Stage 0: MAT Stage 0.5: ToSA Stage 2.5: ToHH Stage 3.5: ToCR Stage 4.5: ToTRP Stage 6: ToTDTHL Stage 7: BToRF Stage 8: ToTAS Stage 9: ToTRD Stage 10: ToP (humanly impossible version) Stage 20: OoIDC Immeaurable floor Stage 100: TT (JHT) Stage 1000: ToBTLTBSG Stage 9999: GCoCIaND Rebirth Challenging floor Stage Infinity: Really advanced game breaking purist gameplay that is hard to comprehend Stage 3RR0R: At this point, jumps get very large very fast. It goes from 2049 stud jump spam to beyond 1 googol stud walkaround stick out by 1 decillion from a 0 stud high gap wallwalk. Stage VO!D: Stage 3RR0R but more advanced. For example, it's now something like 10JFF10e213 studs instead of 10e100 studs. Stage ???: The size of obstacles becomes infinitely big and infinitely complex. It doesn't even make sense to think about them anymore. Stage HELL: We're at JJT class 24 now. All laws of math and physics are broken. Why don't you quit and switch to some CO gameplay? Stage NO MORE: There are paradoxes preventing you from winning, like in Penultimate, Liminal, and The Final Difficulty. Touch grass.
Stage 0: MAT
Stage 0.5: ToSA
Stage 2.5: ToHH
Stage 3.5: ToCR
Stage 4.5: ToTRP
Stage 6: ToTDTHL
Stage 7: BToRF
Stage 8: ToTAS
Stage 9: ToTRD
Stage 10: ToP (humanly impossible version)
Stage 20: OoIDC Immeaurable floor
Stage 100: TT (JHT)
Stage 1000: ToBTLTBSG
Stage 9999: GCoCIaND Rebirth Challenging floor
Stage Infinity: Really advanced game breaking purist gameplay that is hard to comprehend
Stage 3RR0R: At this point, jumps get very large very fast. It goes from 2049 stud jump spam to beyond 1 googol stud walkaround stick out by 1 decillion from a 0 stud high gap wallwalk.
Stage VO!D: Stage 3RR0R but more advanced. For example, it's now something like 10JFF10e213 studs instead of 10e100 studs.
Stage ???: The size of obstacles becomes infinitely big and infinitely complex. It doesn't even make sense to think about them anymore.
Stage HELL: We're at JJT class 24 now. All laws of math and physics are broken. Why don't you quit and switch to some CO gameplay?
Stage NO MORE: There are paradoxes preventing you from winning, like in Penultimate, Liminal, and The Final Difficulty. Touch grass.
@@SimulatorObbyFan2k24-k5s i didn’t know the last 7 stages existed
Therapist: the last 7 stages don't exist, they won't hurt you
The last 7 stages:
@Astronomer8636 now there's 5 more stages enjoy
@@SimulatorObbyFan2k24-k5s what the heck
@@Astronomer8636 JJT
Nice video!
Glad you enjoyed it
ToTS and ToIM has client objects like kb, fading platform and spinning kb
Cool video btw
It’s not like heavy client objects like toha
@@Astronomer8636 yet its not purist like ToTL, NEaT or ToVH
Check the description for more details and credits!
Sorry for being lazy..
Stage 6: ToSF, Stage 7: ToTaS (TOO HARD (WHAT THE HECC))
If this was after 10/26 I would’ve added tosf
Bro skipped tohh
@@Abdarahman_450 I should’ve replaced toim with tohh
@@Astronomer8636Na difficulty gap too big
bro skipped ToCR@@Astronomer8636