❗ 이번 영상은 첫 이야기에 놀랄만한 소리가 포함되어 있으니 주의해주세요! ❗ The first story of this video has a surprising sound, so be careful! ❗ 今回の映像は、最初の話に驚くような声が含まれていますので、ご注意くださいね! 👻 시간표 Timeline 時間割 00:01 도입부 Intro イントロ 01:00 수련회 The retreat 修練会 05:29 형체 Shape 形体 12:06 웃음소리 laugh 笑う 🌙✨🌷 오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사합니다. 좋은 꿈 꾸세요! Thank you for watching today. Have a nice dream! 今日も見ていただきありがとうございます。 良い夢見てください!
Hello! me again. I was here from a past few videos. I have Synesthesia, a rare condition that allows me to 'taste' or 'smell' visual images or videos. Today's video smells like... oranges! Wonderful video, as always. Thank you for your upload and happy Halloween!
Things that happened to me: In my precedent house, there were a lot of strange things that happened, even before my mom and I settled here, and that we were doing the visit, I told her I was feeling uneasy about it but she told me it was because it's white and empty. I have a very bad memory, but I remember a time I was at the window during the day and then I see a movement in the corner of my eyes, so I turned my head a bit and a few strands of my hair were banding forward like if someone was holding them, I took them and brush them along my shoulder and was so scared. Exactly like you, I've seen a transparent-white fuzzy figure before my eyes, in my room, then it kinds of runaway toward the door and disappears before reaching it. A lot of weird sounds too. Also, my mom told me that the flames of 3 candles that we lighten up for idk which event we're banding towards me, like reaching for me (she told me it's because I have an angel protecting me or something). She told me to have a weird experience as well in this house. Honestly, I'm glad I'm not here anymore.
I have a scary-ish one. So when I was younger I got really sick and almost died, my parents think that because of me almost dying I was able to connect to the veil/in between world that ghosts and stuff are because of me being near to death. About a year after my recovering we were visiting family that lived out of town. I was outside my grandpas old ranch with my sisters and cousins and they were telling scary stories. When they were telling them I all of the sudden started seeing these shadow people. That and the scary stories mixed made me really scared and I started to cry and ran into the ranch house to my parents and grandma and grandpa. After the trip I thought I would be done seeing them, but one day when I was getting dressed for school in my living room I saw the shadow figure man start coming down the stairs with his cane and top hat. There was also a little girl with pig tails and a dress. I was so scared that I screamed and hid under a blanket shivering and crying, too scared to come out from under the blanket. My mom and twin walked into the room and saw me hiding and crying and asked why I was and so I told them why. I haven’t seen them since then. I never thought I knew who the shadow people I saw were but about 2 years ago I brought them up and asked my mom about them and she said that I when I was younger the shadow people that I explained to her fit the profiles of my relatives that passed away before I was born perfectly. She thinks that because I was close to death I was able to see them and they were trying to send a message to me so I could tell everyone. It’s still a bit scary, but I feel better knowing that they were my relatives
@@audiosnacktimeasmr3606 it’s ok if it’s a long story, and you won’t bore me, if you would like to tell it I am here to listen 😁 and it would definitely be cool for you to look into it. I’m so sorry your brother passed and I hope you have found peace since then 💕 and thank you! Halloween if my favorite holiday so happy Halloween to you too! 🎃👻💀
@@swank9826 dude I would love to be the next Harry Potter, except I would like to keep both of my parents 😁 it’s weird you say this though cuz I’m also in Gryffindor like Harry 😳😂
@@HalloweenFreak497 I think when death is very close to you, you understand life or look at it differently. You see how it changes things and feel a connection to it and not so much a fear anymore. But I feel his presence often or his random hellos. You are so sweet and thank you. As for Halloween it is the best. The history of it and the costumes! You get to have fun playing a character and the treats of course!
So sweet that you included English subtitles so people can access your videos and enjoy them even more! 😍 Also...where did you get the ghost candle holder in first clip? Xx
Well here is my story: I was having like a sleepover at my friends house when I was like 10 And I was really excited about it cause It was my first time having a sleep over. I went to her house And at day we just keep playing And stuffs like that And at night we chilled in her room And kept talking. Till we heard something coming to our room, it sounded like foot steps and then a girl came in.. she said it was just her little sister so we just let her in And she said she coudn't sleep so we said she could sleep with us.. Following the night it was just chilling playing And talking.. The next morning I woke up seeing my friend really scared And even crying.. I asked her whats wrong And she said that her mom said that her sister was having sleep over at her Friends house yester night so.. Who was that person yester night coming in our room?
I’m laying here in bed in the dark and I heard my cat move one of their toys that have bells in them and then she started talking about the “jingle jingle” sound part and I was like WHAT 😱😂
I love this video so much, I’ve watched it sooo many times but I always fall asleep before the end lol. I hope you will do more videos like this where you just tell stories
here’s something really scary that i’ve been through: so my brothers’ dad’s girlfriend passed away in 2019. it was really sudden and she was super young, but she cared for my brothers a lot before she died. the night after her death i was in my room on my phone and i saw some fuzzy/sparkly figure in the corner of my eye. it didn’t have a shape, it wasn’t a person, it was just a fuzzy transparent blob. i watched it for a second and it flew across my room and went out of my door into the hallway. i followed it into the hall and i saw it go to my brothers’ room. my brothers were sleeping with their door shut, and the fuzzy figure literally burst their door open and then the door slammed shut after it went in my brothers’ room. i panicked and opened my brothers’ door, but they were still asleep and the figure was gone. i wasn’t scared or anything of the figure, just a little wary. i don’t know why, but i just KNOW that figure was my brothers’ dad’s girlfriend. i think she wanted to check on my brothers before she officially was gone. it was really spooky and i told my mom about it (my mom’s a medium) and my mom told me that i was right. it was the lady who passed! i haven’t seen her since, but i do see spirits in my house from time to time. i’ve only been truly scared of one of the spirits because it would talk to me at night. it was sooo creepy.
I swear one night I had sleep paralysis and a girl with long hair like the "Ring" movie just crawled on the floor and stood right next to my bed and I was 5 at the time. I remember all I could do was cry, I gave up hope and I remember crying silently for like an hour straight.
저도 무서운 이야기를 하고 싶어서 적어보는 댓글이여요!😊 비바님의 예전 집에 유령같은 누군가가 있었다고 해도 자기 존재를 알리고 싶은 장난꾸러기 귀신친구였나봐요...☺ 귀신친구도 귀여워~~! 저도 정당히 '헉...' 하실 정도로 직접 겪었던 무서운 경험의 극 일부를 짧게 써볼까 해요!✨🌠🌠 중학생 때 두번째로 가위에 눌렸을 때였어요 처음 눌렸을 때에는 아무래도 처음이라서 뭐가 뭔지 모르는 상태로 가위를 맞이해서ㅠㅠ 그냥 나쁜 꿈이라고만 생각하고 넘겼었는데 두번째로 눌리고 나서 아.. 그게 꿈이 아니라 가위였구나 느꼈어요. 시험날이여서 학교가 일찍 끝나 집에 왔는데 그날따라 너무 몸이 너무 무겁고 피곤했어요... 집에는 아무도 없고 초가을 ,시간도 기억이 나네요! 오후2시... 안방에 큰 침대가 있어서 거기서 뒹굴뒹굴 쉬다가 낮🌞이라서 잠들기에는 빛이 너무 밝아 얇은 여름이불을 머리 끝까지 덮고 누웠어요 바른 자세로 누운 채 그대로 스르르 잠이 들락 말락 할 그 때에 그렇게 몸이 굳어버렸어요. 그때 딱 깨달았어요 '아 이게 가위구나'... 눈만 겨우 뜰 수 있고 목소리도 나오지 않고 몸도 움직여지지 않아 신기해하고 드디어 나도 가위라는 것에 눌려보는구나!^///^ 하며 잠시 흥분했다가 움직이지 못하는 것이 불편해져 슬슬 답답해지고 이거 언제끝나냐~~~ㅠㅠ 할 때 쯤에 눈을 떴는데 머리 끝까지 덮은 이불이 새하얀 두 손에 아주 천천히 끌어 내려지고 있었어요 순간 너무 놀라고 당황해서 숨도 잘 쉬어지지 않았어요 눈앞에서 천천히 움직이는 손가락은 너무 창백했어요. 살아있는 것이 아닌 것 같았어요 이게 뭐지? 귀신인가? 이런 생각들이 빠르게 스쳐가다가 이불이 다 내려지면 손가락 주인 얼굴이 있는거 아냐...? 라고 생각이 들자마자 무서워져서 바로 눈을 질끈 감았답니다 눈을 감아도 주변이 어두운지 밝은지 대충 알잖아요? 감은 눈에도 빛은 새어들어오니까요.. 이불이 거의 얼굴 끝까지 걷어진게 확실할 정도로 질끈 감은 눈앞이 천천히 밝아졌던게 몇년이 지난 지금도 생생하게 기억이 날 정도로 너무 무서웠어요😂 그렇게 눈을 감은 채로 몇분이 지났을까... 몸은 피곤했어서ㅋㅋㅋ 가위에 몸을 맡기고 그대로 기절잠💤을 자고 말았는데요..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그렇게 두 시간을 잤나봐요. 시계를 보니까 정확히 4시 정각이였어요 눈이 떠지니까 밖은 아직 밝았고🌞 몸도 움직여져서 '아싸 가위 풀렸다~~!^^' 이러고 기지개를 피려는데 분명 머리 끝까지 덮어놨을 이불이 제 쇄골까지 반듯하게 접혀져 있는 거예요 그것도 종이 접은 듯 구겨짐 없이... 자면서 뒤척이다 이불이 주르륵 내려간 느낌도 아니였고 정말 다른 누군가가 직접 내린 것처럼 반듯하게 접혀있었어요. 그걸 확인한 순간 덜컥 겁이나서 가족이 돌아와서 이불을 내려줬나? 생각하고 거실로 뛰쳐나와 엄마!!! 하고 소리를 질렀는데 집에는 온 사람이 아무도 없었습니다 혼자 무서워져서 온갖 tv틀고 컴퓨터 틀고 난리났던 기억이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아무튼 그랬답니다! 읽어주셔서 감사해요😌 보통 가위에 눌리는 것은 수명장애의 일종이니까 실제 내 몸이나 주변에는 영향이 없어야 할텐데 왜인지 그런 일을 겪고 말았네요😂이런!😂 그 이후로도 정면으로 바르게 누우면 가위에 잘 눌려 요즘은 옆으로 누워 잠들고 있답니다! 내사랑 비바님은 가위 없이 잘 주무시길 바라요..!👉😉👉💕
저는 바로 엄마옆에서 잤는데 가위가 눌렀어요 그래서 말을못하는거에요 작은목소리로 엄마....엄마.... 하면서 계속 말했는데 결국에는 5분지나고 가위눌린거 깨어남 그리고 이불을 얼굴까지 덮고 잠을잤어요 그래서제가 가위에 또눌려서 제가 숨을못수고해서 죽을것같았는데 엄마께서 일어나! 하고 불을 탁! 하고 켰는데 가위에서 벗어났어요...휴...
혹시 그 마스크를 꾸미는(?)그런거 해주실수있나요... 그 꼬마돌 스케일링에 나온 꼬마돌이 마스크를 들고와서 꾸며달라하는 그런거인데 보석버전,그림을 직접 그려주는 버전,마스크의 필터를 더해주는버전등등...(제 상상력이 딸려서...)그렇게 하고 원하는걸로 꾸미는 거죠....아이패드로도 하셔도 되는데 너무 무리시다면 안하셔도 됩니당...항상 응원하고 있고 계속 좋은 ASMR영상 만들어 주셔서 감사해욥! 그럼전 이만...
a scary story ive been through is in 1st grade every person in my class had a little notebook to draw in when we had spare time,and i decided i would draw me laying in my bed with my stuffed animals i didnt finish the drawing because we needed to go to lunch,so when we got back i was going to finish the drawing but when i turned to the page i saw a all black creature thing that was holding a knife that in the picture was right next to me but i was 100% sure i did NOT draw that and i freaked out i was the last person to leave the classroom when we were heading to lunch and nobody had gone back in. i do have another though,so one day i was watching TV and i had set the remote on the couch because i was going to get a bite of my food and i was sure i set the remote on the couch before i went to get a bite of food but when i got back to the couch the remote wasnt there and it was somehow on the table next to my food
for some reason all of the schools I go to will always have some sort of rumor about ghosts or something. Also, great video! I actually felt scared hearing the stories
schools are creepy. when i was in primary school (7-8 years old) my friend and i were in the toilets. the taps were the kind that you had to pull up to turn on. and it turned on suddenly on its own, right in front of our eyes. we screamed and ran tf out lol
We had a rumors in our school that the school was haunted too. We also had a bathroom in the basement of my school which was all the way at the back of a hallway. It was secluded and you could barely hear people even if you were own the same floor. The lights flickered and the tubes always kinda stuck out from the sealing. It was always stories of the dead girls and the loud ass toilets that scared me.
@@owoe_flower woah same thing happened to me and my friends- we were in the toilet near the library (which used to be known as the haunted toilet) and while I was waiting for my friends to finish, they screamed and claimed they saw the tap turn on by itself. I wasn't sure if what they said was true, but our school has had alot of scary rumors, even one of my teachers said our school might be haunted because she also experienced something scary
I think almost all schools have rumours or ghost stories. I remember in a school I went to a while back we had building work done, so most of the school was brand new but some was left the same. In the old bit there were some toilets that were creepy as hell. Me and my friends at the time would always go ghost hunting, turning off the lights and trying to 'summon ghosts'. One time we did it and we heard one of the toilets flush, but obviously we just thought that someone was in there with us and we hadn't noticed. I thought it was strange that the cubicle door was unlocked whilst someone went to the toilet but I thought that maybe they just forgot, so I open the cubicle door and no one is in there. My friend checks the other cubicle and nobody is in there either. We ran out so fast the we almost broke the door and we screamed so loudly that a teacher came to check on us. One of my friends was so scared that she had started crying. We got in MAJOR trouble for messing around in the toilets at breaktime. Never went to those toilets again. The room next to the toilets was a music room and was also really old. The handle would always move on its own and it was always eerily cold in the room, even on warm days. Glad I'm not at that school anymore lol.
Once in around 1996, I worked at Orchestra Hall and lived in my art studio with my much older best friend Richard. We had people staying with us who didn’t know the way around the city but drive me to and from work, Richard would ride in front seat every time to give directions to him, so he could learn the way around the city he was kind of new to, still. And take me to work etc thereafter. Then he just continued to ride with us for the heck of it whenever he could. Even after the other person knew the way. Richard ended up having terminal cancer eventually and could not be saved. He hung on awhile at home, but there was nothing could be done, it was found really late stage. So he, at one point ended up in hospice. After I would go to work my friends would then go visit him in hospice, then pick me up later from my job which ended at night around 9 PM. They also visited in the early morn at times without me, before I was awake. Sometimes we all went together. This night I was a little late getting finished at my job so my friend drive to get me, sat in the driver seat of his car but accidentally fell asleep waiting. I didn’t come out until almost 9:30. When I did I noticed that he had fallen asleep from waiting, I knocked on his window and he unlocks the door. I went to get in and sit in front seat, the one Richard used to ride in before he got sick. When I sat down in the car my friend screamed and jumped out of his door, and I was like What? What’s wrong?! He says to me “ oh my god when you woke me I saw Richard in the passenger seat like usual but then you sat down instead of going to back seat, you sat right on top of him and he vanished into nothing!” I was like, what? Oh my god that’s crazy. You must have been dreaming etc He said, NO he wasn’t he saw it! We drive home kind of freaked out. That night, everyone but me asleep, in my room, I started hearing the TV on in the main room. I went to turn it off and no one was watching it. I turned it off went back to my room, and again the TV was on. I go back in, getting annoyed now, thinking my friend turned it back on but he was sleeping in his room. I went back in, looked over at the chairs to the chair Richard always sat in while we watched TV, and I saw him there for just a second! Then he was gone. I was really freaked out but yet, it was my friends likeness. I shit off the TV again and went to my room. About an hour later the TV was on again and I figured it was my friend awake again. I went in and it wasn’t him. I turned it off. It didn’t come back on again after that. I was scared but managed to sleep. Early morning my friend left to go visit Richard in hospice then came home and woke me up freaking out. He tells me Richard died last night, at 9:30. This was a time before cellphones were common yet, we had no phone they could have called to tell us then. He found out the next morning. Richard died at 9:30 PM The exact moment he saw him sitting in the car then vanishing. And that night I saw him too in the living room and the TV came on by itself 3 times! So I believe I have witnessed a spirit coming back to say goodbye after death. Not only me, but this other person I knew also back then. Ever since that time, with Richard, now it happens other times since. I think something was opened up in my world that night. One time I even contacted my late father on a spirit box, I knew it was him, things were said that would be specific and unmistakable of my father to say. I am less afraid now that I have seen this more times. But back in 1996, it effected me so much I couldn’t sleep without my lights on for 10 years, and even now I do not sleep in darkness. If my friend and my father can contact me after death, who’s to say someone else couldn’t? Someone I don’t know or who isn’t kind.
I have a scary story. A few years ago, I was folding laundry in my room. I lived in a room across from my parent's, and could see into it when the doors were open. I had an old coat hanger that looked like a tree, and it had a broken leg, but that leg would't let it fall unless someone forcibly removed it. While I was folding my laundry, the hanger came down and barely missed my head, landing in the laundry basket. I do not know why, but I looked up and across the hall to my parent's room while I was stunned. I almost felt compelled to do it in the moment. I saw a tall and dark figure turn on its heel and step onto my parent's bed and out of sight from the doorframe. The figure had no features other than long arms, long legs, a thin and masculine body, and a head with no face. It almost appeared attached to the wall like a shadow. When I went to investigate.. there was nothing.
I haven't exactly had a ghost/spirit encounter myself, but I remember stories my mom has told me about the time we lived in Japan. One of the spirits she encountered was a woman with long black hair and was wearing a very pretty Kimono. My mother said the woman was messing with the blinds and quickly disappeared when she tried interacting with said spirit. Another one was actually through a photo my mom took of the cats we owned at the time. When my parents went to look at the image, you could easily see the outline of a cat in between the two living ones. Unfortunately were unable to get a physical copy of the image, and the images saved to the camera were lost sometime after :(
I was in a field trip with my class, my school booked a 2 star hotel and the in the reviews many people said they have been seeing some sightings of ghosts. I shared a room with another classmate let's call her Rae, it was at night time, we had just finished doing activities and we were told to take a shower and get dinner after taking a shower. Since Rae was scared she wanted me to accompany her shower, well of course I stared at the wall while she showers, after she was done showering she asked if I wanted to be accompanied. But I declined her offer, so she just left the room, and I was showering. I was alone, no one was in the bedroom outside the bathroom. Then suddenly I heard something was knocked over in the bedroom. After I was done showering I checked the room if anything has fallen. Nothing, nothing fell. It was quite creepy, the sound was very vivid too! The students in the next rooms were also downstairs getting dinner, my room was at the very end. I also have another story, it took place at my school. So it was religion class and we had to make a group and decide which song we would sing. My group chose outside of the classroom, it was at the end of the hall. We were sitting at the floor deciding which song we would sing. My group went quiet for a second. I stood up and went to the window to see the view, there was a window near us. Suddenly the window shut, there was no wind at all outside. There was also no force that would make the window shut. So I don't know how that window shut.
❗ 이번 영상은 첫 이야기에 놀랄만한 소리가 포함되어 있으니 주의해주세요!
❗ The first story of this video has a surprising sound, so be careful!
❗ 今回の映像は、最初の話に驚くような声が含まれていますので、ご注意くださいね!
👻 시간표 Timeline 時間割
00:01 도입부 Intro イントロ
01:00 수련회 The retreat 修練会
05:29 형체 Shape 形体
12:06 웃음소리 laugh 笑う
오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사합니다.
좋은 꿈 꾸세요!
Thank you for watching today.
Have a nice dream!
놀랄만한 소리가 뭐에요??
비바님도 좋은 꿈 꾸시고 코로나조심 하세요!💕😊
딸랑 딸랑~! 하고 갑자기 슉 나오는 목소리에요🙈
이야기랑 소품들이랑 갭차이 너무 큰 거 아닌가요ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 유령들 귀엽..
엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이제 보니 그렇네요
헐 대박........ 지금 두번째 얘기까지 듣고있는데 너무 무섭잖아요ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 근데 비바님 목소리하고 같이 들리는 살짝 스티키한 태핑소리하고 둘다 넘나 좋아요 하앙 내용은 무서운데 소리는 팅글....
예전 영상이지만 너무 포근해서
무서운 얘기도 좋구 다른 썰들(?)도 풀어주시면 좋겟어요🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
나 집에 혼자있는데....무서운이야기라니....이불속에 들어가야징~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@@Go_dia101 ㅇㅈㅇㅈ
중간중간 무섭다고 하시니까 저도 더 무서워지네요..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 수련회 일은 어릴 때 겪은 거라 더 기억에 남을 것 같아요..
영상에서 갑자기 꾸잉 꼬로록 뿌르륵 해서 뭐지..뭐지?? 이러고있었는데 제 오장육부가 요동치는 소리였군요., 후후,,
우와 이런 이야기(?)들려주는거 넘 좋아요 ㅎㅎ 담에 다른 썰이나 무서운 이야기 또 들려주세요 존버 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ👻❤️❤️무서운이야기 2탄 ㅠㅠ
아니 비바님 이야기 진짜 무서운데 목소리가 너무 좋잖아여ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
무션 이야기와 꿀보이스의
완벽 반전 스토리~~😘
비바님~ 💕
정말 무서운데
소리는 너무 좋아요~~🌟
블랑켓과 휘도 높은 조명이
Hello! me again. I was here from a past few videos. I have Synesthesia, a rare condition that allows me to 'taste' or 'smell' visual images or videos.
Today's video smells like... oranges!
Wonderful video, as always. Thank you for your upload and happy Halloween!
You should do this more often! :)
That is so cool
That condition makes me a bit jealous
Wow this so cool
I love this, can you tell us more stories? they don't have to be spooky but it would be nice. I love the way you tell them 💕
Uh... Me too...
I want to listen viva's more story♥
Things that happened to me:
In my precedent house, there were a lot of strange things that happened, even before my mom and I settled here, and that we were doing the visit, I told her I was feeling uneasy about it but she told me it was because it's white and empty. I have a very bad memory, but I remember a time I was at the window during the day and then I see a movement in the corner of my eyes, so I turned my head a bit and a few strands of my hair were banding forward like if someone was holding them, I took them and brush them along my shoulder and was so scared. Exactly like you, I've seen a transparent-white fuzzy figure before my eyes, in my room, then it kinds of runaway toward the door and disappears before reaching it. A lot of weird sounds too. Also, my mom told me that the flames of 3 candles that we lighten up for idk which event we're banding towards me, like reaching for me (she told me it's because I have an angel protecting me or something). She told me to have a weird experience as well in this house. Honestly, I'm glad I'm not here anymore.
Ur mom is lying its a ghost not an angel
아니 진성..너무 조아여❤️
왜 죄다 댓글이 영어얌....
아 그리고 비바님 목소리 짱 좋아여 ㅜㅜ
(귀가 죽는다고 전해달래요 ㅠㅠ☆☆
I have a scary-ish one. So when I was younger I got really sick and almost died, my parents think that because of me almost dying I was able to connect to the veil/in between world that ghosts and stuff are because of me being near to death. About a year after my recovering we were visiting family that lived out of town. I was outside my grandpas old ranch with my sisters and cousins and they were telling scary stories. When they were telling them I all of the sudden started seeing these shadow people. That and the scary stories mixed made me really scared and I started to cry and ran into the ranch house to my parents and grandma and grandpa. After the trip I thought I would be done seeing them, but one day when I was getting dressed for school in my living room I saw the shadow figure man start coming down the stairs with his cane and top hat. There was also a little girl with pig tails and a dress. I was so scared that I screamed and hid under a blanket shivering and crying, too scared to come out from under the blanket. My mom and twin walked into the room and saw me hiding and crying and asked why I was and so I told them why. I haven’t seen them since then. I never thought I knew who the shadow people I saw were but about 2 years ago I brought them up and asked my mom about them and she said that I when I was younger the shadow people that I explained to her fit the profiles of my relatives that passed away before I was born perfectly. She thinks that because I was close to death I was able to see them and they were trying to send a message to me so I could tell everyone. It’s still a bit scary, but I feel better knowing that they were my relatives
not your just the next harry potter and the top hat people is just coming to see u
Ill check it out. I had the same situation being close to death when my brother died. Long story and I dont want to bore you but Happy halloween,
@@audiosnacktimeasmr3606 it’s ok if it’s a long story, and you won’t bore me, if you would like to tell it I am here to listen 😁 and it would definitely be cool for you to look into it. I’m so sorry your brother passed and I hope you have found peace since then 💕 and thank you! Halloween if my favorite holiday so happy Halloween to you too! 🎃👻💀
@@swank9826 dude I would love to be the next Harry Potter, except I would like to keep both of my parents 😁 it’s weird you say this though cuz I’m also in Gryffindor like Harry 😳😂
@@HalloweenFreak497 I think when death is very close to you, you understand life or look at it differently. You see how it changes things and feel a connection to it and not so much a fear anymore. But I feel his presence often or his random hellos. You are so sweet and thank you. As for Halloween it is the best. The history of it and the costumes! You get to have fun playing a character and the treats of course!
ㅎㅎㅎ 무서운 이야기인데 비바님 목소리는 조곤조곤 평화롭고...... 마치 엄청 추운 겨울인데 야외 노천탕에 들어가있는 기분이네요 아쉽게도 전 무서운 에피소드가 전혀없어요
ribbon is cute
ribbon is cat
but most of all
ribbon protecc
알림뜨자마자 설렘과 떨림...💕
빨리 아들 재우고 봐야징 오늘도 좋은 소리 미리 감사합니다 비바님❤
I like videos of you just talking and telling stories!
요즘 비바님 영상만 보고 있어용ㅜ 넘 아기자기하고 비바님 특유의 분위기가 묻어나는 소품들은 제 수면제 같아용 사랑합니당❤❤
무서운 얘기를 왜...왜 이렇게 사랑스럽게 하시는 거냐구요 달콤하잖아... 우웃..웃 무서운 이야기도 정말 좋아요... 고마워요...고마유ㅓ요....ㅠ.ㅠ.ㅠ
비바님 오늘도 편안히 들으면서 잘게요 그리고 매번 꾸준히 영상 올려주셔서 감사하고 아직 코로나 시기 안끝났으니 감기와 건강 꼭 유의 하셨으면 좋겠어요 그럼 행복한 하루 보내세요
비바님 진성 섞인 목소리 너무 좋아요....
So sweet that you included English subtitles so people can access your videos and enjoy them even more! 😍
Also...where did you get the ghost candle holder in first clip? Xx
와 집중잘되라고 센스있게 진성목소리 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Well here is my story:
I was having like a sleepover at my friends house when I was like 10 And I was really excited about it cause It was my first time having a sleep over. I went to her house And at day we just keep playing And stuffs like that And at night we chilled in her room And kept talking. Till we heard something coming to our room, it sounded like foot steps and then a girl came in.. she said it was just her little sister so we just let her in And she said she coudn't sleep so we said she could sleep with us.. Following the night it was just chilling playing And talking.. The next morning I woke up seeing my friend really scared And even crying.. I asked her whats wrong And she said that her mom said that her sister was having sleep over at her Friends house yester night so.. Who was that person yester night coming in our room?
Lmao if it happened to me I would yeet myself out of the window
When you’re not first, not last, but you tapped super fast! We love you Viva! 🧡
와.. 이런거 너무 좋아요.. 무서운 이야기를 좋아하진 않지만 비바님이 정성스럽게 만들어 주신 영상을 못보고 놓칠 순 없죠.. 정독 하겠습니다
와 .. 말소리 팅글 완전 미쳣서요 잠깐 들었는데 ㅠㅠㅜㅠ
I love Viva's voice so much it's so comforting and calm... it also feels very genuine and natural:)
온갖 asmr 다 들어봤었는데 비바님 목소리랑 스토리가 너무 좋아서 비바님만 구독해두는 중이에요...🥺🥺 이제 비바님 없음 잠두 못자요ㅋㅎㅋ 앞으로도 승승장구하세요❤❤
쫄보라 무서운 이야기는 못듣겠지만 이런 이야기 영상 종종 올려주세용~ 소곤소곤 목소리랑 분위기가 너무 좋아요
으아ㅠㅠㅍ 목소리 너무 좋아요ㅠㅠㅠ 진짜 몰입 잘 되는 아름다운 목소리ㅠㅠㅠ 사랑해요ㅠ❤
Such frightening occurrences!! 💀 Man how did you sleep after those events?? I would've lost it.
괴담도 좋아하고 asmr도 좋아하는데 그 둘의 융합은 첨 보네요♥♥ 좋은거+좋은거=짱좋은거!!! 감사합니다!!
비바언니의 이 asmr들으면서 잠들것 같다...나ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 처음 방울소리 이야기는 섬뜩했어(조마조마조마~)
목소리너무 차분하고 좋네요ㅠ
\\ Λ_Λ
\( 'ㅅ' ) 두둠칫
> ⌒ヽ
/ へ\
/ / \\
レ ノ ヽ_つ
/ /
/ /|
( (ヽ 두둠칫
| |、\
| 丿 \ ⌒)
| | ) /
`ノ ) Lノ
\\ Λ_Λ
\( 'ㅅ' ) 두둠칫
> ⌒ヽ
/ へ\
/ / \\
レ ノ ヽ_つ
/ /
/ /|
( (ヽ 두둠칫
| |、\
| 丿 \ ⌒)
| | ) /
`ノ ) Lノ
\\ Λ_Λ
\( 'ㅅ' ) 두둠칫
> ⌒ヽ
/ へ\
/ / \\
レ ノ ヽ_つ
/ /
/ /|
( (ヽ 두둠칫
| |、\
| 丿 \ ⌒)
| | ) /
`ノ ) Lノ
:0 👍
\\ Λ_Λ
\( ˇωˇ)
> ⌒ヽ
/ へ\
/ / \\
レ ノ ヽ_つ
/ / i can do that too
( (ヽ
| |、\
| 丿 \ ⌒)
| | ) /
ノ ) Lノ
비바님 무서운 이야기하시는데 너무 신나게 이야기하세요ㅋㅋ 뒤에 타는듯한 소리 좋네요😍
I’m laying here in bed in the dark and I heard my cat move one of their toys that have bells in them and then she started talking about the “jingle jingle” sound part and I was like WHAT 😱😂
무서워여 무서운일 있지마시고 행복하고 건강한 한 해 보내시길 바래요~♥
헉 3일 만에 또 새로운 영상이❣️❣️❣️❣️
비바님 목소리 너무 편안해요♡ 잘 듷읗게오!!🥴🥶
스물한살인데 오늘 엄마랑 자게 될까봐 못 듣겠네요^^... 저는 포기합니다 다음 영상...에서 봬요 흑흑.......
ㅋㅋㅋ 커엽스 ㅋㅋ
비바님 오셨다!!!!!! 게다가 무서운 이야기다!!! 감사해요
Ooo~ cool, I’m glad this came out, I can’t fall asleep. I’m going through a lot of stress and this helped me a lot.
Hi! It's been a year now but I hope viva would do this again. Like right now since it's October too hehe
요근래 업데이트가 많아서 좋아요😆
저는 야근중이랍니다... 일이 끝나질 않아요ㅠㅠ 재택근무중이라 천만 다행이에요. 무서운 얘기 들으면서 오늘 가기전에 마쳐보겠습니다ㅎㅎ 비바님은 야근 마시고 즐겁게 일하세요!☺️☺️
헐 첫얘기 짧다 하셨는데 너무 무섭네요ㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠ
목소리가 차분하시고 편안하네요ㅠ너무 좋아요
그리고 저만 작은 유령이 가랜드 같이 걸려있는 유령들이 박하사탕 같이 보이나요..ㅋㅋ
I love this video so much, I’ve watched it sooo many times but I always fall asleep before the end lol. I hope you will do more videos like this where you just tell stories
비바님 저 무서운거 진짜 못보는데 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 비바님 영상은 놓칠수없어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 으앙 ㅠㅠㅠ 마음 다잡고 들을게요..ㅠㅠㅠ 근데첨부터 왜 실화인거야ㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅍ
헐 전에 언급하신 후로 언젠간 올라오겠지 하고 기다렸어요...쫄보지만 무서운얘기 좋아하는편(?) 잘 듣겟습당♥
i was just about to fall asleep...thank u so much for this❤️ love ur videos viva!!!❤️
here’s something really scary that i’ve been through:
so my brothers’ dad’s girlfriend passed away in 2019. it was really sudden and she was super young, but she cared for my brothers a lot before she died. the night after her death i was in my room on my phone and i saw some fuzzy/sparkly figure in the corner of my eye. it didn’t have a shape, it wasn’t a person, it was just a fuzzy transparent blob. i watched it for a second and it flew across my room and went out of my door into the hallway. i followed it into the hall and i saw it go to my brothers’ room. my brothers were sleeping with their door shut, and the fuzzy figure literally burst their door open and then the door slammed shut after it went in my brothers’ room. i panicked and opened my brothers’ door, but they were still asleep and the figure was gone. i wasn’t scared or anything of the figure, just a little wary. i don’t know why, but i just KNOW that figure was my brothers’ dad’s girlfriend. i think she wanted to check on my brothers before she officially was gone. it was really spooky and i told my mom about it (my mom’s a medium) and my mom told me that i was right. it was the lady who passed! i haven’t seen her since, but i do see spirits in my house from time to time. i’ve only been truly scared of one of the spirits because it would talk to me at night. it was sooo creepy.
What did the spirit say?
Have you ever talked to the holy spirit?
My brothers dad
I swear one night I had sleep paralysis and a girl with long hair like the "Ring" movie just crawled on the floor and stood right next to my bed and I was 5 at the time. I remember all I could do was cry, I gave up hope and I remember crying silently for like an hour straight.
전 공포영화는 절대 못보는데 무서운 얘기 듣거나 읽는건 좋아해용 동숲하면서 영상 끝까지 다 봤는데 완젼 무섭고 팅글도 짱이네여ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
저도 무서운 이야기를 하고 싶어서 적어보는 댓글이여요!😊
비바님의 예전 집에 유령같은 누군가가 있었다고 해도
자기 존재를 알리고 싶은 장난꾸러기 귀신친구였나봐요...☺ 귀신친구도 귀여워~~!
저도 정당히 '헉...' 하실 정도로
직접 겪었던 무서운 경험의 극 일부를 짧게 써볼까 해요!✨🌠🌠
중학생 때 두번째로 가위에 눌렸을 때였어요
처음 눌렸을 때에는 아무래도 처음이라서 뭐가 뭔지 모르는 상태로 가위를 맞이해서ㅠㅠ 그냥 나쁜 꿈이라고만 생각하고 넘겼었는데
두번째로 눌리고 나서 아.. 그게 꿈이 아니라 가위였구나 느꼈어요.
시험날이여서 학교가 일찍 끝나 집에 왔는데 그날따라 너무 몸이 너무 무겁고 피곤했어요... 집에는 아무도 없고 초가을 ,시간도 기억이 나네요! 오후2시...
안방에 큰 침대가 있어서 거기서 뒹굴뒹굴 쉬다가
낮🌞이라서 잠들기에는 빛이 너무 밝아 얇은 여름이불을 머리 끝까지 덮고 누웠어요
바른 자세로 누운 채 그대로 스르르 잠이 들락 말락 할 그 때에 그렇게 몸이 굳어버렸어요.
그때 딱 깨달았어요 '아 이게 가위구나'... 눈만 겨우 뜰 수 있고 목소리도 나오지 않고 몸도 움직여지지 않아 신기해하고
드디어 나도 가위라는 것에 눌려보는구나!^///^ 하며 잠시 흥분했다가
움직이지 못하는 것이 불편해져 슬슬 답답해지고 이거 언제끝나냐~~~ㅠㅠ 할 때 쯤에
눈을 떴는데
머리 끝까지 덮은 이불이
새하얀 두 손에
아주 천천히 끌어 내려지고 있었어요
순간 너무 놀라고 당황해서 숨도 잘 쉬어지지 않았어요
눈앞에서 천천히 움직이는 손가락은 너무 창백했어요. 살아있는 것이 아닌 것 같았어요
이게 뭐지? 귀신인가? 이런 생각들이 빠르게 스쳐가다가
이불이 다 내려지면 손가락 주인 얼굴이 있는거 아냐...? 라고 생각이 들자마자
무서워져서 바로 눈을 질끈 감았답니다
눈을 감아도 주변이 어두운지 밝은지 대충 알잖아요? 감은 눈에도 빛은 새어들어오니까요..
이불이 거의 얼굴 끝까지 걷어진게 확실할 정도로 질끈 감은 눈앞이 천천히 밝아졌던게 몇년이 지난 지금도 생생하게 기억이 날 정도로 너무 무서웠어요😂
그렇게 눈을 감은 채로 몇분이 지났을까...
몸은 피곤했어서ㅋㅋㅋ 가위에 몸을 맡기고 그대로 기절잠💤을 자고 말았는데요..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그렇게 두 시간을 잤나봐요.
시계를 보니까 정확히 4시 정각이였어요
눈이 떠지니까 밖은 아직 밝았고🌞
몸도 움직여져서
'아싸 가위 풀렸다~~!^^'
이러고 기지개를 피려는데
분명 머리 끝까지 덮어놨을 이불이
제 쇄골까지
반듯하게 접혀져 있는 거예요
그것도 종이 접은 듯 구겨짐 없이...
자면서 뒤척이다 이불이 주르륵 내려간 느낌도 아니였고
정말 다른 누군가가 직접 내린 것처럼 반듯하게 접혀있었어요.
그걸 확인한 순간 덜컥 겁이나서
가족이 돌아와서 이불을 내려줬나? 생각하고
거실로 뛰쳐나와 엄마!!! 하고 소리를 질렀는데
집에는 온 사람이 아무도 없었습니다
혼자 무서워져서 온갖 tv틀고 컴퓨터 틀고 난리났던 기억이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아무튼 그랬답니다! 읽어주셔서 감사해요😌
보통 가위에 눌리는 것은 수명장애의 일종이니까 실제 내 몸이나 주변에는 영향이 없어야 할텐데
왜인지 그런 일을 겪고 말았네요😂이런!😂
그 이후로도 정면으로 바르게 누우면 가위에 잘 눌려 요즘은 옆으로 누워 잠들고 있답니다!
내사랑 비바님은 가위 없이 잘 주무시길 바라요..!👉😉👉💕
헐 이거 무섭네요 ㅠㅠ..... 저도 예전에 가위 눌렸는데 누가 제 두 손을 포개서 자꾸 잡아 당기는 거예요 살짝 눈을 떴는데 진짜 몸이 위아래로 움직이는 걸 봤는데 너무 무서워서 기절할 뻔했어요 저도 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ...
저는 바로 엄마옆에서 잤는데 가위가 눌렀어요 그래서 말을못하는거에요 작은목소리로 엄마....엄마.... 하면서 계속 말했는데 결국에는 5분지나고 가위눌린거 깨어남 그리고 이불을 얼굴까지 덮고 잠을잤어요 그래서제가 가위에 또눌려서 제가 숨을못수고해서 죽을것같았는데 엄마께서 일어나! 하고 불을 탁! 하고 켰는데 가위에서 벗어났어요...휴...
너무너무너무너무 재밌어요..또 이런거 해주셨음 좋겠다❤️
와!! 비바님 40만 달성!!! 정말 축하드려요♥♡♥♡♥♡
무서울까봐 저녁에 못보고 점심에 보고있어여ㅋㅋㅋ
혹시 그 마스크를 꾸미는(?)그런거 해주실수있나요...
그 꼬마돌 스케일링에 나온 꼬마돌이 마스크를 들고와서 꾸며달라하는 그런거인데 보석버전,그림을 직접 그려주는 버전,마스크의 필터를 더해주는버전등등...(제 상상력이 딸려서...)그렇게 하고 원하는걸로 꾸미는 거죠....아이패드로도 하셔도 되는데 너무 무리시다면 안하셔도 됩니당...항상 응원하고 있고 계속 좋은 ASMR영상 만들어 주셔서 감사해욥! 그럼전 이만...
정말 그 집에 무언가 있었던 것 같네요 무서운 이야기 너무 좋아용ㅎㅎ
almost 400k subscribers!! you deserve every single one of them, also, nice spooky video!
a scary story ive been through is in 1st grade every person in my class had a little notebook to draw in when we had spare time,and i decided i would draw me laying in my bed with my stuffed animals i didnt finish the drawing because we needed to go to lunch,so when we got back i was going to finish the drawing but when i turned to the page i saw a all black creature thing that was holding a knife that in the picture was right next to me but i was 100% sure i did NOT draw that and i freaked out i was the last person to leave the classroom when we were heading to lunch and nobody had gone back in. i do have another though,so one day i was watching TV and i had set the remote on the couch because i was going to get a bite of my food and i was sure i set the remote on the couch before i went to get a bite of food but when i got back to the couch the remote wasnt there and it was somehow on the table next to my food
비바님 영상 항상 잘보고 있어요!ㅎㅎ제가 좋아하는 무서운 이야기까지 해주시니 넘 좋아용♡♡
for some reason all of the schools I go to will always have some sort of rumor about ghosts or something. Also, great video! I actually felt scared hearing the stories
schools are creepy. when i was in primary school (7-8 years old) my friend and i were in the toilets. the taps were the kind that you had to pull up to turn on. and it turned on suddenly on its own, right in front of our eyes. we screamed and ran tf out lol
We had a rumors in our school that the school was haunted too. We also had a bathroom in the basement of my school which was all the way at the back of a hallway. It was secluded and you could barely hear people even if you were own the same floor. The lights flickered and the tubes always kinda stuck out from the sealing. It was always stories of the dead girls and the loud ass toilets that scared me.
basically, all schools are haunted...or have rumors that sound real af XD
@@owoe_flower woah same thing happened to me and my friends- we were in the toilet near the library (which used to be known as the haunted toilet) and while I was waiting for my friends to finish, they screamed and claimed they saw the tap turn on by itself. I wasn't sure if what they said was true, but our school has had alot of scary rumors, even one of my teachers said our school might be haunted because she also experienced something scary
I think almost all schools have rumours or ghost stories.
I remember in a school I went to a while back we had building work done, so most of the school was brand new but some was left the same. In the old bit there were some toilets that were creepy as hell. Me and my friends at the time would always go ghost hunting, turning off the lights and trying to 'summon ghosts'.
One time we did it and we heard one of the toilets flush, but obviously we just thought that someone was in there with us and we hadn't noticed. I thought it was strange that the cubicle door was unlocked whilst someone went to the toilet but I thought that maybe they just forgot, so I open the cubicle door and no one is in there. My friend checks the other cubicle and nobody is in there either. We ran out so fast the we almost broke the door and we screamed so loudly that a teacher came to check on us. One of my friends was so scared that she had started crying. We got in MAJOR trouble for messing around in the toilets at breaktime. Never went to those toilets again.
The room next to the toilets was a music room and was also really old. The handle would always move on its own and it was always eerily cold in the room, even on warm days. Glad I'm not at that school anymore lol.
VIVA! Your stories always relax me, even if they’re spooky! I hope you make more story videos. :)
Once in around 1996, I worked at Orchestra Hall and lived in my art studio with my much older best friend Richard. We had people staying with us who didn’t know the way around the city but drive me to and from work, Richard would ride in front seat every time to give directions to him, so he could learn the way around the city he was kind of new to, still. And take me to work etc thereafter. Then he just continued to ride with us for the heck of it whenever he could. Even after the other person knew the way.
Richard ended up having terminal cancer eventually and could not be saved. He hung on awhile at home, but there was nothing could be done, it was found really late stage. So he, at one point ended up in hospice. After I would go to work my friends would then go visit him in hospice, then pick me up later from my job which ended at night around 9 PM.
They also visited in the early morn at times without me, before I was awake. Sometimes we all went together.
This night I was a little late getting finished at my job so my friend drive to get me, sat in the driver seat of his car but accidentally fell asleep waiting.
I didn’t come out until almost 9:30.
When I did I noticed that he had fallen asleep from waiting, I knocked on his window and he unlocks the door. I went to get in and sit in front seat, the one Richard used to ride in before he got sick. When I sat down in the car my friend screamed and jumped out of his door, and I was like What? What’s wrong?!
He says to me “ oh my god when you woke me I saw Richard in the passenger seat like usual but then you sat down instead of going to back seat, you sat right on top of him and he vanished into nothing!” I was like, what? Oh my god that’s crazy. You must have been dreaming etc
He said, NO he wasn’t he saw it!
We drive home kind of freaked out.
That night, everyone but me asleep, in my room, I started hearing the TV on in the main room. I went to turn it off and no one was watching it. I turned it off went back to my room, and again the TV was on. I go back in, getting annoyed now, thinking my friend turned it back on but he was sleeping in his room.
I went back in, looked over at the chairs to the chair Richard always sat in while we watched TV, and I saw him there for just a second! Then he was gone. I was really freaked out but yet, it was my friends likeness. I shit off the TV again and went to my room. About an hour later the TV was on again and I figured it was my friend awake again. I went in and it wasn’t him. I turned it off. It didn’t come back on again after that. I was scared but managed to sleep.
Early morning my friend left to go visit Richard in hospice then came home and woke me up freaking out. He tells me Richard died last night, at 9:30. This was a time before cellphones were common yet, we had no phone they could have called to tell us then. He found out the next morning. Richard died at 9:30 PM
The exact moment he saw him sitting in the car then vanishing. And that night I saw him too in the living room and the TV came on by itself 3 times! So I believe I have witnessed a spirit coming back to say goodbye after death. Not only me, but this other person I knew also back then.
Ever since that time, with Richard, now it happens other times since. I think something was opened up in my world that night.
One time I even contacted my late father on a spirit box, I knew it was him, things were said that would be specific and unmistakable of my father to say.
I am less afraid now that I have seen this more times. But back in 1996, it effected me so much I couldn’t sleep without my lights on for 10 years, and even now I do not sleep in darkness. If my friend and my father can contact me after death, who’s to say someone else couldn’t? Someone I don’t know or who isn’t kind.
무서운거 밤에 들으면 너무무서워서 아침에 졸릴때 틀었는데 잠이 깨네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 신박한 ASMR이었습니다
아 어떡해요 저 지금 첫번째이야기 듣는데 너무 무서워요 헐헐헐 사실 이 영상 틀때 살짝 졸렸는데 살짝 잠이 깬것샅아요 허로ㅓㄹ 근데 잠이와요아잉 ㅠㅠㅠ 좋린데 ㅅ
내시경 후기 때 말씀해주신 무서운 이야기 특집이 드디어!
실화라니... 너무 무서워요ㅠㅠㅠ
무서우니까 예전 영상 하나 더 들으면서 자야겠어요
I just got home from work after a night shift, it's time to relax. Thanks viva ❤ 🙌
왜케...무서워요??ㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠ 오랜만에 얘기 듣고 무섭네요
무서운 이야기지만 목소리가 좋아서 잘 들었어요~!!😁
5:46 뭐요?????결혼이요?!?!??!!
Im a scaredy cat, I'm gonna watch this when I'm taking a nap😌😅
OMG, THAT LIGHT SWITCH STORY IS SO SPOOKY!! 😱👻 I would never sleep again!! LOL
2번은 좀 소름..ㄷㄷㅠㅠㅠ
ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ딸라.ㅇ..듣다가 포기...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ넘무셔워요... 뒤에껀 들을 용기가 없어요 엉엉 ㅜㅜㅜ
목소리 너무 좋으셔서 꼭 듣고 싶은데 내용이 무서워서 못 듣겠어요ㅠㅠ 🥺😩
진성 섞어서 얘기하는 거 좋아요!!
오....이런 잔잔한 무서운이야기 넘 조아여....
I really love this kind of video! If you have anymore scary stories please make another video like this one before Halloween and tell them! 😁🙏
The story, really quite scary tho😱 especially the 3th story
I have a scary story.
A few years ago, I was folding laundry in my room. I lived in a room across from my parent's, and could see into it when the doors were open.
I had an old coat hanger that looked like a tree, and it had a broken leg, but that leg would't let it fall unless someone forcibly removed it.
While I was folding my laundry, the hanger came down and barely missed my head, landing in the laundry basket.
I do not know why, but I looked up and across the hall to my parent's room while I was stunned. I almost felt compelled to do it in the moment.
I saw a tall and dark figure turn on its heel and step onto my parent's bed and out of sight from the doorframe. The figure had no features other than long arms, long legs, a thin and masculine body, and a head with no face. It almost appeared attached to the wall like a shadow.
When I went to investigate.. there was nothing.
지금 무서움과 몽롱함이 공존하고있어요....
지금이라도 뿌리치고 엄마 옆으로 가서 자라..
아니다.. 지금 이 몽롱함을 포기 할 수 없다...
your voice is sooo soothing you should do a mouth sounds vid!!💗💗💗💗
I'm glad there is daylight right now or else I wouldn't sleep 😅
I haven't exactly had a ghost/spirit encounter myself, but I remember stories my mom has told me about the time we lived in Japan.
One of the spirits she encountered was a woman with long black hair and was wearing a very pretty Kimono. My mother said the woman was messing with the blinds and quickly disappeared when she tried interacting with said spirit.
Another one was actually through a photo my mom took of the cats we owned at the time. When my parents went to look at the image, you could easily see the outline of a cat in between the two living ones. Unfortunately were unable to get a physical copy of the image, and the images saved to the camera were lost sometime after :(
👻하.. 뒤돌아보면 누가 있을까봐 무서운데 뒤는 돌아보고싶고...
ok but now i'm going sleep scared...
이불속에서 듣는... 무서운 이야기...
너무 무섭네요ㅠ
I was in a field trip with my class, my school booked a 2 star hotel and the in the reviews many people said they have been seeing some sightings of ghosts. I shared a room with another classmate let's call her Rae, it was at night time, we had just finished doing activities and we were told to take a shower and get dinner after taking a shower. Since Rae was scared she wanted me to accompany her shower, well of course I stared at the wall while she showers, after she was done showering she asked if I wanted to be accompanied. But I declined her offer, so she just left the room, and I was showering. I was alone, no one was in the bedroom outside the bathroom. Then suddenly I heard something was knocked over in the bedroom. After I was done showering I checked the room if anything has fallen. Nothing, nothing fell. It was quite creepy, the sound was very vivid too! The students in the next rooms were also downstairs getting dinner, my room was at the very end.
I also have another story, it took place at my school. So it was religion class and we had to make a group and decide which song we would sing. My group chose outside of the classroom, it was at the end of the hall. We were sitting at the floor deciding which song we would sing. My group went quiet for a second. I stood up and went to the window to see the view, there was a window near us. Suddenly the window shut, there was no wind at all outside. There was also no force that would make the window shut. So I don't know how that window shut.
why did I decide to watch this at 3am lol now I’m too scared to even go out and close my bedroom door😖
I didn't hear a surprise sound what sound where you talking about? And when in the first story did it occour?
Watching this at night