There is a little error here. "Der Vogel unterschreibt" is written out in English as "The bird is signing." This is correct. However, the spoken voice reads it as "The bird is singing," and the next sentence is, "His song is beautiful." "Unterschreibt" is signing as in signing a paper. Unterschreibt -- under writing.
Es un gran desafío aprender alemán para un hablante español, que le es más fácil aprender cualquier otra lengua neolatina, como francés o italiano...a parte de ese comentario debo agregar otro: Este vídeo para aprender a pronunciar alemán es muy bueno.
Alles gut..dankeschön meine lehrerin
There is a little error here. "Der Vogel unterschreibt" is written out in English as "The bird is signing." This is correct. However, the spoken voice reads it as "The bird is singing," and the next sentence is, "His song is beautiful." "Unterschreibt" is signing as in signing a paper. Unterschreibt -- under writing.
Es un gran desafío aprender alemán para un hablante español, que le es más fácil aprender cualquier otra lengua neolatina, como francés o italiano...a parte de ese comentario debo agregar otro: Este vídeo para aprender a pronunciar alemán es muy bueno.
Excellent your lesson
Es gibt etwas falch auf "ich bin Sekretär" für eine Frau.
U are the best and best jehovah will Bless u and your family
Haben Sie auch rumäniche Überstzung
Awesome, thanks a lot ♥️
Amazing! Danke!
Do you upload C2 level German??
you are the best
in your sleep you only dreaming, not learning😂
Upload more
Good work...same make A2, B1...
Does it work though?
Not if you don't do amything else.
Great does it work tho ?😅😅
Just as addition and repetition.
Gonzalez Daniel Garcia Kimberly Hall Frank
Mmh guten tag und dankeschön meinename ist paulina cherement häben sie schönen tags Lehrerin
Wündabar. Dankeschön
Dankeschön! 🥰
A comment section for sleeping people😊
This seems to be a good learning level for me
Are we friends?
We WERE friends.
what a heartbroken ha ...
The German speaker sounds very nasal, so her speech is somewhat muffled.
جيد ولكن نريد ترجمة بالعربي ايضا
Ich bin Lehrer. Without "ein"
meine? das IS mein zimmer? what is that?
A German lady with a less shrill voice would have been better
wR ze
I don't think it can be useful learning while sleeping 😅
Was the English speaker recorded in a bathroom? That's some irritating reverb, can't listen to this
Alles gut..dankeschön meine lehrerin
Mmh guten tag und dankeschön meinename ist paulina cherement häben sie schönen tags Lehrerin
Wündabar. Dankeschön