I have a copy of the original single of the Dr. Who theme by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. I also recorded a version and created my own Tardis sound. I did it the way it was originally done: scraping a key down a bass string, then slowing it down and looping it on an analogue 4 track. Also there used to be one of the old police call boxes near the loos in Hull's indoor market! Great episode, Drew, our very dear friend. Thankyou. ✌️❤️🤗
Amazing. I'd LOVE to own one of the old call boxes. I've been a Who-vian my whole life. Any Doctor Who stuff is like gold to me. Glad you enjoyed the video
I have a copy of the original single of the Dr. Who theme by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. I also recorded a version and created my own Tardis sound. I did it the way it was originally done: scraping a key down a bass string, then slowing it down and looping it on an analogue 4 track. Also there used to be one of the old police call boxes near the loos in Hull's indoor market! Great episode, Drew, our very dear friend. Thankyou. ✌️❤️🤗
Amazing. I'd LOVE to own one of the old call boxes. I've been a Who-vian my whole life. Any Doctor Who stuff is like gold to me.
Glad you enjoyed the video
Try to come by the show one night so I can share you out.
Will do Scully as soon as I catch u on while I'm awake...or not working. 😂