Ive been looking to pick this pick up because it seems fun but i am lost on the best runes and build path because i have only ever played ap nidalee and this ad bruiser style is a mystery to me. Do you ever plan on making a full itemization guide and maybe an early, mid, and late game guide as well. As always, I still love the content. Keep up the great work. ❤ Edit: I heard you talking about making an item set, cant wait to see it
Ive been looking to pick this pick up because it seems fun but i am lost on the best runes and build path because i have only ever played ap nidalee and this ad bruiser style is a mystery to me. Do you ever plan on making a full itemization guide and maybe an early, mid, and late game guide as well. As always, I still love the content. Keep up the great work. ❤
Edit: I heard you talking about making an item set, cant wait to see it
the dshield buff got pulled just dblade getting nerfed
Can't play without Presence of mind and cutdown tbh
I can play soo many other champions well enough mechanically.. but nidalee is just too hard or too different for me..