you are so horrible at the game its laughable. Imagine playing force user and losing. 4 escapes total and insane damage/ AOE. I would just uninstall at this point.
Please record a 10 continuous ladder match with Majesty (no video cuts, no re-record if you lose), we want to learn from you how to play this character. Let us know if you've uploaded the video!
Kangen maen ni game, dulu user Majesty juga
Yoo lanjut main lagi 😁👌🏻
I could play all day fight with archer. Its the moan.
Btw your majesty is majestic!
No more people using vandar in SEA ?
There are still many users in ladder 😁👌🏻
DN yang masih sisa selain SEA apa ya
Paling DN private server seperti DN return
@@toShi1st DNKR sama DNCN udh tutup jga ?
Masih lanjut kok
raven ama ripper annoying bgt, combonya g berhenti, aspd tinggi, trus line attacknya selalu on point terus, berasa main sniper versi asinan
Emang kebetulan ketemu player yang jago aja 😆👌🏻
Kalau udh kena tele ya jangan G blast langsung aja racun
you are so horrible at the game its laughable. Imagine playing force user and losing. 4 escapes total and insane damage/ AOE. I would just uninstall at this point.
Please record a 10 continuous ladder match with Majesty (no video cuts, no re-record if you lose), we want to learn from you how to play this character. Let us know if you've uploaded the video!