I accepted Jesus as my savior on semptember 13, 2022. I have dealt with a lot but God has helped me through it, one of those was my friend he died in his sleep and I was shocked my heart sank into sin, but then God pulled me back to where I was and I'm continuing the race of life with God by my side and pray for me as I go into wisdom teeth surgery Thursday I am sort of excited and nervous. I love God and his son Jesus.
In my religion class we listened to this song and everyone sung with the song while it was playing it felt like a miracle cause no one sings in my class!!!
Maria Carias U don’t HAVE to say it like that. She didn’t meant that silly! She meant in a religion class that don’t talk about Jesus ( Well probably It’s God that they believe) But she didn’t say it that way
Thanks that is my favorite that reminds me when I am in school (I’m in the 5th grade )and no one plays with me so that verse that you wrote reminded me to stay strong
I was doubting God for a minute. I seen something on social media and it made me think about my faith. And when I see something on social media and question my faith I usually turn away from God. But by the grace of the Lord I ran to him and listen to worship music. And now I feel strong. Now I know when ever I feel like I’m going down I have to have faith in Him and listen to worship music. And it just reminds me of how much he loves me and how much I have to keep going. The devil will try to deceive you , try to make you loose faith. But keep holding it.
Hello, im Madison, and Im 10. Since last year, I have been dealing with a lot. My father and little sister now live in Florida, and my mother lives in Chesapeake. I live with my grandparents at the moment. This song and entire band just, I dont know, just. Gives me strength. Im also getting good grades, but since Im almost 11, I am having a bit of a “attitude” with everyone. Just now that God is fixing your eyes to Him. Stay positive, even in the most negative times. God bless you all. Amen. ❤️❤️
Hang in there girl! God has a plan and a purpose for your live. "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD. " Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you shall call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13 Jesus loves you ever so much!!! And he will never leave you nor forsake you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ever since I discovered king&country, I have been so obsessed with their music. This band is amazing and their music is just so inspiring! But when I heard this song, I have fell in love with it. "Fix my eyes" has a abundant impact on meaning. Thank you for this song
I know this comment is a few years old, but I prayed for you and your family! My life got way harder at 12 years old and stayed that way for years. I was afraid things would never change, but God worked some miracles in my circumstances and family and things are so much better now. I'm still praying for my dad, but I have hope for what God will do in the future. You're going to get through this. I believe the most important things you can do during tough times are: 1. Give your burdens to God continually. Trust Him with your life and rely on His strength. He will never get tired of helping you; He'll always be with you. 2. No matter what happens or how long this season lasts, never believe the lie that there's no hope- God is a God of healing and restoration and that will never change! He has a plan for your life even when you can't see it.
I have to tell myself this every time I'm going through something hard.. 2015 was absolute HELL for me but i got through it because I passed it on on to the one true God and the leader. I have to tell myself this every single day because if I don't it messes me up on my track of life and honestly I don't know why! I think it's one of Gods many lessons to teach me! I'm enjoying every second of it. God bless you! Love Hannah
This song really opens my eyes to all the amazing things all around me. I don't deserve any of it. God gave us everything when we didn't deserve it. We killed God's son but he forgave us. God is amazing and gave us everything while all we did was take. We took so much from him. God is sure fixing my eyes. I hope he's fixing yours. God bless you all.🙂
Very encouraging. After my aunt died at the age of 34 I realized that lord gives you all of him just for you. This song changed everything about me. I always hated church because I didn't believe in the Lord.... But then I heard this song. This song just made me realize that lord is everything... And it encouraged me to start going to church. I learned all about the Lord... And I got to this.... I now love church. Thanks to this song
1:34 -- 🎵 "Love like I'm not scared. Give when it's not fair. Live life for another. Take time for a brother. Fight for the weak ones, speak out for freedom. Find faith in the battle, stand tall, but above it all, fix my eyes on YOU." 🎵 Powerful words to live by. 🙏
When I was around 8-9i fell in love with God and I remember being a horrible person because of my sins But then God came to my life on that special day and fixed me especially my heart from that day on I serve him love him let God change you😃
Fight for the weak ones! Man I've always liked this song based off of it being so catchy and Godly, now I love because I understand what the artist themselves are saying. God I will become a vessel for you I am now a new creature in you because of you, how I thought and how I lived before is now null and void you are the only answer and way Lord Jesus, so above it all I'll fix my eyes eyes on you! Wow I'm in total awe
Life is not measured in breath But in faith FIX YOUR EYES TO GOD Because you will feel better and... Follow a Godly path Thank you so much for reading and have a faithful day God bless you and this world
You will get out of this, there is HOPE in Jesus, there isn't anything too broken that He can't take and restore. Take it from me, a sister in Christ who also had bad depression and anxiety to the point I thought it would be better to take my life; but God kept chasing me and pursuing me with His love, and now I'm fully His again, His daughter and nothing can take our relationship away from me. God's got you brother or sister ❤
This song just reminds me to make time for the Holy Father. It let's me connect with him in a way I didn't know was possible. Bless the Lord and keep praying for one another.
I love this song especially my situation right now my mom had to be rushed to the hospital a couple days later she had to have an emergency surgery and it went well and she's in recovery. And like the song says I need to fix my eyes on him! :)
I first heard this song at my bible camp. It felt so great to hear this after so long. I love this song “And love like im not scared, give when its not fair. Live life for another, take time for a brother.” Man i miss that camp, i still remember the actions we did to it
I just want to thank King and Country. Your music is so relevant and I listened to Hold her and realized that even though I don't have a family that had no understanding what I'm going through with this cancer, I heard in your song God will hold me. Thank you Joel and Luke
This song reminds me of my dad. He is a Firefighter. Risking his life everyday, every way, and for every reason. He doesn’t consider himself a hero after he has saved the lives of thousands of people. I consider him my hero and hope to be one like him when I grow up.
Man, this song carried worship for me and all my friends at church in around 2nd grade. Nobody would sing many of the other songs, but when this came on it was such a vibe.
Frozen Panda praying that these lyrics manifest in you and through your love of music you give your life to Christ. God loves you, and we’re all rooting for you! God bless
@@benitam4824 thank you for these kind words but I'm not religious by choice. I understand religion and why others believe in it so heavily and why they give their life to God; but I simply do not fear the unknown knowledge of death so there for have no purpose to believe in a higher power to ease my aching soul. Yet i respect religion and others beliefs, so I'm happy you find such joy in the belief of God as your savior. :)
This reminds me how my aunt died and she was so kind and that was my first time meeting her and I will never stop crying I cry every day and then I stop because now I go to church
Fight for the weak one's. speak out for freedom. FIX MY EYE'S ON YOU. and love like I'm not scared. I'll set my eye upon God and Jesus home Love this song. I don't know
this song has ministered my life and this song showed me that i should not live life like i am not scared ... it showed me that i should take time for a brother... God bless all for your time
We sing this at camp and it's truly magical when everyone is singing and we all lean on eachother while we sway and jump side to side. This song has a meaning and that is to connect and uplift
I'll be honest. I'm not a religious person. By no means am I saying believing is wrong, nor am I saying that I am against the idea of a christianity being true. I just know that it's not for me to say. I don't know if I'm right about my lack of religion or if there really is a god. All I know is that this music and this band, whether you believe or not, is amazing. I didn't know about them until I saw them with Skillet a fee months ago, and I've been a fan ever since. I am a firm believer in music and the power it has. It can bring people together, and that's exactly what they do. Thank you For King and Country for blessing the world with your art, because it truly is incredible.
I am 10 years old and I know that the meaning of this song is that you help others when they are weak or hurting, dropping everything else in our lives and focusing on Jesus Christ.
no | I'd stop trying to change someones beliefs, it's how they were raised, and what they believe in. Let them believe in what they want, and you can too.
Olivia Wren-Clifton I'd stop trying to change someones beliefs, it's how they were raised, and what they believe in. Let them believe in what they want, and you can too.
this song really changed my life before i heard about this song i was going to not be a christen cuz all i did was make mistakes but now i dont make mistakescuz i am REALLY with god
Every week I go to a church/clubhouse and I think there going to add this song because there moves to every song and that’s why there going to add the song ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
"Love like you're not scared." I think about that, and life will be hard no matter what we do, so the choices are to live a life you look back on and regret but can't change or to live a life to be proud of. You only live once, live for the Lord, and you will have nothing to regret.
This honestly brings back memories from summer every year. There are songs that bring back memories for me. This one is an amazing song and one of my favs. Bringing back memories from summer and sad that corona is interfering with summer. I pray that pools,beaches,parks ect stay open. Rn they might open but you'll have to wear a mask above water. God bless
This song reminds me of my summer camp. Jr week Tuscarora church PA in 2020 I finally understood what it means to be a Christian. God bless you.😇🥰 p.s if you look up TuscaroraJr week 2018 on TH-cam you can see how fun it is
My dad was at the pharmacy and he took these pills and he fell asleep and never woke up again and I cried so long (I was 8 years old) this some WOJE ME UP PRAISE JESUS CHRIST!!!
It’s called fix my eyes because before we don’t believe in god then when our eyes open we believe and we see him shine and we stand firm on the rock jesus
Thank you my Lord Jesus Christ for giving me eyes to see where there is a need and deal with it accordingly. It's not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Living God
God never leaves you nor forsakes you, God is your best friend ever, Amen, God loves you, encourage others great video, great song, God is good through the good and bad times in life, keep grinding, keep it up, keep your head up when life brings you down, and don't pretend to be anyone but yourself.
At my church the service sounded like the point of the song. The drummer was preaching because the head preacher was out but he said "it's not I and me, it's they and them"
King & Country’s music 🎶 goes right to my heart ❤️! Was blessed to see you in person years ago in Ormond Beach @ Salty Church! You were amazing even than! It’s been so awesome to watch you grow!
if your going through a rough time fix your eyes on God
Who's here in 2019?
"Love like I'm not scared...Give when its not fare". Simply Beautiful
Yes you are definitely right about that!!!
I accepted Jesus as my savior on semptember 13, 2022. I have dealt with a lot but God has helped me through it, one of those was my friend he died in his sleep and I was shocked my heart sank into sin, but then God pulled me back to where I was and I'm continuing the race of life with God by my side and pray for me as I go into wisdom teeth surgery Thursday I am sort of excited and nervous. I love God and his son Jesus.
I accepted God on September 12, 2015, when I was baptized and made a member in the Mormon church when I turned 8
Just some 11 year old telling u that Jesus loves u so don't give up even if life is hard
Please don’t share your ages online, it’s so incredibly dangerous!
@@jesusthelord5767 appreciate it though 😁 you don't gotta tell us your age but yes. We don't give up God is with you and me 😊
Thank you for sharing that! God is using you!! 💕
“Give when it’s not fair” and “fight for the weak ones”
for king and country is my favorite Christian band
Hannah Newcomb same here
Mine to
Same too
Mine too
Hannah 423 They’re my all-time favorite band in general 🙂
In my religion class we listened to this song and everyone sung with the song while it was playing it felt like a miracle cause no one sings in my class!!!
mybabyman that means your special stay like that God bless you
mybabyman GOD is not a religion, he is not from this world, he is faith that live upon us🙏
Maria Carias U don’t HAVE to say it like that. She didn’t meant that silly! She meant in a religion class that don’t talk about Jesus ( Well probably It’s God that they believe) But she didn’t say it that way
If we sang that in my class I would cry and run to the bathroom all day
Jaytz_70707 AMÉN!!
"Fight for the weak ones. Speak out for freedom. Find faith in the battle. Stand tall and above it all. FIX MY EYES."
MiniTangled when I saw your comment the video was playing the lyrics you put while I was reading
my favorite lyrics of the song
Thanks that is my favorite that reminds me when I am in school (I’m in the 5th grade )and no one plays with me so that verse that you wrote reminded me to stay strong
I was doubting God for a minute. I seen something on social media and it made me think about my faith. And when I see something on social media and question my faith I usually turn away from God. But by the grace of the Lord I ran to him and listen to worship music. And now I feel strong. Now I know when ever I feel like I’m going down I have to have faith in Him and listen to worship music. And it just reminds me of how much he loves me and how much I have to keep going. The devil will try to deceive you , try to make you loose faith. But keep holding it.
Hello, im Madison, and Im 10. Since last year, I have been dealing with a lot. My father and little sister now live in Florida, and my mother lives in Chesapeake. I live with my grandparents at the moment. This song and entire band just, I dont know, just. Gives me strength. Im also getting good grades, but since Im almost 11, I am having a bit of a “attitude” with everyone. Just now that God is fixing your eyes to
Him. Stay positive, even in the most negative times. God bless you all. Amen. ❤️❤️
Hang in there girl! God has a plan and a purpose for your live. "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD. " Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you shall call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13
Jesus loves you ever so much!!! And he will never leave you nor forsake you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ever since I discovered king&country, I have been so obsessed with their music. This band is amazing and their music is just so inspiring! But when I heard this song, I have fell in love with it. "Fix my eyes" has a abundant impact on meaning. Thank you for this song
Amen!! Praise god
I know this comment is a few years old, but I prayed for you and your family! My life got way harder at 12 years old and stayed that way for years. I was afraid things would never change, but God worked some miracles in my circumstances and family and things are so much better now. I'm still praying for my dad, but I have hope for what God will do in the future. You're going to get through this. I believe the most important things you can do during tough times are:
1. Give your burdens to God continually. Trust Him with your life and rely on His strength. He will never get tired of helping you; He'll always be with you.
2. No matter what happens or how long this season lasts, never believe the lie that there's no hope- God is a God of healing and restoration and that will never change! He has a plan for your life even when you can't see it.
This song is amazing.... Jesus is the way and the path people need to take. ❤️
but i am a muslim
well let's just take rhe right path of what our hearts say
+Hannah Lewis YES!!!!! if only we remember this in the darkest times!
I have to tell myself this every time I'm going through something hard.. 2015 was absolute HELL for me but i got through it because I passed it on on to the one true God and the leader. I have to tell myself this every single day because if I don't it messes me up on my track of life and honestly I don't know why! I think it's one of Gods many lessons to teach me! I'm enjoying every second of it. God bless you! Love Hannah
how loving is our god!
you are right
This song really opens my eyes to all the amazing things all around me. I don't deserve any of it. God gave us everything when we didn't deserve it. We killed God's son but he forgave us. God is amazing and gave us everything while all we did was take. We took so much from him. God is sure fixing my eyes. I hope he's fixing yours. God bless you all.🙂
Caedon Playz dhdgdjxbfj
You are a great kid that happened to me today especially when my whole class including me sang the son it was so touching to me
Yourbrocaedon true
Yourbrocaedon you are right😄
I just love this song it's so cheerful and filled with joy and happiness!😄
;) love it so much
Same This one of my favorite songs yet King and Country♡
It makes me so happy! 😆😆 I love Jesus!
Very encouraging. After my aunt died at the age of 34 I realized that lord gives you all of him just for you. This song changed everything about me. I always hated church because I didn't believe in the Lord.... But then I heard this song. This song just made me realize that lord is everything... And it encouraged me to start going to church. I learned all about the Lord... And I got to this.... I now love church. Thanks to this song
Amén and not because of the song it’s because of the lord he changes everyone’s heart❤
So srry to hear that 😢
1:34 -- 🎵 "Love like I'm not scared. Give when it's not fair. Live life for another. Take time for a brother. Fight for the weak ones, speak out for freedom. Find faith in the battle, stand tall, but above it all, fix my eyes on YOU." 🎵
Powerful words to live by. 🙏
I actually came to this song when I was falling into sexual sin
@Amir BS I don't care about your dead relatives 😂
Just remember you were born for nothing and plus your dad is a simp and c*nt 😂😂
Wow thats mean
When I was around 8-9i fell in love with God and I remember being a horrible person because of my sins
But then God came to my life on that special day and fixed me especially my heart from that day on I serve him love him let God change you😃
Amem!!! Such a incredible testimony❤️
I've been lonely lately, this song really helps!
Everyone is my friend thank the Lord we have jams like this..
I love thou brethren. May our Lord bless you with many souls yo uplift your loneliness. Stay positive my brother ✝️💓👏👈
God has amazing blessings in store for you :)
I'm always lonely
don't worry God has a plan for you. God bless you.
the reason why so many ppl love this song is because God blessed it !!!! he wants us to fix our eyes on Him!!!
Riley Abban it is so shut it
Yes Amen
We are all children of the one and only god!
This song is talking about the story in the Bible when soul/Paul lost his eye sight
runwildforever yes 😉
runwildforever-ag god is good
runwildforever yess amen but pls spell God's name with a capital G
I'm so proud to call my self a Christian Im not ashamed of it ✝️💟😳
God is so good❤
God is good even if he punsih you it does not matter YOU LOVE HIM cause i do
aliyah enriquez is right!
Beacuse we love god whos with me!
aliyah enriquez yep
aliyah enriquez All the time
Lea Autele And all the time,God is good!
Fight for the weak ones! Man I've always liked this song based off of it being so catchy and Godly, now I love because I understand what the artist themselves are saying. God I will become a vessel for you I am now a new creature in you because of you, how I thought and how I lived before is now null and void you are the only answer and way Lord Jesus, so above it all I'll fix my eyes eyes on you! Wow I'm in total awe
Is that what it means?? I love the song but I never knew what it actually meant. Thanks dude, it makes so much more sense!
Life is not measured in breath
But in faith
Because you will feel better and...
Follow a Godly path
Thank you so much for reading and have a faithful day God bless you and this world
I am a proud Christian! Thank you Jesus!!!
I am struggling with depression and anxiety really bad right now I need many prayers if anyone is willing
to be in continuous prayer for me.
Remember me, you got this. Don't trust me trust Him
You will get out of this, there is HOPE in Jesus, there isn't anything too broken that He can't take and restore. Take it from me, a sister in Christ who also had bad depression and anxiety to the point I thought it would be better to take my life; but God kept chasing me and pursuing me with His love, and now I'm fully His again, His daughter and nothing can take our relationship away from me. God's got you brother or sister ❤
Hi man it’s been a year and I hope you are bettte
they play this song EVERY sunday at my church to welcome people to church. i love it
Marcus ANT Adams I here this song all the time on the message radio station
King & Country is the BEST
ElishaPlayz Vlogs and Minecraft i'm going to there concert on December 16th
i know right?!!! They are no question my favorite band:)
ElishaPlayz Vlogs and Minecraft yes!
ElishaPlayz Vlogs and Minecraft yo Same here God bless and stay alive fren l-/
Rapture_04 - I say matthew west is so much better. for king and country not that good in my opinion
This song just reminds me to make time for the Holy Father. It let's me connect with him in a way I didn't know was possible. Bless the Lord and keep praying for one another.
This song was played at my friend's funeral after he committed suicide... it changed my life after I realized what the lyrics meant. 💙💚💜
Its_ Buttøn im sorry
Sorry for ur loss
Praying 4 you
Im sorry bro
I have listened to this more than 30x on repeat and it will NEVER get old
those who are blind may not see even with god but thats here in heaven you will no longer be blind!
Hunter Robertson hdtjdb
Great song. Wonderful lyrics. A call to fix our eyes on the Author and perfector of our faith- the Son of God,Jesus Christ.
I love this song especially my situation right now my mom had to be rushed to the hospital a couple days later she had to have an emergency surgery and it went well and she's in recovery. And like the song says I need to fix my eyes on him! :)
Praying for you, hope she’s better ❤️
I PRAY this for our leaders Father in Jesus name Amen HALLELUJAH 🙏 🙌 ❤️ ✨️ 💙
I first heard this song at my bible camp. It felt so great to hear this after so long. I love this song
“And love like im not scared, give when its not fair. Live life for another, take time for a brother.” Man i miss that camp, i still remember the actions we did to it
They are so amazing. I saw and met them at Beach Blast 3 days ago. They are so sweet!
Your lucky!
I love this song it has such a great message,
diamonds day it really really does
Mea Bezuidenhout your right man
593526 you need to get to the topic
diamonds day I Agree
I love this song
I just want to thank King and Country. Your music is so relevant and I listened to Hold her and realized that even though I don't have a family that had no understanding what I'm going through with this cancer, I heard in your song God will hold me. Thank you Joel and Luke
This song reminds me of my dad. He is a Firefighter. Risking his life everyday, every way, and for every reason. He doesn’t consider himself a hero after he has saved the lives of thousands of people. I consider him my hero and hope to be one like him when I grow up.
Man, this song carried worship for me and all my friends at church in around 2nd grade. Nobody would sing many of the other songs, but when this came on it was such a vibe.
So you must be no older than 20 now
@@jaymay4293 Nah I'm 14 lol
Gonna play this song at my church! so exited.
i love this christian song !!!!! i am also a christian thank god for music
Great song. I went to a camp last year, this was there camp song, been looking for it for ever, i had to type in the lyrics!!
You guys are the best band that I have ever seen I can never stop watching you no matter what
I love this song! It really explains how a Christian should shine their light so other people can find their way through the dark! God bless everyone!
I know im small but every single night i hear your music and the message in it inspires me THANK YOU!!😌God Bless 🙏 🙏
If you are reading this Thank god that you are living and you could actually read and talk but some people can’t so Thank god for everything 🤗🤗
And I’m 9 and this song spoken into me that all we do is take but yet god is the one giving this stuff to us when we don’t deserve it
Im not religious. Yet i enjoy this song heavily. There are very few christian songs ill listen to, but this one just makes me smile.
Frozen Panda praying that these lyrics manifest in you and through your love of music you give your life to Christ. God loves you, and we’re all rooting for you! God bless
@@benitam4824 thank you for these kind words but I'm not religious by choice. I understand religion and why others believe in it so heavily and why they give their life to God; but I simply do not fear the unknown knowledge of death so there for have no purpose to believe in a higher power to ease my aching soul. Yet i respect religion and others beliefs, so I'm happy you find such joy in the belief of God as your savior. :)
Need prayer for myself.... weakness.... temple...my strength is perfect in my weakness.... WORD
I will pray for u
This reminds me how my aunt died and she was so kind and that was my first time meeting her and I will never stop crying I cry every day and then I stop because now I go to church
I feel bad for you man I really do and I hope you have a wonderful life
@@JasMin-ej8hxI hope both of you guys have wonderful lives
Fight for the weak one's. speak out for freedom. FIX MY EYE'S ON YOU. and love like I'm not scared. I'll set my eye upon God and Jesus home Love this song. I don't know
I'm only 8 and I love this Christian song!!!
Bro if you still have this account how goes it man
this song has ministered my life and this song showed me that i should not live life like i am not scared ... it showed me that i should take time for a brother... God bless all for your time
I love For King and Country. They came to my church once when they were in town. Joel and Luke are great guys
love this song god bless you both
Capitalize God
good vibes this is a really good song
We sing this at camp and it's truly magical when everyone is singing and we all lean on eachother while we sway and jump side to side. This song has a meaning and that is to connect and uplift
Same I go to camp gilmont
I'll be honest. I'm not a religious person. By no means am I saying believing is wrong, nor am I saying that I am against the idea of a christianity being true. I just know that it's not for me to say. I don't know if I'm right about my lack of religion or if there really is a god. All I know is that this music and this band, whether you believe or not, is amazing. I didn't know about them until I saw them with Skillet a fee months ago, and I've been a fan ever since. I am a firm believer in music and the power it has. It can bring people together, and that's exactly what they do. Thank you For King and Country for blessing the world with your art, because it truly is incredible.
Jesus help me to keep my eyes on you!!!
One of my favorite songs of all time.
Fighting for the weak might seem small but you have no idea how much it helps them
I am 10 years old and I know that the meaning of this song is that you help others when they are weak or hurting, dropping everything else in our lives and focusing on Jesus Christ.
Me to 😊
I'm very much an atheist, but this song makes half of me want to be Christian. :P
This video makes it even better.
Finnish Smith Give faith in God a try- there’s nothing to loose! I believe in God and he’s changed my life! ❤️
there's proof of Jesus. there's proof of the ark. turn to God :-)
same but nothing changes my opinion on "god" it just doesnt make sense to me
no | I'd stop trying to change someones beliefs, it's how they were raised, and what they believe in. Let them believe in what they want, and you can too.
Olivia Wren-Clifton I'd stop trying to change someones beliefs, it's how they were raised, and what they believe in. Let them believe in what they want, and you can too.
I love this song because it tells me that when I want to be or feel like I'm moving away from God to keep fixing my eyes on him
This song Reilly showed me what it means to be a christian. Now my eyes and hart are open
Same good luck on your Christian journey
I'm fixing my eyes upon you LORD.cause ,you are the only one that knows me completely.
this song really changed my life before i heard about this song i was going to not be a christen cuz all i did was make mistakes but now i dont make mistakescuz i am REALLY with god
blessed I am to speak I am a weak one, it's my song and it's too good.
Every week I go to a church/clubhouse and I think there going to add this song because there moves to every song and that’s why there going to add the song ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
"Love like you're not scared." I think about that, and life will be hard no matter what we do, so the choices are to live a life you look back on and regret but can't change or to live a life to be proud of. You only live once, live for the Lord, and you will have nothing to regret.
This song means a lot to me cause I’m cristion and I have asked god for too many things I need to fix my eyes and be grateful for what I have
For people still listening to this song in 2021 your legendary
My eyes are always on the LORD, for he rescues me from the traps of my enemies.
Psalm 25:15 😁
Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus
King and country has AMAZING music videos!!!!
I love this song!! Last year I got to see For King and Country perform at NCYC and they opened with this song. Best. Night. Ever!!!
You have to keep on praying so you know that Jesus is always with you
This honestly brings back memories from summer every year. There are songs that bring back memories for me. This one is an amazing song and one of my favs. Bringing back memories from summer and sad that corona is interfering with summer. I pray that pools,beaches,parks ect stay open.
Rn they might open but you'll have to wear a mask above water. God bless
Ahh fellow Christian weebs🥳
@@tanyaflorence1104 hello!
This song is beautiful 😇😇
This song reminds me of my summer camp. Jr week Tuscarora church PA in 2020 I finally understood what it means to be a Christian. God bless you.😇🥰 p.s if you look up TuscaroraJr week 2018 on TH-cam you can see how fun it is
My dad was at the pharmacy and he took these pills and he fell asleep and never woke up again and I cried so long (I was 8 years old) this some WOJE ME UP PRAISE JESUS CHRIST!!!
my 4 year old little sis started singing this song during her sugery
😯😢😌🤗😙 wow. That really touched my heart. I can only imagine seeing that kind of bravery out of a 4 year old. God bless. ❤️
Truly a miracle
I’ll do the same cause I’m going to have wrist surgery soon..
I’ll do the same cause I’m going to have wrist surgery soon..
Love this song! ughh could listen to it all day. :D
Arlynn em I could liaten to this song all day everyday
same. I went to go see them in concert
I didn't believe that songs have power until I hear this
King of country is my favorite Christmas band ❤️❤️🥰😘😘🥰🥰😉
Children need us to get it together!!!
Our eyes fixed on HIM is the ONLY antidote and salvation for world and life uncertainties! Lord you are my portion forever!!
I fix my eyes 👀 on Jesus😌🙏🏻
It’s called fix my eyes because before we don’t believe in god then when our eyes open we believe and we see him shine and we stand firm on the rock jesus
Thank you my Lord Jesus Christ for giving me eyes to see where there is a need and deal with it accordingly. It's not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Living God
This song helps me realize what it means to have faith in god which will be the reason I will always believe in him! And believe in his presence
God bless them!!!!!! LOVE Y’ALL sooooooooooooooooooooooo much
I’m a Christian because I trust in god
this is really great and touching.😁
God never leaves you nor forsakes you, God is your best friend ever, Amen, God loves you, encourage others great video, great song, God is good through the good and bad times in life, keep grinding, keep it up, keep your head up when life brings you down, and don't pretend to be anyone but yourself.
At my church the service sounded like the point of the song. The drummer was preaching because the head preacher was out but he said "it's not I and me, it's they and them"
I am so proud to be a Christian!
1 like = 1 Yes
yessir god bless you
@@slamajamma6150 the same music 2021 👍👍👍👍💙💙💙💙
@@ЛилияЛазарева-п6ы what
@@slamajamma6150 the same thing 2021 music and public relations!!!!!😁😁😁💜💜💜💜💜💝💝💝💝💝💝
An Excellent song that will set you on the right path.
Worship music gives you the best feeling of comfort! The Holy Spirit really stirs in you!❤
King & Country’s music 🎶 goes right to my heart ❤️! Was blessed to see you in person years ago in Ormond Beach @ Salty Church! You were amazing even than! It’s been so awesome to watch you grow!
Did this in grade six. Everyone loved it. Thank you for making this video 😊