a series of 25 programming challenges that are released daily starting from december 1st and ending on december 25th. each challenge is broken into two parts, where the first part is an easier question that generally tests whether your program is reading the input correctly, and the second part generally asks a harder question, which is more or less the "real challenge".
It's day 17, not day 11 like I said it was. These contests run late at night and I'm tired, that's my excuse.
Keep inspiring man
No problem at all my man
nice, I'm so happy that you started recording them, please do this for all the upcoming days!
This is my first AoC this year and watching you beat this so quick is absolutely sick! Well done.
that's what I've been waiting for. An advent of code video from neal
it's lovely work, really inspiring and great to watch this while working
This is always something I wish I could comprehend, very jealous haha. Love watching the videos!
record more competitions please, thank you for video
well done bro, im jealous of your skill not gonna lie hahaha
From which class you coding??
well done master
What is this Ubuntu version?
How can I be a programmer? I'm learning python and my goal is to become a full stack freelancer
damn , i m addicted to this
Part One: (Y_TARGET[0]*(Y_TARGET[0]+1))/2
I could have solved this first … kind of surprised that first place didnt solve it in 10 seconds or so.
What is advent of code?
Some kind of series of contents?
a series of 25 programming challenges that are released daily starting from december 1st and ending on december 25th. each challenge is broken into two parts, where the first part is an easier question that generally tests whether your program is reading the input correctly, and the second part generally asks a harder question, which is more or less the "real challenge".