Thanks for another great video! Looking forward to you and Kent hanging out again. You have really inspired me to get out and set new goals for myself. 65lbs lost this year and diabetes under control with NO Meds. (Doc sanctioned of course.) You are a big part of my medical rehab as well. From my whole family, THANK YOU SHUG!!! Happy Fathers Day!!
This is Kitsap Cowboy’s wife and we just love your channel Shug. I’m surprising him with some Shug swag for our anniversary! Whoo buddy!! Another awesome video!
Wow, looks awesome up there. Some day i hope to go there. Maybe next year on the way to the apostle islands. That tree must be near 100 feet. Sweet. Whoa! Did you say bears?
You had me on the floor when you said you’re going back to an external frame pack & throwing a frying pan on the back...dying!! Good to see the Amigo pro is still in use! Take care brother.
I just worked a 14 hour shift as a trucker and didn't pack a lunch on accident so I was feeling woozy too but there is nothing like eating something when I finally get home and watching one of your videos! I'm instantly transported to a happy place with you and all the beautiful scenery you film... Your the best Shug and never let anything get you down!
Was in your old stomping ground of Linville Gorge this weekend with a troop of scouts. 2 bears, 1 rattlesnake, lots of miles. Came out via the Cambric Trail, a new one to me, up to Shortoff, and then bushwhacked about 3 miles around the Chimneys. Took the time to tell the story of your trip a few years ago when a friend was airlifted out. Good weekend.
Totally depleted from a rough week as a nurse but your brilliant nature filming that made me feel I was right there and your antics that made me laugh healed ME. Thank you, Shug.
Great trip... Loved it. The rain sounds are relaxing... until the thunder and lightning. Whoooo Buddy. Those pancakes looked delicious. The pitas bread for pizza is a great idea for dinner on the trail. No Poptarts (in Shug voice) on the trail. Thank you for sharing, take care Shug.
I doug out my wife's old one and bought some fuel cells and pads after that one. Tried it earlier on the NCT for one night and it seemed to work pretty good.
That was a very enjoyable video. A little bit of hiking, some flowing water and wild flowers, some food and rain... inspires me to get out there. Oh, nice hat! You must be happy about "your man" Lando.
Thanks for the video Shug. With all the stress and uncertainty in life, I never fail to find relief in your adventures and antics. Such beautiful scenery combined with your commentary brews a certain kind of magic. The laughs are incalculably valuable. The stick with the spike on it, acting like a pecking chicken, had me laughing to tears.
Those northern WI woods is where I first learned to love the outdoors. I can smell that pine duff floor, the sprinkling of wild flowers, and grass blowing on a lake breeze. I can hear the loons at dusk right here in my very urban abode.
Great pointing out some of the types of flowers, flora, bear poop...etc. The old supper club. Many folks like those sort of additions to the video. The geography & watershed. Boundary waters vs Wis Flowage stuff. I want to hang by that St. Croix River sometime. All those big rocks & cliffs. Taylor's Falls
Shug, this past weekend, in no small part due to your information and content, I spent my first weekend camping in my life, in a hammock and tarp I made myself. I stayed dry in a thunderstorm, and had an amazing time. Thank you for all you do.
Great shot of the loon. Yep, that grass looks mighty fine to rest the back a bit. Always wanted to explore that area. See the signs from the Indian Trails bus in the whee hours of the morning. Thanks for the footage.
That forest is giving me the phantom smell of earthy decomposing straw and the fresh piney smell off the trees. Thanks for sharing the trip with us. This helps tide me over until I get a chance to take my son out again.
ill never forget the storm you and Hickory on the Linville cliffs man that was something , have to say lying in the hammock in a storm is knowing your alive great stuff , nice one Bro...that fire pit looks like the reminiscence of chernobyl ha ha !!!! happy trails
Wow that rain and storm really caught me off guard! Those are the types of moments that make backpacking so much fun and exciting. And you nailed it that it is not always fun. I always tell people it’s basically exercise, chores, a little bit of relaxing and then more chores and exercise! But if you love it, you get it. As usual you did a great job of capturing all aspects of the experience. Keep pumping out the videos shug we can’t get enough.
for a moment i thought i was a dirigible. That was very nice to mention Marty. when Marty first started his summer series i had to have a set and i asked him to try to match the color of "Franken Quilt" . (named mine frank) Marty was a very special friend, Thank you!
Hey Shug, another great video. Just got out on Tuesday to the Massasauga provincial park for my first overnight kayak trip of the year. Inspired by you, I made my morning coffee in the hammock. It was wonderful, that's going to be the new norm for me. Thanks for the entertainment, and inspiration, wooooo buddy!
Elk would love those grassy woodlands, they were extirpated from that area in the 1880's though. A reintroduced herd is doing well. Some from Kentucky, the mother of grassy woodlands.
I was in northern Wisconsin camping today. I went up yesterday and just got back home at about 5:30. Skeeters were horrible. I taste like gourmet candy to those little critters none of the repellents I took along worked for me. Last night I had to hang out in my hammock in my van and watch old classic 1940s movies. I wanted to watch the sun go down and hang out by the lake, but I just didn't have enough blood to share. Today I found an open area in the wind so I was able to get out on the water with my SUP..... so very peaceful and refreshing. I also got in a 4-mile hike while it was still cool.
We camp the Everglades, and the bug situation there is absolutely crazy. The thermacell is an essential piece of the bug puzzle. Glad to see ya burnin one.
Great to see you on the trail. I also retired at 62. That was three years ago. I did about fifty days of contract work per year the first two years. This past year has been about half that. I am at 15:35 in let me finish he video.
hey Sean been using the Thermacell for about 3 years now and it is AWESOME. Hasn't ever failed me in the woods or even the backyard here in MN. Love this video - thanks much for bringing us with you! Oh and won't share this with the wife until I get back from my trip in two weeks. She says I'm too old to be doing this (68) and she doesn't want me eaten by a bear - so got to keep her mind at ease at least till I get back. lol
Looked like a great trip Shug. Good to see you out in a new area. Oh how I wished for a cooling storm this week. Upper 80s and hot hot hot. But had a great time on the Oswegatchie River in the Adirondacks. I too have problems in the heat. Must be an old man thing. Thanks for the adventure.
Oh ya. Nice flow on that gravity-fed water filter. The only way to filter water if you ask me. But you did not ask Shug says. Wow. I really need to get out more cause now I am talking to myself here. LOL Good to see you out and about. BTW Congrats on the semi-retirement you announced in one of your previous videos. I look forward to more summer videos from ya.
Love the video Shug. I love the northern woods. I'm from Michigan and living In Arkansas now. We got a cabin close to luddington Michigan and a cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, close to manastiqe . I love Michigan, I should move back.🙂Nothing like the northern woods.
Our deserts are full of Lupin aka Lupine.... We also have Indian Paint Brush which looks kinda like Lupin but it's bright red. The two mixed together during a spring bloom just turns the desert into a lush looking carpet. Looks unbelieveable against a beautiful sunset.
Just what the Dr ordered! External frame with skillet, why not ; ) Maybe even a pulk over sand dunes, the sky is the limit... Good company, bears and a thunderstorm....wooo buddy! Keep 'em coming buddy
Great vid with great points! I’ve been on the receiving end if those big lakeside storms in maine! They can be kinda scary and long. Thanks for takin us out there shug! Hotc
Happy Happy... Joy Joy... a new Shug's hiking/camping vid. Glad you offered up thoughts on the Thermacell, I've been eyeballing one for a while and just haven't been able to make up my mind. I'm thinking one just might be in my future afterall. Good thing you were already hunkered down when Zeus had a bit of a fit.
Congrats again on retirement Shug!! Nice to see you out on the trail and making videos enjoying life. The last time I hiked the NCT just east of where you where it was the wolves we were concerned with, never saw a bear. Great trail as you said. Be safe, happy trails!
Great to see you out enjoying your retirement . You guys second site was sweet !! One of the worst days I ever had , was after we'd stayed in a campsite above the LVG the night before and I hadn't slept worth a crap. And the previous night at a rest stop in W.V . We hit a trail going down that intersected with the R.J . Once I hit the R.J I was done . Plopped down on my ass wasted . Sons came by and gave me a Cliff Bar and some electrolytes and after about 5 minutes I continued . Even felt shaky , it was weird . Nothing like that since :D Stay safe out there Shug , and watch ur 6 !!
I know the rain and thunder was unexpected but you guys were dry and secured from the weather. Listening to the rain and thunder was just so relaxing for me from my side of the video. Lol I enjoyed your vid! 👍
You were definitely dehydrated.Those symptoms you described were classic.The fact that you didn’t really want to eat but forced yourself-no question.Hey,your mind tells you you’re still 35-but your body says no I ain’t!You just pushed it a little too far in the heat.That’s all.
shugemery I heard you say you retired!So you’re done working completely?So more time for backpacking videos??!!BTW,I bought the Thermocell based on what you said.You should have a amazon page so you can get a pay day when one of your subs buys something you recommend..
Shug, I'm glad you posted this video because this weekend I'm going out on Wisconsin trails not quite as East as you. Good to know the bug & bear report! I will have to dust off my thermacells and make sure they're reloaded. Great video BTW. Take care and be safe!
Love seeing you out there! Funny story though.... right at the part in your video where the rain and thunder kick in... it started raining and thundering here while I’m out in my hammock and tarp! It’s like I was right there with ya 🤣
Happy weekend Mr.Shug, my next plan for new year night..we will hit to Talapus lake, Snoqualmie pass,WA state...some upgrade i made on my DD Jungle hammock tent, 1st cut off mosquito net because i am getting lighter and different style for..2nd under Quilt from outdoor Vitals..will see how works..and will test my Aesgismax G1 with... will see how goes..
Awww Shug.. could your trip be any more idea for camping/hiking! Your humor and hiking info is truly helpful! Would love to see Meg join you someday. I know it’s not her thang but retirement does strange things to people. Lol... 🧡🖤
Goodness gracious, such trails & nature!!! In Europe, we have it probably only in Finland. Just Beauuuttifuuul 😍. I'm freshly after "Barkskins" season 1. And man, that's hitting me in my sweet spot 😄. Considering all that shit around, you're so blessed up there guys!! WhoooooooBuddyyy (try to say it with a heavy French accent 😆😄😂)!!!
Hey Shug, Phil from Maine here. I too started bringing a Thermacell on trips this year- I loath bug nets as they make me feel like I’m suffocating when it’s warm out- both times I’ve used it this spring it’s been cool and breezy out so I’m not sure if the therm worked or if the breeze kept them at bay- let me know how yours is working- they are lighter and more compact than a bug net that’s for sure
shugemery true- I only run it at night, I hang it from my ridgeline so it’s kinda hanging just above me.. during the day I use a little bug sort of they get bad. I suspect Maine and Minnesota have a similar severity of biting insects
Our Thermocell saved us on the SHT a few years back. Day 1 and 2, no bugs. Day 3 - EVERY SINGLE ONE of them hatched. That little thermocell gave us a nice bubble of intolerance. :-)
Thermacell is great! I use it turkey hunting in the spring and the bugs are awful. The thermacell is the bee's knee's keeping the mosquitoes, flies and gnats away even when your buried in bushes for an hour.
Wisconsin at it's best. Nice to see the re-emergence of the foot cam. Good to see you're out and about. Got any big trip plans now that the job is done?
I am planning a few trips. But I don't enjoy Summer camping that much as it is crowded and hot. Planning the Badlands journey. Got others in mind but right now really digging into chores around the house. Landscaping!
I moved to Wisconsin two years ago from Maine and I was surprised to see how the forests here are. Lots of grass covered forest floor with tons of wild flowers.
Love the McLaren hat at the end! Are you an F1 fan? Wisconsin native currently living in Wyoming, will be moving back to Wisconsin in a few months. Sad to leave the mountains, but Wisconsin has it's own charm. Especially looking forward to getting back up to the BWCA!
I sure am an F1 fan for sure. Love the tracks, cars an history. BWCA closeby is real good. Was up there about 3 weeks ago.
Thanks for another great video! Looking forward to you and Kent hanging out again. You have really inspired me to get out and set new goals for myself. 65lbs lost this year and diabetes under control with NO Meds. (Doc sanctioned of course.) You are a big part of my medical rehab as well. From my whole family, THANK YOU SHUG!!!
Happy Fathers Day!!
Way to go. I can't wait to hang with Hickery.....Whoooooo Buddy)))))
This is Kitsap Cowboy’s wife and we just love your channel Shug. I’m surprising him with some Shug swag for our anniversary! Whoo buddy!! Another awesome video!
Hey there. Very nice of you. Hope Kitsap is well. He is missed on HF. Thanks for the support.
Let Kitsap know I'm still enjoying the Kitsap chameleon I bought from him a year or so ago! Hope all is well with you both!
Wow, looks awesome up there. Some day i hope to go there. Maybe next year on the way to the apostle islands.
That tree must be near 100 feet. Sweet.
Whoa! Did you say bears?
Lots of bears there. Oh yeah.
Retirement is looking good on you dude!
Whooooo Buddy))))) Love the true lollygag life.
You had me on the floor when you said you’re going back to an external frame pack & throwing a frying pan on the back...dying!! Good to see the Amigo pro is still in use! Take care brother.
I sometimes want to. Hike in Converse and denims while smoking a Camel unfiltered.
I just worked a 14 hour shift as a trucker and didn't pack a lunch on accident so I was feeling woozy too but there is nothing like eating something when I finally get home and watching one of your videos! I'm instantly transported to a happy place with you and all the beautiful scenery you film... Your the best Shug and never let anything get you down!
Looong shift whilst peckish! Thankee. Stuff gets to me once in a while, I just don't film that
Was in your old stomping ground of Linville Gorge this weekend with a troop of scouts. 2 bears, 1 rattlesnake, lots of miles. Came out via the Cambric Trail, a new one to me, up to Shortoff, and then bushwhacked about 3 miles around the Chimneys. Took the time to tell the story of your trip a few years ago when a friend was airlifted out. Good weekend.
Coming up Cambric is no easy feat! Whooooo Buddy)))))
Totally depleted from a rough week as a nurse but your brilliant nature filming that made me feel I was right there and your antics that made me laugh healed ME. Thank you, Shug.
Thank you for what you do~~~!!!!! Whooooo Buddy)))))
I get a notification for a new Shug Video = instant click and watch.
Mucho obligato and appreciato.
I know what you mean.
We're with you Nick! ;-)
Great trip... Loved it. The rain sounds are relaxing... until the thunder and lightning. Whoooo Buddy. Those pancakes looked delicious. The pitas bread for pizza is a great idea for dinner on the trail. No Poptarts (in Shug voice) on the trail. Thank you for sharing, take care Shug.
I did have a pop tart the next morning. All secure.
The spot that first night looked amazing. I think you sold a few thousand Thermacells. 👍🏼
I know i'm ordering one!
Yeah best thermacell commercial on YT.
been deer hunting for years with them, never take a trip without one. Fantastic video Shug!
I'm glad I bought mine now.
I doug out my wife's old one and bought some fuel cells and pads after that one. Tried it earlier on the NCT for one night and it seemed to work pretty good.
Nice low shot on the water at 1:38, I could listen to this water coming in waves all day
That was a very enjoyable video. A little bit of hiking, some flowing water and wild flowers, some food and rain... inspires me to get out there.
Oh, nice hat! You must be happy about "your man" Lando.
Thrilled for Lando. I watched the race live Sunday and it was a good one. He really put it out there. Looking forward to this Sunday's race...again.
Thanks for the video Shug. With all the stress and uncertainty in life, I never fail to find relief in your adventures and antics. Such beautiful scenery combined with your commentary brews a certain kind of magic. The laughs are incalculably valuable. The stick with the spike on it, acting like a pecking chicken, had me laughing to tears.
Thankee Robbie. Whooooo Buddy)))))
Those northern WI woods is where I first learned to love the outdoors. I can smell that pine duff floor, the sprinkling of wild flowers, and grass blowing on a lake breeze. I can hear the loons at dusk right here in my very urban abode.
Whoooooo Buddy))))))
Great pointing out some of the types of flowers, flora, bear poop...etc. The old supper club. Many folks like those sort of additions to the video. The geography & watershed. Boundary waters vs Wis Flowage stuff. I want to hang by that St. Croix River sometime. All those big rocks & cliffs. Taylor's Falls
Shug, this past weekend, in no small part due to your information and content, I spent my first weekend camping in my life, in a hammock and tarp I made myself. I stayed dry in a thunderstorm, and had an amazing time. Thank you for all you do.
Love hearing that it worked out good for ya'
shugemery If you ever want to hike the AT through Harriman State Park in NY, I’d be honored to share a pap tarrrt with ye’.
Love the pancake and bacon idea, real hot home cooked food out of a baggie! That was a fun trip to watch, thanks for bringing us along.
Whooooo Buddy)))))
My GOD Shug that place is still
beautiful !!!
Just as I remember it as a kid .
Thank you BUDDY !!
It was lush back there.
Majic mirror ah ha ha ha i havent thought of that in for ever ,,,,i never thought such a simple thing would make me smile , thanks man .....
I performed on Romper Room when i was a Ringling clown. So I got to see the magic of magic mirror and Miss Molly...haaaa
👍 way to go, Shug. Having fun!
Whoooooo Buddy)))))
Great video again Shug. You're kicking off retirement like a boss.
I sure loving not worrying about the future gigs that may not exist. Thankee.
Great shot of the loon. Yep, that grass looks mighty fine to rest the back a bit. Always wanted to explore that area. See the signs from the Indian Trails bus in the whee hours of the morning. Thanks for the footage.
That forest is giving me the phantom smell of earthy decomposing straw and the fresh piney smell off the trees. Thanks for sharing the trip with us. This helps tide me over until I get a chance to take my son out again.
Whoooooo Buddy)))))
ill never forget the storm you and Hickory on the Linville cliffs man that was something , have to say lying in the hammock in a storm is knowing your alive great stuff , nice one Bro...that fire pit looks like the reminiscence of chernobyl ha ha !!!! happy trails
I loved that trip.
Wow that rain and storm really caught me off guard! Those are the types of moments that make backpacking so much fun and exciting. And you nailed it that it is not always fun. I always tell people it’s basically exercise, chores, a little bit of relaxing and then more chores and exercise! But if you love it, you get it. As usual you did a great job of capturing all aspects of the experience. Keep pumping out the videos shug we can’t get enough.
Too right. A lot of exercise. I always think that. Just to sleep in the woods. Haaaa. Whooooo Buddy)))))
for a moment i thought i was a dirigible. That was very nice to mention Marty. when Marty first started his summer series i had to have a set and i asked him to try to match the color of "Franken Quilt" . (named mine frank) Marty was a very special friend, Thank you!
Glad I got some gear from him.
@@shugemery Happy Father's Day!
Great setting, cool company and a touch of hardship. Looked like a well rounded trip Shug. Thanks for sharing. ✌🏼🍃
Gonna start taking salt tabs with me. I can take cold but heat gets to me. Thankee.
Hey Shug, another great video. Just got out on Tuesday to the Massasauga provincial park for my first overnight kayak trip of the year. Inspired by you, I made my morning coffee in the hammock. It was wonderful, that's going to be the new norm for me. Thanks for the entertainment, and inspiration, wooooo buddy!
It is what got me into hammocks. A more comfortable morning brew.
RIP Marty: great guy. Inalways figured I would get another quilt from him but never did. The Owl. A good friend to everyone.
Elk would love those grassy woodlands, they were extirpated from that area in the 1880's though. A reintroduced herd is doing well. Some from Kentucky, the mother of grassy woodlands.
I'm addicted to your videos and hammock hanging!
Whooooo Buddy))))
Cannot wait to watch this when I get home from work
Have yourself an awesome day
What is this thing you call work?
Thanks Shug! I am still locked down so live thru your videos.
Glad to serve! haaaaa
I was in northern Wisconsin camping today. I went up yesterday and just got back home at about 5:30. Skeeters were horrible. I taste like gourmet candy to those little critters none of the repellents I took along worked for me. Last night I had to hang out in my hammock in my van and watch old classic 1940s movies. I wanted to watch the sun go down and hang out by the lake, but I just didn't have enough blood to share. Today I found an open area in the wind so I was able to get out on the water with my SUP..... so very peaceful and refreshing. I also got in a 4-mile hike while it was still cool.
They can be relentless sometimes they can.
We camp the Everglades, and the bug situation there is absolutely crazy. The thermacell is an essential piece of the bug puzzle. Glad to see ya burnin one.
Whooooo Buddy)))))
Nothing like being warm and dry in the woods during a storm. Even with the storm looks peaceful.
It was nice. Whoooooo Buddy)))))
Lots of nice lakes and forests in Northern Wisconsin. Used to do bowhunting, fishing, and camping up there. Your video brought back many memories.
It is truly nice up there.
Great to see you on the trail. I also retired at 62. That was three years ago. I did about fifty days of contract work per year the first two years. This past year has been about half that. I am at 15:35 in let me finish he video.
Whooooo Buddy)))))
Awesome shug, I love Wisconsin, it's a beautiful state.
Whooooo Buddy)))))
hey Sean been using the Thermacell for about 3 years now and it is AWESOME. Hasn't ever failed me in the woods or even the backyard here in MN. Love this video - thanks much for bringing us with you! Oh and won't share this with the wife until I get back from my trip in two weeks. She says I'm too old to be doing this (68) and she doesn't want me eaten by a bear - so got to keep her mind at ease at least till I get back. lol
Whoooooo Buddy))))
Looked like a great trip Shug. Good to see you out in a new area. Oh how I wished for a cooling storm this week. Upper 80s and hot hot hot. But had a great time on the Oswegatchie River in the Adirondacks. I too have problems in the heat. Must be an old man thing. Thanks for the adventure.
Been on the NCT in Wisconsin several times but it has been a while.
Another good one for the shug history books. Keep them coming I'd rather watch your video's than any thing on the blube tube !!
Mighty kind of you to say and do.
Oh ya. Nice flow on that gravity-fed water filter. The only way to filter water if you ask me. But you did not ask Shug says. Wow. I really need to get out more cause now I am talking to myself here. LOL Good to see you out and about. BTW Congrats on the semi-retirement you announced in one of your previous videos. I look forward to more summer videos from ya.
Hey Jeep. I do like to sit and watch the water dribble.
Yessir. Loving retirement so far.
While its too hot in Florida, I can watch these videos and live vicariously.
I bet. We missed our Florida trip this year to the beach. Dang Covid.
Love the video Shug. I love the northern woods. I'm from Michigan and living In Arkansas now. We got a cabin close to luddington Michigan and a cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, close to manastiqe . I love Michigan, I should move back.🙂Nothing like the northern woods.
Whooooo Buddy)))))
@@shugemery 😀😀😀👍🏻👍🏻wooooo buddy👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Good to see you out enjoying retirement Shug. Have fun and be safe!
Whoooooo Buddy)))))
Our deserts are full of Lupin aka Lupine.... We also have Indian Paint Brush which looks kinda like Lupin but it's bright red. The two mixed together during a spring bloom just turns the desert into a lush looking carpet. Looks unbelieveable against a beautiful sunset.
Awesome....Whoooooo Buddy)))))
Whoo Buddy from Wisconsin! Nice trip Shug! I’m cool with bears, but that spider.... holy crap!
It was as big as my hand~~~
Just what the Dr ordered! External frame with skillet, why not ; ) Maybe even a pulk over sand dunes, the sky is the limit...
Good company, bears and a thunderstorm....wooo buddy! Keep 'em coming buddy
It was good. Getting out whilst I can. Hope you do too.
Greatly put together video, I think I might try that trail someday very pretty
It awaits you~~~
Wow what an eventful trip!
Whooooo Buddy)))))
Great vid with great points! I’ve been on the receiving end if those big lakeside storms in maine! They can be kinda scary and long. Thanks for takin us out there shug! Hotc
Whooooo Buddy)))))
Who could forget the freaky Romper Room Magic Mirror... from TV at it's finest in the 1960's.
I was actually on Romper Room as a Ringling Clown and got to see Miss Molly do Magic Mirror.
Happy Happy... Joy Joy... a new Shug's hiking/camping vid. Glad you offered up thoughts on the Thermacell, I've been eyeballing one for a while and just haven't been able to make up my mind. I'm thinking one just might be in my future afterall. Good thing you were already hunkered down when Zeus had a bit of a fit.
Zeus was showing off a bit. Made for a thrill in the morn'.
Very nice shug. Looks beautiful out there and looks like a great way to escape
Was peaceful.
Congrats again on retirement Shug!! Nice to see you out on the trail and making videos enjoying life. The last time I hiked the NCT just east of where you where it was the wolves we were concerned with, never saw a bear. Great trail as you said. Be safe, happy trails!
Loving it so far. Working on the house a lot. Even a garden. Whooooo Buddy)))))
Great to see you out enjoying your retirement . You guys second site was sweet !! One of the worst days I ever had , was after we'd stayed in a campsite above the LVG the night before and I hadn't slept worth a crap. And the previous night at a rest stop in W.V . We hit a trail going down that intersected with the R.J . Once I hit the R.J I was done . Plopped down on my ass wasted . Sons came by and gave me a Cliff Bar and some electrolytes and after about 5 minutes I continued . Even felt shaky , it was weird . Nothing like that since :D Stay safe out there Shug , and watch ur 6 !!
Right. The trail wins sometimes!
Fantastic breakfast idea. Keep the backpacking meal ideas coming!
Easy to do. I just make pancakes at home like anyone would and dress 'em up and put them in a double baggie.
I know the rain and thunder was unexpected but you guys were dry and secured from the weather. Listening to the rain and thunder was just so relaxing for me from my side of the video. Lol
I enjoyed your vid! 👍
It made for a fine morning.
You were definitely dehydrated.Those symptoms you described were classic.The fact that you didn’t really want to eat but forced yourself-no question.Hey,your mind tells you you’re still 35-but your body says no I ain’t!You just pushed it a little too far in the heat.That’s all.
Too right. It got me. Time to take more heed on my internal workings for the Summer.
shugemery I heard you say you retired!So you’re done working completely?So more time for backpacking videos??!!BTW,I bought the Thermocell based on what you said.You should have a amazon page so you can get a pay day when one of your subs buys something you recommend..
I am all done performing as I have been. Right now...just freebreezing. I'll see what comes and keep an open mind.
Just ordered the Circuit. It’s maiden voyage will be the Nebraska National Forest at Halsey. Thanks for your videos Shug!
Hope it serves you well and god.
I always bring my Under quilt protector no matter the weather I have learned over the years has been very useful
They do come in handy when windy.
Thanks for sharing, Sug. Love Wisconsin!
Whooooo Buddy)))))
That camp pizza is so darn smart!
And dee-licious!
Shug, I'm glad you posted this video because this weekend I'm going out on Wisconsin trails not quite as East as you. Good to know the bug & bear report! I will have to dust off my thermacells and make sure they're reloaded. Great video BTW. Take care and be safe!
Bears are out and bugs. Thermocell was impressive.
Glad the weather improved for you. Sure is beautiful country you got there. Portland is nice too (Oregon).
Whoooooo Buddy)))))
Now that is a serious rain storm!
Came on strong.
I love the personality in this!! Definitely subscribing 😂
God love ya shugemery you got a boss channel bud I can't walk at all now so I go with you look forward to your vids brother
I thank you.
Hey, thanks for the beautiful tour of the flowers :) I've never seen lupin before, it's gorgeous!
Thankee. They truly are.
Thank you! Cheers!
I see what you did there! You filmed while your water filter did all the hard work. Retirement done right 👍
Whooooo Buddy)))))
Awesome! WI has some great hiking on the NCT. Glad you were able to come over to get a few nights in!
Whooooo Buddy)))))
I feel so peacefull watching your videos, like therapy for free :D
Therapy for me for sure! Thankee.
Love seeing you out there! Funny story though.... right at the part in your video where the rain and thunder kick in... it started raining and thundering here while I’m out in my hammock and tarp! It’s like I was right there with ya 🤣
Whoa! I love that.
Happy weekend Mr.Shug, my next plan for new year night..we will hit to Talapus lake, Snoqualmie pass,WA state...some upgrade i made on my DD Jungle hammock tent, 1st cut off mosquito net because i am getting lighter and different style for..2nd under Quilt from outdoor Vitals..will see how works..and will test my Aesgismax G1 with... will see how goes..
Whoooo Buddy)))))
Nice little trip Shug. And that fuzz on your chin suits you.
Hey Jerry!
Once again you made my day friend. Thank you.
Glad to hear that!
Love the thunder at 10:40
Awww Shug.. could your trip be any more idea for camping/hiking! Your humor and hiking info is truly helpful! Would love to see Meg join you someday. I know it’s not her thang but retirement does strange things to people. Lol... 🧡🖤
She will never tote a pack. Maybe a car camp in our future but she abhors me filming her!
Wow, I live in Wisco and you just introduced me to some trails I wasn't aware of here. Thanks Shug!
It awaits you......
Great video guys, always love your camp setup, going to have to check out that pest controll method
Whoooooo Buddy)))))
Goodness gracious, such trails & nature!!!
In Europe, we have it probably only in Finland. Just Beauuuttifuuul 😍.
I'm freshly after "Barkskins" season 1. And man, that's hitting me in my sweet spot 😄. Considering all that shit around, you're so blessed up there guys!! WhoooooooBuddyyy (try to say it with a heavy French accent 😆😄😂)!!!
A lot of good to be had in the woods here. It does resemble Finland and/or Sweden woods-wise.
Hey Shug, Phil from Maine here. I too started bringing a Thermacell on trips this year- I loath bug nets as they make me feel like I’m suffocating when it’s warm out- both times I’ve used it this spring it’s been cool and breezy out so I’m not sure if the therm worked or if the breeze kept them at bay- let me know how yours is working- they are lighter and more compact than a bug net that’s for sure
It worked very well but To run it every night and day you would need to carry extra cartridges for it.
shugemery true- I only run it at night, I hang it from my ridgeline so it’s kinda hanging just above me.. during the day I use a little bug sort of they get bad. I suspect Maine and Minnesota have a similar severity of biting insects
Thanks Shug! Just got back from a 10 day trip used the warbonnet ridgerunner.....would never have bought it if it weren't for your videos
Our Thermocell saved us on the SHT a few years back. Day 1 and 2, no bugs. Day 3 - EVERY SINGLE ONE of them hatched. That little thermocell gave us a nice bubble of intolerance. :-)
Truly works. Not sure why I waited to long to procure one.
Your timing is amazing!
Just finished a pretty boil...fixin to eat...
Morgan Hill state forest NY.
Part of the NCT!!
Whoooooo Buddy))))))
Thermacell is great! I use it turkey hunting in the spring and the bugs are awful. The thermacell is the bee's knee's keeping the mosquitoes, flies and gnats away even when your buried in bushes for an hour.
I believe.
Reckon I could use me some a that Nueske's bacon, mmhmmm yessir.
Only brand we eat these days. Wife loves it too.
Love me my Thermacell :) I dont leave it behind when im out here in Florida. Love your videos :)
Thankee and Whoooooo Buddy)))))
Looking good.
Whooooo Buddy)))))
What a beautiful trail! Gotta watch that humidity tho,take it from a floridian.Whoo buddy
I do think it reached out and slapped me!
Nice hike, beautiful area, enjoyed the video as always! Inspiring me to get out to the SHT maybe next week, thanks!
Wisconsin at it's best. Nice to see the re-emergence of the foot cam. Good to see you're out and about. Got any big trip plans now that the job is done?
I am planning a few trips. But I don't enjoy Summer camping that much as it is crowded and hot. Planning the Badlands journey. Got others in mind but right now really digging into chores around the house. Landscaping!
The NCT is beautiful! If you get a chance hike the section from FR202 east to Mellen. Lots of overlooks and lots of granite like the SHT.
I will then. Thanks.
I moved to Wisconsin two years ago from Maine and I was surprised to see how the forests here are. Lots of grass covered forest floor with tons of wild flowers.
Whoooooo Buddy)))))
I move back to Florida and now you're hiking Wisconsin. Man do I wish I was still there
Not liking Florida?
@@shugemery I forgot how hot it is down here. There is plenty of tree's to hang on but I need to tweak the tarp hang to keep out the rain
Love the McLaren hat at the end! Are you an F1 fan? Wisconsin native currently living in Wyoming, will be moving back to Wisconsin in a few months. Sad to leave the mountains, but Wisconsin has it's own charm. Especially looking forward to getting back up to the BWCA!
I sure am an F1 fan for sure. Love the tracks, cars an history. BWCA closeby is real good. Was up there about 3 weeks ago.
Just came offa week long trip on W. Bartram Trail and of course, like you, there was plenty PLENTY of weird. 🤗
Weird in the woods is kinda good.