That's not true, get the truth from Apostle Damina. That's the plain truth. Christianity is genuine and only a genuine thing cane be faked or pirated. If it can't be faked then it's not genuine
@@josephnickie9678 you are following Damina to hell fire without knowing. Just because of your love for money, you are finding it hard to pay your tithes to the Lord, hence you choose to follow someone else to disobey the word of God ? You know what, just be preparing yourself to follow dr Damina to the pit of hell for being rebellious to the word of God .
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 that's a lie from the pits of hell. Don't use the Word of God for you selfish desire. Not even a single Apostle in the New Testament preached about tithing. Read the Bible my friend Not for a purpose of selfish ambitions. Jesus never preached about tithing not a single day.
That is the major problem, we need intimacy with God and grace will find expression in our lives. Otherwise we 'll live in religiosity which births confusion. May God's grace help us to walk in truth 🙏
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 you call hellfire without thinking your position is the one destined for hell. It's not about the money, it's about the heart. Using hellfire is one of the greatest manipulation to get tithe
Personally I do what works for me. I grew up in a Christian household that believed in tithing and I carried the same belief till I started my own family and I still do it to this day....I pay tithes and I have never had a problem with finances before. I've made over hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits from my businesses and other investments and I am herding to millions soon by God's power. So I am not stopping anytime soon.
Nobody is against tithing in itself... But the conditions attached to it that brings the manipulation Jesus didn't pay tithes, no mention of apostles paying tithe.... If u want to give God 10% no problem.... But failure to give God 10% will not bring a curse according to Malachi... Because that statement was for the 11 tribes of Israel who had to pay tithes so the Levites can eat ... The Levites were effectively exempt from paying tithes In the new testament, christians gave 100% even... But the apostles didn't ask people to sell their lands, or properties... It came from within The manipulation and guilt placed on people as regards giving is that which is contrary to the scripture Let everyone give according to how he wot... If he gives 10%, 20% or 100%, God accepts as long as it comes from a cheerful and willful heart
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 You have no place to determine who is to go to heaven or hell, if you lack understanding about a scripture, ask for for it to be unveiled from the Holy Spirit Who is the teacher of all things.
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 enheee who died and appointed a mortal Supreme Judge of whp is going to heaven. Security guard of the gates of heaven mxiiim. Talk your own and leave the allocation of our end to the Lord. Breathe
@MAD MAX Who now gave the law if not Moses. Who will you believe? Moses or Jesus? Who knows God better. Jesus himself confirmed Moses gave the law in Mat 19:8 because of their hardened hearts. I can keep going with where Jesus corrected all the misconceptions that was given by Moses. If you will believe Moses' words over Jesus then I guess it was Moses that saved you
@Joseph Esoh It is you who lack understanding and have twisted the scriptures. We all have the Holy Spirits who have revealed the scriptures through revelation to the apostles. Why do you think all these revelations were written? All you need to do is study, you do not need any other revelation by the Spirit. It is already revealed to the Apostles and it was written for us. That revelation you need is through the study of the written word of God. So it is wrong for you to say the Holy Spirit will again reveal what already has been revealed through the scriptures. All you need is to study diligently to understand it. There is no nee revelation concerning the things of Christ it has been revealed once and has been written for us. If you are waiting for a new revelation or you tell yourself you received a new revelation you lie. We all have the same Spirit as believers
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 how is it Rebellious to confess? You speak as though you are one of the prophets who pin their livelihood to people hard earn money.
I think every Christian need to know God and His word for themselve TITHE I joined Christ Embassy for more than 11 years and even before i Joined i have always followed pastor chris messages and video .. and i have always take to heart one of his formost advice, where he always advice his congregation to study the scripture for themselves and they willcome to the same truth. which i have diligently study the scriptures along side and find the truths in his messages but for tithing i dont completely accept his message The matter of tithing has stir somuch dust just because people are lazying around not crosschecking the messages their men of God preaches with their personal study Knowledge is progreessive and it comes in precept upon precepts, i dont claim to know as they are high knowledge and truth yet to be revealed on this aspect of tithing but this is my wisdom on this matter. Tithing was mention in the bible in the era of Abraham way back before the old testament law 1.Though Abraham was a pagan worshipper before he met God Joshua 24:2-3 2. God choose abraham to bless and favour him for His (God) Own agenda and has nothing to do with Abraham qualification or deeds 3. Abraham initiated the first tithing in the bible Genesis 14:18-20 ( noted he gave after he was blessed so the tithing was an appreciation offering ) 4. How did abraham learn about tithing , was it from his pagan religion or just a mere coincidence or was it from God ? and when did God teach Abrahim tithing, His charge, His commandments, His statutes, and His laws."Genesis 26:5 5 Abraham touch his children tithing since he had recieved Gods law and commandments Genesis 28:22 6. General Man was under Sin and such were cut off from God's blessing as such the laws and ordinances where a medium for God to bless and reward man without breaking his own laws 7 The purpose God integrate tithing into the law was for the sustainance of the temple, the levites and priest and also a medium for God to bless the people Malachi 3:10-10, (Leviticus 27:32) 8 Most of all the blessing of God in the old testament were link to a commandment, you keep the command and you get a blessing 9 The Law and it ordincance where a shadow ... of the real thing not the real thing Hebrews 10-13, Colossians 2:17 10 When chirst came he fulfilled all the laws and ordinance for us , died and was buried as penalty for our Sins (Matthew 5:17-18) (Romans 10:4). (Hebrews 10:1) (Hebrews 9:24,)(Colossians 2:14). (Galatians 3:23-25,) 11 By Christ Resurrection we were resurrected with a new life and brought into a new life to live not under the law as the previous man before but under grace. Roman 6:4, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:15-17, Romans 6:14 12: Under this new life in Christ and His grace we have received all of Gods blessings already in christ ...... we only need to learn our to walk in it and appropriate them in our every day life Ephesians 1:4-6, 13 We have inherit and inheritance from God and all things in life, death, heaven and in earth are ours Ephesians 1:11, 13,14 , 1 Corinthians 3:21 14. The laws and ordinances of the old testament are abolished in Christ and only faith previal in Christ . Galatians 3:28, Galatians 3:26-27, 2 Corinthians 5:7,Hebrews 11:6,1 John 5:5, Mark 11:24 15. tithing was never mention in the new testament rather all physical or material giving has be categories into a general giving or collection 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. which has spiritual inplication just as our worship and praise has also become our spiritual sacrifice and offering to God 16. giving seed and special offering in form of tithe (1% 5% or 10% or first fruit or any thing or any way or ratio or however you have purpose to call it, to men of God or fellow christain aside the general church collection also attracts more of Gods blessing on you Matthew 10:41 - 42 In conclusion: TITHING is just a concept that was initiate to fullfill a purpose, what you should be asking yourself is why did God integrate tithing into the law if it was really a pagan practice?, except truelly it was from God and he needed it to achieve a purpose! Which was to sustain the levite and priesthold and allow him to bless the people in return You should ask yourself how is this concept applicable to you today in your giving to God, to His Church and His children, do you need to call it tithe or giving of certain percentage of your earning, or first profit from your job or bussines etc We where never told or instructed to do the laws of the old testament rather to learn from it, to understand Gods wisdom in it, so in the new testament we were instructed to give as we have purpose in our heart as the HOLY SPIRIT guides and instruct us individual or as a church. Your blessing is in the instruction and carrying out the instruction, the Spirit might instruct me to give the whole of my salary as offering or in form of tithe but might have different instruction for you while to another he might literally instruct him/her to give tithe or anything Let your giving be out of your personal revelation or generic instruct from God and remember its most be by faith, in honour and appreciation to God Dont do the old testament laws in the era or grace, rather learn Gods will and wisdom from it and allow the spirit to lead and guide you Romans 15:4 Honour the lord with your substance Proverbs 3:9
Thanks so much dear brother, Ezekiel. You made it clear and straight. I've never been moved over all the preachings, over and counter preachings on tithing. I have the Word and the Spirit of God, I sincerely do not need no man to teach me the Law of Tithing. The Holy Spirit is my Teacher. I don't tithe because of any mortal man's teaching. I don't tithe for fear. I just have in me the total peace of God in my heart the way and manner of my tithing life.
In context, tithes is for food in the house of God, for the priests(pastors), strangers, widows and the fatherless. It's not a concept or principle that should be entrenched in controversy. Malachi 3:8-10. The thing here is that pastors taught on this with the law mentality. You're not cursed if you don't tithe because Jesus has redeemed you from the curse of the law. Tithing is giving to the Lord a tenth of your income not out of compulsion but from a grateful heart. The teaching is not sin to be repented from the same way child dedication on the eight day or the circumcision of a male child according to old testament precept be repented from. We glean principles from the scriptures and apply them in the light of grace. The problem with the church is that tithing was taught with the law mentality. We were made rich by Jesus before we ever tithed a dime from our income. We bring tithes into the storehouse of God so that the priests should be sustained. Tithes and offerings are used for the running of the church - they are not solely for the GO. Blessings 🙏🏾
God bless you my dear for this your post. Tithe is for the widows, priest, church workers, the needy, the homeless, the fatherless etc that come into the house of the Lord and not just for the Pastor's alone. That's why I share my tithe to these categories of people cuz we too are of the Royal priesthood. I don't want them to think my tithe is for them alone. My tithe whenever I give has to be used right
Abel Damian just repented He and Pastor Isaac Idahosa collect a big sum of money from me as a young woman thank God he trying to repent I pray for him anyway he has gotten all the money he needs
I am a tongue talking believer, an instrumentalist in church too. I started paying tithe as far back 1999, I stopped tithing in 2014 till date. I can boldly say that I have made more money, had more connections, business has gone better for me than ever, my conscience doesn't prick me either for a second that I don't tithe. One thing I haven't stopped doing is giving to people and helping the needy around me, that part of me I was born with. For now, I still won't tithe, even if I ever will it will be an act of sacrifice from me, not an obligation I must live by.
@@dominicmasamba4481 okay if u say so. I'm at the age where arguing with anyone is not a sense, wisdom and maturity goes with age, experience & spending time with God, not waiting for someone sermon to teach me (1John 2:27) Ppl will preach anything as long as they benefit, but a person like me benefit nothing, so it's easy to tell u the truth, what holy spirit revealed to me. Holy spirit is our only teacher. Even so called "man of God" are humans they make errors, but only holy spirit teaches truth coz is a spirit of truth. Even If u say the grass is red I will still say okay, Ive grown spiritually and mentally. The Bible says avoid silly arguments. But I suggest u read; Deut. 26:1-11 Deut. 26:12-15 Leviticus 27:30 Malachi 3:8-12 Who is church if I may ask? It's me & u, not a building or a man of God. But today if one has to sow seed,pay tithe, give thanks giving offering, or free will offering it happens that they go to church the building of one particular pastor. No my friend, it suppose to go to God. Who is God? GOD IS LOVE, THOSE WHO CAN'T LOVE, THEY DON'T KNOW GOD. How do u express love? By helping those who are in need, homeless, orphans, fathersless, widows, poor people coz they are the image of God. That's how u express God (love) , that's how u walk with God (love). Make sure you know where yr 10%goes & does what. U are liable for your own actions not "man of God". Imagine ur bussiness made 40mil therefore tithe is 400k. So u suppose to take 10% to one man of God? Insane, that's why they get tempted & buy more cars, more jets more houses, while people are starving. What about God's people, 1 day God will say, I was hungry u didn't feed me, I was naked y didn't clothe me, I was poor u didn't help me. Learn to sow," from your 10%, so u can reap generously. For example, Take 100k, to yr church, 100k to orphans, 50k to homeless, 50k to educate kids, 20k to some living church of which u don't even attend, 50k to widows etc until it's yr total of yrc10%, don't cheat. Learn to scatter your seed, no sower plant in one area where there is a large space of a field which it can produce much reapings. Even if u earn 40k, 10% is 4k, scatter it. If u do this U will thank me one day. Apostle Paul never took a penny from anyone, he was even helping the church (people) with his money from his bussiness. Acts 20 :32-35. I've got so much to say, about secrets of Heaven but text won't allow me. Further read ; Luke 8:17 Hosea 10:12 Proverbs 11: 18 2 Corinthians 8: 13 Hebrews 6:10 Shalom ❤️🇿🇦
The truth is that he that must give must give willingly without being forced to do so, the church collects so much money and give little back to the people unlike the early church did.
George this is the first time I see light in your videos... sincerely able Damina is not teaching sentiments... people need to learn. There will always be discovery of truths along this journey. Martin Luther King discovered the truth that led to the revolution we are seeing today from the Catholic Church who was exactly like the wholesome faith of the people before now. Jesus will help His Church. Amen
Eubert Angel is wrong and Abel Damina wrongly explained Abraham's tithe. Every explanation we give about the bible must be in the very teachings of bible. The simple explanation of Abraham's tithe is in Hebrew 7, which was to demonstrate that Christ priesthood is greater than that of levi. For figuratively, according to Hebrew 7, as Abraham who is Levi's ancestor gave a tithe to Melchizedek, it means Levi indirectly gave a tithe to Melchizedek. Since the one you tithe to is greater than you, it means Melchizedek's priesthood is greater than that of levi. Since Jesus priesthood is said to be in the order of Melchizedek, it therefore means Jesus Priesthood is greater than that of Levi. This is what Hebrew 7 teaches. So generally, Abraham's tithe was to reveal Christ Priesthood. Talking about the tithe under the law. The tithe under the law was to teach Love of the brethren. Levi had no inheritance of land, so God commanded that his brothers (The other tribes) should give 10 percent of their harvest to the tribe of Levi. This showed brotherly Love. Priests were involved in tithes because they were levites. If they were not levites no tithe would've been given to them. Today, the earthly tabernacle of levites is over, now its about the heavenly tabernacle of God where Jesus officiates as High Priest. Giving is now done cheerfully, it is done in love. Nothing more and nothing less. In Christ, tithe is fulfilled.
Uebert Angel is doing what Creflo Dollar predicted already. By saying that Dollar should refund the tithe monies, Uebert already assumes that Dollar cornered the moneys to himself. In saying that, he also admits that preachers use the tithe for personal reasons (as opposed to how scriptures recommended). The fact is that the awareness about tithe doctrine shakes the very foundation of many assemblies.
My brother in Christ thank you for your enlightenment I have learnt a lot of things let me confess to you the very first time I start watching your videos I don't understand it but would tell me when I watch the video to the end and now I understand what you mean in fact you are even educated than some pastors
Is it because he has money??? Remember there is always a God before man... Mis-Judging means you've just took God off his Duty and Role just so u can say what you feel.Go listen to the whole sermon on his page and Then JudgeIs it because he has money??? Remember there is always a God before man... Mis-Judging means you've just took God off his Duty and Role just so u can say what you feel.Go listen to the whole sermon on his page and Then Judge
The fear of Dr. Abel Damina is the beginning of Bible study among believers in CHRIST JESUS. As long as Dr. Damina continues to teach the truth about the Word of GOD, I will agree with him and follow him as he follows CHRIST JESUS.
Thank you so much for all you do, I enjoyed watching the counter messages, forming my own understanding as I watched and confirming the ones I already had. may God richly bless you 🙏🏾 I liked what Creflo Dollar's spiritual son said,he is definitely right 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
I own be say, I'm still in awe that people calling themselves Christians accept some portions of the Bible where he God said every nothing can be added or subtracted.
BRG abeg where is pastor Damina's church? That's the church I need to start attending now, the manner with which he analyzes the bible and as well proves his point awesome.
have been tithing for many years and I can reason with Ps Creflo and the other pastor and Ps Dollar's message is setting us free. However what did Jesus say about giving? "Give and it will be given back.." Luke 6.38... "with the measure you use, it will be measured back..." Personally, I'm yet to be a generous be honest, and I'm still on this journey of giving. "Seed time and harvest shall not cease as long as the earth remains..." Gen 8.22 The above Scriptures are sweet and bitter truths which unfortunately we cannot change. Our prayer should be "God, help us to plant seeds that please God", seeds we look forward to reap.
Plz read Matthew 5:17-18 Our lord Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law and the prophets so I don’t know whether those who came after him know much more than Jesus Christ himself 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Christ fulfilled it. Fulfillment means completion. He completed the law so we cannot be under it, Christ fulfilled the prophet so we cannot longer be dependent on prophets to know God’s mind and will. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom (Mark 15:38) so that there will be no need for middle men like priests and pastors between people and God. Yes, Christ has completely fulfilled the obligations of laws and prophets so we owe nothing. Now, let’s go serve God for free and receive his salvation for free. Hallelujah amen 🙏🏽
Dear P. Uebert, he did it in ignorance and has now come openly to tell the world he missed it and is still learning. It takes courage to do that and that's what a true leader must be able to do. Pastors need to let people know the truth as the truth is what makes a man free. We must stop being hypocritical in the body of Christ. We are grateful for people like Dr Abel Damina who consistently teaches the truth of God's word...thanks george
The Lord told me that, any child of God that has a job should pay his tithes. He also taught me that any pastor that preach against tithe is a fake pastor and both the fake pastor and his members or followers will go to hell fire if they die
Who benefits from tithes? The pastors! That's why the majority of them defend it with their last breath. Like I always say, whites will not give Africans religion for free if it is very beneficial as they claim. They can't even give you visa for free to visit their countries but somehow they have you convinced that you are getting into heaven with them. To top it up, you have to give 10% to pulpit robbers to get to heaven. SMH
Yaba when you talk on tithes you touch the apple of the prosperity gospel's eye... Money is more dearer than souls!!! trying to enlight people on tithes is like jumping into a crocodile infested river
Good afternoon BRG, Thanks for your good work. I agree with pastor Abel Damina one hundred percent, because our repentance is for Jesus who determines whether we are forgiven or not is God and not men. Many of these critical leaders the know that the teaching that Cleflo Dollar brought about the tithing is the truth, the big problem is that they don't want to lose their easy sources of income.
The Lord told me that, a child of God that has a job should pay his tithes, He said any pastor that is preaching against tithe is a fake pastor and that both the fake pastor and his members or followers will go to hell if they die .
If you like agree with any fake pastor hundred percent, you will follow the fake pastor hundred percent also into hell fire. Instead of you guys to pray and seek the face of the Lord about tithing, you are there shouting grace , grace . You don't know that, the money you make from your business or the money you earned as your salary God is the one that give you? Don't worry time will come when you will give account to the Lord about the life you live here on earth, by then you will find out that you have been deceived by this false prophet to fight against the word of God.
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 nobody said you shouldn't pay tithe, whatever you giving to God should be done willingly and not forcefully trying to make you feel guilty , u gave tithe and offering out of wat God has blessed you with,, Abraham gave willingly. Nobody is stopping you from paying tithe, is your choice, I pay tithe and huge offerings willingly and nobody can make me feel guilty for not paying tithe, don't forget DAT God loves a cheerful giver.
@@ehimeaddeh3332 yes bro, I know God loves a cheerful giver and is a must for every true child of God to pay his tithes or make any sacrifice willingly to God for Him to accept it. But my comments are for those who said tithing is a law of the old testament, that is not for the new testament church . I speak against those that are siding what Creflo Dollar said about tithes.
Reality : Without exception, less than 20% of the congregants pay tithe consistently, the rest don't because somehow they have their doubts... If not for manipulation ...this 20% is even too high for regular and consistent tithers. I dare say YOU!!! Yes YOU !!! You don't pay tithe regular and consistently. Forget the many years, just look at this year yes Six months, have you paid your tithes completly, regularly without fail?
Yah neh it's tough outside there! I blv law is holy and natural man can't keep it. Pharisees love these type of platforms to expose their evil. JHN 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Bless u George
So apparently a Pastor laid emphasis on how much your blessing as a Christian is tied to how much seed you sow to your pastors, and how much your tithe is important
For there is nothing hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come out into the open. So be careful how you listen; for whoever has [a teachable heart], to him more [understanding] will be given; and whoever does not have [a longing for truth], even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him.” Luke 8:17-18 AMP
@@ayodeleayodele6500 A better question. what/who is the church?. You see we go back to the very basis of why tithe was established in the first place to the ISRAELITES.Provision through brotherly love. I have separated your brother's LEVI for my work, so they cannot work. The rest of you provide for him. Who else needs to be provided for? the widow's,the poor,the orphans. Not the unnecessary 100k capacity building or the 2nd jet of a man who isnt even eligible to receive that money. In the New testament, the church gave what the church needed in love
@@maryjames4443 I totally agree with ur point! And to taking it further from ur last statement, in the new testaments, the ppl gave and what they gave was shared among them according to ppl's need and none was lacking! All Nigerian churches should start practicing that! They should be sharing to their members according to the need! Thanks!
Don't feed on strong meat that will lead you to hell fire. Be warned!! The Lord told me that, any pastor that is preaching against tithe is a fake pastor and both the pastor and his members or followers will go to hell fire. The Lord told me that any child of God that has a job should pay his tithes.
Thank you george. Christians grow through biblical knowledge and rightly dividing the truth. Creflo dollar was once very aggresive with tithing. Eventually cheerful giving will permeate christiandom. Uebert angel cannot prove tithing is faith scripturally. Thats another gospel.
Giving for the gospel should be an individual conviction based on your relationship with God. When you give in this light directed by the holy spirit you experience some great joy and peace. But when cajoled or threatened to give you don't receive any blessings. that is why most church folks are not blessed. You should give as a response to your love and respect for your God and creator. How much offering did you give before He created you and blessed you before you became a church member. Giving should come after your Love and honour for God.
Thank You. Well Said. It Shouldn't Be That If You Don't Pay Tithe You Are Not Going To Heaven" Doctrine. Christ. Nigerian Christians Need To Open Their Bible And Read.
@@ademolaabolaji9130 those who refuses to pay their tithes because they love money more than God, are the ones who are afraid of hearing that they will go to hell fire. Just like any born again Christian who still fornicate or who still commit adultery after being born again will never make heaven. Weather you like it or not that the truth, better accept it and stop giving yourself false hope
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 😂😂. This Thing Strong No Be Small. Please Quote The Scripture That Promises Hell Fire To Non Tithers? Isn't Tithing A Law? Are Modern Day Isrealis Not Still Paying Tithe? Do They Modern Day Isrealis Believe In Our Lord And Savior? Is Tithing For God's Benefit Or Rather Ours, Widows, Orphans And Less Privileged. Bro Don't Be Mislead. Tithing Isn't Leading You To Heaven, It's Erroneous And False Doctrine. Only Are We Saved But By Grace In The Believe And Acceptance Of Jesus Christ Our Lord And Savior. Not By Works Else Man Would Say I Purchased My Salvation. I Encourage Giving Yes I Do. Giving Helps The Church And Those In Need Within The Church Just As Apostle Paul And The Others Encouraged. Bible Says They Give And What Was Giving Was Shared Amongst All That Were In Need And Eventually None Lacked Anything. That's Giving With Love Not Under The Influence Of Hell Fire And Brimstone.
@@ademolaabolaji9130 the bible must not tell you that if you don't pay your tithes you will go to hell, not paying tithe means you are disobeying the word of God and you will be punish for that.
The Gospel is centred on the Death Burial and Ressurection of Jesus The Gospel is all about me being saved to have eternal life These other princeples are optional That who does that does don't look down on those who don't those who don't must not look down upon those who do Simple
If you mistakenly eat a person's food, and you say sorry to the person, I think that person can't ask you to vomit the food to him to prove you are sorry. Saying sorry, especially as a head pastor, is humility (my opinion). We're all growing in the Lord and it is only our Lord Jesus Christ who never made a single mistake. We're like Him in spirit, but our soul and flesh are still under construction... Shalom. Pastors should preach the gospel to the people... If you have a problem with another person in the Lord, confront him yourself... don't take his case as a sermon. Apostle Paul approached Apostle Peter in Galatians 2...even though Peter was "elder in the faith" than Paul. We never read again that Peter quarrelled with him....
Abraham entertained angel while going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and he got Isaac in return... Blessed is the hands that giveth and the hands that taketh because when GOD gives back to you, its a blessing
He still sells books He's still preaching to give more than hundred percent A tin line between I can't let go of this tithe Maybe if he is just preaching this without saying hundred percent if you can) money will not flow as usual
BRG,, just to note without prejudice Sir. It is better you say, you agreed with Abel Damina again than saying you agree with him on this one. Because you have always agreed with him on everything as I do now.
Your money will perish with you because it is not tithe. Tithe was never money and there was money in those days. Abeg i cant be bothered to explain further. Go and read your bible.
When a preacher comes to the pulpit to talk about another preacher, especially about their mistakes or success, TO ME, he is distracted. Preach the gospel you are sent/called to preach and leave others, they are not the gospel.
What many don't know is that Church is not the Foundation, something brought about the Church, which is the Gospel. The Gospel is the Founder of the Church. And that Gospel is Jesus Christ. He said to Peter "...I will build my Church..." which implies that with the authority of the Father He will build His Church upon the Foundation of Peter's confession which is that "He is Christ, the Son of the Living God". This should be the birth of all the preaching and teaching that suppose to keep going. I realized for so long in the Book of Acts before Apostle Paul wrote to the Churches in different places, their was none of the Apostle especially Peter that started on the day of Pentecost that didn't place all their teachings and preaching to be about Jesus. As long as Stephen preaching was before he was stoned, it was all to explain to them about that Saviour and Our Lord. But because today all I see are gatherings of people who have made church the foundation and therefore the gospel they know is mixed with worldliness and simply that is not the Body of Christ but an Organisation. They set their codes of conduct, rules and regulations, doctrines and role of services, that's more like an Organisational settings. As much as I know, the gate of hades shall not even prevail against His Church, but it's obvious just a simply spit of word prevails and causes strife, envy and disorder in their midst. How won't the enemy have his way to keep stealing and destroying them. Faith has been turned to Business. Just have Faith and Believe, and by this many has been fooled to think because man of God said it, that is why it is so. Even though we are not to cover evil and lies, all suppose to come through moderation, so it won't be by strife. Sincerely I say, they know nothing of YAH!!
Romans 1:28-32 [28]And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; [29]being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, [30]backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31]undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; [32]who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
Uebert Angel is right, tithing is an act of Faith, those trying to please the people of the world are making U-turn. And those that don't want to be tithing are supporting them.
That's why I love igbo language. Translate anything to igbo and you will understand the real Meaning of that thing. Church in igbo means Uka and thesame Uka means argument. What are these men doing? Wise men come from the east.
Argument in Igbo means okwu n'uka. Church in central Igbo means ulo nzuko. Dialeects can call it differently. Church can mean a house of fellowship or a body of Christ. So what u mean when u call Church can help u get better translation in Igbo
@@xtradezeros307 okwu na uka means talks of arguments. Uka on its own means argument. Igbo language doesn't lie. No matter how twist it Igbo knows exactly what it is talking about.
@@xtradezeros307 remember igbo doesn't know your god, igbo only knows Chi. Chi in Chinese means energy and energy can't be created or destroyed. Igbo already existed before your god was created only six thousand years ago. Your god came to igbo to steal, kill and destroy.
Hi bro.... Pst Abel damina is 100 percent correct.... Creflo dollar has just gotten it right in the knowledge of CHRIST... Nigerian Pastor like the Elites that has famous big cathedrals are yet to come to the TRUTH....
The Lord told me that any pastor preaching against tithe is a fake pastor, and that both the pastor and his followers will go to hell if they didn't repent. Please be warned!!
@@olatunjiahmed5286 that's is the fact, I don't know while some people are allowing those fake pastors to deceive them that tithing is not for the new testament church.
@@ebioweinoblebiu7905 and you know the scriptures, you people who knows what is right but want to find a way out in other to please your deceitful wishes, well the sons and daughters of GOD is asking of them knows what their Lord
False!!! 3 Types of Tithes ALL Christians need to tithe are: *1st Tithe and Offerings* The 1st Tithe is for the support of what God is doing through the ministry He places to serve His Body and to support the individuals doing the work. We can see this functioning when Abram gave Tithes to Melchizedek in Gen 14:18-20 and in the instructions for Israel to give the Tithes to the Levites. *In Hebrews* we see a transition back to the Melchizedekian Priesthood (i.e. *NEW TESTAMENT FORM OF TITHING IS NOW FOR CHURCHES, NOT THE LEVITES* ), providing the Body with Biblical instruction and counsel. Today, your 1st Tithe (10% of income or profit from your business) should be given to the ministry that is functioning in those roles. This was the main point being made in the book of Hebrews, as the Temple was being destroyed by the Roman Empire, so a case had to be made for Christians to not worry about no longer having Levitical priests their tithes, but rather send it to the priests/pastors appointed to represent Jesus Christ in the REPLACEMENT type of priesthood....which is one that does not depend on ancestry, i.e. a priesthood WITHOUT genealogy (aka Melchizedek priesthood). Offerings are your expression of appreciation, from your heart, to God for the many blessings you experience in your life. *2nd Tithe* The 2nd Tithe is for you to use in your celebrating of the Holy days (NOT pagan holidays like Christmas though, but the Biblical ones celebrated by *MESSIANIC CHRISTIANS* / HEBREW ROOTS CHRISTIANS). You can find this in Deut 14:22-27. Only use this money for the feasts listed in the Bible by God, and not for anything else. This second tithe is not meant to be given to your church. You should hold onto your 2nd Tithe so that you may use it during the Holy Feasts. God even allows you to use it to buy party food and drink, even alcohol 😮, so that you can enjoy the celebrations. If you have excess 2nd Tithe (any left-over money after the last Holy Feast of the Hebrew calendar year, usually around September in the Gregorian calendar) you can send the excess money to church and ask the church to use it to provide benevolent help to those wanting to come to a Holy Feast locally or abroad, who need help to do so. No, it's not to help the poor buy turkey for Christmas, as that is NOT part of God's appointed Holy Days. *3rd Tithe* The 3rd Tithe is to be donated to the sojourner, the widow and the fatherless twice every 7 years. In other words, the third tithe is to provide for those that are of low income, disadvantaged and in great need. You can find this in Deut 14:28-29. You only need to collect it for 2 years out of every 7 years. So if you start tithing your first tithe this year, then on the subsequent 3rd and 6th year, you will save this ADDITIONAL tithe throughout the third and sixth year...and ideally ask your church to assist you in giving that money to the poor or financially challenged people God leads you to help. It is very easy to be taken advantage of by some people who claim they need money. So when it comes to who you should be helping with this 3rd tithe money, please seek wise counsel from your pastor. People can be wasting money on the wrong people who might just be too lazy to work or prone to reckless spending. That is why God instructs us to send the 3rd Tithe to the “storehouse,” the ministry, to be distributed to the widows, poor or disadvantaged people, with the leading of the Holy Spirit. For more information about the *3 types of Tithes* and also on Offerings please watch the 4-part series that Steve Berkson taught on this rather complex subject: *Part 1* *Playlist* God bless you as you seek wisdom and understanding and desire to build a deeper, more intimate and more obedient relationship with God by taking the time to spend learning about the *3 types of Tithes* and then eventually practicing them as you get used to them. God never expected anyone to learn and obey all His commandments at once. He teaches us in stages, just like we teach our children numbers and alphabets, and then how to count, multiply, do algebra and calculus, and read, write, spell etc. "Precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, line upon line". It's called maturing in Christ, going from basic food like milk to solid food like meat. That is why God started out by giving His people only 10 commandments *to start off with* . Then once they've learnt it, almost each time Moses went to spend time with God, God would give him yet more laws to teach the people, until it reached 613 commandments of do's and dont's. Apostle Paul did not expect new believers to be able to instantly learn and obey all these commandments. He knew it could take years of weekly study of these laws before the new Christians would reach his own level of maturity and obedience. This was why Apostle Paul instructed all Christians to learn all the laws of Moses by attending Bible study every week, as written in Acts 15 :21. So don't worry yourself if you need to take a long time to learn and start obeying the laws of the 3 tithes. Remember...precept upon precept...line upon line...from milk to solid meat 😍 God bless you abundantly as you obey His tithing commands, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 🙇😇 PS: " *To those who claim not to need a (pastor) teacher to help explain the Bible to them, because the Ruach / Holy Spirit will personally teach them everything...pls kindly answer the question asked by this teacher* ."
Dr Abel Damina always on point
Prophet Uebert Angel always on point
The problem is Christians do not have a personal relationship with God.
That's not true, get the truth from Apostle Damina. That's the plain truth. Christianity is genuine and only a genuine thing cane be faked or pirated. If it can't be faked then it's not genuine
@@josephnickie9678 you are following Damina to hell fire without knowing.
Just because of your love for money, you are finding it hard to pay your tithes to the Lord, hence you choose to follow someone else to disobey the word of God ?
You know what, just be preparing yourself to follow dr Damina to the pit of hell for being rebellious to the word of God .
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 that's a lie from the pits of hell. Don't use the Word of God for you selfish desire. Not even a single Apostle in the New Testament preached about tithing. Read the Bible my friend Not for a purpose of selfish ambitions. Jesus never preached about tithing not a single day.
That is the major problem, we need intimacy with God and grace will find expression in our lives. Otherwise we 'll live in religiosity which births confusion. May God's grace help us to walk in truth 🙏
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 you call hellfire without thinking your position is the one destined for hell. It's not about the money, it's about the heart. Using hellfire is one of the greatest manipulation to get tithe
Personally I do what works for me. I grew up in a Christian household that believed in tithing and I carried the same belief till I started my own family and I still do it to this day....I pay tithes and I have never had a problem with finances before. I've made over hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits from my businesses and other investments and I am herding to millions soon by God's power. So I am not stopping anytime soon.
Nobody is against tithing in itself... But the conditions attached to it that brings the manipulation
Jesus didn't pay tithes, no mention of apostles paying tithe....
If u want to give God 10% no problem.... But failure to give God 10% will not bring a curse according to Malachi... Because that statement was for the 11 tribes of Israel who had to pay tithes so the Levites can eat ... The Levites were effectively exempt from paying tithes
In the new testament, christians gave 100% even... But the apostles didn't ask people to sell their lands, or properties... It came from within
The manipulation and guilt placed on people as regards giving is that which is contrary to the scripture
Let everyone give according to how he wot... If he gives 10%, 20% or 100%, God accepts as long as it comes from a cheerful and willful heart
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 You have no place to determine who is to go to heaven or hell, if you lack understanding about a scripture, ask for for it to be unveiled from the Holy Spirit Who is the teacher of all things.
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 enheee who died and appointed a mortal Supreme Judge of whp is going to heaven. Security guard of the gates of heaven mxiiim. Talk your own and leave the allocation of our end to the Lord. Breathe
God forbid you lack the knowledge of God tbh.. wait was mosses the one that gave the law huh , Damina is teaching you people heresy
@MAD MAX Who now gave the law if not Moses. Who will you believe? Moses or Jesus? Who knows God better. Jesus himself confirmed Moses gave the law in Mat 19:8 because of their hardened hearts. I can keep going with where Jesus corrected all the misconceptions that was given by Moses. If you will believe Moses' words over Jesus then I guess it was Moses that saved you
@Joseph Esoh It is you who lack understanding and have twisted the scriptures. We all have the Holy Spirits who have revealed the scriptures through revelation to the apostles. Why do you think all these revelations were written? All you need to do is study, you do not need any other revelation by the Spirit. It is already revealed to the Apostles and it was written for us. That revelation you need is through the study of the written word of God. So it is wrong for you to say the Holy Spirit will again reveal what already has been revealed through the scriptures. All you need is to study diligently to understand it. There is no nee revelation concerning the things of Christ it has been revealed once and has been written for us. If you are waiting for a new revelation or you tell yourself you received a new revelation you lie. We all have the same Spirit as believers
"..confess and FORSAKE your wrongdoings, and you shall obtain MERCY.." . Thanks BRG
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 how is it Rebellious to confess? You speak as though you are one of the prophets who pin their livelihood to people hard earn money.
Everyone should know God for themselves.
I think every Christian need to know God and His word for themselve
I joined Christ Embassy for more than 11 years and even before i Joined i have always followed pastor chris messages and video .. and i have always take to heart one of his formost advice, where he always advice his congregation to study the scripture for themselves and they willcome to the same truth. which i have diligently study the scriptures along side and find the truths in his messages but for tithing i dont completely accept his message
The matter of tithing has stir somuch dust just because people are lazying around not crosschecking the messages their men of God preaches with their personal study
Knowledge is progreessive and it comes in precept upon precepts, i dont claim to know as they are high knowledge and truth yet to be revealed on this aspect of tithing
but this is my wisdom on this matter.
Tithing was mention in the bible in the era of Abraham way back before the old testament law
1.Though Abraham was a pagan worshipper before he met God Joshua 24:2-3
2. God choose abraham to bless and favour him for His (God) Own agenda and has nothing to do with Abraham qualification or deeds
3. Abraham initiated the first tithing in the bible Genesis 14:18-20 ( noted he gave after he was blessed so the tithing was an appreciation offering )
4. How did abraham learn about tithing , was it from his pagan religion or just a mere coincidence or was it from God ? and when did God teach Abrahim tithing, His charge, His commandments, His statutes, and His laws."Genesis 26:5
5 Abraham touch his children tithing since he had recieved Gods law and commandments Genesis 28:22
6. General Man was under Sin and such were cut off from God's blessing as such the laws and ordinances where a medium for God to bless and reward man without breaking his own laws
7 The purpose God integrate tithing into the law was for the sustainance of the temple, the levites and priest and also a medium for God to bless the people Malachi 3:10-10, (Leviticus 27:32)
8 Most of all the blessing of God in the old testament were link to a commandment, you keep the command and you get a blessing
9 The Law and it ordincance where a shadow ... of the real thing not the real thing Hebrews 10-13, Colossians 2:17
10 When chirst came he fulfilled all the laws and ordinance for us , died and was buried as penalty for our Sins (Matthew 5:17-18) (Romans 10:4). (Hebrews 10:1) (Hebrews 9:24,)(Colossians 2:14). (Galatians 3:23-25,)
11 By Christ Resurrection we were resurrected with a new life and brought into a new life to live not under the law as the previous man before but under grace. Roman 6:4, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:15-17, Romans 6:14
12: Under this new life in Christ and His grace we have received all of Gods blessings already in christ ...... we only need to learn our to walk in it and appropriate them in our every day life Ephesians 1:4-6,
13 We have inherit and inheritance from God and all things in life, death, heaven and in earth are ours Ephesians 1:11, 13,14 , 1 Corinthians 3:21
14. The laws and ordinances of the old testament are abolished in Christ and only faith previal in Christ . Galatians 3:28, Galatians 3:26-27, 2 Corinthians 5:7,Hebrews 11:6,1 John 5:5, Mark 11:24
15. tithing was never mention in the new testament rather all physical or material giving has be categories into a general giving or collection 1 Corinthians 16:1-2. which has spiritual inplication just as our worship and praise has also become our spiritual sacrifice and offering to God
16. giving seed and special offering in form of tithe (1% 5% or 10% or first fruit or any thing or any way or ratio or however you have purpose to call it, to men of God or fellow christain aside the general church collection also attracts more of Gods blessing on you Matthew 10:41 - 42
In conclusion: TITHING is just a concept that was initiate to fullfill a purpose, what you should be asking yourself is why did God integrate tithing into the law if it was really a pagan practice?, except truelly it was from God and he needed it to achieve a purpose!
Which was to sustain the levite and priesthold and allow him to bless the people in return
You should ask yourself how is this concept applicable to you today in your giving to God, to His Church and His children, do you need to call it tithe or giving of certain percentage of your earning, or first profit from your job or bussines etc
We where never told or instructed to do the laws of the old testament rather to learn from it, to understand Gods wisdom in it, so in the new testament we were instructed to give as we have purpose in our heart as the HOLY SPIRIT guides and instruct us individual or as a church.
Your blessing is in the instruction and carrying out the instruction, the Spirit might instruct me to give the whole of my salary as offering or in form of tithe but might have different instruction for you while to another he might literally instruct him/her to give tithe or anything
Let your giving be out of your personal revelation or generic instruct from God and remember its most be by faith, in honour and appreciation to God
Dont do the old testament laws in the era or grace, rather learn Gods will and wisdom from it and allow the spirit to lead and guide you Romans 15:4
Honour the lord with your substance Proverbs 3:9
Thanks so much dear brother, Ezekiel. You made it clear and straight. I've never been moved over all the preachings, over and counter preachings on tithing. I have the Word and the Spirit of God, I sincerely do not need no man to teach me the Law of Tithing. The Holy Spirit is my Teacher. I don't tithe because of any mortal man's teaching. I don't tithe for fear. I just have in me the total peace of God in my heart the way and manner of my tithing life.
In context, tithes is for food in the house of God, for the priests(pastors), strangers, widows and the fatherless. It's not a concept or principle that should be entrenched in controversy. Malachi 3:8-10. The thing here is that pastors taught on this with the law mentality. You're not cursed if you don't tithe because Jesus has redeemed you from the curse of the law. Tithing is giving to the Lord a tenth of your income not out of compulsion but from a grateful heart. The teaching is not sin to be repented from the same way child dedication on the eight day or the circumcision of a male child according to old testament precept be repented from. We glean principles from the scriptures and apply them in the light of grace. The problem with the church is that tithing was taught with the law mentality. We were made rich by Jesus before we ever tithed a dime from our income.
We bring tithes into the storehouse of God so that the priests should be sustained. Tithes and offerings are used for the running of the church - they are not solely for the GO.
Blessings 🙏🏾
Nevertheless, in the process, we enjoy the blessing therein
God bless you my dear for this your post. Tithe is for the widows, priest, church workers, the needy, the homeless, the fatherless etc that come into the house of the Lord and not just for the Pastor's alone. That's why I share my tithe to these categories of people cuz we too are of the Royal priesthood. I don't want them to think my tithe is for them alone. My tithe whenever I give has to be used right
i really love the way Abel Damina uses to teach the truth, with charisma, vigor
and enlightenment
I dey enjoy ur analysis bro.
U too much joor
With the few of his video that I have watched the guy is loaded period
@@casmirifeanyi7788 Well said
Abel Damian just repented He and Pastor Isaac Idahosa collect a big sum of money from me as a young woman thank God he trying to repent I pray for him anyway he has gotten all the money he needs
@@CynthiaUcheoma "he has gotten all the money he needs" hmmmmmm
So, when others get all the money they need too, they will repent!! 🤔
I am a tongue talking believer, an instrumentalist in church too. I started paying tithe as far back 1999, I stopped tithing in 2014 till date. I can boldly say that I have made more money, had more connections, business has gone better for me than ever, my conscience doesn't prick me either for a second that I don't tithe. One thing I haven't stopped doing is giving to people and helping the needy around me, that part of me I was born with. For now, I still won't tithe, even if I ever will it will be an act of sacrifice from me, not an obligation I must live by.
You should also send money to men of God whose teachings helped you understand the bible better not for prosperity.
If Ubert Agree that what Creflo did was stealing, does that means Ubert himself is stealing by collecting the tithe ?
He is angry with Dollar coz he still wants to preach prosperity gospel and collects tithes.
@@thabothabane8474 Thank you.
My brother the Bible is clear about the principle of tithing. Prophet Uebert Angel is correct
@@dominicmasamba4481 okay if u say so. I'm at the age where arguing with anyone is not a sense, wisdom and maturity goes with age, experience & spending time with God, not waiting for someone sermon to teach me (1John 2:27) Ppl will preach anything as long as they benefit, but a person like me benefit nothing, so it's easy to tell u the truth, what holy spirit revealed to me. Holy spirit is our only teacher. Even so called "man of God" are humans they make errors, but only holy spirit teaches truth coz is a spirit of truth.
Even If u say the grass is red I will still say okay, Ive grown spiritually and mentally. The Bible says avoid silly arguments. But I suggest u read;
Deut. 26:1-11
Deut. 26:12-15
Leviticus 27:30
Malachi 3:8-12
Who is church if I may ask? It's me & u, not a building or a man of God. But today if one has to sow seed,pay tithe, give thanks giving offering, or free will offering it happens that they go to church the building of one particular pastor. No my friend, it suppose to go to God. Who is God? GOD IS LOVE, THOSE WHO CAN'T LOVE, THEY DON'T KNOW GOD. How do u express love? By helping those who are in need, homeless, orphans, fathersless, widows, poor people coz they are the image of God. That's how u express God (love) , that's how u walk with God (love). Make sure you know where yr 10%goes & does what. U are liable for your own actions not "man of God".
Imagine ur bussiness made 40mil therefore tithe is 400k. So u suppose to take 10% to one man of God? Insane, that's why they get tempted & buy more cars, more jets more houses, while people are starving. What about God's people, 1 day God will say, I was hungry u didn't feed me, I was naked y didn't clothe me, I was poor u didn't help me. Learn to sow," from your 10%, so u can reap generously. For example, Take 100k, to yr church, 100k to orphans, 50k to homeless, 50k to educate kids, 20k to some living church of which u don't even attend, 50k to widows etc until it's yr total of yrc10%, don't cheat. Learn to scatter your seed, no sower plant in one area where there is a large space of a field which it can produce much reapings. Even if u earn 40k, 10% is 4k, scatter it. If u do this U will thank me one day. Apostle Paul never took a penny from anyone, he was even helping the church (people) with his money from his bussiness. Acts 20 :32-35. I've got so much to say, about secrets of Heaven but text won't allow me. Further read ;
Luke 8:17
Hosea 10:12
Proverbs 11: 18
2 Corinthians 8: 13
Hebrews 6:10
Shalom ❤️🇿🇦
@@dominicmasamba4481 You're Blind prove it that he is right
Man of God , thank you so much, you’re teaching the truth
Beloved! Whether you like it or not, love or hate him, the Almighty is with him. And there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it.
Your presentation is perfect, less of you and more of evidence. I enjoy your podcast, Thabk you 🇿🇦
Knowledge didn't give liberation only but total freedom. Nice presentation George.
The truth is that he that must give must give willingly without being forced to do so, the church collects so much money and give little back to the people unlike the early church did.
They will all accept the truth one day no matter how they try to twist it. God is God...we can't run from the truth for ever.
God bless you my brother. Knowledge brings total libration, freedom and confidence especially when it is positive.
Forever I will tithe. It's not old testament. If it's not a sin and if God loves it I will always do it
George this is the first time I see light in your videos... sincerely able Damina is not teaching sentiments... people need to learn. There will always be discovery of truths along this journey. Martin Luther King discovered the truth that led to the revolution we are seeing today from the Catholic Church who was exactly like the wholesome faith of the people before now.
Jesus will help His Church. Amen
I agree with Ubert Angel on this, Restitution is the true mark of repentance. Let Dollar for dollar minister refund all he has taken from his people.
I over you love daddy able thank you for giving yourself to the knowledge and doctrine of the holyspirit
Eubert Angel is wrong and Abel Damina wrongly explained Abraham's tithe. Every explanation we give about the bible must be in the very teachings of bible. The simple explanation of Abraham's tithe is in Hebrew 7, which was to demonstrate that Christ priesthood is greater than that of levi. For figuratively, according to Hebrew 7, as Abraham who is Levi's ancestor gave a tithe to Melchizedek, it means Levi indirectly gave a tithe to Melchizedek. Since the one you tithe to is greater than you, it means Melchizedek's priesthood is greater than that of levi. Since Jesus priesthood is said to be in the order of Melchizedek, it therefore means Jesus Priesthood is greater than that of Levi. This is what Hebrew 7 teaches.
So generally, Abraham's tithe was to reveal Christ Priesthood.
Talking about the tithe under the law.
The tithe under the law was to teach Love of the brethren. Levi had no inheritance of land, so God commanded that his brothers (The other tribes) should give 10 percent of their harvest to the tribe of Levi. This showed brotherly Love.
Priests were involved in tithes because they were levites. If they were not levites no tithe would've been given to them.
Today, the earthly tabernacle of levites is over, now its about the heavenly tabernacle of God where Jesus officiates as High Priest. Giving is now done cheerfully, it is done in love. Nothing more and nothing less. In Christ, tithe is fulfilled.
Lord I'm so Thankful, I repent in dust and Ashes. Na because you give us we get. 🙇 you be the true owner of Everything.
Uebert Angel is doing what Creflo Dollar predicted already.
By saying that Dollar should refund the tithe monies, Uebert already assumes that Dollar cornered the moneys to himself. In saying that, he also admits that preachers use the tithe for personal reasons (as opposed to how scriptures recommended).
The fact is that the awareness about tithe doctrine shakes the very foundation of many assemblies.
Mark please read your bible very well.
On point again BRG. God bless you
Thank you 😊 Ps Creflo for admitting the truth
My brother in Christ thank you for your enlightenment I have learnt a lot of things let me confess to you the very first time I start watching your videos I don't understand it but would tell me when I watch the video to the end and now I understand what you mean in fact you are even educated than some pastors
This Angel is not a man of God but a man of Gold
Is it because he has money??? Remember there is always a God before man... Mis-Judging means you've just took God off his Duty and Role just so u can say what you feel.Go listen to the whole sermon on his page and Then JudgeIs it because he has money??? Remember there is always a God before man... Mis-Judging means you've just took God off his Duty and Role just so u can say what you feel.Go listen to the whole sermon on his page and Then Judge
@@matthew_brandonofficial I see you are one of those misguided soul's
This is Just one person Growing.....All of us is one church growing.....being built.
The fear of Dr. Abel Damina is the beginning of Bible study among believers in CHRIST JESUS.
As long as Dr. Damina continues to teach the truth about the Word of GOD, I will agree with him and follow him as he follows CHRIST JESUS.
Thank you so much for all you do, I enjoyed watching the counter messages, forming my own understanding as I watched and confirming the ones I already had. may God richly bless you 🙏🏾 I liked what Creflo Dollar's spiritual son said,he is definitely right 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
I own be say, I'm still in awe that people calling themselves Christians accept some portions of the Bible where he God said every nothing can be added or subtracted.
Abel Damina is one of the preacher who is consistent in his teaching.
Consistent in deceiving his followers to hell fire with his false teachings right ?
BRG is doing the job gave him keep it up 👏💯
BRG abeg where is pastor Damina's church? That's the church I need to start attending now, the manner with which he analyzes the bible and as well proves his point awesome.
Akwa Ibom State, Uyo 98 Nwaniba Road: Power City International. And there are many branches worldwide.
@@eueneboadijumah3923 thanks please how can I find a Branch in or its environs? Or better still send me a link to the church's SM handles
@opeyemi Sunday Akinsanya, where are you? Which state?
@@EmilyRoze87 Nyanya Abuja
Don't attend a church that is against tithing that will make you to attend hell fire when you leave this world. Be warned!!
God is within not without ,that voice that tells you the right things to do is your God
God bless you RealGeorge, God bless that Man of God🥰
Another reason why I watch ur video till d end is d dance
You are teaching Good Sir🙏
have been tithing for many years and I can reason with Ps Creflo and the other pastor and Ps Dollar's message is setting us free.
However what did Jesus say about giving?
"Give and it will be given back.." Luke 6.38... "with the measure you use, it will be measured back..."
Personally, I'm yet to be a generous be honest, and I'm still on this journey of giving.
"Seed time and harvest shall not cease as long as the earth remains..." Gen 8.22
The above Scriptures are sweet and bitter truths which unfortunately we cannot change.
Our prayer should be "God, help us to plant seeds that please God",
seeds we look forward to reap.
First u must know where is ur money going, is it helping the poor or funding the ps lifestyle
Tithing is a word that came from God and not man
Plz read Matthew 5:17-18 Our lord Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law and the prophets so I don’t know whether those who came after him know much more than Jesus Christ himself 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Christ fulfilled it. Fulfillment means completion. He completed the law so we cannot be under it, Christ fulfilled the prophet so we cannot longer be dependent on prophets to know God’s mind and will. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom (Mark 15:38) so that there will be no need for middle men like priests and pastors between people and God. Yes, Christ has completely fulfilled the obligations of laws and prophets so we owe nothing. Now, let’s go serve God for free and receive his salvation for free. Hallelujah amen 🙏🏽
@@chifinebabe9736 then plz let us stop quoting from the law and the prophets and be using only the gospels and the New Testament 🙏🏾
@@chifinebabe9736 plz read 2 Timothy 3-16 and come back to me.thanks🙏🏾
@@profdanielaziz7882 Put it up here for everyone to read. I won’t.
@@profdanielaziz7882 Any law and prophet that doesn’t match the New Testament Blood covenant should be obsoleted. Peace ✌️
Your understanding cannot affect my relationship with God
We know
Dear P. Uebert, he did it in ignorance and has now come openly to tell the world he missed it and is still learning. It takes courage to do that and that's what a true leader must be able to do.
Pastors need to let people know the truth as the truth is what makes a man free. We must stop being hypocritical in the body of Christ.
We are grateful for people like Dr Abel Damina who consistently teaches the truth of God's word...thanks george
The Lord told me that, any child of God that has a job should pay his tithes. He also taught me that any pastor that preach against tithe is a fake pastor and both the fake pastor and his members or followers will go to hell fire if they die
Yes is true, we grow in the knowledge of our God,
sure this is the channel that keeps it real. kkkk go dipper BRG
This is so scary how these PASTORS, can come and say what ever they want.
Revelation Is progressive rest
Who benefits from tithes? The pastors! That's why the majority of them defend it with their last breath. Like I always say, whites will not give Africans religion for free if it is very beneficial as they claim. They can't even give you visa for free to visit their countries but somehow they have you convinced that you are getting into heaven with them. To top it up, you have to give 10% to pulpit robbers to get to heaven. SMH
Yaba when you talk on tithes you touch the apple of the prosperity gospel's eye... Money is more dearer than souls!!! trying to enlight people on tithes is like jumping into a crocodile infested river
Good afternoon BRG, Thanks for your good work. I agree with pastor Abel Damina one hundred percent, because our repentance is for Jesus who determines whether we are forgiven or not is God and not men. Many of these critical leaders the know that the teaching that Cleflo Dollar brought about the tithing is the truth, the big problem is that they don't want to lose their easy sources of income.
The Lord told me that, a child of God that has a job should pay his tithes,
He said any pastor that is preaching against tithe is a fake pastor and that both the fake pastor and his members or followers will go to hell if they die .
No wonder the bible says ' because the carnal mind is enmity against God. For it is not subject to the law of God , neither indeed can be - Romans 8:7
If you like agree with any fake pastor hundred percent, you will follow the fake pastor hundred percent also into hell fire. Instead of you guys to pray and seek the face of the Lord about tithing, you are there shouting grace , grace . You don't know that, the money you make from your business or the money you earned as your salary God is the one that give you? Don't worry time will come when you will give account to the Lord about the life you live here on earth, by then you will find out that you have been deceived by this false prophet to fight against the word of God.
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 nobody said you shouldn't pay tithe, whatever you giving to God should be done willingly and not forcefully trying to make you feel guilty , u gave tithe and offering out of wat God has blessed you with,, Abraham gave willingly. Nobody is stopping you from paying tithe, is your choice, I pay tithe and huge offerings willingly and nobody can make me feel guilty for not paying tithe, don't forget DAT God loves a cheerful giver.
@@ehimeaddeh3332 yes bro, I know God loves a cheerful giver and is a must for every true child of God to pay his tithes or make any sacrifice willingly to God for Him to accept it.
But my comments are for those who said tithing is a law of the old testament, that is not for the new testament church . I speak against those that are siding what Creflo Dollar said about tithes.
Well said, Abel Damina
I love the fact that the tithing ministries are marching forward in victory and are not all over the internet fighting air
Reality :
Without exception, less than 20% of the congregants pay tithe consistently, the rest don't because somehow they have their doubts...
If not for manipulation ...this 20% is even too high for regular and consistent tithers.
I dare say YOU!!! Yes YOU !!! You don't pay tithe regular and consistently.
Forget the many years, just look at this year yes Six months, have you paid your tithes completly, regularly without fail?
@@taterbtaterb9310 I love you
Yah neh it's tough outside there! I blv law is holy and natural man can't keep it. Pharisees love these type of platforms to expose their evil. JHN 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Bless u George
The dancing is on point😂
I Love Jesus Christ!! Know him for saved!!!
Appreciate the work you are doing bro.
The most intelligent in the world is Dr Abel Damina I love him too much he preaches very accurate thank u sir Papa
Welldone sir... I love this...
Dr damina is real pastor with God
So apparently a Pastor laid emphasis on how much your blessing as a Christian is tied to how much seed you sow to your pastors, and how much your tithe is important
For there is nothing hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come out into the open. So be careful how you listen; for whoever has [a teachable heart], to him more [understanding] will be given; and whoever does not have [a longing for truth], even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him.”
Luke 8:17-18 AMP
Preach it not just once but more times for a long time so that a doctrine can be imputed in the generation to come
Abel damina he is Paul of our time.
If tithing is used to take care of the church why then are we not supposed to give tithe (think of it)
Is the church really being taking care of? Think of it!
@@ayodeleayodele6500 A better question. what/who is the church?. You see we go back to the very basis of why tithe was established in the first place to the ISRAELITES.Provision through brotherly love. I have separated your brother's LEVI for my work, so they cannot work. The rest of you provide for him. Who else needs to be provided for? the widow's,the poor,the orphans. Not the unnecessary 100k capacity building or the 2nd jet of a man who isnt even eligible to receive that money. In the New testament, the church gave what the church needed in love
@@maryjames4443 I totally agree with ur point!
And to taking it further from ur last statement, in the new testaments, the ppl gave and what they gave was shared among them according to ppl's need and none was lacking!
All Nigerian churches should start practicing that! They should be sharing to their members according to the need!
Pastor Damina well done. Only mature Christians who feed on Strong Meat understand you, this is not milk gospel
He still sells his books?
Don't feed on strong meat that will lead you to hell fire. Be warned!!
The Lord told me that, any pastor that is preaching against tithe is a fake pastor and both the pastor and his members or followers will go to hell fire.
The Lord told me that any child of God that has a job should pay his tithes.
@@backtothejesusinthebible6239 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@backtothejesusinthebible6239 That one is his book, he doesn't manipulate or put fear into you for you to buy the books. It's your choice
Thank you george. Christians grow through biblical knowledge and rightly dividing the truth. Creflo dollar was once very aggresive with tithing. Eventually cheerful giving will permeate christiandom. Uebert angel cannot prove tithing is faith scripturally. Thats another gospel.
Damina my hero
Prophet Uebert Angel my hero
Giving for the gospel should be an individual conviction based on your relationship with God. When you give in this light directed by the holy spirit you experience some great joy and peace. But when cajoled or threatened to give you don't receive any blessings. that is why most church folks are not blessed. You should give as a response to your love and respect for your God and creator. How much offering did you give before He created you and blessed you before you became a church member. Giving should come after your Love and honour for God.
Well said!
Thank You. Well Said. It Shouldn't Be That If You Don't Pay Tithe You Are Not Going To Heaven" Doctrine. Christ. Nigerian Christians Need To Open Their Bible And Read.
@@ademolaabolaji9130 those who refuses to pay their tithes because they love money more than God, are the ones who are afraid of hearing that they will go to hell fire. Just like any born again Christian who still fornicate or who still commit adultery after being born again will never make heaven. Weather you like it or not that the truth, better accept it and stop giving yourself false hope
@@alfredndubuisiogbonnaya9075 😂😂. This Thing Strong No Be Small. Please Quote The Scripture That Promises Hell Fire To Non Tithers? Isn't Tithing A Law? Are Modern Day Isrealis Not Still Paying Tithe? Do They Modern Day Isrealis Believe In Our Lord And Savior? Is Tithing For God's Benefit Or Rather Ours, Widows, Orphans And Less Privileged. Bro Don't Be Mislead. Tithing Isn't Leading You To Heaven, It's Erroneous And False Doctrine. Only Are We Saved But By Grace In The Believe And Acceptance Of Jesus Christ Our Lord And Savior. Not By Works Else Man Would Say I Purchased My Salvation. I Encourage Giving Yes I Do. Giving Helps The Church And Those In Need Within The Church Just As Apostle Paul And The Others Encouraged. Bible Says They Give And What Was Giving Was Shared Amongst All That Were In Need And Eventually None Lacked Anything. That's Giving With Love Not Under The Influence Of Hell Fire And Brimstone.
@@ademolaabolaji9130 the bible must not tell you that if you don't pay your tithes you will go to hell, not paying tithe means you are disobeying the word of God and you will be punish for that.
How can he say collecting money from guilt and fear isn't deliberate manipulation?
The Gospel is centred on the Death Burial and Ressurection of Jesus
The Gospel is all about me being saved to have eternal life
These other princeples are optional
That who does that does don't look down on those who don't those who don't must not look down upon those who do
The gospel is all about Jesus Christ not only about the death also about his life, his works , his faith , his diligence and even goood heart
It's all about obedience to God's word... all scripture is God's breath
I love you Ps Damina, through your teachings over the years my eyes are opened
If you mistakenly eat a person's food, and you say sorry to the person, I think that person can't ask you to vomit the food to him to prove you are sorry.
Saying sorry, especially as a head pastor, is humility (my opinion). We're all growing in the Lord and it is only our Lord Jesus Christ who never made a single mistake. We're like Him in spirit, but our soul and flesh are still under construction... Shalom.
Pastors should preach the gospel to the people... If you have a problem with another person in the Lord, confront him yourself... don't take his case as a sermon. Apostle Paul approached Apostle Peter in Galatians 2...even though Peter was "elder in the faith" than Paul.
We never read again that Peter quarrelled with him....
Also Mr damina would in future come to agreement he preached error
Apostle Paul paid dearly for all he did against Christ
Another error is that GOD bless you and not because you gave GOD
Abraham entertained angel while going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and he got Isaac in return... Blessed is the hands that giveth and the hands that taketh because when GOD gives back to you, its a blessing
Your example doesn't fit the concepts
What's the title of the song you danced at the end
I believe what Dr Abel Damina is saying this time.
No body can point to anyone for doing wrong....FACTS you have to graduate from God into Love to know this.
Thank you BRG for another interesting video
Sometimes damina is right but sometimes he goes wrong but here for me he is right
I know this
He still sells books
He's still preaching to give more than hundred percent
A tin line between I can't let go of this tithe
Maybe if he is just preaching this without saying hundred percent if you can) money will not flow as usual
Thank you sir
BRG,, just to note without prejudice Sir. It is better you say, you agreed with Abel Damina again than saying you agree with him on this one. Because you have always agreed with him on everything as I do now.
You have not seen my disagreements YET. Keep searching
Tithing is scriptural and its a Faith Principle. Thank you Prophet Angel
Your money will perish with you because it is not tithe. Tithe was never money and there was money in those days. Abeg i cant be bothered to explain further. Go and read your bible.
Brain washed
Dr Abel Damina my spiritual father
thats the reason i just distanced myself from this church issues because theres lot of drama
From my understanding, I don't think Apostle Damina is stopping anyone who believes it works for them. But he's against giving under pressure..
He should return it back to his poor and rich members ...confused teacher ubert you are man of God
When a preacher comes to the pulpit to talk about another preacher, especially about their mistakes or success, TO ME, he is distracted. Preach the gospel you are sent/called to preach and leave others, they are not the gospel.
What many don't know is that Church is not the Foundation, something brought about the Church, which is the Gospel.
The Gospel is the Founder of the Church. And that Gospel is Jesus Christ. He said to Peter "...I will build my Church..." which implies that with the authority of the Father He will build His Church upon the Foundation of Peter's confession which is that "He is Christ, the Son of the Living God". This should be the birth of all the preaching and teaching that suppose to keep going.
I realized for so long in the Book of Acts before Apostle Paul wrote to the Churches in different places, their was none of the Apostle especially Peter that started on the day of Pentecost that didn't place all their teachings and preaching to be about Jesus. As long as Stephen preaching was before he was stoned, it was all to explain to them about that Saviour and Our Lord.
But because today all I see are gatherings of people who have made church the foundation and therefore the gospel they know is mixed with worldliness and simply that is not the Body of Christ but an Organisation. They set their codes of conduct, rules and regulations, doctrines and role of services, that's more like an Organisational settings. As much as I know, the gate of hades shall not even prevail against His Church, but it's obvious just a simply spit of word prevails and causes strife, envy and disorder in their midst. How won't the enemy have his way to keep stealing and destroying them. Faith has been turned to Business. Just have Faith and Believe, and by this many has been fooled to think because man of God said it, that is why it is so.
Even though we are not to cover evil and lies, all suppose to come through moderation, so it won't be by strife.
Sincerely I say, they know nothing of YAH!!
Romans 1:28-32
[28]And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
[29]being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers,
[30]backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
[31]undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;
[32]who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
Can someone please give me the title of song George is dancing to?
Uebert Angel is right, tithing is an act of Faith, those trying to please the people of the world are making U-turn. And those that don't want to be tithing are supporting them.
Keep watching you have a long way way to go. Watch all my videos spiritual man… so you are still watching.. what a world 😎
good teachings
That's why I love igbo language. Translate anything to igbo and you will understand the real Meaning of that thing.
Church in igbo means Uka and thesame Uka means argument. What are these men doing?
Wise men come from the east.
Argument in Igbo means okwu n'uka. Church in central Igbo means ulo nzuko. Dialeects can call it differently. Church can mean a house of fellowship or a body of Christ. So what u mean when u call Church can help u get better translation in Igbo
@@xtradezeros307 okwu na uka means talks of arguments. Uka on its own means argument. Igbo language doesn't lie. No matter how twist it Igbo knows exactly what it is talking about.
@@xtradezeros307 remember igbo doesn't know your god, igbo only knows Chi. Chi in Chinese means energy and energy can't be created or destroyed. Igbo already existed before your god was created only six thousand years ago. Your god came to igbo to steal, kill and destroy.
Weldone bro
Dr Damina rightly dividing the word of truth
Hi bro....
Pst Abel damina is 100 percent correct....
Creflo dollar has just gotten it right in the knowledge of CHRIST...
Nigerian Pastor like the Elites that has famous big cathedrals are yet to come to the TRUTH....
The Lord told me that any pastor preaching against tithe is a fake pastor, and that both the pastor and his followers will go to hell if they didn't repent. Please be warned!!
Christ said He never came to put away the law but to execute them truthfully
@@olatunjiahmed5286 that's is the fact, I don't know while some people are allowing those fake pastors to deceive them that tithing is not for the new testament church.
U dont no the scriptures at allllll....
@@ebioweinoblebiu7905 and you know the scriptures, you people who knows what is right but want to find a way out in other to please your deceitful wishes, well the sons and daughters of GOD is asking of them knows what their Lord
Guy! You're just funny ... Loveeet. Ride on 👍😊
BRG, pls this charlatan eubert Angel's name doesn't deserve even being mentioned in religious conversations.
Beautiful messages here.
The only thing we can give to God is our praise and worship
False!!! 3 Types of Tithes ALL Christians need to tithe are:
*1st Tithe and Offerings*
The 1st Tithe is for the support of what God is doing through the ministry He places to serve His Body and to support the individuals doing the work. We can see this functioning when Abram gave Tithes to Melchizedek in Gen 14:18-20 and in the instructions for Israel to give the Tithes to the Levites. *In Hebrews* we see a transition back to the Melchizedekian Priesthood (i.e. *NEW TESTAMENT FORM OF TITHING IS NOW FOR CHURCHES, NOT THE LEVITES* ), providing the Body with Biblical instruction and counsel.
Today, your 1st Tithe (10% of income or profit from your business) should be given to the ministry that is functioning in those roles. This was the main point being made in the book of Hebrews, as the Temple was being destroyed by the Roman Empire, so a case had to be made for Christians to not worry about no longer having Levitical priests their tithes, but rather send it to the priests/pastors appointed to represent Jesus Christ in the REPLACEMENT type of priesthood....which is one that does not depend on ancestry, i.e. a priesthood WITHOUT genealogy (aka Melchizedek priesthood).
Offerings are your expression of appreciation, from your heart, to God for the many blessings you experience in your life.
*2nd Tithe*
The 2nd Tithe is for you to use in your celebrating of the Holy days (NOT pagan holidays like Christmas though, but the Biblical ones celebrated by *MESSIANIC CHRISTIANS* / HEBREW ROOTS CHRISTIANS). You can find this in Deut 14:22-27. Only use this money for the feasts listed in the Bible by God, and not for anything else.
This second tithe is not meant to be given to your church. You should hold onto your 2nd Tithe so that you may use it during the Holy Feasts. God even allows you to use it to buy party food and drink, even alcohol 😮, so that you can enjoy the celebrations.
If you have excess 2nd Tithe (any left-over money after the last Holy Feast of the Hebrew calendar year, usually around September in the Gregorian calendar) you can send the excess money to church and ask the church to use it to provide benevolent help to those wanting to come to a Holy Feast locally or abroad, who need help to do so. No, it's not to help the poor buy turkey for Christmas, as that is NOT part of God's appointed Holy Days.
*3rd Tithe*
The 3rd Tithe is to be donated to the sojourner, the widow and the fatherless twice every 7 years. In other words, the third tithe is to provide for those that are of low income, disadvantaged and in great need. You can find this in Deut 14:28-29. You only need to collect it for 2 years out of every 7 years. So if you start tithing your first tithe this year, then on the subsequent 3rd and 6th year, you will save this ADDITIONAL tithe throughout the third and sixth year...and ideally ask your church to assist you in giving that money to the poor or financially challenged people God leads you to help.
It is very easy to be taken advantage of by some people who claim they need money. So when it comes to who you should be helping with this 3rd tithe money, please seek wise counsel from your pastor. People can be wasting money on the wrong people who might just be too lazy to work or prone to reckless spending. That is why God instructs us to send the 3rd Tithe to the “storehouse,” the ministry, to be distributed to the widows, poor or disadvantaged people, with the leading of the Holy Spirit.
For more information about the *3 types of Tithes* and also on Offerings please watch the 4-part series that Steve Berkson taught on this rather complex subject:
*Part 1*
God bless you as you seek wisdom and understanding and desire to build a deeper, more intimate and more obedient relationship with God by taking the time to spend learning about the *3 types of Tithes* and then eventually practicing them as you get used to them. God never expected anyone to learn and obey all His commandments at once. He teaches us in stages, just like we teach our children numbers and alphabets, and then how to count, multiply, do algebra and calculus, and read, write, spell etc. "Precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, line upon line". It's called maturing in Christ, going from basic food like milk to solid food like meat. That is why God started out by giving His people only 10 commandments *to start off with* . Then once they've learnt it, almost each time Moses went to spend time with God, God would give him yet more laws to teach the people, until it reached 613 commandments of do's and dont's. Apostle Paul did not expect new believers to be able to instantly learn and obey all these commandments. He knew it could take years of weekly study of these laws before the new Christians would reach his own level of maturity and obedience. This was why Apostle Paul instructed all Christians to learn all the laws of Moses by attending Bible study every week, as written in Acts 15 :21.
So don't worry yourself if you need to take a long time to learn and start obeying the laws of the 3 tithes. Remember...precept upon precept...line upon line...from milk to solid meat 😍
God bless you abundantly as you obey His tithing commands, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 🙇😇
PS: " *To those who claim not to need a (pastor) teacher to help explain the Bible to them, because the Ruach / Holy Spirit will personally teach them everything...pls kindly answer the question asked by this teacher* ."
Get educated pls!
For Babylon to be able to judge and scrutinize the church... God save us