Hi guys, there was apparently a glitch in loading the video and the last part of the conversation is missing. Apologies for that! The whole convesation can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Listen on Spotify: bit.ly/3CCmXFM Listen on Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/4gpIRtF
First time on this channel and I must say - thank you! For asking Matias such very specific questions. I don’t understand why some people invite him on their channel and then ask him something super generic or “better yet” - spend more time talking about their own experiences instead. So - thank you 👍
I found the rest of the conversation on Apple Podcasts and I’m very thankful of having Matias as one of the beings along my path. He’s answers are always honest bringing fresh and different information on anything he is asked. Open my mind to different perspectives and different meanings of being in this reality. Great interview.
This was such a great episode! Thank you for always leading such beautiful conversations 🙏🏼 I’m not sure if it is just a glitch, yet the video cut off at 1:04:09 when you were mid sentence and I would love to hear the rest of the convo :)
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
Thank you for this beautiful conversation and I agree, that you let Matias speak instead of sharing your stuff.. :) However, there was one moment at 57:30, when Matias shared his experience with Jesus and he started to add something about that, but( I understand your curiosity) then you interrupted his sentence by asking Matias how "I am that I Am "sounds in Hebrew.. Well, it is also interesting to know, but I wanted so badly to hear, what Matias started to say about his conversation with Jesus consciousness .. Still, it was a great episode and I am grateful for that! 🙏Please, please, invite Matias again one day to join your podcast and ask him more about his connections with the Ascended Master's consciousnesses like Jesus, St. Germain, Buddha, Seraphis Bay, Master More or Merlin.. With these master's energies and consciousnesses, he has been connected earlier and experienced them quite closely..I am sure many of us would like to hear more about these connections also. Thank you so much! 🙏💓
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
“I’m wise dude.” 😂😂 I laughed and thoroughly enjoyed this conversation! Thank you for listening to your instinct and asking just the right questions! It seems that we are all wanting to ask these specific questions right now with you! 👌 💞✨
What a great podcast. Being open to everything and questioning is a beautiful way to learn many perspectives and expand! Was that a real time self awareness moment :) ? Thank you for this interview, Mathais is quite soothing for me to listen to and I appreciate the ease you brought as well.
Matias is amazing. 25:13 When kids play a game, they laugh. If you take it too serious, then the game has become your life, and you're trapped in it. ---This is so true! Matias has been opening my mind/soul whatever opens, and I've been trying to figure out how to change my perspective on parenting. I was trying to counter other influences in my children that I viewed as too permissive, and my answer was to be harshly strict, but it's more about understanding the game :)
What happened to the last part that is mentioned in the resume but that you cannot access…? The part listed as «forces behind figures like Donald Trump and Elon Musk»…?
Thank you for this great conversation with Matias. It was a great pleasure to listen to this podcast !! There were some missing parts in the middle of the conversation but still it is great !!
Unfortunately it cuts off before the last chapter. Thats a pity. Id love to hear the whole interview, especially that last chapter. TY both, awsome interview!
I was so glad to hear Matias in this interview. I stumbled on to him about 5 years ago and he said one sentence that resonated with me and I stuck with him through covid and the IM writings and through the entire initiation series on Gaia. I shied away during his Ayahuasca phase with Marcus Aubrey haha and have branched out in many directions since then, but I love what he came to tell and I still admire him. And wish him well
Great stuff!! Love the straight forward questions and the pressing on details. Many interviews I've seen him in kinda skip over the granular/tangible parts that I think help connect this info to us newbies 😂
Thank you for this episode. The disconnect from full selves ( we are unconscious of our full selves, our extras which lead to wholeness, holy selves)i agree this oblivious to our true full capabilities, causes the issues the world is experiencing today. Imagine if Beings enveloped in the vehicle of the human body, were fully aware or conscious of our true capabilities,as he said the body, the voice etc being instruments of technology, which can tap into the etherweb as i call it, are capable of anything, limited by the imaginations boundaries. Imagination is required to access other spiritual realms, dimensions, fields, which is confirmed by all the spiritual philosophies, from shamans,eastern, Abrahamic traditions (judaism, christianity, islam, but held in the mysteries of these) witchcraft, all of them, it is the access point between the minds eye , pineal/ajna and other realms. In this age of anthroposophy materialising , spirit and spiritualising matter, we see that all the infornation has been fragmented, and now its time to re member, or put back together all the pieces. Where im living the krystic energy field has been activated, using certain practices and techniques, carried out such as harvesting the chrism after it has been activated. Chrism being the oil substance, which can be harvested by activating the cerebrospinal fluid consciously, using specific techniques....we are all having a great time here 🎉
Great interview. thank you 🙏🏽 I would love to see you interview Jerry Sargeant, his interview at Gaia with George Nori on Beyond Believe was incredible
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
We, the consciousness created love, fear, Joy, sorrow, and all in between. And created "other" to experience, express, to help to see self, express self, show self it exists. I am a hidden Jewel that thought it wished to be known. So it created the three worlds. And out of the three worlds there is no dirt, all is non jewel. Beneath the dance lies the truth of oneness, all forms, all experiences, are ripples in the infinite ocean of consciousness, arising and dissolving like waves. I am other than name, form and action. My nature is ever free. I am pure awareness, always non-dual. I am the plan, the expansion of myself in the interconnection of all that is. I am the dreamed, I am the dreaming, I am the dreamer, I am the dreams dreaming dreamer. I am the coherent mindful of awareness, the consciousness of consciousness. I am the seen and unseen, I am the open door that cannot be shut. And yet I am but of a grain of sand, eternaly fleeting infinite and finite. And you are as I am.
I got to my higher self, through trama and sacred ground. It's like a long note sound. My sister and myself had to reach the higher self to escape from trama. I get this note sound, which gets louder and louder, then you start to feel strange.
Always much head nodding YES with what Mati has to share. While we strive to be more conscious in addition to being human, my experience in Nature has been to allow my animal-human sensitive self to be safe and comfortable. Clothing, especially socks, are kind of annoying, but I conform. My eyes are more evolved (or less evolved), so seeing energy is easy when I can relax. Being a relaxed, slower moving human does take effort. We are now coming together 'seeing' more people who are comfortable with acknowledging our energetic selves beyond spoken language. I am no longer impatient for this evolutionary phase because it has arrived.
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
Bro… (Whatever your name is) Your questioning was ON POINT ! And bro (Matias)… Your answering was ON POINT ! And bro (little me)… My comment is ON POINT ! 😛 ! But seriously… (And amusingly) That was (IS) Proper ! My favourite Matias interview up to now. Or maybe just the most recent (probably definitely both no doubt 😛 ! Who knows ? 😛… Oneness Lovingness ! 😍🙏🏽☯️♥️💥☀️🌳💧🌏🍇
@@AlignPodcastYay thanks Aaron !! I discovered Matias during lockdown a couple of months prior to him doing the year long Giza pyramid visits and live vids after everyday so I watched most of them at 20:20pm Egypt time on a digital clock beginning that year Ad 2020. It was 6:20am here in New Zealand so that became my morning meditation and I now watch the English edited versions every morning to recap. Always integrating new perspectives on it all. On Me. The only Being! Ha ! But yeah… A 360 day year of 12 astrological months of 30 days each beginning in Leo when Sirius first appears over the Nile that year. 10 days of looking at the only thing that exists in a Leonine (then Virgo etc) flavour from a Mental perspective. Going through each chakra a day beginning with the Crown. Then the brow etc. to the 7th… The root. Then the 8th… The knees. The 9th… The ankles/feet. And finally the 10th… The whole Torus field. Then… 10 days the same but from an emotional perspective. Then 10 days the same but from a physical perspective. Then onto Virgo and then Scorpio etc. Through the year. Anyways just thought I’d share. And listening again to your questioning now while I write. So ON POINT ! Haha !Treating him like some sort of ChatGPT or Metatron or whatever ! Haha ! Love it ! Oneness Lovingness ! Allness Nothingness ! Foreverness Nowness ! Wombness Wowness ! 😍🙏🏽☯️♥️💥☀️🌳💧🌏🍇
Hahaha, the comment about feeling Hitler’s energy 'blown out on cocaine' was so funny 😂😂😂. I forgot everything Matías said, except that we should laugh and not take everything too seriously."🎉
When I went to the pyramids, we drove up when it was still dark (with Matias), and the closer we got I could feel a rumbling in my body, almost like an engine. Initially, I thought it was heavy machinery operating, but there was nothing. The feeling got stronger the closer I got to it. It shocked me actually, I didn't expect to have such a visceral feeling. The people around me didn't have the same reaction.
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
Thank you for a great podcast! But what happened to the last part that is not possible to access? The one listed as «forces behind figures like Donald Trump and Elon Musk»…?
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
Matias has brought the heart ring and, combined with the rings of the elements, enables the transformation of captain planet or Capitàn Planeta! MATIAS DE STEFANO FOR PRESIDENT!!
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
*The human imagination is such a wonderful thing.* If he can extract one single thing from that which is encoded in the pyramids that no-one else has ever discovered and it has some objective way of being validated/measured that can help us/the planet, then I'd be more inclined to believe him....Otherwise - it's all wooly fluff-talk - and I say that as someone who believes in the ABSOLUTE reality of the esoteric.
50:50 - Matias opening portals and not fully being aware of who or what is on the other side is exactly what he was saying a few minutes before that it should not be done if you're not fully aware of what you're doing. I've been with him on some journeys and most of the time it felt like he is just a tool for something he has no control of.
where does Matías get the idea that technology means the study of beauty? I love the knowledge he has and I resound with most of his words, but I don't get this.
@@tubal1 Art is the expression of personal perspective. Beauty is the positive aspect of personal perspective. If you combine those two you get: Technology, the expression of personal perspective in a positive aspect.
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
I heard him explain it thoroughly and it makes sense, I don't really know what is your level of exposure to the concept but I will try to explain..❤ At the end of the day, we are the planet's consciousness.. the neurons.. and the earth is going to continue evolving and if that is achived through "silica" i.e. technology or through "carbon" i.e. us. He also mentions if the technology is not going to support this ultimate evolution the earth has the ability to wipe it all out by a magnetical storm? He explained how it is about adaptation rather than resistance because I mean "natural selection", the ones who adapt will carry on.. I hope this can give you more perspective..much love..
Doesn’t technology consist of the two Greek words „techne“ (craft, skill, art) and „logos“ (study, discourse, reasoning), so according to ChatGPT Technology means something like „the Study of Skill“, or „Reasoning about craft“…Nothing to do with beauty…
Great Guest, but I don't like that you nterrupted Matias with questions when he was telling about how Jesus came to him in the pyramid and he couldn't finish the story.
I would had loved to hear him finish his story with Yeshua, but then you interrupted him to ask him about Hitler? Rude much. Please, allow your guests to finish answering the questions you ask them, to then ask another question . Thank you.
59:53 - neutral being? So double agent? If you're so neutral, how come that you're gay? Shouldn't you be bisexual then? "I love men so I deny women". So many contradictions! Too many.
@@AlignPodcast I don't "mean" anything, it's not a mean/nasty comment. It a observation rapped in a "joke". On my screen, Matias has got "normal" (skin) color and you are totally orange, thus you kinda look like a OempaLoepa from the Willy Wonka factory. And I like them, they are GREAT, so in a way it is a compliment. Other so, it's a bit weird that you pick this comment to respond to and not my others, but maybe that's the OempaLoempa in you.. :-)
54:20 - this really contradicts everything Matias is teaching. Why such resistance to Jesus in particular? Is there something within Matias that can't handle the frequency of Jesus? Makes me really wonder. Doesn't look good though. Couldn't even say his name. Wow. It's what a demon would say. Wow. People really need some discernment who they are following.
Jesus came to teach people about the deep connection we all share with God and the universe. His message wasn't about worshiping him but about recognizing the oneness of all life and understanding that we are all connected to the divine. Jesus lived as a human, but through his awareness, he tapped into what is believed as a higher frequency-what we can think of as 'Christ consciousness.' This is not exclusive to him but available to everyone who seeks it. It's a state of awareness, love, compassion, and unity, one that transcends individual identity and connects us with the divine essence within us all. Jesus embodied this consciousness, and his life and teachings serve as an invitation for us to align with that same frequency.
@@megalo9999 I can see Pluto with the naked eye, during the day time. Don't believe me? Where's your proof? There must be ways you can back that up, ya?
Hi guys, there was apparently a glitch in loading the video and the last part of the conversation is missing. Apologies for that!
The whole convesation can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
Listen on Spotify: bit.ly/3CCmXFM
Listen on Apple Podcasts: bit.ly/4gpIRtF
First time on this channel and I must say - thank you! For asking Matias such very specific questions. I don’t understand why some people invite him on their channel and then ask him something super generic or “better yet” - spend more time talking about their own experiences instead. So - thank you 👍
I found the rest of the conversation on Apple Podcasts and I’m very thankful of having Matias as one of the beings along my path. He’s answers are always honest bringing fresh and different information on anything he is asked. Open my mind to different perspectives and different meanings of being in this reality. Great interview.
Thank you for tuning in, I'm not sure why YT cut the last 20 minutes of the conversation. Thanks for subscribing if you decided to as well!
This was such a great episode! Thank you for always leading such beautiful conversations 🙏🏼 I’m not sure if it is just a glitch, yet the video cut off at 1:04:09 when you were mid sentence and I would love to hear the rest of the convo :)
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
@@AlignPodcast I did look for the second part in your channel, but I can't find it.
@@AlignPodcast Thanks for this conversation .. but you cut it on a purpose
One of the best Matias interviews ever!
Thank you for this beautiful conversation and I agree, that you let Matias speak instead of sharing your stuff.. :) However, there was one moment at 57:30, when Matias shared his experience with Jesus and he started to add something about that, but( I understand your curiosity) then you interrupted his sentence by asking Matias how "I am that I Am "sounds in Hebrew..
Well, it is also interesting to know, but I wanted so badly to hear, what Matias started to say about his conversation with Jesus consciousness .. Still, it was a great episode and I am grateful for that! 🙏Please, please, invite Matias again one day to join your podcast and ask him more about his connections with the Ascended Master's consciousnesses like Jesus, St. Germain, Buddha, Seraphis Bay, Master More or Merlin.. With these master's energies and consciousnesses, he has been connected earlier and experienced them quite closely..I am sure many of us would like to hear more about these connections also. Thank you so much! 🙏💓
Yes, it felt important what Matias was going to share, but I guess the interviewer wasn't meant to hear it.
Thank you both for helping us to reconnect with our origins 😍🥰🌎💕🕊🙏😘
Thankyou Mati😘😘 for sharing your wisdom and raising the awareness of humanity. Love and resonate with every word you say
Thank you for this beautiful conversation. Much love to you guys. 🫀⚡️🧠
Thanks for the appreciation!
Thank you for the great conversation, why is the last part missing? Where can I find the full episode?
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
“I’m wise dude.” 😂😂
I laughed and thoroughly enjoyed this conversation! Thank you for listening to your instinct and asking just the right questions! It seems that we are all wanting to ask these specific questions right now with you! 👌 💞✨
What a great podcast. Being open to everything and questioning is a beautiful way to learn many perspectives and expand! Was that a real time self awareness moment :) ? Thank you for this interview, Mathais is quite soothing for me to listen to and I appreciate the ease you brought as well.
Matias is amazing. 25:13 When kids play a game, they laugh. If you take it too serious, then the game has become your life, and you're trapped in it. ---This is so true! Matias has been opening my mind/soul whatever opens, and I've been trying to figure out how to change my perspective on parenting. I was trying to counter other influences in my children that I viewed as too permissive, and my answer was to be harshly strict, but it's more about understanding the game :)
Matias each interview in going up the conscious level heaps not steps .. thank you 🙏🏼
I love the analogy of time as an ocean. Thanks for sharing this thought-provoking conversation!
Separation. Makes so much sense. Thank you. 💙
My first time here. Great joy to see Matias on your podcast as well. 💙🕊
Lets go! This gonna be goood, Thank you thank you thank you Aaron & Matias💕
Thanks for the suppport!
What happened to the last part that is mentioned in the resume but that you cannot access…? The part listed as «forces behind figures like Donald Trump and Elon Musk»…?
@@hannekristiansenrisvik3334 apparently you can find the rest on spotify or apple podcasts
Thank You both so much, great new question with Matias 😍💗🙏🏻
Thank you for this great conversation with Matias. It was a great pleasure to listen to this podcast !! There were some missing parts in the middle of the conversation but still it is great !!
This is such a great episode with two of my favorites!😊
Thank you both!🙏
Unfortunately it cuts off before the last chapter. Thats a pity. Id love to hear the whole interview, especially that last chapter. TY both, awsome interview!
I was so glad to hear Matias in this interview. I stumbled on to him about 5 years ago and he said one sentence that resonated with me and I stuck with him through covid and the IM writings and through the entire initiation series on Gaia. I shied away during his Ayahuasca phase with Marcus Aubrey haha and have branched out in many directions since then, but I love what he came to tell and I still admire him. And wish him well
Matias TRUSTS the Infinite like no one else is now on the planet!
So awesome!! Thank you!!!
Great stuff!! Love the straight forward questions and the pressing on details. Many interviews I've seen him in kinda skip over the granular/tangible parts that I think help connect this info to us newbies 😂
Thank you for this episode. The disconnect from full selves ( we are unconscious of our full selves, our extras which lead to wholeness, holy selves)i agree this oblivious to our true full capabilities, causes the issues the world is experiencing today. Imagine if Beings enveloped in the vehicle of the human body, were fully aware or conscious of our true capabilities,as he said the body, the voice etc being instruments of technology, which can tap into the etherweb as i call it, are capable of anything, limited by the imaginations boundaries. Imagination is required to access other spiritual realms, dimensions, fields, which is confirmed by all the spiritual philosophies, from shamans,eastern, Abrahamic traditions (judaism, christianity, islam, but held in the mysteries of these) witchcraft, all of them, it is the access point between the minds eye , pineal/ajna and other realms. In this age of anthroposophy materialising , spirit and spiritualising matter, we see that all the infornation has been fragmented, and now its time to re member, or put back together all the pieces. Where im living the krystic energy field has been activated, using certain practices and techniques, carried out such as harvesting the chrism after it has been activated. Chrism being the oil substance, which can be harvested by activating the cerebrospinal fluid consciously, using specific techniques....we are all having a great time here 🎉
So many dots connected in this conversation -❤
Excellent conversation. Thanks for asking some really important and intelligent questions.
Thanks ❤ we love Matias
Great interview. thank you 🙏🏽 I would love to see you interview Jerry Sargeant, his interview at Gaia with George Nori on Beyond Believe was incredible
❤…“there is a correlation of wisdom in laughter”…
Thank You. That was Excellent; Calming; and Brilliant.
Wow wow wow great podcast. Where we can find the rest of conversation.
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
Super cool!! Thank you for sharing the adventure of questioning.
🤍🕊️🤍…as always present…clear…inspirational Matias thank you
Bro! Good questions, remind me of myself when I’m want to understand something. Thumbs up the video
We, the consciousness created love, fear, Joy, sorrow, and all in between. And created "other" to experience, express, to help to see self, express self, show self it exists. I am a hidden Jewel that thought it wished to be known. So it created the three worlds. And out of the three worlds there is no dirt, all is non jewel. Beneath the dance lies the truth of oneness, all forms, all experiences, are ripples in the infinite ocean of consciousness, arising and dissolving like waves.
I am other than name, form and action. My nature is ever free. I am pure awareness, always non-dual. I am the plan, the expansion of myself in the interconnection of all that is.
I am the dreamed, I am the dreaming, I am the dreamer, I am the dreams dreaming dreamer. I am the coherent mindful of awareness, the consciousness of consciousness. I am the seen and unseen, I am the open door that cannot be shut. And yet I am but of a grain of sand, eternaly fleeting infinite and finite. And you are as I am.
I got to my higher self, through trama and sacred ground. It's like a long note sound. My sister and myself had to reach the higher self to escape from trama. I get this note sound, which gets louder and louder, then you start to feel strange.
Always much head nodding YES with what Mati has to share. While we strive to be more conscious in addition to being human, my experience in Nature has been to allow my animal-human sensitive self to be safe and comfortable. Clothing, especially socks, are kind of annoying, but I conform. My eyes are more evolved (or less evolved), so seeing energy is easy when I can relax. Being a relaxed, slower moving human does take effort. We are now coming together 'seeing' more people who are comfortable with acknowledging our energetic selves beyond spoken language. I am no longer impatient for this evolutionary phase because it has arrived.
Thank you with love ❤️
Please upload the last section that got cut off 🙏🏻
What happened? It ended so abruptly… Will this interview have a second part? Great info
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
Bro… (Whatever your name is) Your questioning was ON POINT ! And bro (Matias)… Your answering was ON POINT ! And bro (little me)… My comment is ON POINT ! 😛 ! But seriously… (And amusingly) That was (IS) Proper !
My favourite Matias interview up to now. Or maybe just the most recent (probably definitely both no doubt 😛 ! Who knows ? 😛…
Oneness Lovingness ! 😍🙏🏽☯️♥️💥☀️🌳💧🌏🍇
Appreciate that, my name is aaron. thanks for the appreciation 🙏
@@AlignPodcastYay thanks Aaron !! I discovered Matias during lockdown a couple of months prior to him doing the year long Giza pyramid visits and live vids after everyday so I watched most of them at 20:20pm Egypt time on a digital clock beginning that year Ad 2020. It was 6:20am here in New Zealand so that became my morning meditation and I now watch the English edited versions every morning to recap. Always integrating new perspectives on it all. On Me. The only Being! Ha !
But yeah… A 360 day year of 12 astrological months of 30 days each beginning in Leo when Sirius first appears over the Nile that year. 10 days of looking at the only thing that exists in a Leonine (then Virgo etc) flavour from a Mental perspective. Going through each chakra a day beginning with the Crown. Then the brow etc. to the 7th… The root. Then the 8th… The knees. The 9th… The ankles/feet. And finally the 10th… The whole Torus field. Then… 10 days the same but from an emotional perspective. Then 10 days the same but from a physical perspective. Then onto Virgo and then Scorpio etc. Through the year.
Anyways just thought I’d share.
And listening again to your questioning now while I write. So ON POINT ! Haha !Treating him like some sort of ChatGPT or Metatron or whatever ! Haha ! Love it !
Oneness Lovingness !
Allness Nothingness !
Foreverness Nowness !
Wombness Wowness !
Hahaha, the comment about feeling Hitler’s energy 'blown out on cocaine' was so funny 😂😂😂. I forgot everything Matías said, except that we should laugh and not take everything too seriously."🎉
When I went to the pyramids, we drove up when it was still dark (with Matias), and the closer we got I could feel a rumbling in my body, almost like an engine. Initially, I thought it was heavy machinery operating, but there was nothing. The feeling got stronger the closer I got to it. It shocked me actually, I didn't expect to have such a visceral feeling. The people around me didn't have the same reaction.
How did you go to the pyramids with matias
Hey! I also live in Miami Beach! Nice 😊
And love love love Matias!
Jesus Christ is the only life that needs to be remembered 🙏
It seemed like Matias was cut off in parts of this podcast.
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
Thank you for a great podcast! But what happened to the last part that is not possible to access? The one listed as «forces behind figures like Donald Trump and Elon Musk»…?
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
Matias has brought the heart ring and, combined with the rings of the elements, enables the transformation of captain planet or Capitàn Planeta! MATIAS DE STEFANO FOR PRESIDENT!!
Is there a part 2?
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
@ thanks!
It was a sound healing chamber, and when they were chant, it also activated the mechanical function of it
Yes, I can too, few of them
*The human imagination is such a wonderful thing.*
If he can extract one single thing from that which is encoded in the pyramids that no-one else has ever discovered and it has some objective way of being validated/measured that can help us/the planet, then I'd be more inclined to believe him....Otherwise - it's all wooly fluff-talk - and I say that as someone who believes in the ABSOLUTE reality of the esoteric.
1:00:12 ohhh Mathias is like Frodo of the Rings..the neutral person/wessel.. 😮 or Frodo is the story, the storyline and the storyteller.. like Matías
50:50 - Matias opening portals and not fully being aware of who or what is on the other side is exactly what he was saying a few minutes before that it should not be done if you're not fully aware of what you're doing. I've been with him on some journeys and most of the time it felt like he is just a tool for something he has no control of.
where does Matías get the idea that technology means the study of beauty? I love the knowledge he has and I resound with most of his words, but I don't get this.
From the Greek origin of the word.
@@reyjes teknos doesnt mean beauty in ancient Greek;
@ the study of art, skill, or craft
@ Yes, I know that. Thats why I am asking why he says "beauty" which is different
Art is the expression of personal perspective.
Beauty is the positive aspect of personal perspective.
If you combine those two you get:
Technology, the expression of personal perspective in a positive aspect.
Video cut off at the end
There was apparently a gltich in loading the video :( the whole convesations can be found at Align Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Apologies for that!
Messiah mess I up.
Is Matias promoting hybridation with AI ?
I heard him explain it thoroughly and it makes sense, I don't really know what is your level of exposure to the concept but I will try to explain..❤
At the end of the day, we are the planet's consciousness.. the neurons.. and the earth is going to continue evolving and if that is achived through "silica" i.e. technology or through "carbon" i.e. us. He also mentions if the technology is not going to support this ultimate evolution the earth has the ability to wipe it all out by a magnetical storm?
He explained how it is about adaptation rather than resistance because I mean "natural selection", the ones who adapt will carry on.. I hope this can give you more perspective..much love..
Thanks, difficult material but interesting. Many do relate Antarctica to Nazis. Thule Gesellschaft
Doesn’t technology consist of the two Greek words „techne“ (craft, skill, art) and „logos“ (study, discourse, reasoning), so according to ChatGPT Technology means something like „the Study of Skill“, or „Reasoning about craft“…Nothing to do with beauty…
Thoth built it
Great Guest, but I don't like that you nterrupted Matias with questions when he was telling about how Jesus came to him in the pyramid and he couldn't finish the story.
Whatever you say electron!
I would had loved to hear him finish his story with Yeshua, but then you interrupted him to ask him about Hitler? Rude much. Please, allow your guests to finish answering the questions you ask them, to then ask another question . Thank you.
You really couldn't let matias say what Jesus told him or what 🤷🏻♀️
Matias went to a boliche the night before I think
Don't have Apple. Spotify sucks. Won't subscribe
human tech is the tech
dunno who the interviewer is but he ain't listening to Matías and I think he's projecting something off
59:53 - neutral being? So double agent? If you're so neutral, how come that you're gay? Shouldn't you be bisexual then? "I love men so I deny women". So many contradictions! Too many.
Why is the original Aaron replaced by a OempaLoempa with a beart...?
Not sure what you mean?
@@AlignPodcast I don't "mean" anything, it's not a mean/nasty comment. It a observation rapped in a "joke". On my screen, Matias has got "normal" (skin) color and you are totally orange, thus you kinda look like a OempaLoepa from the Willy Wonka factory. And I like them, they are GREAT, so in a way it is a compliment.
Other so, it's a bit weird that you pick this comment to respond to and not my others, but maybe that's the OempaLoempa in you.. :-)
54:20 - this really contradicts everything Matias is teaching. Why such resistance to Jesus in particular? Is there something within Matias that can't handle the frequency of Jesus? Makes me really wonder. Doesn't look good though. Couldn't even say his name. Wow. It's what a demon would say. Wow. People really need some discernment who they are following.
Jesus came to teach people about the deep connection we all share with God and the universe. His message wasn't about worshiping him but about recognizing the oneness of all life and understanding that we are all connected to the divine. Jesus lived as a human, but through his awareness, he tapped into what is believed as a higher frequency-what we can think of as 'Christ consciousness.' This is not exclusive to him but available to everyone who seeks it. It's a state of awareness, love, compassion, and unity, one that transcends individual identity and connects us with the divine essence within us all. Jesus embodied this consciousness, and his life and teachings serve as an invitation for us to align with that same frequency.
The pyramids are less than 2000 years old
This guy is so incredibly boring.
No one remembers past lives, because there are no past lives. Only grifters would make such claims
I'm not really sure, I'm opne to both being true
that's quite a declaration. have proof? i mean, you sound so sure, so there must be ways you can back that up, ya?
@@megalo9999 I can see Pluto with the naked eye, during the day time. Don't believe me? Where's your proof? There must be ways you can back that up, ya?
@@properpolymath2097give it a rest
Wow! It’s amazing that you know what other people remember or not.