have to put sounds later yourself
Kinda dope
This is sick u should do a tut