0:00 Celebrating Easter 4:08 Easter during the Quarantine 5:54 Derrick's retelling of Resurrection of Jesus 10:03 Religious Movies 15:18 Jim Caviezel's career 18:09 Easter's Origin 18:48 Update on Shawn's Internet 21:12 Strange marketing gimmicks 25:23 Marketing during Covid-19 Quarantine 30:48 Celebrities during the Quarantine 34:30 Epiphanies about Society 35:03 Businesses having difficulties during the Quarantine 40:48 Trolls 2 movie ------- 43:00 Thank you to our sponsors: shop.mega64.com Is She Nice shirt restocked 64 Hour Special: I
It was my great grandmothers 100th birthday this year, so we decided to have a big family meet up for easter to celebrate! I mean, she hasn’t turned a hundred yet, and my family isn’t too crazy about easter anyways, but we felt like it’d be a perfect moment for fifty people to meet up for my century old great grandmother this easter! We all ate from a big cook out together, laughed, hugged, and each gave her each a hundred birthday kisses for the birthday girl to be. Wonderful time this year, hope you all had a great time yourselves :D
Shawn's breakdown at celebs was really fucking cathartic. These casts are genuinely getting me through right now, stuck at home and swamped with work so you guys are making this bearable.
I'm finally watching these old mega64 podcasts back when quarantine was in its prime and its so crazy how different it was compared to now. I'm glad the boys are doing great now post quarantine
Just to weigh in on the curved screen conversation: As the owner of an ASUS Predator X34 21:9 curved gaming monitor, it is significantly better having an ultra-widescreen display be curved as opposed to flat. Mostly in part due to how close you sit to a monitor compared to a TV, and the improved viewing angle when looking near the edges of the screen, given the size of the device - however, that is the only case in which I agree with curved displays. Curved TVs serve no true benefit in a living/TV room environment where many people may be sitting at a variety of distances and angles, other than being a talking point where you and you guests muse at how far technology has come.
@Mega64 The reason you'd want a curved panel is for FALD VA type LCD screens: For monitors you are always [or should be] really close to it so the curve lessens the blooming from the backlight at the left and right edges of the screen and keeps the colour from fading too/contrast lowering [Which is caused by the increased backlight blooming I just mentioned]. When you have a FALD VA type LCD TV 55"+, sitting at/near minimum viewing distance will cause blooming on even the best LCD sets [ZD9 and DX902] at the edges of the screen, mostly in super challenging [For FALD LCD] scenes like super bright objects on dark gray backgrounds. If the screen was curved you wouldn't have this issue as much, you can see the problem on a flat FALD VA type panel TV if you translate your head left and right while keeping your eyes in the middle of the screen, you'll see the colour and contrast improve on the edges you move your head towards. If you don't notice a difference you probably have an IPS screen or are actually sitting within the optimal viewing distance to lessen blooming and improve contrast, but people like to get really close to big screens these days so curved is actually becoming a more useful feature, even if we aren't using it really. Samsung tried to "fix" this in some of their recent flagship models but they used sub-pixel rendering to do it and weren't actually showing a native 4K image so there are big drawbacks. The negatives of the curved screen being what Rocco said about double-reflections but thats more bad placement of the TV, you should never have a window to the side of in front of the screen, obviously WAF is a factor here though so I understand.
I will miss the juxtaposition of Roccos crisp, clear, HD image with the Shawndritch Horror, but I am glad some small aspect of Shawns life has improved that guy really needs a W
My theater has tickets ranging from $4 (matinee) -$12 (IMAX) and it’s a cinemark theater and really good. I guess location matters for ticket prices, but I’ll be devastated if they move to digital $20 one day rental as the model going forward. Even with a home theater set up its not the same as going to the theater.
enjoi0555 Pirating is still big. The studios would lose so much revenue doing the $20 rental. The releases would be on piratebay in quality 1080p immediately and not a shitty camera setup in the theater.
theguy1991 Wow yeah, I didn’t even think of that. Also these studios make way more with the theater model. We wouldn’t get bombastic blockbusters as much if we moved to a straight to home model. The budget/returns wouldn’t be there.
Omg when I think of jesus decent into hell I think of God of war/ dante inferno with heavy horror themes. Jesus is in hell liberating people, sounds like a good story.
Really surprised by Roccos take on FF7R. The extension of the "pre-Wall Market stuff" felt mostly natural to me and the new story elements were interesting. The only weird/awkward thing was the dialogue in the first two or three hours of the game, after that it's smooth sailing. But then again, I guess I was one of the ten people that actually wanted Squeenix to "freshen up" the original game/story and not just...straight up update it with prettier graphics. If I wanted to play the same game again I could just...play the original. It's not like that's as hard to get your hands on as it was post-2003 and pre-PSN-release when the only way to play it (asides from pirating it) was getting a real, very expensive copy of either the PS1 version or the (even more expensive) PC release. So yeah, the Remake is different from the original - but it's really, really good and definitely worth checking out.
I took a picture with Rocco at the first Kyary Pamyu Pamyu concert in 2013 when I visited LA. I’m sure he doesn’t care, but I also plan on going to KPP here in San Francisco, which did get postponed to October.
I think the difference with game remakes vs movies is that the tech in games actually inhibits gameplay and held it back when, like many ps1 games re2 being a good example, when movie remakes are about making it look better, games are an interactive medium
Every podcast I feel more and more that Derrick would live alone on his own planet if he could haha. I only just started watching M64 again after a long break so maybe this is a known thing but I still found it funny.
If you guys haven't seen the task force conference from last night (4/13), its must watch tv, absolutely hilarious, Trump plays clips about how great a job he's doing, and the questions that follow are hilarious. Also his reactions while showing the clips are priceless, like him nodding along to it in agreement and looking at the news people. And a bit before he plays those clips, Dr. Fauci is up there praising Trump and how great a job he's doing (this is after some controversy due to Trump retweeting something about firing Fauci), and as he's praising Trump a member of the press asks something along the lines of "are you doing this voluntarily, at your own freewill, or did Trump make you say this?" or something like that, it's just gold the whole way through that conference.
I could totally see it being an issue with a console on controller but on PC I just blasted through all the platforming in Eternal. For a PC player it was kinda just seasoning for the walk between fights and for secret hunting rather than a challenge.
Wheres doctor scrape when you need him? To quote him: may the blood of the sickness wash over by the word of Steven. Drink from my seed. Spread the word of god.
I think the reason people say the witcher 3 is the best game in its genre is because of the writing and not necessarily the combat. It's pretty standard on the combat side but the writing especially as you get deeper in is great.
So spot on with the commercial talk. I work for an ad agency and the FIRST day of quarantine EVERYONE was pitching “we’re in this together” ads. Makes you pretty cynical.
Should have been Final Fantasy Rebirth. The game is obviously like a completely new telling. I wouldn't say 90% of the game doesn't reflect what happened, they fleshed out a lot of that early chapter. I think they realize that there was no way for them to make a proper version without breaking it up in bits. And unfortunately the easiest way to do that is to have the first bit take place in one location.
Yeah, I thought the game fairly faithfully retold the story. All the major and minor story beats are there. I enjoyed the Jessie mission addition and it makes what happens at the pillar more impactful. The whispers added some uncertainty but the entire idea could be discarded in future installments because, "you can't really change fate." But more importantly because people didn't really seem to like it, myself included. It's certainly weird to have the game end in the first act of the original, when you get a taste but don't understand the connection between Jenova, Sephiroth, and Cloud. On top of that you only just learn what Shinra is up to in the last two hours and Rufus literally drops into the game's last hour out of the sky with no warning. Could we have not at least had President Shinra mention his son earlier in the game so an attentive audience would at least know of his existance? I don't care if it's that way in the original, because the original didn't end 15 minutes after Rufus' introduction. Sure all the green \!/ side missions are pure filler garbage. I'd like to see them improve on those by going the Mass Effect route for side missions by having them be driven by a story for a party member rather than no-name npcs which exist only to give quests. Instead of 3 chapters full of 6-9 boring fetch quests, one good quest each for Tifa, Barret, and Aerith would have been a big improvement. Throw in some monster bounty side missions where you just grab the quest and go find a cool boss to fight. That's what I'd like to see next time. I'm not upset about any of my gripes with the game. I genuinely loved it because the combat system is exactly what I had hoped it would be. In addition, the setting and characters are beautifully realized and about as iconic as it gets.
Mind you, I got Witcher 1,2,3 on steam and haven't touched them for YEARS. I got them because a friend of mine was obsessed but to me it's just not pulling me in :/
You're crazy if you don't think a remake or re-release of the 3d Mario games would be one of the best selling games of the year. That said, all 3 indie games that Derrick talked about are terrific! ;)
I strongly disagree with Derrick on remakes. Anytime a movie remake is announced, everyone groans even if it ends up better. When a video game remake is announced, everyone is stoked. Video games have a lot of limitations due to the timeframe. Movies aren't that significantly different to make a good modern movie.
Ok regarding the Witcher 3, half of it is how beautiful it looks. Half of it is that it's just like the other Western RPGs Derrick named, but it's A MILLION TIMES BETTER, so you guys probably didn't get very far. The story becomes INCREDIBLE, and TENSE, and you care about the characters to A MASSIVE EXTENT, and it gets FUNNY, the WRITING is the BEST in any game I've ever played. But the main thing that everyone praises, is that every single side quest is unique, like Rocco was talking about how boring the FF7 remake side quests were, in The Witcher 3 a side quest will start off as something stupid like searching for a frying pan, and then all of a sudden you're out in the middle of nowhere fight and dragons and it's 16 hours later and you're like holy s*** I can't believe this whole thing started with a frying pan! And that's like different quests that I mashed together, but that's really how it is. You guys all have good taste, if you didn't I wouldn't watch your podcast I would just watch the sketches. So I'm gonna really push for this and I hope people back me up. *PLEASE DO NOT DISCOUNT THE WITCHER 3, GIVE IT ANOTHER CHANCE. IF YOU EVER IN YOUR LIFE ENJOYED A DRAGON AGE OR ELDER SCROLLS, THE WITCHER GETS SO GOOD IT MAKES THOSE GAMES LOOK LIKE A CHILD MADE THEM IN THE 1980s.* I promise you. The Witcher 3 is so deep, so compelling, so exciting, and the combat is SO GOOD and SO SATISFYING, that no matter what else gets made, the only game that has a chance of competing with it is the developers' next game, CYBERPUNK 2077. Ever wonder why people are so ravenously hyped for that game? Witcher 3 my friends. Not just Keanu and pretty cyberpunk visuals. The fuckin Witcher 3 is life-changing. Listen to Henry Cavill talking about it, hearing his passion for it is inspiration in and of itself to play it. He OBSESSIVELY CALLED THE PEOPLE MAKING THE SHOW UNTIL THEY GAVE HIM THE PART. This is SUPERMAN were talking about. He can play whoever he wants. He chose fucking Geralt. I know it doesn't matter what people play, and everybody's entitled to their opinion, but it hurts me so much to hear them say that it was just boring and whatever and meh, because I know the reason is that they just didn't get very far, because it was boring in the very beginning (I mean it wasn't for me but I get it). It would be like turning off Skyrim when you've only just finished the tutorial, and you're chopping wood in Whiterun, and you're like "This game fuckin sucks, I'm just sitting here chopping wood!" Ok I'm done. Sorry. *People in the comments please back me up!*
I agree that the side quests and writing are really good (enough to make the game worth playing), but the combat and gameplay mechanics are pretty generic, and the main story shits the bed in the second half. Its a good game but not the 10/10 experience some make it out to be.
Oof cringefest bro, tho I agree that Witcher is a well loved and developed series, it's just not for everyone. I have all three on my PC and I haven't touched them in forever. They just don't pull me in! Some people like breaking bad, some people like house MD. Both great series but hey it's down to PREFERENCE bro
Sorry, I'm not wasting my money on something that should take 8 hours to get through, instead take 30 hours. Oh well, at least we get to see sephiroth in midgar! Fuck remakes
I'm of two minds when it comes to remakes. On one side, I can totally see where Derrick's coming from in not wanting a saturation of remakes... On the other side, I can't say I wouldn't want to see old games remade with new graphixxx. And yeah, much like Rocco's situation, there's an inherent risk in remaking something in which it will either not "land" or not exactly push the same buttons the original did. I'm also close to beating FFVIIR and I definitely agree that it *feels* almost like a different game despite the fact that it hits certain areas from the original. It certainly does not replace the original, but I don't really regard it as inferior for it. It's just a different experience, and that's fine. As a side-note, not related to remakes... I really think bringing games from the past forward as ports or remastered versions is a worthy endeavor when done right. This is just my own, limited experience but... older games aren't as available as say, older movies. I suppose you could always try and find a ROM but if you want to enjoy it on its original system, a game might not be easily obtainable depending on what it is.
0:00 Celebrating Easter
4:08 Easter during the Quarantine
5:54 Derrick's retelling of Resurrection of Jesus
10:03 Religious Movies
15:18 Jim Caviezel's career
18:09 Easter's Origin
18:48 Update on Shawn's Internet
21:12 Strange marketing gimmicks
25:23 Marketing during Covid-19 Quarantine
30:48 Celebrities during the Quarantine
34:30 Epiphanies about Society
35:03 Businesses having difficulties during the Quarantine
40:48 Trolls 2 movie
43:00 Thank you to our sponsors: shop.mega64.com
Is She Nice shirt restocked
64 Hour Special: I
commenting to bump this shit up
@@take5transfat Thanks man!
I just can't get into witcher 3 either!
Rocco calls himself a Star Wars fan and he can't even remember Beep Boo-boo Bop Boo-boo Bop's name
It was my great grandmothers 100th birthday this year, so we decided to have a big family meet up for easter to celebrate! I mean, she hasn’t turned a hundred yet, and my family isn’t too crazy about easter anyways, but we felt like it’d be a perfect moment for fifty people to meet up for my century old great grandmother this easter! We all ate from a big cook out together, laughed, hugged, and each gave her each a hundred birthday kisses for the birthday girl to be. Wonderful time this year, hope you all had a great time yourselves :D
holy shit wait the virus isn’t cured yet
@@azzypoo r.i.t gramma
Thoughts and prayers
@@azzypoo that's the joke
Joshua can decide what the joke is, considering it's his joke
Shawn's breakdown at celebs was really fucking cathartic. These casts are genuinely getting me through right now, stuck at home and swamped with work so you guys are making this bearable.
Gotta love Shawn becoming an old and tired man flipping everything and everybody off
Rough day and this had me really happy when I saw it up, thanks guys you are doing more good then you know!
Is this a boards of canada avatar?
@@iphicrates123 yep its on the a few old tunes and hi scores thing I can't remember where i got it because it looks a bit different though
Maybe next week we can hear Shawn's gigablast story
Did we officially lose the theme song 😮
Been so hungry for podcasts this quarantine season. I forgot how fun Mega64 podcasts were! I was on a too long of a hiatus from yall.
Hey Rocco you been losing weight! Proud of you. Lookin like a snac btw
return of hot rocco.
Love that shawn always says the words “dance class” with the same amount of bitterness
I feel so bad about all of the bad, Jackass style stunts we put Jesus through.. 😔
Tyler McPherson especially snake river
I'm finally watching these old mega64 podcasts back when quarantine was in its prime and its so crazy how different it was compared to now. I'm glad the boys are doing great now post quarantine
The boyz are getting radicalised. Hell yeh
they were always radical dudebro 😎
I see elliott smith “either/or” album cover up on Shawns wall. Didn’t know he was a fan , awesome!!
good eye
@@PardonMeTrevor :)
He’s the gentlest member of mega64, it’s appropriate
Just to weigh in on the curved screen conversation:
As the owner of an ASUS Predator X34 21:9 curved gaming monitor, it is significantly better having an ultra-widescreen display be curved as opposed to flat. Mostly in part due to how close you sit to a monitor compared to a TV, and the improved viewing angle when looking near the edges of the screen, given the size of the device - however, that is the only case in which I agree with curved displays.
Curved TVs serve no true benefit in a living/TV room environment where many people may be sitting at a variety of distances and angles, other than being a talking point where you and you guests muse at how far technology has come.
The reason you'd want a curved panel is for FALD VA type LCD screens: For monitors you are always [or should be] really close to it so the curve lessens the blooming from the backlight at the left and right edges of the screen and keeps the colour from fading too/contrast lowering [Which is caused by the increased backlight blooming I just mentioned].
When you have a FALD VA type LCD TV 55"+, sitting at/near minimum viewing distance will cause blooming on even the best LCD sets [ZD9 and DX902] at the edges of the screen, mostly in super challenging [For FALD LCD] scenes like super bright objects on dark gray backgrounds. If the screen was curved you wouldn't have this issue as much, you can see the problem on a flat FALD VA type panel TV if you translate your head left and right while keeping your eyes in the middle of the screen, you'll see the colour and contrast improve on the edges you move your head towards. If you don't notice a difference you probably have an IPS screen or are actually sitting within the optimal viewing distance to lessen blooming and improve contrast, but people like to get really close to big screens these days so curved is actually becoming a more useful feature, even if we aren't using it really.
Samsung tried to "fix" this in some of their recent flagship models but they used sub-pixel rendering to do it and weren't actually showing a native 4K image so there are big drawbacks. The negatives of the curved screen being what Rocco said about double-reflections but thats more bad placement of the TV, you should never have a window to the side of in front of the screen, obviously WAF is a factor here though so I understand.
missed an opportunity to flash Mel Gibson's mugshot on the screen
"he's gonna get you out of that house?" I fucking died
Derrick just admitted to sailing the high seas yo!
your podcasts brighten up my days!
Garrett sneaks in even more hilarious shit with this quarantine.
Genuinely want to see Mega64 protocommercials now
me too
doom's platforming wasn't bad except it was hard to find the walls to grab sometimes lol garrett has to have been a special case
I will miss the juxtaposition of Roccos crisp, clear, HD image with the Shawndritch Horror, but I am glad some small aspect of Shawns life has improved that guy really needs a W
Having the monitor curved is super helpful for those ultra wide monitors
My youth pastor world love this!
Wake me up when Disney makes a holocron of the cat from The Sopranos
A Short Hike is really, really nice! I absolutely hope someone decides to stream it.
My theater has tickets ranging from $4 (matinee) -$12 (IMAX) and it’s a cinemark theater and really good. I guess location matters for ticket prices, but I’ll be devastated if they move to digital $20 one day rental as the model going forward. Even with a home theater set up its not the same as going to the theater.
enjoi0555 Pirating is still big. The studios would lose so much revenue doing the $20 rental. The releases would be on piratebay in quality 1080p immediately and not a shitty camera setup in the theater.
theguy1991 Wow yeah, I didn’t even think of that. Also these studios make way more with the theater model. We wouldn’t get bombastic blockbusters as much if we moved to a straight to home model. The budget/returns wouldn’t be there.
The blood of Nintendo Chris compels you.
Omg when I think of jesus decent into hell I think of God of war/ dante inferno with heavy horror themes. Jesus is in hell liberating people, sounds like a good story.
Really surprised by Roccos take on FF7R. The extension of the "pre-Wall Market stuff" felt mostly natural to me and the new story elements were interesting. The only weird/awkward thing was the dialogue in the first two or three hours of the game, after that it's smooth sailing.
But then again, I guess I was one of the ten people that actually wanted Squeenix to "freshen up" the original game/story and not just...straight up update it with prettier graphics. If I wanted to play the same game again I could just...play the original. It's not like that's as hard to get your hands on as it was post-2003 and pre-PSN-release when the only way to play it (asides from pirating it) was getting a real, very expensive copy of either the PS1 version or the (even more expensive) PC release.
So yeah, the Remake is different from the original - but it's really, really good and definitely worth checking out.
I took a picture with Rocco at the first Kyary Pamyu Pamyu concert in 2013 when I visited LA. I’m sure he doesn’t care, but I also plan on going to KPP here in San Francisco, which did get postponed to October.
Has anybody suggested dreams to derrick?
If he knew about it already i reckon he'd've mentioned it, right? Would love to see some of his creations.
A Short Hike sounds cute, might check it out, thanks Derrick!
I think the difference with game remakes vs movies is that the tech in games actually inhibits gameplay and held it back when, like many ps1 games re2 being a good example, when movie remakes are about making it look better, games are an interactive medium
thought i was the only one who remembered beetleborgs. thank you rocco
"Piracy is over. There are so many streaming options." - Shawn
I don't think I know a single person, apart from technology illiterate older people, who doesn't pirate stuff
I dont know anyone that pirates tbh. for what it's worth.
I played A Short Hike when EGS gave it away for free and absolutely loved it.
God damn. It’s good to hear you guys worship Jesus on sundays still.
episode 365 backwards because this episode is the EXACT opposite of an everyday affair
What is the best case scenario of the "I
Hot durger
I totally agree with Derrick regarding the Quarantine and Easter
Every podcast I feel more and more that Derrick would live alone on his own planet if he could haha.
I only just started watching M64 again after a long break so maybe this is a known thing but I still found it funny.
Also have you guys seen Noah? That movie was surprisingly fucking epic
If you guys haven't seen the task force conference from last night (4/13), its must watch tv, absolutely hilarious, Trump plays clips about how great a job he's doing, and the questions that follow are hilarious. Also his reactions while showing the clips are priceless, like him nodding along to it in agreement and looking at the news people. And a bit before he plays those clips, Dr. Fauci is up there praising Trump and how great a job he's doing (this is after some controversy due to Trump retweeting something about firing Fauci), and as he's praising Trump a member of the press asks something along the lines of "are you doing this voluntarily, at your own freewill, or did Trump make you say this?" or something like that, it's just gold the whole way through that conference.
I could totally see it being an issue with a console on controller but on PC I just blasted through all the platforming in Eternal. For a PC player it was kinda just seasoning for the walk between fights and for secret hunting rather than a challenge.
Totally feel shawn on the ad bullshit
dang you guys never do an easter episode, really appreciate the extra effort, love y'all
Oh my God Shawn isn't robotmode
loving that dead alive poster
Escape Plan is fucken bad lol
The Passion: To Hell and Back Again (An Unexpected Party)
Wheres doctor scrape when you need him? To quote him: may the blood of the sickness wash over by the word of Steven. Drink from my seed. Spread the word of god.
Youth pastor approved
26:30 the golden point of this episode
Did any of them reach the time ghosts
27:40 should just be an actual ad
I think the old Dune movie is a perfect example of what they are talking about because that did not turn out well the first time around.
Derrick: You know who needs the blood of Christ the most?
Me: Uh.. Jesus?
I still want to see majin boo saga in 5 minutes
P. S. hope it happends
Passion of the Rocco: A real american mov.. Shit!
I think the reason people say the witcher 3 is the best game in its genre is because of the writing and not necessarily the combat. It's pretty standard on the combat side but the writing especially as you get deeper in is great.
Can someone time stamp when they talk about vids pls
Edit: 47:52
BTW Derrick if you see this you should play Donut County!
this podcast came out when i ordered t shit from the website and it's just shipping months later lmfao
So spot on with the commercial talk. I work for an ad agency and the FIRST day of quarantine EVERYONE was pitching “we’re in this together” ads. Makes you pretty cynical.
A Short Hike is really short and fun game, highly recommended
Looking forward to the podcast in two weeks when they roast Ramadan
We need Legend of Legaia back, either remake it or bring back the original
Should have been Final Fantasy Rebirth. The game is obviously like a completely new telling. I wouldn't say 90% of the game doesn't reflect what happened, they fleshed out a lot of that early chapter. I think they realize that there was no way for them to make a proper version without breaking it up in bits. And unfortunately the easiest way to do that is to have the first bit take place in one location.
Yeah I felt Rocco over reacted a bit, genuinely held quite baffled and upset when I heard his review.
Yeah, I thought the game fairly faithfully retold the story. All the major and minor story beats are there. I enjoyed the Jessie mission addition and it makes what happens at the pillar more impactful. The whispers added some uncertainty but the entire idea could be discarded in future installments because, "you can't really change fate." But more importantly because people didn't really seem to like it, myself included. It's certainly weird to have the game end in the first act of the original, when you get a taste but don't understand the connection between Jenova, Sephiroth, and Cloud. On top of that you only just learn what Shinra is up to in the last two hours and Rufus literally drops into the game's last hour out of the sky with no warning. Could we have not at least had President Shinra mention his son earlier in the game so an attentive audience would at least know of his existance? I don't care if it's that way in the original, because the original didn't end 15 minutes after Rufus' introduction.
Sure all the green \!/ side missions are pure filler garbage. I'd like to see them improve on those by going the Mass Effect route for side missions by having them be driven by a story for a party member rather than no-name npcs which exist only to give quests. Instead of 3 chapters full of 6-9 boring fetch quests, one good quest each for Tifa, Barret, and Aerith would have been a big improvement. Throw in some monster bounty side missions where you just grab the quest and go find a cool boss to fight. That's what I'd like to see next time.
I'm not upset about any of my gripes with the game. I genuinely loved it because the combat system is exactly what I had hoped it would be. In addition, the setting and characters are beautifully realized and about as iconic as it gets.
I completely agree with Witcher 3 talk, I've played maybe 20 hours trying to get into it and I think it just isn't for me which is weird to take in
I played it for nearly 60 hours and I still haven't completed the main storyline
Mind you, I got Witcher 1,2,3 on steam and haven't touched them for YEARS. I got them because a friend of mine was obsessed but to me it's just not pulling me in :/
I thought it was really boring and tedious for the first 12ish hours but it's kind of grown on me.
Can someone clip the part where they are talking about being in church during COVID-19.
You're crazy if you don't think a remake or re-release of the 3d Mario games would be one of the best selling games of the year. That said, all 3 indie games that Derrick talked about are terrific! ;)
Shawns connection is too good. the bit is ruined. bad episode.
Pls do coke commercial. You deserve those dollary doo's
Love you guys.
I strongly disagree with Derrick on remakes. Anytime a movie remake is announced, everyone groans even if it ends up better. When a video game remake is announced, everyone is stoked. Video games have a lot of limitations due to the timeframe. Movies aren't that significantly different to make a good modern movie.
Big thing witcher 3 has going for it is great writing. Once you put in 20 hours or so you will love playing as geralt.
X-Men: Bibleverse
so this was the episode the mask finally cracked and the trump derangement was revealed...
I feel like the remake is what FFXV should have been. It’s fun, but parts of it feel like a 2008 PS3 game.
Woah what video chat program are you guys using?
Looks like google hangout to me
Those flower shops are drug fronts
I wish I could get a Gigablast router. It’s not available at retail. It’s probably the best modem/router available and only through isps.
Ok regarding the Witcher 3, half of it is how beautiful it looks. Half of it is that it's just like the other Western RPGs Derrick named, but it's A MILLION TIMES BETTER, so you guys probably didn't get very far. The story becomes INCREDIBLE, and TENSE, and you care about the characters to A MASSIVE EXTENT, and it gets FUNNY, the WRITING is the BEST in any game I've ever played. But the main thing that everyone praises, is that every single side quest is unique, like Rocco was talking about how boring the FF7 remake side quests were, in The Witcher 3 a side quest will start off as something stupid like searching for a frying pan, and then all of a sudden you're out in the middle of nowhere fight and dragons and it's 16 hours later and you're like holy s*** I can't believe this whole thing started with a frying pan! And that's like different quests that I mashed together, but that's really how it is. You guys all have good taste, if you didn't I wouldn't watch your podcast I would just watch the sketches. So I'm gonna really push for this and I hope people back me up. *PLEASE DO NOT DISCOUNT THE WITCHER 3, GIVE IT ANOTHER CHANCE. IF YOU EVER IN YOUR LIFE ENJOYED A DRAGON AGE OR ELDER SCROLLS, THE WITCHER GETS SO GOOD IT MAKES THOSE GAMES LOOK LIKE A CHILD MADE THEM IN THE 1980s.*
I promise you. The Witcher 3 is so deep, so compelling, so exciting, and the combat is SO GOOD and SO SATISFYING, that no matter what else gets made, the only game that has a chance of competing with it is the developers' next game, CYBERPUNK 2077. Ever wonder why people are so ravenously hyped for that game? Witcher 3 my friends. Not just Keanu and pretty cyberpunk visuals. The fuckin Witcher 3 is life-changing. Listen to Henry Cavill talking about it, hearing his passion for it is inspiration in and of itself to play it. He OBSESSIVELY CALLED THE PEOPLE MAKING THE SHOW UNTIL THEY GAVE HIM THE PART. This is SUPERMAN were talking about. He can play whoever he wants. He chose fucking Geralt. I know it doesn't matter what people play, and everybody's entitled to their opinion, but it hurts me so much to hear them say that it was just boring and whatever and meh, because I know the reason is that they just didn't get very far, because it was boring in the very beginning (I mean it wasn't for me but I get it). It would be like turning off Skyrim when you've only just finished the tutorial, and you're chopping wood in Whiterun, and you're like "This game fuckin sucks, I'm just sitting here chopping wood!" Ok I'm done. Sorry.
*People in the comments please back me up!*
I agree that the side quests and writing are really good (enough to make the game worth playing), but the combat and gameplay mechanics are pretty generic, and the main story shits the bed in the second half. Its a good game but not the 10/10 experience some make it out to be.
Oof cringefest bro, tho I agree that Witcher is a well loved and developed series, it's just not for everyone. I have all three on my PC and I haven't touched them in forever. They just don't pull me in! Some people like breaking bad, some people like house MD. Both great series but hey it's down to PREFERENCE bro
What they did to FFVII is a good thing, I'm all for it and the more they do their thing the better.
Love u mega 64
That Jesus X-Men bit was hilarious!!!!!!
Sorry, I'm not wasting my money on something that should take 8 hours to get through, instead take 30 hours. Oh well, at least we get to see sephiroth in midgar! Fuck remakes
Omnislash VS Omnipotent
Finally someone else who's seen The Escape Plan
Hahaha I picked up FF7R on Amazon late Friday night after the warehouse had closed. And got it early, on Sunday morning! Idk what the deal is
People recommending witcher 3 keep forgetting that maybe if u don't know anything about the series, the game loses a lot of the impact
You go????
Joke's on them, i watch TV only for a couple sports i'm into, no sports no tv.
Jesus the king of kings bruh
Katana Zero is a sick game.
I would die once or twice per platforming section in doom, not sure what garrett is on about
Speaking of Imagine sequel, cant wait until they see the celebrities try to make a BLM post
I'm of two minds when it comes to remakes. On one side, I can totally see where Derrick's coming from in not wanting a saturation of remakes... On the other side, I can't say I wouldn't want to see old games remade with new graphixxx. And yeah, much like Rocco's situation, there's an inherent risk in remaking something in which it will either not "land" or not exactly push the same buttons the original did. I'm also close to beating FFVIIR and I definitely agree that it *feels* almost like a different game despite the fact that it hits certain areas from the original. It certainly does not replace the original, but I don't really regard it as inferior for it. It's just a different experience, and that's fine.
As a side-note, not related to remakes... I really think bringing games from the past forward as ports or remastered versions is a worthy endeavor when done right. This is just my own, limited experience but... older games aren't as available as say, older movies. I suppose you could always try and find a ROM but if you want to enjoy it on its original system, a game might not be easily obtainable depending on what it is.
Hello bro I'm new subscribe 😀
Welcome bro :)