Peace to Prosperity | Jared Kushner and Brian Hook | FII PRIORITY | Miami |

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 27

  • @OliverbaronTrump
    @OliverbaronTrump 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I🌹you Jared Kushner!

  • @StanleyBhembe
    @StanleyBhembe ปีที่แล้ว +5

    We are on Earth not in Heaven, there will never be 100% peace here till christ reigns..I dont get it here!

  • @GeorgePrice003
    @GeorgePrice003 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Did he say he works hard....What he calls hard work is thinking....What I call hard work is back breaking work that I have done all my life....I wonder if this guy has ever held a hammer in his hand.

  • @AnahiemerOC
    @AnahiemerOC ปีที่แล้ว +6

    He is the Antichrist 😂

  • @mrmrjerich
    @mrmrjerich ปีที่แล้ว

    Humanity's only test is to be able to find love and compassion for the other and be able to see themselves in those they despise. Understanding why one fears or hates another is what's needed now to provide much needed healing and renewal. We need balance not labels and division. Universal law - do no harm.
    One good idea would be to build community gardens that are able to grow food year round. Surely that is more environmentally friendly and of benefit to your local community than having to go buy that food full of preservatives and shipped from all over the world and taxed, so you can buy it from tesco, Walmart or lablaws at great expense while being biometriced and exploited, even your children. Only to donate that food to a food bank and then shame people into having to go to a food bank, while you claim you're saving the environment one 50 cent "environmentally friendly grocery bag at a time". Surely this is environmentally friendly, we have so much land and knowledge, we can solve hunger today.
    "Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is Civil obedience. Our problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience. Our problem is that people are obedient while.... the grand thieves are running the country and world... that's our problem" Howard zinn, the problem is Civil obedience, johns Hopkins University debate 1970. Oscar wilde said in 1981 " disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue".
    Was going to make a cat video, but then I remembered something... We are creators, innovators, and explorers! Not slaves of any system, stereotypes, labels, fear or warmongering. What's your immediate and instinctive reaction to the term "conspiracy theorist"? Like many involved in kakistocracy governments that push the notion of "basement-dwelling, tinfoil-hat-wearing individual who is completely irrational and spends most of their time concocting bizarre, farfetched stories with little or no proof to support them? Well, congratulations, you have succumbed or are using one of the most effective terminologies hijacks and mind-control techniques ever created by the CIA. The term itself was in existence prior to the 1960's however the mainstream narrative arrived by the cia strategy paper 1035-960 and was used to marginalize and quarantine those with reasonable suspicions of state criminality. That is to say, anyone seeking the truth or questioning the official narrative should be attacked as a conspiracy theorist'. The aims of the dispatch was to target any critical thinker. It outlined: ignore theorist's claims unless discussion about them is already too active. Accuse theorists of being infatuated with their own theories. Accuse theorists of being politically motivated. accuse theorists of personal financial gain by promoting conpiracy theories. Have people friendly to the cia attack any claims. Claim eye witness testimony as unreliable. Say it's all old new, as 'no significant new evidence has emerged. So that it's irresponsible to speculate. Of course, this has come in very useful for secret societies and the elite should they want people to look elsewhere. Of particular interest in historical terms is that of the 1995 BBC documentary Westminster's secret service? Included there is an open admission by a conservative party whip that paedophilia cases involving Members of parliament were not only deliberately buried but were seen as politically beneficial. Imagine what goes on at secret societies for instance. "Any MP who was in trouble, would come to the whips ... and say, now I'm in a jam, can you help?... it might be a scandal involving underage.... They'd come and ask if we could help... And we would do everything we can... Because if we could get a chap out of trouble, he will do as we ask forever" - Tim Fortescue, conservative party whip, Westminster's secret service BBC documentary 1995..
    I have no doubt that the government understands on Tartan day, that they need the people.
    "unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth" Albert Einstein. "I am a "conspiracy theorist." I believe men and women of wealth and power conspire. If you don't think so, then you are what is called "an idiot." If you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called "a coward." Dave collum Professor, Cornell University, 18th July 2019Peace and light! Tomorrow is a dream, yesterday is a memory, all you have is the eternal now. So put all of your energy and focus into today's creativity for a better tomorrow. Throughout history, everytime there is a change at this scale, human capacity and the spirit of potential is released! Amazing things are invented and discovered. The human mind can achieve anything it can imagine! It is the gatekeepers and middleman and those who seek to control that eventually cause humanity to stagnate.Per ardua ad astra.
    "And Balinas replied to Emperor Vespasian on what a good king should do: "count not wealth which is stored up - in what way is this superior to sand haphazardly heaped? Nor count that which comes from those who suffer beneath taxation's heavy weight, for gold that comes from tears is base and blackened. You'll use wealth best of any king, if you supply for the needs of those in want and make their wealth secure for those that have it. And be fearful of the power to do whatever you please. Do not lop off the ears of corn that show beyond the rest and raise their heads, but rather weed their disaffection out like tares from corn and show your fear of stirrers-up of strife not in punishment but in saying that you will submit yourself openly to the law."
    Echo chambers reflect back what we think, say, feel. Satisfice, important to understand. A hamster in a cage surrounded by a busy household with threats all around, likely believes his tiny hole is the safest place. Even the other hamsters shout and argue over which side of the hole or cage is best. Even their elder hamster says, well the house was better over there. Sometimes the hamsters just need another perspective, even if it seems contrary.
    One should have an open mind, but not so much that if falls into the hands of another.
    Peace and light! Tomorrow is a dream, yesterday is a memory, all you have is the eternal now. So put all of your energy and focus into today's creativity for a better tomorrow. Throughout history, everytime there is a change at this scale, human capacity and the spirit of potential is released! Amazing things are invented and discovered. The human mind can achieve anything it can imagine! It is the gatekeepers and middleman and those who seek to control that eventually cause humanity to stagnate. Echo chambers reflect back what we think, say, feel. Satisfice, important to understand. A hamster in a cage surrounded by a busy household with threats all around, likely believes his tiny hole is the safest place. Even the other hamsters shout and argue over which side of the hole or cage is best. Even their elder hamster says, well the house was better over there. Sometimes the hamsters just need another perspective, even if it seems contrary.
    One should have an open mind, but not so much that if falls into the hands of another.

  • @Younniour
    @Younniour ปีที่แล้ว

    He thinks his a #bigshot....freaking #charlesmanson who #snitch to save his a....

  • @Jaredkushner2024
    @Jaredkushner2024 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    EU APOIO JARED COREY KUSHNER 🇮🇱 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🫡🥰🥰🥰📸📸📸

  • @Younniour
    @Younniour ปีที่แล้ว +1

    He thinks he #created #jobs... he also #created #covid19...

  • @Younniour
    @Younniour ปีที่แล้ว

    #SaudiArabia would have gotten there with u or without... but #cheaper

  • @Younniour
    @Younniour ปีที่แล้ว

    All those #groups are #french and #vatican...

  • @Younniour
    @Younniour ปีที่แล้ว

    U only #care about ur little ummm...nothing

  • @Younniour
    @Younniour ปีที่แล้ว

    The #economy #collapse on him... and he never #blame himself

  • @Younniour
    @Younniour ปีที่แล้ว

    He has the whole #banking #system on fighting #bull .....

  • @partytomorrow5605
    @partytomorrow5605 ปีที่แล้ว

    we can still have peace but its hard to have it but not impossible but we need this for all mankind