Just a suggestion: if you could turn the underground into a sewage system. You could use a drain or something to drop into there. I think it would be super cool. Use like the glass trick and slime to make it look all yucky and what not. My daughter and I watch your videos over breakfast every morning they release. We love your content and are excited to see where you go from here. You have inspired her to get into Minecraft which is amazing cause I love the game. Thank you for all the good vibes and amazing videos you put out foxy. Keep it up mate! Cheers ❤
@@foxynotailHey, foxy, if no one has told you this, they have updated the train addon, or made a new one where you can actually use anything you put on a train. I think it could be very useful for anything you use for a train. You can use storage drawers, chests, pretty much whatever you can put stuff in, you can use them on an assembled train. I found this out from Shalz and his Create “Series”. Also I have started from the very beginning and got here in about three days, I’m excited to see what you have planned next!
For the tank filling contraption, you can set up a system so that a brass funnel lets one empty tank in, then have a timed delay for ~5secs and then it removes it as full.
There’s all kinds of amazing things coming to Create in the not too distant future. Steam and Rails, Off Road, High Seas, Lift-Off, and Aeronautics. All of this sounds like greats ways to upgrade and expand your world!
I like watching you and mr beardstone on the different ways you both think on what to biuld in create. You could trying to automate your jet pack so you could have extras in your warehouses. and then you could put full blocks of glass on top of the infinite lava so you dont have an accident.
People have orobably already suggested this, but attribute filters! They record the item's nbt data and will only let that item with the nbt data through, like a full lava tank!
Hmm... How difficult would it be to add the Chipped mod to this pack? 🤔 The "Tiny Blocks" would be incredible for making signs and adding details to buildings. 😉👍
Will you automatise the builds of rails one day like that you'll never miss those ? 😂 You should add a pillar on edge of the "balcony" of your new building, it looks like it's floating in the air
I really would love to see when you go to your new area. You actually add the create new age. I believe it's called add-on. The one that I let you do do electricity.
WHAT ARE THE MODS ON THIS SERVER I WANT TO KNOW PLS (specifically the one that shows all the create recipes) ( not just enough items cause it doesnt show how to craft the grinders)
Just a quick question, my friends and I absolutely love you videos but we watch your playlists and check the titles to see what videos are the create videos. If you wouldn’t mind, could you add this video and any future videos into the respective playlists? Thanks! By the way, you are amazing and you should build ab elevator into the mountain that takes it up to a control station where you can turn the whole hotel, monorail, and factories and everything else off and have big boards With info about it. Anyways, thanks for giving me and my friends happiness and joy from your videos! Thanks!
Hey! I think this person saw this too, but I can’t see the video on the playlist. It might be just me, but anyways! Also, why don’t you build a city with some skyscrapers as some sort of offices that have cars moving around? I also like the sewage idea that pumps out! Thanks for you amazing videos. Thanks mate! @@foxynotail
Attribute filters are probably something you should take a look at
How did he even have an autosmelter without the attribute filter lol
@@galilea78when smelting something checking if the filter isn't going to mess it up
To anyone wonder attribute filters can read nbt data, which is where the amount of water stored is saved.
Just a suggestion: if you could turn the underground into a sewage system. You could use a drain or something to drop into there. I think it would be super cool. Use like the glass trick and slime to make it look all yucky and what not. My daughter and I watch your videos over breakfast every morning they release. We love your content and are excited to see where you go from here. You have inspired her to get into Minecraft which is amazing cause I love the game. Thank you for all the good vibes and amazing videos you put out foxy. Keep it up mate! Cheers ❤
I'm concerned that you and your daughter want to watch sewage during breakfast 🤣
Thank you for the comment, I'm glad you're both enjoying the game
Hahaha it was her suggestion 😂 kids man. Either way we love your content and will continue to watch it no matter what you choose to do (:
@@foxynotailHey, foxy, if no one has told you this, they have updated the train addon, or made a new one where you can actually use anything you put on a train. I think it could be very useful for anything you use for a train. You can use storage drawers, chests, pretty much whatever you can put stuff in, you can use them on an assembled train. I found this out from Shalz and his Create “Series”. Also I have started from the very beginning and got here in about three days, I’m excited to see what you have planned next!
@@foxynotailAlso I think some sort of furniture mod might be fun.
We cannot deny in any way that the chimney that Foxy made was really beautiful, even though he destroyed it seconds later ;-;
The building was too ugly too exist but the chimney can always be rebuilt
For the tank filling contraption, you can set up a system so that a brass funnel lets one empty tank in, then have a timed delay for ~5secs and then it removes it as full.
Never thought of that. Great idea!
Big brain
Great episode, Foxy. Deloreans were pretty cool cars. Got to drive one back in the 80’s. Very smooth.
"trustworthy people dont need to say I'm a trustworthy person" got me soo hard 😂 thanx for the much needed laugh Foxy!
To increase fps, I recommend covering the conveyor belts with andesite tunnels, I almost doubled my fps after I covered everything! ❤❤❤
You guys need to come together and start series’s it would be madness
Your filter issue might be due to the fact your using item filters, I use attribute filters which i think is what you need!
6:11 Foxy roasted the filters! - Riley
Start a new survival series, but with Mr Beardstone.
"how hard could it be ,what could go possibly wrong''
But it did go wrong
everything then proceeds to go incredibly wrong
@15:57 🤣🤣🤣 One more time!!!! 🤣🤣🤣!
its nice to have lots of youtubers loving create.i love create mod!
Note to self... do not build any buildings that look like this power station. Foxy and/or Beardy may show up and blow it up. 👍
I think it would be a very cool thing, to put 2 Harbors on the coast with Big Container ships.
I appreciate every Create youtuber, but you guys are the Best!! 😊
I'm SO addicted to this series!! keep up the good work!!!
The great bearded fox race
There’s all kinds of amazing things coming to Create in the not too distant future. Steam and Rails, Off Road, High Seas, Lift-Off, and Aeronautics. All of this sounds like greats ways to upgrade and expand your world!
Get this man to 100k. He only deserves that
Foxy and MrBeardStone need to set up jet packs for each other.
For the record I think the building looked just fine.
The office area kind of looks like a Starbucks I personally like how simple it is
love the videos especially when mr beardstone is in them
You need to use an attribute filter (basically the brass version of the filter) which is made for detecting things like enchantments and durability
if you end up making a kind of city scape or something, you could use trolleys to transport things! kinda like San Francisco i think
Good christ the cybertruck was hauling. Elon wishes it moved that fast
I like watching you and mr beardstone on the different ways you both think on what to biuld in create. You could trying to automate your jet pack so you could have extras in your warehouses. and then you could put full blocks of glass on top of the infinite lava so you dont have an accident.
when building train track you should have some gerders in your off-hand they automaticly go under the track and curve with terrain
Could you please build more trains?
Also you can make tracks two-way.
you could maby check the tanks are full with a observer observing if the liquid is dissapearing and appearing or not
It would have been cool if Beardstone came here using his airship
People have orobably already suggested this, but attribute filters! They record the item's nbt data and will only let that item with the nbt data through, like a full lava tank!
can you try to implement moving ships with rails in the water maybe, i have not seen anyone done it so far and i wonder if it is possible?
It is possible. I have plans for that in the future
Mom wake up there is a mr beard stone colab whith foxy
You should make a tutorial how to make a train and how to design one I feel like a lot of people and myself would love a video like that
I would buy a server just for you and Mr. Beardstone to play on together.😊
And that kids, is why you don't race with cars
Hmm... How difficult would it be to add the Chipped mod to this pack? 🤔 The "Tiny Blocks" would be incredible for making signs and adding details to buildings. 😉👍
Mr beardstone could be a passenger, is Nigel coming back!?
A 90's vibes sign with the company name would look great on the front roof section.
@foxynotail Why not build a nuclear power plant for power station, might be fun
Just watched beardstone's video a minute ago
In the start with the rails can’t you hold blocks in your off hand to make the block placed under it?
Does create allow the creation of a train turntable? Handy for changing direction, but you need to decouple carriages I suppose….:
the new building looks a bit like an ikea
I love these videos.
Wots the name of the racing song is so Arabik marvellous 🎶
He walked through a door, fell on a piece of cobblestone after dropping in a hole, and then he ended up on the top of the mountain in your world
You can’t beat British humour
Foxy use attribute filters, they work better in nbt things, sorry for my bad english :)
i love the CREATE MOD
Can Sir Nigel Gresley come out of the tunnel now?
Hey I saw the ras for MR Breadston perspective
wait, do trains really go that fast with just a furnace?
So are we going to see a create smp with TB members?
Will you automatise the builds of rails one day like that you'll never miss those ? 😂
You should add a pillar on edge of the "balcony" of your new building, it looks like it's floating in the air
I really would love to see when you go to your new area. You actually add the create new age. I believe it's called add-on. The one that I let you do do electricity.
I tried it. It broke my world so I removed it from the pack
@@foxynotail :( then if not that what about a stark change to the series? Why not add the arcane mod? Had the next city be a magical city?
To fill your tanks you can just juse a spout
(specifically the one that shows all the create recipes) ( not just enough items cause it doesnt show how to craft the grinders)
I wonder who the other visitor was? Also don't look at your roofs I definitely didn't steal one for a gingerbread house... 👀
That original building looked like a big middle finger, which I feel was very poignant
spouts don't fill the tanks? this seems like a massive oversight
foxy i love the create mod and your videos can i playn the create mod with you
Just a quick question, my friends and I absolutely love you videos but we watch your playlists and check the titles to see what videos are the create videos. If you wouldn’t mind, could you add this video and any future videos into the respective playlists? Thanks! By the way, you are amazing and you should build ab elevator into the mountain that takes it up to a control station where you can turn the whole hotel, monorail, and factories and everything else off and have big boards With info about it. Anyways, thanks for giving me and my friends happiness and joy from your videos! Thanks!
I already have a playlist just for the create videos
Hey! I think this person saw this too, but I can’t see the video on the playlist. It might be just me, but anyways! Also, why don’t you build a city with some skyscrapers as some sort of offices that have cars moving around? I also like the sewage idea that pumps out! Thanks for you amazing videos. Thanks mate! @@foxynotail
Oh - my iPad keeps glitching a pain!@@foxynotail
Can you put the mods you have in your description on your create mod vidioes
Create mod developers added guns to create mod
mabye try attribute filters 6:20
How do you get the tigther turns on rail anyway?
a good video enjoy :)
I know the truth I watched Mr. beard stones video before yours. You made your own building blow up and he snuck onto your world and I know how.
I'm watching so many different Minecraft create series' that I'm mixing up who did what
I only watch one of your (you and beardstone) videos. I wanna see your side tho!
How did you make your server?
i have question which mods are you using?
wht don't you do the pool trick with the diesel, like you did with the lava
(sorry for any grammatical error, i'm not an english speaker)
I’m not convinced there two different people
Hello, I have a question, will you update the UHC addon for 1.20.51?
Note to self create a car and make it go so fast you are able to ĝet into foxys world and "look around" dont steal ideas
Whats your world generation mod?
can you make a tutorial on how to download the create mod
hey what seed is this world
there were this AD before the video and I got so confuse because It matchest you video flow and I that it was a paret of your video
What mods and seed
Foxxy try brass filters
What mods
how did u get ur name?
8 min gang
Ur modpack does not work error code 1
If it didn't work then I couldn't be making videos with it
yeah ik I have image proof but people are just saying its java but I just reinstalled java so idk rly.
Also, you kind of did steal your idea for the cars
400th like
No thanks
@@foxynotail good answer
i sm s first viewer