These trips we watch you take is like as if we are there with you. Anytime Jen is with you, the smile and the laughter is contagious. Keep up the great work, Jacob. 🤘🏼😁🤘🏼
I loved exploring Area 51 area when we were out there last year. Make sure you have plenty of gas! I bought some area 51 soil also! we turned down the road with the mailbox, it took us to a different gate, we were met by the camo dudes on the road, they didn't stop us but flew past us in white pick-up truck.
SPACE JEN!!! :D :D :D Jen is so contagious! Anytime she appears in your videos I just get a huge smile on my face, I cheer and laugh along with her... SO WONDERFUL! I'm so happy you two found each other!
YES. I am finally caught up with you both!!! I was getting worried I had been away and had about 10 of your in the bags to catch up on... I have enjoyed this trip so so much XXX
This Vegas adventure truly was so much fun Jacob and my best time's was Jenn B-day, Meow Wolf and this trip to Area 51.. Glad no Aliens got you and glad the US Government did not take this video from you... but still from here on out watch out for the Men In Black Jacob lol. Thx always for your videos Jacob we love you.
I was delightfully surprised with your UFO lore knowledge. UFO and amusement parks are a huge passion of mine, so it's so awesome to see someone with common interests. I'm here in Niagara Falls Canada, would love to meet you and Jen if you are ever down, at the Flying Saucer restaurant of course.
Very interesting what was said in the congressional hearing of the personal from that base. I saw some lights when I was young that scared me and my best friend. Looked like stars in formation of a diamond with a tail and 2 cigar shape lights that were orange and green color fading and stopped and turned behind us. It was in the early 90's. I had nightmares and scared to death of my bedroom window.
@@lisapratt166 area 51 is owned by skunkworks aka Lockheed Martin: . skunkworks is the compnay the builds U.S. Air Force aircraft and then they take it apart and put in cargo plane and fly it to area 51. at area 51 they put it back together and then they test fly it at night.
Your videos are always awesome, but Jenn makes me smile. Great video. Stay safe.❤ I missed the last couple of postcards because my phone locked me out, but I am back !!!!
What an interesting trip to area 51.Did not see the drone but it certainly wouldn't surprise me at all. Love how they named the Highway . Great video Keep Safe ❤Keep Well❤
So happy you’re both able to enjoy all your adventures together. Hope Jenn is ok, looks like something happened to her chin area? God bless…. Safe travels
Good morning Jacob 🌞 the area 51 looks like a filming location lol thanks for sharing this. I just got done watching Jenny Penny video, now yours lol. You take care and stay safe.🤓📸👍
The base itself is on the other side of those mountains. They knew you were there the second you turned onto the road. They have cameras in the desert along the road that you cannot see.
Area 51 is no joke! I don't doubt you and Jen saw drones, but who knows what's flying around out there lol Vegas looks like a good time. Fun video! 👽👽👽
😢 Thank you for everything you do! I discovered you throgh my boyfriend, he left about 4 months ago unexpectedly! Every time I watch you and Jen it reminds me of him!
anyone interested in Area 51 should look into Glenn Campbell's work, he did a LOT of work staking out Groom Lake, testing out the limits of what the public can do to observe the facility, and compiling the research on the area. He also did this from the perspective of wanting to expose the truth for the American public, since the base was un-acknowledged for so long.
Not gonna lie, if I was a soldier stationed there at the gate, I'd totally be messing with people coming to the gate. Get someone to dress up like an alien and creep around in the dark, etc.
I was wondering the same thing about what jerky has to do with aliens but then you made a joke literally pointing it out when you and jen got to the shop 10:52 . Then later in the video 19:56 jen and you both asked the question about why aliens and jerky go together. It's the cows they beam up. They get turned into jerky. You made the joke but it totally makes sense to me now Lol.
Yes top secret programs still go on at Groom Lake, to an extent but with all the eyeballs on it, the government just moved alot of the black operations to a base, not too far from there. Great video as always Jake
These trips we watch you take is like as if we are there with you. Anytime Jen is with you, the smile and the laughter is contagious. Keep up the great work, Jacob.
Jen is great person to have with you! She brings extra joy to these videos.
Your videos when you’re alone are wonderful, however, when Jen is with you the videos are also wonderful but with even more joy!
I loved exploring Area 51 area when we were out there last year. Make sure you have plenty of gas! I bought some area 51 soil also! we turned down the road with the mailbox, it took us to a different gate, we were met by the camo dudes on the road, they didn't stop us but flew past us in white pick-up truck.
Jacob I love you and Jen for doing what you all love and bringing us all joy.
Part of me imagined Area 51 welcoming Jacob and Jen and letting them tour and film the base like how he's able to film at other roadside places.
YESss! 🙌 Love that! 📷 📱 👽 👍
Jacob, Thank you for sharing your trips with us!
SPACE JEN!!! :D :D :D Jen is so contagious! Anytime she appears in your videos I just get a huge smile on my face, I cheer and laugh along with her... SO WONDERFUL! I'm so happy you two found each other!
Thanks for bringing Jen along. Her enthusiasm and smile are contagious! In a good way! 😂
Love all the Vegas and Nevada vids right now! Thanks Jacob!!
I was having a tough day and was happy to see you 2 happy faces. Somedays I dont want to be an adult
Sorry to hear that
thank you both sooomuch! You are loved immensely for sharing your travels! The highlight of my days!
YES. I am finally caught up with you both!!! I was getting worried I had been away and had about 10 of your in the bags to catch up on... I have enjoyed this trip so so much XXX
This Vegas adventure truly was so much fun Jacob and my best time's was Jenn B-day, Meow Wolf and this trip to Area 51.. Glad no Aliens got you and glad the US Government did not take this video from you... but still from here on out watch out for the Men In Black Jacob lol.
Thx always for your videos Jacob we love you.
I was delightfully surprised with your UFO lore knowledge. UFO and amusement parks are a huge passion of mine, so it's so awesome to see someone with common interests. I'm here in Niagara Falls Canada, would love to meet you and Jen if you are ever down, at the Flying Saucer restaurant of course.
Another fun one Jacob & travels home.....& this trip the bag.✌️❤️🙂
Your all are "out if this world great 👍🏼 love your fun adventures. Thanks for taking us along👽👽👽
Jen taking a picture of the butt made me laugh the most in this video
I still get goosebumps every time he says: please, follow me.
Very interesting what was said in the congressional hearing of the personal from that base. I saw some lights when I was young that scared me and my best friend. Looked like stars in formation of a diamond with a tail and 2 cigar shape lights that were orange and green color fading and stopped and turned behind us. It was in the early 90's. I had nightmares and scared to death of my bedroom window.
I prolly would have felt the same way.... anxious. Thanks for taking us with you!
Yes, Michelangelo is correct. Great Las Vegas series so far.
Wonderful video Jacob I always enjoy seeing Jenn
They were trying to come get Jen and take her back inside with those glasses lol😂
I finally went to et fresh jerky!!! Soo cool! Bought 3 jerky packs, $33 . Or $12 for 1.
With all the recent disclosure, the government should just open Area 51 for tours.
Lol they use it dear its an active place. Either storage or official base work
Probably bio labs here, making the new viruses 🤔
@@lisapratt166 area 51 is owned by skunkworks aka Lockheed Martin: .
skunkworks is the compnay the builds U.S. Air Force aircraft and then they take it apart and put in cargo plane and fly it to area 51.
at area 51 they put it back together and then they test fly it at night.
No telling what is going on on 51 ?
Top secret !
UFO stuff !
It's an active military base. It's US government property. They will use deadly force if they have no other option
I'm glad you both had a great time in the desert! Love you both ❤❤
Love Jen with Alien glasses those are so cool ❤❤❤
Your videos are always awesome, but Jenn makes me smile.
Great video. Stay safe.❤
I missed the last couple of postcards because my phone locked me out, but I am back !!!!
The alien trump is hilarious
Jacob when reading the carbs on any product, deduct the grams of fiber from that number.
This was a really good and exceptional vlog. Loved all things Area 51 and I would have been nervous at the gate too.
I really enjoyed your Las Vegas videos, Jacob and Jenn. 👍👍👍👍
Love your videos Jacob keep ‘em coming ❤❤
We need more Jen! 😊
Love her. ❤️ 😊
Love this trip,Jens sunglasses were awesome too,,,
Beef Jerky is a great snack choice! Even the stuff you got is quite low-carb! Good choice!
Yes, Michelangelo was the Renaissance artist who painted the Sistine Chapel.
That camel song was art
What an interesting trip to area 51.Did not see the drone but it certainly wouldn't surprise me at all. Love how they named the Highway . Great video Keep Safe ❤Keep Well❤
Did that jerky taste out of this world Jacob ? 😂😂😂❤
So happy you’re both able to enjoy all your adventures together. Hope Jenn is ok, looks like something happened to her chin area? God bless…. Safe travels
Yes Michael Angelo
You two are so meant to be together ❤❤❤❤❤
Another fantastic blog! You both work together so well ❤
i just went to the original meow wolf today and i LOVED it thank you for making the videos about them😃
Safe flight Jacob and jenn
Safe travels and always a pleasure watching your videos and hi from back home in Indiana
Good morning Jacob 🌞 the area 51 looks like a filming location lol thanks for sharing this. I just got done watching Jenny Penny video, now yours lol. You take care and stay safe.🤓📸👍
Jen you are the cutest Alien. ❤loving your adventures together. 😊
There are usually guys from Area 51 up in the mountains so you could probably seen them!
Loved Jens abduction lol😂😂😂😂😂❤
The base itself is on the other side of those mountains. They knew you were there the second you turned onto the road. They have cameras in the desert along the road that you cannot see.
Area 51 is no joke! I don't doubt you and Jen saw drones, but who knows what's flying around out there lol Vegas looks like a good time. Fun video! 👽👽👽
Jen those alien glasses were the best ever! 👽
Those sunglasses 😂😂😂 so cute on you Jen ❤❤❤❤❤ it changes your face totally 😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤ love it
Lmao the Camel song. Can we get a Carpetbagger best hits album
😢 Thank you for everything you do! I discovered you throgh my boyfriend, he left about 4 months ago unexpectedly! Every time I watch you and Jen it reminds me of him!
I've never used it but have heard about it...
Vegas, baby! Vegas!
I love when Jenn got abducted and when she says, I’m Back. I also love at the beginning of her videos when she says, Today. 😅
Jen... those aliens glasses looked perfect on you!
So crocs just released a monster cereals collection and I feel like you need the Boo Berry. Hope y’all are having a blast! Also we love Jen!
Awesome video, Jacob and Jenn
This coming May, I'm off to Vegas, and I will be taking the Area 51 tour.
I am so super excited about this
Great video
28:56 In "Independence Day" they eluded that our computer tech was reverse engineered from the downed ship, so that's why it was compatible.
yes, Michaelangelo
The guy that works at the cafe at the Alien Inn is so nice. My kids and I stopped there on one of our adventures👽
A Camel serenade! Thank youu 😂 also I’d like to see if you can go back and catch the mural ❤ Thank you Jacob!
Go Space Jen
Michaelangelo did chapel and alien and beef jerky maybe cause there is allot of alien and cow herd stories I'm guessing. Ty guys for vid.
Yes... It was Michael Angelo who painted the sistine chapel
Yay she bought alien glasses Love them ❤❤❤❤
The Camel! The damn CAMEEEEEL! You saw how he was eyeing you, ready for another bite!🤣😂
Summer of the Camels 😂😂😂🎉
anyone interested in Area 51 should look into Glenn Campbell's work, he did a LOT of work staking out Groom Lake, testing out the limits of what the public can do to observe the facility, and compiling the research on the area. He also did this from the perspective of wanting to expose the truth for the American public, since the base was un-acknowledged for so long.
A zonkey? They wear 1/2 a saddle I imagine.
Trying to get my list together of what to do in Vegas when I go next year!
List one, lose all your money 💰
@@bryanyoung4016 im not really into gambling. I mostly want to go sight seeing and to a few museums
Not gonna lie, if I was a soldier stationed there at the gate, I'd totally be messing with people coming to the gate. Get someone to dress up like an alien and creep around in the dark, etc.
I love Jen. ❤
Don't know if anyone has suggested it, but Jen may enjoy Johnny's Toy Shack in Neonopolis on Fremont St downtown
lol well you definitely could have chilled at the gate longer than that. Should have took some selfies, got out for a few minutes lol.
Thanks for another awesome video with content I love ❤
I think that camel at the landfill needs some company.. ? .. mate
I don’t think any TH-cam vlogger could do better!! Loved Jenn’s sunglasses 👍🏼💯
According to Ryan's map, the Vancouver metro and Prince Rupert joined the US, but Victoria Island stayed with Canada
Love the horse content!!
I was wondering the same thing about what jerky has to do with aliens but then you made a joke literally pointing it out when you and jen got to the shop 10:52 . Then later in the video 19:56 jen and you both asked the question about why aliens and jerky go together. It's the cows they beam up. They get turned into jerky. You made the joke but it totally makes sense to me now Lol.
"Whatever you do stay away from this camel" She knows!
This was so cool!
Yes top secret programs still go on at Groom Lake, to an extent but with all the eyeballs on it, the government just moved alot of the black operations to a base, not too far from there. Great video as always Jake
Jacob have you ever visited Little Americkia i believe its spelled in Wisconsin? Its an amusement park.
I went to the dessert seen a horse beside a fence with a lock with no name 🎶 lol
You 2 are my favorite TH-cam couple (m/f).
Great video as always 😊
"Are you done being abducted, yet?" 😂
"I was moving it so I can take a picture of the butt!" 🤣🤣🤣 she's a national treasure.
I love Area 51! My favorite part is Janet airlines. My name ha!
Hey Jacob and Jennifer 🙋🏽.
Love that Alie-inn 👍
My chickens coop is called “the chick-Inn”😂
7:56 Yes. Michael Angelo painted the Cistine Chapel.
that's the 17th is michalangelo. They did a good job on it.