Rite so we bought the TS100A and a year and a half later it stopped moving we ended up splitting the tractor and there were bolts that hadn't been tightened in the factory they had fallen out completely it was in a part of the 'clutch' in the tractor so that may be your problem
hi had a new Holland tractor had mass of proublems with it runing ruff had the pump and injectors done . nut guess what did not fix the proublems. and what was wrong the fuel pick up in tank was a plastic tube and had a big split in it so thats something you need to look at also
My friend who grows sugar cane bought a new tractor New Holland T-6. The tractor is with several problems the dealer is not giving maintenances ...only damages.
Dang Dude I hope you can sort out these issues without losing your arse. From personal experience buying sight unseen from the internet usually ='s getting your butt handed to you with problems and a very empty wallet fixing said problems. And for the record every seller claims no knowledge of the problem or claims I did something wrong and are trying to blame them for it...I just hope you didn't get the short end of the stick on this deal, tractors & tractor parts are expensive. I hope you have a wonder and Blessed weekend!😁
Crazy Craig's RC's and 3d from what I know he knew about a few things with the tractor and got a steal of a price on it so with the money put in for these new parts he'll still come out ahead
if your light was a good as your loud voice it sure would be a better video. just saying i enjoy the content but looking into a dark hole not good when you say there it is & can barely see tractor let alone anything else. good luck you got this easy peasy
Good luck! Hope it's not to bad of a problem.
Rite so we bought the TS100A and a year and a half later it stopped moving we ended up splitting the tractor and there were bolts that hadn't been tightened in the factory they had fallen out completely it was in a part of the 'clutch' in the tractor so that may be your problem
Thanks, hope all is good
hi had a new Holland tractor had mass of proublems with it runing ruff had the pump and injectors done . nut guess what did not fix the proublems. and what was wrong the fuel pick up in tank was a plastic tube and had a big split in it so thats something you need to look at also
You didn't show the installation of the parts - oh man - very hard to see - it started - wow
My friend who grows sugar cane bought a new tractor New Holland T-6. The tractor is with several problems the dealer is not giving maintenances ...only damages.
Kind of feel ripped off been waiting to see this video but you did it in the dark !!
its running kinda rough
Oh no more problems?
hi is it still missing sounds funny on the audio
The head on the engine the seal is busted
Doesn't sound right. How many hours are on it.
How much did the pump rebuild cost? Please reply
Sucks we own a t6060 new holland and it's amazing
I had the same problem with my case mxm 140 same as tm 140
I like to see the installation process
@All: How come some of the replies to some of the comments here won't load?
"It runs but the problems are just beginning" Uh oh...
Right? I thought it was *bad* when we first saw it. Only the beginning... o.O
It still doesn't sound right to me.
Dang Dude I hope you can sort out these issues without losing your arse. From personal experience buying sight unseen from the internet usually ='s getting your butt handed to you with problems and a very empty wallet fixing said problems. And for the record every seller claims no knowledge of the problem or claims I did something wrong and are trying to blame them for it...I just hope you didn't get the short end of the stick on this deal, tractors & tractor parts are expensive. I hope you have a wonder and Blessed weekend!😁
Crazy Craig's RC's and 3d from what I know he knew about a few things with the tractor and got a steal of a price on it so with the money put in for these new parts he'll still come out ahead
Drew w that's cool he still is ahead on the deal. He seems like a good man and I hate seeing good people get the short end of the stick.
good job sb
Running is not so good at all. Plse check the timing and seals by daylight.
Sounds like it has a miss...
With most of the problems your having it just seems like the last owners just didn't care about ye tractor
Probably needs some blinker fluid
Yes finally!
if your light was a good as your loud voice it sure would be a better video. just saying i enjoy the content but looking into a dark hole not good when you say there it is & can barely see tractor let alone anything else. good luck you got this easy peasy
I thought it sounded good
I subscribed
i don't know what to say
Still sounded terrible 😊