This conversation was so good, filled with relational wisdom. My favorite part was, It is not whether you’re right, but how you are being right that makes the difference. Thank you so much for sharing your hard won wisdom!
I’m so impacted by the distinction David makes when he says “it’s not whether I’m right, but how I’m right that makes all the difference.” If I, as a leader, crash all my relationships on the shoals of my rightness, I’ll end up alone and a failure-even while being strategically correct. How often way-of-being has undermined an otherwise brilliant Christian leader!!
Good stuff! Thanks for letting us sit in on this thought provoking conversation! So many great nuggets in this one video.
Thanks for watching!
This conversation was so good, filled with relational wisdom. My favorite part was, It is not whether you’re right, but how you are being right that makes the difference. Thank you so much for sharing your hard won wisdom!
So glad this was beneficial for you! Thank you for watching!
I’m so impacted by the distinction David makes when he says “it’s not whether I’m right, but how I’m right that makes all the difference.” If I, as a leader, crash all my relationships on the shoals of my rightness, I’ll end up alone and a failure-even while being strategically correct. How often way-of-being has undermined an otherwise brilliant Christian leader!!
So good!
Nice sponsor.
dangerously ignorant.
In what way?