Finally a tutorial about how to apply makeup on TH-cam. Not about how to spend our money on a makeup of an advertised brand. So happy and relieved to watch a useful how-to. Thank you so much, Wayne, for your content!
My makeup game has improved by leaps and bounds because of your videos. I have learned so much from you. I'm so grateful for your channel and all the secrets you share with us! ♡ good beauty you tubers are scarce now. They sure dont make em like you anymore wayne!
Wayne Goss condenses, simplifies and itemizes exactly what steps to take. No product pushing, just an explanation of tools and why, how to use them and what colors/ textures to use for application. One continuous shot of pure makeup education. And it's a 9min video? No shade, but a little shady, Wayne Goss just schooled all the beauty TH-camrs.
I tell everybody about you Wayne. You changed my life and made me feel capable to do my eyeshadow in a world where typically, I'd watch a video, do what they said, and still look like someone smashed me in the eyes. That has not happened ONCE after finding you. I can't believe I spent all that time watching everybody else, making my eyeshadow look worse, when I could've just found you. Not to worry, I found you. Thanks for your videos. You are very technical, and you're truly a good teacher - they aren't easy to come by. 💖💕
I can relate on so many levels about trying eye looks and it looking a bloody mess!! I cannot wait to do my makeup for work today!! I'm going to try this technique! Yay!!
He makes EVERYTHING soooooo easy and explains how to do it and why to do it and why it works. His looks are impeccable and so able to reach by normal people that are not MUAs. PLUS he doesn't need to 39 minutes to show his technique. He always does it in less than 10, it seems like. LOVE HIM!!!
Thanks to you Wayne for making makeup much more attainable to women who are not makeup artists and just want to find a better version of themselves in the mirror!! You are a true sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️😉😉😉😉
"I'm getting too old for this"... NO WAY! You're the best ever and if anything, you're just getting better and better...Like a good wine. And what I love most is that you don't use tons of product. That is something I hate doing too.
This video couldn't have come at a better time, honestly! Just the other day, I was screaming in frustration because I was trying to do a very advanced eyeshadow look with 3-4 colors and it was NOT blending. It was muddy, my hooded eyes kept running the colors together, and after the third attempt, I was just about spitting nails and pulling my hair out! This video reminds me that eye shapes ARE different and that it's okay, I CAN and SHOULD work with what I have, not just what I see online. It also reminds me that I don't need to go bananas with 5+ different colors on my eye, and that 1 or 2 is totally okay, as long as I keep to the basic techniques and use what I have. You're always around to remind us that we're beautiful and to flaunt what we have, and it's so easy to forget to step back and remember that beauty and makeup is to enhance what WE have, as individuals. There's so many "beauty hacks" and "makeup secrets" and "tips and tricks" that it makes you feel like beauty is supposed to be one certain way, but it's not! Thank GOODNESS for you and your down-to-business, wholesome reminder that makeup is supposed to be fun and friendly, and that everyone can do it. These are the kind of "tips and tricks" that everyone should have handy. Thanks Wayne!
I will still watch videos of people doing makeup. But, I’ve stopped trying to copy tutorials and just using my instinct keeps me from stressing out trying to get something perfectly duplicated.
Wayne, you are head and shoulders above the rest. Other artists on TH-cam are narcissistic, dramatic, and have questionable integrity. You are soothing to watch and keep on point. I have learned so much from you and I appreciate that you focus on technique. Plus, you create looks that are truly wearable for the real world not the club. ❤️
Just watched this... 2019. I’m 56 in 4 days time and never seen a smoky eye tutorial done as expertly yet as simplistic and easy to follow as this. The more I watch your videos, the more I’m learning, in a very positive way. You’re truly inspirational. God bless you and thank you!💁🏽♀️
Excellent tutorial once again. As a 54year old who only ever needed mascara and lipstick I have come to an age where I need to brighten my complexion and embrace some light makeup. Your tutorials have gave me the confidence to try some of your techniques and buy some products you have suggested. Thank you very much I appreciate the time you take to share your wealth of knowledge with us.👍
Mary Aitkenhead i completely understand the instinct that one must be an acceptable level of pretty in public or work spaces, but I just want to say nobody will ever ‘need ‘ makeup! Its ok to wear your natural face and i hope you appreciate it more in the future, even as you age!
Thank you Wayne for being you!! It's so nice to experience You, someone who is so authentic + a generous person! Love how you teach us! Just by being you 🙏
You are my all time favorite Wayne...I learn a lot from you...I'm a late bloomer with makeup...only wore mascara, eyeliner and blush before...I'm now 71 and am having a blast with is actually therapy for me..but I always search you out if I have questions..thank you for being you and for staying away from all the available you tube drama.. are refreshing...keep on doing what you do💖
Wayne You are amazing, so honest, so smart, caring... no bs with you!!! I love you to death and I used to be with Mac cosmetics for over 20 years and now I am with Sephora and every time I have clients that want to watch tutorials you are the only one I recommend.... every body can follow your tutorials, they are simple, accessible, easy .... I feel like a lot of “ beauty gurus “ are all about themselves... they love to hear themselves talking... I cannot stand it ... most of them can only do makeup on themselves... they are not truly makeup artists to the core ... keep doing what you’re doing... thank you for everything.
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your makeup tips with us all Wayne!!!!! I applied this technique today and let me tell you, my eye makeup has never looked so beautiful. Thank you for sharing the step by step process. I've never felt sooo on point. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. Love you Wayne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minimum effort, maximum impact, so easy to duplicate because you don't faff about, you *teach.* No one, but *no one* does tutorials like you. Cheers, darling!
New sub. Im 34 and tattoo professionally now for 14 years. I can paint, draw, tattoo anything, but cant do my makeup correctly. Your channel is the only one I watch now and my skills have improved since. Thank you for being genuine, not problematic and for making it easy on us.
Wayne Goss, you are so sweet. I don't know how you stay so level headed doing makeup, sharing this platform with a bunch of people who are teaching others to basically paint their faces 5 shades too dark. I recommend you to every newbie I see because you are one of the only youtubers who EXPLAINS makeup. I am not trying to disrespect anyone else but sometimes when I watch a video, all it is is a girl/boy putting on a ton of makeup and talking about their opinions rather than talking about what their hands are currently doing. With your videos, it is more like sitting in on a class and I appreciate that you share your knowledge so patiently and willingly. Thank you.
Yay, going to try this on Monday morning!! So much simpler than using 5-6 colors, like most tutorials these days. I love the simple, yet elegant eyeshadow looks you explain Wayne, thank you!!!
After watching this video a good 5 times I ordered both the brushes and treated myself to the CT Rock Chick palette. The brushes arrived today and I had a go. Flawless eye first time! And I’ve never done a cut crease before. This technique combined with the brushes is literally fool proof. Thank you Wayne xxx
Wayne you are NOT too old for this! I’ve learned so much from watching you do makeup applications that my 50 year old, very hooded & droopy eyes can actually benefit from your techniques! I love watching the young MUA’s create such flawless looks on their taught, unwrinkled skin but I’ll never be able to recreate those looks. So thank you for doing these-WE APPRECIATE YOU!
I have been a pen and sketch artist all of my life. I never knew anything about eye makeup but I swear to God your technique is basically what I've done with eyeshadow since I'm 16 years old. It's all about light and shade and where to create illusion. For the sake of accuracy I have tried to follow tutorials for the past Two years and it always looks like mud on me. But I have kept at it because I thought well, even an old dog can learn new tricks lol. Imagine my joy and delight to see you basically confirm my long time hack!!!! You are a god
I have hooded eyes with mature skin that has lost some firmness...this technique gave me great results! You are correct in that a little more darkness above the inner part of the crease makes the outer corner, by contrast, look lifted. The idea seems obvious, but I know a lot of us do not quite know how to adapt our makeup techniques as age changes our anatomy. I will forever be appreciative of that tip. I followed your instructions, except I used a light, coppery brown under my lower lash line and didn't smudge it as far down (to avoid calling attention to my under eye area) blended the crease color much higher than you showed (to make more of my hood recede). The look came out beautifully. Using smaller brushes and plotting the shape first proved to be really helpful; I will continue to do so from now on. Thank you for sharing your expertise with all of us.
You really are amazing! I love every single video, especially the ones explaining how you don't care about the drama nonsense! You, sir, are truly an iconic artist! Awesome and helpful tips and tricks, I have learned so much from you!
All these years I could not figure out how to do this eyeshadow trick. You made it so simple in under 10 minutes. Tried it today. Changed the entire look of my eyes. Thank you, Wayne!!
@@jkallisonpdx That makes the 2 of us. Not good with blending either, hence I like this 2 eyeshadow technique VERY much. I have worn it many times since tutorial. Have YOU tried it? There is always hope dear. We just have to know out limits, like 4+ eyeshadows. Or, we can always dream...right?
Crying laughing after you said, "Go in with my finger," and your are so funny! Your tips are fantastic and so easy to follow. You are my favorite! xx
I’ve been using this technique on my small hooded eyes for years, it’s my fail safe go to method. Many of your makeup techniques work so well for me. I’m a bit up in the years too so it’s nice to watch someone who is still in tune with the old school makeup ways.
As always, you are genius with your makeup tips and tricks. I was glad to see an application of the Hourglass sparkly shadow--Aura is beautiful! Thank you, Wayne❤
I recommend your channel to my friends Wayne, because you really are that good. No BS, no hard sell, nice and factual and you tell us how and why it will work. Please don't stop!
I really love your tutorials. I wore makeup in high school (80's) and didn't bother for years. Now I am trying to learn the newer methods and all of your tutorials are spot on. Thank you!
This video has helped me to do my eyeshadow with confidence so that it is actually flattering and not a splotchy mess. I have hooded eyes and I appreciate that you always address hooded eyes when doing your eye tutorials. I actually feel pretty again. Thanks, Wayne!! (And I love your sense of humor!)
From myself and all the people who don't comment, a big THANKYOU for sharing your knowledge! You are simply wonderful - making people more beautiful all over this world xx
Thank you! That tutorial really helped!. The look on your face when you said 'go in with my finger' Gosh ...I almost fell off my chair (out of my bed haha)
Genius !! I have been watching you for years now and your tips are so game changing !! I tell everyone about you. You can help people master their techniques and look flawless.
Considering today's trends, I'd say you were on a right track with looking like a drag queen. So happy I found Wayne, finally someone doing normal male up.
I have seen so many eyeshadow tutorials, but only with this man, I understood clearly how to do it rightly. I am able to daily follow what he demonstrated. Nice guy
I was in Ulta buying the TwoFace concealer you demo on one of your videos and the girl said “ I saw that video too! Don’t you just love Wayne?” And of course my answer was YES! It’s so nice to see a process that doesn’t take 30 minutes to see but explains exactly how to achieve the desired look! Yeah! Thanks
I will tell yall that my facial skin is very sensitive. So I tried a sparkle shadow and whatever one I used at the time, caused my eyelids to swell the next day. They were a name brand. Then I think I have some Sparkle from I want to say Revlon I think but don't quote me on that, and it works really well and it adds a punch to the eyeshadow without causing hypersensitivity. Companies need to realize that your face can be super sensitive, so to me it should be common sense that there shouldn't be anything used on the face that has something harsh enough to cause your skin to flip out. I did find a sparkle Shadow from Almay but they were super limited to the colors they had I think they only had maybe two colors that have a slight Shimmer to them. But the one that works really well the two that work really well I should say, are I do believe Revlon, and they are absolutely gorgeous and I haven't had any issues with them.
I never would have thought to start am eyeshadow look with such a small brush. That's why you're brilliant (and the professional). I can't wait to try this look. Simple and Beautiful!
Wayne, I have been watching you for years, and this is the best eyeshadow application you have done! Your explanation and close up demonstration were the best and helped me tremendously. Thank you so much.
Hi sir .such a nice video really u teach with sicerity and devotion thanks a lot have u make any video about basic uses of brushes becoz mostly women d.nt know which type of makeup brushes is better ?
Watching makeup videos on TH-cam for years, finally found something that works for my eyes , it's going to save me hours spent on eyemakeup, couldn't do my crease with the regular eye brushes which are so big for my eyes, thanks for sharing this wonderful tip, you always come up with some solid ideas,
I really really love your videos! Most beauty channels are so extra and aren't really educational (i still enjoy watching them, but more for entertainment). But you are just such a lovely person, and I'm so thankfull for finding your channel.
Great video! Thank you for simplifying and putting into geometric proportions the “why” of placement. This one tutorial probably did more for me than all the other’s I’ve watched!
i just love the way u talk n the humour but i wanna point out, what the beautiful person u are, n pretty eyes. this eyeshadow pushes the green in ur eyes n looks stunning. wear this often i wd love to see u wear more eyemakeup
Ohhh that is new and very pretty!! I have to agree with so many many other Wayne fans that love you 💖💖💖💖 You have forever changed how I do my makeup and so so much for the better. When you are teaching us something new, a different technique ... You always make everything crystal clear, and so easy to learn. ( Always for me with tons of practice lol but eventually I do get there) I love the look you did. It's new and light, refreshing. It looks "natural" if makeup can be natural. Your work is always so complimentary to the shape of the eyes, the whole face really. My under eye area looks a thousand percent better from your techniques. I think you are brilliant! Thank you again , You really are the best !!! Love you much xxxxx 👏👏✌💖💖💖💖✨💋
This was super helpful. I regularly do makeup for the international students’ fashion show at my college, and it was so helpful for me to see how to place it on the outer edge of any eye shape based upon the eyebrow length. Thank you!
Very interesting. I have a query though, for those of us over 55; however, good our complexion is, our skin around the eyes is not going to have the same quality as a younger person's, so would it be wise to put eyeshadow on under the eye as well? Would not perhaps accentuate crepiness or general skin sagging? Thanks
I just discovered you this summer and love your tutorials! Someone even complimented me on my eye shadow recently thanks to your channel and practice. You are adorable. It is refreshing to have an "adult" makeup mentor.
You have taught me so much. I am a Hairdresser/Mua and I watch your videos and practice on my mannequins. I do my own photography which is also a big help with my hair color and styling and makeup. But you are a too the point teacher. Bravo to you. Thank you for all the education you have gave me. And I hope to be as good as you one day. God Bless you. Keep up the good teaching. Joseph Kellner
How do you not make a mess of your eye makeup with your mascara? I have itty-bitty eyelashes and no matter how careful I am, mascara goes all over my eyelids! Any suggestions? 💜
scarletsmurf I have long lashes & I still get mascara all over my eyelids. I think I try & get it really dark & full near the lash line Someone on here suggested a mascara guard, I’d never heard of them, they cost £1-3 so cheap & work wonders. Hope this helps : )
@@charlenek11 right now, qtips and concealer are my go-to for fixing my mascara. I've also resigned myself to doing my mascara before I do anything else just to save myself from having to redo my entire eye look. It's just frustrating to know that I've been doing my makeup for 20+ years and still haven't managed to figure this out. 😑
Wayne I just love this tutorial! You make the most difficult looks so easy: you break them down so that they are easy to complete for somebody with as little talent as I do, and make them possible! Thank you for being you! Love you!
I LOVE This! 💜 It is so helpful to me Wayne. You have no idea. 💕 Watching your video several times, I am then able to take my iPad into the bathroom and “stop and go” your video as I ‘’practice” away!!! Thank You.💐 🌴🐠💕
I just got carded, thanks to this tutorial in conjunction with the Kardashian concealer and contour videos. I used a light hand but did all the steps. I went about my day, went to the grocery store in the evening and had to show ID to get wine. I just turned 41 and didn't think I'd ever get carded again. THANK YOU for the great birthday gift and for understanding and communicating the importance of proportion, angles, and light!!
I swear the faces you make when you say anything that could be misconstrued, make me coffee went everywhere a moment ago...this is a great way for me to do my eyes I have quite big eyes and I prefer not to do the round eye thing.... lovely (btw I know you are using burgundy because it's nice with the t shirt you have on and it's also in keeping with the flowers behind you.... I wonder if that was unconscious? Probably more like the artist's brain doing what it does on autopilot. Very nice xx You are a lovely guy (outside and inside... I am not being rude lol!) with half a face of makeup, giving tips with people who, in the main, love you and your tips. I know you have had a bad time in the comments lately but I know that everyone I know thinks you're a brilliant makeup artist and a genuinely nice guy (and very easy on the eyes...omg I am such a cougar especially if the person is not available lmao!).
thx Mr.Goss I have been watching you for a long time but I realize I had not said thanks to you , and I like you ,but I really want you do some vedio for Asian girls,so many Asian girls watch your vedios,we learned so many.thank you ,we support your !
I am a new (Dutch) subscriber and really looooove your videos and style. Question: can you give some makeup tips for middle age women? Also how do I know what is the right colour of foundation?
Your tips are so easy to follow and I love those there’s no nonsense going on! Just showing us how to apply eyeshadow! Please keep making these videos!
Wayne, as a more “mature” lady, is it still appropriate to smudge color on the lower lash line? I feel like I might be too old to do that. If I shouldn’t do that under eye smudge, what should I do? Or better yet, how about some updated tutorials for “mature” viewers??? (I keep putting “mature” when we all know I mean us old biddies desperate to stay current 😉)
TJ, I agree with you, we must not smudge the line on bottom lash, I think it lowers more our droopy eyelids and worsen our undereye circles, I think is a matter of finding what style of makeup suits to each one of us😊
I can’t do the lower lash line unless is a color that is light and has some shimmer in it, it really helps the eyes come back to life. Believe me, this is great but it doesn’t work for everyone. You have to experiment and see what works for you. I can’t ever use black or those maroon colors or I look like a raccoon.
I love this!! Thank you so much for this. I have a very hooded eye and eyeshadow scares me lol. I am always saying to myself “Wayne said to do it like this” thank you for making it so easy.
I have a question that never seems to get answered - maybe because there is no answer, nevertheless I will still ask .... WHY oh WHY are there absolutely no demo's on youtube with anyone (make up artists or general youtubers) that show eye shadow demo's for people with extra skin on the eyelid? Gazillions for hooded eyes but nada for loose skin. I sit there watching all these video's for hooded eyes but that's not really my issue. I have most of your brushes (which do help a bit as they are incredibly soft) BUT the skin still moves and I end up looking like I've been punched in the eye! Wayne - I am becoming depressed now, have you got a model who you can use for a demo? You could even use ME .... I would volunteer .... just imagine how many women are going bare eyed because of this problem? We need your help, take pity and please give some advice on how to work round this issue. If I wasn't such a wuss I would go and have some sort of surgery but I'm sure that a MUA has some sort of trick of their sleeve ..... what do you think? x
@@tarafraka i did. Sure she did not state that her eye lid was hooded, but from what i understand, hooded lid look exactly like what she describe. Maybe she have the heavy one. And that was tricky. Like her, i did watch tons of tutorial for that type of lids but.. In the end i chose to skip eyeshadow at all.
@@salhahsuhot Extra skin on lid is a totally different problem to having hooded eyes. Hooded eyes in my opinion is much easier to tackle with practice.
This is one of the Best eye tutorials I have seen. Thank you, Wayne! You make it look so easy and break it down into steps that feel less overwhelming.
Love this "old school" youtube. Where we actually learn something. Back to basic and for the regular person. Thank you!!!
yes!!! He actually teaches the science behind it!
professional and experienced make up artists should definitely take over youtube. being an enthusiast is sometimes not enough.
Mary Ireland, I concur.
Finally a tutorial about how to apply makeup on TH-cam. Not about how to spend our money on a makeup of an advertised brand. So happy and relieved to watch a useful how-to. Thank you so much, Wayne, for your content!
My makeup game has improved by leaps and bounds because of your videos. I have learned so much from you. I'm so grateful for your channel and all the secrets you share with us! ♡ good beauty you tubers are scarce now. They sure dont make em like you anymore wayne!
What natural no chemicals pure brand translucent powder you recommend 💝🎆
I agree with you.
Although I am from Brazil, I can understand almost the tinge he says.
I Love his britsh accent.
Sorry my english 😊
@@reginarodrigues7122 I love his accent to! 😀
Julianne Sullivan Same❤️
Wayne Goss condenses, simplifies and itemizes exactly what steps to take. No product pushing, just an explanation of tools and why, how to use them and what colors/ textures to use for application. One continuous shot of pure makeup education. And it's a 9min video? No shade, but a little shady, Wayne Goss just schooled all the beauty TH-camrs.
This is what is called best content!! Precise, on point and very informative as always!
Dr IshwaryaMD i love how he’s so to the point! Don’t understand why other TH-camrs need a 5 min intro lol
Dr IshwaryaMD Agree!!!!!
He's amazing!! Absolutely brilliant
Agreed.. a British accent is a plus too😍💕🍁🇫🇮
Absolutely! Never miss.
I tell everybody about you Wayne. You changed my life and made me feel capable to do my eyeshadow in a world where typically, I'd watch a video, do what they said, and still look like someone smashed me in the eyes. That has not happened ONCE after finding you. I can't believe I spent all that time watching everybody else, making my eyeshadow look worse, when I could've just found you. Not to worry, I found you. Thanks for your videos. You are very technical, and you're truly a good teacher - they aren't easy to come by. 💖💕
I can relate on so many levels about trying eye looks and it looking a bloody mess!! I cannot wait to do my makeup for work today!! I'm going to try this technique! Yay!!
Omg I love your blog
He makes EVERYTHING soooooo easy and explains how to do it and why to do it and why it works. His looks are impeccable and so able to reach by normal people that are not MUAs. PLUS he doesn't need to 39 minutes to show his technique. He always does it in less than 10, it seems like. LOVE HIM!!!
TheFeminineWoman perfect comment 👏👏👏👏
Thanks to you Wayne for making makeup much more attainable to women who are not makeup artists and just want to find a better version of themselves in the mirror!! You are a true sweetheart ❤️❤️❤️😉😉😉😉
"I'm getting too old for this"... NO WAY! You're the best ever and if anything, you're just getting better and better...Like a good wine. And what I love most is that you don't use tons of product. That is something I hate doing too.
So true, I watch him because he does elegant looks that can be slightly reworked for my vintage style:)
You are a masterpiece.. stop it!
It’s a lot of work using a lotta products. It really does help to have colored eyes
This video couldn't have come at a better time, honestly! Just the other day, I was screaming in frustration because I was trying to do a very advanced eyeshadow look with 3-4 colors and it was NOT blending. It was muddy, my hooded eyes kept running the colors together, and after the third attempt, I was just about spitting nails and pulling my hair out!
This video reminds me that eye shapes ARE different and that it's okay, I CAN and SHOULD work with what I have, not just what I see online. It also reminds me that I don't need to go bananas with 5+ different colors on my eye, and that 1 or 2 is totally okay, as long as I keep to the basic techniques and use what I have.
You're always around to remind us that we're beautiful and to flaunt what we have, and it's so easy to forget to step back and remember that beauty and makeup is to enhance what WE have, as individuals. There's so many "beauty hacks" and "makeup secrets" and "tips and tricks" that it makes you feel like beauty is supposed to be one certain way, but it's not! Thank GOODNESS for you and your down-to-business, wholesome reminder that makeup is supposed to be fun and friendly, and that everyone can do it. These are the kind of "tips and tricks" that everyone should have handy.
Thanks Wayne!
Madison V. 👏🏾
I will still watch videos of people doing makeup. But, I’ve stopped trying to copy tutorials and just using my instinct keeps me from stressing out trying to get something perfectly duplicated.
"Im just gonna go in with my finger" accompanied by the Wayne cheeky wink.
The KING of you tube does it again.
Love u Wayne.xxxxx
( 5:51 - 5:58 )
I so luv that lil wink..makes me smile everytime😉
Wayne, you are head and shoulders above the rest. Other artists on TH-cam are narcissistic, dramatic, and have questionable integrity. You are soothing to watch and keep on point. I have learned so much from you and I appreciate that you focus on technique. Plus, you create looks that are truly wearable for the real world not the club. ❤️
You're much too hard on yourself. You are not old! You look fantastic! 😘
Just watched this... 2019. I’m 56 in 4 days time and never seen a smoky eye tutorial done as expertly yet as simplistic and easy to follow as this. The more I watch your videos, the more I’m learning, in a very positive way. You’re truly inspirational. God bless you and thank you!💁🏽♀️
Excellent tutorial once again. As a 54year old who only ever needed mascara and lipstick I have come to an age where I need to brighten my complexion and embrace some light makeup. Your tutorials have gave me the confidence to try some of your techniques and buy some products you have suggested. Thank you very much I appreciate the time you take to share your wealth of knowledge with us.👍
Mary Aitkenhead i completely understand the instinct that one must be an acceptable level of pretty in public or work spaces, but I just want to say nobody will ever ‘need ‘ makeup! Its ok to wear your natural face and i hope you appreciate it more in the future, even as you age!
Thank you Wayne for being you!! It's so nice to experience You, someone who is so authentic + a generous person! Love how you teach us! Just by being you 🙏
If you made a dvd set with all your tips and trick, I would buy it
Me too! In a second!
Me too
Who buys dvd ?
He needs to sell on Amazon.
Miss Scary Kary maybe a book?
Love this tip. Perfect for an everyday look. Not a 45 minute eyeshadow routine with thirteen shades from six different palettes.
You are my all time favorite Wayne...I learn a lot from you...I'm a late bloomer with makeup...only wore mascara, eyeliner and blush before...I'm now 71 and am having a blast with is actually therapy for me..but I always search you out if I have questions..thank you for being you and for staying away from all the available you tube drama.. are refreshing...keep on doing what you do💖
Glam mamaw omg you’re off of the glowing dolls group on fb 💗
@@crybaby5060 I'm off??? What do you mean?🌺💖🌺
you’re on that group page!! i’ve seen you post really great stuff!!! ❤️💗🔥 love your work!!
@@crybaby5060 yes..I'm there..thank you so much for watching..
Dont you love Wayne...he is awesome
Glam mamaw you both have such a beautiful soul 😭💕❤️
Wayne You are amazing, so honest, so smart, caring... no bs with you!!! I love you to death and I used to be with Mac cosmetics for over 20 years and now I am with Sephora and every time I have clients that want to watch tutorials you are the only one I recommend.... every body can follow your tutorials, they are simple, accessible, easy .... I feel like a lot of “ beauty gurus “ are all about themselves... they love to hear themselves talking... I cannot stand it ... most of them can only do makeup on themselves... they are not truly makeup artists to the core ... keep doing what you’re doing... thank you for everything.
I just followed this tutorial and omg!!! My eyeshadow has never looked so good.
heather mclachlan I’m gonna try it too! 👏🏽
Glad it worked for you 😬
me too!
Did you use burgundy?
Gail Johnston no I used a dark brown instead
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your makeup tips with us all Wayne!!!!! I applied this technique today and let me tell you, my eye makeup has never looked so beautiful. Thank you for sharing the step by step process. I've never felt sooo on point. Thank you for sharing your talents with us. Love you Wayne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minimum effort, maximum impact, so easy to duplicate because you don't faff about, you *teach.* No one, but *no one* does tutorials like you. Cheers, darling!
and.. he is quite adorable!!
New sub. Im 34 and tattoo professionally now for 14 years. I can paint, draw, tattoo anything, but cant do my makeup correctly. Your channel is the only one I watch now and my skills have improved since. Thank you for being genuine, not problematic and for making it easy on us.
Thank you for continuing to do actual tutorials that are for real people. Especially for our age. This was extremely helpful!
Wayne Goss, you are so sweet. I don't know how you stay so level headed doing makeup, sharing this platform with a bunch of people who are teaching others to basically paint their faces 5 shades too dark. I recommend you to every newbie I see because you are one of the only youtubers who EXPLAINS makeup. I am not trying to disrespect anyone else but sometimes when I watch a video, all it is is a girl/boy putting on a ton of makeup and talking about their opinions rather than talking about what their hands are currently doing. With your videos, it is more like sitting in on a class and I appreciate that you share your knowledge so patiently and willingly. Thank you.
You're not old! You're gorgeous!! 😍
Wayne, you are a beacon. Simple & straightforward, without scrimping on the details & instructions - instructions I can actually follow.
Your tips are amazing and you always make me smile. So I would like to thank you!🙏
Yay, going to try this on Monday morning!! So much simpler than using 5-6 colors, like most tutorials these days. I love the simple, yet elegant eyeshadow looks you explain Wayne, thank you!!!
I love this! Especially when you put the extra pop of sparkle. Thanks Wayne!
After watching this video a good 5 times I ordered both the brushes and treated myself to the CT Rock Chick palette. The brushes arrived today and I had a go. Flawless eye first time! And I’ve never done a cut crease before. This technique combined with the brushes is literally fool proof. Thank you Wayne xxx
Wayne you are NOT too old for this! I’ve learned so much from watching you do makeup applications that my 50 year old, very hooded & droopy eyes can actually benefit from your techniques! I love watching the young MUA’s create such flawless looks on their taught, unwrinkled skin but I’ll never be able to recreate those looks. So thank you for doing these-WE APPRECIATE YOU!
I've been following you for years! I did my own wedding party make-up last weekend thanks to your teachings! Thank you so much Wayne
I have been a pen and sketch artist all of my life. I never knew anything about eye makeup but I swear to God your technique is basically what I've done with eyeshadow since I'm 16 years old. It's all about light and shade and where to create illusion. For the sake of accuracy I have tried to follow tutorials for the past Two years and it always looks like mud on me. But I have kept at it because I thought well, even an old dog can learn new tricks lol. Imagine my joy and delight to see you basically confirm my long time hack!!!! You are a god
I have hooded eyes with mature skin that has lost some firmness...this technique gave me great results! You are correct in that a little more darkness above the inner part of the crease makes the outer corner, by contrast, look lifted. The idea seems obvious, but I know a lot of us do not quite know how to adapt our makeup techniques as age changes our anatomy. I will forever be appreciative of that tip. I followed your instructions, except I used a light, coppery brown under my lower lash line and didn't smudge it as far down (to avoid calling attention to my under eye area) blended the crease color much higher than you showed (to make more of my hood recede). The look came out beautifully. Using smaller brushes and plotting the shape first proved to be really helpful; I will continue to do so from now on. Thank you for sharing your expertise with all of us.
You really are amazing! I love every single video, especially the ones explaining how you don't care about the drama nonsense! You, sir, are truly an iconic artist! Awesome and helpful tips and tricks, I have learned so much from you!
All these years I could not figure out how to do this eyeshadow trick. You made it so simple in under 10 minutes. Tried it today. Changed the entire look of my eyes. Thank you, Wayne!!
Genius, Wayne, Genius! 2-color eyeshadow is perfect esp when I don't have time for a nutty 5+ eye colors. Thank you! 😘😘
I thought the same exact thing! I kept expecting more, but nope, just two colors... I ❤ him
@@jkallisonpdx Wayne had a similar tutorial using eyeliner to open the eyes. To me, it was a bit difficult to blend. Have you seen it?
I have! My blending looks a bit rough in the under eye. I think that's why he's the artist and I'm just a hopeful fan
@@jkallisonpdx That makes the 2 of us. Not good with blending either, hence I like this 2 eyeshadow technique VERY much. I have worn it many times since tutorial. Have YOU tried it? There is always hope dear. We just have to know out limits, like 4+ eyeshadows. Or, we can always dream...right?
Crying laughing after you said, "Go in with my finger," and your are so funny! Your tips are fantastic and so easy to follow. You are my favorite! xx
Yes, too damn funny!
( 5:51 - 5:58 )
hes literally the best... so much fun to watch.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love that you don't put 20 eyeshadows on to achieve the "perfect" smoky eye. Lol. Simple and beautiful.
You are NOT too old for this❣️
I am 51 and I love to watch you.
You are a genuine and entertaining person - keep up the good work💋
❤️this guy! One of the best make up artists I’ve ever seen! Xxx
I’ve been using this technique on my small hooded eyes for years, it’s my fail safe go to method. Many of your makeup techniques work so well for me. I’m a bit up in the years too so it’s nice to watch someone who is still in tune with the old school makeup ways.
As always, you are genius with your makeup tips and tricks. I was glad to see an application of the Hourglass sparkly shadow--Aura is beautiful! Thank you, Wayne❤
I recommend your channel to my friends Wayne, because you really are that good. No BS, no hard sell, nice and factual and you tell us how and why it will work. Please don't stop!
Great video Wayne. Have you ever considered doing a video on brushes and their different uses? I am still confused at 50.
He has it. You have to look for it.
You're not too old, love watching your tips and tricks, you manage to simplify things and make the impossible seem possible. Thank You xx
Marvelous. You’re a wonderful (and fun!) teacher!
Wayne is adorable and so much fun to watch. He cheers me matter what he's talking about. Great video.
5:56 I live for these moments.
Made me chuckle too.
Hahahaha me too
Came to look for a reference of the comment 😂😂😂
I really love your tutorials. I wore makeup in high school (80's) and didn't bother for years. Now I am trying to learn the newer methods and all of your tutorials are spot on. Thank you!
Ermergerd I'm so trying this. You make it look so effortless!!!!
This video has helped me to do my eyeshadow with confidence so that it is actually flattering and not a splotchy mess. I have hooded eyes and I appreciate that you always address hooded eyes when doing your eye tutorials. I actually feel pretty again. Thanks, Wayne!! (And I love your sense of humor!)
I need to try this technique! Thank you for sharing!
From myself and all the people who don't comment, a big THANKYOU for sharing your knowledge! You are simply wonderful - making people more beautiful all over this world xx
Thank you! That tutorial really helped!. The look on your face when you said 'go in with my finger' Gosh ...I almost fell off my chair (out of my bed haha)
Serena Bella me too! So funny! He is hilarious!
He's so damn cute!!!
I love his sly humor 🤣 oh and great tutorial!
Serena Bella 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Serena Bella he’s always just a little bit naughty and suggestive 😂 it’s why we keep coming back!
Genius !!
I have been watching you for years now and your tips are so game changing !!
I tell everyone about you. You can help people master their techniques and look flawless.
I have never been able to do eyeshadow but with your help, I am starting to look less like a 90’s drag queen!
Considering today's trends, I'd say you were on a right track with looking like a drag queen.
So happy I found Wayne, finally someone doing normal male up.
I have seen so many eyeshadow tutorials, but only with this man, I understood clearly how to do it rightly. I am able to daily follow what he demonstrated. Nice guy
Wayne is simply the best, the only one I really trust . ❤️❤️❤️ you
I was in Ulta buying the TwoFace concealer you demo on one of your videos and the girl said “ I saw that video too! Don’t you just love Wayne?” And of course my answer was YES! It’s so nice to see a process that doesn’t take 30 minutes to see but explains exactly how to achieve the desired look! Yeah! Thanks
I will tell yall that my facial skin is very sensitive. So I tried a sparkle shadow and whatever one I used at the time, caused my eyelids to swell the next day. They were a name brand.
Then I think I have some Sparkle from I want to say Revlon I think but don't quote me on that, and it works really well and it adds a punch to the eyeshadow without causing hypersensitivity.
Companies need to realize that your face can be super sensitive, so to me it should be common sense that there shouldn't be anything used on the face that has something harsh enough to cause your skin to flip out. I did find a sparkle Shadow from Almay but they were super limited to the colors they had I think they only had maybe two colors that have a slight Shimmer to them.
But the one that works really well the two that work really well I should say, are I do believe Revlon, and they are absolutely gorgeous and I haven't had any issues with them.
I never would have thought to start am eyeshadow look with such a small brush. That's why you're brilliant (and the professional). I can't wait to try this look. Simple and Beautiful!
I see *someone* is enjoying his freckle stencil. ;)
Looks so nice on him! :-)
100% agree
Wayne, I have been watching you for years, and this is the best eyeshadow application you have done! Your explanation and close up demonstration were the best and helped me tremendously. Thank you so much.
Hi sir .such a nice video really u teach with sicerity and devotion thanks a lot have u make any video about basic uses of brushes becoz mostly women d.nt know which type of makeup brushes is better ?
I honestly had no idea there was such a thing as a “pencil” brush like that. Now I need it and am wondering where this was all my life.
Watching makeup videos on TH-cam for years, finally found something that works for my eyes , it's going to save me hours spent on eyemakeup, couldn't do my crease with the regular eye brushes which are so big for my eyes, thanks for sharing this wonderful tip, you always come up with some solid ideas,
Well that was bloody brilliant. I'm going to have to try that! Thank you!
I really really love your videos! Most beauty channels are so extra and aren't really educational (i still enjoy watching them, but more for entertainment). But you are just such a lovely person, and I'm so thankfull for finding your channel.
Evening Wayne. Fellow 40 year old , hooded eye here. Thank you for your video. Will take the tips on board.
the only makeup advice on the internet that is legitimate from a REAL makeup artist! thank you Wayne!!!
Great video! Thank you for simplifying and putting into geometric proportions the “why” of placement. This one tutorial probably did more for me than all the other’s I’ve watched!
i just love the way u talk n the humour but i wanna point out, what the beautiful person u are, n pretty eyes. this eyeshadow pushes the green in ur eyes n looks stunning. wear this often i wd love to see u wear more eyemakeup
Omg....I have watched at least a million eyeshadow tutorials and this is the BEST ONE EVER!!! Wow.....thank you dude!
"Go in with mah finga" - *whoomp face*
Dying 🤣🤪💖
Wayne killing it with a 9 minute tutorial! I learn more from his tutorials than I do from some that are 20+ mins long! Thanks, Wayne!!
Ohhh that is new and very pretty!! I have to agree with so many many other Wayne fans that love you 💖💖💖💖 You have forever changed how I do my makeup and so so much for the better. When you are teaching us something new, a different technique ... You always make everything crystal clear, and so easy to learn. ( Always for me with tons of practice lol but eventually I do get there)
I love the look you did. It's new and light, refreshing. It looks "natural" if makeup can be natural. Your work is always so complimentary to the shape of the eyes, the whole face really. My under eye area looks a thousand percent better from your techniques. I think you are brilliant! Thank you again , You really are the best !!! Love you much xxxxx 👏👏✌💖💖💖💖✨💋
This was super helpful. I regularly do makeup for the international students’ fashion show at my college, and it was so helpful for me to see how to place it on the outer edge of any eye shape based upon the eyebrow length. Thank you!
Thank you for this great video, it was helpful for me. The blink of your left eye is my favourite moment of all you videos 😋💋😉
That pink shimmer is gorgeous. I need it! Thanks Wayne for all of your tips!
Very interesting. I have a query though, for those of us over 55; however, good our complexion is, our skin around the eyes is not going to have the same quality as a younger person's, so would it be wise to put eyeshadow on under the eye as well? Would not perhaps accentuate crepiness or general skin sagging? Thanks
AmetsSorgin watch Stephanie Lange’s tutorial for mature women where she does her mom’s makeup! I think you’ll find it very helpful
MeganAshleyMakeup Thanks for recommending Stephanie’s video. It was really in depth and taught me a lot!
I just discovered you this summer and love your tutorials! Someone even complimented me on my eye shadow recently thanks to your channel and practice. You are adorable. It is refreshing to have an "adult" makeup mentor.
Can you do a tutorial on how to get the Arabic makeup look specifically the eyes?
You have taught me so much. I am a Hairdresser/Mua and I watch your videos and practice on my mannequins. I do my own photography which is also a big help with my hair color and styling and makeup. But you are a too the point teacher. Bravo to you. Thank you for all the education you have gave me. And I hope to be as good as you one day. God Bless you. Keep up the good teaching.
Joseph Kellner
How do you not make a mess of your eye makeup with your mascara? I have itty-bitty eyelashes and no matter how careful I am, mascara goes all over my eyelids! Any suggestions? 💜
scarletsmurf I have long lashes & I still get mascara all over my eyelids. I think I try & get it really dark & full near the lash line Someone on here suggested a mascara guard, I’d never heard of them, they cost £1-3 so cheap & work wonders. Hope this helps : )
@@charlenek11 right now, qtips and concealer are my go-to for fixing my mascara. I've also resigned myself to doing my mascara before I do anything else just to save myself from having to redo my entire eye look. It's just frustrating to know that I've been doing my makeup for 20+ years and still haven't managed to figure this out. 😑
Tint your lashes then forget mascara.
Wayne I just love this tutorial! You make the most difficult looks so easy: you break them down so that they are easy to complete for somebody with as little talent as I do, and make them possible! Thank you for being you! Love you!
I LOVE This! 💜 It is so helpful to me Wayne. You have no idea. 💕
Watching your video several times, I am then able to take my iPad into the bathroom and “stop and go” your video as I
‘’practice” away!!! Thank You.💐
I just got carded, thanks to this tutorial in conjunction with the Kardashian concealer and contour videos. I used a light hand but did all the steps. I went about my day, went to the grocery store in the evening and had to show ID to get wine. I just turned 41 and didn't think I'd ever get carded again. THANK YOU for the great birthday gift and for understanding and communicating the importance of proportion, angles, and light!!
I swear the faces you make when you say anything that could be misconstrued, make me coffee went everywhere a moment ago...this is a great way for me to do my eyes I have quite big eyes and I prefer not to do the round eye thing.... lovely (btw I know you are using burgundy because it's nice with the t shirt you have on and it's also in keeping with the flowers behind you.... I wonder if that was unconscious? Probably more like the artist's brain doing what it does on autopilot. Very nice xx
You are a lovely guy (outside and inside... I am not being rude lol!) with half a face of makeup, giving tips with people who, in the main, love you and your tips. I know you have had a bad time in the comments lately but I know that everyone I know thinks you're a brilliant makeup artist and a genuinely nice guy (and very easy on the eyes...omg I am such a cougar especially if the person is not available lmao!).
I thought the same thing about the flowers, lol
Absolutely the best content available for makeup aficionados. Thank you Mr. Goss for your content. We do appreciate it!
thx Mr.Goss I have been watching you for a long time but I realize I had not said thanks to you , and I like you ,but I really want you do some vedio for Asian girls,so many Asian girls watch your vedios,we learned so many.thank you ,we support your !
I never panic when Wayne Goss is in the video. The eye shadow colour really pops your eye colour -Magnifique!
I am a new (Dutch) subscriber and really looooove your videos and style. Question: can you give some makeup tips for middle age women? Also how do I know what is the right colour of foundation?
When you're trying to find the right foundation shade, match it with your neck, not your face.
Don’t match your neck, match your jawline (lower cheek). Some peoples’ necks are darker or lighter than their faces
Excellent. This is the best tutorial on eyeshadows. One of the best videos on eyeshadows.
"I stabilise... because I'm old."
Your tips are so easy to follow and I love those there’s no nonsense going on! Just showing us how to apply eyeshadow!
Please keep making these videos!
Wayne, as a more “mature” lady, is it still appropriate to smudge color on the lower lash line? I feel like I might be too old to do that. If I shouldn’t do that under eye smudge, what should I do? Or better yet, how about some updated tutorials for “mature” viewers??? (I keep putting “mature” when we all know I mean us old biddies desperate to stay current 😉)
TJ, I agree with you, we must not smudge the line on bottom lash, I think it lowers more our droopy eyelids and worsen our undereye circles, I think is a matter of finding what style of makeup suits to each one of us😊
Getting old sucks!!
It will just be a mess in a couple of hours for me....
I only use bright colors to smudge out my lower lash line. I find darker colors make me look tired and Hehe. 😜
I can’t do the lower lash line unless is a color that is light and has some shimmer in it, it really helps the eyes come back to life. Believe me, this is great but it doesn’t work for everyone. You have to experiment and see what works for you. I can’t ever use black or those maroon colors or I look like a raccoon.
I don't but somehow you're looking better as you age! Looking good darling
I love this!! Thank you so much for this. I have a very hooded eye and eyeshadow scares me lol. I am always saying to myself “Wayne said to do it like this” thank you for making it so easy.
I have a question that never seems to get answered - maybe because there is no answer, nevertheless I will still ask .... WHY oh WHY are there absolutely no demo's on youtube with anyone (make up artists or general youtubers) that show eye shadow demo's for people with extra skin on the eyelid? Gazillions for hooded eyes but nada for loose skin. I sit there watching all these video's for hooded eyes but that's not really my issue. I have most of your brushes (which do help a bit as they are incredibly soft) BUT the skin still moves and I end up looking like I've been punched in the eye! Wayne - I am becoming depressed now, have you got a model who you can use for a demo? You could even use ME .... I would volunteer .... just imagine how many women are going bare eyed because of this problem? We need your help, take pity and please give some advice on how to work round this issue. If I wasn't such a wuss I would go and have some sort of surgery but I'm sure that a MUA has some sort of trick of their sleeve ..... what do you think? x
You mean for hoodie eyelid? There is a tutorial for that but eyeshodow on hoodie lid quite tricky. I usually avoid eyeshadow at all. XD
@@salhahsuhot wow. Did you read her post at all? She specifically said she doesn't have hooded eyes.
Weird flex but ok.
@@tarafraka i did. Sure she did not state that her eye lid was hooded, but from what i understand, hooded lid look exactly like what she describe. Maybe she have the heavy one. And that was tricky. Like her, i did watch tons of tutorial for that type of lids but.. In the end i chose to skip eyeshadow at all.
@@salhahsuhot Extra skin on lid is a totally different problem to having hooded eyes. Hooded eyes in my opinion is much easier to tackle with practice.
You could still wear mascara to open up the look of your eyes and get your eyebrows done 😍
This is one of the Best eye tutorials I have seen. Thank you, Wayne! You make it look so easy and break it down into steps that feel less overwhelming.
If only us mere mortals could have his make up skills