I wonder how long Kojima would've went with that if other people weren't constantly fucking everything up, like putting the Fox engine logo on screenshots and the E3 announcer accidentally not using his fake name.
Ohhh, jeez, it's not like policenaut or snatcher shared some plot, themes and ambience with metal gear. It's the shit that Kojima like, obviously at the moment he had freedom to do his own game it was gonna share some elements. This was a pretty good analysis, it's great how Pat and Woolie compliment each other at the moment of doing an analysis, good shit.
It's hard to see, but Sam's got an exoskeletal frame on his suit, which explains how he carries so much gear. Might be something that unlocks. One of the CE items is a golden exoframe.
The only game that ever rewarded that statement to me is Breath of the Wild, and even then that game eventually runs out of interesting rewards when you're sufficiently upgraded, rich, and powerful.
@@mortified0 I think Dark Souls did it well too. You see the huge tower in the distance, you go to it, you get a cool boss fight. Not really open world but it had enough branching paths to make it feel like it.
i think in a game like this a mountain is potentially where you need to deliver to or something you need to climb to avoid the death stranding and i would consider that a major improvement over mgsv where they say screw you you're not climbing this mountain shut up and go through that checkpoint though
@@DrRyan82994 But this game will probably have very similar funneling. Hell, the trailer practically shows it off with how rain works in this universe. Sure, being wrapped in plastic prevents it from touching you but if it was a heavy downpour no amount of plastic wrap will keep you totally dry unless you were vacuumed sealed. It's an incredibly easy way for them to lock off areas, seal you inside zones until you do the thing the story demands you do, and not have it limited like say an Ocean prevents you from exploring in this direction because you just can't cross the freaking ocean or this massive hole is impossible to get across so you cant go this way.
If Pat thinks Kojima is a dork he has to absolutly look up how Kojima accepted an award for the "Biggest MotherF***er"-Character in a video-game in a MTV-show. Yes, this is real, MTV Germany tried once too make a Videogame-award show in the mid- to late 2000s, and that was an actuall category that got won by MGS3 Big Boss. You propably can guess why they only ever did this show once and never again.
Woolie you're thinking way too hard around 18:30. No one thinks that Kojima is working with Konami behind the scene. Stop it. You're wrong. It's exactly what Pat said. I don't think Woolie likes conspiracies. And conspiracies are just suppose to be fun. Not taken seriously
I certainly didn't think of the death stranding is metal gear in any sort of meta way, that he's secretly working with Konami. That's actually stupid and I don't know why Woolie immediately jumped to thinking that's what that was.
@@ShadowWolfRising Dark Sector is the game that Digital extremes settled for making instead of Warframe. They dont officially have the rights to Dark Sector anymore last i checked, but there are some unmistakable links to it in Warframe hinting very strongly that Dark Sector took place in the same universe. -The main character of Dark Sector is Hayden Tenno, the main characters in Warframe are a group called "the Tenno". -The power suit in Dark Sector looks very similar to Excalibur, one of the starter Warframes and the alt skin "Excalibur Proto" looks pretty much exactly like it and hints that it originated before the recorded history of Warframe (when Dark Sector would have taken place theoretically) -The lotus symbol in Warframe's logo and story is also in Dark Sector's logo and story. There are lots of other links but these are the ones that stand out to me the most.
Kojima has said that he wants to do more stuff like MGSV and Peace Walker, so it’s not surprising. He also said he has no interest in doing linear games anymore since he already did that in MGS 1-4.
Plus he never really finished MGSV so that want might still be there. Great stuff too cuz MGSV was amazing to me, but it's incompletion really fucked with me.
Lakross101 My response to that is because Konami spent a lot of money on MGSV already, they decided to cut the ending and released it before it was finished.
@@ghostfear2011 oh for sure, that's exactly what happened. I'm sure that Sony took that into account too. When they gave Kojima his studio, they knew that they were gonna have to fucking pay bigggggg BIG money for his first exclusive game and that his popularity alone would be enough to return that investment plus profit. It's funny too, loads of people that gave up and were out of the DS hype saw that new trailer and came right back in. I think Kojima knows what he's doing.
"Theory hole" is a great term for this video. Obviously the DEAD are STRANDED on Earth, because they can't die, says Pat. Forgetting the game is named "Death Stranding" after the phenomenon of whales beaching their selves to death. Sees a guy running in third person with animations created in the Fox engine, concludes this is a Metal-Gear-like.
So...Cliff, Dead Man and DieHard man are the only characters in that role call that arent crying. Is that a thing? Is that in a top 50 things you missed video(s) yet?
The crux of the trailer seems to be that Bridge Babies can tap into entities called BTs (Bridge Terror, maybe) that have a strong connection to the past. Once these entities latch onto you, they bring you to "Hades," which is a state caught in perpetual war. Kojima is mainly known for anti-war war games which seems to fit. What I find completely badass is that Cliff, Mads Mikkelsen's character, is a scientist that has learned to tap into this Hades and is using it to be a complete and total badass soldier. Also, the giant statue that was some of the first art to be released - the one that looks like an astronaut suit with the centurion helmet holding the flag - totally has something to do with the moon.
BT stands for "Beach Things." The "giant statue" you're talking about is Ludens, the Kojima Productions mascot. Die-Hardman has Ludens written on his headgear. The KP logo video has Ludens planting a flag on the moon, though.
So after seeing Vietnam and WW1 imagery in "Hades" makes me think that it's a realm of endless war where the dead forget who they were and just fight. The BTs are probably innocents who died and have grudges.
One thing they kinda missed is that whenever Cliff appears with his soldiers, they are always armed with weapons from a specific time period except him. In the Deadman trailer they wore WW2 uniforms and had WW2 weaponry, while Cliff had modern gear. Here, we seem 'em wearing WW1 uniforms and weapons, and later having our time weapons and gear.
@WastingAway My guess is that the other side is more of this endless battlefield purgatory where souls are stuck fighting. While the player will be going trough like various time periods, with Cliff's undead army having gear fitting that era, except for Cliff who has more modern stuff.
The thought of Home Demens being offensive didn't cross my mind even once, I automatically assumed it was 'Homo Sapiens' mixed with 'Demons'. Are people really that sensitive?
Nah, it's just gonna be fodder for stupid jokes by people with no taste which will be super annoying. Then the REAL dirtbags will probably try to use it offensively somehow.
so I currently have 30+ hours in game, read many emails and interviews ingame, I know as much as they are guessing from just watching the trailer. fucking kojima.
Man, as much as I love this conversation, it's REALLY hard not to notice Max's face staring at a black-eyed baby the entire time. The title "What the [REDACTED] is going on!?" sums up this whole thing rather well.
I had that feeling too about the music. "Feels SO DAMN FAMILIAR! WHAT IS IT?! " Funny thing is I recently started to listen to Apocalyptica again after many years, and Path was what I listened to a lot ilke a month before this trailer.
Woolie is completely off when he says that people think he and Konami patched things up. No one even wants to think that, people hate Konami. What people mean by that hashtag is that Kojima is saying fuck it and just connecting it to his other games anyway, even though he doesn't own the metal gear IP. And besides that, people are just happy to see that the plot is very metal gear-flavored, even if there is no actual connection (Which of course, there surely isn't).
I heard it on an amv in the early 2000s and I've been a fan since then. Alot of my introduction to rock and metal came from anime amvs and videogames videos.
Ghosts don't leave? Is that a wild guess? The game isn't called "Dead, Stranded." It's called "Death Stranding." Death stranding is what whales are doing when they beach themselves and then die soon after. Earlier trailers talked about the 4th big bang, which is the end of humanity. The name of the game might be referring to what humanity did when it started existing in the first place. It beached itself, coming into view, only so it could inevitably die soon after. Armageddon is probably at the heart of this game, but the assumption that BTs = those ghosty things = human spirits that are forced to stay on earth is pretty wild at this point.
I don't think the average consumers know or care about IP ownership. They think it's secretly metal gear they don't care about whether or not that would be legal.
It just being another Metal Gear game is fine. I am happy with that. I just want the Fulton System in more games. Shadow of Mordor/War gave me that to an extent, but not enough. Like mix it with the Nemesis System, also have some troops that you killed, maimed, or left alive come back with crazy shit. BAM! Bosses. And then recruit them to have the special troops. ........What were we talking about?
Kojima likely had the idea for this game while he was at Konami and did some concepts for it. I'm fairly certain that Metal Gear Survive was based off of some of Death Stranding's concepts.
Well the epilogue of Beyond is kind of similar. Ghost apocalypse, some kind of ghost-shield... wait, Beyond also ripped off the microwave hallway, it had the pseudo-MGS section in Africa, AND now that I think about it, the underwater ghost base sounds like a dollar store MGS twist written by a hack. Does this finally make Beyond a Kojima ripoff now? I'm being facetious, but David is still a fucking hack.
@@MyOnlyFransAccount David skipped the middle-man man and made his own nudes of his celebrity crush. Is it still an alpha move if the girl sues you? The answer will SHOCK you.
The budget issue is a huge problem Kojima games, especially when you are dealing with big name Hollywood people with voice acting and mocap for those actors. Plus their agent fees really adds up
Pat, I think you're the guy going "hurr hurr hurr, homo milk," and Kojima is just thinking that it is a cool name paralleling homosapiens. Either way, you're right, it is pretty hilarious that it got approved.
The guy that announced, patented, and demonstrated the concept known as TRANSFARRING probably doesn’t inspire the most confidence in his ability to speak English
Pat: "Kojima called the bad guys Homo Demons, clearly that means homosexuals." (Crazy Talk beats him to the punch activates a few minutes earlier and the same trailer they have running in the background with subtitles clearly says Homo Demens which means Mad Men)
I wish Pat listened to the last episode of the BeastCast where resident Metal Gear Expert Dan Rykert tried to convince everyone that "metal gear isn't about politics" i still love the dude tho
The plot of the game literally sounds like The Boss dream and there is so many Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill references too. The last line of the trailer is literally "I'll show you the real thing soon" Metal Gear Solid 6: Death Stranding
You know when the trailer says you could even go to the moon? Kojima's new studio on his channel has a quick trailer for their studio that involves a bad-ass space marine type dude planting a flag on the moon.
If you want a scary game with invisible enemies woolie I would recommend Resident Evil Remake. The first remake has an unlockable mode where all the enemies are invisible. It's totally beatable and is alot of fun.
39 min in(the podcast): spec-ops ghost man lights the cigarette with the embers of red hot ash floating in the air. You guys always miss or filter out the strangest things.
I'm with Woolie, I am kind of done with Open World. Open World is fine, if there is something in the world that gives world building and interaction. But I think it just became a buzz and a bunch of games started to have an Open World design, but then putting so much time into that there was nothing worthwhile put into it. Dynasty Warriors 9 is the clearest example of Open World getting put into a series that did not need it.
That's fair, but I'm not sure that's the case for Death Stranding. Despite how it handled story MGSV was one of the better open worlds recently, and this seems different enough that I don't think it will be just more of that. Plus I generally don't get the impression Kojima does things just because theyre a trend. We'll have to see though.
I was sick of open worlds years ago, to be honest. I think the post-Skyrim oversaturation really killed the enjoyment of them. At the moment, they often just mean extra pissing around and less tight experiences. There are exceptions (games that do them well, and ones like SOTC that use an open world to the games benefit) but these days I prefer either linear or a semi-open Metroidvania world. I'd rather games that make effective use of their world rather than have a tortured open world just as an obligatory bulletpoint, which is how it seems most are at the moment.
@@IronicHavoc just checking here, but throwing shade on America isn't a trend? Because he and many people seem to love that. Feel free to correct any misgivings I have on that.
@@animateacumen9396 Kojima has been implementing his anti-war/criticisms of the US military (or any other superpower military) messages since the og metal gear in 1987. I dunno if I would call that him following trends.
Nah. Death Stranding is Gravelord Covenant PvP system but on ROIDS. Every player has its own world, and the dark ghosts are sent by players from their own games. Always multiplayer. Sometimes, stronger ghosts will appear, and they are controlled by a player, and he can attack you in a real time pvp battle. Ultimately the objective is to destroy other players camps, or come together to help each other and thats the only way to get the real true ending. Kay, I'm done fucking around, I have no idea what the fuck this game is gonna be like.
The multiplayer is confirmed asynchronous, but I wouldn't be surprised if killing adds more BTs to the world for everyone, meaning that to get rid of all the BTs the game's community needs to collectively go nonlethal. Similar to what Kojima was trying to do with the nuclear disarmament in MGSV.
Kojima DID hype up a game under a fake studio name only to reveal it is a secret Metal Gear game. So we are kind of playing into his mind games....
I wonder how long Kojima would've went with that if other people weren't constantly fucking everything up, like putting the Fox engine logo on screenshots and the E3 announcer accidentally not using his fake name.
So they made The Sorrow fight into a full game
beat me to it
Pat: killing people is almost never the answer. So he’s probably Undertale’ing it
You mean MGS3’ing it.
Eh, in MSG you only suffer the consequences in one specific moment. (as far as I remember)
BlackLynx4607a true, true.
@@BlackLynx4607a It looks like this entire game IS that sequence.
@@BlackLynx4607a in the HD remaster, finishing without any kills is a silver trophy
White-Van Helsing you mean Metro’ing it.
Ohhh, jeez, it's not like policenaut or snatcher shared some plot, themes and ambience with metal gear. It's the shit that Kojima like, obviously at the moment he had freedom to do his own game it was gonna share some elements.
This was a pretty good analysis, it's great how Pat and Woolie compliment each other at the moment of doing an analysis, good shit.
inb4 Sam is nicknamed Snake by the end of the game
Watch Norman Reedus-verse be the MG:Survive world and Hades is the alternate timeline where Big Boss won and infinite war is the norm.
I didn't know kojima gave you an early copy.
Coming soon, get ready to take family trips to a whole new level.
Mr Mom 2, starting Norman Reedus and his funky fetus. Rated: Kojima
TheDrLeviathan K: for extreme amounts of Kojima
This is what happens when you patch out purgatory babies.
DieHard Man is such an awful and stupid name, he’s already my favorite character because of that alone.
Plot twist: Hes also the best acted character
I would love a "Mads Everywhere" system.
More Yakuza is always good!
Best comment
Mads emerges from the death swamp, dressed head to toe in gaudy drag.
You'd think Kojima would learn to be careful with character names after HOT COLDMAN
It's hard to see, but Sam's got an exoskeletal frame on his suit, which explains how he carries so much gear. Might be something that unlocks. One of the CE items is a golden exoframe.
My biggest worry in the whole idea of "See that mountain? You can climb it" is that there being absolutely no value in doing it.
The only game that ever rewarded that statement to me is Breath of the Wild, and even then that game eventually runs out of interesting rewards when you're sufficiently upgraded, rich, and powerful.
@@mortified0 I think Dark Souls did it well too. You see the huge tower in the distance, you go to it, you get a cool boss fight. Not really open world but it had enough branching paths to make it feel like it.
i think in a game like this a mountain is potentially where you need to deliver to or something you need to climb to avoid the death stranding
and i would consider that a major improvement over mgsv where they say screw you you're not climbing this mountain shut up and go through that checkpoint though
@@DrRyan82994 But this game will probably have very similar funneling. Hell, the trailer practically shows it off with how rain works in this universe. Sure, being wrapped in plastic prevents it from touching you but if it was a heavy downpour no amount of plastic wrap will keep you totally dry unless you were vacuumed sealed. It's an incredibly easy way for them to lock off areas, seal you inside zones until you do the thing the story demands you do, and not have it limited like say an Ocean prevents you from exploring in this direction because you just can't cross the freaking ocean or this massive hole is impossible to get across so you cant go this way.
@@C24U_ Dark Souls is a bad comparison. Fairly open levels but not *open world*
Them science people call it dumb names but imma call it what I see it: a beach thang.
"Norman Reedus and his funky fetus"
I just spat out my drink when I heard that with the deadpan delivery
Norman Feedus and his Reedus.
Spooky Mads and his Skeleton Lads
Norman sticks his Reedus in a girl and makes a Fetus
If Pat thinks Kojima is a dork he has to absolutly look up how Kojima accepted an award for the "Biggest MotherF***er"-Character in a video-game in a MTV-show.
Yes, this is real, MTV Germany tried once too make a Videogame-award show in the mid- to late 2000s, and that was an actuall category that got won by MGS3 Big Boss. You propably can guess why they only ever did this show once and never again.
And metal gear is snatcher. What have we learned? All of Kojima's games share the same world.
Imagine if the finale consists of you escaping Earth and it ties into Zone of The Enders.
Well meryl did apear on policenauts right?
vivamexico254 Meryl was in Policenauts before MGS yeah.
MG:Survive had multiple timelines as well
Woolie you're thinking way too hard around 18:30. No one thinks that Kojima is working with Konami behind the scene. Stop it. You're wrong. It's exactly what Pat said. I don't think Woolie likes conspiracies. And conspiracies are just suppose to be fun. Not taken seriously
"Conspiracies are just suppose to be fun"
No no no people genuinely are flat earthers and anti-vaxers. For real. Woolie is not wrong.
I certainly didn't think of the death stranding is metal gear in any sort of meta way, that he's secretly working with Konami. That's actually stupid and I don't know why Woolie immediately jumped to thinking that's what that was.
@@TheAssassin642 no one is a flat earther that shit is not real
stop being gullible reeee
After seeing the death stranding trailer both Woolie AND Pat have ASCENDED BEYOND THE WORLD OVER HEAVEN
Woolie is forgetting that Warframe is more or less a DIRECT sequel to Dark Sector except its totally not officially, except it totally is.
Dont worry about it
@@ShadowWolfRising Dark Sector is the game that Digital extremes settled for making instead of Warframe. They dont officially have the rights to Dark Sector anymore last i checked, but there are some unmistakable links to it in Warframe hinting very strongly that Dark Sector took place in the same universe.
-The main character of Dark Sector is Hayden Tenno, the main characters in Warframe are a group called "the Tenno".
-The power suit in Dark Sector looks very similar to Excalibur, one of the starter Warframes and the alt skin "Excalibur Proto" looks pretty much exactly like it and hints that it originated before the recorded history of Warframe (when Dark Sector would have taken place theoretically)
-The lotus symbol in Warframe's logo and story is also in Dark Sector's logo and story.
There are lots of other links but these are the ones that stand out to me the most.
@@EbonMaster No I got that part, I'm pretty sure I own a copy of Dark Sector.
The Direct Sequel part is what I was referring to.
I think those are just callbacks, not in-universe links.
Kojima has said that he wants to do more stuff like MGSV and Peace Walker, so it’s not surprising. He also said he has no interest in doing linear games anymore since he already did that in MGS 1-4.
Plus he never really finished MGSV so that want might still be there. Great stuff too cuz MGSV was amazing to me, but it's incompletion really fucked with me.
Lakross101 My response to that is because Konami spent a lot of money on MGSV already, they decided to cut the ending and released it before it was finished.
@@ghostfear2011 oh for sure, that's exactly what happened. I'm sure that Sony took that into account too. When they gave Kojima his studio, they knew that they were gonna have to fucking pay bigggggg BIG money for his first exclusive game and that his popularity alone would be enough to return that investment plus profit. It's funny too, loads of people that gave up and were out of the DS hype saw that new trailer and came right back in. I think Kojima knows what he's doing.
You thought Matpat was reaching, you have never seen anything like this theory hole
"Theory hole" is a great term for this video. Obviously the DEAD are STRANDED on Earth, because they can't die, says Pat. Forgetting the game is named "Death Stranding" after the phenomenon of whales beaching their selves to death.
Sees a guy running in third person with animations created in the Fox engine, concludes this is a Metal-Gear-like.
So...Cliff, Dead Man and DieHard man are the only characters in that role call that arent crying.
Is that a thing? Is that in a top 50 things you missed video(s) yet?
@VerumRex I love that mask and we haven't even gotten a glimpse of what his deal is yet. I just hope he isnt just a visual gimmick.
@@JoseRS1186 i mean he appears to be a Ludens, so...
The BTs feel like the Lord of Dust from Metal Gear Survive except fleshed out plotwise
Yoji Shinkawa carrying kojima since forever.
The crux of the trailer seems to be that Bridge Babies can tap into entities called BTs (Bridge Terror, maybe) that have a strong connection to the past. Once these entities latch onto you, they bring you to "Hades," which is a state caught in perpetual war. Kojima is mainly known for anti-war war games which seems to fit. What I find completely badass is that Cliff, Mads Mikkelsen's character, is a scientist that has learned to tap into this Hades and is using it to be a complete and total badass soldier.
Also, the giant statue that was some of the first art to be released - the one that looks like an astronaut suit with the centurion helmet holding the flag - totally has something to do with the moon.
BT stands for "Beach Things." The "giant statue" you're talking about is Ludens, the Kojima Productions mascot. Die-Hardman has Ludens written on his headgear. The KP logo video has Ludens planting a flag on the moon, though.
Don't tell Pat that Homo Erectus is a real thing
“Life is a hallway~!
I wanna cry it,
All night loooong~!”
"If you've got a fetus~!
Take it with ya in a,
juicy ball~!"
Im hoping here death stranding has codec like conversations that explains how the world and characters
I'd love for there to be conversations with the people you're carrying on your back at the very least.
It’s a Kojima game, he is going to spell every single thing out to the most minute detail
you're gonna listen random characters talking about movies for sure.
So after seeing Vietnam and WW1 imagery in "Hades" makes me think that it's a realm of endless war where the dead forget who they were and just fight. The BTs are probably innocents who died and have grudges.
You are probably right. It would fit with the anti war themes of his other titles.
@@ABUBBA22 I 100% bet there will be a scene of helping Mads character remember who he is.
these boys lookin *illuminated*
One thing they kinda missed is that whenever Cliff appears with his soldiers, they are always armed with weapons from a specific time period except him. In the Deadman trailer they wore WW2 uniforms and had WW2 weaponry, while Cliff had modern gear. Here, we seem 'em wearing WW1 uniforms and weapons, and later having our time weapons and gear.
@WastingAway My guess is that the other side is more of this endless battlefield purgatory where souls are stuck fighting. While the player will be going trough like various time periods, with Cliff's undead army having gear fitting that era, except for Cliff who has more modern stuff.
The thought of Home Demens being offensive didn't cross my mind even once, I automatically assumed it was 'Homo Sapiens' mixed with 'Demons'. Are people really that sensitive?
Welcome to the internet
Nah, it's just gonna be fodder for stupid jokes by people with no taste which will be super annoying. Then the REAL dirtbags will probably try to use it offensively somehow.
Not sure it is fitting or ironic people are getting butthurt about this…
Can we all just talk about how good Troy Baker looks in black eyeliner though? Guy is my king.
Eyeliner tends to look really good on a lot of people, male or female.
But some people just...own it.
Has anyone else noticed how sandbagged the big Exoskeletons are? Jesus, is Kojima going to give us High Speed Robot Action at the end of this game?
so I currently have 30+ hours in game, read many emails and interviews ingame, I know as much as they are guessing from just watching the trailer. fucking kojima.
Man, as much as I love this conversation, it's REALLY hard not to notice Max's face staring at a black-eyed baby the entire time.
The title "What the [REDACTED] is going on!?" sums up this whole thing rather well.
If Kojima made a pure horror game that was psuedo Silent Hills? I'd be a happy old man.
I had that feeling too about the music. "Feels SO DAMN FAMILIAR! WHAT IS IT?! "
Funny thing is I recently started to listen to Apocalyptica again after many years, and Path was what I listened to a lot ilke a month before this trailer.
Norman Reedus and his Norman Fetus
its too late
its not too late...for you to get used to it
lmao this was a great discussion XD
That storm must be Purple Haze.
Woolie is completely off when he says that people think he and Konami patched things up. No one even wants to think that, people hate Konami. What people mean by that hashtag is that Kojima is saying fuck it and just connecting it to his other games anyway, even though he doesn't own the metal gear IP. And besides that, people are just happy to see that the plot is very metal gear-flavored, even if there is no actual connection (Which of course, there surely isn't).
I like how they had a big long talk about what an artist owes its audience for Woolie to groan that Kojima isn't doing what HE wants him to do.
Woolie isn't starting petitions and sending Kojima death threats xoxo.
I don't even remember how I know about it but the backpack woolie is talking about is the flextrek whipsnake and it is hilarious
Dang that bit about Apocalyptica is so relatable
I heard it on an amv in the early 2000s and I've been a fan since then. Alot of my introduction to rock and metal came from anime amvs and videogames videos.
Death stranding: the baby-ing is just open world pac man and you will never change my mind about this.
Ghosts don't leave? Is that a wild guess? The game isn't called "Dead, Stranded." It's called "Death Stranding." Death stranding is what whales are doing when they beach themselves and then die soon after.
Earlier trailers talked about the 4th big bang, which is the end of humanity. The name of the game might be referring to what humanity did when it started existing in the first place. It beached itself, coming into view, only so it could inevitably die soon after. Armageddon is probably at the heart of this game, but the assumption that BTs = those ghosty things = human spirits that are forced to stay on earth is pretty wild at this point.
0:24 not even a min into the podcast the boys are roasting GODJIMA I love it)jean voice)
I don't think the average consumers know or care about IP ownership. They think it's secretly metal gear they don't care about whether or not that would be legal.
I like the weird names, I hope Kojima keeps doing that in future games, and doesn't change them because of the west.
Is this gonna be like Yoshi's Island where your baby starts to float away when you get hit?
apocalyptica in death stranding. rammstein in destroy all humans. video games are just grabbing me by the balls and my fav music groups.
Why does Woolie look heavenly?
Darlington: Divinity Arrange
Heaven Over Woolie
God rays
One does not question the devine
Woolie has activated his Madden GOUGI
It just being another Metal Gear game is fine.
I am happy with that.
I just want the Fulton System in more games.
Shadow of Mordor/War gave me that to an extent, but not enough.
Like mix it with the Nemesis System, also have some troops that you killed, maimed, or left alive come back with crazy shit. BAM! Bosses.
And then recruit them to have the special troops.
........What were we talking about?
Nemesis is patented so you're never gonna see it outside of WB
@@HarshNerf Just make a system that does alot of the same things under a different name.
@@HarshNerf Alternatively, If Warner Bros. was Smart they'd license it out like Epic does the Unreal Engine.
I'm going to be surprised if no one mentions the HUGE Serial Experiments Lain similarities.
Yeah, all the strands and shit.
Kojima likely had the idea for this game while he was at Konami and did some concepts for it. I'm fairly certain that Metal Gear Survive was based off of some of Death Stranding's concepts.
Crazy Talk Requiem with the gameplay trailer that released in TGS 2019. Like holy shit Pat mostly called it
So Death Stranding is Beyond Two Souls but better?
Well the epilogue of Beyond is kind of similar. Ghost apocalypse, some kind of ghost-shield... wait, Beyond also ripped off the microwave hallway, it had the pseudo-MGS section in Africa, AND now that I think about it, the underwater ghost base sounds like a dollar store MGS twist written by a hack. Does this finally make Beyond a Kojima ripoff now?
I'm being facetious, but David is still a fucking hack.
Dong Dong Will Never Die and both creators may/may not have a nude stash of their actor crush
@@MyOnlyFransAccount David skipped the middle-man man and made his own nudes of his celebrity crush. Is it still an alpha move if the girl sues you? The answer will SHOCK you.
Better gameplay,same quality of writting.
I think we're definitely going to see a whole lot of P.T in particular in death stranding and maybe some mgsv as it all ties into the kojimaverse
i just like picturing him getting booted from Konami all "FUCK YOU IM TAKING NORMAN REEDUS WITH ME"
The budget issue is a huge problem Kojima games, especially when you are dealing with big name Hollywood people with voice acting and mocap for those actors. Plus their agent fees really adds up
Everyone has it wrong this is gonna be a gritty realistic reboot of Yoshi's island 😅
Yes they're using a similar engine probably because Kojima is done with linear games.
Pat, I think you're the guy going "hurr hurr hurr, homo milk," and Kojima is just thinking that it is a cool name paralleling homosapiens.
Either way, you're right, it is pretty hilarious that it got approved.
Its pronounced Homo Demens.
It means Mad men.
@@ncala oh, that's sick
The guy that announced, patented, and demonstrated the concept known as TRANSFARRING probably doesn’t inspire the most confidence in his ability to speak English
Whatever the twist is, it's gonna be stupid in the best way possible.
Pat: "Kojima called the bad guys Homo Demons, clearly that means homosexuals."
(Crazy Talk beats him to the punch activates a few minutes earlier and the same trailer they have running in the background with subtitles clearly says Homo Demens which means Mad Men)
Wasn't his point that the name sounds silly to the uninitiated?
This didn't age well. I wonder if Hideo "Cage-like" Kojima looks back on these days fondly.
I wish Pat listened to the last episode of the BeastCast where resident Metal Gear Expert Dan Rykert tried to convince everyone that "metal gear isn't about politics"
i still love the dude tho
i mean, I'd agree with that. Describing Metal Gear as POLITICAL does not sound right
that's not all it's about
This game is giving me faint reminders of Omikron and that is worrying
Pat's playing the safe card this podcast.
Sorry, Wools, but you're wrong. This isn't Metal Gear. This is The Postman, starring Kevin Costner, directed by Kojima.
What if the death stranding isn't from thing being beached on land, but beached in our dimension.
Death Stranding is a prequel to Policenauts. Change my mind.
I think Norman Reedus is going to be a funky fetus
The plot of the game literally sounds like The Boss dream and there is so many Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill references too. The last line of the trailer is literally "I'll show you the real thing soon"
Metal Gear Solid 6: Death Stranding
I'm going to be really disappointed if there isn't a Method Man and Red Man
You know when the trailer says you could even go to the moon? Kojima's new studio on his channel has a quick trailer for their studio that involves a bad-ass space marine type dude planting a flag on the moon.
If you want a scary game with invisible enemies woolie I would recommend Resident Evil Remake. The first remake has an unlockable mode where all the enemies are invisible. It's totally beatable and is alot of fun.
It's not Homo Demons it's Homo Demens. Different, actually.
I just hope the cutsecenes and story aren't as fragmented in death stranding as they were in MGSV. Please dont be like V in that sense.
In Metro 2033, guy named Bourbon says this about some flying monsters:
"Some call them Demons, I call them Bitches."
around 41:40 --
DLC character: Cyrus Labguy!
I think the cigarette was actually lit by the embers you see in the air, as unlikely as that is to work
The wiki says that Homo Demens is latin for "mad man". Anyone out there who knows latin, confirm this?
It's true, but i think the guys are saying "Homo Demons" rather than "Homo Demens". It'd be cool either way though.
Well, is the term dementia latin? That sounds "mad man"ish
@@nathanmarshall745 'course it is! Modern medicine lingo is mostly latin or latin-rooted.
The idea of an unborn baby being the only innocent, and therefore a bridge or a shield to the supernatural is some KOJIMA-ASS-SHIT
39 min in(the podcast): spec-ops ghost man lights the cigarette with the embers of red hot ash floating in the air. You guys always miss or filter out the strangest things.
Look at it again.
I personally don't see the problem of scientists calling them Twisted.
The lighting over Woolie makes him look constantly angry/disgusted about everything he's talking about lol
As it should be lol. Judgemental woolie is best woolie.
I came fore hobo-demons
Hobo-demons sounds like a term for ones that got kicked out of hell.
MGS5 but complete and with ghosts? Sign me the fuck up, mang.
Woolie: "The Twisted is a stupid name"
Buddy, that's not the only thing stupid about them
Baby base is my new word for the womb.
I'm with Woolie, I am kind of done with Open World.
Open World is fine, if there is something in the world that gives world building and interaction. But I think it just became a buzz and a bunch of games started to have an Open World design, but then putting so much time into that there was nothing worthwhile put into it. Dynasty Warriors 9 is the clearest example of Open World getting put into a series that did not need it.
That's fair, but I'm not sure that's the case for Death Stranding. Despite how it handled story MGSV was one of the better open worlds recently, and this seems different enough that I don't think it will be just more of that. Plus I generally don't get the impression Kojima does things just because theyre a trend. We'll have to see though.
I was sick of open worlds years ago, to be honest. I think the post-Skyrim oversaturation really killed the enjoyment of them. At the moment, they often just mean extra pissing around and less tight experiences. There are exceptions (games that do them well, and ones like SOTC that use an open world to the games benefit) but these days I prefer either linear or a semi-open Metroidvania world. I'd rather games that make effective use of their world rather than have a tortured open world just as an obligatory bulletpoint, which is how it seems most are at the moment.
@@IronicHavoc just checking here, but throwing shade on America isn't a trend? Because he and many people seem to love that. Feel free to correct any misgivings I have on that.
Spiderman PS4 just proved you can have alot of story and still be open world
Kojima has been implementing his anti-war/criticisms of the US military (or any other superpower military) messages since the og metal gear in 1987. I dunno if I would call that him following trends.
cant wait for the new megaman
I glad Woolie knows about the WhipSnake™
But it's NOT a stealth game, it's a STRAND GAME. Goddammit Kojima I love you but that's so dumb.
"biodegrade my ass"
--Pat, 2019
No comments since 2 years ago huh
This is wild speculation
cant believe you guys didnt talk about the resin baby
I know what Woolie means, but the statement that Parasite Eve "used science correctly" is going to annoy me all day.
Nah. Death Stranding is Gravelord Covenant PvP system but on ROIDS.
Every player has its own world, and the dark ghosts are sent by players from their own games.
Always multiplayer. Sometimes, stronger ghosts will appear, and they are controlled by a player, and he can attack you in a real time pvp battle.
Ultimately the objective is to destroy other players camps, or come together to help each other and thats the only way to get the real true ending.
Kay, I'm done fucking around, I have no idea what the fuck this game is gonna be like.
The multiplayer is confirmed asynchronous, but I wouldn't be surprised if killing adds more BTs to the world for everyone, meaning that to get rid of all the BTs the game's community needs to collectively go nonlethal. Similar to what Kojima was trying to do with the nuclear disarmament in MGSV.