This Presidential election went from - "Which candidate do you agree with the most?" to "Which candidate do you dislike the least?" and I think that's kind of sad.
Because Hillary Clinton is a criminal under investigation by the FBI for handling top secret government information foolishly. When Edward Snowden released government info to the public he was literally run out of the country and would be given life in prison if he was in the states today. The fact that anyone thinks that Hillary Clinton isn't on the same low level as Trump is delusional. They are both ass hats and I will not vote for either.
When Obama speaks, I usually shut up, even on talk shows. Sometimes when my cat starts meowing in the middle of him talking, I shush her and tell her our president is speaking.
Do you know that the USA was in surplus when Bill Clinton left office. In 8 years George Bush added approx 8 trillion in debt. Got involved in Iraq War ( wasting trillions of dollars): so he was a bad president Now Obama added Approx 11 trillion dollars in debt. Still involved in war in Iraq, Afganistan. Plus add Syria, Libya to the war wastage list. His only consequential legislation is Obamacare and that in itself has added trillions of dollars to the US debt Tell me how exactly is he 'good'?
this man had a MEATBALL of a question to just rip the Republican party and laugh at them flailing around like dying fish and he said, "no, thats not what I want. There are good Republicans out there that are willing to have a discussion and want whats best for the country. And thats the democracy we should strive for. When we start disregarding the other side's argument before its even mentioned, thats when we have a fundamental breakdown of politics and democracy in this country." Brillant. Just brilliant.
Papa Grab What about zika and aids and every one of the millions of deadly diseases? What about starvation in africa, what about car crashes and stabbings and drug addiction? Life is one big shit heap, but it doesn't make it any better to just nag and bitch about it. Life is short, smoke a bong and get laid and quit your whining.
Declan Cairns Obama is a great man and a great president. He has accomplished a whole hell of a lot, but people just accept it without thanks and just bitch about not getting more, like a money grubbing trophy wife. Can you imagine if Mccain or romney had won, how we would be invading iran and getting thousands of people killed to satisfy the military industrial complex? Can you imagine the starving kids in africa that have to drink out of a dirty pool of stagnant water? Can you imagine what they would think of people bitching about Obamacare and NAFTA? People need to have perspective. This is life, we are humans, we beat all the other animals, and we can eat ice cream and watch porn. people need to learn how to be thankful for what they have and stop complaining.
Because of him, thousands of innocent people have suffered and died. He may be likable and "cool" but that's just an act he puts on for people like you, who judge celebrities based on the way they come across in the media. Sad
Papa Grab its funny that you mention those two names but you don't mention any of the bush who got us in two major wars.. how many people do you think died in those wars or because the result of those wars.. ask the Iraqi people how they doing after bush took out Saddam and left them open to any neighbor country to attack them!
Dear America, Please, please, PLEASE for the love of God and all things great and beautiful DON'T vote Trump into the White House. He'll ruin it for EVERYONE. With love, The World.
So you're saying people should vote for Hillary Clinton? Jesus they're both horrible . My global teacher, a liberal extremist , and she still couldn't find enough reasons to vote for her.
Very well said. Mr. President. Not many Americans have the articulate command of the American language, the understanding of how this country is supposed to work and the depth of knowledge of this president.
It's one of the prerequisites of being a politician to either be a manipulative sociopath or a good looking puppet. Or both. So you're not really saying anything.
I argue that it sounds great but it is not completely true. Trump wins by landslides. Therefore whether they're far right or centre right or whatever terminology we wanna adopt, there are Americans who perhaps felt their voices had not been heard in the past by their politicians and they are making their voices heard thru Trump. you can't keep ignoring the problem. Like you can say there are extremist of any political party (or religion) but they will always always, always be the minority. However to see people flock in droves & astounding numbers doesnt suggest they are *all* extremist. They are the norm and they are American and what the president does here is suggest we write them off as their views, their concerns and pains can't be valid as that of the democrats. That is why the country is so divided
he meant that democrats were happy the republicans have a big orange clown as their candidate because it increases their chance of winning the presidency. again.
As a Canadian, I really don't understand American politics but I really do like Obama. He is definitely likeable and for a millennial like me, definitely "speaks my language", has a great sense of humor
He is a likable but incompetent guy. He added 11 trillion USD in debt( in comparison Bush added 8 trillion). Added new wars and destabilise those countries ( Syria, Libya, Yemen, Uganda) vs Bush ( Iraq and Afghanistan). let's be honest if he wasn't black( half black- as full black won't be) ,he would not have been the president ( the same reason Bernie lost- Black people support Hillary, the same reason Hillary lost- Black people supported Obama)
Look above me, there you will find the perfect specimen of trump supporters, Mr Stef waka-flocka. These are unique creatures. their form of communication is very similar to a five year old.
Stef Waka Well, I guarantee you will be the first in line to join trump now that your bernie burned down.. p/s he would have been a genuine good president.
I know, I'm gonna miss an iraq without ISIS. Who was it again that was bragging "I'm getting every last U.S. soldier Outta iraq ASAP even if my generals say that's stupid" back. On 2008? Tell me pls. Im gonna miss Usa having respect around the world, Putin and Asia and Eastern Europe never hated like they hate us now. Worse they don't even respect us, I'm gonna miss them not laughing at us. I'm gonna miss haviing a Prez who just didn't do what's populist to pander to sheep like you and his own vanity. He's an uneventful prez at best not really good or bad. Throughout history the masses are dumbshits who make rash decisions they regret , that is why they are middle America they lack control, so they will never be too Succesful , a president should not worry about pleasing them all the time and make the hard decisions after listening to exoerts. That obamas downside,!luckily it didn't sink us, ISIS is his fault
I think it was 2 vs 1, not 2 vs more than 2. Our voting system naturally trends towards 2 major parties. Different systems trend differently (re: CGP grey for a great explanation of voting methods)
It's so fucked up here that the Commission on Presidential Debates rigs the system to only allow Rupublicans and Democrats in. They push everybody else out. The libertarian party is currently suing the commission to let all other parties join debates because of how unfair it is
fwdixoniii most countries end up being 1 vs 1, but new parties are born, and others die though time as their political views or agendas become obsolete, so the ones that are fighting change
America is a Republic not a democracy. It's in the Pledge of Allegiance. "and to the Republic for which it stands on nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
I would vote for him again. However I don't know he would want to do it again. He looks like he's aged 20 in years just in the 8 years he's been in office.
@@bloodstrxwberrymilk1833 Obama was only good at speaking . The economy was worst hit when he was in office .He didnt do anything for african americans . TRUMP 2020
Comparing Obama and Trump would be like comparing a condor and a cockroach. And I apologize to cockroaches all around for using them as a metaphor for Trump.
nayahri Thank God that worthless piece of shit is out. Now shit will get done instead of fucking playing golf all day and bowing down to other world leaders like punk bitch Obama did.
Because I think he is, without question, the most dangerous individual that has run for the office of the Presidency in my entire lifetime (if not the entirety of our nation's history). Building giant walls? Banning entire religions from entry? Advocacy of torture? Misogyny... racism... bigotry... inconsistency... This BA$turd is truly just the walking embodiment of EVERYTHING that is WRONG with this country...greedy, selfish, arrogant, self-serving, self-important, over-privileged, crude, insulting...the list literally just goes on and on. I honestly cannot BEAR even the mere idea of him being made the President of the United States and for his tacky, trashy, foreign-born THIRD wife (with the sleazy semi-nude pictures out on the internet) to be made our "First LADY". Frankly I honestly don't understand the mentality and character (or lack thereof) of anyone who WOULD want that. :(
yes, the united states are so diverse and have many minorities. A proportional representation system would make much more sense then there majority representation -> resulting in more parties.
It actually aged really well. The stuff he’s talking about here, Democrats and Republicans being so divided to one another is absolutely true to this day and Trump only amplifies that further.
Donald has nothing to gain and everything to lose. How can people still be for Obama after so many blatant lies, its pathetic. I don't know what you people think will happen if Donald wins but it doesn't make him a dictator, he cant do anything crazy without congress LMAO I sometimes wonder how liberals wake up and tie their shoelaces in the morning with the stupid shit they say.
lol. I would strongly disagree. He is a likable but incompetent guy. He added 11 trillion USD in debt( in comparison Bush added 8 trillion). Added new wars and destabilise those countries ( Syria, Libya, Yemen, Uganda) vs Bush ( Iraq and Afghanistan). let's be honest if he wasn't black( half black- as full black won't be) ,he would not have been the president ( the same reason Bernie lost- Black people support Hillary, the same reason Hillary lost- Black people supported Obama)
Please leave us Barack. I'm not racist my issue is the fact that the government shouldn't have a hand in our personal affairs. The healthcare act is such bs.
even know hes the worst president we ever had raising the national dept more than any other president combined and doing deals with terrorist your real smart
because that would cause a division in American people....a country divided into 2 is bad enough but cannot be fixed.....a country divided into multiple pieces would be terrible
Nathaniel LaCross What? Look at the rest of the world's democracies. That's not true. America doesn't have a two party system by the way, the parties have just managed to convince most people that it does. There's no legal reason there can't be more or different parties.
its not that different from Cananda... if you think about it we only have 3 dominate parties an you're wasting your vote if you vote outside of those 3 (Conservative, Liberal, NDP). If you want to look even deeper, the NDP is on the rise but they still hardly have a chance compared to Liberals and Conservatives so... idk it probably wouldn't have an impact.
Because a 3rd party would just steal votes from the party that most closely aligns with its political views. For example, a more conservative-seeming party would take votes from republicans and ensure a democrat victory, and vice versa.
Love you Obama, you went in the White House ready to work with both parties and they smeared you and maligned you. God sees and hears all the things being done and he's continued to bless you. As you and Michelle leave the White House with your two beautiful daughters, I pray that God continues to bless you and your family, make it so that you continue to hold stead fast to God and do even greater works in his name.
The man JUST said, the American people are happiest with a TWO party system. Don't be naive and say the Libertarian and Green parties are actual options. Neither one stands a chance...
i love how he wanted to say "democracy works when you have two parties" but cut off and said "this country works". because a two-party-system isn't really democratic.
ya we shouldnt drag him through the mud after hes drag the country through the mud for the past 8 years...10 trillion debt...terrorism taking off homegrown...give your head a shake skip
Hatorade I understand there some symbolic importance to his death, but what really did it solve? Terror attacks didn't stop, Al Qaeda didn't dissolve, the middle east is still a shit show. The world wouldn't look any different today if he were still alive.
Vote Sanders!! A vote for Hillary is useless because polls have shown that between Trump and Hillary, Trump is more popular -- but between Trump and Sanders, Sanders is wayyyy stronger and can actually win!
David W The sad part is you don't have to "implement" anything, just opening the debates would have you naturally move out of this de facto two-party system. Getting money out of politics wouldn't hurt either.
Tychoxi My concern is that a more open system would split votes. Having 5 generally conservative candidates and 2 generally liberal candidates means one of the liberal ones will definitely win.
+GrodyMaroon incredible how people can be manipulated so easily, he is the second Hitler and the american people are the mindless Germans who did as ordered.
And you don't think the people who vote for Hillary or voted for Cruz or Sanders think *they're* saving the country too? Please elaborate more, since everyone votes for the one they believe is right and just saying one person is right doesn't bring anything to the table. What will he save the country from? What actions will he take and why? I'm not trying to offend you or any Trump-supporters, I just want to understand why.
+bmanhcb750 Trump's campaign is to 'make the country great again' by blaming everything on specific religious/ethnic groups. That is EXACTLY how Hitler came to power. Now, this isn't to say that Trump is literally going to become a fascist dictator and order the deaths of millions, but his ideology, methods of campaigning and general message are identical to that of Hitler's. Personally, I feel that Trump would be a poor president, but I'm British so I have no say on who will get elected. That being said, I still have the right to an opinion on it, and I think that Trump is outwardly impolite to women, muslims and Mexicans, many of whom are part of the US electorate. I don't think that a leader who alienates a large portion of their country should be leading them. He is also far too right wing, however a lot of America is. To be blunt, I just find him thoroughly unlikable.
Pres Obama has done a very good job as Commander in Chief. He has to be judged on a curve because of the GOP's efforts of not working w/ him at all over the last 7 years . He has done an amazing job of representing the United States across the world. Especially after 8 yrs of Bush\Chaney representing us as tyrants and suited thugs. Peace, love and much respect to you President Obama! You are a great man!
Agreed, he stayed strong as heck even when the GOP side of congress practically rejected every idea he sent in. He's done a modest job compared to other presidents (and possibly near future ones).
Really? He has a hard time holding up our basic standards. He has absolutely no respect for the title. Failing to salute a service member, like when departing Air Force 1, is extremely disrespectful. He does it on a regular basis. That's just one example of many. He is no leader in the military. What he does politically is whatever. Arguments can be made when it comes to that.
And when the faux outrage came out over the no salute pictures were quickly shown of every previous president doing exactly the same thing. But of course those other presidents did not do it while being black. That's the only difference. Blind prejudice and a concerted effort to make sure you don't educate yourself on the reality of the situation makes you completely incapable of making a rational assessment of the man.
Egypt was in stable condition until Obama decided he wanted a Muslim Brotherhood political ally to hold office there. The people overthrew him due to his brutality. Yes, Obama supported a tyrant, and the people over threw him. Same in Yemen, Libya, and Syria is in Chaos.....Iraq was in solid shape until Obama withdrew the troops. The withdrawal date was set in the Bush administration, yet was predicated on military recommendations, which Obama ignored and acted on his own. And now, we have over 3,000 troops BACK in Iraq to try to save what Obama screwed up in 2011. Amazing Commander in Chief.
All non-Americans love Obama and hes made me as a Brit feel although we have our closest ally back. If Trump gets in all of that progress will be reverted on
Aged well. Trump actually respects our country unlike Obama, he didn’t tell us we were at the hack of the queue nor did he suggest we give up our power to remain part of the EU. We are closer then ever before.
Xors when it comes to politics it’s a string indicator when a country that’s far more liberal has citizens in support of Trump. Out conservative government would be the equivalent of left wing in the US. Trump is 100% right about immigration and dealing with other nations, particularly those in Europe which are extorting the US. The best was Germany seeking protection by NATO from Russia, meanwhile they want to rely on Russia for energy. Perfect idea. The EU parliament speaks about an EU army as apparently they can’t rely on the US and non EU allies. Verhofstadht is very anti American if you ask me. Obama talked the talk, threatened us rather than championing us to go the sane way as the US and other sovereign nations, can’t respect him for that really, he also didn’t care much for the special relationship either. Great speaker, brilliant and destabilising regions but lousy President.
As a Canadian, I can't even help but just sit back and cringe at what's about to happen in America. Like.. how.. how in the world did you let Trump become a nominee? I just.. I can't even begin to understand the thought process behind this. Good luck.
We didn't do that, the failing GOP did that. According to Gallup polls in 2016, less than 40% of Americans are Republicans or lean that way. The plurality is with the Democrats and those leaning that way(50%). Independents are second at 41%. Trump will not be elected - the math does not work for him.
Would be so much better if Obama would have gone to Colbert's show. He knows how to ask tough and interesting questions and make a generally great talk. Jimmy's just overstrained.
And that, kids, was a very fine politics and democracy lesson. He pointed out how this system can work, and how it does not, whilst not depending on any of his own opinions. Everyone should listen to this interview!
imma let you finish Mr president who graduated from Harvard for law, which is an ivy league school known for their law school, but let me give you some political advice, because I think I understand how the party system in the us should be, since I went to Europe once and took a class on civics in highschool lolol
Think of the party system as the x-axis. All the numbers from -x to +x exist on the line. There are only two directions--left and right. If your belief system is number 5 then you should be on the right side of the spectrum and likewise vice-versa (-5 would be left). Being at the center of the left and right is a encompasses the ideals of the left and right. Being left or right is too general sometimes and so smaller parties are formed most times at the boundaries of left and right.
+ENO SELEMAN The political spectrum goes across an x and y axis though. Not saying 10 smaller parties is great either. Wouldn't having three be a good idea?
The concept of the two party systems is to define the two versions of people, from a governmental stance. It's worked well for a long time, but the world is evolving If there was a third party, that might equalize things again
Mr. President, "democracy works when you have two parties..." sorry I have to stop your right there! 2 parties Mr. President, that is not democracy, that is one party better than totalitarianism.
Then again in Europe we simply have too many parties. Nothing actually gets done because there are so many parties that there is no middle ground left.
Three parties *IMO* would be approximately the ideal number, if not three then five. 2, 4, 6 are even numbers, not good for there is no tie breaker and anything over or under that range is bound to be problematic.
Well the fact is that Trump is standing for the Constitution, while Hillary wants to burn it. If you cannot see that then you are Blind.Trump is Constitutional.
Fook off. You wanna try being president? And to answer OP's question, if you let 4 men die, it's a mistake, yes, but it's not the end of the world. If you let 185k men die, its more than the end of the world. What would people think of you?
+BadlyDrawnFrog Obama and Hillary were more than capable to save thoose 4 men at the time but she and he found excuses to blame it on American citizens instead of acctualy helping.
To put this into stupid fandom terms, a good two party system is Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright, not Manfred von Karma and Kristoph Gavin. One has a common goal approached from different angles, the other wants to win at such extreme costs that it tears lives to shreds for the most petty of reasons.
Perfectly phrased. The way to lift us out of this crisis of divisive politics is to have as much sexual tension between the parties as possible. Is Chris Christie Gumshoe?
Jack Thompson + shut up hippie. Disable your own comment ... Actually don't even look at the comment section and pretend it's not there; maybe that will help I feel better
Agnt47x You gotta understand man, Jimmy Fallon is a liberal as true as they come. You don't want to challenge your ideas so you stay with and around people that think like you. Do I like Trump? Not really, but I think he will do a better job than Clinton or even Gary Johnson (whom I voted for last election). You may not like Trump, in fact half of the country doesn't, but that doesn't make you mathematically right. Every non-biased analysis has Trump in front of Hillary by 5-9 points.
I think he was speaking more in the sense of a better working, more stable democracy, which generally has two major parties. Obviously it isn't as democratic as one with a broader political spectrum, but it is, in most cases, more efficient.
Well, in that particular case, I suppose it would be irrelevant either a two party system or a boarder one, since the political bullshit would still be present. Anyway, the experiences I'm more based on ar the European ones (because I live in Europe), so the context is probably a lot different. However, from what I observed, countries that favor a two party system tend to be more stable than the ones who don't. Because more parties might equal more opinions, which is nice for a democracy. However, when the parties don't engage on healthy conversations and find ways to work together, they divide the country even more (which, by what you said, would probably apply to the U.S, where that the case). In Europe, this happens more in the southern countries, as opposed to the northern ones that have this kind of system, where the parties are more flexible and tend to form stronger colligations.
It isn't more efficient, in my opinion When there are too many serious parties; then there is no clear victor during an election resulting in a hung-parliament (at least in the UK) in 2010 we had the conservatives (centre right) and the liberal democrats (left) who did not work effectively and was dominated by the conservatives.
LMFAO the way he stutters all the time omg he's just too cute. Gives me encouragement knowing the president has difficulty speaking if he can do it I can become anything 😀
I love Obama, but his biggest failing is not giving Republicans anything to win on. Yes the Republican party has had serious issues since the Teaparty, however the Democrats moved from a center-left to a center-right party. This left the Republicans very little to win on. In the past, the left would propose something that the right could rail about and a middle ground would be reached where both parties could go home and declare a victory. Nowadays, the difference between the Democrats and Republicans is very minor. Hell, Hillary wouldn't even support gay marriage until the day of Supreme court ruling. Ultimately this forced Republicans to move far to right and even use obstructionism in order to differentiate themselves. The case of Merrick Garland is great example. He is a Republican in all but name, as matter of fact I couldn't find one ruling that would even give a clue he had Democratic leanings. By all accounts, he would have been one of the top picks if a Republican was in office. If the Republicans endorse him, they have nothing to take home to their constituents and say "we won". A better solution would have been to propose a liberal judge, give the Republicans their hour to rail against the choice, then propose Merrick in a backroom deal, and let the Republicans declare a victory. Now personally, I think Merrick would be a disastrous choice for the Supreme court as he is pro-Citizen's United, pro-Drones, pro-Domestic Surveillance, and supported torture being used in interrogations. However, if he is your choice, you need to give your opponents something to take home to their voters and it gives both sides the ability to declare a victory.
An interesting thought. You will have to take into account that this is Obama's last year in office, he is concerned about legacy. Any "win" by the Republicans is an automatic "loss" for him. And as it is the President's job to nominate a judge, he chose a candidate he believed was capable and moderate enough to appease both sides. That's all he could do as a leadership figure in this situation.
If we were just talking about his last year, that would be one thing. But this has dogged him and the Democratic party for his entire presidency. Many people forget he had two years where he had a Democratic house and he could have done almost anything he wanted. He didn't. The Republicans have been more obstructionist that almost any time in history. But, if you look at their actual objections and stances, they differ very little from the Democrats. If I was making predictions I would say we are going to see the rise of Democratic version of the teaparty. 44%+ of the nation call themselves Independent, with a significant chunk of those being disaffected Democrats who feel their party no longer represents them. With the presumptive nominee being a person whose policies fall more into the realm of Reagan Republicanism, there is a strong possibility of us seeing the rise of another third party liberal candidate. Looking over the current list, I can't really say who it might be, but if any third party candidate wanted a chance at winning, this is the year.
To be honest I don't know if Gary Johnson will have wide enough popular appeal. He has been brought to the foreground because he is the safest third party candidate from the media's perspective. Regardless of how people feel about it, the media has to sell ads and is owned by large corporations. There are 20 presidential candidates right now (or will be shortly) and there are over 200 hundred on the list of potentials. Now, I don't expect the media to cover all, but so far they haven't done a particularly good job of representing even the few that were running in the first set of primaries.
of all the people I know who like him, I've never heard any say that they thought he was the BEST president, he might not even make their top 10s but he's a hell of a ways away from last place--some presidents were REALLY shitty dude, read about it, to claim obama is the best or worst are both equally baseless
I don't think he's the best president of all time, but I think history will look favorably on his term in office, and I think it's asking a lot for people to have a calm, rational discussion when you look at some of the shenanigans that have been aimed his way, not least of all by Donald Trump. The restraint that our president has shown contrasts starkly to the total lack of restraint that Trump shows on a daily basis. What's sad is that Hillary is probably one of the least ethical major party candidates in the last 50 years (Nixon and her own husband might be the only two worse), and a SANE Republican candidate could probably whip her, but the GOP didn't nominate a sane person, they nominated a rodeo clown.
Aww.. Poor thing... I feel so bad about you being forced to watching Jimmy against your will. Oh, you mean you CHOSE to come here and bitch about another human being?! WHOA!
Would have been cool for him to stay, he seems to really well know what he's talking about. Every word coming out of his mouth just made perfect sense, something Republicans don't like lol.
everything this man has done since taking office has been a disaster, if you cant see that they you are as bad as he is and part of the problem, its very simple fool, socialism does not work, Wake up fool.
Denmark, Norway, and Sweden (the happiest nations on the planet) say hi. There's also a difference between socialism, democratic socialism, and social democracy. The latter is what exists and works in Europe and (so far as Social Security goes) in the USA. Some interesting reading -- though do be careful to not pick out merely the parts you agree with and trash the rest, as that's a species-wide bias:
It is really interesting to hear from the president how the two parties work together so far. It is insane how even in times of importance they are playing games just from their own party.
I'm gonna miss this dignified and well-spoken man a lot. Thanks for your years of service Obama. The next 4 years are gonna be a bit scary for Americans.
Jonny Lopez It;s all public, all informed voters should be reading their politicians policies (and competitors for comparison),
This Presidential election went from - "Which candidate do you agree with the most?" to "Which candidate do you dislike the least?" and I think that's kind of sad.
no it's become which candidate is least insane
Well, it's obvious that someone's who spent to so much time and effort breaking federal laws would be more qualified to uphold them. Right?
This is so,so true
Because Hillary Clinton is a criminal under investigation by the FBI for handling top secret government information foolishly. When Edward Snowden released government info to the public he was literally run out of the country and would be given life in prison if he was in the states today. The fact that anyone thinks that Hillary Clinton isn't on the same low level as Trump is delusional. They are both ass hats and I will not vote for either.
The first person to get Jimmy to shut the hell up and listen. Makes sense.
'twas refreshing
When Obama speaks, I usually shut up, even on talk shows. Sometimes when my cat starts meowing in the middle of him talking, I shush her and tell her our president is speaking.
Do you know that the USA was in surplus when Bill Clinton left office. In 8 years George Bush added approx 8 trillion in debt. Got involved in Iraq War ( wasting trillions of dollars): so he was a bad president
Now Obama added Approx 11 trillion dollars in debt. Still involved in war in Iraq, Afganistan. Plus add Syria, Libya to the war wastage list.
His only consequential legislation is Obamacare and that in itself has added trillions of dollars to the US debt
Tell me how exactly is he 'good'?
Off camera, laser sights were trained on Jimmy's temples, nipples and balls.
+Rolling Blade I agree
I'm gonna miss him.
He was so black and charismatic
"so black" what does that even mean lmao
You would miss a YEAST INFECTION!
^ LOL guy look at his guy, he is literally gobbling up what the media told him! XD
You're an idiot!
this man had a MEATBALL of a question to just rip the Republican party and laugh at them flailing around like dying fish and he said, "no, thats not what I want. There are good Republicans out there that are willing to have a discussion and want whats best for the country. And thats the democracy we should strive for. When we start disregarding the other side's argument before its even mentioned, thats when we have a fundamental breakdown of politics and democracy in this country."
Brillant. Just brilliant.
leftists started it with " the only good republican is a dead republican"
skanda kumar Good reply to a thoughtful post. “They started it”. That solved all the issues with both parties. Well done Skanda!
I miss this level of decency.
@@skandakumar2457 leftists🙄. Are they not people, I always hear this term used followed by some of the most hateful stuff I've read on the internet.
We all watched the same video brother. You didn’t have to quote him in your own words. 😂
I'm not an American and nor do I like politics but I adore this man. Probably the only politician I like and respect
Many of us Americans like him.. That's why he won twice lil
+Heartagram yep that a major lie
+Enrico Palazzo you are saying that like he is the person who put us in debt. we've been in debt a long long time buddy
you are sadly sadly incorrect.
well there's the bern man, he's one to respect rightfully so
So eloquent. I fear for the future with an ignoramus like Trump possibly winning.
+trha2222 until trump puts his tiny little hands on the bible and becomes president
Oh and Donald Trump is less "corrupt"...
wiremessiah Are you talking to him for making a valid point about the man and that doesn't make him "fun to be around" when it concerns his country?
Papa Grab
What about zika and aids and every one of the millions of deadly diseases? What about starvation in africa, what about car crashes and stabbings and drug addiction? Life is one big shit heap, but it doesn't make it any better to just nag and bitch about it. Life is short, smoke a bong and get laid and quit your whining.
Declan Cairns
Obama is a great man and a great president. He has accomplished a whole hell of a lot, but people just accept it without thanks and just bitch about not getting more, like a money grubbing trophy wife. Can you imagine if Mccain or romney had won, how we would be invading iran and getting thousands of people killed to satisfy the military industrial complex?
Can you imagine the starving kids in africa that have to drink out of a dirty pool of stagnant water? Can you imagine what they would think of people bitching about Obamacare and NAFTA? People need to have perspective. This is life, we are humans, we beat all the other animals, and we can eat ice cream and watch porn. people need to learn how to be thankful for what they have and stop complaining.
How can you hate this man? you might not like his policies or politics , but as a person the guy is awesome!!
Yeah I agree his personality is great but y'know the whole debt thing kinda turns me off of him
Yeah being a cool guy is what matters most ...
Because of him, thousands of innocent people have suffered and died. He may be likable and "cool" but that's just an act he puts on for people like you, who judge celebrities based on the way they come across in the media. Sad
Real talk!
Papa Grab its funny that you mention those two names but you don't mention any of the bush who got us in two major wars.. how many people do you think died in those wars or because the result of those wars.. ask the Iraqi people how they doing after bush took out Saddam and left them open to any neighbor country to attack them!
You could hear a pin drop, the guy commands respect
@@bigbirdmusic8199 Obama > Trump.
Obama is powerful. Because he has character. People respect dignity.
And competence and intelligence.
Lmao. Read more into him. It should be everything but respect
because I think this was filmed without actual crowd. A lot of episodes are.
Dear America,
Please, please, PLEASE for the love of God and all things great and beautiful DON'T vote Trump into the White House. He'll ruin it for EVERYONE.
With love,
The World.
So you're saying people should vote for Hillary Clinton? Jesus they're both horrible . My global teacher, a liberal extremist , and she still couldn't find enough reasons to vote for her.
+Michael Sabo Lesser of two evils?
+Michael Sabo You do know that Bernie Sanders is still in the race..?
I can see Trump going to everyone's job and saying his most famous line....YOU'RE FIRED.
You can put up with Clinton for 4 years better than Trump. Then you can try again to get it right.
Very well said. Mr. President. Not many Americans have the articulate command of the American language, the understanding of how this country is supposed to work and the depth of knowledge of this president.
*english language XD
+Vlad Xavier you profile pic is so suitable for what's inside. you will be okay though. you can't change his history
It's one of the prerequisites of being a politician to either be a manipulative sociopath or a good looking puppet. Or both. So you're not really saying anything.
you mean the English language
I argue that it sounds great but it is not completely true. Trump wins by landslides. Therefore whether they're far right or centre right or whatever terminology we wanna adopt, there are Americans who perhaps felt their voices had not been heard in the past by their politicians and they are making their voices heard thru Trump. you can't keep ignoring the problem. Like you can say there are extremist of any political party (or religion) but they will always always, always be the minority. However to see people flock in droves & astounding numbers doesnt suggest they are *all* extremist. They are the norm and they are American and what the president does here is suggest we write them off as their views, their concerns and pains can't be valid as that of the democrats. That is why the country is so divided
Fallon: Do you think the Republicans are happy with their choice?
Obama: We are.
He was right when he said "sorry, that was too easy."
+Just Ruta I don't get the joke. Explain please
he meant that democrats were happy the republicans have a big orange clown as their candidate because it increases their chance of winning the presidency. again.
Looking forward to Bill's third term
Yeah, that why he looked depressed and sullen when he said it. You don't think he REALLY believes that do you? This isn't 2007 anymore.
I dnt think Jimmy has ever kept this silence for 3,4 whole mins
Obama speaks 💯 attention
your worship of that traitor is disturbing. I bet you fall for scams all the time.
As a Canadian, I really don't understand American politics but I really do like Obama. He is definitely likeable and for a millennial like me, definitely "speaks my language", has a great sense of humor
me too im canadian, and I agree with everything you said
also canadian. same. watching this election cycle in fear for my dual citizen child
Obama is a great guy but a shitty president
He's a cool guy, but politics wise, he's super establishment and moderate. He's too affected by special interest and doesn't really rock the boat.
He is a likable but incompetent guy. He added 11 trillion USD in debt( in comparison Bush added 8 trillion). Added new wars and destabilise those countries ( Syria, Libya, Yemen, Uganda) vs Bush ( Iraq and Afghanistan).
let's be honest if he wasn't black( half black- as full black won't be) ,he would not have been the president ( the same reason Bernie lost- Black people support Hillary, the same reason Hillary lost- Black people supported Obama)
This man is so savage, I love him!
Look above me, there you will find the perfect specimen of trump supporters, Mr Stef waka-flocka. These are unique creatures. their form of communication is very similar to a five year old.
+Stef Waka Berny is probably ashamed of you
Stef Waka Well, I guarantee you will be the first in line to join trump now that your bernie burned down..
p/s he would have been a genuine good president.
+Evan Khan agreed
+Stef Waka Fell The Bern? Where do you want Bern fall off? A staircase?
you never know what you have until you fucking lose it
EACM17 Exactly
I know, I'm gonna miss an iraq without ISIS. Who was it again that was bragging "I'm getting every last U.S. soldier Outta iraq ASAP even if my generals say that's stupid" back. On 2008? Tell me pls. Im gonna miss Usa having respect around the world, Putin and Asia and Eastern Europe never hated like they hate us now. Worse they don't even respect us, I'm gonna miss them not laughing at us. I'm gonna miss haviing a Prez who just didn't do what's populist to pander to sheep like you and his own vanity. He's an uneventful prez at best not really good or bad. Throughout history the masses are dumbshits who make rash decisions they regret , that is why they are middle America they lack control, so they will never be too Succesful , a president should not worry about pleasing them all the time and make the hard decisions after listening to exoerts. That obamas downside,!luckily it didn't sink us, ISIS is his fault
Vee Vee and Donald is better?or even Hilary?....not even
worst affirmative action hire ever.
Vee Vee Donald Trump has just banned Muslims from entering the country. This is definitely going to spark up groups more dangerous than ISIS.
And why is it a 2-party system? A *REAL* democracy would have more political views represented in more parties
I think it was 2 vs 1, not 2 vs more than 2. Our voting system naturally trends towards 2 major parties. Different systems trend differently (re: CGP grey for a great explanation of voting methods)
It's so fucked up here that the Commission on Presidential Debates rigs the system to only allow Rupublicans and Democrats in. They push everybody else out. The libertarian party is currently suing the commission to let all other parties join debates because of how unfair it is
fwdixoniii most countries end up being 1 vs 1, but new parties are born, and others die though time as their political views or agendas become obsolete, so the ones that are fighting change
America is a Republic not a democracy. It's in the Pledge of Allegiance. "and to the Republic for which it stands on nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
***** Don't get me started on the farce that is our campaign debates. Miss the days when the League of Women Voters ran them.
I would vote for him again. However I don't know he would want to do it again. He looks like he's aged 20 in years just in the 8 years he's been in office.
its because he smokes
Idk if u should even be voting if u don't know u can only serve two terms idiot
As someone who doesn't like politics, but leans left, I would absolutely prefer him over Hillary.
+Shanky_14 I think he just said in general he would again meaning id he coukd run's not even that serious
Shanky_14 I don't know if you've heard of a hypothetical situation.
When Michelle Obama runs for president against Kanye West, SHE WILL CRUSH WITHOUT A DOUBT
so. much. yesss!!!
America won't be around much longer if either of them win. Why do people want he same families to rule us over and over?
ROTF!!!!! Diddy will run on the "Green party " ticket!! hahaha
Your smoking to much good stuff! Lay off a little and get back into the real world.
one of the rare occasions where jimmy actually let his guest talk without bamboozling them with his monstrous laughter
It’s obama
He is so graceful when he speaks. Thank you for 8 incredible years 🙏🏼
Only thing he was good at
Ritik Sahu wow you’ve OPENED my eyes 👀... stfu
@@bloodstrxwberrymilk1833 Obama was only good at speaking . The economy was worst hit when he was in office .He didnt do anything for african americans . TRUMP 2020
tejas narayanan oh u poor lost soul
tejas narayanan ah yes cause trump has a good economy with 40 million unemployed people
Comparing Obama and Trump would be like comparing a condor and a cockroach. And I apologize to cockroaches all around for using them as a metaphor for Trump.
+delta38vader If that's true, then change condor to buzzard, and that would be Trump.
Obama=lying piece of shit
***** Trump=Lying emotional piece of shit
Obama=giving zero colorful fucks what you think cuz he's out anyway.
Thank God that worthless piece of shit is out. Now shit will get done instead of fucking playing golf all day and bowing down to other world leaders like punk bitch Obama did.
Why? Obama is pushing the TPP? You think he cares about us? After seeing NAFTA destroying our middle class?
I know you are supposed to be open to people's opinions and all that. But I will never associate myself with anyone that supports Trump for president.
Because I think he is, without question, the most dangerous individual that has run for the office of the Presidency in my entire lifetime (if not the entirety of our nation's history). Building giant walls? Banning entire religions from entry? Advocacy of torture? Misogyny... racism... bigotry... inconsistency... This BA$turd is truly just the walking embodiment of EVERYTHING that is WRONG with this country...greedy, selfish, arrogant, self-serving, self-important, over-privileged, crude, insulting...the list literally just goes on and on. I honestly cannot BEAR even the mere idea of him being made the President of the United States and for his tacky, trashy, foreign-born THIRD wife (with the sleazy semi-nude pictures out on the internet) to be made our "First LADY". Frankly I honestly don't understand the mentality and character (or lack thereof) of anyone who WOULD want that. :(
+Arielle NaMara couldn't have said it better myself.
you sound like a quality person...
Emperor Trump 2016!
So hillary is your embodiment of an upstanding citizen LMFUKINAO
I'd prefer a healthy 5 party system.
is that a Mexican government reference?
in my country we have 18 party system
he said healthy and i don't think that is my country there are 90 parties tho lol
yes, the united states are so diverse and have many minorities. A proportional representation system would make much more sense then there majority representation -> resulting in more parties.
***** puppets of who exactly?
you mean lobbyism?
I love how he commands the attention in the room!
BigBird Music
Mate you‘ve gone around saying that to nearly every comment on this video. Why not take it easy and respect other people’s views?
Arnav Mathur Trump 2020
This didn't age well.
well this is what happens when u take the pressure of being a good president and do well knowing your job and responsibility
@@hasaneatif9386 Yeah, like illegally droning people and wiretapping U.S. citizens without a warrant.
grasd2 at all
Faust Von Barley like trump does
It actually aged really well. The stuff he’s talking about here, Democrats and Republicans being so divided to one another is absolutely true to this day and Trump only amplifies that further.
Why can't Obama just stay president:(
because he started already enough wars. Lybia, Syria, Ukraine. which country would be next?
+siemensohm and you're trusting Mr. Donald himself to not cause any wars ...
+siemensohm if that's your concern, I can imagine how many wars Donald trump will start if he is president
Alfie George Giancarlo Martorella well, I don't know, perhaps he would be as bad as Obama and Bush, but did I say I would prefer him?
Donald has nothing to gain and everything to lose. How can people still be for Obama after so many blatant lies, its pathetic. I don't know what you people think will happen if Donald wins but it doesn't make him a dictator, he cant do anything crazy without congress LMAO I sometimes wonder how liberals wake up and tie their shoelaces in the morning with the stupid shit they say.
A great president, nobody can denied that
A lot of people can deny that
Amazing president
I denied!
lol. I would strongly disagree.
He is a likable but incompetent guy. He added 11 trillion USD in debt( in comparison Bush added 8 trillion). Added new wars and destabilise those countries ( Syria, Libya, Yemen, Uganda) vs Bush ( Iraq and Afghanistan).
let's be honest if he wasn't black( half black- as full black won't be) ,he would not have been the president ( the same reason Bernie lost- Black people support Hillary, the same reason Hillary lost- Black people supported Obama)
" the end of the day, what you want is a healthy two party system" - Barack Obama
No we don't want a two party system. No one party system either.
Don't leave us Barack!
Please leave us Barack. I'm not racist my issue is the fact that the government shouldn't have a hand in our personal affairs. The healthcare act is such bs.
+M10_CR7 I'm sorry to say, but I agree with you...
+M10_CR7 no, I would rather take our changing at having anyone better than the worst president the US has ever had...
even know hes the worst president we ever had raising the national dept more than any other president combined and doing deals with terrorist your real smart
If you are going to call someone dumb, you should probably write with proper English.
ryan kenyon
Two parties? Why not more eh?
because that would cause a division in American people....a country divided into 2 is bad enough but cannot be fixed.....a country divided into multiple pieces would be terrible
Nathaniel LaCross What? Look at the rest of the world's democracies. That's not true.
America doesn't have a two party system by the way, the parties have just managed to convince most people that it does. There's no legal reason there can't be more or different parties.
There's two parties because of the voting system. It works out that way, and if you vote differently then it is a waste of vote.
its not that different from Cananda... if you think about it we only have 3 dominate parties an you're wasting your vote if you vote outside of those 3 (Conservative, Liberal, NDP). If you want to look even deeper, the NDP is on the rise but they still hardly have a chance compared to Liberals and Conservatives so... idk it probably wouldn't have an impact.
Because a 3rd party would just steal votes from the party that most closely aligns with its political views. For example, a more conservative-seeming party would take votes from republicans and ensure a democrat victory, and vice versa.
Put the video on 1.25x speed if you would like to hear Obama speak at a normal pace.
1.5 = Keegan Michael-Key!
.5 is like they just smoked a bowl or 2 lol
I wish that wasn't true.
Thanks.. glad i read the comments ,,, :D
Love you Obama, you went in the White House ready to work with both parties and they smeared you and maligned you. God sees and hears all the things being done and he's continued to bless you. As you and Michelle leave the White House with your two beautiful daughters, I pray that God continues to bless you and your family, make it so that you continue to hold stead fast to God and do even greater works in his name.
Amen Republicans did everything to destroy President Obama
I'm cringing at this comment section..
Nobody asked or cares
I started to scroll until i read your comment. so, I'll stop now lol. its horrible
Curly Virgo
Good choice.
"Do you think the Republicans are happy with their choice?"
"We are"
I'm not sure he's so happy now Trump has been elected, lol.
4 more years!
Joseph Montante You really want 4 more years with a fucking pediophile?
Yeah..thanks to Russia for the keyboard...
@@Ali-xw5nw ...maybe he too is aS dumb as trump
jim bondoc Maybe you to are “aS”dumb as your name
the way he carries himself with such class, he leaves you in an
"awe" of him ! just wow... you'll be missed President Obama
No, he won't.
@@FVBmovies Mate, you're 3 years late, don't reply to a comment before Jan. 20, 2017.
It makes no sense.
I'm watching this in 2020 and literally crying
The American people want MORE than two choices.
The American Oligarchy is displeased with your comment,
We have more than two choices...
You have the Libertarian party and the Green Party as well. Maybe look a bit further to those?
The man JUST said, the American people are happiest with a TWO party system. Don't be naive and say the Libertarian and Green parties are actual options. Neither one stands a chance...
was just about to write this, thank you
How about a three party system?
Or a multiple party system...
it has more negatives than positives
i love how he wanted to say "democracy works when you have two parties" but cut off and said "this country works". because a two-party-system isn't really democratic.
Yes :) Multiple choices are better than 2.
What are some of the negatives?
I'm going to miss having a president who thinks about what he says before he says it.
This video breaks my heart.... speaking from the year 2020
God I love this man.
If Trump gets elected, you will look back and say, "Obama was the last President when America was ever great."
Bwahahaha.. Joke right?
No, that would obviously be you.
Wait, was that a comeback?
Yes. Good luck in the future.
You just made me throw up my lunch. Ugh....You are obviously not an American.
His prediction of the Supreme Court nominations and the impact of what could happen was spot on.
"800,000 jobs a month"
2020: Hold my beer
Brandon Dias 6 million a day 😂
Do not agree with Obama but this man could bring a country together
His own party ain't lookin so hot either pal
Better than the GOP.
Cool. So the Democrats are the winners of the losers.
+Alex Chipman that's the definition of politics pal
+hxvideo haha whoa, look out for this guy. hes above it all and thinks both sides are dumb XD
just vote Libertarian or Green and ignore the Dem and GOP
So glad to see you on your way out the door, Mr. President. Bring it on, liberals.
its okay the next one will probably be lineral too. and if not the next one will be the last one
***** Thanks! Glock fan?
Bring it on liberals? You sound like a child. This isn't a fucking football game, dipshit.
jacktrppr1 You mad?
Donald Trump "I talk smart too".
Yeah, he has the best words :p
+Hubert Beck very good
“I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words.” Trump actually said that lol
trump can't even tweet smart
let the idiotic hatred begin starting with "hes trying to take our guns"
ya we shouldnt drag him through the mud after hes drag the country through the mud for the past 8 years...10 trillion debt...terrorism taking off homegrown...give your head a shake skip
+Matt t bin laden is dead tho.. Bush couldn't have made those calls.
Killing Some old man who was going to die soon anyways makes up for creating Isis? Damn son...
"some old man" you're fucking stupid for saying that
Hatorade I understand there some symbolic importance to his death, but what really did it solve? Terror attacks didn't stop, Al Qaeda didn't dissolve, the middle east is still a shit show. The world wouldn't look any different today if he were still alive.
Fuck it.. I'll just vote Hillary
explains your comment earlier
Please Don't 😂
I hate Hillary with a passion, but she's better than Trump
Vote Sanders!! A vote for Hillary is useless because polls have shown that between Trump and Hillary, Trump is more popular -- but between Trump and Sanders, Sanders is wayyyy stronger and can actually win!
Yeah sanders is done bro
It's so great that the president of the US comes to Late Night Shows. Here in Germany we could never imagine Merkel doing this...
Yeah same with ireland.. Michael D used to but i dont think he has anything interesting to say
Same in Poland!
Same in France and in Europe in general. Our Prsidents are so tense!
+Mélanie MEINRAD we don't got a president. We got our minister.
Well Merkel isn't actually Germany's president lol, but I get what you mean.
Who is it that wants a two-party system again?
Corrupt government.
What do you propose we implement instead?
David W The sad part is you don't have to "implement" anything, just opening the debates would have you naturally move out of this de facto two-party system. Getting money out of politics wouldn't hurt either.
My concern is that a more open system would split votes. Having 5 generally conservative candidates and 2 generally liberal candidates means one of the liberal ones will definitely win.
David W Yeah, it's called democracy! It works all over the world, you should try it.
Honestly, I have tried to understand why one would vote for Trump, but I just can't.
Only people who want to save the country will vote for Trump.
+GrodyMaroon incredible how people can be manipulated so easily, he is the second Hitler and the american people are the mindless Germans who did as ordered.
And you don't think the people who vote for Hillary or voted for Cruz or Sanders think *they're* saving the country too? Please elaborate more, since everyone votes for the one they believe is right and just saying one person is right doesn't bring anything to the table. What will he save the country from? What actions will he take and why?
I'm not trying to offend you or any Trump-supporters, I just want to understand why.
I've asked the same thing about obama, why would anyone with a brain vote for him? I can't think of one reason...and I am not a trump supporter.
+bmanhcb750 Trump's campaign is to 'make the country great again' by blaming everything on specific religious/ethnic groups. That is EXACTLY how Hitler came to power. Now, this isn't to say that Trump is literally going to become a fascist dictator and order the deaths of millions, but his ideology, methods of campaigning and general message are identical to that of Hitler's. Personally, I feel that Trump would be a poor president, but I'm British so I have no say on who will get elected. That being said, I still have the right to an opinion on it, and I think that Trump is outwardly impolite to women, muslims and Mexicans, many of whom are part of the US electorate. I don't think that a leader who alienates a large portion of their country should be leading them. He is also far too right wing, however a lot of America is. To be blunt, I just find him thoroughly unlikable.
Pres Obama has done a very good job as Commander in Chief. He has to be judged on a curve because of the GOP's efforts of not working w/ him at all over the last 7 years . He has done an amazing job of representing the United States across the world. Especially after 8 yrs of Bush\Chaney representing us as tyrants and suited thugs.
Peace, love and much respect to you President Obama! You are a great man!
Agreed, he stayed strong as heck even when the GOP side of congress practically rejected every idea he sent in. He's done a modest job compared to other presidents (and possibly near future ones).
How has he been good
Really? He has a hard time holding up our basic standards. He has absolutely no respect for the title. Failing to salute a service member, like when departing Air Force 1, is extremely disrespectful. He does it on a regular basis. That's just one example of many. He is no leader in the military. What he does politically is whatever. Arguments can be made when it comes to that.
And when the faux outrage came out over the no salute pictures were quickly shown of every previous president doing exactly the same thing. But of course those other presidents did not do it while being black. That's the only difference. Blind prejudice and a concerted effort to make sure you don't educate yourself on the reality of the situation makes you completely incapable of making a rational assessment of the man.
Egypt was in stable condition until Obama decided he wanted a Muslim Brotherhood political ally to hold office there. The people overthrew him due to his brutality. Yes, Obama supported a tyrant, and the people over threw him. Same in Yemen, Libya, and Syria is in Chaos.....Iraq was in solid shape until Obama withdrew the troops. The withdrawal date was set in the Bush administration, yet was predicated on military recommendations, which Obama ignored and acted on his own. And now, we have over 3,000 troops BACK in Iraq to try to save what Obama screwed up in 2011. Amazing Commander in Chief.
All non-Americans love Obama and hes made me as a Brit feel although we have our closest ally back. If Trump gets in all of that progress will be reverted on
Lmao u need America, America doesn’t need Britain
Aged well. Trump actually respects our country unlike Obama, he didn’t tell us we were at the hack of the queue nor did he suggest we give up our power to remain part of the EU. We are closer then ever before.
the last time I cared about the opinion of a British person was 1776
Xors when it comes to politics it’s a string indicator when a country that’s far more liberal has citizens in support of Trump. Out conservative government would be the equivalent of left wing in the US. Trump is 100% right about immigration and dealing with other nations, particularly those in Europe which are extorting the US. The best was Germany seeking protection by NATO from Russia, meanwhile they want to rely on Russia for energy. Perfect idea. The EU parliament speaks about an EU army as apparently they can’t rely on the US and non EU allies. Verhofstadht is very anti American if you ask me. Obama talked the talk, threatened us rather than championing us to go the sane way as the US and other sovereign nations, can’t respect him for that really, he also didn’t care much for the special relationship either. Great speaker, brilliant and destabilising regions but lousy President.
Michael Perkins But the US needs China though
JOE BIDEN - 46th president of the U.S.A
The voters have spoken.
@@RIDDHESHDALVI-js8bv You lose harder than 45.
@@TheInselaffen Don’t make sense
As a Canadian, I can't even help but just sit back and cringe at what's about to happen in America. Like.. how.. how in the world did you let Trump become a nominee? I just.. I can't even begin to understand the thought process behind this. Good luck.
dude right!!! im gonna move to Canada haha jk but yeah i cant watch this shiz either america might be in trouble
We didn't do that, the failing GOP did that. According to Gallup polls in 2016, less than 40% of Americans are Republicans or lean that way. The plurality is with the Democrats and those leaning that way(50%). Independents are second at 41%. Trump will not be elected - the math does not work for him.
Same! And we are gonna end up having to deal with the outcome of this shitshow... I wouldn't want to be in Trudeau's shoes.
I'm packing my bags for Canada. America is breaking apart, Canadians are so damn lucky.
+Eleanor Tucker Pack your bags to Mexico, you racist. Canada doesn't want you.
Jimmy is clearly star-struck--wow--despite Obama being clearly the coolest president we'll ever have
Would be so much better if Obama would have gone to Colbert's show. He knows how to ask tough and interesting questions and make a generally great talk.
Jimmy's just overstrained.
quarter_moon and_a_guitar everyone is star struck by Obama. He's a rockstar
And that, kids, was a very fine politics and democracy lesson. He pointed out how this system can work, and how it does not, whilst not depending on any of his own opinions. Everyone should listen to this interview!
he a good talker but bro ain’t do shit in office 😭😭
imma let you finish Mr president who graduated from Harvard for law, which is an ivy league school known for their law school, but let me give you some political advice, because I think I understand how the party system in the us should be, since I went to Europe once and took a class on civics in highschool lolol
#mostpeopleonhere LOL
2024 anyone?
Going back and watching this 8 years later just prior to the next election is wild
Well, here we go again 💀
Even fallon can't pull his usual schtick: interrupting guests.
Jimmy: "Merrick Garland. Very common name."
President Obama: "Shut the fuck up Jimmy, this is important."
Why does it have to be a 2 party system?
Think of the party system as the x-axis. All the numbers from -x to +x exist on the line. There are only two directions--left and right. If your belief system is number 5 then you should be on the right side of the spectrum and likewise vice-versa (-5 would be left). Being at the center of the left and right is a encompasses the ideals of the left and right. Being left or right is too general sometimes and so smaller parties are formed most times at the boundaries of left and right.
+ENO SELEMAN The political spectrum goes across an x and y axis though. Not saying 10 smaller parties is great either. Wouldn't having three be a good idea?
The concept of the two party systems is to define the two versions of people, from a governmental stance.
It's worked well for a long time, but the world is evolving
If there was a third party, that might equalize things again
George Washington didn't even want political parties in the first place... someone fucked up.
Mr. President, "democracy works when you have two parties..." sorry I have to stop your right there! 2 parties Mr. President, that is not democracy, that is one party better than totalitarianism.
Then again in Europe we simply have too many parties. Nothing actually gets done because there are so many parties that there is no middle ground left.
Three parties *IMO* would be approximately the ideal number, if not three then five. 2, 4, 6 are even numbers, not good for there is no tie breaker and anything over or under that range is bound to be problematic.
Well the fact is that Trump is standing for the Constitution, while Hillary wants to burn it. If you cannot see that then you are Blind.Trump is Constitutional.
He's not even out of office yet and I'm stating to miss Obama already.
We love you Barack Obama!!!!
You can love or hate Obama but he is funny as hell and is a damn good speaker
why do you respect 185k troops in afghanistan but not 4 in libya
He's too busy running a campaign to do what he was elected (foolishly twice) to do.
Fook off. You wanna try being president? And to answer OP's question, if you let 4 men die, it's a mistake, yes, but it's not the end of the world. If you let 185k men die, its more than the end of the world. What would people think of you?
+BadlyDrawnFrog Obama and Hillary were more than capable to save thoose 4 men at the time but she and he found excuses to blame it on American citizens instead of acctualy helping.
Josh Holub
Yes, but that's because Hillary is undeniably a bitch.
BadlyDrawnFrog Yes, I agree with you on that.
To put this into stupid fandom terms, a good two party system is Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright, not Manfred von Karma and Kristoph Gavin. One has a common goal approached from different angles, the other wants to win at such extreme costs that it tears lives to shreds for the most petty of reasons.
Lol, this is perfect. Thank you.
Hillary Clinton says hi
Perfectly phrased. The way to lift us out of this crisis of divisive politics is to have as much sexual tension between the parties as possible.
Is Chris Christie Gumshoe?
Eh, sure, why not?
term limits would cure all
if I could I would vote Obama as president again
I am am so going to miss this man. I pray he doesn't leave us.
I really think comments should be disabled for this
Yeah! Fuck opinions!
You're kidding right?
+FedFanFL no. It will cause a political war in the comments. .
Jack Thompson + shut up hippie. Disable your own comment ... Actually don't even look at the comment section and pretend it's not there; maybe that will help I feel better
"We are" hahahaha
Good to know he's happy with Trump winning :D
+SpoounPC you need help my friend.
+Agnt47x agreed
Agnt47x You gotta understand man, Jimmy Fallon is a liberal as true as they come. You don't want to challenge your ideas so you stay with and around people that think like you. Do I like Trump? Not really, but I think he will do a better job than Clinton or even Gary Johnson (whom I voted for last election). You may not like Trump, in fact half of the country doesn't, but that doesn't make you mathematically right. Every non-biased analysis has Trump in front of Hillary by 5-9 points.
@ SpoounPc you are not serious?! are you?!
I like Obama, but democracy works when you have more than just two parties. There are more voices than that out there.
I think he was speaking more in the sense of a better working, more stable democracy, which generally has two major parties. Obviously it isn't as democratic as one with a broader political spectrum, but it is, in most cases, more efficient.
Well, in that particular case, I suppose it would be irrelevant either a two party system or a boarder one, since the political bullshit would still be present.
Anyway, the experiences I'm more based on ar the European ones (because I live in Europe), so the context is probably a lot different. However, from what I observed, countries that favor a two party system tend to be more stable than the ones who don't.
Because more parties might equal more opinions, which is nice for a democracy. However, when the parties don't engage on healthy conversations and find ways to work together, they divide the country even more (which, by what you said, would probably apply to the U.S, where that the case). In Europe, this happens more in the southern countries, as opposed to the northern ones that have this kind of system, where the parties are more flexible and tend to form stronger colligations.
It isn't more efficient, in my opinion When there are too many serious parties; then there is no clear victor during an election resulting in a hung-parliament (at least in the UK) in 2010 we had the conservatives (centre right) and the liberal democrats (left) who did not work effectively and was dominated by the conservatives.
Damn seeing this from 8 years ago. How far did we fall?
LMFAO the way he stutters all the time omg he's just too cute. Gives me encouragement knowing the president has difficulty speaking if he can do it I can become anything 😀
Go for it
"do you think the republicans are happy with their choice?"
..."we are..."
+A Gordo
Yeah I'm 100% happy with Our President Trump... Booming economy and lowest employment rates in 50 years... 2020 Trump
@@shelbycox6332 Is the economy booming now?
@@alexandrite1ocean yeah we are in a crisis now.. Did you know that?.... Cova-19??
Obama as King of the USA......I'm okay with that.
You mean UKA.
Eduardo Daniel Kucharsky Terrazas Yee
***** So he is your king, right?
Eduardo Daniel Kucharsky Terrazas Oh shit grab the water, he's severely burned!!!!
Louie Cosmi t
a chief we all will miss
Really gonna miss this President when he leaves.
Trump's gonna be your next president dudes! Deal with it and climb on board the Trump Train!
blastemy We'll see about that fam. :)
Please stop feeding the troll
If you're watching this video in 2020, you just can't watch it without Lindsey GRANDMA's 'words' in the background 😂😂😂
We will miss you dear president
I love Obama, but his biggest failing is not giving Republicans anything to win on. Yes the Republican party has had serious issues since the Teaparty, however the Democrats moved from a center-left to a center-right party. This left the Republicans very little to win on. In the past, the left would propose something that the right could rail about and a middle ground would be reached where both parties could go home and declare a victory. Nowadays, the difference between the Democrats and Republicans is very minor. Hell, Hillary wouldn't even support gay marriage until the day of Supreme court ruling. Ultimately this forced Republicans to move far to right and even use obstructionism in order to differentiate themselves.
The case of Merrick Garland is great example. He is a Republican in all but name, as matter of fact I couldn't find one ruling that would even give a clue he had Democratic leanings. By all accounts, he would have been one of the top picks if a Republican was in office. If the Republicans endorse him, they have nothing to take home to their constituents and say "we won". A better solution would have been to propose a liberal judge, give the Republicans their hour to rail against the choice, then propose Merrick in a backroom deal, and let the Republicans declare a victory. Now personally, I think Merrick would be a disastrous choice for the Supreme court as he is pro-Citizen's United, pro-Drones, pro-Domestic Surveillance, and supported torture being used in interrogations. However, if he is your choice, you need to give your opponents something to take home to their voters and it gives both sides the ability to declare a victory.
An interesting thought. You will have to take into account that this is Obama's last year in office, he is concerned about legacy. Any "win" by the Republicans is an automatic "loss" for him.
And as it is the President's job to nominate a judge, he chose a candidate he believed was capable and moderate enough to appease both sides. That's all he could do as a leadership figure in this situation.
If we were just talking about his last year, that would be one thing. But this has dogged him and the Democratic party for his entire presidency. Many people forget he had two years where he had a Democratic house and he could have done almost anything he wanted. He didn't. The Republicans have been more obstructionist that almost any time in history. But, if you look at their actual objections and stances, they differ very little from the Democrats.
If I was making predictions I would say we are going to see the rise of Democratic version of the teaparty. 44%+ of the nation call themselves Independent, with a significant chunk of those being disaffected Democrats who feel their party no longer represents them. With the presumptive nominee being a person whose policies fall more into the realm of Reagan Republicanism, there is a strong possibility of us seeing the rise of another third party liberal candidate. Looking over the current list, I can't really say who it might be, but if any third party candidate wanted a chance at winning, this is the year.
+MKTech That would be Gary Johnson. It will be interesting to see him debate Hillary and Trump.
To be honest I don't know if Gary Johnson will have wide enough popular appeal. He has been brought to the foreground because he is the safest third party candidate from the media's perspective. Regardless of how people feel about it, the media has to sell ads and is owned by large corporations. There are 20 presidential candidates right now (or will be shortly) and there are over 200 hundred on the list of potentials. Now, I don't expect the media to cover all, but so far they haven't done a particularly good job of representing even the few that were running in the first set of primaries.
You know this comment is true if Bernie, a centre leftist, has to label himself as socialist to differentiate himself from the democratic party.
I think he deserves a place in Mount Rushmore, despite the fact that I am not American
Obama's face next to the countenances of Roosevelt, Jefferson and Washington? Yeah no.
Most likeable president ever
+bmanhcb750 lmao go listen to weezer
These comments make me want to puke. The fact that anyone thinks this guy is the best president of all time shows that Americans are delusional.
shut up.
What was inherently wrong with what he said?
of all the people I know who like him, I've never heard any say that they thought he was the BEST president, he might not even make their top 10s but he's a hell of a ways away from last place--some presidents were REALLY shitty dude, read about it, to claim obama is the best or worst are both equally baseless
I don't think he's the best president of all time, but I think history will look favorably on his term in office, and I think it's asking a lot for people to have a calm, rational discussion when you look at some of the shenanigans that have been aimed his way, not least of all by Donald Trump.
The restraint that our president has shown contrasts starkly to the total lack of restraint that Trump shows on a daily basis.
What's sad is that Hillary is probably one of the least ethical major party candidates in the last 50 years (Nixon and her own husband might be the only two worse), and a SANE Republican candidate could probably whip her, but the GOP didn't nominate a sane person, they nominated a rodeo clown.
can Jimmy fake his interest any more? 3:36
seriously, he is just a clown and obviously doesnt even understand what Obama is saying
Ha! It's his new signature in addition to the fake laughing. It's the "feigning deep interest and looking really concerned" face.
Aww.. Poor thing... I feel so bad about you being forced to watching Jimmy against your will.
Oh, you mean you CHOSE to come here and bitch about another human being?! WHOA!
Yeah tell me about it. It's because all Obama and Hillary say is shit. This is why he is pro Republican
That's why I watch Colbert now.
If only Conan hosted the Tonight Show.
who thinks Obama should stay president
The BEST president EVER! And I'm not an American and don't live in the USA. Besides that I can see it so far.
Rodrigo 7 me
I would say yes if he said; "The TPP shall not pass". It was a delight to have him after the good ol boy moron era.
Oh yeah, the US needs a re-up.
Would have been cool for him to stay, he seems to really well know what he's talking about. Every word coming out of his mouth just made perfect sense, something Republicans don't like lol.
everything this man has done since taking office has been a disaster, if you cant see that they you are as bad as he is and part of the problem, its very simple fool, socialism does not work, Wake up fool.
1903A3shooter Uhhhh... What the hell did I just read..
Denmark, Norway, and Sweden (the happiest nations on the planet) say hi.
There's also a difference between socialism, democratic socialism, and social democracy. The latter is what exists and works in Europe and (so far as Social Security goes) in the USA.
Some interesting reading -- though do be careful to not pick out merely the parts you agree with and trash the rest, as that's a species-wide bias:
TheBenenator I don't think those countries are any happier than the rest of Europe lol. Source: I actually lived in Norway for seven years.
scrappyTV I have heard all that, but I have lived in Norway and my life was no better there than it is here in the UK.
ya love to see it. Barack, please help. we need you. we miss you.
It is really interesting to hear from the president how the two parties work together so far. It is insane how even in times of importance they are playing games just from their own party.
I can't believe I didn't spend more of Obama's presidency appreciating what he has done for America instead of listening to Fox News rip on him 24/7.
I'm gonna miss this dignified and well-spoken man a lot. Thanks for your years of service Obama. The next 4 years are gonna be a bit scary for Americans.
***** What's ridiculous is that you actually think I could give a rat's ass what you think, LMAO. You TH-cam armpit of intellect. Go fuck yourself.
***** Go find your mom and tell her to stop letting her 12-year old use TH-cam unsupervised.
***** ciao kid
I like how NOW everyone likes Obama yall deserve trump because of hating Obama
Thank you, I also believe America deserved Trump!
+Alexander Kennedy if he wins and starts messing everything up you'll be one of the ones to turn on him
Jonny Lopez as should everyone hold their candidate accountable, whats your point?
+Alexander Kennedy but you should be able to tell what he will do right now before people vote for him
Jonny Lopez
It;s all public, all informed voters should be reading their politicians policies (and competitors for comparison),
I'm going to miss your witty comebacks. #obamaforever
I luv 💓 his demeanor and tone
why does Fallon look like he's getting info to Area 51 files