ご視聴ありがとうございます以下、動画に入りきらなかった感想です↓↓↓ Thank you for watching🐕Below are some thoughts that didn't make it into the video↓↓↓ ▽フロアもラウンジも静かで居心地が良かった。(The floor as well as the lounge were quiet and cozy.) ▽レセプションのドリンクがリーズナブル。(The price of drinks at the reception is reasonable.) ▽ラウンジ等で鳴るGalaxy(Samsung)の通知音が心地よく、まるで海外の空港ラウンジ。(The sound of Galaxy(Samsung) reminds me of airport lounge in foreign countries.) ▽屋上での外国人観光客と交流。日本での旅が素敵なものになったみたいで嬉しかったです。(I had a great time communicating with foreign tourists on the rooftop. I had a wonderful time.) ▽朝食付きプランがあり、近くでカフェ(タリーズ)で朝食セットを頂ける。(There is a breakfast plan that includes breakfast, and you can get a set breakfast at a cafe (Tully's) nearby.) ▽かなり本気で全店制覇したいくらい好き。(I like it so much that I want to conquer all the stores quite seriously.)
Thank you for watching🐕Below are some thoughts that didn't make it into the video↓↓↓
▽フロアもラウンジも静かで居心地が良かった。(The floor as well as the lounge were quiet and cozy.)
▽レセプションのドリンクがリーズナブル。(The price of drinks at the reception is reasonable.)
▽ラウンジ等で鳴るGalaxy(Samsung)の通知音が心地よく、まるで海外の空港ラウンジ。(The sound of Galaxy(Samsung) reminds me of airport lounge in foreign countries.)
▽屋上での外国人観光客と交流。日本での旅が素敵なものになったみたいで嬉しかったです。(I had a great time communicating with foreign tourists on the rooftop. I had a wonderful time.)
▽朝食付きプランがあり、近くでカフェ(タリーズ)で朝食セットを頂ける。(There is a breakfast plan that includes breakfast, and you can get a set breakfast at a cafe (Tully's) nearby.)
▽かなり本気で全店制覇したいくらい好き。(I like it so much that I want to conquer all the stores quite seriously.)
I have stayed Ningyoucho one last August. It was a great experience 👍
Thanks for the comment🐕
Ningyocho! I would love to go there too.
Glad to meet a bro with the same opinion🫶🏼