ขนาดวิดีโอ: 1280 X 720853 X 480640 X 360
i bought one of these for my son as a play thing and i couldnt believe how big this thing was, crazy what you can buy thesedays.thanks for the uplod
Good bike
beautiful pieces of toys and models that i want to start collecting. i have a kx250f 2009 and i just enjoy dirtbikes so much
how much price is this bike please tell me I want to buy$
Sridhar prakasam 20 bucks on amzon
hi buddy cud the forks b removed from this bike?? also r most parts removable??lookin for sum 1/6 scale forks
no alot of it isnt that removable
Hi, is this the all plastic version? Thanks
How much was it when you bought it?
You are commenting on 10 year old videos you know
I always like this diecast, and also like making diecast video reviews.
Sick 😮❤❤❤
Linda réplica, onde encontro quero comprar
thats cool also i ride a yamaha ttr 90 dirtbike
Very good!
What is a price bro
Every complaint u made was fixed I know because my 2012 Kx 450 model it's almost all metal besides the plastics
where did you get yours from?
that was an assom.vdo ur ideas about adding stuffs were nice i liked ur vdo✌✌✌
You should see the 1:6 Africa twin at ebay the detail is wicked! With metal chain in it but it's 200bucks.
and also im getting the suzuki um the honda yamaha ktm like that model dirt bike
fmglflf the best way to get the best
How to buy this bike
I have a ye 125 and a Honda crf 450
Now all i gotta fo is get some stickers and find a 1/6 scale cooper webb figure
I got the other yz that goes with it
200th subscriber :)
yay!! check out my channel i post on regularly th-cam.com/users/slapyourfaceoff
I have a yz 85 but it has engine modifications
Juliana Moraes y
VenomXgaming b
MiDdNiTe you
I love dirt bikes😍
And I have a 125 2 stroke
Price plz
I want it so bad one of my favourite bikes the problem is the price and the size it’s just too small actually it’s way bigger than I thought..
Are you giving away the bikes? Really!! What can I do to get one?
I have a CRF 150R
That is cool I wish I had one
I lake a xtz 125
Ivanildo lopes Santos yu
Ivanildo lopes Santos hfhgjhbhkhojphibububjbljknbkblblhjiibibkblbbkkjjjkjojkjjojojojojkjliojOjkhkhJjBkhjbjjjjkj£jkjj&jbbbibijojijijiiiioklbñbkklhijibijkkjk
I have one of the same but a ktm 450 ax-f
I want that one!!
Sa wat dee khrap.
I have same bike but KTM bike.
merci beaucoup
beli dimana
i like you dirt bike
check out my channel i post on regularly th-cam.com/users/slapyourfaceoff
Wow amazing
I ride a couple of dirt bikes
check out my channel i post on regularly its pretty insane th-cam.com/users/slapyourfaceoff
Jayden Pemberton witch ones? I ride a beta 300RR and a ktm 250
Ktm 250 xc
Awesome 🐶🏈🇺🇸🏉⚾️🏀😎🤑🏎
cuando quieres trollear a la gente 6:8
I got a 2017 ktm 65 sx
i can buy those at my local toy store
the kawasaki yamaha honda suzuki and husqy
And the other are kinda higher quality than the yamaha
pls teach me how to make a outro like that one!!!!
Yo tengo el mismo
Cuanto te costo?
mai xj6 e bonita
Está guenisima
You always say me bad things
I have kawasaki ninja h2r
A model ? Or real bike ?
this guy needs a real bike
check out my channel i post on regularly its got some pretty cool shit th-cam.com/users/slapyourfaceoff
mi regali la moto
can I please have it
A po polsku
Dirt bike toys
Eu. Queroimdesse
i bought one of these for my son as a play thing and i couldnt believe how big this thing was, crazy what you can buy thesedays.
thanks for the uplod
Good bike
beautiful pieces of toys and models that i want to start collecting. i have a kx250f 2009 and i just enjoy dirtbikes so much
how much price is this bike please tell me I want to buy
Sridhar prakasam 20 bucks on amzon
hi buddy cud the forks b removed from this bike?? also r most parts removable??lookin for sum 1/6 scale forks
no alot of it isnt that removable
Hi, is this the all plastic version? Thanks
How much was it when you bought it?
You are commenting on 10 year old videos you know
I always like this diecast, and also like making diecast video reviews.
Sick 😮❤❤❤
Linda réplica, onde encontro quero comprar
thats cool also i ride a yamaha ttr 90 dirtbike
Very good!
What is a price bro
Every complaint u made was fixed I know because my 2012 Kx 450 model it's almost all metal besides the plastics
where did you get yours from?
that was an assom.vdo
ur ideas about adding stuffs were nice i liked ur vdo✌✌✌
You should see the 1:6 Africa twin at ebay the detail is wicked! With metal chain in it but it's 200bucks.
and also im getting the suzuki um the honda yamaha ktm like that model dirt bike
fmglflf the best way to get the best
How to buy this bike
I have a ye 125 and a Honda crf 450
Now all i gotta fo is get some stickers and find a 1/6 scale cooper webb figure
I got the other yz that goes with it
200th subscriber :)
yay!! check out my channel i post on regularly th-cam.com/users/slapyourfaceoff
I have a yz 85 but it has engine modifications
Juliana Moraes y
VenomXgaming b
MiDdNiTe you
I love dirt bikes😍
And I have a 125 2 stroke
Price plz
I want it so bad one of my favourite bikes the problem is the price and the size it’s just too small actually it’s way bigger than I thought..
Are you giving away the bikes? Really!! What can I do to get one?
I have a CRF 150R
That is cool I wish I had
I lake a xtz 125
Ivanildo lopes Santos yu
Ivanildo lopes Santos hfhgjhbhkhojphibububjbljknbkblblhjiibibkblbbkkjjjkjojkjjojojojojkjlioj
I have one of the same but a ktm 450 ax-f
I want that one!!
Sa wat dee khrap.
I have same bike but KTM bike.
merci beaucoup
beli dimana
i like you dirt bike
check out my channel i post on regularly th-cam.com/users/slapyourfaceoff
Wow amazing
I ride a couple of dirt bikes
check out my channel i post on regularly its pretty insane th-cam.com/users/slapyourfaceoff
Jayden Pemberton witch ones? I ride a beta 300RR and a ktm 250
Ktm 250 xc
Awesome 🐶🏈🇺🇸🏉⚾️🏀😎🤑🏎
cuando quieres trollear a la gente 6:8
I got a 2017 ktm 65 sx
i can buy those at my local toy store
the kawasaki yamaha honda suzuki and husqy
And the other are kinda higher quality than the yamaha
pls teach me how to make a outro like that one!!!!
Yo tengo el mismo
Cuanto te costo?
mai xj6 e bonita
Está guenisima
You always say me bad things
I have kawasaki ninja h2r
A model ? Or real bike ?
this guy needs a real bike
check out my channel i post on regularly its got some pretty cool shit th-cam.com/users/slapyourfaceoff
mi regali la moto
I please have it
po polsku
Dirt bike toys
Eu. Queroimdesse