I always liked Marty the best;-She was one of the cool girls, but didn't go out of her way to be a bitch or used this 'privilege' to get ahead, pretty much everything she wore was gorgeous and I want right now, she was actually quite goofy...she's brilliant. 💖
Marty is the quintessential "Sidekick friend" - just as attractive, probably a better personality, but gets overlooked cos she's not as "loud". Always loved Marty.
@@vellarts just saying. I always thought that even when I was a kid. Especially at the dance when she explained her last name then she moved her hips at the end of the song to attract vince fontaine. To put it in uncle Jesse terms " Have mercy ". Lol. I am sorry. Marty is a catch.
“I don't know where all my money goes, a penny here, 15 cents there” is really the most identifiable and timeless phrase in the movie. Point to the diva Marty for saying it💐💐💐🌹🤗👏👏👏
@@aaroncallahan119 the guy who wrote Grease went to the same high school as Harrison Ford and Hilary Clinton. The Pink Girls were a group from that high school. Who knows, maybe Hilary was one way back.
@@alicedamiano7718 you are correct that the actress could not dance. I noticed though in the play, Marty didn't have a date either. She was also originally a bleach blonde. (They changed this for the movie.) Definetly fun seeing the differences between the original script for the play and the movie.
@Kashi the Grease and Nintendo fan In the movie, it was Bobby. But in the original musical, it was Freddy, and Marty song "Freddy my love" . But the song (a beautiful song) was remplaced for Hopelesly Devoted to you.
@@tonosazules8221 what I cannot believe is that she is the same actress who portrayed the doomed character in Ordinary People two years after Grease. She looked a dozen years younger and completely different as a preppy girl as apposed to Marty
Jesus, I have no words for this. Dinah Manoff was the protagonist of Grease and nobody else noticed it. Damn, I wish I hadn't been just 7 yo when this came out; if I'd been even 18, I'd be driving my mother's Dodge Dart to LA to find this fox. Her. Dress. At. The Dance. And her interaction w/the DJ. This is the director's cut I've been dreaming of. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
As the movie went on the 3 pink ladies warmed up to Sandy and even realized that making fun of her was wrong and respected her more, for Rizzo it wasn’t until Sandy acted kind toward that she saw that maybe she what she thought
way more entertaining with the full zoom ins!!! Hahahaha I’m pissing myself laughing at all her subtle and extreme mood reactions!! I wish the movie editor had zoomed in more on their facial expressions they’re hysterical!!!
Just watched Grease for first time in 20 years. Marty stood out for me with her funny facial expressions. Glad you recognized her too with this great video.
....God, I loved Marty! ...LOVED the idea of naming a Girl, with a GUY'S nickname! ...hard to believe this was Dinah Manoff's FIRST role...EVER, at 19! ...the ONLY actual 'High School' aged character! ..ha-HAA!! ....she was a KNOCKOUT in that green dress...(5:56) ...
Do you take video reccs? I would love to see a Kenickie one since if you watch him in scenes that don't directly put focus on him, he's just kind of vibing. Love your videos!
She looks like a cross between Jennifer Grey and Madonna (a bit like Kristie Alley during the dance competition) Love the green dress she wears for the competition 😃
I always liked Marti, I don't know why but I always found her cute, watching the movie again I realized that she cared a lot for Rizzo, since she cared for her friend when they thought she was pregnant (which nobody else did) everyone else was just teasing or saying things about Rizzo, but not Marti, Marti was a good friend and she didn't tease. Marti may seem like just a posh, but she's not, she has her little heart. They did not give it the importance it deserved in the film, Marti was going to sing Freddy my love, we could have seen her sing alone and instead the one who had her leading role singing was Sandy (which I did not like because Sandy already had her moment of glory with the duets and also she already had a ballad, her version of Sandra Dee). Almost all the Pink Ladies had songs, Frenchy had a song (okay, she didn't sing it, but she still had it), Rizzo had a song (two in fact) but with Marti we had to settle for only singing one phrase in Summer Nights, the same as with Jan who, when it appeared, was also going to have a song but this remained an idea. But Marti's case was not just an idea, Freddy my love does exist (it can be heard on the Internet) and it is a very beautiful song, it deserved to be in the movie and not Sandy's song. Marti is good and sweet even if people don't want to see her like that. And as I am writing this, I am realizing that I have defended Marti a lot so I will admit that he has become my second favorite character behind Rizzo.
I loveeee your opinion!! I agree that Marty is a super interesting character that deserved more screen time. You know now that I think about it when she said that Vince tried to put an aspirin on her coke at the dance it’s seems like not a big deal and I think that’s just wrong. Also I did not know actually about the song thing, it would’ve been awesome thoooo
1:43 I think in spite of herself Marty was hoping for a romantic reunion between Danny and Sandy but didn't want to admit it. The look she's giving Jan right now as good as says "See, what did I tell you? High school boys, no sense of loyalty, they want to act like they don't have any feelings"
Don't approve of the roofie thing at all but, in that time period, 17 and 18 yos were already looking to get married; they were considered old maids if they weren't married by 23. Age of consent was 16 and not a few 16-18 yo girls dated men much older. Not talking about Jerry Lee Lewis & his 13yo cousin, talking about young ladies whose parents already were waiting for them to leave the nest.
we had to do scenes in front of a part of my school and my class did grease and i was marty i was like who is that so i researched and i was like omg so pretty
Omg so lucky!! That’s so cool, in my school we did grease too but I played someone in the back just dancing 😓, haha which was cool but it is always so cool to be main or secondary characters
Marty didn’t have to say much her facial expressions said it all
She has a hot body too.
shes actually my favorite.
@Ispr5134-2y ago
Marty didn't have to say much her facial expressions said it all
You beautiful hot girl wow.
Marty you didn't know that all to say that don't want to see he will on the 1st of your saver
I always liked Marty the best;-She was one of the cool girls, but didn't go out of her way to be a bitch or used this 'privilege' to get ahead, pretty much everything she wore was gorgeous and I want right now, she was actually quite goofy...she's brilliant. 💖
I love her outfits too🤩 i think she’s so nice and pretty as well
I like her, but girly really couldn’t keep a secret for more than 10 seconds
Marty is the quintessential "Sidekick friend" - just as attractive, probably a better personality, but gets overlooked cos she's not as "loud". Always loved Marty.
I think she’s the coolest I always loved her
I think she is the prettiest, even prettier than Cha cha and Sandy
Right she’s my
Favorite in the movie
Rizzo is the best 👑
@@n3493 why because she puts out ?
My favs are Rizzo or Marty, but I can’t pick. The decision is just too hard 😅
I thought Marty was the finest one out of all of the pink ladies especially at the dance . Good lord!!
@@vellarts just saying. I always thought that even when I was a kid. Especially at the dance when she explained her last name then she moved her hips at the end of the song to attract vince fontaine. To put it in uncle Jesse terms " Have mercy ". Lol. I am sorry. Marty is a catch.
@@smoketreesandchirplikeabir6678 yesss I know right? 🤔😂
@@smoketreesandchirplikeabir6678 the actor who played vince fontaine reminds me with Dean Martin somehow ... a singer who was also famous in 50s
“I don't know where all my money goes, a penny here, 15 cents there” is really the most identifiable and timeless phrase in the movie.
Point to the diva Marty for saying it💐💐💐🌹🤗👏👏👏
Marty was my fave. Loved her hair and outfits and attitude.
How did this gorgeous girl not have a date for the dance????? She was flawless! The vixen of the Pink Ladies.
Oh she had Vince.
@@aaroncallahan119 LOL
@@aaroncallahan119 the guy who wrote Grease went to the same high school as Harrison Ford and Hilary Clinton. The Pink Girls were a group from that high school. Who knows, maybe Hilary was one way back.
I read somewhere that the actress wasn't good at dancing, so they found a way to keep her out from major dancing.
@@alicedamiano7718 you are correct that the actress could not dance. I noticed though in the play, Marty didn't have a date either. She was also originally a bleach blonde. (They changed this for the movie.) Definetly fun seeing the differences between the original script for the play and the movie.
“dont sweat it honey, have one of mine”☠️☠️☠️
She nailed every outfit for every scene 💕 she had the best facial expressions, underrated for sure 💕 if I where a pink lady I’d try to emulate her
Marty was such an underrated character!
I fell in love with Marty at the moment at 1:18. She's always been my favorite in Grease.
She should to do singing Freddy my love.
@Kashi the Grease and Nintendo fan In the movie, it was Bobby. But in the original musical, it was Freddy, and Marty song "Freddy my love" . But the song (a beautiful song) was remplaced for Hopelesly Devoted to you.
Marty: Well, history sometimes repeats itself...
She was probably my favorite actress on this
She has a solo song in the original musical that is SO good . I’m sad they didn’t use it in the movie :((
So I’ve been told… OMG IMAGINE THAT ! it would’ve just been amazing!!!
She has the solo song Freddy My Love in the original play, the song is included in the OST but another girl sings it,.
@@tonosazules8221 what I cannot believe is that she is the same actress who portrayed the doomed character in Ordinary People two years after Grease. She looked a dozen years younger and completely different as a preppy girl as apposed to Marty
@@michaelconnor5378 Ironically, Dinah Manoff was the only teenager girl playing a pink lady, she was 19 when the movie was made.
3:06 I love that Sandy isn't even judgemental, she seems more stunned but as if she's in awe.
that little fake smile she does in summer nights is so funny. i can't do it for the life of me!!!
Marty is my favorite Pink Lady. I idolized her since my high school days. I loved the way she dressed and looked.
As a kid watching Grease, I gravitated towards Sandy, but as a grown woman I prefer Marty and Frenchie. Also, Marty looked amazing in every outfit
Her eyebrows are so expressive. An icon!
Jesus, I have no words for this. Dinah Manoff was the protagonist of Grease and nobody else noticed it. Damn, I wish I hadn't been just 7 yo when this came out; if I'd been even 18, I'd be driving my mother's Dodge Dart to LA to find this fox. Her. Dress. At. The Dance. And her interaction w/the DJ. This is the director's cut I've been dreaming of. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
If my heart didn't belong to Sandy, Marty definitely would've been my first crush as a kid.
I like her best in the strapless green dress
Loved her as Carol in Empty Nest too
As the movie went on the 3 pink ladies warmed up to Sandy and even realized that making fun of her was wrong and respected her more, for Rizzo it wasn’t until Sandy acted kind toward that she saw that maybe she what she thought
I love Marty.
She was always my favorite ❤
0:09 her face is so cute
5:50 love Marty in that dress.... woohoo
i absolutely love marty but i always thought it was SUPER weird that adult guy went along with her advances
Me too! Poor Marty
way more entertaining with the full zoom ins!!! Hahahaha I’m pissing myself laughing at all her subtle and extreme mood reactions!! I wish the movie editor had zoomed in more on their facial expressions they’re hysterical!!!
i’m playing marty in my local performing arts center, this will definitely help me with getting into character
How did that go? I’m playing Marty in a couple of months too! What else helped you get into character?
@@starfishpirateso am i!
My school is having a play and I plan to audition for Marty! I appreciate this video I love her character
Good luck!
@@blamtagious Maraschino as in cherry
I like her most in the yellow outfit..that perfect dream figure!
marty is one of my favorite characters
Just watched Grease for first time in 20 years. Marty stood out for me with her funny facial expressions. Glad you recognized her too with this great video.
She played the mother 20 years later in State of Grace. I loved that show.
I love Marty!
Always loved her the most
Using this for character research 😎
Dude sameee
My favorite pink lady
Marty had a few standout moments and didn’t get the recognition she deserved. Of course she’s my mood. 😂😂
The subtitles are EVERYTHING!
I forgot how funny this Rizzo is
All the 10 main characters are cool.!
The amazing synth 🤩
....God, I loved Marty! ...LOVED the idea of naming a Girl, with a GUY'S nickname! ...hard to believe this was Dinah Manoff's FIRST role...EVER, at 19! ...the ONLY actual 'High School' aged character! ..ha-HAA!! ....she was a KNOCKOUT in that green dress...(5:56) ...
I used to think the yellow paper they teared up was a cheese slice when i was a kid 😂😂
Fun fact she played Maggie in Child's Play
Also was in SOAP and EMPTY NEST
Shes so pretty. 🤗 loved her in grease.
Ik it’s an old movie BUT ITS STILL A HIT IN 2023❤ !!
Do you take video reccs? I would love to see a Kenickie one since if you watch him in scenes that don't directly put focus on him, he's just kind of vibing. Love your videos!
Great idea, thanks!! Coming soon
@@vellarts Cool! Thanks!
She looks like a cross between Jennifer Grey and Madonna (a bit like Kristie Alley during the dance competition) Love the green dress she wears for the competition 😃
Marty is my spirit animal! 💗✨Sassy, sexy, classy chick! My kind of girl!
I always liked Marti, I don't know why but I always found her cute, watching the movie again I realized that she cared a lot for Rizzo, since she cared for her friend when they thought she was pregnant (which nobody else did) everyone else was just teasing or saying things about Rizzo, but not Marti, Marti was a good friend and she didn't tease.
Marti may seem like just a posh, but she's not, she has her little heart.
They did not give it the importance it deserved in the film, Marti was going to sing Freddy my love, we could have seen her sing alone and instead the one who had her leading role singing was Sandy (which I did not like because Sandy already had her moment of glory with the duets and also she already had a ballad, her version of Sandra Dee).
Almost all the Pink Ladies had songs, Frenchy had a song (okay, she didn't sing it, but she still had it), Rizzo had a song (two in fact) but with Marti we had to settle for only singing one phrase in Summer Nights, the same as with Jan who, when it appeared, was also going to have a song but this remained an idea.
But Marti's case was not just an idea, Freddy my love does exist (it can be heard on the Internet) and it is a very beautiful song, it deserved to be in the movie and not Sandy's song.
Marti is good and sweet even if people don't want to see her like that.
And as I am writing this, I am realizing that I have defended Marti a lot so I will admit that he has become my second favorite character behind Rizzo.
I loveeee your opinion!! I agree that Marty is a super interesting character that deserved more screen time.
You know now that I think about it when she said that Vince tried to put an aspirin on her coke at the dance it’s seems like not a big deal and I think that’s just wrong.
Also I did not know actually about the song thing, it would’ve been awesome thoooo
@@vellarts This is song th-cam.com/video/9gK6VDBAvpQ/w-d-xo.html
Marty isn't a good friend. She promised to keep Rizzos secret but told it a minute later. That's friendship ending shit right there.
@@Nepthu I don't think she's a bad friend, she's just the reckless friend who tries hard but it's in itself to be reckless.
favorite character of grease and i don’t even like musicals
Marty is my favorite character
Omg same. She's so pretty funny and amazing i love her so much❤
Adorable. ❤
My favourite words from Marty: “how would you like rice pudding down your bra” 😂 (it’s from the extended lunch scene on the 40th Anniversary DVD 😊)
@@vellarts if you wanna see it, here’s the link: th-cam.com/video/odB3UmdC46w/w-d-xo.html & Timestamp: 3:41 😊
I get to say that line because I'm playing her in a musical :D
1:43 I think in spite of herself Marty was hoping for a romantic reunion between Danny and Sandy but didn't want to admit it. The look she's giving Jan right now as good as says "See, what did I tell you? High school boys, no sense of loyalty, they want to act like they don't have any feelings"
The actress who play Marty was Also played Carol in " the Empty nest "
Was in SOAP as well
Dinah Manoff was such a hottie.
4:19 omg she's so cute she's like in another world❤❤
I love Marty ❤
naaaa you can still see your face!🤣 I love saying that to people when they ask about their glasses! lmao
I hated my high school back in the 70s just sitting there and shit kind of crap would break out. Had to exit stage right.
In High School I was definitely Rizzo with a healthy dose of Marty!!
I absolutely love dana sooooohot,
Smokin hot
Wait. Vince Fontaine was into high schoolers AND tried to drug Marty?! F******ck
Don't approve of the roofie thing at all but, in that time period, 17 and 18 yos were already looking to get married; they were considered old maids if they weren't married by 23. Age of consent was 16 and not a few 16-18 yo girls dated men much older. Not talking about Jerry Lee Lewis & his 13yo cousin, talking about young ladies whose parents already were waiting for them to leave the nest.
The way Vince was an "older guy" but recording hairline "high schooler" Sonny looks older than him!
I would watch Grease just because she’s beautiful 🤩
Marty was my favorite. Definitely the sexiest.
"Yeah if you like older guys!"
Aren't yall like 30
so true bestie
Well Marty was 19 in real life so.....lol.
I think she was 22
No one is going to talk about a grown man hitting on a high school student 😂
Well according to the Grease wiki, she’s 17 and he’s *69*. No joke. Jeez.
Marty was my crush.....😀😍
We are having a muzical in our school for Grease, and I am Marty-
we had to do scenes in front of a part of my school and my class did grease and i was marty i was like who is that so i researched and i was like omg so pretty
Omg so lucky!! That’s so cool, in my school we did grease too but I played someone in the back just dancing 😓, haha which was cool but it is always so cool to be main or secondary characters
Cool, I was kenike
I was frenchy
My favorite Kiss.
2:58 What are Those??
I found out that Marti's full name is "Martina" and that's why I call her "Tini"
Marty aka Ruben mood.
What happened to this underrated grease channel?
I’ll be posting again soon ;)
Maraschino, like in cherry? Yeah, my older brother had to explain why that line was so funny.
I don’t get it can you pls explain
So In rise of the pink ladies show Jan was normal freshman year?
I was 12 when I first saw this. I wanted to be just like Marty with Sandy’s satin black carnival pants. Kind of fulfilled that in the 80s. 😝
10 minutes (and 5 seconds)
Oh… fun fact, the original Marty was played by Godspell actress Katie Hanley #katiehanley #bymyside
Aspirin in my coke lol
Three Martys I like:
3- Dinah Mannoff
2- Keke Palmer
1- Katie Hanley
Marty is oblivious of what the hell is going on.
Her glasses made her look smarter.
Aquela cena dela pedindo pra Sandy jogar o cigarro no chão . E se declarar a Dany .
Marty became a doctor
Marrty is very funny she being good friend to sandy also she gets feelings down differently gif girl my name is Heather ha
0:05 0:18 0:56 1:16
The should have kept the song, "Freddy My Love" in the movie. My favourite song from Grease.
She doesn't care when Frankie touched her hand with his arm, but Rizzo looks disgusted when he touched her hand...