I wrote a book! "The Echo Machine: How Right-Wing Extremism Created a Post-Truth America." It's available on March 25th, 2025. Pre-order it here: davidpakman.com/echo
I think dumb Donny Trump believes that the whole country should believe his lies and “worship” him the way seemingly half of the country does! He never remembers the old saying “You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” -possibly Abe Lincoln
Fake news What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler……. Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky ( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton) Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
I called Trump a fascist back in 2016 and saw the same similarities between Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. People thought I was over-reacting. My response was no, I just know history.
OMG Exactly the same here! I've also been saying this stuff, and up until now it was just like *crickets* Oh NOW people are getting it- maybe better late than never, but let's hope it's not TOO late...I guess it won't be that unless he actually wins. Gods help us.
How is he fascist? He doesn't have a military didn't use military to gain power? So basically you don't like those others guys and you don't like Trump that's the only similaritie they have
@@jimohara The point still stands. Trump wants people to forget about history for his benefit. That’s why he’s been attacking the new film The Apprentice, because he’s afraid that people will actually be smart and learn from history. We have to prove that we will not bow to him.
Look how successful Big Guy Joe Bribem has been, $10 fast food burgers, grocery bills almost double in 4 yrs and we have Word Salad Harris saying she wouldn't of done anything different. Vote for her, you may not have to worry about voting again after she gives the country away to ILLEGAL immigrants. TRUMP 2024!!!
This was an incredibly important video. As a German, I’ve found Trump scary since 2015, and now it is all becoming so obvious. And yet, the corporate American media still seems to be downplaying the threat he poses. Thank you for the work you do informing people, David!
@ I see him as a threat to the security and/or freedom in Europe, yes. It may not be him who invades Europe one day, but he might put history on a trajectory where Russia eventually gets greater control over Europe again, like it did in the 20th century
You're the people letting Muslims into the country by the millions and not having children, right? So you are suicidal by nature. You are in no position to lecture. Pakman is a leftist sycophant, trying to keep his paltry littel audience. He has no credibility now at all.
@@gintasvilkelis2544 I personally think that Putin as former KGB being a master of manipulation is behind Brexit, Trump etc. I think there a lot of Russian misinformation plots going on behind the scenes and we are being played by this man like puppets!! Especially the poorly educated and about Trump and Russia I urge everyone to read the books of David Cay Johnston. Trump could never sue him because they are based on facts.......
@@hawkeyemihawkgettingmoneylordNo there is 2 term limit first one he had to play nice (which he did not) to get elected again. Now he is free to do what he wants
Retired teacher here! German - Swiss American here! I have been calling 45 ,A-GOLF TWITLER for years! Nobody listens to teachers! And FYI, my Great-Uncle died on a beach in Anzio, Italy . He was a Staff Sgt in the US Army! He was definitely NOT A LOSER! 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🪖 🫡🫡🫡RIP Great -Uncle ,very glad you and other WWII vets are not around to see this horrific situation your country is going through!
@ernestheau9146 Thank you for your service! My father was a former US Naval officer and a scientist!Dad helped build the very first Atomic Reactors for Submarines/ Admiral Rickover's program. And my Uncle quit high school ,at age 17 ,joined the US Navy and ended up on an Ammunition ship December 7,1941! He was a proud member of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association/ Philadelphia chapter! As a little kid , I met many of those men at the annual Summer picnic, not far from Valley Forge! 🤗🥰🤗
You're great Uncle was a hero and I thank you for sharing a little of his story. Both of my grandfathers fought in WW2, I will be forever grateful to those men and women.
It's the same thing when you hear people say "I didn't think he was capable of murder". Murder isn’t a leap; it’s a step over a line so fine you don’t see it until you’re already across. The difference between restraint and the unthinkable is just a heartbeat-and by the time you feel it, it’s already too late.
Anyone who knows history was able to see the similarities or parallels between Trump & most of the Dangerous dictators in the last 2 centuries, well done!
@@jimohara do not pretend as if he in any way left willingly. He will not admit publically that he lost. Adding to the points of Packman could be to look at similarities with the Bierkeller Putsch of 1923 and january 6th. Further analysis could also be had by looking at the 14 common traits of fascism as described by Umberto Eco. The one thing "positive" is the pervasive incompetence and infighting. The latter may work for Putin with his staffers - Trump does not seem competent in that kind of leadership neither.
I have seen these similarities for years but people laughed if I draw a comparison. Thank you! Yes, dead serious, people had better wake up! Great post David.
I think people get scared thinking it could be in their own backyard so-to-speak. So they deflect by denial instead of being measured, realistic and honest with themselves. If you read the actual history of Hitler, it's scaringly obvious Trump is no different. Remember, Hitler didn't start out having whole populations murdered. His repulsive deeds developed in steps, regardless of his intentions from the beginning. Everyone should be very alert to the danger of the MAGA cult.
Fake news What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler……. Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky ( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton) Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
They laughed when you pointed out the guy who sleeps next to a copy of Mein Kampf (not a joke, he literally did) might be into that stuff... People are donkeys
I’m Canadian and appalled that Americans did not see the parallel of Hitler and Trump in 2016! Finally 8 years later his generals and chiefs of staff, all of his close advisors are drawing these parallels. Please America do not let this man into your Whitehouse ever again !
I know many Canadian Trump supporters. Don't think you aren't just as susceptible there. If you took a vote of Canada, I would bet you Trump would win Canada.
Several Americans did see when then...it scares me that my extended family follows trump to the point I just can’t go to their homes anymore...and oddly, they really have no clue...they're not stupid
Thank you David! As a history teacher in Europe I have been talking about these similarities for a long time and I am really frustrated that this is not talked about at all in the media!
" forget -- the - MEDIA - ( any ) MEDIUM ---the GRASP / concept OF -- common sense,.....?-- LACK of Consience - MORALITIES---- is;....."DEVOID of any SEMBALANCE of any HUMANITY;....." is the [ ultimate ] ENEMY,....." FROM WITHIN " THE GOP-- piecea[t]RRUMM PP LLC / INC!
To hell with being "terrified". Send the fat little nobody back to Queens (or to prison in Florence, Colorado) to live out his miserable remaining days.
I've been TERRIFIED since late 2015 onwards - I compiled over 80 pages single spaced of orange hitler's horrors. I got rid of those pages when he lost the 2020 election, and cry continually at the horror's return. It is quite real and anyone who does not have the courage to face this is a cowardly traitor - in my opinion.
If this were true, wouldn't it be a massive scandal for any politician to wish him well and a swift recovery after he was shot? Like, if he's literally Hitler like the far left claims he is, isn't that the equivalent of wishing Hitler a speedy recovery after the July 20 plot?
If this were true, wouldn't it be a massive scandal for any politician to wish him well and a swift recovery after he was shot? Like, if he's literally Hitler like the far left claims he is, isn't that the equivalent of wishing Hitler a speedy recovery after the July 20 plot?
I have conservative Catholic neighbors who have an altar to Jesus and next to that an altar to trump. When I remarked that it reminded me of a segment in a documentary on Kim Jung Un, they went ballistic, threw me off their property and they haven't spoken to me since.
What about those verses in the Bible talking about worshipping false idols? Man, talk about hypocrites. Glad you spoke up, though, and called them out on their BS.
Too many American's believe that happens in other countries, nothing to worry about. We have too many checks and balances in place. Slowly, those checks and balances are being eliminated. Never take anything for granted. It's about times someone made this comparison.
I made this comparison a long time ago. I am a Graduate Student in Modern Europe History. Keep pushing back. The comparison is real and dangerous!! 😮😮😮
Question: How can this race even be close? Answer: We have a disturbing number of dyed in the wool Republican partisans that are racists & misogynists. Solution: Vote straight Blue!
Get out of your leftist echo bubble and delve into conservative news like FOX or OAN. You'll see that you have been supporting the greatest threats to the US likely without even knowing it.
his favorite "character reference" lately, Viktor Orban. A great example of how a democratically elected leader gradually consolidates power and lapses into autocracy while the population suffers as a result
Fake news What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler……. Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky ( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton) Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
We thank you for your service! My Dad was in the Army sent in to Japan in WWII, and eventually died from so many Heart Surgeries and Lung Cancer from the Radiation Fallout in Japan, many of his Veteran friends did so too!
@@dyna88cui Read the book you will find many of her quotes and her policies. That is the truth that you lefties refuse to accept. Maybe one day you far left lefties will learn to accept truth.
This is such an obvious comparison, I always wondered why it is not pointed out more often. I also think that most ordinary Americans don't actually know much about how for example Hitler came to power, they only know the results of his regime. Most people know about the Holocaust and the war etc., but do not know how he actually came to power and became a dictator. That is why it offends them to compare, because they assume that you are comparing their morals, not the way they act in politics. If people knew more about the lessons of past dictators, they would see the the writing on the wall for Trump from 10 miles away. Because you can't really get more obvious that he is. He is not even trying to hide the fact he wants to be a dictator and admires other dictators.
I am a old guy who knows his history, and these 4 have much in common. Dangerous, and unbelievable to me that people are falling for the old Hitler gag in this day and age.
It's pretty obvious to anyone looking from the outside. But Americans seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that they are teetering right on the edge of fascist dictatorship and this is not hyperbole
Fake news What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler……. Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky ( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton) Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
It's because of inflation and the bad economy. If you can believe it so many, too many Americans are so frustrated with the economy and inflation they seem to think it's worth the sacrifice or maybe they just tell themselves Trump isn't so darn bad.
@@lisam4066 trump is America’s pit bull, putting America first. The Marxists white liberals will make up the nastiest stories about trump Malcom X warned us about the deceit of white liberals
Ok, so in my opinion , Donald Trump declare's as a Democrat and supports leftist Policy. And Democrats hear positive things abour his First term to make a fair decision . His 2nd. Term doesn't deliberately get blocked. Now, Trump is a Great President . Gets a Media Pass. The Fabricated Hiler stories just go away or not mentioned. Then you vote for Trump because now as informed Democrat, He receives more votes. Is that how bias works? just an opinion . JFK Democrat, i oppose all things Left as i should. I am Nazi. Just kidding woke star! just thought i would save y"all the trouble!
David Pakman, you are the best. Thank you for everything you are doing. You are spot on and please keep on this. The whole of America has to listen to you. We are in Australia.
Thanks for including Stalin, a lot of people forget his similarities to Putin, Hitler, and Trump. All four of these guys are similar to each other in the worst ways. Also, Putin and Stalin are the most similar. People often forget this sadly.
Nope, he's worse. HE IS THE ONLY PERSON TO PERSONIFY EVERY DEADLY SIN, THE GREAT DECEIVER, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ANTICHRIST DESCRIBED IN THE BIBLE. You don't have to believe martyrs get 70 virgins for them to be less dangerous. You know who else believes in god, has say a gaggle of false qanon prophets, and boy has he got an ART OF THE DEAL for you? Besides trump, THE DEVIL
@@EJBert and vice versa, they and their regimes/empires worked together until Germany turned against Russia halfway WWII. Mussolini also admired Stalin and called him a true fascist.
A frustrating thing I've seen with him do a lot is say "They're saying" and then make a claim that came from him. He says "all legal scholars wanted Roe overturned" but we know that's not true. The other thing is the observation bias. He just says "you know it, I know it, everybody knows it" and tons of people start repeating those lies. It's maddening.
Also everything he says about hitler is so wrong 😂 clearly using something from history without knowing the actual facts 😂 this guy can't draw a comparison. Political trials against Trump, still calling Trump the fascist 😂
Marxism was a political and social system proposed by Karl Marx where he had criticized the class conflicts in a capitalistic system between the elite ruling class (in today’s time we call it the 1% rich) vs the working class people who were the means of production (everyday low and middle class working people). He proposed that the working class people should also benefit in the rewards of a company’s successes. This in turn would strengthen the working class to rise and become its own political power. There would be a classless society where the community would all share and benefit in its successes. Thus, the term Communism is derived from the word community. Communism as we know it was introduced by Vladimir Lenin during the Russian revolution. He used the work of Karl Marx as his basis for instigating the revolution against the ruling Russian monarchy. The difference here was that Karl Marx was criticizing a capitalistic system in Germany while Lenin applied it to farmers. Once in power the government shifted from being a communal government back to an authoritarian state which eventually went straight to dictatorship no different than what the Russian monarchy that was overthrown. Fascism is a far-right wing nationalistic system of government and social organization ruled by the elite; "The nation is more important than the individual.". Rights and freedoms of the people are typically restricted or removed in the national interest. Fascism believes that violence is important to maintain control, viewing imperialism, political violence, and war as means to national rejuvenation. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before spreading to other European countries, most notably Germany and now today's Russia. Authoritarianism is the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to a leader and/or party at the expense of personal freedom. Opposition to the ruling party begins to be stifled, suppressed and oppressed. Objectional books are banned, media is under government scrutiny and freedom of speech is controlled by the party. If you disagree with the party narrative you called a traitor and can be removed from office, fired, jailed, etc. Dictatorship is a one leader/party rule that controls all aspects of the country. The people are indoctrinated into a single mindset. The media is controlled by the government and only allowed to report the Dictatorship narrative. The education curriculum is controlled by the government to only teach teach the narrative of their party. Those who still don't conform are sent to re-education camps if they are lucky. Opponents are killed or imprisoned for life. Everything (including how businesses operate and personal freedoms) are controlled by the government. Now you know the difference next time someone says someone is one of these.
Bravo, or Brava im not sure by your name and picture, it is rare to find people now a days that actually know these distinctions and can so eloquently summarize them.👏👏👏👏
I refuse to go back. 73 year old Boomer here, still working in a nursing home as a housekeeper. Old shows from Andy Griffith to the Donna Reed Show to Leave It To Beaver to Fox makes me seethe in rage. I grew UP watching this crap as a child. It's appalling. Early voting in AR on Oct. 21 blue all the way 💙👍
As a German (but born years after the time of Nazigermany) often listen to (especially young from other countries) people who think there was a military revolution in Germany and with this Hitler came to power. But this it's far away from the truth. It was like you described it in this video. The similarity to the things going on in the US with the Republicans and Trump is scariing. I hope you americans make it better in November than we did.
This was a great piece David. The problem is, all that is stated. No one wants to believe that their vote for someone could very well be the dissolving of their own freedoms, until they are dissolved. And then it is too late. People don't like to be wrong, and people like to root for something, to feel excited about something, to be part of something, like a movement. Even if they don't fully know or understand in the moments of time. They hear what they want to hear. People don't know they are being manipulated. And even if they did, some would double down, out of embarrassment, out of fear, and out of unbelief. To think that people hold one man so high on a pedestal, that he can do no wrong, when he has, that is egregiously dangerous. That is where history becomes dangerous to everyone, even those close to those in power.
There's a scene in the German film Look Who's Back. Hitler has time-traveled, never mind how, and a very old Jewish grandmother recognizes him at once. She goes berserk, and her grandchildren can't understand why. I know exactly how she feels. My father was a court reporter at the Nuremberg trials. I grew up thinking knowing the names of Goebbels, Heydrich, and Bormann at twelve was normal. Sure enough, soon as the Greatest Generation is safely in their graves, these cockroaches come pouring outta the sewers hoping they'll win this time. And I'm horrified to find out how many Americans have no idea what I'm even talking about. If Trump wins in '24 I'm outta here! People talk about Germans differently if they fled before World War II or stayed, and I don't want the world thinking I'd ever collaborate.
I know exactly what you are talking about. Thank you for your patriotism. 80 year old vet here...in a wheel chair, but NOT a loser nor a sucker. PEACE.🎉
Fake news What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler……. Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky ( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton) Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
Trump claims that people who criticize our judiciary should be dealt with, meanwhile he, himself, has been more critical, even attacking and threatening every judge, including their families (bar Cannon, who shows him extreme favor), that hold court in his cases.
His first wife said that he kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand. It was his "bible", so to speak. Some of his language and rhetoric is verbatim out of that book.
You forgot Mao Zedong... out of all those dictators, Trump is most similar to Hitler and Mao, in that he enjoys a massive number of zombified followers who will kill for him.
Remember when VD Vance called Chump "America's Hitler"? "I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler," he wrote privately to an associate on Facebook in 2016."
and that is what he really thinks, until...one day, he is offered a potential fast track to power, and then he can't lie fast enough or often enough to backtrack... they are evil and vile and are willing to do whatever it takes to seize power and abuse it.
I’m so grateful that i went to different private schools in several countries, because my professors taught college classes on many subjects I never could have received in the states through High School and finished with many college credits! This gave me a fundamental college education well before going to College. It’s amazing to see my grandchildren receiving this capability in the twenty first century. We were way ahead of other students in the USA in the 1970’s! We also took trips to Foreign countries during our Christmas, Easter, breaks and I visited Russia! I learned where I never want to live and that is an AUTHORITARIAN country as Trump promotes. These people live without running water or gas in the country, but on wells and propane on simply $100 each month for all expenses!
Ive been saying this for a while im scottish in scotland and im terrified of trumps presidency i trully believe he could destroy democracy across the globe😢
Naaah. America might shake the world for a while - but why would people just give up their rights outside america because of it's decline? The world is much different from after ww2 and the cold war. People are comfortable and even in authoritarian places - they are more free than in the past. Everyone is connected through the internet and has access to knowledge. There are plenty of countries who aren't passive citizens and would lash out if their goverments tried anything too. While china is a global power and authoritarian, they are more interested in economic power through countries' ties than changing their goverment systems. And russias geological position is a big hindrance. It has also lost it's relevance more and more through the years and essentially is just a leech on china. Things will change - but human rights have always gone up if you look at all of history. So while things change - the world moves on Except america, they are dying right now
Unfortunately history has been lost in schools. I've talked about history and ask my son and daughter-in-law questions about it and they had no idea what happened. I found it very frightening that they didn't even know the basics, where are country came from. I think if younger people and when I say younger my son is 42 years old, if they knew what I was comparing Trump to they would be a little more disturbed about this guy possibly running the country.
I am German and very interested in history. In particular, of course, in the question of how National Socialism came about. The experiment “The Wave” conducted in your country helped me. This experiment showed me that no country is protected from this threat. When I hear Trump speak today, it reminds me of Hitler and Josef Goebbels and the AfD, which is unfortunately so successful in Germany today. Firstly, invent scapegoats (then the Jews, now the immigrants), secondly, put your supporters above them and use the term race. It's just the genes (people are not divided into races, just as an aside). Thirdly, use democratic means to come to power and then immediately change the constitution (in Germany at that time the “Enabling Act”, with Trump “Project 2025”). So the differences are marginal. I completely agree with you. Best wishes from Lower Saxony in the good old Germany. I like your show and watch all the episodes. 💙💙💙
sigh. it's so disturbing. but yes, in by democratic means, then change the constitution and law. it was clear for a while that trump was doing his rallies and talking about "the other", and setting people against something. he says migrants but it's really anyone.
trump isn't like Stalin or hitler at all. Hes a low iq empty vessel for his evil and smarter handlers. Scapegoat the immigrants first but they'll move on to jews muslims disableds and lgbtqs next. Its Fascism Classic at this point. 🤠
Yes, Trump's rhetoric relies on 19th century pseudoscience about race. Of course the scientific consensus today is that race is a sociopolitical construct, with no basis in genetics and biology. It's chilling, but it's also not the first time he has used false science to warp his cultists' thinking.
If Donald Trump gets defeated in the US Presidential Election on November 5th. I hope that you will be able to get the AfD defeated in Germany’s next Election taking place in 2025 as well.
David , thank you for this presentation ! The similarities are unnerving ; and our own people can't see this ! God bless you and keep up the great work !
Two layers of Hitler history, the journalists and the historians who later got into the diaries of people close to him. Not entirely well known, is that young Hitler had such an intense need to get his own way that he used litigation in all directions to coerce and intimidate whoever got in his way. He was quoted, somewhat later, as often saying "I alone can fix it." He had such spectacular tantrums when anyone disgreed with him that his inner circle called him "carpet chewer" because he'd roll on the floor screaming and chew the carpet. There's more.
And how did he have a first Reich dud he killed millions of people oh wait he had a hollocist survivors in his state if the union speech sounds like a first rich sure 🤔
These people don’t see it because they have never been through it and they think it’s all a joke and want to be rebels. Well it’s NOT A JOKE! VOTE BLUE!!
If this were true, wouldn't it be a massive scandal for any politician to wish him well and a swift recovery after he was shot? Like, if he's literally Hitler like the far left claims he is, isn't that the equivalent of wishing Hitler a speedy recovery after the July 20 plot?
@@seebothways9630 I'm not sure who or what "Mow" or "musini" (isn't that a pasta? Maybe a fusilli-macaroni hybrid?) is in this context. Hitler was never considered either communist or socialist. The third group of people that he ordered to be executed were socialists and communists whom he duped into helping him rise to power.. The "socialist" in his party's name was like how DPRK is "democratic" and a "republic" when it is neither. There is such a concept as being economically left and being socially right. Mao (How adults spell that) was economically left and socially hard-right. Mussolini (Again, how adults spell that) was self-described as a socialist, was never considered a communist, and only called himself a socialist to garner support. After WWI, he became a fascist, having jettisoned the association with communism, rejected Marxism, and became a self-described fascist. I hope that helps you out. Let me know if you're still confused and feel free to ask an adult for help with the big words.
@@seebothways9630 those labels dont matter in the same way that it doesn't matter if Hitler was far right or Stalin was far left. Ideologies get defined by the authoritarian in charge. They could switch places and say the same thing.
I think a more important study would not be the dictator but the supporters of the dictator. I think if people could see the similarity between the pro Nazi Germans of the 1930's and MAGA today it would be VERY impactful.
Magnificent piece, David! Absolutely Brilliant! Thank you. I've shared this, but sadly I'm just 60 year old me with a few hundred followers on Facebook. Power on, dude!
”Americans are innocent and good”. I don’t think many people outside the US would agree on that. That image of yourself as a country and people is just amazing.
When i was in school learning about world history, i always thought to myself how one man could hold so much power over people, and here we are today, seeing it with my own eyes
After casting our votes for Harris and Walz on Election Day, let's all take the extra step. Contact members of the Senate and Congress and let them know that the vote is legit. If enough people do this, it sends a strong and clear message that the election was legitimate. For added impact, send a message to the Trump campaign.
The Repubs could easily discount that by labeling it a"fake declaration." I doubt, sincerely, that they would be willing to have ppl send "proof" of ID & vote to be verified (again) on individual bases. Besides, (something I never considered in the past) that would be harder to "rig" the election if they so desire.
I send msgs. to my congressional delegation (HI has only 4, 2/2). 3-time draft dodger Trump has the reigns on the deadliest military that ever existed. It’s very sad, and I hope that he issues orders more wisely than he did in his 1st term.
@@lurklingX brother you're welcome I'm interested with your friendship 👍 here congratulations for the information that's you have been doing. Please added me on your contact and Yes Congo Brazzaville training. but please I' love America I love Donald J trump and member much relationship with Donald trump's around the world 🌍 🌎 I love the American thank you bro for see you soon 🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜
I wrote a book! "The Echo Machine: How Right-Wing Extremism Created a Post-Truth America." It's available on March 25th, 2025. Pre-order it here: davidpakman.com/echo
@@jjones3467I have no idea what you're talking about
I think dumb Donny Trump believes that the whole country should believe his lies and “worship” him the way seemingly half of the country does! He never remembers the old saying “You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” -possibly Abe Lincoln
@@jjones3467 yeah its echos dude, I mean its like he is a “weird dude” trump derangement dude
Fake news
What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler…….
Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt
Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky
( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton)
Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
I called Trump a fascist back in 2016 and saw the same similarities between Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. People thought I was over-reacting. My response was no, I just know history.
OMG Exactly the same here! I've also been saying this stuff, and up until now it was just like *crickets* Oh NOW people are getting it- maybe better late than never, but let's hope it's not TOO late...I guess it won't be that unless he actually wins. Gods help us.
WHO,....did YA VOTE--- for?
How is he fascist? He doesn't have a military didn't use military to gain power? So basically you don't like those others guys and you don't like Trump that's the only similaritie they have
Exactly, his bid for presidency is a stain on democracy
@@Maxs_MMA no its not history will remember him well when he wins. The proof will be in pudding the American people wanted him back.
Remember what Winston Churchill once said:
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
Didn’t Churchill also say something about how history would look favorably on him because he was going to write it?
@@jimohara The point still stands. Trump wants people to forget about history for his benefit. That’s why he’s been attacking the new film The Apprentice, because he’s afraid that people will actually be smart and learn from history. We have to prove that we will not bow to him.
And history has proven time and time again that Winston Churchill was right
Look how successful Big Guy Joe Bribem has been, $10 fast food burgers, grocery bills almost double in 4 yrs and we have Word Salad Harris saying she wouldn't of done anything different.
Vote for her, you may not have to worry about voting again after she gives the country away to ILLEGAL immigrants.
TRUMP 2024!!!
“We learn from history that we do not learn from history” ― Georg Hegel
This was an incredibly important video. As a German, I’ve found Trump scary since 2015, and now it is all becoming so obvious. And yet, the corporate American media still seems to be downplaying the threat he poses. Thank you for the work you do informing people, David!
I'm curious: do you, as a German, find _Putin_ scary (esp. since 2022)?
@ I see him as a threat to the security and/or freedom in Europe, yes. It may not be him who invades Europe one day, but he might put history on a trajectory where Russia eventually gets greater control over Europe again, like it did in the 20th century
@@uncletyrone Agree completely!!
You're the people letting Muslims into the country by the millions and not having children, right? So you are suicidal by nature. You are in no position to lecture. Pakman is a leftist sycophant, trying to keep his paltry littel audience. He has no credibility now at all.
@@gintasvilkelis2544 I personally think that Putin as former KGB being a master of manipulation is behind Brexit, Trump etc. I think there a lot of Russian misinformation plots going on behind the scenes and we are being played by this man like puppets!! Especially the poorly educated and about Trump and Russia I urge everyone to read the books of David Cay Johnston. Trump could never sue him because they are based on facts.......
Funny, my 85 year old mother stated Trump was another Mussolini in 2015 without a Mussolini military uniform.
So your mother said before he was in office and 4 years later he did nothing like Mussolini. Thats when someone with common sense realizes the lie.
She was righ😢 trump is another Hitler evil
@@hawkeyemihawkgettingmoneylord He had a wise mother.
@@dab808 your brainwashed
@@hawkeyemihawkgettingmoneylordNo there is 2 term limit first one he had to play nice (which he did not) to get elected again.
Now he is free to do what he wants
I've been a lifelong Republican. I voted for Trump the first time. I will never vote for him or his crazy, cult based religious zealot buffoons!
Are another life Long Democrats. How much Kamala paying for your comment
@@RussianBot-g6x You realize the right has indictments for using paid troll farms and for buying off influencers, no?
@@RussianBot-g6x I guess you like men in orange makeup.
@@RussianBot-g6xhey comrade go back to your Russian paradise !!
Trump’s sycophantic running mate correctly called out Trump as America’s Hitler.
It's finally completed: th-cam.com/video/6g7b8pC9U1M/w-d-xo.html
@@sentientfetus3894 No one cares.
He told the truth and apparently it is ok with him.
@@fleafarts3576 Yeah sure!
@@sentientfetus3894report spam.
We've devolved to a point where half the country wants to drag us back to the 1800s. It's maddening.
We had a world war after a pandemic before, we can expect that disturbing trend to continue
I guess we will have to rid ourselves of our cell phones
No they want to drag us back to the Stone Age.
my guess would be the Medieval ages, where autocrats ruled by infusing fear through abuse of religion.
Worse... 1930's. Hitler regime
Most disturbing thing is that people elect dictators
No, its that people buy into leftist propaganda like little puppydogs being led around on leashes.
Good thing it didn't happen on November 5th, 2024. Harris would have been the stupidest dictator ever.
Never here!! I would never vote for him
I'm German, and my blood runs cold when he delivers his fascist rhetoric in that creepy, lamenting tone.
Fascism is the English word for controlled economics with is government running all corporations
you are a J then.
not german
Agreed. The language is disturbing.
Scapegoat immigrants as well as talking about “blood lines and genes.”
@@frederico-d3l So you're full-on Nazi, then?
There are quite some ultranationalist (AFD)Germans, but the great majority of them are allergic for fascism.
Retired teacher here! German - Swiss American here! I have been calling 45 ,A-GOLF TWITLER for years! Nobody listens to teachers! And FYI, my Great-Uncle died on a beach in Anzio, Italy . He was a Staff Sgt in the US Army! He was definitely NOT A LOSER! 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🪖 🫡🫡🫡RIP Great -Uncle ,very glad you and other WWII vets are not around to see this horrific situation your country is going through!
Thanks for your comment about your great-uncle.. I myself was an Army Staff Sgt., but my good fortune was to serve during a time of peace.
@ernestheau9146 Thank you for your service! My father was a former US Naval officer and a scientist!Dad helped build the very first Atomic Reactors for Submarines/ Admiral Rickover's program. And my Uncle quit high school ,at age 17 ,joined the US Navy and ended up on an Ammunition ship December 7,1941! He was a proud member of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association/ Philadelphia chapter! As a little kid , I met many of those men at the annual Summer picnic, not far from Valley Forge! 🤗🥰🤗
You're great Uncle was a hero and I thank you for sharing a little of his story. Both of my grandfathers fought in WW2, I will be forever grateful to those men and women.
@JadeMerkaba Thank you for your kind reply! Baby Boomer here! I never got to meet him, of course, but I will always remember my Great-Uncle!
Thank you for posting this!!!
I've listened to multiple videos of hitlers rising and it's scarily close.
President FDR referenced the kind of rhetoric and campaign tactics the orange messiah uses as the republicans of that time used them against him.
It makes one wonder if tRump did actually read a book. But then, there are many movies and documentaries where he could have picked it up.
@@bokusimondesu Let me be blunt. If you're an American and truly worried about this dude, then get rid of him. Are you hearing me?
It's the same thing when you hear people say "I didn't think he was capable of murder". Murder isn’t a leap; it’s a step over a line so fine you don’t see it until you’re already across. The difference between restraint and the unthinkable is just a heartbeat-and by the time you feel it, it’s already too late.
Trump's first wife? Her fall down the stairs very suspicious. And Epstein? We all know. Trump has no morals. If he is breathing, he is lying.
Anyone who knows history was able to see the similarities or parallels between Trump & most of the Dangerous dictators in the last 2 centuries, well done!
seems like it was far too few of us, for a while.
Trump did a four year term as President and left Office in 2021.
Obama was dictt
@@jimohara do not pretend as if he in any way left willingly. He will not admit publically that he lost.
Adding to the points of Packman could be to look at similarities with the Bierkeller Putsch of 1923 and january 6th.
Further analysis could also be had by looking at the 14 common traits of fascism as described by Umberto Eco.
The one thing "positive" is the pervasive incompetence and infighting. The latter may work for Putin with his staffers - Trump does not seem competent in that kind of leadership neither.
@@jimohara He left kicking and screaming because the institutions of democracy held, this time.
I have seen these similarities for years but people laughed if I draw a comparison. Thank you! Yes, dead serious, people had better wake up! Great post David.
Nzies are bitter angry 😡 poor people blaming the who actually understands how to handle money
I think people get scared thinking it could be in their own backyard so-to-speak. So they deflect by denial instead of being measured, realistic and honest with themselves.
If you read the actual history of Hitler, it's scaringly obvious Trump is no different. Remember, Hitler didn't start out having whole populations murdered. His repulsive deeds developed in steps, regardless of his intentions from the beginning. Everyone should be very alert to the danger of the MAGA cult.
Fake news
What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler…….
Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt
Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky
( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton)
Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
They laughed when you pointed out the guy who sleeps next to a copy of Mein Kampf (not a joke, he literally did) might be into that stuff... People are donkeys
@@devinvanhorn1065 trump sleeps with his Bible. Marxists white liberals hate that and make shit up about Trump
I’m Canadian and appalled that Americans did not see the parallel of Hitler and Trump in 2016! Finally 8 years later his generals and chiefs of staff, all of his close advisors are drawing these parallels. Please America do not let this man into your Whitehouse ever again !
Pierre Poilievre is another one!!!
Many of us are trying not to. I voted against him in 16, in 20 and sure as hell against him in 24
A little more than half of us did, but unfortunately we use the electoral system rather than the popular vote. Trust me, millions of us are appalled.
I know many Canadian Trump supporters. Don't think you aren't just as susceptible there. If you took a vote of Canada, I would bet you Trump would win Canada.
Several Americans did see when then...it scares me that my extended family follows trump to the point I just can’t go to their homes anymore...and oddly, they really have no clue...they're not stupid
Thank you David! As a history teacher in Europe I have been talking about these similarities for a long time and I am really frustrated that this is not talked about at all in the media!
" forget -- the - MEDIA - ( any ) MEDIUM ---the GRASP / concept OF -- common sense,.....?-- LACK of Consience - MORALITIES---- is;....."DEVOID of any SEMBALANCE of any HUMANITY;....." is the [ ultimate ] ENEMY,....." FROM WITHIN " THE GOP-- piecea[t]RRUMM PP LLC / INC!
The cult wouldn't listen.
This should terrify EVERY American, no matter your party affiliation. This is for real
To hell with being "terrified". Send the fat little nobody back to Queens (or to prison in Florence, Colorado) to live out his miserable remaining days.
Millions of Germans voted for and were enthusiastic about Hitler's "1000-year Reich". And a dozen years later they were .... dead.
I've been TERRIFIED since late 2015 onwards - I compiled over 80 pages single spaced of orange hitler's horrors. I got rid of those pages when he lost the 2020 election, and cry continually at the horror's return. It is quite real and anyone who does not have the courage to face this is a cowardly traitor - in my opinion.
Not just Americain all world
@@rachelc2227 ... it does!
Keep reminding people that his VP pick JD Vance once called him America's Hitler
JD grew up as little Hitler?
And kamala called biden a racist and u all still voted for biden
Keep reminding ppl that it's Vance who will succeed Trump IF ........
If this were true, wouldn't it be a massive scandal for any politician to wish him well and a swift recovery after he was shot? Like, if he's literally Hitler like the far left claims he is, isn't that the equivalent of wishing Hitler a speedy recovery after the July 20 plot?
I am from Germany and when I hear Trump talking it reminds me of Adolf Hitler.
Lessons not learned? Echos of evil's past. History does, horrifically, repeat itself!
He's just one of many.
It would for any educated person. MAGAs aren't educated, hence why they're so susceptible and don't know basic history.
If this were true, wouldn't it be a massive scandal for any politician to wish him well and a swift recovery after he was shot? Like, if he's literally Hitler like the far left claims he is, isn't that the equivalent of wishing Hitler a speedy recovery after the July 20 plot?
I have conservative Catholic neighbors who have an altar to Jesus and next to that an altar to trump. When I remarked that it reminded me of a segment in a documentary on Kim Jung Un, they went ballistic, threw me off their property and they haven't spoken to me since.
That's scary.
What about those verses in the Bible talking about worshipping false idols? Man, talk about hypocrites. Glad you spoke up, though, and called them out on their BS.
Now MAGAts are making felonDJT statues. Smh
Too many American's believe that happens in other countries, nothing to worry about. We have too many checks and balances in place. Slowly, those checks and balances are being eliminated. Never take anything for granted. It's about times someone made this comparison.
How many years ago is it, that you still had segregation? 60?
Project 2025 is going to be initiated, at least in part, to put the checks and balances back into the hands of congress.
I made this comparison a long time ago. I am a Graduate Student in Modern Europe History. Keep pushing back. The comparison is real and dangerous!! 😮😮😮
Clear And Present Danger!
Question: How can this race even be close?
Answer: We have a disturbing number of dyed in the wool Republican partisans that are racists & misogynists.
Solution: Vote straight Blue!
He needs to be in jail, not the White House & certainly not anywhere near the nuclear codes. He is the biggest threat to this country.
Get out of your leftist echo bubble and delve into conservative news like FOX or OAN. You'll see that you have been supporting the greatest threats to the US likely without even knowing it.
his favorite "character reference" lately, Viktor Orban. A great example of how a democratically elected leader gradually consolidates power and lapses into autocracy while the population suffers as a result
We are not going backwards 💙💙💙
We have a 50/50 chance of not going back!
It's worrisome. @@Bebopopotamus
That's all dictators the very dictator trump is compared say. And where all socialist and communist
What those exactly what those communist and socialist dictators all said
A slogan isn't going to keep us from going back. We're on the edge of a cliff, and one foot on loose gravel and the other on a banana peel.
Thanks, David. I am very proud of you.80 year old vet, here. In a wheel chair...but NOT a loser nor a sucker.😊
Robert, thank you very much for your service.
Fake news
What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler…….
Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt
Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky
( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton)
Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
I would never consider veterans as “LOSER and SUCKERS”. Trump is something at the end of toilet paper
We thank you for your service! My Dad was in the Army sent in to Japan in WWII, and eventually died from so many Heart Surgeries and Lung Cancer from the Radiation Fallout in Japan, many of his Veteran friends did so too!
Finally someone did a comparison. Thank you! 💙.
How about Harris and Marxism. Her quotes are diectly from Karl Marx book and so are her policies.
@@alanking6240 Whatabout whataboutism, though? Have you considered that?
@@alanking6240 you may know Karl Marx was a philosopher, not a dictator AND your statement seems inaccurate. Feel free to provide evidence...
@@dyna88cui Read the book you will find many of her quotes and her policies. That is the truth that you lefties refuse to accept. Maybe one day you far left lefties will learn to accept truth.
@@furiousapplesack Comparing Trump and MAGA to these horrors of history is just sick. That shows how horribly dangerous you democrats are.
This is such an obvious comparison, I always wondered why it is not pointed out more often. I also think that most ordinary Americans don't actually know much about how for example Hitler came to power, they only know the results of his regime. Most people know about the Holocaust and the war etc., but do not know how he actually came to power and became a dictator. That is why it offends them to compare, because they assume that you are comparing their morals, not the way they act in politics. If people knew more about the lessons of past dictators, they would see the the writing on the wall for Trump from 10 miles away. Because you can't really get more obvious that he is. He is not even trying to hide the fact he wants to be a dictator and admires other dictators.
it has always been pointed-out but I think people stopped caring since the other side is not really listening
I am a old guy who knows his history, and these 4 have much in common. Dangerous, and unbelievable to me that people are falling for the old Hitler gag in this day and age.
Agree from an old gal who knows history.
better believe it... recalling Germany was a "nation of poets and thinkers" already a century ago. And still...
The Wave.... Mega churches, now maga churches. It's a lot easier to brain wash people than to reset them. Once caught, it is hard to get untangled.
There seems to be a huge ignorance about history and about the world in USA. Perhaps they can only learn by having a big war fought on their own land?
Your brain is demented old man. Stay retired and stay out of politics especially when u won't even be around to see the results. Trump 2024! 🇺🇸
Those who can be made to believe absurdities, can be made to commit atrocities. Voltaire.
It's pretty obvious to anyone looking from the outside. But Americans seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that they are teetering right on the edge of fascist dictatorship and this is not hyperbole
Not all of us.
Fake news
What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler…….
Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt
Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky
( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton)
Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
It's because of inflation and the bad economy. If you can believe it so many, too many Americans are so frustrated with the economy and inflation they seem to think it's worth the sacrifice or maybe they just tell themselves Trump isn't so darn bad.
@@lisam4066 trump is America’s pit bull, putting America first. The Marxists white liberals will make up the nastiest stories about trump
Malcom X warned us about the deceit of white liberals
Send Trump to jail and elect Harris, we do not want to deal with the second Hitler.
Ok, so in my opinion , Donald Trump declare's as a Democrat and supports leftist Policy. And Democrats hear positive things abour his First term to make a fair decision . His 2nd. Term doesn't deliberately get blocked. Now, Trump is a Great President . Gets a Media Pass. The Fabricated Hiler stories just go away or not mentioned. Then you vote for Trump because now as informed Democrat, He receives more votes. Is that how bias works? just an opinion . JFK Democrat, i oppose all things Left as i should. I am Nazi. Just kidding woke star! just thought i would save y"all the trouble!
I agree with you.
Loyalty is one thing but blind allegiance is not only reckless but dangerous in every sense of the word if not perilous
Perilous means dangerous
David Pakman, you are the best. Thank you for everything you are doing. You are spot on and please keep on this. The whole of America has to listen to you. We are in Australia.
Thanks for including Stalin, a lot of people forget his similarities to Putin, Hitler, and Trump. All four of these guys are similar to each other in the worst ways.
Also, Putin and Stalin are the most similar. People often forget this sadly.
Nope, he's worse. HE IS THE ONLY PERSON TO PERSONIFY EVERY DEADLY SIN, THE GREAT DECEIVER, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ANTICHRIST DESCRIBED IN THE BIBLE. You don't have to believe martyrs get 70 virgins for them to be less dangerous. You know who else believes in god, has say a gaggle of false qanon prophets, and boy has he got an ART OF THE DEAL for you? Besides trump, THE DEVIL
Stalin was a communist, Putin is a fascist.
We tend to forget that Hitler initially admired Stalin for his purges and took a page from Stalin's book!
@@EJBert and vice versa, they and their regimes/empires worked together until Germany turned against Russia halfway WWII. Mussolini also admired Stalin and called him a true fascist.
Putin's not a communist anymore, fascism has way better perks, although his days are numbered.
A frustrating thing I've seen with him do a lot is say "They're saying" and then make a claim that came from him. He says "all legal scholars wanted Roe overturned" but we know that's not true. The other thing is the observation bias. He just says "you know it, I know it, everybody knows it" and tons of people start repeating those lies. It's maddening.
He is a master of propaganda.
This was so share worthy! Thank you David ❤️💙❤️💙
It's finally completed: th-cam.com/video/6g7b8pC9U1M/w-d-xo.html
Also everything he says about hitler is so wrong 😂 clearly using something from history without knowing the actual facts 😂 this guy can't draw a comparison. Political trials against Trump, still calling Trump the fascist 😂
Spot on comparisons
@@KelvinSmeets共産主義者と同じ主張なのはアメリカ民主党です それと日本の日本共産党の政策は数多く一致している
@KelvinSmeets so what did David say was wrong? A lot of laughing emoji for a guy who thinks a criminal's trials are political.
Marxism was a political and social system proposed by Karl Marx where he had criticized the class conflicts in a capitalistic system between the elite ruling class (in today’s time we call it the 1% rich) vs the working class people who were the means of production (everyday low and middle class working people). He proposed that the working class people should also benefit in the rewards of a company’s successes. This in turn would strengthen the working class to rise and become its own political power. There would be a classless society where the community would all share and benefit in its successes. Thus, the term Communism is derived from the word community.
Communism as we know it was introduced by Vladimir Lenin during the Russian revolution. He used the work of Karl Marx as his basis for instigating the revolution against the ruling Russian monarchy. The difference here was that Karl Marx was criticizing a capitalistic system in Germany while Lenin applied it to farmers. Once in power the government shifted from being a communal government back to an authoritarian state which eventually went straight to dictatorship no different than what the Russian monarchy that was overthrown.
Fascism is a far-right wing nationalistic system of government and social organization ruled by the elite; "The nation is more important than the individual.". Rights and freedoms of the people are typically restricted or removed in the national interest. Fascism believes that violence is important to maintain control, viewing imperialism, political violence, and war as means to national rejuvenation. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I before spreading to other European countries, most notably Germany and now today's Russia.
Authoritarianism is the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to a leader and/or party at the expense of personal freedom. Opposition to the ruling party begins to be stifled, suppressed and oppressed. Objectional books are banned, media is under government scrutiny and freedom of speech is controlled by the party. If you disagree with the party narrative you called a traitor and can be removed from office, fired, jailed, etc.
Dictatorship is a one leader/party rule that controls all aspects of the country. The people are indoctrinated into a single mindset. The media is controlled by the government and only allowed to report the Dictatorship narrative. The education curriculum is controlled by the government to only teach teach the narrative of their party. Those who still don't conform are sent to re-education camps if they are lucky. Opponents are killed or imprisoned for life. Everything (including how businesses operate and personal freedoms) are controlled by the government.
Now you know the difference next time someone says someone is one of these.
Fascism is government running all corporations
Thank you
Bravo, or Brava im not sure by your name and picture, it is rare to find people now a days that actually know these distinctions and can so eloquently summarize them.👏👏👏👏
Fascism is government running every corporation . That by definition is left Wing
Thanks for the brief lesson. Obviously Trump is an fascist authoritarian..VOTE BLUE
I really can't understand why this presidential race is so close
Only in the stupid polls. Just wait till we vote.
Don't believe the polls.
Traces back to the Civil War and the deliberate failure of Reconstruction.
@@thomasbullen5239 my poll says their polls are wrong.
You are not the only one.
On November 5th, I went to bed in the united states, a free country, of America.
On November 6th I woke up in pre Nazi Germany!
Stalin, Hitler, and Putin are WAY WAY WAY more intelligent and educated than Trump. Ridiculously so.
Frontford school of thought . That's why there's all communist and socialist
Why they all socialist
Frontford school why they all 🟥🛠️
i agree. one is unlike the other. hoping that gives us a chance to avert this
I refuse to go back. 73 year old
Boomer here, still working in a nursing home as a housekeeper. Old shows from Andy Griffith to the Donna Reed Show to Leave It To Beaver to Fox makes me seethe in rage. I grew UP watching this crap as a child. It's appalling. Early voting in AR on Oct. 21 blue all the way 💙👍
You're delusional, you should open windows when using chemical cleaners.
June: Ward, I'm worried about the Beaver.
Ward: Worked just fine the last time I used it.
I'm with you!! 👍👍💙
As a German (but born years after the time of Nazigermany) often listen to (especially young from other countries) people who think there was a military revolution in Germany and with this Hitler came to power. But this it's far away from the truth. It was like you described it in this video. The similarity to the things going on in the US with the Republicans and Trump is scariing. I hope you americans make it better in November than we did.
European history is such a mess! We have had so many totalitarian regimes and it is so easy to confuse them with each other!
This was a great piece David. The problem is, all that is stated. No one wants to believe that their vote for someone could very well be the dissolving of their own freedoms, until they are dissolved. And then it is too late. People don't like to be wrong, and people like to root for something, to feel excited about something, to be part of something, like a movement. Even if they don't fully know or understand in the moments of time. They hear what they want to hear. People don't know they are being manipulated. And even if they did, some would double down, out of embarrassment, out of fear, and out of unbelief. To think that people hold one man so high on a pedestal, that he can do no wrong, when he has, that is egregiously dangerous. That is where history becomes dangerous to everyone, even those close to those in power.
If the shoe fits...
Vote Blue 💙 folks!
Party Of Stalin mussini mow And The nationalist socialist
And donate funds to Harris-Walz campaign before election day.😊
There's a scene in the German film Look Who's Back. Hitler has time-traveled, never mind how, and a very old Jewish grandmother recognizes him at once. She goes berserk, and her grandchildren can't understand why. I know exactly how she feels.
My father was a court reporter at the Nuremberg trials. I grew up thinking knowing the names of Goebbels, Heydrich, and Bormann at twelve was normal. Sure enough, soon as the Greatest Generation is safely in their graves, these cockroaches come pouring outta the sewers hoping they'll win this time. And I'm horrified to find out how many Americans have no idea what I'm even talking about.
If Trump wins in '24 I'm outta here! People talk about Germans differently if they fled before World War II or stayed, and I don't want the world thinking I'd ever collaborate.
I know exactly what you are talking about. Thank you for your patriotism. 80 year old vet here...in a wheel chair, but NOT a loser nor a sucker. PEACE.🎉
In right behind you.
@@RobertCaley-h5iThank you for your service, Sir.
Fake news
What is actually occurring here by accusing Trump of being a Hitler…….
Accuse your opponent of what you are doing. To create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt
Strategic play doctrine authored by Saul Alinsky
( favorite book of democrat leader Hillary Clinton)
Democrats forget we keep notes and we also can read
A German film made after the war was lost...
Magnificently reasoned and presented. Thank you David!
Trump claims that people who criticize our judiciary should be dealt with, meanwhile he, himself, has been more critical, even attacking and threatening every judge, including their families (bar Cannon, who shows him extreme favor), that hold court in his cases.
💙👍💙 we're in big trouble in America, no matter who wins the election. I'd rather die than live in Trump's world. VOTE HARRIS/WALZ 💙💙💙💙💙
Compare Russian Chinese elections to 2020
Too bad Trump will win and nobody will miss you.
@@RussianBot-g6x China has no elections. Putin kills his opponents. The US 2020 election was honest and secure.
@@madmaxxx9711 you might prefer being missed, sunshine.
Project 2025 does nothing to help US public..only the Ultra rich and corporations.
Trump actually has way more in common with Mussolini.
My grandfather was a history teacher and he believed that Trump is similar to Mussolini.
Gosh, I wonder if that's why he talks about him in this very video. 7:17
The Cheeto Benito
It's finally completed: th-cam.com/video/VEJiWp0EzCU/w-d-xo.html
Mussolini was a socialist
Twain said "History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes!"
Netanyahu should be in that photo montage.
Trump was repeatedly quoting Hitler all throughout his Veterans Day speech last year.
kek cope harder libtard
You are a wealth of information. Thank you David Pakman.
Bravo David! Thank you!
His first wife said that he kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his nightstand. It was his "bible", so to speak. Some of his language and rhetoric is verbatim out of that book.
Amazing commentary! David, thank you for your clarity!
From Stalin, to Hitler, to Putin, to Trump.
Trump is evil as them but he is an incompetent, thank God. 😂😂😂😂
@@amberturdcoloringbook1733He is just the face of the movement… the real masterminds hide in his shadow! 🇺🇸🙏🏻💙
I don’t think trump is smart enough to have gotten this far without Putin helping him out. Bob Woodward’s book confirms a lot of my suspicions.
You forgot Mao Zedong... out of all those dictators, Trump is most similar to Hitler and Mao, in that he enjoys a massive number of zombified followers who will kill for him.
Unfortunately, now Donnie has the Heritage F. behind him, amber. They're NOT in. Com, petent.
Remember when VD Vance called Chump "America's Hitler"?
"I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler," he wrote privately to an associate on Facebook in 2016."
Vance was neutered at birth.
But he "changed his mind!" 😄😄😄
The scariest part of that quote is what is in the parentheses.
and that is what he really thinks, until...one day, he is offered a potential fast track to power, and then he can't lie fast enough or often enough to backtrack... they are evil and vile and are willing to do whatever it takes to seize power and abuse it.
Vance approves of trump being Hitlerian.
I’m so grateful that i went to different private schools in several countries, because my professors taught college classes on many subjects I never could have received in the states through High School and finished with many college credits! This gave me a fundamental college education well before going to College. It’s amazing to see my grandchildren receiving this capability in the twenty first century. We were way ahead of other students in the USA in the 1970’s! We also took trips to Foreign countries during our Christmas, Easter, breaks and I visited Russia! I learned where I never want to live and that is an AUTHORITARIAN country as Trump promotes. These people live without running water or gas in the country, but on wells and propane on simply $100 each month for all expenses!
A great overview of the similarities. Thank you David.
Great reporting.
Ive been saying this for a while im scottish in scotland and im terrified of trumps presidency i trully believe he could destroy democracy across the globe😢
well hated in scotland, well hated here. only he has some delusional nut jobs here also who love him and he can do no wrong.scary times.
I truly believe you’re right to be terrified. We should all be terrified.
Naaah. America might shake the world for a while - but why would people just give up their rights outside america because of it's decline?
The world is much different from after ww2 and the cold war.
People are comfortable and even in authoritarian places - they are more free than in the past. Everyone is connected through the internet and has access to knowledge.
There are plenty of countries who aren't passive citizens and would lash out if their goverments tried anything too.
While china is a global power and authoritarian, they are more interested in economic power through countries' ties than changing their goverment systems.
And russias geological position is a big hindrance. It has also lost it's relevance more and more through the years and essentially is just a leech on china.
Things will change - but human rights have always gone up if you look at all of history. So while things change - the world moves on
Except america, they are dying right now
But I KNOW what happened to Mussolini! It was horrific, his death. Keep it up, Donny...dictators didn't end well with them...
Waiting patiently
Compare Russian Chinese elections to 20 . And after lock Down BLM Brown shirts J6 is what your imaging
but they destroy the country first. Make sure trump never gets a chance.
Me too!!
@@MatterDaddy6 me 3
Clearly presented.
Unfortunately history has been lost in schools. I've talked about history and ask my son and daughter-in-law questions about it and they had no idea what happened. I found it very frightening that they didn't even know the basics, where are country came from. I think if younger people and when I say younger my son is 42 years old, if they knew what I was comparing Trump to they would be a little more disturbed about this guy possibly running the country.
The Aidan Ross TH-camr clip where he, a native English speaker, can barely read aloud the English Wikipedia definition of Fascism just blew my mind.
Unfortunately it seems the American education system is rigged to make sure Americans are dumb.
Spot On David. Keep up the vital work!
I am German and very interested in history. In particular, of course, in the question of how National Socialism came about. The experiment “The Wave” conducted in your country helped me. This experiment showed me that no country is protected from this threat. When I hear Trump speak today, it reminds me of Hitler and Josef Goebbels and the AfD, which is unfortunately so successful in Germany today. Firstly, invent scapegoats (then the Jews, now the immigrants), secondly, put your supporters above them and use the term race. It's just the genes (people are not divided into races, just as an aside). Thirdly, use democratic means to come to power and then immediately change the constitution (in Germany at that time the “Enabling Act”, with Trump “Project 2025”). So the differences are marginal. I completely agree with you.
Best wishes from Lower Saxony in the good old Germany. I like your show and watch all the episodes. 💙💙💙
sigh. it's so disturbing. but yes, in by democratic means, then change the constitution and law. it was clear for a while that trump was doing his rallies and talking about "the other", and setting people against something. he says migrants but it's really anyone.
@@lurklingX Exactly what I said. Against everyone except the white, evangelical “Herrenrasse”.
trump isn't like Stalin or hitler at all. Hes a low iq empty vessel for his evil and smarter handlers. Scapegoat the immigrants first but they'll move on to jews muslims disableds and lgbtqs next. Its Fascism Classic at this point. 🤠
Yes, Trump's rhetoric relies on 19th century pseudoscience about race. Of course the scientific consensus today is that race is a sociopolitical construct, with no basis in genetics and biology. It's chilling, but it's also not the first time he has used false science to warp his cultists' thinking.
If Donald Trump gets defeated in the US Presidential Election on November 5th. I hope that you will be able to get the AfD defeated in Germany’s next Election taking place in 2025 as well.
If he doesn’t want to be compared to the dictators and Nazis, then don’t ACT and SPEAK like them!
Been saying this for years and the signs have been there for decades
David , thank you for this presentation ! The similarities are unnerving ; and our own people can't see this !
God bless you and keep up the great work !
Thank you for finally doing a piece on this.
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes."
(I can't remember where I read this, I know it was a long time ago.)
Trump 2024 🇺🇸
@@lamishab6057Stop being weird, little cultist!
Two layers of Hitler history, the journalists and the historians who later got into the diaries of people close to him. Not entirely well known, is that young Hitler had such an intense need to get his own way that he used litigation in all directions to coerce and intimidate whoever got in his way. He was quoted, somewhat later, as often saying "I alone can fix it." He had such spectacular tantrums when anyone disgreed with him that his inner circle called him "carpet chewer" because he'd roll on the floor screaming and chew the carpet. There's more.
wow what a difference from today's term "carpet muncher" lol
His family sent T to military school and he only made it through by some means. He wasn’t great there.
T fired his front line communications people today after throwing a yelling tantrum I’m hearing.
I wrote a book about this during Trump’s second year in office. “The Rise of the American First Reich” 🤔🇨🇦
Reich has been rendered irrelevant since the Clinton administration.
Thank you for writing your book. I wish more people had read it. How can we bring it to peoples mind? Ask the local library to display it again?
Is it published? Would like to read
And how did he have a first Reich dud he killed millions of people oh wait he had a hollocist survivors in his state if the union speech sounds like a first rich sure 🤔
@@debrabaird633I just found the title available on Amazon
About $15 U.S. or less depending on how you want it
Your commentaries are always with clarity!
How do people not see it?? It’s all there. He calls some people vermin. Send trump to germany. They will put him in prison
Do think Trump supporters are vermin?
These people don’t see it because they have never been through it and they think it’s all a joke and want to be rebels. Well it’s NOT A JOKE! VOTE BLUE!!
A lot to see it, but everyone should see it. That’s the goddamn problem.
Replace immigrant with jew every time trump says immigrant. Sounds just like hitler
It is hitler's speech. trump studied hitler's 2 play books .
If this were true, wouldn't it be a massive scandal for any politician to wish him well and a swift recovery after he was shot? Like, if he's literally Hitler like the far left claims he is, isn't that the equivalent of wishing Hitler a speedy recovery after the July 20 plot?
@@edmonddantes935 Except this time, it's the brown & blacks who will be victims (again).
*illegal immigrant. Big difference.
@@lamishab6057 nope
Excellent commentary
That was a great explanation of the taboo. What's sad is, I learned that in grade school. That's WHY we talk about history.
I started listening to you once I heard Howard is a fan. I trust his mind. Veterans for Harris 24!!! 💙💙
Mow Stalin even Hitler and musini were communist and socialist
@@seebothways9630 I'm not sure who or what "Mow" or "musini" (isn't that a pasta? Maybe a fusilli-macaroni hybrid?) is in this context.
Hitler was never considered either communist or socialist.
The third group of people that he ordered to be executed were socialists and communists whom he duped into helping him rise to power..
The "socialist" in his party's name was like how DPRK is "democratic" and a "republic" when it is neither.
There is such a concept as being economically left and being socially right.
Mao (How adults spell that) was economically left and socially hard-right.
Mussolini (Again, how adults spell that) was self-described as a socialist, was never considered a communist, and only called himself a socialist to garner support.
After WWI, he became a fascist, having jettisoned the association with communism, rejected Marxism, and became a self-described fascist.
I hope that helps you out. Let me know if you're still confused and feel free to ask an adult for help with the big words.
@@seebothways9630 those labels dont matter in the same way that it doesn't matter if Hitler was far right or Stalin was far left. Ideologies get defined by the authoritarian in charge. They could switch places and say the same thing.
Great observation!!!!
I think a more important study would not be the dictator but the supporters of the dictator. I think if people could see the similarity between the pro Nazi Germans of the 1930's and MAGA today it would be VERY impactful.
History taught us, that dictators usually do not come out well in the end,i.e. Adolf and Benito
Both Trump and Hitler unsuccessfully tried a Coup d'État.
That’s a fancy way of saying, “If the jackboot fits, wear it.”
A lot can be learned from studying history; but ppl are doomed to repeat it for all sorts of reasons. 😢
Magnificent piece, David! Absolutely Brilliant! Thank you. I've shared this, but sadly I'm just 60 year old me with a few hundred followers on Facebook. Power on, dude!
"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Winston Churchill 1948.
Interesting and imo correct observation
It's finally completed: th-cam.com/video/V4fdZu2vB_I/w-d-xo.html
Bonkers. DP at his most disingenuous and deranged. None of his claims would stand any scrutiny.
I guess he knows his audience though.
You can't deny the similarities. If our country votes him back into office, we'll see if he truly fits the bill.
@@jimoharaHello, Trump wants to use police, national guard and military to suppress alternative views
@@jimoharaPlease respond and put these claims up to scrutiny. The notion that none of these ideas would stand up to scrutiny is pretty insane.
These comparisons are spot on to the past crazy dictators Dave is discussing. We do not want a crazy dictator leading our democracy.
”Americans are innocent and good”. I don’t think many people outside the US would agree on that. That image of yourself as a country and people is just amazing.
All psychopaths & sociopaths. Everyone of them damaged their country & peoples lives. Evil should never have power over humanity.
It’s very good you make this David! Thank you! 🙏
When i was in school learning about world history, i always thought to myself how one man could hold so much power over people, and here we are today, seeing it with my own eyes
After casting our votes for Harris and Walz on Election Day, let's all take the extra step. Contact members of the Senate and Congress and let them know that the vote is legit. If enough people do this, it sends a strong and clear message that the election was legitimate. For added impact, send a message to the Trump campaign.
The Repubs could easily discount that by labeling it a"fake declaration." I doubt, sincerely, that they would be
willing to have ppl send "proof" of ID & vote to be verified (again) on individual bases. Besides, (something I never considered in the past) that would be harder to "rig" the election if they so desire.
I send msgs. to my congressional delegation (HI has only 4, 2/2).
3-time draft dodger Trump has the reigns on the deadliest military that ever existed.
It’s very sad, and I hope that he issues orders more wisely than he did in his 1st term.
I'm so much interested with this interview congratulations to you for this comparison I'm watching you from Congo Brazzaville Africa everyday
hello to the congo, from GA, u.s.
@@lurklingX brother you're welcome I'm interested with your friendship 👍 here congratulations for the information that's you have been doing. Please added me on your contact and Yes Congo Brazzaville training. but please I' love America I love Donald J trump and member much relationship with Donald trump's around the world 🌍 🌎 I love the American thank you bro for see you soon 🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜
Thank you for your very clear presentation.
Go out and VOTE VOTE VOTE! Don't believe the polls. VOTE!!!!!
Trump 2024!!